Diving Deeper into Camtasia

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hello and welcome to the diving deeper into Camtasia webinar my name is Ryan bort I'm the brand experience coordinator here at Exmouth and I will be the host today over the next 45 minutes we're going to cover a little bit deeper features into Camtasia from preparing for recording we'll talk about using a timeline effectively and even incorporating your webcam and we'll talk about making some of your own assets like titles and intros for today's webinar will be using Camtasia 2019 on a PC but if you have an older version or you're on a Mac that's okay most of what we cover will still apply to you following that 45 minute presentation as with all of our webinars we'll leave about 15 minutes at the end for some questions and answering sessions Before we jump into all of that though I do want to take care of some housekeeping items now that we've got that out of the way let me introduce you all to Jason Vlad who's going to be taking us through Camtasia today Jason oh oh hey Ryan and thanks to everyone for joining us for this very first diving deeper into Camtasia webinar really looking forward to it Jason is a ATT credential master trainer a big part of his job has been training others and teaching them how to use both Camtasia and Snagit so he is the perfect person to lead this webinar today so Jason with that introduction I'll let you take over thanks Ryan and once again thanks everybody for joining us be sure you take advantage of the fact that we have people alive and ready to answer questions by using that questions pane I'd like to start off with a very quick poll this is an interactive poll meaning now let's get ourselves into Camtasia so before I launch Camtasia the first thing we're gonna talk about is a little bit of project preparation this is just my desktop here it's set up with a 1920 by 1080 dimension so it's a 1080p dimension screen I love to show it that this is how I set myself up you'll also notice that for me recording I have nothing on my desktop well nothing you can see see there's a trick that you can use if you're not aware of it if you right-click on your screen if you have icons all over your screen and you go to view show desktop I I actually have a ton of stuff sitting here on my desktop many many different programs and shortcuts and stuff but I don't want people worrying about what is this Adobe thing or Skype yay Skype so one cool thing to do is to hide your desktop icons before you do your screen recording and that's done by right-clicking on your Windows desktop choosing view and deselecting show desktop icons keeps it nice and clean for you another thing of course is if you're gonna be recording audio like I'm doing today you want to be enough as quiet of his environment as you can I always put a sign on my door that says hey I'm recording please don't come in and bother me I make sure that all my programs that do some sort of notification noise usually email and chat BOTS and anything like that that are turned off and I always try and make sure I have a USB based microphone because that's gonna give me the best quality sound that I have definitely over any kind of built-in microphone and it doesn't matter if you're using a $30 one or a $300 one a USB microphone is going to give you a better result every single time so let's launch Camtasia here real quick and we're gonna walk through a couple things before we get our project started and today we're gonna be recording a real simple recording of a website of the TechSmith website but the difference between this and previous webinars is we're gonna actually record our webcam as well and we're going to utilize that recording and the webcam to show you a couple different feature sets in Camtasia and how to manage your timelines how to manage pieces of media so the first thing we're going to do is we're gonna create a brand new recording and so actually we'll start in with a new project which always comes in as an untitled project and first thing I always do is I save my project by going to file save and we'll actually save this to our desktop today and I have gotten in the habit thanks to another co-worker of creating a folder every time I create a new project so in this case we'll call this Camtasia diving deeper and then what I do is once I have a folder created all the associated project files I save with the exact same name that way I and locate them later on if they happen to get separated or I move things around I know that these two particular projects go together so when I hit save our project now is Camtasia diving deeper and it also tells me that paint you've created a tear TSC proj file which only can be opened with Camtasia so we're gonna do a screen recording like I said with our webcam so I'm gonna click on the record button up here which is gonna hide my editor and it's gonna bring up our recorder interface so if you've been with us for previous webinars you know my mantra is to record edit and produce all the same dimensions and that you want to answer three questions and get yourself set up what do you want people to be able to see can they see you and can they hear you and we're gonna step through all those right now but I'm gonna show you a couple tips first first things first I'm not going to do a full screen recording today I'm actually gonna bring up a web page which is just the techsmith.com web page right here because we're gonna show people how to find our tutorials so instead of a full screen I'm actually gonna go into the custom recording options and I'm gonna choose an option that says lock to application and when I click on that and then click on the next application I'm going to use which is this web window you can see that as I move it around the recorder itself moves around as well so it always follows just that piece of media so even if I had not cleaned up my desktop if I chose this option I know that this is the only thing that would be captured however that also means if I bring anything else into the recording that only this screen is gonna be captured the next thing I want to do is kind of gonna change the application sizing so I know my screen is set to 1080p I always recommend recording at the highest possible resolution you have available to you why well because if you scale the video down or use Camtasia to perhaps zoom in or pan around on the screen to get better detail having more pixels or greater resolution is always going to be beneficial to you so in this case I'm gonna set it at 1080p it snaps the window to that full screen as well as the recording window so that it's matched that means that everything on my screen is gonna be captured the one disadvantage for doing the webinar this way is it's always still gonna capture what you guys can't see right now the webinar software but we won't worry about that per se okay so we answer the first question what I want people to be able to see the second question is do I want them to see me and the answer is yes hi I'm Jason I'm the one running your webinar today so I'm actually going to enable my webcam but there's something I want you to note by default windows set your camera dimensions to 4 3 4 by 3 here and we already set our desktop resolution to 16 by 9 at 1080p so we're gonna actually have to make a small adjustment to our camera which can be done right here in the Camtasia recorder window that is done by clicking the drop down arrow here making sure we choose the right camera for our application because I have a couple of cameras plugged in and then I'm gonna choose options which brings up this the tool options for my camera what I'm going to do is choose this button right here this is the format Settings button and when I click on that it gives me the option to change a few things about my camera now Microsoft and Windows doesn't allow my camera to go much higher than the 1080 p or 720 that's available if I choose 1080 P which is the default setting and I choose apply you will see that the camera itself is going to change its resolution and its shape from this 4:3 option to a widescreen a 16 by 9 and it's a little pixelated so it doesn't make me really happy so what I'm going to recommend is instead of that 1080p for the webcam I'm gonna choose 1280 by 720 it's slightly less resolution but it's gonna be that same format that same 16:9 but format and it's gonna be important for that let me click OK and you'll see why here in just a couple minutes when I bring the recording into the editor and we make a few adjustments so what I want people to be able to see that's been captured camera is all set to go and now just want to double-check my audio I'm gonna make sure that the microphone that I want to choose is being selected which is this one that's at2020 and I'm gonna make sure that my audio is being picked up which it is and maybe I'm gonna bump up the volume here just a little bit so one of the things you want to note is when you're recording audio and you want to make sure you're staying here in this green range of colors if it goes a little bit higher up into the yellow that's not too bad but if you get too loud and it spikes up there into the orange and red that's a little bit harder to deal with because you always want to feed the best possible audio same with the best possible video into Camtasia because we can do some things with it but we can't fix everything in fact no video editor can so what we're gonna do right now is we're gonna do our recording and what I'm gonna do is record a simple recording of how to find the tutorials on the TechSmith website but I'm gonna keep in mind that I'm being recording my camera so I'm not just gonna stare in my screen I'm gonna also address the camera while I'm doing some movements when I hit the red record button excuse me I'm gonna get a 3 2 1 countdown then the recorders gonna shrink away and everything I do and say from that point on it's gonna be captured by Camtasia so when I'm recording with my webcam one of the things I do is I pause an extra second or two in my brain before I begin speaking this gives me a nice little gap at the beginning if I want to add a transition perhaps fading in and making it look a little bit more polished but it also gives the computer a second to turn on all the camera turn on all the mics and make sure everything's ready to go this shouldn't take more than a minute or so so let's do this sample recording hi this is Jason with tech Smith I'd love to show you how easy it is to find the tutorials on the TechSmith website first you want to go to techsmith.com in your favorite web browser at the top of the screen you want to locate the support menu and then click on tutorials here you're going to be brought to the tutorials page where you're gonna find all the products that text make well here you're going to be brought tutorials Wow sorry everybody I'm just stumbling over my words good thing Camtasia is an editor you'll be brought to the tutorials and training page and you'll find all the software that TechSmith makes listed today we want to learn more about Camtasia so let's click on Camtasia this is the camtasia tutorials page at the top you'll find a 5 video selection called learn the basics in under 20 minutes you'll be able to watch these 5 videos and get a basic understanding of how Camtasia works and how you can apply it to your projects when you're ready or you want to up your skill set return to this page and scroll down to the all tutorials section and you can find more in-depth videos specific to topics and different properties and tools within Camtasia I hope you found this very useful and thanks for watching then I'm gonna hit f10 which is my keyboard shortcut to stop the recording and what happens is the editor opens up and it drops in my recording and what you'll notice at this this is the first time you've done this is not only does it bring in one recording which is the t-rex file up here in the media bin but it also brings in a second track which is my camera recording also it adds in my spoken word and that's video and audio is embedded together here in track 2 ok the audio is linked to the webcam because it's synchronized that way so that my mouth and what you hear from your speakers or your headphones are in sync so nothing looks disjointed what I want to show you is here on the tracks like we said there are two tracks there's this one which is the screen recording and then the second one which is me in since I'm recorded as a webcam this is a separate piece of media that means this piece of media can be independently adjusted so I'm going to move my webcam and the reason we made it sixteen by nine is so that I can make it fullscreen and have it look really really clean on the web on the recording as opposed to if I had left it at 4:3 there would have been space over here on the left and the right which would have bled through to my previous recording so this is an opportunity to talk about something called the Z order of media that's Z as in zebra that is simply this if I resize this recording down here just a little bit you'll see that my webcam is in front of my screen recording in the same way the track that contains my webcam is above my screen recording if I happen to grab the screen recording and click and drag it above my camera the the camera is still there if in fact it's hiding behind this recording but because of the z-order it does not let me see what's available here so one thing you want to note when you're creating content and when you're moving content around in the editor is to remember the Z order that the higher the track number is the more front-facing or on top of the other media the media is going to be so let's go ahead and move this like I said we're gonna resize my recording so that when the video starts it's gonna start with me in full-screen now before I get a little further into this and we're gonna actually animate this recording because I don't want to be full screen the whole time I actually recorded the how-to video so you could see it and people could utilize it but before I get into showing you how to animate this Ryan I just want to pop in real quick and see if there's been any questions about any of the setup or the recording process that we just showed Jason not a ton of questions about that process we do have some things coming in that you'll get to later so we'll let that play out but one question I do have for you is from Gerald he asked if having a typed script is recommended so the question is if you have a typescript typed up script as that recommended it depends I would say for the most part yes but it depends on the video so the video that I just shot for you is one that I've made probably thousands of times I have said it a thousand times but as you saw I've made some mistakes in fact we'll fix those mistakes here in a couple minutes but having a script is important if you're gonna be recording the audio separately perhaps you're gonna record it without a screen recording or perhaps you're gonna record it in a separate environment or in a separate piece of software and then bring that into Camtasia or maybe you're the one who's making the screen recording but someone else is going to do the voice-over the biggest thing that a script helps you do with these videos it's not only is it going to provide consistency of your message but it's also gonna kind of give you a recipe for how the screen recording should or could go bottom line I think it's dependent on the video that you're making but it never hurts to have one awesome and more questions are coming in and I see that most of them have to do with editing so I'll let you get to that but just to add to what you said there in the follow-up email to today's webinar we are going to send a link to something called the TechSmith Academy and that has some video best practices in there and it's got an entire video and course on script writing how to do it templates that you can use as you start script writing yourself if that's the route you want to go so you when you get that follow-up email check that out it's a free resource that we provide at Exmouth it's a tremendous resource I was part of those and I still learned a lot so I encourage people to go it's free I mean give it a shot absolutely any other questions right not as it pertains to what we've covered so far okay great so what we're gonna do now is we're going to start doing some editing of this video and we're going to edit and animate the screen the webcam here so if we play our video back hi this is Jason with text net I'd love to show you how easy it is to find the tutorials on the TechSmith website first so at this point I was talking to the camera during that entire introduction but if we scrub just a little bit I start to look at my screen recording or my screen so at this point I am no longer engaging the viewers so at this point it might be great to animate this screen recording somewhere else the webcam and we can do that a couple of different ways but the way I find to be the best for my purposes is to use the animations tab over here on the left and instead of using zoom and pan I actually go over to the animations tab and use the custom animation the custom animation is actually just a keyframe or the ability for you to tell Camtasia that you want something done with that piece of media in this case I'm going to click it and drag it down onto my timeline right about where I want the animation to start and if I use this zoom slider I can actually zoom in a little bit on my timeline to get a better detailed view of what's happening so the way the animations work in Camtasia is just like this the playhead plays along when it hits the tail of the animation that begins and as it goes through the body of the arrow it's going to be the duration of how long an animation happens slow or fast depending on how long the animation arrow is and when the playhead hits and goes past the playhead or the arrow head that's how the animation completes all we need to do is double click on the head of the arrow and make our changes to the piece of media that we want to have done so in this case I think we're gonna take the screen recording my webcam and we're going to shrink it down here into the lower right hand corner and then perhaps we can even use some of the tools in the properties drawer to tilt it a little bit so if I tilt it on the y-axis a little bit let's actually tilt it just a little bit there and then the negative way so it looks a little bit like it's just tilted over there in the corner and I'm just repositioning it where I because as long as I click the head of the animation anything I do to it is going to tell Camtasia that's where I want the final state to be so if we bring our playhead back and I move it slowly across that animation arrow you'll see that it actually moves back into place and then as it moves forward it drops down into that position so let's just bring back the playhead a little bit zoom out slightly and we'll play it from this point and see how it looks on the website first you want to go to tech Swisscom in your favorite web browser so that's not too bad it's a little fast maybe I want to elongate it a little bit to slow down the total duration time or actually add to it first you want to and obviously you can tweak this as much as you want and then at a certain point I no longer need to be on the screen so I can still take another custom animation drag it down here to the timeline and I can either use the properties over here to make adjustments to it or I can use any of the pre-built animations in this case I think I'm just gonna have myself fade away so I'm gonna change the opacity from 100% to zero so you can see that the image is still there it's ghosted with these adjustment handles but the audio is still there so you can't see it but the audio remains so now it looks like I fall down into the corner and I fade away to toriel's on the TechSmith website first you want to go to tech Swisscom in your favorite web browser and while I'm making these adjustments to this webcam recording I could still make adjustments to the screen recording itself so maybe not only am i is fading away into the bottom but maybe I am changing the scale of the recording itself to go up to show the TechSmith calm web address so you can combine those two sets of animations and the two pieces of media so that gives you a combo effect first you want to go to text with calm in your favorite web browser at the top of the screen okay so and then I pan around and make subtle adjustments as I see fit okay so what's great is we have a pretty good-looking recording other than the couple of errors that I won't worry about correcting right now but if people are curious we can do those a little bit later so Ryan don't let me forget um and I can do something as simple right now as adding transitions to the video perhaps I want to fade myself in and I want to fade in the screen recording even though you can't see it so that when two plays back hi this is Jason I could even adjust the screen recording behind it so that we don't even see it fade in because I want to be the prevalent part of the video well what's great is the recording part is just fine but we're at a state where I think we should have a title slide of some sort I think we need to introduce the video a little bit better than utilizing just my screen recording but the recording started here at the beginning and I've already kind of got stuff timed out I have animations well let me show you a really great tip for creating some space here at the front of your video without disrupting any of the work you've already done here's how you do it you're gonna simply drag the playhead to where you want to create the space in this case it's gonna be at the very beginning of the video hold your Shift key down on your keyboard and click and drag the playhead to the right and as I do that I'm creating a gap of space but moving all the media to the right of the playhead in sync so that nothing gets out of place and it keeps all those animations and everything safe and good to go so now what I want to do is I want to create some sort of intro slide and I can do that either utilizing materials that I have in my library perhaps a simple background perhaps a piece of media that was given to me or I can lean on the Camtasia library including some of the pre-built free assets that come in such as these intro slides like maybe I want to bring in something as simple as this state intro slide I can click on it drag it down into my camp under my timeline and because it's one of our new assets I can edit it to my heart intent right over here on the right I can change everything from the title so the title could be finding our tutorials and then instead of replaces texted latest I could say diving deeper with Camtasia and just by typing those in I have now created a custom introduction if I don't like the colors I can change the colors if I don't like the logo I could change the logo in fact I could lean on themes as well like I have a Camtasia theme and now just like that I have colors if you're interested in learning more about themes or the library we did do a tutorial or a video on that a webinar back in November and that will come linked in the email that you receive as well but just by simply adding in something like this I can make the changes I can change the titling and it's good to go but I'm I don't have a lot of time and I don't want to have to do this every single time I don't want to have to go to the library and pull this one out and change it and may change the colors so what I can do now is I can take this changed piece of media and I can right click on it and add it to my library and put it in any folder or any library that I have created because now with Camtasia 2019 you can actually create individual libraries I have a library called Camtasia deeper dive and instead of state I'm gonna call it I'll call it Camtasia intro because that's what it is because I can always change the titling I just want the colors and the logo to stay the same so when I click OK now I've got that Camtasia intro and I can add it to any future project whenever I want in fact there's a stacked on top of each other and I can always add other assets to it as well for example maybe I want to add this yellow badge to the to the introduction because I think it's part of a series of like leveling up videos so I can actually add this badge right in here if I wanted to and maybe resize it and let's add it up here in the in the left corner and so this looks really good it's ready for me to use I have it available to me and now well now I've got a intro down here and I have a piece of media that just is not tied to that group of materials hmmm what to do what to do well maybe I'm gonna add a transition to it I'll add a fade in and a fade out and let's see how that plays out here where the animation starts to go away I can actually do something called grouping and when grouping does is it allows you to take pieces of media and apply them together and put them in groups to then save for future use so not only is this intro already a group which I can tell because there's a plus button here and if I open it there's all the different pieces inside of it that make this a beautiful moving animation but what I can do is click and drag over those pieces of media so the group I already have and now this brand new badge that I want part of this introduction and as long as those pieces of media are selected I can right-click on it and choose group or use the hotkeys of ctrl G and when I do that I now have a brand new group which can be renamed I can rename the group we call it Camtasia intro and I'm gonna put badge on it so that I know this is a badge version of it and then just the same as I did before I can right-click and I can add that group to my library and it takes on the name it goes to the same library I had it in before but I can move it to wherever I want and when I click OK now I've got those two different interests Camtasia intro we made before and then the badged one one that's ready to go great but now I still have this gap of area between this video intro in my recording how do I fix the gap just like this i double click on the piece of media that's the most left facing of the media that I moved in in this case it's gonna be my screen my webcam because it's out there first so I double click on it that snaps the playhead to the beginning of that piece of media I simply click or hold the shift key and click and drag the playhead back until it lines up right with that piece of media so now when we play our video back let's see what it looks like with the intro and the video really recorded so this is the intro will speed it up just a little bit it fades out and then our recording starts up hi this is Jason Liu text net so with just a couple of seconds there well a couple minutes because we talked through it we have the ability to not only make some animations to our screen we were able to animate the screen recording the webcam which is the same sort of activity you'd do on any piece of media we were also able to create a gap of space and create our own title slide so I didn't have to rely on a PowerPoint deck or bringing in a PDF although I could do either one of those things I was able to lean on content that was already in Camtasia to make my intro slide and it looks pretty good it's got movement it's got animation and it's on brand with our colors which is always really really helpful now we are at a state where this video is pretty good other than a couple of the edits that I might want to make later on but we have a situation that actually comes up with Ryan something you had one one of the attendees asked earlier and that is dealing with audio so sometimes we record video and audio at the same time like I did but some people refer to record separately more control more focus perhaps you've hired a professional voice-over artist to do that so let's show what that looks like I'm actually I just saved this project so I'm gonna go up to file new project which is gonna give me a clean slate and inside one of my libraries I actually have two pieces of media one is my screen recording that I'm going to click and add to the timeline here this is a recording with just a sample part of what I did before and I'm going to delete just the spoken word part because we're not going to use that this was what we call scratch audio just to practice and then we are also going to ungroup this so I have just the screen recording which is only about mmm 40 seconds long 42 seconds to be exact and I know these videos usually take a minute how do I know well I also did the voiceover for it which is just a wav file that I brought in from another program in this case I brought it in from audition now if we click on our magnifying glass here to bring the entire project into view we will notice something will notice that the voice-over is way way longer than our screen recording so we're going to need to utilize a few more editing tools within Camtasia to synchronize this spoken word with what's happening on the screen let's do that right now first I'm going to play back the video just for a second and play back the audio because it looks like there's a couple of seconds of silence hi this is jason with TechSmith so the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm actually going to use the end of the media and I'm going to trim it by just dragging it over here to the right and then will bring my recording back into place I'm also gonna do something as simple as adding a fade in and fade out transition to my screen recording so that we have at least a little bit of polish at the beginning so let's watch the video and listen to the playback and find out where we become out of sync a little bit hi this is Jay Smith I'd like to show you how easy it is to find the tutorials on the TechSmith website first go to Texas so right away I start singing first but the screen recording if you notice my mouse right here is already moving up into the left hand corner well we don't want that to happen yet so what we're gonna do is we're gonna click on our screen recording and we're gonna rely on something called extending a frame which can be done by placing your playhead where you want the frame extending to start right clicking on the media and either choosing extend frame or shift E and what we want to figure out is about how many seconds it is between here and when I start talking about the website a web address so it's from five seconds to about eight seconds so that would be three seconds so let's go ahead and right click on the media choose extend frame and add a three-second duration by clicking ok which then takes my recording steals the frame at that exact second in the video and kind of pauses it in place so now when I play the video back from a little bit before that website first go to techsmith.com in your favorite web browser so not only was it starting to move it at that point but now I can rely on something like my animations tool the zoom and pan to apply a zoom function up to that web address without having to rerecord anything I can also use something that helps me because my hand doesn't move as smoothly as I wanted to when I'm screen recording and that's going into our visual effects cursor effects and choosing cursors from and applying that to my screen recording simple little things so we have moved up website first go-to techsmith.com in your favorite web browser at the top of the screen locate the support menu and click on it then the kind no so we already ran into a point where I said click on support but then the screen started moving to tutorials before I even said anything about it so once again I could rely on the extend of frame and just add maybe a second or two just to fix the timing to make it a little bit cleaner so we've added two seconds you can click on it then click on tutorials and I could of course add the same sort of animations as before maybe instead of a a zoom in I could pan over here to have it nice and centered in the middle of the screen and the J's have that happen yes Ryan we got a couple of Mac users who notice that they don't have a zoom and pan option for one of your zooming pans can you show them how they would do it on the Mac end sure let's actually do it with this one that's great the great question and thanks for speaking up we appreciate that so inside let's we're going to delete this pan inside the animations tool in Camtasia for Mac there is not a zoom and pan tool that there's only of this animations tab which has a lot of the same once to be honest you could use the custom animation tool click and drag it down onto the timeline just like before and then when you're in here you can utilize either the scaling or the opacity over here on the right or as long as you've double clicked on the playhead right on the head of the animation arrow at the end you can move the media here right on your canvas and refocus it as well because when I bring back my playhead over that animation zooming in is done with the scale and panning is just done by manually moving around the canvas you actually have a little bit more control by doing it this way but anytime I mention zoom or pan from here in Windows if you want to do it with the Mac it's just utilizing a custom animation and doing a little bit more movement alright so by using that extend of frame capability we do have the ability to match up the screen recording with the spoken word support menu and click on it then click on tutorials here you will be brought to the training engine so now we've run into another situation where the screen took a little bit longer to load than the spoken word so I could do one of a couple things I could either select my spoken word split it and move it down a little bit and match it up where the screen has changed of which I'd have to then zoom back out and give it a full screen here or if we undo this by clicking undo or ctrl or command Z you could rely on something else not extending the frame but actually using something called clip speed which helps you speed up the screen recording a little bit and to do that you want to place your playhead at a position where you want the clip speed to start you split it you then come up here to where you want it to end which would be about right here make sure the media is selected and split it again and then you simply right click on the piece of media that you've created by splitting the front end then back end and choosing add clip speed and the clip speed can be controlled here right here in the in the piece of media or over in your properties drawer where you can actually apply it based on how many minutes seconds how many frames you want it to be in this case the whole recording is the whole section is 3 seconds maybe we just want to cut it in half so I want to make it 1.5 speed and when I do that it shortens the clip allows me to bring this piece of media back and then we can check our timing by playing back the video then click on tutorials here you will be brought to the training and tutorials page not bad then of course we'd bring it custom animation down here this is just for me don't click on the head and change the scale back to 100 of the screen reposition it and now it when it switches screens it zooms back out to a full-screen view here you will be brought to the training and tutorials page so a combination of a couple things help you to synchronize your audio if you record it separately from your video one is to have the ability to one split up the audio and move it around as needed in fact you can break it up into multiple pieces you could utilize extend a frame which is done by selecting a screen recording that you've made with Camtasia right-clicking and choosing extend a frame or using Shift e you could also adjust the clip speed by creating a section of the video that you want to apply the speed to by splitting up the piece of media and applying to it directly that way one thing I will note is when I recorded this audio I actually was very diligent in creating these giant gaps of space in fact there's silence if you play them back just on their own by using the selection tool and hitting the play button or the spacebar it'll just play that area total silence why did I do it like that well one it's a little bit cleaner and more professional in audio but two I can now very easily use the s tool the split tool and break up this media into different little parts of spoken word so that I can apply it wherever I need depending on my recording so Ryan we're at a point where I've covered a lot of what I wanted to talk about in this particular diving deeper session but I'd love to find out have there been any questions that have come in or any little tips or tricks that people would like to know about based on some of the things we've shown so far yeah absolutely they've been coming in and our team's been answering them pretty quickly so first one I'll start you off with an easy one Jeremy noticing on your screen you have a green bar in your audio what is that yep so when you select a piece of media on your timeline that has audio associated with it so if I click on this piece of media this green bar is actually the volume level and I can click it up and down to adjust the volume specific to the entire piece of media if I have section selected with the selection tool perhaps just like this section here I can affect just the volume of that section so if there's a point in the video or in your recording where your spoke a little quieter or maybe you moved a little bit farther away from the mic any different thing like that you can make small subtle adjustments to your recording based on the selection and using that green bar so you can make it for the whole piece of media by not selecting anything but the whole piece of media you can make a change to it by using the selection tool and just grabbing the green bar from inside that selection area or if you want a little bit more control you can actually right click on the green bar itself or double-click on it to create little audio points and within the audio points you can make small adjustments or perhaps you want to fade a noise in or and/or fade a noise out it allows you to make nice little adjustments and this is where I would adjust like the track heights to get really really surgical is the way I always say it where you can really drill right in to frame-by-frame sounds this is how I get rid of if I'm recording my audio in Camtasia maybe I get rid of my up breaths or Annie mouth noises or any lumps or us although I really try to avoid those perfect and while we're on the topic of audio Brad just asked if I have multiple audio clips on the same audio track can those be leveled so that the volume levels were the same across all the tracks so if you bring in multiple pieces of audio and they are different so let's say you did a voiceover from II Ryan and I did a voiceover if I'm using Camtasia 2019 one of the feature sets is actually inside the project settings and I'm gonna show it to you here really quick underneath the drop down menu here at the top underneath the project settings by default there is a button check that says Auto normalized loudness this is using the luf system a standard across audio in the industry that actually does its best job in it does a really good job of automatically leveling pieces of media next to each other that have been brought into Camtasia 2019 to try and equal them out is it perfect no is it pretty close it really is it's really pretty close so much so that we have examples people are speaking like I am good microphone setup nice distance program you know a regular voice person and someone who might be a little bit more passive a little quieter different microphone setup it equalizes them to the point where it least sounds like they're speaking at the same volume same distance from the mic it does it automatically you don't have to worry about it but that is a feature set of Camtasia 2019 perfect and Jason I've got another Matt question for you we got some Mac users asking how to extend frame and a Mac so I believe for Mac extending a frame so it's inside of Windows it is using Shift + e in the Mac it should be option key and then you hover over the clip you can then do it there and so the option will bring contextual menu up and you'll have the ability to do the extend frame from within the contextual menu it should also be buried in the Edit menu up here at the top it should be available to you as long as you have a piece of media selected on the timeline and that piece of media was recorded inside of Camtasia perfect so Jason earlier you showed us how to create like an intro right you made a custom intro you added it to your library so now I have it in my library Dino and William want to know if they can be shared to others on their team yep they certainly can and that's actually a function of some of the new versions of Camtasia and that is dealing with our library and like I said before if you're very interested in the library one of the links ryan will send out in the follow-up email is to that previous webinar we did in november but the way you share media here is one of two ways if it's inside of a library and you right-click on it so like this intro that we just created I can choose export asset and then it sends it out as a lib zip file that Li B zip or a library zip file then that file itself can be shared to other people that have Camtasia that supports the importing of library pieces and then they simply open up Camtasia use the drop-down menu here in the library and underneath this manage library there is a import zipped library option they simply navigate to that dot Lib zip file and then in Camtasia we'll ask them where they want to put it even better you can take entire libraries you've created like for example I've got one called tutorials and support videos that's already got a series of cursors that's all I still got a series of intros and outros I can actually come in here and go to manage library and I can export the entire libraries that the entire folder this is great when working with teams because maybe one person has access to all the assets or has a connection say in the marketing department for colorways and all that sort of thing they can build a library inside of Camtasia then export that library and share it with their other teammates so that at least everyone is starting from the same starting point it doesn't mean you can't modify the library yourself or add things or remove it or rename it based on your use case but you can at least start with one shared library that's local to your computer so when I say shared it's not sitting in the cloud somewhere it's a sharing of a library to other people so that they can utilize it on their machine great I got a question here for you from Gregory he says when using an extend frame or really at any point jason is there a way to make everything to the right including other pieces of media annotations transitions can you make everything to the right move to the right at the same time so the way I would do that is a combination of two of the things I show today I would actually create a split so at this point maybe I want to extend a frame right here what I would do instead of having the playhead at the beginning of the timeline I'd move it to where I want everything to be split I would hold down my shift key click and drag the playhead which then moves everything to the right in sync I would come back here to the piece of media and I'd move back one frame by using the comma button so that I'm like did it - but so that I'm right at that end piece of media I right click let's say I want to extend the frame six seconds and I hit OK and now what I've done is I've extended the frame at that point I double-click on the media once again over here this one here I click and drag with the shift button held back to the piece of media so that not only is the extend frame done like I asked it to do but everything with the media stayed in synched to the right so even though we created that little gap and brought it back together it is not noticeable when you're playing the video back you will not see some sort of hiccup and mainly that's because there's no space between this piece of media and this one when I dragged it back I made sure they were hitting each other and touching so that the continuity of the video is intact there's no black flash of frame of missing media okay I got a question here for you from Jim and this is something I think we cover in the getting started webinar but it didn't it wasn't really visible in today's webinar and he was so how does the editor have an underlying visible frame it allows me to see what the video is going to look like so I could tell the difference in the frame in the background so if you could just expose the canvas and let everybody see that yep so the canvas sitting here in the middle screen I'm just gonna zoom back here a little bit I'm not zooming the video I'm just zooming back by using my scroll wheel on my mouse you can also make an adjustment up here based on the percentage of the video you want to see you can fit it to the frame you can do all sorts of things but what you're saying is can I tell what's the difference between what's going to be produced and what's not the way I would do it is to show you is to click on the media that's on the canvas itself and I click and drag it out of the way you'll see this black rectangle so the black rectangle is the actual viewable part of the video and the gray area around the outside is the canvas that means anything that's outside of this viewable area would not be seen as the video was produced so if I produce this video out right now it would be very confusing and uninteresting because there would only be the content in this lower right hand corner so as long as I can see where the media is there's a a designation of light area versus grayed out area to be able to determine what part of the video is actually in the frame of the video the way we have it here is so that you can have content on the outside like maybe I'm adding in a default little cursor here and I want to have it thank you and I want to animate it so that it slides in from here over to the side I can kind of use this can this area as a staging area that's the basic design of it okay Jason I know you love this question we got a lot of people asking okay what is your mic and headset and what do you recommend for that kind of stuff okay so what do I recommend any recommendations I give are my personal ones that are not recommendations of TechSmith per se bottom line is the best microphone and headset that you can get is the one you have available to you right now to be honest that should not be a reason that you stop or don't make a video use what you've got and over time you can grow that being said as long as it's some sort of USB based microphone you really can't go wrong my setup I have my microphone is a I think it's a four year old audio technica at2020 USB it's tried-and-true it's been really good to me my headset is actually a recommendation from Andy and our video guys back at Tech Smith this is a sony MDR 75060 it's kind of the Andy correct me when I'm wrong here because I'm gonna be wrong it's kind of the industry standard when it comes to audio and video editing the biggest thing is it gives it a very even soundstage I love it for voiceover because I can really hear all the little noises and sorry pops and sort of thing are they great for listening to music they're okay but they are a even-keel headset for recording and doing editing so the MDR 75006 from Sony and then the audio technica at2020 USB but there are thousands of options available to you at various different price points in fact we actually have a blog post if you go to techsmith.com you can search for a microphone roundup that we did we tested a whole series of them at various price levels just to see how different they sounded and what different use cases and applications they were best for great I know that wasn't exactly part of the Camtasia webinar but we had a lot of questions and I wanted to one day I'm totally good no problem so Jason we got about five minutes here and we still got to close out so I'm going to try and get a couple questions to you pretty quickly Jeremy wants to see how you add a piece of media to it of ice frame well actually it's the reverse you add a device frame to a piece of media so that is a piece of device frame is found over here in the visual effects tab and what happens is a device frame is the ability to click and drag onto the canvas to show a piece of media let's zoom ourselves back out here so what a device frame does which we can see here now it looks like my recording is on a desktop and I'll delete it by clicking it closing it here from the properties drawer a device frame just gives a different visual representation of where the video actually is taking place so you go into your visual effects - device frame and click and drag it onto the screen we actually come send Camtasia out into the world with a whole series of device frames pre-installed there's a drop-down menu over here on the right and we've got desktop we've got an iPhone which this isn't formatted right for it but it looks pretty good MacBook Pro perhaps a Google pixel and then there's a whole series of free ones and a ton of paid ones if you go to our TechSmith assets for Camtasia it's a annual paid subscription where you can pick up you know like here's a warehouse generic monitor and it's actually an mp4 so as you play the video back there's movement to the back of the frame so it looks like someone's actually working back there so it looks like what might happen in an actual space and that's my voiceover from earlier so you add a device frame itself to a piece of media perfect I think we'll get this one in here to Jason all right Howard is wondering what you would use markers for so Jason maybe what your favorite use of markers is yep so the markers are actually located over here in the timeline underneath this drop-down menu there's a marker tab a marker timeline and a quiz time line markers allow you to literally click in the areas along the timeline where you could put in a little name or marker name for recommendations or excuse me for different editing points what do I use them for a couple reasons one is like I might say instead of marker one I might changes to say Beck facts because maybe I spoke something here in the video and I need to double check it before I send it out into the world the markers are also used for interactive hotspots where you actually can apply an interactive hotspot and have them click to a certain marker in the video if you have markers and you produce the video out and it's hosted in different places you can actually use the markers as titles for your tables of content so actually a lot of uses for markers and if you're interested in a video on the interactivity in Camtasia let us know in the case X because that maybe that's something we'll consider here in the future ok Jason thank you for that and thank you for the complete demo today but that does wrap us up if you felt like this was maybe a little more advanced and you were ready for I encourage you to check out our getting started with Camtasia webinars the next one's in two weeks also on a Wednesday and you can find all the times for that webinar and other webinars at techsmith.com slash webinars and again that link will be provided for you in the follow-up email speaking of the follow-up email this was recorded I want to reiterate you will be getting the recording so you can go back and review anything Jason covered today the email will also have things we mentioned throughout the presentation from the TechSmith Academy to the asset store Jason just mentioned other webinars like I mentioned and tutorials that we think you would find helpful other than that thank you again for being with us today and enjoy the rest of your day
Channel: TechSmith
Views: 12,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TechSmith, Screencast, Video, how do I, how to, capturing, demo video, recording my screen, training, explain a process, show someone how to, camtasia, camtasia studio, how to edit in camtasia
Id: FWcgjuloF1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 43sec (3283 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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