How I make my tutorial videos with Camtasia 2021 (A Full Overview)

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in today's video i'm going to show you a behind-the-scenes look at how i create all my videos now i often get questions in that comment section about how to make tutorial videos just like the ones on my channel well in today's video i'm answering that question so let's jump into it with another flipped classroom tutorial i've been making videos on this channel for a couple of years now and a question that keeps coming back is how do you make your videos what program do you use what's the software you use for your screen recording well the main piece of software i've been using for over ninety percent of my videos has been camtasia now i started using camtasia all the way back in 2014 and i'm still using it today for the vast majority of my videos and the main reason that i keep gravitating back to camtasia over other video editors has been the integration with that screen recorder so let's just jump into my process now the first thing you'll want to do is get your camera set up and get some good lights now lights are incredibly important if you want to get a high quality image and this goes for any camera you use you can be using a phone camera get some extra light onto your subject or onto yourself and the quality will increase significantly secondly you'll want to get a microphone now it doesn't have to be an expensive microphone the built-in microphone does not sound as good as just a simple external microphone you can get a lavalier mic once you're set up with a mic lights and a camera you're good to go now the next step is software now in this video i'll be using camtasia 2021 which was released the same day this video was released and so you can get your hands on it by following that link in the description let's start by opening up camtasia now here i have camtasia 2021 and as soon as i double click on that icon we are greeted by the welcome screen now this welcome screen gives you a number of options you can start a new project new from templates a recording or open a project now if you are brand new to camtasia then i would say have a play with these maybe go to the learning tab and you'll find lots of little video tutorials on how you can use camtasia effectively to create tutorial videos so you can see here there is a little four minute video clip on how to record your screen video editing basics the canvas talks about audio exporting your video annotations etc now today we're focusing on my process of creating a video and so instead of going to the learning tab i'm going to go straight into a new project now i tend to create my projects before recording this screen because this really gives me a chance to bring in those elements we now have our blank project and the first thing i'm going to do is save it and title this project so when i go to file i'm going to save it as and we're going to title this project so i'm going to call this how i make my videos and then click on save now everything is set up good to go we're going to double check our project settings so let's right click on our main preview window and we're going to go to project settings now here we can double check make sure we're using the correct dimensions i'm going to be using 1080p we're going to change that and we can change the background color i'm going to use a lighter color there we go you can change the frame rate i'm going to leave it at 30 fps and then click on apply this is now ready to record my screen now let's say my tutorial is a screencast about how to navigate to the camtasia website well the first thing i do is click on that record button in the top left corner this will now open up the recorder now here you can see we have our preview of the recorder you can see that i can also select the area of the screen i would like to record but seeing as it's a tutorial video i want full screen so i'm going to click on the drop down arrow here and then i'm going to select full screen so we're going to go with the full screen now in this capture menu i can do a number of different things first thing you can do is here you can select your microphone if you would like to use a different microphone click on the drop down arrow and select a microphone you would like to use you can also record the system audio or choose not to record this and you can use your built-in webcam now because i'm using an external video camera i'm not recording my webcam but i could choose to turn this on nonetheless so if i choose the user-facing camera we now have the webcam that is also going to be recorded i'm not recording the camera so i'm going to simply turn this off i am recording my screen however and the screen i'm recording can be selected from this drop down area we can record widescreen we can record at 720p or we can even choose to record instagram and facebook specific video when i click on this you will see that the size of the recorded area adjusts you can see that i can move this around the screen and make it larger and this allows me to really focus on a specific area of the screen however the majority of my videos are recorded with the widescreen full screen view now if i have multiple tabs and windows open you can see it here in this preview what that will look like okay we're ready to start recording let's click on record you can see that the recorder is recording this file you can monitor the audio levels right here and you can even click on restart to restart your recording this will delete everything you have and then start over say you had a false start or you weren't quite ready to start recording your screencast or your tutorial or you can click on restart and just do it over i can also click on pause which will pause the recording you can navigate to the websites you need for your tutorial and then you continue that recording you also have a stop button which will then stop that recording and pull it into camtasia ready for you to edit so let's navigate around this website i'm just going to scroll up and down look at the different products they have available so as you can see here they have a number of different products i love all these products i use snagit every single day use camtasia for my videos and you can even buy them as a bundle now again there is an affiliate link in that description below and that affiliate link will also give you a 10 discount on top of everything already there now let's go and have a look at that bundle so we're going to have a look at that bundle here click on that scroll down you can see there are educational reviews there is a non-profit and government pricing you can find all the information on their website i'm happy with this file i'm now going to use this file for my video so let's click on stop we've stopped the recording and we're back to the capture menu i can close this capture menu as you can see it is a separate program on the taskbar at the bottom so i'm going to just close this capture menu and i'm going to jump into camtasia now again this is camtasia 2021 that screen recording has automatically been brought into my editor you can see it here at the bottom the timeline and it is in my media bin the media bin is where you keep all the files that you will be using for this project so at the moment i have a single screen recording but i'm also going to bring in some other elements as well so let's bring in an element we're going to go to the media bin and i'm going to click on this plus icon to add more media the first media i'm going to import is going to be these logos so let's go ahead and import these two logos there we go we have two images these are the flipped classroom tutorial logos now i can start editing now the great thing about this timeline is that you can not only zoom out to get an overview of all the content there but you can also zoom in and really hone in on this audio wave form this lets you cut exactly where you would like to cut so let's preview our screen recording you can see that okay so there's a bit of silence there before my explanation starts and the first thing i'm going to do is while i'm going to just cut this part away now i tend to use the shortcut s for split but if you want to do it manually you can always go to this little icon here and split the file now i can delete this now there are two ways of deleting it you can click on backspace or delete file disappears but it leaves a big gap so what i tend to do is i do control backspace and this will shift everything back to the start of my timeline huge time saver for editing the recorder is recording this file you can again another space of silence so what i'm going to do is i'm going to again split select the other waveform split and now as i delete this i'm going to again control backspace the rest of that timeline is shifted you can now see you can monitor the it jumps from one side to the other this is how those jump cuts are created this is how you can cut out your arms and your eyes in your video it also helps you to quickly see those mistakes that you frequently make in your videos and then just practice on not making those mistakes in the future once you've made a number of different cuts what i tend to do is i tend to zoom out select this entire track and then i right click on it now why do i do this well because i want to stitch these different sections back together so they can be treated as a single section so here you can see there is a option to stitch the selected media i'm going to stitch them together and this is now a single file that cut is still visible so i can still see where i cut out this little section of silence and i can always right click on this and unstitch the file however i like to stitch it it cleans up my timeline and it really speeds up the workflow so let's go to the start of our explainer video we want to have an introduction well camtasia has a lot of built-in assets that you can use for intros outros lower thirds and they can be found right here on the left hand side in the library if i open up the library you'll see i have icons intros lower thirds let's select a built-in intro now again you can build your own or you can use these just for the sake of this demonstration i'm going to use the intros that are already here present within camtasia so let's go with this one simple bright tile drag this in and as you can see we got a preview there it is recording that's what the title will look like if you would like to preview it from the library simply double click on any of these and you will get a preview of what that introduction looks like i actually like this one better so let's remove the previous one and let's bring this one in i'm going to drag it across my work you can see that the recorder that file is right there now it has an extra bar here at the bottom and that's because it's a group so let's see what is part of this group i click on this plus icon you can see i'm now inside the group this group is highlighted again here at the top you can see i'm inside the group i can also jump back to the main or stay in that group in this group i have a number of shapes there is a group inside the group because you can have nested groups and we have a number of call outs as well as text so let's hover over those and let's just tweak this we have our camtasia call out here i'm going to double click on this and i'm going to call it demo then we have techsmith i'm going to put my name there and then a website i'm going to replace this with my website there we go all good and well let's change some colors here when i have this highlighted at the top in my properties window you see three different tabs the one highlighted now in the middle is all about the text so you can see this is the font selected for this text this is the text color if i was to change this color instantly you see it changed over there i can change the size of the text and the style now i'm going to leave it as it is and scrolling down you'll see it also auto resizes the text or auto rotates the text where does that rotation fit in well here you can see there's an extra dot in the middle i can use this to rotate my text and this will really simplify creating beautiful looking introductions for your videos the first tab in the properties menu that's the visual properties so here when i click on this first one i can scale this element i can change the opacity make it a bit more transparent i use this all the time for logos and little elements that fly in or i can change the position and rotation so here one thing you will have seen in some of my recent videos is that the text is slightly rotated or there is a screen recording that has a rotation well this is how this was done so here you can rotate it say 20 degrees and now this text is at a 20 degree angle you can also use these dials to rotate it manually i'm going to leave it as it is and we're going to have a look at the third tab and the third tab this is all about the annotation itself the shape the background so here you can see we can have different themes or we can choose the different shapes speech bubble change it to a thought bubble i don't want that i'm going to leave it as it is but i am going to change the fill color so the fill color is red i would like to use my own brand logos or my own flipped classroom tutorial logos and you can see them right here at the bottom it says my colors this is where you see those two colors that i use for most of my annotations so we have the yellow and the dark navy blue if you want to add your own colors make sure you select them first or input that hex value and then click on the plus icon to add them to your colors if you no longer want them then you can always right click on that color and delete the color this will save you time in the long run so if you have brand colors if you are making frequent videos you can add them there you will have them for future videos and they will always be accessible okay let's leave this as it is and let's close our group i'm going to jump back into the main video and here you can now see that we have that intro to restart your recording and then this is the rest of our video now i'm not going to edit this recording i'm going to add it to other files that have already recorded at a different time so let's go ahead and remove this from our timeline let's go back to the media bin and let's add more media import media these are the two that i'm going to use so i have a recording from the camera which is coming from my camera similar to what you are seeing right now and then this is the screen recording this was recorded using camtasia so i'm going to open these two files i'm going to bring these in first of all we have this file and then we have the example screen recording now as you can see these each have their audio attached to it now we have the audio which is coming from the built-in microphone on my camera and then here we have the audio from the screen recorder with the external mic this is the audio i want to keep i do not want to use the audio of the built-in microphone now in order for us to be able to edit i'm going to have to first line these up and then remove the audio from the camera so let's go ahead and do that now we're going to first visually line these up you can see the waveforms there going to go to the start of this audio zoom all the way in and make sure that our audio is lined up we can now press play to preview this and make sure that everything matches up so let's go ahead and do that here is a second as you can hear matches up there's no echo no feedback so we're now going to select our screen recording minimizing that screen recording we can now start editing the video and the screen recording at the same time so let's right click on the video which is the one i do not want to keep or retain the audio from right click and then select silence audio this will silence all the audio in that file and as you can see now here is a second video everything looks and sounds great now i'm not adding any effects yet but i am going to cut this part off so s and then remove those two sections we now have our video file i'm going to scroll this and move this in we now have that video in the background on top of that the screen recording and now there's a couple of things i tend to do before i start cutting these files up removing dead space removing um's eyes mistakes and then stitching everything back together the first thing i do is i clean up my screen recording so here i'm going to select my screen recording and on the left hand side i'm going to go to the cursor effects so here you can see cursor effects and this is one of the things i absolutely love about camtasia is those cursor effects perfect for explainer videos perfect for tutorials here in my properties window i'm going to select the cursor and i'm going to scale it to 200 percent i tend to use 200 you can use anything you choose let's change it to 600 just for the sake of demonstrating you can see that cursor is much larger i'm going to keep it at 200 though 200. now we can add another effect you can add the highlight so i'm going to drag this highlight effect on top of my screen recording and now this effect has been added here on the right hand side you can see there's a highlight effect i can switch this off or turn it back on i'm going to select my brand color there we go and set it to about 30 percent now my cursor is highlighted you can see that right here in the preview window another effect i tend to add to my screen recordings is the cursor smoothing so if you are like me and you like to move your cursor around the screen cursor smoothing will make sure that your cursor moves in a straight line from point to point it's incredibly useful especially for those explainer videos so cursor smoothing has been added as well you can see it here you can change the duration the delay i tend to just leave it to the default it works really well sometimes you need a bit more and then you can tweak these different properties okay let's have a look at what this looks like putting this screen and i'm also recording the okay all good let's add a drop shadow now i want to drop shadow behind this screen recording so on the left hand side you see a number of effects or you click on more i'm going to click on more go to visual effects and add a drop shadow so here you can see we have a number of different effects drop shadow again drag and drop this on top of my screen recording this now has a drop shadow as you can see here from this corner of my shirt and the drop shadow will stay with this screen recording no matter what we do we want to fade it in and out so we can go to transitions let's go ahead and add a transition now you can see here there are literally dozens of transitions available but i have a number of favorite transitions for example the fade i love using the fade transition let's say that your favorite is the dial wipe well you can always right click on that and add it to your favorites and then you can easily find it here on the left hand side makes it much quicker to find them so let's add this fade as you can see here it is a second into the screen i'm going to leave that on and we're going to start editing our video green and i'm also recording um and that's an ammo cut out later there we go let's cut this section out so we're going to click here select both tracks remember screen recording and video feed s for split go behind what i said select both s for split select both and then control backspace this has now been smashed together let's preview this being recorded and then this way i can okay that's a bit jerky so what we're going to do is we're going to zoom in and make sure that we're really cleaning this up so we want the jump cut to start here and then we want it to pick back up over there so let's take this section perfect let's go ahead and try it and then this way everything is being recorded and then this way i can demonstrate this works really well now i know some people creating videos like to pan and zoom in so what you can do here is before this jump cut or after this jump cut happens you can go to that section of the video file and then simply go up and scale it so you can scale it up there we go and now what you'll see is you have that punch in effect and then this way i can demonstrate now i'm not going to use that at the moment so let's just undo this right now now as you're editing your video you'll probably want to zoom in and out on your screencast so here i have the screencast at the top what i'm going to do now is i'm going to zoom into a section bring it back to full screen and then zoom back out so where do we do that well on the left hand side one of the options here is the animations i'm going to select an animation and i'm going to choose animations i like to use the custom animations but as you can see there's a number of different ones here you can go to full opacity no opacity restore the previous one and i tend to jump between custom and restore let's just quickly do a scale to fit so i'm going to drag this on top of my screencast there we go you get a nice little preview this is what it will look like so it will go to full screen i'm talking about a section of the website and then i can go to custom or i can use any of these others you can see we have scaled down scale up tilt i'm going to use custom this is my starting point and i would like my ending point to be zoomed in so let's increase that scale move it over here and there we go so what will happen is we start off like this go to full screen and then we zoom in on this section okay i want to go back to full screen now so i'm going to choose restore restore will bring this back to the previous settings and then we can always go back by scaling it down to that corner there we go so this by itself is incredibly easy to set up and for your explainer videos will save you a lot of time let's preview this by playing the file create some of the features within camtasia and within the timeline editor that will enable there you go so using the animations that are part of camtasia you can quickly zoom in scale things zoom into different parts of the screen recording and then just continue your editing process now if you wanted to say add any other type of animation so let's say that instead of just zooming out we're also going to rotate simply select the end let's say that we want to do a full spin well what will happen now is as i play this file that will enable you our recording rotates across the screen now let's look at the audio so we have some audio here we'll allow you to insert we have our audio there let's say we've got background noise or anything that we do not want to have as part of our audio under more we have a number of audio effects that we can use using these audio effects i can simply again drag and drop them on top of my video but as you can see from this example we have compression fade in fade out and some noise removal as well now every single one of these settings has additional properties that you can tweak to really get it to the setting that you want to use let's say you've edited your video you're ready to export the file you want to share it onto youtube or you go to the top of camtasia and then you see that export button now when you click on export you have a number of different ways you can export your file you can either export a local file export to nomia textmid video review vimeo youtube google drive or any of these now you have to connect your accounts before you can export to these different services but what i tend to do is i tend to save it as a file and then i use that file to upload it to youtube so let's go ahead and do that we're going to go to local file and then here we have a number of different presets you can see these presets are all shared and created by camtasia i tend to do a custom production setting let's go ahead and click on next here i can choose the different file types again i use mp4 and one of the things that camtasia does is they allow you to produce it with a controller that means that that video will then be a standalone video with a controller and you can embed it onto websites or different places now because i'm using my videos to upload to youtube i don't need that controller so i'm going to untick this box we're going to go to next this is where you can double check the video information so here you can click on options you can add some video information this is great to get tags and metadata into your video now we're going to click on next and we're going to give it a title so how i make my videos in camtasia there we go select the destination folder i'm going to select the correct destination folder select that folder and click on save now you have an additional box that you can take organize it in subfolders i tend to leave this ticked because it really helps with the organization of your files let's go to finish and the file is now being exported depending on the size of your video your project and the speed of your computer this rendering may be faster or slower than what you see on screen right now once you have your video all finished you get an overview of the project rendering so here you can see the content size video dimensions the frame rate all the information you need and then by clicking on open production folder you now see that file right there it's an mp4 file there we go we have that video file you can see those animations are included you can see the drop shadow on the back of that video you can see how it zooms in and out on different sections and you can see that the cursor on the screen recording is slightly larger than standard now in my next video on camtasia i'm going to show you how you can use the built-in templates how you can use annotations and many more of the functions built into camtasia to create amazing looking videos and explainer videos that you can share with your students staff colleagues or anyone you'd like to share them with i hope you found this helpful now remember to scroll down to the description to find that discount now at no extra cost for you you'll find that affiliate link in the description below it'll give you a 10 discount simply click on it it brings you to the cart and that code will be applied right there i hope you found this helpful in the meantime thank you for watching and i will see you in the next one
Channel: Flipped Classroom Tutorials
Views: 18,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Teaching with Tech, Educational Technology for teaching and learning, Camtasia, Camtasia 2021, how to use camtasia video editor, how to use camtasia screen recorder, camtasia video editing tutorial, camtasia screen recorder, make videos, how to videos, make tutorial for beginners, make tutorial, How to make a tutorial video, flipped classroom tutorials, flipped classroom examples, Learn camtasia, video editing, video editing software, how to make teaching videos on youtube
Id: sVPuiTpzxTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 19sec (1699 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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