Doctors, Your Most Awkward Moment With The Opposite Gender? (Medical Stories r/AskReddit)

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dr. Zull read it what is your most awkward experience when dealing with members of the opposite sex NSFW my prospective maybe off the scope of the thread since I'm a veterinarian not an MD in my experience people who do not want in new to their male dogs are always males having a frank discussion about the benefits of neutering with someone who is emotionally attached to their dog's testicles is pretty awkward excellent username sir my doctor once said you're so thin it's very easy to palpate your organs then he felt my spine from the front it was awkward my grand uncle is a urologist and I got a boner from checking out one of his nurses when I was around 12 I then had to explain why I couldn't drop my trousers for an examination he asked if I wanted to go to the bathroom to do something about that so we can continue the examination I had no idea what masturbation was and he explained rather vaguely to me the gist of the operation I didn't feel like trying it so we just sort of waited until it went away I don't know if it was awkward for him but whenever I think about it I cringe myself into the fetal position until I can block it again about a year ago a young woman comes in very upset and turns in a prescription for a bunch of anti-anxiety and anti psychosis medications all is going well until I realize we are out of one of them and I have to tell her I have to order it for the next day she was ok with it at first but then I see tears building I ask if she is ok and says yes so I continue typing up the prescriptions I want to say there was about eight or nine next thing I know she begins crying she starts telling me that she was just released from a psych ward and she had tried to kill herself a couple weeks back but she rolled up her sleeves and her arms were covered in deep cuts she began to ask me if I thought she would ever get ray accepted to nursing school because apparently they kick you out after getting admitted to a hospital for psychological symptoms I had no idea what to tell her except that I hope she got in a nut if she worked hard they should give her a chance I know this all may sound shallow but I was not prepared for this nothing in pharmacy tech training told me how to react so this was definitely my most awkward moment with the opposite sex my classmates and I were at a free clinic performing our first ever pelvic exams on standardized patients classmate is a big woman pillager of a man and gets to go first he proceeds to insert his fingers to palpate for the manual exam our poor standardized patient shrieks right away she promptly states that for all woman's sake he's gonna need to use one finger for those procedures from now on trying to insert a catheter on a guy with a micropenis inverted penis one of my friends was getting a physical for a high school sport I believe and when it came time for them to check his gonads the doctor says cough but apparently my friend thought he said hop so here my friend is standing there the doctor has my friends bones in hand and my friend hops said it was the most embarrassing moment of his life I had to put a Foley into a male PT I'm the young and female he seemed nervous as I started right when I was about to insert a catheter with his penis in my left hand and the catheter in my right he abruptly asked if it would help if he was aroused for the procedure and proceeded to gain some girth before I could answer I said no doctor here recently walked in on a new mother in a sitz bath with two breasts pumps gulping away at her all the while her husband grins from ear to ear as I worked her up for a pubic bone injury the newborn could sense my embarrassment if it makes you feel any better when I had my son I couldn't have cared less if Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade trooped through my room all sense of modesty went right out the door and I cared Frick all who saw what part of me during my time in the hospital if you were there to help me have at it and thanks for all you do doc we appreciate it when you get to the sex to me you get your dong taped to your stomach a nurse came in to do the finishing after the procedure she was middle-aged and I'm guessing she probably got into nursing late because she was looking really nervous and uncomfortable and anyone who's been in nursing more than a few years has had hands-on penis experience she's kind of tentative sure about pulling the tape off so I say go ahead it's been through a lot in its time she got a big smile and ripped that crap off father so she's totally cool in my book they didn't tape mine when I had my vasectomy I guess a different procedure oh oh oh oh posted about two years ago on a similar thread third year of medical school on my family medicine rotation which I'm doing on my med school's campus academic health center electronic medical record shows 24 year old with chief complaint of cough so I go in to interview how where it comes to light she's really there for her journal itching finish up the interview and tell her I'm going to grab my attending for the pelvic exam my attending tells me she'll let me do the pelvic if the patient consents I had already done object this point and was quite comfortable with it but we both agree I'd likely get asked to leave the room altogether lo and behold patient consents I do the pelvic we wiped her a script for some antifungals and she goes home two days later I'm teaching a small group of first-year students how to perform an abdominal physical exam teaching is a requirement of the family medicine rotation when during introductions I come face to face with my patient who never mentioned she was a first year student we both played off really cool at first but during the session her partner asks me to show him how to do an inguinal femoral hernia examination on a female patient aka his partner while I'm doing my exam she breaks out in hysterical laughter which causes me to lose it and start laughing at the absurdity of the situation as well she played it off like she was ticklish and I said something stupid like I thought of something funny don't mind me two weeks later she returns to the clinic for a follow-up and I go see her we talked for a while about how she's feeling how could our second meeting was and then just shoot the crap for a bit when she goes so when are you going to take me out to dinner I politely declined and explained I had a girlfriend at the time and never saw her again nice bedside manner you will go far maybe not deep but definitely far my first pap smear was at Planned Parenthood when I was like 15 the male doctor got me positioned then turned around to grab the speculum and said this is going to be cold quack quack in a Daffy Duck voice and using the speculum like a duck's bill my attending tells me to go examine a patient her chief complaint being that she was beaten up by her boyfriend so I go in to see a tall very attractive blonde sitting there crying I calm her down and ask her the usual questions and then I explained to her that I have to examine her from top to bottom to document the injuries so far the exams going well until it came down to her stomach then to her waist then BAM penis did not see it coming at all I think my shocked expression for a split second quarter off-guard and she says oh my god I'm so sorry I forgot to tell you I'm transsexual yet I figured it out working an IDI at a large hospital without any pediatrics or obscene just about to finish nightshift when I am asked by a nurse to quickly see an 18 year old with abdominal pain I was exhausted and didn't want to pick up another patient but I just had a weird feeling went to see the patient she was a thin girl lying in bed under the covers in the fetal position with a worried mum sitting nearby I ran through a brief history and was about to examine when she stated she needed to go to the toilet she looked to be in a lot of pain so I asked for a nurse to escort her at this point the patient her mum and myself thought it was a burst appendix next thing I know the nurse he Yanks me down the corridor and shoves me into the bathroom before me stands a thin 18 year old girl bearing down in a squat with a now noticeable baby bump repeating don't tell mom don't tell mum don't tell mum I throw her in a nearby bed and charge into the rest area leaving the mum unbeknownst in her cubicle I grabbed my boss who goes white and starts shouting why's she here why is she here and not the obstetric Hospital we run back in by which time she is fully dilated and pushing we successfully deliver a beautiful baby boy while constantly freaking out about the lack of pediatric supplies we didn't even have clips for umbilical cords but we improvised throughout this time the girl is either pushing or begging us not to tell her mom while we keep saying she drove you here you can't hide a goddang baby the girl wanted to keep the baby and ultimately we convinced her to tell her mum I told the mum her daughter was safe but there was something I needed to show her the look when I brought mom into the restroom was unlike anything I had ever seen anger mixed with concern mixed with joy mixed with confusion what a crazy frickin day that was not me but a fellow classmates in medical school we have mock exams and various people will sign up to be patients they get paid a decent amount so he went in the mock exam room and started the basic history and physical on the fairly attractive female did this and that pretty standard stuff grabbed and a tongue depressor and had her open her mouth then nothing he did it again and said with bewilderment that is weird you do not have a gag reflex she smiled in gate in the coil wink he about lost it and couldn't finish he walks out and finds the preceptor who monitors the exam about rolling on the floor laughing as for me I never really had an overly awkward experience other than maybe knowing someone which can make certain exams a little awkward semicolon I was the chaperoning nurse young doc first week and OB and was seeing an early pregnancy PT in trig docs usually say I'm going to put my hand on your vagina now or you will feel the speculum on your lips labia he was rattled and so nervous he conflagration them as I'm going to put my lips on your vagina now the patient and I roared with laughter or a second before we controlled ourselves he shakily kept his dignity and kept right on going like nothing happened he never referred to it again for the four years he was there Freudian lips slip not a doctor student rad Tech had a patient for a regular chest x-ray series but she was coughing up sputum I asked her if she wanted a tissue to cough it up into and she said she didn't spit she was a swallower and went at me I'm 19 she was 98 used liquid nitrogen to freeze genital warts off of a twenty-something year old girl after she touched her genital warts with her hands to show me where they were I applied craw therapy and left the room for a moment so she could get dressed when I got back she proceeded to grab my hand and shake it after touching all of her warts without washing her hands patient here I was in a small town where my parents used to live and I had to see a dermatologist I was worried that I may have had a tampon stuck in my vagina sar that's not physically possible but I didn't know that at a time unfortunately the only doctor I could see was a friend of my parents after thoroughly probing and peeking he informed me that there was nothing wrong in fact your vagina is for lack of a better word gorgeous I've never been so embarrassed I had to babysit his kids that weekend one time I female had to have a rectal exam the male doctor who performed it said I had a lovely textbook rectum I'm so proud it'll probably read as my epitaph my pediatrician used to substitute this old male doctor sometimes without notifying anyone it was almost always the days I was coming and for my sports physical that feel when you're going to get your balls touched by a lady doctor in your early teens and then seeing an old man snapping latex gloves on it's time for your mandatory penis inspection son I had one patient who had made her desire for me very public but since I treated her entire family I decided not to kick her out and continue to remain professional in the midst of a bifilar mania she kept complaining of female issues during her pelvic exam I happen to look up and I saw a gigantic smile on her face after the exam in the hallway in front of a few residents she said if you weren't my doctor I'd flick your brains out perhaps I should have mentioned this earlier but she was the only woman I've ever met who is a zero stroke ten she's the only patient who made me question my heterosexuality so I heard someone was questioning their sexuality somewhat related but from a patient's perspective when I was in nursing school I went to my school's Student Health Center for a Genoa pointment the doctor asked me if it was all right if a medical student was present I said that was fine she then specifies the student was male and asks me if that was still okay I wasn't totally comfortable with that it's as a nursing student I knew how much it sucks when a patient refuses you so I said yes lo and behold it was an incredibly attractive med student from my school who I bumped into all the time and he saw the inside of my vagina I never could look him in the eye after that when I was 16 I sometimes got dizzy if I stood up really fast I'm pretty sure this is relatively normal but my mum thought something was wrong with me if so she took me to the doctor and he wanted to check for testicular cancer I had a worried look on my face because I didn't want an old Asian man feeling my nuts the doctor saw my face and thought it might console' me if he spoke teenager he said in his Asian accent I am gonna fill up ela balls I felt pretty good after that kind of unrelated but one time my uncle was in the hospital for a few days and he had to give them urine sample each morning the last day however he was told by a nurse that he didn't need one so he filled up the cup with apple juice and waited for his doctor the doctor came in and saw the cup and told him he didn't need to pee in the cup that day my uncle just shrugged and drank the cup the doctor stood there speechless until my uncle and the nurse next to him burst out laughing you have been visited by the type-o dog he will protect you from all typos in the next 24 hours if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
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Id: joakbacnJE8
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Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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