DLC Fighter Edition - Easter Eggs in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - DPadGamer

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finally super smash bros Ultimates fighter pass has been completely released which means there's now five new fighters and five new stages to talk about and this installment of Easter eggs with d-pad gamer which also includes fun facts really we're just gonna talk about some neat stuff oh and also prawn plant because he wasn't out when I made my video back in December 2018 so let's get him out of the way first since he's technically a part of the release cast he did not get his own stage but he does have a unique Paula Tina's guidance if you don't know what that is it's a hidden conversation that could be triggered on Paula Tina's temple while playing it again not furry D I never want to hear the word Rana ever again I guess that means I'm not getting any fighting tips thanks greedy from there we'll move an order onto Joker from persona 5 much like the DLC fighters for smash 4 Ultimates DLC fighters all share the same vague conversation as he here who is that I have no data on this fighter I can't believe it it must be an intruder from another dimension whoever it is the goal remains the same to fight and win now a bit more about the jokester fun fact his english voice actor is Xander mobis who also voices the announcer Master Hand and crazy hand in ultimate joker Joe not enough got it rabbits that you thought Joker's recovery was crazy that's some real range right there nice along with Joker came his stage mementos the freshmaker this one is unique in that its overall color scheme and visual design changes based on the music that plays redford persona 5 ella for persona 4 and blue for persona 3 the stage also has a platform that occasionally floats down on the right side upon which is a broken screen that displays one of the three things based on its design Morgana from persona 5 Teddy from persona 4 and the opening movie of persona 3 that wonderful game where everyone is a neutral special was a gun after the edge or teenager we got hero which is actually four different Dragon Quest protagonists rolled into one while the hero stage isn't affected by the choice music his classic mode credits music is changed based on the costume use which is pretty neat another fun fact luminary is the most boring design out of all of them while aired Rick and eights are tied for best boy right behind eights pick rat Munchie ok actual fun fact on hero stage theater Phil's altar slimes can be seen bouncing across the stage every so often a rare liquid metal sign will show up which is pretty cute now for banjo kazooie which is a character that i 100% predicted in my original video we're back in 2018 really though it's just dumb luck that two of my favorite video game characters ever happening it into smash but I'll still be happy to read your comments praising my psychic foresight all the same I'm not really sure what I should bring up here because is it really an easter egg or even a fun fact if it was pointed out during one of soccer eyes Let's Plays sure why not so on be case magically rotating stage spiral Mountain an extra life can be seen floating up above chimney of banjos house much like in the original game 2d can also be seen running around which is actually important because this is the first time that she appears in person since banjo kazooie which is crazy considering how relevant she was to the plot then only to be relegated to a missing poster into E and just gone everywhere else from the goofy barren bird we got the heavyweight fightin man Terry Bogard from the fatal fury universe much like the two fighting game characters that came before him Ryu and Ken Terry also has special inputs for his special moves also if set as a CPU opponent and training mode Terry will always face the player just like Ryu and Ken despite not doing this during normal gameplay as for his accompanying stage King of Fighters Stadium there are 20 different background characters that can appear which much like mementos can be somewhat controlled depending on the music that plays as you may or may not know the only important character missing from the background as explained in Sakurai's Terry Bogard let's play my identity Super Smash Brothers ultimate is for good boys and girls many different ages so we decided not to teacher her please forgive us the fighter for the first fighter pass is none other than another Fire Emblem character violets from Fire Emblem three houses as of violets release into smash they are not only the most recent fighter but also come from the most recent game as femme bloom try houses was released in July of 2019 their accompanying stage Garrick Mach monastery doesn't have all that much to mention at least as far as I'm aware but the lovable gatekeeper can't be seen standing back behind the marketplace it's also worth mentioning that baile is the second character you say an entire sentence during their star ko the first being picked hears male pilots voice line and then female pilots and to finish things off this victory screen is a great recreation of the game over screen from Fire Emblem three houses yeah so this video was pretty short still I hope you enjoyed it if there's any fun details I missed be sure to let me know in the comments down below as always big thanks to my channel members and especially big thanks to Christy Huntress and pseudonymous for being super fans I will see you in the next video goodbye
Channel: DPadGamer
Views: 213,635
Rating: 4.8413467 out of 5
Keywords: Easter Eggs in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Smash Ultimate Easter Eggs, SSBU Easter Eggs, World of Light Easter Eggs, Smash Ultimate References, Easter Eggs in Smash Ultimate, switch, smash bros, super smash bros ultimate, super smash bros, Smash Bros., Smash Bros Easter Eggs, Super Smash Bros Easter Eggs, Smash Ultimate Fighter Pass, Byleth Easter Eggs, Banjo-Kazooie Easter Eggs, Hero Easter Eggs, Smash Fighter Pass, Smash DLC Fighters, Smash DLC
Id: sbtR-_JOMfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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