Daisy's Third Eye - Easter Eggs in Super Smash Bros. Melee - DPadGamer

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hey there I'm d-pad gamer and I'm bad at fighting games here's some stuff you might have missed in the super smash bros melee as we all know Luigi often gets a shortened and distinct melee is yet another example of that every other character gets their own introduction the lesser brother is nowhere to be found I will say that there is this eye ripe for sheiks part which could belong to Luigi however it's more likely Ryu shot of Myra from here oh well if you played a lot of fox or falco then you've probably spammed your taunt a bunch well if you do it in either venom or Canaria it'll actually do something repeatedly tapped right and left to the d-pad and they'll make this pose and eventually this will happen that's what worries me the most isn't that neat there are 10 variations in Fox and Falco each get five I really don't want to waste your time playing them all so here's all of them at the same time perfect let's take a look at some neat trophy stuff starting with something weird so here's Daisy if the camera is positioned just right we can look under her hair oh look her third eye I don't know why this is a real thing unfortunately it was removed a North American players choice version of the game if you look at the three Ganondorf trophies you'll see that he looks pretty ganodi if you change lighting events you'll see this so scary when you take a look at this Metroid everything seems normal look real close to reflection however it's part of the lab from Super Metroid here's a text ripped from the game files as well as the original app next the text used for metal Mario's reflection has something recognizable you can probably tell what it is by looking at his nose if not here's the ripped texture it's Yoshi's Island there's two other neat textures used for reflections on our unit OTCBB on a bag the texture for the metal is a cat's face and for fire Kirby's trophy is metal crowned thing uses this texture it looks sort of like a creepy pig face not quite sure but I just saw a chair at the bottom of the barrel cannon trophy you'll find this message too late for me I don't know why but I think it's a cool detail which I think that really sums up most of these videos we've looked at some trophies now for the collection room itself in an odd bit of localization differences certain objects in the room change depending on the game's language setting here's how it looks in the English version and now the Japanese version going from English to Japanese a Virtual Boy is added here the NES changes to a Famicom and the nest changes to a Super Famicom all the cartridges and other text shown has been changed to their Jacqueline's equivalent except the TV there is another language difference this time from YouTube in English during his victory pose as he just laughs however in Japanese one of his poses is a full sentence here's something neat Jigglypuff is the only character who changes their name and voice actor depending on the language setting for reference this is the original English Jigglypuff and it's a sort of town effects next is a Japanese puff in French as well as German there's a new announcer for the equivalent Jigglypuff here's French and finally German I have one more jiggle poof Easter Egg for you let's start up event number 39 Jigglypuff lives during the fight keep an eye on the screen in the back when it focuses on you use your sing attack all three of the other jiggles will fall asleep regardless of distance so also stay down a bit longer than normal this is unique to the event match because unfortunately it doesn't work in normal matches or maybe that's a good thing because that'd be a bit ridiculous this is a bit of a neat trick rather than a hit in detail so I'll keep it short when you pick Zelda for a match hold the a bun as the battle starts there'll be a familiar sound effect and you'll start a sheik here's one more trick that you can use to celebrate your victories properly either hold B X or Y when the match ends you'll select the winning pose one per button rather than letting it be random while playing on the onit stage no doubt you've been hit by you this out-of-control black van if you pause while standing near the right edge you can rotate the camera to see this it's the onit message board caution a black van driven by this guy has been spotted driving recklessly through town be careful there's another neat sign to be found over in Mushroom Kingdom pause and angle to either left or right there's a danger sign it's quite fitting for his location now for this last bit of stuff I think requires a bit of explanation I have to draw up some things that usually can't see by breaking the camera I wouldn't necessarily consider the following Easter eggs but I think it's pretty neat and I wanted to share if you also think it's pretty neat let me know here we go let's start with the level big blue I'll zoom us way out and we could see how the anla-shok actually works a player is the main screen and the background all stay rigid well everything else moves underneath that includes on the big loop where the entire world is rotating around it's actually sort of disorienting now let's jump over to the stage f-zero Grand Prix which you can play through an adventure mode this is how a lot of levels are set up in melee everything is rendered at the same time I was surprised to see that the racers follow the track quite nicely I tried following them around with the camera but unfortunately it didn't work too well whenever you're on the character select screen there's a sweet effect going on in the background well here's what it looks like from a different angle it's the word select a bunch of times moving all over next is the stage like screen first off here is the background texture which you can see is subtly rippling like a wave I think the best detail here has to be the small map previews that are easily overlooked each of them are pretty accurate low-poly recreation of its corresponding level great attention to detail okay so here's the last menu all show the main menu looking at it normally it's pretty trippy here's what it actually looks like that's crazy the main bid seemed to be inside the seer inside of the crazy tunnel I wish I could describe it more eloquently but I don't know it's just really cool this is the underground maze made easy just assuming that I had to include it just so dumb all right this is the last thing I want to show off let's revisit level Pokemon Stadium at first everything seems pretty standard we could browser Sonic City but that's sort of boring what actually caught my attention was the giant screen in the back throughout the match it'll show the fight regressor where the cameras position after I realize that things got weird in the best way possible hey there thank you very much for watching the whole thing I know this video is a bit different from my other Easter Egg stuff but I hope that's for the better let me know what you thought and be sure to drink your Ovaltine I don't know either way thanks again have a great day
Channel: DPadGamer
Views: 356,450
Rating: 4.8863401 out of 5
Keywords: Easter Eggs in Super Smash Bros. Melee, Easter Eggs in SSBM, SSBM Easter Eggs, Super Smash Bros. Melee Easter Eggs, Melee Easter Eggs, Smash Melee Easter Eggs, Smash Bros Melee Easter Eggs, Super Smash Bros. Melee, DPadGamer, SSBM, Fox Secret Taunt, Fox Taunt Easter Egg, Falco Secret Taunt, Melee Easter Egg, Smash Bros Easter Eggs, Smash Bros Melee, Easter Eggs in Smash Bros Melee, Easter Eggs in Smash Melee, Super Smash Bros. Melee's 15th Anniversary, Easter Eggs With DPadGamer
Id: ov2_jUz4z7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2016
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