Why Is EVERYONE Buying This Case?

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this video is sponsored by squarespace this could generally be the most insane build we've ever done on this channel because you guys will literally not shut up about this chassis i'm literally seeing it everywhere this is the height as in hype but height y60 and it comes in a range of colors and actually i think this could be one of the most innovative innovative cases i've seen in a long long time at face value it doesn't look particularly crazy i mean it's very good looking but it's only when you go a little bit under the skin do you start to see that this is actually a case for the future and as we're going to see throughout this build i'm incredibly excited about everything that it offers because if you're after a more futuristic very modern thinking case this could definitely be the chassis for you and because this is such a high tiered up case it definitely deserves some stupidly hind components so we've got things like an rx 6800 xt ddr5 memory z690 i-912 900k custom cables custom fans and even some of these crystal things so let's get our build on shall we and right off the bat you'll notice something a little bit different about this chassis it's freaking red but this is actually not afraid to have a bit of personality it does come in a range of colors so you can get this in black and white i believe if you do want to go down that route you might firstly be thinking that it looks very cool but there isn't fantastic airflow but you'd be dead wrong because what they've done is to almost think about pc building slightly differently so yes you can see all of your components with glass i love this little like curved but not curved edge that you've got in the front but when you turn this thing round to the other side you'll notice that you have loads of ventilation here but the party really gets started when you start thinking about the top and the bottom because what they've done and this isn't something you see very often is actually have some fans located in a mini chamber at the bottom and the idea of this is that you can actually have two separate airflow systems going on at once so your graphics card is going to be in a vertical gpu mount and the air is going to go up and out for the gpu but as i will demonstrate by removing this non-captive thumb screw now boys pass the drop test [Laughter] anyway forget continuity what i was trying to say and i kept stuffing it up is that you actually have two separate different bits of ventilation because if you put fans here and then you use this pre-populated one or replace it with one of your own essentially your cpu can breathe this way and then your graphics card can breathe up and out obviously i know it's not technically like that but generally speaking that is going to be how it works which i think gets around two main problems firstly the fact that the gpu mount normally sort of sucks because it's not sucking in much air because there's glass in the way but then also if you want to use your cpu fan as an intake that can often up the airflow for your graphics card because it's bringing it in a load of heat first bit of feedback on this case though would be that they should have larger thumb screws because this is a little bit annoying and the fact that they can be removed is also a bit of a naf situation the panels come off and they're actually quite soft but this does look like a dust filter but it doesn't seem like it's particularly easy to remove as if maybe it's glued on somehow the top should just pop off to lunch like so again more of the same i don't know why it's not more easily removable that reveals a radiator mount at the top like so so it's slightly recessed so it will actually sit in there which is quite nice and then as we move to the other side you'll notice that you have all of your mounting hardware and things in this little box drives go at the back and then you have a load of extra room for extra boxes or just general cable management the io seems to have gone walkabouts i'm being silly it's nice and easy to access it's down here at the bottom which is great because if you want to actually do any cable management then you can obviously whack your cable underneath and snake it through nice touch taking a closer look at the inside here you've got some protective foam for this default pcie riser cable obviously you don't need to use it but as you get it as standard and it's sort of built for this sort of airflow i think it'd be silly not to use it unless you had problems you've got three fans installed in this by default one at the rear and then two underneath i don't actually know how you access these but i'd imagine it is from the undersides but this bottom piece easily comes off and then reveals the two fans at the bottom and we will be leaving these but obviously if you want to swap these out great just be aware if you want your build to look ultra pretty then you're not going to be able to see all of your rgb fans in full glory because you've obviously got this grille at the bottom to protect it from cables and just give you a bit more continuity oh and boring pc centric mode i love the fact that they've added these little labels at the back i don't know what it is but something about it just makes this case a little bit nicer it makes it seem more friendly look it says storage for your storage expansion graphics in the grand scheme of things obviously it is pretty pointless but i think it's just like a bit of a nice hug bit of fresh air i approve but of course in order to actually start building in this we need to start building in this and the first thing i'm going to do is grab my z690 unify i haven't used this in a while because if i'm honest this is one of these really expensive motherboards that a lot of people don't need the builds i tend to focus on these days tend to be just like gaming performance orientated and having such a super high end board for a lot of people is going to be overkill nothing wrong with that if you do want to go down that route but be advised having extra pcie slots and better io obviously isn't going to give you a better gaming frame rate we're going to grab our motherboard place it down and then we're going to pick up another item that i don't really use too much on this channel because again it's not really worth it i think for most pc gamers this is the 12 900k and unless you're using something like a rtx 3090 ti in a lot of games you're not actually going to notice any real difference especially if you're playing at 1440p or higher i would go for the i7 if it was up to me we'll install our 12 900k just like so we are also going to go for ddr5 because this is a ddr5 compatible motherboard and i do think that especially with the next generation of cpus and of course the next generation of gpus is going to come into its own very very shortly but even then it's going to be in select titles first and then it will improve over time so if you are looking to buy a new system i would probably stick with ddr4 if you've already got it but if you're buying like a whole new one and you don't mind spending more money obviously ddr5 is not a bad way to go especially now am5 is certainly here if you do want to catch all of the am5 builds that i will be doing by the way and those are coming very very soon make sure you get subscribed because you're not going to want to miss them i also realize at this point i didn't tell you what ram we were actually using other than the fact that it was ddr5 this is from g-scale as they're tried in z5 ram this is the silver skew but you can get one in black that i think would match this build slightly better but obviously it is entirely up to you we'll take off this very large heatsink oh that's where it is that's where it is i was looking for that it's the 980 pro i blame gareth he took this build apart probably gareth if you're gonna steal an ssd off me at least like actually take it don't just leave it in here and instead we'll add our kc3000 this is a two terabyte drive from kingston pci generation 4 super fast and i love the fact that this motherboard actually has a double-sided heat sink and one of these ssd quick release job is so it's very easy to install well that's all the little bits out the way now we can actually start using this case and we'll see if it is as good as people have been making out and i think the first thing to do is to remove the pcie riser cable from its little cradle looks like a couple of screws we can then grab our motherboard and drop this in i'm doing this so you can see it but i would always do this down flat in fact oh i will do that ah how to damage your motherboard with pc centric get subscribed for more hot tips okay first problem that's not really a problem at least at the moment is not that i've lost my screwdriver linus if you're watching this do send me one of your new ones and i will review it i mean it looks as if i need a new one where's it gone oh i never actually had it that would explain it as i was saying the issue is that the motherboard is quite big and bulky and there's a little bit of a clearance issue trying to slide it into place but i think once we remove this fan we should be able to get our motherboard in and then hopefully i can place it back we can remove our storage bay that has all of our cables and things in and you get a little headphone combo adapter for analog headsets cable ties and then all of your screws are they labeled to tell you what they do yes they do for psu for motherboard and ssd for hard drives this is how you do it companies take note let's remove this stock fan we're not going to be using that but we are going to be screwing this motherboard properly down it's definitely uh quite leanly inspired but i just think the shape is just that little bit more interesting and once you do take into account all of that extra airflow i really am starting to see why people have been talking about this that's everything screwed in now we can unclip our riser cable i believe is gen 4 not going to be ideal if you're going for gen 5 but that is always going to be the way with new tech i also like that it's red it matches the rest of the case and when we come to use our power supply we're going to be using some fancy red cables to really tie this thing together as for the cables that you get with this it's going to be a pretty standard affair all for the front i o you've got usb 3.1 a's and then 3.1 gen2 and then obviously there are two or three fans depending on which ones you want to use i'm not going to change the bottom ones but obviously you can if you want the front panel by the way has one of these lovely front panel connections rather than individual pins which is something i always love to see sure enough it is a little bit fiddly to plug things in now so maybe you should have plugged the riser in after plugging these items in not impossible though and now we can move on to our fans and cooling and this is going to be a bit unrealistic it's just because i want to make this thing look incredible so we've got some ql fans that we're going to use as the actual fans and the cooler that we're using here today is from corsair is the h100i elite lcd it's called lcd because you've got a screen on it you can use this to show like real-time statistics or just put city gifs or things on it it does make your system look a little bit more high-end but you do have to pay through the nose really for something like this in terms of calling potential this is a 240 red so if you can fit a 360 like you can here might be worth doing but if you do want to go on this side you'll be able to max out at 280 so not 360 360 only for the top but we're going to set these up as an intake so the air will come in and then be exhausted here at the back this should then slide in here at the front i think you can take this glass out if you want to as well yes it will unscrew but i'm not sure you need to as you can see it is easy enough to screw in not a problem definitely one of the easier radiators i've mounted if you're doing at the top it could be a different story but i don't see any reason why it would you do actually have a quick release bracket so you can do this externally and then drop it in which is always a little bit easier i should have actually done this before but i now need to mount the back plate onto the motherboard and these storage bays are in the way these can be used for ssds or traditional hard drives you're going to need your bracket for the cooler and just to drop that on the back because i've used this cooler before you will be needing some thermal paste on the cpu then you can grab the pump just gently layer over the top i think there is a firmware update so you can actually use this with the tubes in a slightly different orientation but just to be safe i'm going to use this in the way they recommend in the manual which upsets people but i mean it does say it in the manual now we need to add the rest of the fans i think you can fit a 120 at the back but not a 140 which is a little bit of a shame they probably could have found a little bit of extra room but would have made it even thicker but in a lot of cases haha that's no bad thing so we do one back as an exhaust and then two 140s at the top also as an exhaust this is what i was talking about by the way when it comes to the fan or radiator bracket the fans just literally sitting here everything is starting to get a little bit messy now unfortunately let's see if this case can handle it then all of the fans should connect to this fan controller so all of the qls both the rgb and the fan speed connect to one little box i hope i'm gonna have enough room to actually park this what i might be able to do is actually get it in one of these hard drive cages i can do the grand reveal for you look i've sandwiched it between the two so it just needs a little bit of kneading up but i think that will work quite nicely actually with the magic of one cable tie you can make it look like this so you still want a bit of a mess but the beauty of this case is that from the front i don't think you'd ever know but don't go raising your glasses too soon because of course we don't have the bulk of the cables that will come from the power supply we're using the brand new hx1000i from corsair 850 or 1000 probably gonna be a sweet spot for high-end builds these days but this one is platinum rated which will actually start to save you a fair bit of money on your bills these days it's got very weird very farm yard smell to it but smell aside it does have something i've never seen before from a power supply which is actually this usbc port because you can use this to connect it to your computer usb and then you can monitor everything that's going on which could be useful if you're a little bit of a tweaker but let's plug all of the cables that we'll be needing in first and we are going red to complete the theme if i'm honest these aren't actually my favorite cables i prefer the ones that you get from cable mods but these are potentially better value depending on which cables you want i mean things like sasser isn't necessary at all i've never been a fan of like this electrical tape that you get halfway through the cable don't like it oh it is definitely starting to get a bit more messy now i'm not in a good lionel way i'm talking in an awkward way ah a bit like my comedy oh we'll turn it round so you can see what's going on and hopefully these cables at the top will plug in fairly easily actually you can at least plug the cables in quite easily which is not always the case it's usually the bane of my existence cable management semi-complete we can now move on to the graphics card and i'm not sure i've used this exact one yet this is the 6800 xt from xfx i've used the 6900xt it's one of their merc cards these things are big and i'm thinking this is going to properly populate the bottom of this look awesome and as it is a red themed build it makes sense to go for you guessed it team red i forgot just how big this gpu is i mean it's actually a little bit plainer in a way because it's not exactly shouting at you this isn't one of those old-fashioned gaming x msi cards that are very red and in your face it's just quite a lot of cooling which is of course going to give us lower temperatures which is grand and then this should just gently line up with the back in you go boom we're in how about that how about that i am already very impressed look at this i need to see it from the front it is very rare that i do a build that actually looks this good and you haven't even finished it let alone turn it on exciting i'll tell you what man i really can't wait to start doing all of these am5 and z790 rtx 4080 etcetera etc builds i've got the itch and it needs scratching and i think oh just like that we are pretty much done the only other thing i was going to do and still might is to actually use some of these so these are from corsair they're like additional lighting strips that can make your computer look a little bit cooler so they do indeed clip together magnetically like this you can make them into some pretty cool shapes and things but the more i think about it the more i think it's just gonna ruin the look of this build so i'm not gonna add any item which hopefully brings us towards the end of the build sequence in terms of very minimal cable management this is what we've got so i don't think that's too shabby at all if you do a better job than me which is not really doing any deliberately to show you what it would look like i think you're not going to have a big problem getting this looking nice just be careful with this sort of area at the top especially all of these visible cables because getting it looking perfect is going to be a lot more tricky than just getting it to look acceptable to see if it works we will of course hook this up to our 4k monitor keyboard mouse let's do this if i can find the power button down here let's try that again oh no oh the delay delay how does that look uh no rgb on the fans just yet uh but are we gonna work are we gonna work yes we are we did it and now we can actually start to properly talk about this system and i have to say in terms of cases i've used over the last year or so this does stand out to be i'm reluctant to say the best one because there's a lot more testing to do but definitely the one that does stand out the most it looks absolutely incredible it's a lot more of a show sort of piece build than a lot of other chassis on the market and obviously you are going to be paying for this it's not a cheap chassis by any stretch of the imagination it's not the most expensive but it's certainly going to cost you a pretty penny i just love how they blended form and function though because so often do you see lovely tempered glass chassis but they've just got such pants airflow if you want to do a high-end build it just doesn't make sense but by actually allowing you to have that proper ventilation system through without having something that is gigantic inside i think is very very clever i'm excited to actually start testing the thermals on this should we get playing some games and ladies and gentlemen here we are all set up and ready to go ready to get gaming i mean normally i would just jump in and start gaming but i mean look at it look at it the game you're seeing now i'm sure you've definitely heard of before this is call of duty warzone running at 4k max settings with ray tracing disabled and as we touch down on the ground you can see that our frame rate is pretty much anywhere really between 100 and 120 fps which again 4k pretty much max settings is not too shabby whatsoever and it's all over oh my skills up to the task are my skills up to the task can he do it no speakers no audio and the answer is also no but in my defense i'm just not very good do you like my custom iq settings by the way we've gone for like a red theme a little bit of white just to make it a bit more dynamic but because you can download and put gifs on the caller i've gone for a little um sebastian vettel f1 meme because i'm a cool guy i do need to put the side panel on this so you can see temperatures properly though but i will say for the time being that the system has actually been very cool and quiet you do need to do a little bit of tuning as this cooler was a little bit noisy out the box but once you've done that you can get your peel on why don't they put this on the other side of the thing would make more sense wouldn't it boom i think there is no doubt about it that this is the single best looking system i've built this year i think it's probably in tied first place over the last couple of years this and then the amd builder did that was in the corsair 5000 x i believe so very similar but more of a traditional form factor rather than something a little bit different but i think this is definitely going to be the party piece and obviously you can customize it as much as you want in software to really get the look that you want let's show you a little bit more gameplay though let's jump into halo infinite and exactly the same story here 4k max settings or ultra if you're one of the cool kids we're getting around about 70 fps so not quite as high but this is one of those titles that has dynamic resolutions so you can actually turn it down a little bit and you can cap it to say 120 fps this is actually what i did when i was playing this game earlier in the year believe it or not it was with a controller downstairs it was a bit more casual it's my neither campaign and i just kept it to a constant 120 i love games that can do that oh look at me look at me go look look at me go i am fulfilling the objective it is a lot easier with a controller whoops no i didn't say that the other one it's a lot easier with mouse and keyboard no let's move on one more game and this one is a ray trace title this is far cry 6 this is actually an amd optimized title this is running fsr at quality but everything else is set to max so we've got some super high rate racing on this i think is one of the best looking titles you can get at the moment and even though it's sort of faux 4k we're still getting 100 fps so this would be a brilliant way to play if you do want to play far cry 6. i started it i didn't finish it story my life oh and this is one of those games that also takes over your corsair computer as well so when something happens the pc should react yes look at that isn't that cool but there we are our height y60 gaming pc and i have to say i am genuinely very impressed with it looking back at the thermals it is a little bit of a mixed story because while they're absolutely fine on the cpu we were getting around about 80 on the gpu but don't read into that too much because the whole system was very quiet throughout it never felt like i was having a whirring noise sitting next to me which i literally was so it's very good the gpu has just been tuned i guess to run at 80 degrees and not run the fans particularly loud but i'd love to hear your thoughts on this case are you going to be getting one of these have you been considering it or would you prefer something a little bit more normal or something maybe smaller like itx i'd love to hear from you and of course as always if you do want to learn a little bit more about any of the components in this pc including current pricing you can find that linked in the description down below but smash that like button get yourself subscribed and i'll leave you with a short word from this video sponsor before you go why not check out squarespace squarespace lets you create a beautiful professional website in minutes but without an ounce of coding knowledge required connect with your audience and generate revenue through gated members only content 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Channel: PC Centric
Views: 977,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pccentric, gaming, pc gaming, gaming computer, pc centric, pc build, gaming pc, PC BUILD 2022, hyte y60, hyte y60 gaming pc, hyte y60 build, hyte y60 review, gaming pc build, rx 6800XT, intel 12900k, hyte y60 case review, gaming computer build, rx 6800xt gaming pc, rx 6800xt build, intel 12900k build, i9 12900k, i9 12900k gaming pc, hyte y60 red, red hyte y60 build, rtx 4090 case, rtx 4080 case, pc build guide, pc build under, hyte build, rtx 3080 hyte, rtx 4080 hyte
Id: cOS3xNrKSFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2022
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