Diving Deeper into Camtasia - Make Videos That Wow with Effects, Behaviors, and Assets

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hello everyone and welcome to today's webinar where we're gonna take a deeper dive into Camtasia and look at how you can make videos that Wow with effects behaviors and annotations in today's webinar we're going to take 45 minutes and we're going to build off the getting started webinars and we're going to look at ways that you can take your video to the next level today's webinar is a little bit different and that we are going to expose various features of Camtasia that will likely get into how video editing is more of an art than a science so we hope by exposing these things to you and these features that will inspire you to create your own your own video workflows that work best for you with ours is just a basis I'm in today's webinar we will be working on Camtasia 2020 and we'll be using a PC if you have an older version or you work on a Mac that's perfectly fine a lot of what we cover will still apply to you and we'll be sure to cover any major differences so following that 45 minutes we will have a Q&A session so before we get into the presentation and the Q&A we're going get some housekeeping on the way so with that out of the way let me introduce you to the person who's going to take you through Camtasia today and that is Jason gawad Jason hello hey Ryan it's funny you called out those very specific things that are happening in my neighborhood right now as I work for my home office but I'm really grateful that people are joining us today for this deeper diving into Camtasia session yeah and Jason I am realizing I didn't introduce myself I am Ryan bored I'm the brand experience coordinator here at TechSmith so that means I handled these webinars and other events that TechSmith runs so jason is an instructional designer here TechSmith and he's a trainer so he works everyday with our customers and with our product I'm teaching people like you how to use the software so he's the perfect person to teach you digitally as well so Jason with that said I think you were gonna get us started with some poll question so largely what we're gonna do today is we're talking about making videos that wow we're gonna walk through some effects behaviors assets and different possible workflows in Camtasia like Ryan said I'm gonna show you a lot of things today the goal for you could be that you take away one or two things that are really salad that help you move to the next level in your video creation process and then try not to do everything all at once because it's a lot of power so with a lot of power comes a lot of responsibility therefore use the things that work well for you and the way I'm gonna show you how to do things might be different than even how you would do them or Ryan dozen or any member of our team great so we're gonna start with a we'll go into the new project here we're gonna open up the editor in Camtasia and I want to start talking about what makes a video engaging now we're gonna do this a little cooking show style so I actually have recording that I already did earlier and I'm gonna put it here on my on my tracks right here on the canvas and we're gonna ungroup this we have it all ready to go this is a pretty basic screen recording that also includes my webcam I just kind of left it as vanilla as I possibly could so plain-jane this is a screen recording where I'm walking through how to add someone to a generic progress tracking board something like oh like an asana or something like that so the goal of the video was to make sure that people were able to learn how to do the process and get done with the video what they needed to get done what the purpose of that video is is that simple instruction therefore if I play this video back which pretty simple hi everyone let's take a look at what it takes to add a new member to a progress tracking board here we have our generic progress tracking board I'm not even gonna go through the whole video it is me literally walking through how to add someone to the board it answers the question which is how do you do that and it's an effective video but it may not be all that engaging so let's talk of a few different ways that we could make this video more pleasurable to watch because let's let's face it as the content creator if you make a video that's interesting to you there's a good chance that people that are watching it will also find it interesting and therefore they'll come back to that content to learn more or rely on you in the future for exists videos whether its clients customers or my case co-workers that want to learn more in the style that I teach them so let's start with some built-in basic effects inside of Camtasia first and foremost we're going to start with call-outs and the call-outs are found over on the left hand side in the tool bin underneath annotations and there are series of different types of call-outs that are built in here to Camtasia we've got shape call-outs that have text inside them we have arrows with text we have text itself we have things as simple as lines and arrows that you can add to your video as well basic shapes we have what I call a little bit more deeper a blurring and highlighting it's spotlighting tools we have sketch motion call-outs and then as needed we also have the ability to add keystroke call-outs under the screen to show the capture of a keystroke if that's part of your process so we could start with something very simple like let's add a arrow call-out to the screen so at a certain point in the video I talked about clicking a plus button at the top of the screen to add a new person in order to do this we're going to click on the plus button at the top of the screen okay add a plus button to the top of the screen so I'm actually talking about it right up here far away at the top of the screen so I'm gonna click and drag this call-out on to the screen I'm going to just reposition it so it's facing the direction I want it to and then it's comically oversized for what I'm doing right now so I'm just gonna size that arrow down and for me I don't need any text in this one so I'm simply going to double click on the text and hit delete and then it's a matter of placing the arrow where I want it on the screen now when you add a call-out to a project in Camtasia it comes on as its own piece of media down here on the timeline and it can be placed like I said wherever you want it to be it can be sized as we just did on the screen and it also can be adjusted based on the duration or how long you want it on the screen so right away when I play this video back that arrow call-out is just going to pop up on our screen in order to do this we're going to click on the plus button at the top of the screen which will bring up this manage members optionmenu okay real simple addition to a video having a call just pop up on the screen and point out what I'm trying a drunk to draw attention to easy enough to do right now for those of you who are experienced Camtasia users or someone who still knew there's a few things you can do with the call-out itself once it's selected down here and highlighted on your timeline you can come over to the properties panel and make some subtle adjustments you could do everything from changing the size of it right in here based on its high the scale slider you could change its opacity if you wanted it to be a little bit transparent you can do that you can adjust its positioning in a very specific way with your x y and z coordinates you can change the text component whether it's the font color the size the justification you can even make subtle changes to the call-out shape itself by clicking on this last tab and I can choose maybe I chose an arrow but what I really wanted was instead of this rounded arrow on to go with a little bit more of a tapered look arrow I can do that as well I have control over the color of the arrow itself I have control over the outline which is currently white maybe I want to make it something like I don't know that's nice green and not only not only do I want a green but I want it obvious so I can adjust the thickness right there so I could make a nice obvious arrow for myself I have control over these components of the call to make it a little bit more engaging maybe I have a color way or a color branding that I'm gonna use for my company I could match those colors here with the hex codes or RGB codes or if I have a theme built into Camtasia we actually talked about themes in a series of other webinars but we can also share that information with you I could actually use the drop down menu here with I have themes installed and go do well in this case let's go to my text methine and it matches us with this yellow color that's part of our branding and a green color from the the Camtasia series of color greens now this arrow on the screen like we said if I enjoy this arrow and it's exactly the way I want in terms of size color shape I can actually make the next video I want to make quicker and easier by saving this particular call-out as a as a custom call-out for myself and this is actually something new with Camtasia 2020 and to do it all I need to do is make the adjustments like we made over here in the properties panel and click on the plus button in the upper right hand corner and when I do that it adds it to a group of call-outs called user styled call us so if I'm in my annotations tool over here on the left one of the style options underneath it through the drop down menu is user and I now have this arrow that I can use multiple times across multiple projects as I see fit so it's really really a powerful way to maintain some consistency and use a tool set like this annotation this arrow that's good for me a way to up this just a little bit is you can actually bring this behave this call-out to life a couple different ways a very simple way in a way I do it quite often is I actually can apply a transition to this piece of media and that would be just coming over to the transition tool set over here on the left hand side of the editor and choosing a transition classically I used the fade in fade out and to do that I would just grab the fade tool click and drag it on to the arrow if I drag it in the middle I'll see that a fade in and a fade out as applied and when I let go now instead of that arrow just popping up on the screen it will gently fade in so let's play that back for just a second when I click on the plus button at the top of the screen which will bring up this manage members option menu I think that just looks really clean it's a real easy way to add a light amount of polish with very little effort it's wonderful I love it so you can add transitions to your call-outs as well so that they have a little bit more polish to them and give it a little bit more I'm gonna use the word rewatch ability even though that's probably not a word another way to up the game of these is you can actually add behaviors to your call-outs I'm gonna show you that now let's let's move a little bit further down the video where I talk about clicking the next plus button which is this one down here so let's let's play that back a new member so we're gonna click on the plus button at the bottom of our list so right around here we talked about clicking on this plus button at the bottom of my list and then a new menu shows up so right in this area I can add another call-out well hey we just made that arrow that we like let's let's just reuse it so I'm gonna bring that arrow in and I'm gonna point right to that plus button as I want as I see fit and I'm gonna add a behavior now if you're not familiar with behaviors they're over here on the left as well and behaviors were added oh my gosh someone correct me in the chat I think we added behaviors in Camtasia 2018 probably wrong on that but someone someone will correct me behaviors are a combination of animations and transitions and movement that are built into a one click or one click and drag action they work with any still piece of media they are optimized for text so more often than not you'll see people put behaviors on text to get text some movement well you can actually add them right to a still piece of media so in this case instead of just having our arrow pop up on the screen and to change it up just a little bit from the fade that we had before we're gonna add a behavior to this call-out and I'm gonna add my favorite behavior my favorite behavior is this one the pop up behavior so I'm going to click on it drag it right on to that call-out and when it turns green I know it's applied and I can let go and now when that arrow pops up on my screen it will use that behavior so let's play that back here for a second image members option menu we're gonna create a new member so so it might not come through on the webinar really well but it starts in the bottom and it pops up into place and then while it's on the screen it actually Wiig Wiggles back and forth then at the end it peels off and folds back down it's fun I like it it's not exactly the way I want it and actually one of the things are really really enjoying about Camtasia 20/20 is I can customize the behavior to exactly the way I want you can actually always do that with behaviors when show you what that looks like with the call-out selected that I've got the behavior attached to over in the properties panel there is a behaviors tab that shows up and the behavior is built in built into your project with three actions there's an inaction how it comes onto the screen a during action what happens while it's on the screen and an out action how it leaves so the inaction for this one is a hinge style spring that comes in from the bottom so it comes up from the bottom of the screen not my favorite I like old-school Realty science like if you're gonna sell your house or you see a house for sale you know sometimes in the front yards they have those Realty signs that kind of swing from the top they kind of hang off a pole so you can see the sign and call the agent if you're interested I'm gonna make one of those so instead of the bottom direction I'm gonna have it swing in from the top so now when I play that video back the arrow is gonna pop in but it's gonna come in from the top instead of from the bottom I just kind of like the way that looks the during behavior right now is set to do that same pop-up and it kind of flexes back and forth I'm not a fan of that I actually just wanted to stay still because I want it pointing at the area that I want attention given so I'm gonna click the top up and I'm gonna change it to none so the during action it's gonna drop in at the beginning it's gonna sit there and do nothing and then in the out stage I'm instead of it having go through the bottom like it was originally designed to do I'm gonna have it go off the top so it comes in like a hanging sign stays there and when it's done it's gonna pop back up and I can adjust how long it's on the screen you know based on the duration down here in the on the timeline now just like the call-out we did before I don't want to have to do this behavior adjustment every single time and with 20 20 I don't have to I can also click that plus button up here at the top right and add this one and I'm gonna get a chance to name it so I'm gonna call it Realty pop-up because I know what that means for myself it's that realty sign style when I hit OK it adds it here to my behaviors so I don't have to reinvent the wheel I can drag that on to any other piece of media that I want in the future oh by the way if you're really creative or want to be kind of creative really want to add pizzazz you can actually stack behaviors on a piece of media in fact I think we're limited to three so I already have the pop-up one I could do this let's do the fly end behavior we'll drag that onto the same piece of media and we'll do the weather the scale one as well so I now have three behaviors the pop up that I already adjusted this new fly in one and the scale one so now if I bring my playhead back it's gonna scale in slide in hang in bounce move around do all kinds of crazy stuff and fly out may be a little intense but I want to show you at least that it was a possibility that you could add more than one behavior and for me I'm going to just click these off and remove those two extra ones because I kind of want to stay with the one that I've got married so this is a couple of great ways to add just a little bit of wow factor using call-outs with some of the built-in animations here on the screen but there's one big part of this video that already bugs me and I'm the one who recorded it and that is this website that I'm using this mock-up website that we use is kind of small I even scaled it up when I record it but it's kind of small and it's hard to pay attention to and there's a lot of this open white area on the sides and this grey area on the bottom when all the action is happening here in the center part of the screen well I can change that by using an animation effect called zooming I zoom right in on my screen and it's actually very simple to do let's go ahead and play my video back and see where my intro ends where I'm done kind of talking about what we're going to do hi everyone let's take a look at what it takes to add a new member to a progress tracking board so right about now I talked about the progress tracking board now I think it would be a great idea to zoom in on the screen to give it a little bit more detail they already have the contacts they see it's a website that's okay but let's let's add a su Ming in effect so that we can see clearly what's happening on the screen to do that I'm going to select my screen recording which on this case happens to be on track number one and we're gonna go to the animations tab now here in Windows there is a zoom and pan tab that exists if you're on a Mac it's underneath animations and you would use a custom animation but for this example we're going to use the actual zoom and pan here on the window side to add the animation you click like I said on the screen recording there'll be a representation of what's happening on the screen here and I simply drag these handles to show where I want the focus brought to in this case I'm just going to zoom in to the center part of the screen and I'm gonna remove the zoom from my webcam because I still want to stay there in the side we could of course animate the webcam and maybe we'll do that a little later but now I've added this real subtle zoom to draw attention to the center part of the screen is to add a new member to a progress tracking board here we have our generic progress now just like any other animation inside of Camtasia I have a lot of control over how that zoom works not only can I set up the position of it by dragging the handles around or in this case even moving it around to different parts of the screen in fact if I do any kind of left to right movement that's actually not called a zoom that's called a pan as if you were focusing the camera but down here on the timeline I can adjust how fast or slow the animation happens by lengthening or shortening the arrow the animation arrow here on the timeline to show that if I extend it a little bit it'll actually go a little slower a little bit more gradual zoom on board here I think that looks pretty nice and I can play with this as much as I want I always have to remember though with any video project do I need it perfect or do I need it by Tuesday and most of the time I need it by Tuesday I don't want to let perfect get in the way of completion but you can have a lot of fun and like I saw here you can quickly make subtle adjustments in Camtasia to add some polish and pizzazz to your videos the last thing I want to show you in this section of the webinar is there's actually a quite a good listing of cursor effects that you can use in Camtasia the cursor effects are found over here on the left hand side of the screen and you have a couple things you've got your standard highlighting of the cursor I actually customized a blue cursor highlight that I added and I can tell that I added it because the little Avatar sitting down here on the left you have the ability to magnify your cursor to spotlight your cursor and actually new with Camtasia 20:19 we added the ability to do some cursor smoothing which is great for me because I talk with my hands and because I talk with my hand you might even see this during the webinar I talk with my mouse well the cursor smoothing automatically adds a smoothing effect to any of the cursor movements on the screen so the first thing I would actually do with my cursor if it's something that I'm gonna draw attention to on the screen is I'm gonna make sure that my screen recording is selected I'm gonna come over to the properties panel and choose the cursor at the top and maybe scale it up because it's pretty tiny out there on the screen I usually if I'm gonna scale it up it might be in the hundred and fifty two let's say 175 percent range it gives it a little bit bigger it's not comically oversized but it allows for people to be able to see it clearly and then I add cursor smoothing to this as well and to add cursor smoothing all I need to do is click on it over here in the cursor effects click and drag it down onto the piece of media on the timeline and let go and just like that cursor smoothing is all set up to go and it's applied for the balance of my project super easy to do a wonderful piece of polish that I would do to almost every video right alongside doing general transitions of fading in and fading out Ryan I'm actually gonna take a pause here to take a sip of water but I'm gonna see so far what we've covered have there been any questions that have come in or things that people want to know that I can lean on my knowledge or lean on the wonderful knowledge of the TechSmith he's helping us out with today's weather now Jason actually got a couple that I want you to touch on so the first one I mean you can go back to the zooming area you had a question here from Teresa she said okay I'm zoomed in I got it but now I want to pop it back out how it was at the beginning yep is there a way to make it automatically pop back to its original position there most certainly is the easiest way to do that to jump back out to where you started which in my case I scaled it it was fit fit perfectly in my canvas I can see the entire recording in my canvas and that's where it was back here so I can check that by clicking and moving it around the actual screen recording you can see the canvas area this dark area on my screen that shows where the visible area of the canvas is so if my recording fits in there perfectly that's what's called scale to fit it's fit perfectly into that open area when we zoom in you can see that it's only focused on that little section and it no longer is scaled perfectly so to get it back to that scale to fit section there's actually a button I call it the Jason button because thank goodness they put this in just eliminates math for me I click on the scale to fit button as long as I have my screen recording selected and it'll jump right back to that same point where we started now delete the animation from my webcam because I kind of want that to stay still so now the animation zooms in to where I want it to and then it zoom back out whenever I needed to I have it set here just as the example but that's how you would do it you click on the screen recording here in your timeline and then choose scale to fit from the zoom and pan animations area perfect so the next question I have for you Jason is from Nicole Nicole wants to know can you show them how to stack behaviors right right can you save those as its own preset or do you have to save each individual one and apply them individually so the question is we talked about this particular call-out we had stacked behaviors on it so let's let's do that again just show it ups crab - here we'll do the fly in and we'll do the reveal so the question is can I click to save as all three of those behaviors at once applied to one singular behavior I think that's the question yep you cannot do that Nicole you actually would need to individually save whatever changes you made it made to your different behaviors so that is not a possibility however if you're using that same call-out like if we're gonna use this arrow again and we want all those effects that we applied all three of those different behaviors at once we could always right-click on that piece of media with those behaviors attached and choose add to library then that arrow will be added to whatever library inside of Camtasia that we choose with those behaviors attached to it in the library so I could repurpose that again but I could not save the behaviors stack together as one behavior although that is the absolute first time I've ever been asked that and I'm I'd love to learn more about what your potential use case for that would be but thanks for asking that question we appreciate it okay and Jason when you showed cursor effects he really picked a couple people's interests yeah yeah some people asked me to get sho the highlighter and how that works mm-hmm and then we've also got people want to see what cursors smoothing actually looks like I don't know if you have that video ready but if you could show that as well yeah so let's uh let's pull up this video so this video I recorded for a demonstration little while ago are you seeing this on your screen right and I just want to double check yep we see it okay so before I hit play on this video this will just quickly show cursor smoothing them a little the highlight question I previously used a mouse I think was called an MX eagle it's one of those ball mice where it stays in one place and you move it around with your thumb this is an actual recording of me just going through those numbers and clicking them with that mouse I have a big screen so it takes a little while to roll it across and I would click on the numbers and then what I'm gonna show here is that I'm gonna take that actual recording I've copied it so there's two copies in Camtasia I'm gonna click and drag cursor smoothing onto that new version of the recording and I'm just gonna play it back this is cursor smoothing applied to that same recording there's no jitteriness it's nice and clean it's nice and smooth it immediately makes me look way more professional with zero pretty much zero effort on my part it takes out any of those little pause movements or if it's not in a straight line like I'm moving my mouse around and I'm kind of doing in a snake motion it'll remove that sort of activity so it's pretty helpful I in fact it's rare that I ever put a video out without cursor smoothing in place just a great polish in terms of cursor highlighting the way that works is if you go into the cursor effects on the left hand side of the screen and apply the cursor highlight to the recording track the screen recording when I click and drag that down here it literally adds a highlight around my mouse now because it is an effect I do have control over that over here on the in the properties panel everything from the colour of the highlight itself so maybe I don't know maybe I like this green color that we used on our arrow we'll pretend it's part of our branding if I click on the drop down here and use the color picker I could grab that green color there we go and I now have a green cursor highlight I could adjust the size of it I could adjust how soft it is blended on the edges and maybe even its opacity so I want to have it there but I want to still be able to see what's behind it I have complete control over what that looks like and when I have it exactly the way I want if it's color branded or exactly related to the projects I'm working on I can hit the plus button right on the cursor highlight and make my own customized one I'll call it one soft green cursor highlight and when I click OK it adds that specific cursor effect that I just created that customized effect to my cursor effects and by the way we didn't mention this in this particular webinar but one of the other aspects of Camtasia 20/20 is once I've made any of these customized tools or any of the tools inside a Camtasia that I want to use on a regular basis I can actually hover over them and click on the star in the upper right hand corner and when I turn the star from white to yellow it adds this tool to this menu called the favorites menu so when I click on my favorites I have the tools that I favorited right there in one spot so maybe I go back into my annotations and I really like that arrow I created I now have that in my favorites menu as well I can do it with behaviors in fact let's do that we did that realtor pop-up sign here click the star I now have that available in my favorites menu just a way to quickly get to that same consistent look by adding quick polish and not having to redo these every single time you make a video okay Jason and just to kind of keep this same train of thought we do have a couple people asking if you go over to your properties panel on the right there's the at the very top there's that mouse like the arrow yep and then yep and then the tab to the left of that what are those so these tabs are dynamic these change based on what you have selected on your timeline they are part of the properties panel and they allow you to make certain changes so right now the only thing we have selected on our timeline is our screen recording so the tabs available to for the screen recording are everything that can control the recording itself which includes the the scale of the recording so we made that really big and small get that back down to where it was here we can also change its opacity we can change its position and then the tab on the next one is the mouse tab and we actually played with this a little earlier where we change the scale made the mouse a little bigger and since we added effects to the mouse itself those show up here like cursors smoothing and cursor highlight if we choose another piece of media like for an example our call-out our arrow call-out those tabs dynamically change at the top the first tab is always the general sizing opacity and position of whatever you have selected and then the tabs after wit have the effects that are specific to that in this case there's text that can be used in the text call-out so I have control over the text as well as the theming color ability as well as the properties of the call up the shape of it its fill its outlines its thickness and stuff like that if I pick a piece of media that has something else on it like this one has a behavior a new tab is added that allows me to make adjustments to the behavior so this properties panel very powerful part of Camtasia underutilized in my opinion but it gives you that real finite control that you're looking for to make your video the exact way you want it and largely it'll help you tie it to a brand or a theme or a stylized type of video that you can make each and every time yeah and honestly I think if you're going to take your videos to the next level simply understanding that panel in those tabs is going to take you a long way absolutely especially with the font font is a big thing you have a font that you use your with a with your company and it's installed on your computer it should be available through Camtasia so do not look lit and do not look wow do not neglect the properties panel in Camtasia absolutely so Jason that's all the questions we have for this part of the presentation I know we're gonna hop into ways people can add a little polish mm-hmm once you get to that great okay and like we said keep those questions coming we appreciate those so the next thing we do want to talk about is a PI applying another level of polish and this is where you can actually lean on a lot of assets that come as part of Camtasia by default those assets we're gonna talk about our customizable assets and they're found in the Camtasia library so if you select the library tab from the left hand side of your screen and there should be a drop-down menu at the top and when I open up my drop down menu there's a ton of stuff in there because you may not have known but you can make individual libraries for different projects we just released a new product called knowmia yesterday so I've been making tutorials for knowmia for weeks getting ready for that I have a folder that's just based on no Meah content I have stuff that's just based on Camtasia deeper dives like webinars like this but the library I want you to focus on is this one here I have both Camtasia 2019 and Camtasia 2020s library I'm gonna show you 2020s it's very similar if not the same as 2019 there's just some extra assets in the newer version when you open this library you have a series of royalty-free customizable assets that you can use in your projects right away so we have icon packs which are here in this folder anything from different headings like buildings and businesses and education so these are vector form graphics so if I want a graduation cap for the people that are celebrating their graduation and this interesting time we're living in I've got an image that I can use right away I don't have to go search for one on the internet it's available to me right now we also have animated introduction sequences we have animated lower thirds of motion backgrounds royalty-free music tracks all these things come into play as part of your license of Camtasia you can launch them and use them right now I think the part that's most powerful though is a lot of these intros lower thirds and outros are customizable and let me show you what that looks like our video right here starts with just me and the screen recording now I could fade in the screen recording in fact I might just do that real quick cuz it's easy to do I'll go to my transitions I'll grab my fade transition drag it right down here to the middle and I'll fade in my screen recording and I'm gonna use the cube rotate on my webcam because why not it's my video I can make it look exactly the way I want it's kind of fun okay but the video just starts abruptly I think it would be very helpful in an add a little bit of professional polish to give it an introduction so let's do that I'm gonna take my playhead and drag it all the way at the beginning here's a pro tip if you hold down the shift key on your keyboard and click and drag the playhead to the right I can create a gap here at the beginning of my video but keep everything else in sequence and nice and tight aligned to sync a synchronous sync Rissa D Wow in sync I think I need some more coffee right but I now have this large gap at the beginning of my video that I can utilize to lean on some of those assets inside the Camtasia library so let's grab a intro some of my favorite I've grabbed my favorite intro just cuz I always do I love it is this state intro I'm gonna click on it and drag it down into that open space at the beginning so this animated introduction is a series of pieces inside a Camtasia that all work in harmony with each other their shapes there's animation there's text there's movement it's very easy to click and drag that down onto your timeline and all of a sudden add a professional-looking introduction sequence but because it's customizable you can make the changes based on what are called quick property assets long story short we take another visit over to our properties panel over here on the right remember we talked about how powerful that it is we're not kidding there are components to our different parts of each of these intro sequences the lower thirds and the outros that you can change so I can change the title instead of your text here let's change it - which doesn't say add a teammate because that's what we did in our video I hit enter just like that the title changes subtitle we'll call this one new role so just like that I've changed my title and my subtitle if I have a logo or a picture or something I want in place of this I could change that out by clicking the X in locating it on my computer I could change the colors I could change the shapes I can make it look however I want for me I tend to lean on my themes so I know I have other themes in here and I'm going to use this generic acne theme when I click on it it changes the color way it changes the font it even changes the logo for me because I built it into the theme it's it's pretty awesome and all the sudden I now have a customized introduction to my video so when the video plays it has this animated introduction it fades out and then my video comes into play now in previous times it was very difficult to close gaps but I can do that with some easy tricks inside of Camtasia if it's a single track I can use track magnetization but for me I've got multiple tracks going on so to get a that gap closed all I need to do is double click on the media that I originally moved hold that shift key down again on my keyboard and click and drag the playhead back until they match so now when I play this video back which will do it just here for a second we'll see our introduction and I can you know change the duration of this or add music to it or were voiceover anything on the intro and then that fades out and my video fades in as I set it up hi everyone let's take a look at what it takes to add a new member to a progress tracking board ok so by utilizing things that are already built in the Camtasia everything from you know animations and the call-outs cursor effects and some of these assets that are already here I can make a pretty compelling pretty polished Wow looking video with very little effort a lot of people have come to us and said I want to make a cool-looking video well cool is subjective right there may be aspects of this that like wow this is amazing this is exactly what I needed and we have barely scratched the surface of things that you can do in Camtasia as a matter of fact there's something really interesting that you can do that's built in the Camtasia to add even a little bit more dynamic nough Stu the video one is this is a basic screen recording I've made hundreds of thousands of these but wouldn't it be nice to have it look like it was actually on a computer well you can do that pretty easily as well you can use right here in our visual effects tab there's an option called device framing and if I click on a device frame and click and drag that onto my screen recording now it looks like my screen is actually on a computer it's pretty awesome as a matter of fact if you have that selected here on your screen you can change the different frames based on what might be loaded in your computer there's you know maybe I want it sitting on an iPhone it's not really set up for that but I could use that option um I could put it on a MacBook Pro so it looks like it's on a laptop maybe even a generic monitor inside of a warehouse and there's some movement in the background so it looks like it's actually sitting in a warehouse one of the options you will see at the bottom of the device frames is this it says download more and I'm gonna show you this real quick if you click it download more it'll actually take you out to the TechSmith assets for Camtasia this is an asset library online that allows you to download other assets everything from device frames to themes templates and intros and outros there's video the stock footage there are a lot that are free that you can sort through by changing the filters over here but it is also a paid program that you can paint I think the cost is $199 for a year a year and it's Wow I think it's nearly a it's almost a million assets that are available to you so if you start making a lot of videos and you want to change it up for yourself there is the possibility that you can make a different video every time out with using both things that are built into Camtasia as well as assets available through this asset library there is something else I want to show Ryan and then I know we're getting kind of close one big component of Camtasia 2020 was the inclusion of what we call templates I'm going to save this project it's almost fun you did good with this one we'll just call this a hole called sample for right now so templates allow you to you know kind of take an existing style of video and right away make it yours with a little bit of dynamic action there's animations there's stuff called track mats which I know one of the links in that document that Ryan will share in the email gives you a link to a program we called Camtasia insider if you have time and you're looking to take your videos beyond the next level track mats or what are going to do it for you and it's already built into Camtasia 2020 but I'm going to show you a project here by going to file manage templates and I'm going to open up a template that I have here in my template manager when you launch Camtasia 2020 for the first time you'll have this default template here it's easy to make new ones and you can download more but the one I have here is called the circle profile picture and I'm gonna click new from template and it's gonna open up this template for me it's a bike footage still in there so we can get rid of that that's not a problem and what this is gonna allow me to do is it's gonna allow me to make my video even more dynamic if you remember and I have it saved here for just this purpose that we just did or I showed you was that of my screen recording as well as my webcam down here in the corner okay just a pretty standard screen recording people I've seen those kinds of things before you've got your screen recording sitting here but mine now with this template has this little circle in the bottom well the circle is part of that track matting we were talking about let me just show you quickly what it looks like I'm going to scale my screen recording up and I'm gonna take my webcam and I'm gonna drag it down on my timeline into this thing called a placeholder and when I replace it in there I am going to have the option to put myself in this little circular like hole punch and then all I need to do is add a track here at the bottom and put my screen recording behind it now instead of that standard picture and picture style video I can watch the same style of video but I'm gonna be in this matted circular corner spot so if we watch the video back hi everyone let's take a look at what it takes to add a new member to a progress tracking board and then all I need to do is go through and zoom and pan and add animations just the way I did before so I can still go ahead and zoom in and I'll make sure I take the animations off of my video off of my webcam game board here we have our generic progress tracking board know something to be said about not looking at the camera though time by the way it's impossible to pause a recording of you on a webcam and have you not looked kinda silly I've just never been able to do it for myself but by using track mats and some of those pre-built templates you can take your videos that you're making on a regular basis and not only make them consistent from one to the next but you can also explore the different options that are out there including I think we just released five brand-new ones if you're in the higher ed or any style of work that you can make some more dynamic videos based on those that are available Ryan we have covered a bunch like you said we would we talked about everything from what makes a video engaging and the fact that there's movement maybe some color maybe some personalization drawing focused of things by using call-outs are zooming in into an area or changing things to match colors for companies we talked about things like adding transitions we've talked about cursor effects not only the highlighting but the curse cursor smoothing which I live for and love we talked about customizable assets intros we didn't do any outros or lower thirds but those are all built into the library and are all customizable using that properties panel we showed a device ring which couldn't be easier to add instead of just clicking and dragging it on to the recording that you did and we even teased out a little bit about track mats by showing this example of the template we're running short on time but I want to make sure that if there are more questions that have come up throughout this period that we can kind of take a look at them and explore answers to those questions yeah Jason obviously the track mat thing yeah drummed up a couple questions so what I want to do is Jason would you mind pulling up either that handout or that YouTube channel that you were talking about YUM so this is the handout yep yep and on Camtasia insider you'll see that down at the bottom and learn more if you click on that link it'll take you to this YouTube channel and this has got plenty of videos to take you through more than what you need to know about drag mats so you'll be able to create something like Jason hand if you watch a couple of these videos I mean one called how to create a circular video if you watch all of them you'll be able to do some pretty crazy things and you'll really only be limited by your creativity so if that's something you want to dive into I encourage you to download the handout before the webinar ends or it is in the follow-up email so you can download it when you get the follow up the email later today and the thing is Ryan several of the people that created the videos in this playlist are answering your questions today in the background of the webinar so you could not be in better alright Jason so now we'll get into some of the questions that people asked us about some the other topics so the first one I want to bring up is people had some questions this one's from Julia you showed how to add effects if you add an effect or a behavior how do you remove it if you decide you don't like it yeah so let's let's add an effect to our our shape well we'll add it to the screen recording so a little bit we went net in an effect such as the device frame we click and drag that onto our screen recording and we've added in this desktop look right so we're here and then we zoom in closer which I'd probably adjust how it zooms in if I'm making the video and I'm like you know what this is this isn't exactly what I want I think I'm gonna go in a different direction you come right back over here to the properties panel you select the piece of media that's been affected in this case it's the screen recording and then I just need to find the applied effect in this case the device frame and all I need to do is hit the X it removes it no harm no foul and that goes the same for cursor smoothing highlighting color adjustments those kinds of things behaviors I do this often I'll put a behavior or two on a piece of media and see how it looks and if I like it I leave it if I don't I hit that red or that X excuse me and pull it off of the project and move on alright so Jason the next question I have for you people when you added the intro at the beginning of the video yep we had a couple people actually say hey we have in my company we have an intro video that would just pop at the beginning of a recording how would I add an existing intro video to the beginning of my screen recordings so to add any kind of media that you already have existing outside of Camtasia the easiest way to do that is when you're in your media bin here at the top of the screen there's a plus button in the lower left-hand corner if you click that plus button there's two options the ability to import media or to import from Google Drive because we have the connection to Google Drive if you have it stored locally or even on a connected network you know folder or final structure or drive you just select import media it'll take you out to your computer then you can simply go in find out where that content is like maybe you want to go into here and grab this JPEG I now have that image available for me inside of my project with very little effort perfect and Jason actually the follow-up question on the previous question about removing and effects and behaviors mm-hmm Matthews wondering how do you remove it in terms of I want it to only exist for 30 seconds so let's go with the cursor effect of the yellow dot maybe I only want that yellow dot there for 30 seconds how do I then remove it later okay let's go ahead and add that let's go to cursor effects will go to the will go to our yellow cursor highlight I'll click and drag it on to my screen recording when you add a effect to a piece of media not only does it show up here in the properties panel where you have general controls over appearance color size and stuff like that but if you look at the bottom of my track number one when I added that cursor highlight this little triangle shows up at the bottom this is actually a drawer I'm going to expand the track up just a little bit in that when I click on it will show that the cursor highlight has been applied well that cursor highlight itself is can be manipulated in terms of when it's on the screen and when it's not you can actually click and drag from left to right on the edges to show where on the track that cursor highlight is going to show so maybe I only want it on this eight second section of the video so let's watch the video here we'll play it back add a new member to the board so that they can cursor highlight should turn on now I'll do this we're gonna click on the plus button at the top of the screen which will then when it gets to the end of that section a new member so we're gonna click on the plus button at the bottom it turns off if you need to have it turn on and off multiple times in the same piece of media then you need to rely on using your splits tool and just apply the cursor highlights at each individual section it's a little bit more advanced but not too hard to do at all it would give you that same effect where you can turn things on and off depending on your use case okay well thanks Jason for answering all those questions and for your demo today but I do think that brings us to time for today's webinar okay um so I want to remind everybody that this was a deeper dive webinar and this a very specific part of Camtasia using effects and behaviors and annotations we do have other webinars available I mean we're constantly scheduling those out so even if you can't register from now if you keep an eye on the webinars page which again is in that handout that will be a great place to sign up for webinars in the future and we also have old recordings on our YouTube channel there's a playlist and again that is on the I believe that is in the follow-up email so you can always check those out so as a reminder this whole webinar was recorded and we will be sharing it including the question answer session at the end so you should get that later today and it will also come in an email with another way to download the handout and some other assets that we think you might find helpful as you are starting to use Camtasia more at developing your skill set I'm gonna reiterate that there is a four question survey coming up basically it's an opportunity for you to tell us how you thought we did today and what we can improve so the next time around we can provide a better webinar if possible so we would appreciate it if you took the time to fill out that feedback for us if you have any questions you can go to support dot TechSmith comm and again that resource handout it's got that in there so feel free to download that that's a great resource for you to just continue to learn but that's all we had for you today we appreciate you all coming out and diving into Camtasia with us please enjoy the rest of your day and we hope to see you at future webinars thank you
Channel: TechSmith
Views: 32,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TechSmith, Screencast, Video, how do I, how to, capturing, demo video, recording my screen, training, documentation, explain a process, show someone how to
Id: bS6pRt_R0m8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 18sec (3138 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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