Easter Eggs & References in Link's Awakening (Switch) - DPadGamer

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Link's Awakening is a really pleasant game like in general so for this video I thought we would take a short but chill sightseeing tour through Copeland Island as we look at just about every reference and easter egg in Link's Awakening if you're familiar with this game it's quite likely you're already aware of all this but maybe you'll learn something new along the way like for example if you smack a cuckoo a bunch it will summon a cuckoo swarm I'm just kidding that's nothing new it's actually a really long running trope that cuckoos will swarm Link and Zelda games when attacked but this time around it's a bit odd you see due to the odd blend of top-down with the 3d world the cuckoos will just go flying straight up and get stuck on seemingly nothing it's pretty weird now maybe actually something you don't know because the game doesn't do a really good job of telling you but you could actually fireball marrows by pressing the buttons for both the bomb and the arrows at the same time neat and also magic powder is a thing normally it's used to clear away grass and kill off certain enemies and this thing will go but it also has some very nice uses one of those includes the blobby green boys called fuzz blobs when doused in our magical pockets and they turn into bug-eyed Kookmin in the original version of Link's Awakening they're referenced the n64 talking about how he can display millions of polygons this time around the Kookmin instead references the three magical songs that you can learn across : - island referring to the ocarina songs the powder can also be used on this skeleton in yarn a desert he'll bask in the refreshing dust before giving link a hint on where to bomb for a secret treasure unfortunately bombing him gives us nothing but disappointment and the last release of the magic powder involves this grave toss on the powder and you'll hear that said I like to change gears a bit now if you ever played this game for any length of time you've probably noticed that a large amount of creatures and characters are actually from Morrow gangs like a lot of them it seems to add to the dreamlike nature at this game they added a bunch of stuff from ulta nintendo games and also phones I think all these references are pretty neat so I'm gonna list them off in no particular order starting with ton father's tomaron and lover of red spotted mushrooms there's also the cuckoo keeper the two of these are quite reminiscent of Mario and Luigi respectively also during the trading sequence the letter you delivered to mr. right contains a picture of Princess Peach herself and while we're at it mr. rate is based on dr. rate an advisor in Sim City on the NES dr. right is another character that has multiple guest appearances throughout very seldom Eames there's also Bow Wow chow chow and chow chow three chain chomps from the Mario series that everyone here just treats like normal dogs also the item one from the trendy crane game which starts the game's trading sequence is none other than the Yoshi doll it's description even mentions how many games it's been in then there's a bunch of maro enemies like goombas these can be squished just like their Mushroom Kingdom brethren and will always give a heart as a reward and in just a single room and the bottle grotto are a couple of boo the famous ghosties however unlike their Mushroom Kingdom counterparts these are very confident and will actually attack link even when being looked at they also can sorta teleport when struck and attack through shield those are pretty strong there's also mask mimics which are also found in the Baloch righto and they're literally just shy guys and then the cactus looking cacti over near a desert or pokies there's ba mites which are roughly based on bombs but are way more bouncy than bombs there's the spike than hardhat beetles which bear a striking resemblance to Mario's buzzy beetles and then a bunch of enemies that you really only see during 2d sections like Piranha Plants flips and thwomps I probably mix those up and also the innocent-looking squiddy bloopers and cheep cheeps [Music] all that said there's also the anti Kirby which of course is the reference to Kirby as well as those sea urchins down by the beach which closely resembles spiky gordas and then there's the Frog Euler in the resurrection song from mom ooh but he's actually based on the Vilnius frog of the same name from doki doki panick which during its localization outside of Japan and Super Mario Bros 2 was renamed to wort hopefully I didn't botch any of that information I probably did if I did let me know now over in Richards villa there's a few things worth noting firstly richard is actually a reference to Prince Richard of custard kingdom from the Gameboy game the Frog For Whom the Bell Tolls that sort of explains all the frogs if you've never heard of it it's because that game was only ever released in Japan and also the theme that plays inside of his house is the same tune as that game's overworld theme speaking of if you left that music play for about two and a half minutes you're rewarded with this those 19 notes are video game composer Kazumi totalk his signature theme which he has snuck into numerous games that he's worked on over the years however that's not the only place they could hear his theme when starting a new game you can name link whatever you want this time around there are three names that can give you some special music first tota ke ke gives you to talk as theme once more a bit longer the name Martin gives you this rendition of The Ballad of the wind fish and finally to finish off this quick little video the name Zelda gives you this funky rendition of the classic Zelda theme thank you very much for watching I know this was a very short video but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless if you want more of coherent Island why not check out my video on glitches in Link's Awakening and before I sign off I want to give big thanks to my channel members with special thanks to Christy countries for being a super fan that's about it for this one I'll see you in the next video
Channel: DPadGamer
Views: 96,612
Rating: 4.9447985 out of 5
Id: uMm8X1F9Er0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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