Does marriage benefit a man?

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hey Tony guys he's here popping in now if your first time seeing my videos I got a lot of videos so check him out I want to talk to the man today and really asking the question didn't know how to say this but his marriage beneficial to a man I saw a post some time back and it was kind of saying like you know what is the benefit of a man getting married like what is this like what why is he excited about joining his income and possibly losing it all in divorce or losing half and divorce going from being able to date multiple women be with multiple women going to one woman and I'll tell you you know I'll be honest with you as a man I've been on both sides of this thing so it's not coming from this is not coming from a man who has never been out there and done his thing I was out there you know one of the absolute worst so I live that life and I saw that and and yes it was like you are you can do what you want to do you don't have to answer to anybody you can have a different woman every night you can it was certain times that you know three women in the day you know and when I say in a day I'm not talking about three dates I'm talking about you know all the way and and that was as a broke man that was as an average man I was as a everyday man and every man was doing this every man that I knew you personally was doing the same thing now a man with money man who had millions those men they could have eight women in a day mm-hmm the most I ever heard was ten women in a day so this video is for me and okay ladies I don't want to hear all y'all you know wow oh my gasps oh this thing yeah y'all are listen it's a whole nother world out there okay and but me and know what what me and know me and know what's going on and most of this stuff it never comes out and the reason why I'm speaking is because that's the reason why we so broken as a society today because of demand laws and the man coal and all of this stuff let me just finish the coaching session I need to save my notes and close it but listen to me that's gonna take too much this attempt I want you to think about this fellas and I want you to hear me when I tell you okay here I was at 21 when I met my wife by that point I had been with over 100 women now I knew guys who was at 300 600 probably the least that I knew around that age was a guy who was at five to ten women you know and those guys were either they were below the height line you know it's below the poverty line of height or over the weight line you know above the weight line into where women didn't want a guy that weight that size or didn't want to got that height and so they had a little bit more of a challenge being able to talk to women now I will tell you and every man knows this and you notice as a man women on average are not hard to get on average it's not it's not hard majority of the time it's on the first date on the first date if it's not on the first date it's within the first three dates that women going all the way I do not understand it I don't fully understand it but this is what you got to realize you know as I'm reading the Bible and I read the Bible and what I want the Christians to understand is that I try not to speak Christianese to people who are not Christian because it's a waste of breath and some things are just common sense not everything has to be inside of religion but even outside of religion our benefits to marriage so but me and my belief system it's actually a sin to be sleeping with someone outside of marriage so that was another thing for me now a lot of people say I don't see the need for marriage I don't see the need for marriage that means that they are not there faith does not tell them that fornication is a sin against a violation of the laws in their faith and somebody sent me a video of the young lady on the reality TV show and she's been with her guy for many many years and she's saying I don't think we need to get married like I don't see the benefit of it I thought that would be the end-all be-all but I don't see the benefit of it and he was like no I still want to get married though and so that lets me know she doesn't have a faith conviction because when you have a faith conviction you're gonna get married because it's a sin to be in fornication so she doesn't have a faith conviction she may not have a faith you know or she may not really believe or live it and so you have to take that into consideration but what I need you to understand as a man and I'm to get right to it I'll be honest with you the number one reason why marriages fail is because of a man's inability not even an inability but because of a man's refusal to grow and to change because guess what most men struggle in one area or another and what I mean by this is most men cannot or refuse to be 100% faithful that's that's the number one being 100% faithful now let me ask you this if you can be man enough to be 100% faithful to your woman and you have chosen the woman that fits you you've taken time with her you know her personality you know her strengths you know her weaknesses you understand these things about her then guess what you won't have problems in marriage if you are 100% faithful and what I mean by 100% faithful I mean not watching nasty movies I gotta watch the words I use cuz it'll trigger and you know you know flag the video but not watching nasty movies y'all know what I'm talking about the P word Oh R spell it on out not watching those I'm also talking about not emotionally cheating meaning in the DM on social media or having a work wife or having a best friend a female friend that you confide in and talk to and tell her your frustrations your worries your hopes your dreams you cannot have that if you are married you cannot have that your woman your wife has to be your best friend your wife has to be your best friend if you are willing and you are capable of that your marriage won't have any problems if you marry the right woman but in order to marry the right woman you have to be the right man because if you're not right in yourself as a man if you gamble if you get drunk if you're getting high if you're into nasty movies if you're still in the club if you're doing all of these things that are immoral immoral or immature or irresponsible guess what you see the world not for what it is but for what you are so you will see a woman who is not a good woman and you will pick her to be your wife and that's because she has vices and that are similar - your vices and because you don't see the error in your ways you won't see the error in her ways but when you chastise yourself and you discipline yourself as a man to grow to grow I'm talking excellence I'm talking greatness I'm not talking mediocrity when you grow as a man when you stop doing things that will divert your attention that will steal all of your focus that will hinder your progression that will shorten your lifespan that will harm your body and and think about it go down the list of of your habits even with the nasty movies what this is doing is this is feeding lust it's feeding lusts it's intensifying your desire for strange women for other women for random women it's increasing this lust ation this spirit that's in you so it makes you start to just goggle over all of these women that you pass to where it becomes a sickness to where you are just so infatuated with the female body that you have to literally look at every single woman and not just look at her but you got a picture you got a go all the way there and it's because of what you've been feeding your mind and what and when you feed that it grows and it grows and it gets so big that it will consume you it will devour you and that's what you got to understand so that's on the spirit side of things the spiritual side of things now the same thing if you're in the club strip club or regular club you are feeding loss which is increasing your desire for random women strange women other women which eventually turns into temptation which then lead you to one night you've had too many to drink and you just go up to her and you say what you're thinking and guess what she's all for she's with it the next thing you know you're in the backseat doing what it takes to reproduce and you've got a woman at home waiting on you who allows you to go out because she feels like she doesn't want to be controlling and that's what men do so she lets you go out and she's sitting there playing the fool while you out on the courage juice and you got liquid courage in you and you approaching these different ladies and you find the one that's ready that's down for the calls she's single she's lonely she's desperate and she got her own place so y'all leave the club at 12:00 12:30 1:00 o'clock you don't win the whorehouse had a few mold drinks and she spread-eagle you leave her house three o'clock you home 3:15 3:30 club let out at 3:00 so your woman at home thinking you had a great night out with the boys and you don't pick you up something in the club and then took home and she and your woman is none the wiser yes Umbra I'd have been now I know what going on but you heard yourself because guess what when your life is out of order now you own the liquid courage the first thing they tell you in school is what does that affect your judgment so now because you didn't have any protection because you was telling yourself that you're faithful you're telling yourself you're a good man but you put yourself in a place to be tempted so now you are in a place to be tempted but you're not prepared to handle the temptation that comes so the next thing you know because you were trying to be a good man but your actions were not lying up with it your choices were not in line but what your mouth was saying you end up sleeping with this woman unprotected and the next thing you know your woman is at home and she is got some cooking in the oven and now you got another woman and now see for the house I'm cooking in the oven that's how it happened and this is happening so much I did not know this was happening like this because this is it didn't happen like that for me and I was I was out there but today I'm doing the Q&A some days on Instagram and I just have never in my life read so men and women say he got me cooking in the oven and I don't even know if they're gonna flag the p-word because I got this new law about you know video that's made for so he got me cooking something in the oven and she cook us I mean nothing what am I gonna do so and y'all know what I'm talking about cooking and of reproducing so and I've just never seen that at this rate I'm like how did ten women ten different women write me and say that they are expecting and another woman expecting it from the same man and then and I'm willing to bet I'm willing to bet that a lot of times y'all boys look like the back of a 67 Chevy you know that's that's the sad thing about this we don't even have to look good we only have to look good the hell multiple women you literally could look like who shot John and forgot to kill them and have you three four women that's owned eight babies that's the sad part about today but even though that's the case you as a man you got to do what's right for you you got to protect yourself because yeah it's out there and it's easy but you taking advantage of it guess what you're gonna get a gift that keep on giving and it might be in your body or it might be the reproduction of your DNA that you were not ready to provide for it or it might be both you might get both you might get both and here's the thing you got to think about that as a man so guess what that is another reason that makes marriage so beneficial in such a blessing because when you get married and you willing to be faithful guess what it cuts out the riffraff I remember being out there I remember being out there and just having to follow a need and pray after every time and and just like lord lord please lord lord please i messed up again lord please don't let me have nothing lord please don't let me have nothing Lord Lord in the name of teeth and now I'm praying and I'm like and my prayer one probably getting past the ceiling past the roof because of the life I was living but I sure was praying outlaw playing Lord I will not do this again I would not do this again please don't let me have nothing and then it's like okay well please don't let it be please don't let it be expecting and please please please I'm not ready I'm not gonna do this again and that's what you out here doing that's what your eyes hit doing you you plan Russian roulette you you gambling with your life you gambling with your future and for what because you're insecure because you full of pain because your dad left your mom and you didn't have a father growing up because your mom abandoned you why you got to get to the root cause of your pain you got to identify that and you got to see how that's making you show up in the world what's making you so bitter what's making you so vindictive what's making you so judgmental what's making you a Savage what's making you lie and hurt and cheating steal and manipulate and deceive what's making you do that so you got to get to the root cause you're gonna need to go to my mentor that life that's a website my mentor that life and book you some sessions with some coaches so you can get to the root cause of your pain because you got to identify the cause then you got to identify the effect you got to be able to see what is this doing in your life how is this affecting you and then you gotta be able to take note of the results that you are getting so what are you getting you're getting a headache you're getting anxiety you're getting stress you have it bouts with depression because you feel it lonely you feeling loss you feeling confused you're dealing with different women but you don't feel a real connection and because of who you are you are judging her and you're seeing her as a reflection of you when she could be completely pure she could be completely pure and nothing is wrong with her she could be an absolute amazing woman but because you are a dog of a man you then assume she is a dog of a woman and because you're so nasty and you've been hurt in the past because you were nasty and chosen nasty woman and she was nastier than you as she played the game more savagely than you she hurt you now you scarred so now every other woman paying the price for what the last woman in the past did to you and the other women don't deserve it they did nothing to deserve it didn't do nothing for it or to it and you making them pay because of your pain that you refuse to address and because of the pain that you keep running from when God created you to be able to process your pain heal your pain and then bring peace and prosperity to the life of a woman so I need you to understand this my brother I need you to hit moan this right here okay so when you out here and you're going from one minute one minute and you're not checking yourself and you're not growing as a man guess what you don't you lie to yourself and you plan yourself and then what happens is you start to judge these women so now you're going from warming to one man Oh ain't no good women ain't no good women guess what I'm a good man today so I see good women a dime-a-dozen it's so many it's it's way too many good women but you know why I could see that because I'm a good man when I was a no-good man I couldn't see Goodwin Aaron was flawed no one was good enough and then guess what you're gonna invention to meet you a good woman to wear even though you ain't no good you still gonna be able to see her good you're still gonna be able to see this is a real woman and this where the time has come in because now are you gonna try to deceive her manipulate her trap her and break her down to come to your poor pitiful broke busted and disgusted level and when I say broke busted and disgusting I'm not talking about your bank account I don't care if you got millions I'm talking about your spirit man are you broke busted and disgusted and you won't just want me to come to your level the play and to wallow in the mud like a pig because you choose to live a piggy lifestyle a muddy lifestyle a nasty a dirty lifestyle so you've got this good woman who want to be a good woman but she ready for love and she looking for a man are you going to play the role and pretend to be the man of her dream then play on her insecurities play on her ignorance the things she doesn't know the things that she hasn't come to she doesn't have any resolve in these areas so she's a good woman but she still has not made the decision to save herself on to marriage so are you gonna manipulate her and get her into a place where she drops her guard that she's vulnerable and then she gets in the bed with you and then you put the reproduction in her and then because she a good woman she gonna keep it she because gonna live with her choices so she's not going down to the clinic the try to escape the choice because she chose willingly to lie down and this what comes from lying down without protection so she say look I got a lil with this this was my choice I'm not gonna do this I'm not gonna go try to take care of this I got to take care of it mean I'm gonna be a mother but you was lying and you were cheating use being a dog only low but you were deceiving her that make her think you prince charming so now you got her on our bank nah y'all got one on the way now what you gonna do as a man you're gonna man up and be a real man and be the representative that you showed her or you gonna say up gotcha up the creek without a paddle trapped and then go do your thing go start eating go start control and manipulating because you know she wants more than anything in the world to have a family and she wants more than anything in the world for the humans she brings into the world to have a father in home so she will start to compromise and sacrifice her self-worth to her self-respect just because she does not want to be a single parent because that was not the plan that's not how she was raised that's not what what the plan was but she got on her back because she had not come to the decision to the conclusion to save herself on to marriage so that one mistake that she made which was choosing to sleep with you who you know you manipulating you lying so now she feels stuck she feels trapped and you you played the game the best that could be played but guess what my brother you playing yourself you plan yourself yeah you heard your lineage you heard your family he heard nobody my family you heard your lineage because if you're sorry guess what your relationship gonna be sorry and if your relationship gonna be sorry guess what your child gonna be sorry ba become an adult and learn how to be how to heal from their brokenness but guess what if I'm doing right and what you brought into the world is struggling with all kind of stuff I'm raising mine to avoid what you're raising so it's gonna hurt me in mine it's gonna hurt you in your lineage you plan yourself and if you refuse to grow and to consecrate your heart and mind then guess what each generation could get worse that's what we call generational curses so each generation could get worse I need to get going here I might have to do my part took it I got a coaching a little bit each generation could get worse I got coasting in yeah I got a coach again and so well you say well I well I ain't that bad man what's on my man hey ain't nothing wrong with smoking a little bit ain't going to look man man what you talking about man meet you old Lane right you old Lane you old square I don't bite on all that man you want old man oh that you you believe in an old Christian in the matter cuz you old slave man that's a white man religion man you want a white man lid I'm peaceful I'm happy I'm blessed and highly favored wait you want to take it at we could talk about the thing mentally we could talk about this thing spiritually we could talk about this thing emotionally we talked about this thing financially when you need to see my closet that means something you need to see my garage cuz I got the fruits of the spirit and and and I'd see what that has produced so I know because guess what I was you I was in rebellion I was in denial I was saying oh that lifestyle lame that lifestyle lame man living living like that old Bible teach man living like the old Christ's I meant all that blond hair blue eyes slavery religion man all that lame I was the same I was in the same I wasn't saying that but that's what my actions was Sean I was down so I can see what that's like misery misery lying to yourself misery and lying to yourself and that's the worst light you could tell there's a lot to yourself cuz you know you hurt them you know you lonely you know you empty you know you broken and you know you won't better you know you won't better but the reason why you don't have better is because the sacrifice is too painful so for you to die out to yourself for you to crucify your flesh for you to crucify the lust and the actions that lush produces you feel like it's gonna take you out and it won't I guarantee you you will not stop breathing if you stop feeding lusts with nasty moves in the club and fornication or adultery if you stop feeding us I guarantee it will not take you up you're gonna be just fine you know what you're gonna do you're gonna rewire your brain you're going to break generational curses you're going to build mental strength emotional strength you are building your emotional intelligence so what this faithfulness is going to do when you become faithful and then after becoming faithful you become a whole man meaning that you operate from a place of love so so me and struggle with marriage because you either one want to be unfaithful or two you want to be controlling you don't want to submit unto the woman instead you just want her to submit unto you but y'all have to submit unto one another because guess what being faithful to her is being in submit to her treating her with respect not controlling her you know I'm like man I why she growing every year and I'm looking at my wife and I'm like every day she doing some kind of maintenance oh hey what coin Oh like girl what you doing every day is a package is coming from from Amazon I'm like did you just shot all day I'm like what in the world going on what you got today baby oh I got my I got my lashes and then I got my eyebrows and then I got my nails and then tomorrow hey what you got going on the day Oh got my wax and I got the gym Vanessa hey what you got going on today Oh got my hands and my feet today what you got today Oh got my hair today oh my goodness all you do is maintenance and so I'm looking at this thing but guess what that benefit me looking good she's looking good smelling good everything good and so I'm like this is the benefits of marriage but see what happen is if I'm trying to control her oh that's not necessary oh that oh they're spending too much you spending too much that ain't necessary expense that holidays alright and that's how I used to be and guess what I would broke busted and discussed it here and here so what that made my wife broke busted and disgusted so then I'm out and I'm looking around and I'm seeing all it is but then what I didn't realize the reason why the grass look green green over there is because they water in it I then cut the water off because I'm too worried about how much it cost so now my wife ain't getting her nails hands and feet done split into split edges split ends trimmed up getting grazed died getting you know microbe lay getting the the lashes you know and not the kind of pillow she get natural look natural okay just be cooked clear about that you know and take care of herself facials massages you know getting a wax where she want to wax it you know all of that and so if when she wasn't doing that then guess what everything else look but what I realized it looked good because it's getting water the grass can water and guess what the water bill higher but when I stop trying to be controlling and I say baby do you do you guess what she went from being a diamond in a brown bag to being a diamond in a Tiffany's box pristine looking good so listen to the fella get some children and I know y'all ladies don't thank me and listen but man listen man listen now listen what they listen when it's something that's real you and if you're a man you got this far and you ain't Shane put be blessed in the comments now y'all gonna see father one man and that might be all what's the brother named J Dilla and my other brother CJ now listen to him you're gonna have a choice to make and if you can stop being promiscuous and you can be faithful and you can stop being controlling and when I say controlling I mean being jealous insecure and domineering trying to be a dictator trying to be a tyrant and you let this woman be who she called a beating and listen to me you become who you need to become in every area of life my body and spirit you submit you surrender to God if you will believe if you not a believer god bless you god bless you god bless I would not choose that lifestyle but God bless you hey do you fellow but listen to me when you come in submission to your higher calling to the higher power and you grow and you become the man that you need to be guess what the type of woman that you used to like ain't gonna look good no more there's a lot of women that God chasing out there I look at a nun like I'm about to throw up in my mouth that don't look good to me when I came when I become a good man the whole different type of woman look good to me and guess what I realized my wife is perfect she is perfect because I knew that the good man in me I had I was looking through those lenses not from the dog in me and so guess what I realize the way my wife dress is perfect I want tell on a dress what she want to do with her free time is perfect oh my tell her where to go and what not to go she ain't doing nothing she ain't going nowhere that I disagree with she's not in the club she's not in the casino she's not she's not no one on that so the place does she go I'm totally fine with it totally fine with it the ways what she feed her mind I'm totally fine with it because I chose the right woman so the way she's dressed listen to me the way she do her laughs at the way she do her eyebrows the way she do her hair the way she does her makeup everything is perfect and I don't have to give her any instruction ain't I tell her nothing because I chose the right one but I had to choose the right woman by becoming the right man I had the shield and I was not perfect neither was she but the areas where I was not perfect in she had some area she was not perfect in but as I grew she grew the oil flow from the head so if you're supposed to be the head of the household you got a lead with love you got a lead with growth and if you not leave with love and if you're not leading with growth then guess what nothing is happening for the good of your relationship and so now what happens is when you get married and you are faithful and you are loving and you are caring here's what happens what happens is and if you were woman and you feel like a man and gonna watch this but you got a boyfriend and let's say you got to go on a break or you got to break up with him he to get you back make sure he watched this make sure he watched this and make sure you see him in a comment saying be blessed and make sure he able to get you a rundown a summary with some notes or what he heard on here so not listening to me brother when you take and you can be faithful and you can be loving you can be the man you need to be when you get married under those pretenses guess what there is no issues there are no issues when I say issues I'm talking about the kingdom issue I'm talking about something you got to really sit down and go to war you know like you got to really work through this thing you don't have those kind of issues because you chose the right woman my wife brings me no stress in my life she bring me no stress in my life she's juggling a whole lot where are you know two boys and with all the sports going on Tim I'm always playing to three sports at a time so now you got you know four to six sports that's going on it's a lot going on a lot of studying oldest woman straight A's no eight minuses he don't even get a - so it's a lot of studying going on she's juggling a lot but she brings no stress to my life no stress to my life now she worked with him in my business and I had a holiday look earlier today I said hey babe come on nine eight I'm gonna have to hire another assistant cuz you ain't doing nothing what you doing come on I'm going on waitlist that and you know I'll talk to her like that but she know um jokingly serious but that ain't stressing me they don't bother me because I know what she's not doing in our businesses I know that time going to our boys so I'm not arguing I know that time ain't going to reality TV you know what I'm telling you so guess what no stress in my life no stress and you know I ain't got no stress because I don't have to worry about another one with texting my wife I only have to worry about hiding my phone my phone could see it face up and my wife got all my passwords no stress no worry see you stress and and you tighten the booty that you so tight in the booty at night you didn't got hemorrhoids because of the stress on you cuz you sweat bullets wondering when this woman gonna text your girlfriend or your wife when somebody gonna pop up on you when somebody gonna come up with some minute of it when you don't get exposed when you gonna get caught when you finna get found out so you stress and you sweatin and now you gonna telling people man marriage is terrible man marry terrible man oh man all my boys oh my boys telling me do not get married do not get marry the reason why they saying that is because they still immature is because they grown boys or it's because they married Rome and they merit Rome because of where they were in their life and where they were operating from but it's nothing wrong with marriage it's something wrong with the people in the marriage that's the issue so guess what I go to bed peaceful alright man I'd be so happy me want to go to sleep I'd want to stay up I told my wife yesterday I thought so yesterday all day before I said look listen baby we wanna date every day I say even if that means us sitting down for our home with us a cheese board and Netflix on that's gonna be our date but I say every day I want to spend at least undivided power with you I want to day - every day I said that and I mean it you hear me I don't had to work all day to day so I ain't getting it do breakfast today she was trying to schedule it yesterday but I was in crisis sessions yesterday with clients so anger is scheduled but so last night we got the hung guy then tonight we're gonna get to hang out I'm gonna get the hung guy the night we're gonna get to hang out but guess what I wanna date my wife every day I'm telling you the truth that this I ain't captain I'm telling you the truth I think my phone tapped so whoever got my phone tapped and it could be a past enemy it could be the government on the hood of some I got my phone town cuz it be getting too hot too fast and I be hearing a microphone come on when my phone sitting on my desk it's just two minutes on but whoever got my phone's out can tell you can tell you ain't doing no cheating and they don't have no stress with my wife they could tell you that now we may sit down and discuss things how gonna get better what what need to work on but there ain't no yelling screaming fuss and fighting sleeping on the cows going a bit mad break up the makeup got the lead go get a hotel or stay with a friend for a few days ain't none of that you know why cuz the oil flowed from the head and head of this hill household is me and guess what I'm living right in doing right and you know what my why is she not the foot she's not the tail she right that head to it like a brain I'm 1/2 she 1/2 but guess what she just fine what somebody without a spine piece of that what's the body without a spine she's a backbone you mean she the real you mean she the better half for the brain you hear me listen to what I'm telling you so guess what this what guys don't understand man when you treat a woman right and I'm gonna say this and then women ain't posed to be watching this but I'm gonna tell you this when you treat a woman right ain't gonna better get the video up for my call so the video I prolly gonna build by four o'clock today so y'all forgive me nah listen when you treat him on the right you got you got a queen oh why you me you got you a shell if she could cook better than you you got you and this don't sound right it's on sounding right let's we'll say a home a house manager okay meaning she the CEO home like she know what stuff pose to go hi stuff poster on you got you a general a court general if you play basketball you know what a court generally look like you've got you guess what you don't got to go to the glove no mo because you got Jers coming down a hole you know what I mean you got yo in-home nasty movie you got have no subscription you got to be deleting your browsing history you got your in-home nasty moving you got everything my why I'm sitting here working the damn coach supply guess what she brought me my favorite what she bring me a hill every day toes bread with butter fry it in turkey bacon toe it up do you mean brain my oh my water you see how the yield water cell here water I just sit in here and drink water I was feeling loved look down what she brought me iced coffee it's all there for my wife you mean she said look and you do your part i'ma do what I do best and I manage stuff I'm a CEO you know you come up with an idea but I'm gonna help you execute him you said I'm saying so it relieves stress she is my personal assistant she is my CEO she is my manager so I just sat down and just talked to I said okay baby look boy I need to find a Rolex on service place who do the cert role that service for the best price okay baby born sponsoring this AAU team I got to order 16 pastures can you find me a certain shoe hopefully a Kobe Bryant shoe that we could pay tribute with the team and I could get all that this one shoe and all these sizes okay baby boom I need you can you go to home goods and help me find something for the office you hit me and then she'll coming to me said listen I need you to take your son to soccer practice today every day I need you to take him solid prior 6 to 7:30 I need you to pick the boys out of day I need you to put this up in the Attic I need you to get this down out to add it hey need you to call in the screen repair people get the screen hey it needs to call to get the doors fit so she give me my honey do list I give her love honey do list so we apostle we work together she know I know cheese ain't doing no cheese and every time then she could scroll through my phone she might get my phone she might have my phone her dad I might have her phone guess what ain't nothing to be found ain't nothing to be found there is no stress it's no stress all the time what something get stressful is when ain't doing what I'm supposed to be doing so I look at a situation I may say hmmm I don't feel like I'm getting me enough of lovemaking ok and I want to blame hey law making 9 is mental of a middle of a minute what's going on but when I look at the situation I say well okay you gotta up you know she's doing all the laundry doing all the cooking she's doing all the dishes you know she getting up at 5:00 but you had a look talking about bid until one Shana slept for hours they mean sleep for hours cook two hours in you went and snoring so loud woke her up so she really slept too loud so then how you expect her to be function on the next day I want to be on a bike for you so I got to coach myself and I say okay shut your mouth and listen to her talk let her talk about her day let her talk about what she got going on let her tell you cuz that's making law to her mind okay now help her helpful asked her what she need you to do then you do that so now you two made love to her mind you de lend a helping hand and you realize she no handmade yes she do a whole lot but she not show me so you get your butt up in you he'll see this I got to talk to myself see when you hard on yourself life easier on you so then I got to get my butt up and then guess what when I start helping and I'm and I'm helping out and I'm I'm asking what L can I do and I'm talking and I'm building and I'm listening to her I might want to talk about business cuz that's how we earn a living she might want to talk about a beauty blogger she might want to talk about you know my son's day at school she might want to talk about you know something that was said today but meme she saw she might want to talk about something to have net to do with money making and I may not be that interested in that stuff other outside of my my sauce but I'm sitting in listen and talk about it and look at the means and talk about it just relax cuz she just she chilled she loved a chill like so she got my stress on her life and guess what when she got with me we went from 8 dollars and 50 cent an hour to $9 to 950 I maxed out on my job at 10 dollars an hour and she went working so we went from dad to where we are today to where finances not an issue that the big issue is just managing just just not being broke minded I gotta go in a couple minutes but let me help you understand this if you do what you're supposed to do you stop being a dog you stop cheating you stop manipulating you stop deceiving you stop lying you stop controlling my brother if you stop living in sin and become the man that God has called you to be life will be easy on you you gonna have your choice of your wife and you gonna be able to see clearly what a good woman look like and you gonna be able to court that woman make Lord of her mind do things the right way get married to that woman and then continue to watch her with love and then guess what when she reciprocates the love is gone knock your socks off because she created for love see you had to learn how to love she was created for loss she came out the womb loving you mean so when she reciprocate man listen he'll they'll all gonna be so strong so powerful so overwhelming and listen to me I'm trying to do every anything for my wife everything ain't nothing too much for my wife ain't nothing to my baby hit go three cause you got three cards to choose from Hickel two three four watches hit go eight nine ten bracelets you choose closet full walk-in walk-in closet building up she's knocked down the back of my over my all would be bigger than what it is but that's her walk-in closet do what you need to do I ain't wanna do it at first but but I allowed it to happen I'm okay with it now but it's nothing that's too much what you how many dates you want to go on where you want to go on a date I let my wife take me to Europe for six weeks you mean since we that cost me more than I want to spend I went further than I wanted to go but I let my wife take me over there with our sons because it meant something to her and guess what it blessed me baby whatever you want the world is yours and that's how your heart changes when you become the man you need to be ain't got to put on ain't none of this no fun ain't none there's no facade this real talk telling you real life ain't even telling you everything cuz you're gonna think I'm crazy high treat my wife you'll be like what made it man who got more top millions of dollars in ain't bought day wide day guess what they mean they team they lie or they still are not operating at the highest self and that's why they don't love their wife on the level that they able to love her own because they still selfish and stuck in a ways hate it Tony guys and God bless you it's 3 p.m. I've been coaching all day now I'm coaching in this form and now I got a coach a call right now somebody booked on my mentor got like so if you have not went to my mentor dot life make sure you go to and book a session with a coach it ain't got to be me because I'm on the most expensive coach on now but I'm gonna create other site but it's other coaches as low as $25 an hour book of Coach book a coach do a session fix your life hated Tony gasps and God bless you check the other links in the description as well make sure you hit the subscribe button if you have not I will greatly appreciate it and thank you to the Blessed try for all your support we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 33,001
Rating: 4.8968873 out of 5
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Length: 50min 16sec (3016 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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