Softlocks, Crashes & More - Glitches in Super Mario Maker 2 - DPadGamer

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well Super Mario maker 2 has been out for a couple weeks and as expected a bunch of new editor and colleges have been found and also I promise to make this video so here we are there are a bunch of crazy glitches to look at so before Nintendo pulls out its band-aids and starts patching them all out here's a bunch of glitches in Super Mario maker 2 as of the release date of this video right out the gate here's something weird and pointless requiring a couple simple things firstly this can only be done in the Super Mario 3d World theme while playing as the cat form of Luigi if you crouch walking into a slide attack that has Luigi bonk well in a 1 high space this happens as far as I can tell this set of causes of Luigi's visual model to float up into the air or even down into the ground while he's still technically laying there crouched so he'll go back to normal when you move out of this set up or stop crawling so it's just a visual glitch but it's still pretty neat now I do want to go back and forth between useless and useful glitches so here's some potentially interesting mechanics firstly if you have a semi-solid platform like so with the seesaw edge poking up from the bottom you can actually clip through by ground-pounding which I don't think is intended still if left in the game it could be a neat mechanic for puzzle levels like for example this example I made that requires you to use the glitch to get up to some red coins so that you can continue sure it's not that groundbreaking but I'm sure there's some creative people out there that can make use of that glitch along those same lines there's another clipping method though this specifically works in the 3d World theme unlike on the other themes falling done' blocks and this theme actually collide with mario which to some extent push him around if you stand right next to a steep slope as a donut block pushes you down the game incorrectly clips you down through the nearby Sun we saw a platformer this can work when the slope is to your right or to your left I imagine any block that pushes Mario down would have the same effect when paired with this platform slope setup because as you'll see later on slopes in this game are a bit weird this next one doesn't have as many applications but there's an eclipse involving the big mushroom which is exclusive for the Super Mario Bros theme so while on big mode you'll want to hop into an available dry bone shell big dry Mario can't jump up into one wide openings and two wide openings don't do anything special however if you have them take a door which drops them off inside of a one white hole that is against the right edge of the screen he'll just sort of hop up whenever you hold right only analog stick I don't think it's supposed to happen but again that's another glitch for you and another glitch that shouldn't work but does is the fabled x equals nine glitch due to weird quirk in the programming whenever you jump into a dotted line block and hit the on/off switch here you'll clip through this only works when the setup is located exactly nine blocks from the left side of the screen hence X equals nine it does also work on x equals 129 because sure why not this will work in the main four themes that you have to duck while jumping into Super Mario World and New Super Mario Bros u themes there's also a glitch involving Springs that allows you to create one-way spring gates but rather than trying to show it myself let's look at this fantastic demonstration level made by all underscores and using buzzy beetle shells and springs these setups rapidly bounce and nearby on/off switch or no block as it happens when you try to move against the springs while the block underneath you quickly bounces the spring will actually let you slip right through then bounce you away whenever you try to go back hence the one-way part of the name just to see if it work I created that last setup using no block but I added a second spring to create a fork in the road Mario can definitely get through either spring but it's much less consistent and you can't exactly pick which direction you want all that easily still it's a very neat glitch next here's something annoying that you can add into your levels just to inconvenience a player I don't think it's even a glitch but I'm including it anyways so usually from gold touched a black screen it's about like five seconds if you place a cloud directly over the gold pole as Mario completes a level he'll be grabbed which actually prevents the level from ending at least for a bit after about like 20 seconds of hanging there awkwardly the claws will let go and who actually fall down in X to the level having been slightly inconvenienced if you add a setting call off to the first the level will actually end in the same amount of time but she'll never reach the goal which makes it sort of weirdly fade to black cool now most of these glitches can be pretty fun to mess around with these next few well maybe not so much while creating a level with coins in if you're placing pipes normally and then placing the coins into them eventually you'll hit the game's limit if you wanted a bunch of coins a level for whatever reason you might instead copy the coin pipes and paste those which actually lets you freely overload the game's limits on this specific item when you try to save you'll get a message that says the level data is actually crypt so yeah maybe don't try to do that anyways a glitch that was circulating just before Super Mario maker two's release was a way to crash the game using a fire flower Yoshi and holdable object this is actually returning glitched from the first game and as the informational Twitter page at Mario Bross blog explains if the player character is facing the screen and holding an item while laning on Yoshi and a fire flower simultaneously the game will crash on the next frame as we can see in the clip by captain MK on twitch which is where the screenshots were sourced from you're then forced to exit and forcibly restart the game the timing on this glitch can be pretty dang tight so while I doubt it'll actually pop up that often on accident there you go somewhat related there is a hundred percent reliable softlock that could actually be encountered using a simple setup that takes less than 30 seconds to actually set up just place a warp box like so with the exit to the right of the solid block and a workable pipe underneath when he goes through his cat mario hold down on the analog stick or d-pad and Maru should immediately go through the pipe but never come out for some reason the game just loses him the game's still technically running and as you can see the timer's counting down but you can't actually do anything so this is a softlock rather than a crash or a freeze if you let it countdown with a timer hit zero nothing happens so once softlocked you'll be forced to reset the game in the systems menu there's another 3d world glitch but it's pretty minor so here you go the magic koopa enemies attacks will transform certain blocks into an enemy or item at random we know that what you might not know is that this doesn't work on active spiky blocks but when deactivated the magic will actually hits a block spawn an enemy but block remains it's hard to tell at first glance but the spiky blocks collision is gone so it could be moved through when active or inactive you know I don't think that's supposed to work that way but I don't know enough about magic to know for sure I do however know that items on tracks with a switch and a curve and stuff is not working as intended if you want at home you can replicate this setup pretty easily when you hit the switch and all of the eye to follow the bottom path instead of latching on to the curve or falling it'll seemingly disappear it's happening so fast it's hard to tell but the item is actually being transported to the very bottom of the screen before falling as you can see here it does travel across the space in between and it'll instantly kill you if you're standing in the wrong place or any enemies which happened beyond the lower spaces if you're standing in the way and the glitchy projectiles destination is on screen you'll actually pushed as far left as possible which can actually let you pass through dotted line blocks I'm sure there's a lot more that could be done with this glitch but for now I'll just toss in here that if you put a track at the bottom left of the screen after sort of transporting itself over there the item will attach itself to that track but it'll be lower on the track than it should which means it'll just sort of float under the lava but it is still stand on it next here's something with uh swamp if you set it to move sideways when it hits a note block it'll hop slightly before returning to its original position at least horizontally if you place a shell just before the note block when it bounces it'll go really far which could be used as a very weird diagonal elevator I know but keep Demick back and forth but over in the 3d world theme a sideways swamp can be used to give you a huge burst of speed with roughly this setup if you run and jump onto the flop and run off you'll get flung sideways a very similar glitch can be done and various other themes using the setup you see here the key is to have the steep slope overlapped with the bottoms of the turrets which forces them into a space that's technically not big enough for them as such the left hurry gets squished into the space of the Wrights then gradually moves back to the left before oscillating back and forth in time with the no block if you press left to move into the gap that the turret leaves behind and then immediately hold right she'll actually be flung to the right assuming you had the timing correct and similar to the turret if you place it Bowser next to a slope and then another slope of the roof he'll get displaced really fast this actually slided them up towards the top this works going left or right though I wasn't actually able to get it to work with the big Bowser and as for the 3d World theme it might be possible but I had no luck with exercise meowser similar glitch which is also making return from the first game is a sticky fly which can be demonstrated in this nice level made by flips undersquare bad which upon writing the script actually be up anymore but either way to initiate it you simply need to run to the right and as soon as you bounce off the note block let go of the analog stick and press and hold jump it could be done without that initial setup but it leads tomorrow sticking to the ceiling for as long as you hold jump it's neat obnoxious to listen to you and it's likely gonna get patched again I mean apparently they can get rid of it the first game but it decided to stick around with is equal bumpers can also be used in tandem with the Cape for something a bit more vertical first off here is about how high you can get by running and taking flight with the Cape not bad if you do this but as you're landing on the bumper press twirl it can send you flying really high the timing is very tight so it could be hard to pull off consistently as such I wouldn't be surprised if this is the mainstay mechanic and try the levels going forward so far we've seen all kinds of people and things take flight so now it's the chain chomps turned sorta we have a Chain Chomp and a one high opening one space to the left one space to the right with no block to the right of that they always spawn facing left and as such have a consistent path that they take bounces included for whatever reason as they bounce off the note block they'll go gliding off into the distance this works in all four main themes and well it's likely possible to do this so that they glide to the left I never found a way still while gliding they behave a bit oddly though glide at a steady pace and they can be moved up and down using slopes if they hit a wall they lose all sideways momentum and fall to the ground and then stayed in place at any point if they're grabbed by a claw while gliding they'll immediately be let go with sideways momentum once again using that little nugget of information I built thing which launches a number of them out because why not a similar glitch can be done with the large mantras like so however they'll only slide across the ground rather than actually glide next we're gonna get into some very weird stuff first let me introduce you to a hidden block door and vine say hi anyways if you hit a hit and block that has a fine in it and immediately go through a door when you come back the block will have its collision despite being invisible you could also hit it again which is nice if you put an enemy in it instead of a vine and do it again the hidden block will become a visible hidden block so like a block I guess either way this glitch is important to understand because it ties into a much weirder glitch do the first setup with the vine but have the hidden block be layered over a mushroom platform it'll still have the collision wand visible but if you now ground pound the mushroom platform a clean block will be created above the left edge of the mushroom platform if the original block is still very much there and until it's hit that initial platform won't actually have any collision also any non hidden blocks located on the left edge of the platform will be turned invisible while the location of the glitched clean block will have their visuals overwritten taking it a step further after activating this glitch with a hidden block and going through the door any other platforms with a hidden vine block in them are also grandpa noble capable of spawning their own coin blocks it's almost as if this glitch makes the platform sort of quantumly linked if you do this but place a note block on the mushroom platform and then grande pound it'll be turn invisible which is expected when hit the no block becomes visible once more but then if you bounce on it the block teleports the original location is seemingly empty while the note block that we can see has no collision I honestly don't know what's going on here but I feel like this is a glitchy rabbit hole that can be more explored by those you out there that are much better Mario maker hers and me that said since you are still watching I like to reward you with a nice little ocean glitch when stuck between a one-way gate and a no block as lava rises the Yoshi's will become engulfed and nice Burnie molten rock the warp up into the year good to see that everyone's getting a chance to fly today they only go up so far before falling back down this is just a visual glitch akin to the Luigi one but I think it's great all the same oddly enough that reminds me of the Yoshi running in place cliffs that we saw back in Super Mario Galaxy 2 that's a it's a good time now since we're running out of time on this video I'm feeling nostalgic all of a sudden so let's finish off a glitch that lets you stop time I will pause for a moment so that you may post your blicket or Jojo comment as is expected at this point now the setup for this glitch is actually pretty similar to the one from supermarket Odyssey as it happens just like in that game you need to collect a powerup and as that's happening get hit a consistent way to do this is to create this simple room and just hold up as soon as you go through the door you'll get the power up on the other side awaits a little spiky boy which damages Mario and stop time or at least timer enemies and you can actually move him around he could still be moved by a conveyor belt and activate location-based sound effects which is nice whenever he inevitably is dropped into a pit he won't die but I assumed fall forever this works in all of the themes including 3d world but unfortunately the goal flag cannot be hit otherwise this would be perhaps the best way to create the world's worst auto level with that I think we're about done here if there's any glitches that you encountered that I didn't include be sure to share those down in the comments down below and also be sure to leave a like if you liked the video and subscribe if you want more videos from me because speaking of in the last week we actually passed 150 K subscribers which is just awesome so thank you for subscribing thank you for watching and i'll see in the next video bye [Music]
Channel: DPadGamer
Views: 249,884
Rating: 4.8919129 out of 5
Keywords: Glitches in Super Mario Maker 2, Super Mario Maker 2 Glitches, SMM2 Glitches, Glitches in SMM2, Super Mario Maker Glitches, Glitches in Super Mario Maker, super mario maker, super mario maker 2, super mario maker switch, super mario maker 2 glitches
Id: oM9n180osbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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