What's New in Camtasia 2020: Full Review and Feature Demos

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I know it’s been a hot minute since I have uploaded to the channel, but I’m back and have I a whopper for you today. TechSmith just released their new Camtasia 2020 and I have to say, this version is a game changer and I love it! [Music] My name is Naomi Skarzinski with the Top Shelf VA Channel. Your place for creativity and inspiration for business and life. Before we get into some of the major features of Camtasia 2020, let me demonstrate one of the smaller changes that I love, and best part is it’s automatic. You don’t have to lift a finger. What I’m talking about is Pitch Normalization. Here I have Camtasia 2019 and Camtasia 2020 side by side. Same clip on the timelines. Let’s play a few seconds at normal speed just so you know what it sounds like. Okay Barry, very quickly, here’s how you can record a specific area of your screen. We’ll add clip speed to both Camtasia 2019 and 2020. Let’s start with Camtasia 2019, let’s listen at one and a quarter times the speed. Open, go ahead and click, I’m assuming you have Camtasia 2019. Go ahead... At one and half times the speed. And select area to record and click the drawing area. And at one and three quarters times the speed. And you’ll see that stuff in your video bar, in your tool bar. So go ahead and bring this down a little bit. We’ve have fallen well into the chipmunk speed! So, in Camtasia 2020, let’s set the clip speed at one and a quarter times and take a listen. Open, go ahead and click, I’m assuming you have Camtasia. At one and half times the speed. On custom, click on select area to record. Still pretty good. And at one and three quarters times the speed. Then one thing you might want to do is go to draw and you’ll see you can still see your ribbon bar. Oh, what the heck, let’s do two times the speed. Little bit, let me click back on draw. Let me bring it up just a little bit and draw. Isn’t that fantastic! The voice is still recognizable, but we haven’t fallen or morphed into becoming chipmunks. I think that’s pretty good. Okay, let’s go ahead and move on to some of the really exciting new features of Camtasia 2020. This is one of my favorite features in Camtasia 2020, Track Mattes. Most Camtasia users have been wanting this for a long time. Track Matte allows any image, graphic, video, callout, text, or any shape to create a transparency to a track that’s directly below or underneath it. This is a very powerful feature and I’m going to show you a couple examples. However, I plan to have an extensive, in-depth training video ready for you sometime next week. So, let’s go ahead and take a look at this. Let’s take a look at the first example. On Track one, we have a video clip. On Track two, we have the text Top Shelf VA. To turn this track into a Track Matte, we right click on the eye and get a drop down of four choices of Alpha, Alpha Inverted, Luminosity, and Luminosity Inverted. Right now, we’re only going to work with the Alpha and I will let my channel subscribers who have their notifications turned on know when I have uploaded the in-depth training video on Track Mattes some time next week. So, let’s go ahead and select Alpha. As you can see, the text in this case created a mask or matte of the video. So, the video appears only where the text is. There are a couple rules to understand here. Rule One: The Track Matte affects the first track directly below it. Rule Two: If there’s no visible track directly beneath the Track Matte, then the Track Matte renders as a normal track. With Alpha mattes they relate to the alpha transparency in a piece of media. In this case, the transparent space around each of the letters of text. You can tell a track has been matted by the red chevron on the left here and the textured track. The track the matte is affecting is directly below it and has a purple bar on the left. Notice what happens, if I put another video on track one, but we don’t have anything on the track matte above it. It’s a blank canvas because of Rule One: The Track Matte affects the first track directly below it. If we were to add a track below this, and move the video onto that track, then it becomes visible. This is because of Rule Two: If there’s no visible track directly beneath the Track Matte, the Track Matte renders as a normal track. Now, you can do anything you want to an object on the track matte. For example, you can add animations and behaviors, and Camtasia will keep them when you turn on the track matte. Let’s look at another beloved and clamored for request, the circular matte. On the first track, I have my Camtasia screen capture video. The second track, I have my talking head video. And, on the third track is my circle annotation. I’ll turn the third track into Alpha Track Matte. I’ll then resize my track two talking head video to fit into the circle using the corner bounding anchors. I’ll also hold down my alt key and crop the video, so it matches the size of the circle. Then group these together. [Audience Gasp] What do you think happened here? Remember, because the group saved directly below the track matte and there’s no longer an object on the track to use as a matte. So, let’s remove the Track Matte. Okay, why is the matte still working? Whenever you group a track matte, the matte stays with the group. The only issue is if you ungroup, you lose the matte. But no worries. All you need to do is reset the track as a matte group, then remove the empty track matte. Let’s move this group to the bottom right corner. As I mentioned, there is so much we can do with track mattes and I will have an even deeper dive for into the feature next week. So, let’s move on to the next feature, which is Replaceable Media. This is a fantastic feature. Before, if you wanted to change the media, you could update the media. However, you had to update with the same exact media type. If you tried updating with a different media type, you get an error message. If updating a video file and the file was shorter or longer, you ran into issues and had to do a little cleanup work. Now, with replaceable media, as long as the item is in your Media Bin, your Library, or Annotations, you can replace the media. Let’s look at replacing this video, with another video. All I need to do is drag the video from the media bin over the media in the timeline until it turns green. I then have four choices, Ripple Replace, Replace from Start, Replace from End, and Replace with Clip Speed. With Ripple Replace it automatically ripples and keeps all the media on this track together. If the replacement video is longer, but you want to keep the same time duration, you can Replace from Start, and it will replace from the start of the new video, ending at the same time duration as the original on the track. Same concept if you want to keep the same duration but wish to keep the end of the video, then you would Replace from End. The last choice is if you want to replace with a longer video, keep the full video, and keep the same time duration. Then use Replace with Clip Speed and you will have the full video at increased speed, matching the original video’s time duration on the track. Of course, the same can be said if you replace a longer video with a shorter video, use the Replace with Clip Speed. It will slow the shorter video down to match the original video’s time duration on the track. As I mentioned, you can also replace with any type of media. If you are replacing with image or a graphic from your Library, or Annotations, or Media Bin, it will automatically replace at the same time duration. You can also replace with an audio file. One thing to keep in mind with the Ripple Replace, anything above or below the track will remain in the same location. So, honestly, the best use for this feature is when you only have simple one or maybe two track projects. It’s a good idea if you have more than one track to first group anything after the media to be replaced, replace the media, then either ungroup it or keep it grouped. Whatever your workflow preference is. Also, when replacing the media, most of the visual attributes of the media is maintained. Such as in this example with the transition and the size of the media on the canvas. Even when a tilted media is replaced, it keeps the degree of the tilt. Okay, let’s go ahead and move on to the next set of Camtasia 2020 features, which are Placeholders and Templates. This is an especially beneficial feature for anyone who produces numerous videos that follow the same format or for organizations that want to keep the same look and feel. There are a couple of ways to add a Camtasia placeholder. You can use the shortcut letter P to place a placeholder. Which obviously is the fastest way of doing it. You can right-click your mouse and select Add Placeholder. And, if you already have a project set up with all the information and want to convert media with a placeholder for the template, highlight the media, and use the shortcut Control plus Alt plus P to convert with a placeholder. You can also right click and select Convert to a Placeholder. In the Properties section, to help in using the template, give it a title and a little note of what the placeholder is used for. Let’s give this a title of Intro Video and a quick description. Let’s also add the title and description here. Once you have your template set, go to File, then Save Project as Template and give the template a name. Let’s go ahead and call this Placeholder Template Sample. Some of the benefits of a template is it can never be over written. The template contains all the media and assets in a single file, and templates can be shared between users in either the Windows or Mac platforms. To use a template, simply go to File, and select New Project from Template. The Template Manager will open. Select the template you would like to use and either double click to open or click on the New from Template button. Once the template is open and you have filled in your placeholders and finished your video, simply save the project as normal. One thing to note here, there isn’t a capability to edit a template. If you do want to make changes to a template, open the template, make the changes, and then save the template under a different name. What I like to do is add the version number to the name. This way, I know how many versions I have made of the template. I can go back to an older version if I need to start over, and only when I have the final version that I know is the keeper, then delete the other versions. You can also import a template by clicking on the plus sign and finding the template you want to import from your hard drive or download templates from the TechSmith Assets Library. The next set of Camtasia 2020 features are the Favorites and the Presets. You’ll now see in the sections Annotations, Transitions, Behaviors, and Effects, that when you hover over an item a star appears. By clicking the star, it puts it into your Favorites bin. This feature helps you avoid having to hunt and peck for the tools you use most often. I highly recommend putting only ten to fifteen favorites in the Camtasia favorites bin: otherwise, you’re really defeating the purpose of the favorites feature. So, let’s go ahead and add some of my favorites. In Annotations, I use this text box and these two shapes the most. In Transitions, I use the Fade quite a bit. I don’t use the default Behaviors much at all, but we’ll come back to that in a moment. Cursor Effects, I use the Cursor Smoothing all the time. Audio Effects, I use the Fade In and Fade Out quite often. Visual Effects, I use Drop Shadow and Remove a Color. Now, if we go to our Favorites bin, we can see the starred items we use all the time. No need to go to various tools sections. If you find you are not using a tool often, you can simply click on the star to remove it from the Favorites bin. You can also use the drop down if you want to quickly get to your favorite of a particular category. Remember, try to keep only ten to fifteen in your favorites bin, as this is simply an area for you to get quick access to what you normally use, without having to do a lot of hunting and pecking around. So, let’s move on to the Presets feature! We now have the ability to set presets in Annotations, Behaviors, and Effects. Let’s look at an example in Behaviors. I use a typewriter effect quite a bit. Let’s see how this is done. Let’s select the Reveal behavior. I’ll change the Type to Text – Left to Right. Movement is Smooth. Direction is Left and the Speed at 100% and Offset at point one one seconds. Under the During tab I’ll set it to None and None for the Out tab. Let’s see how that looks. Great! Okay, now I can set this as a preset by clicking on the plus sign and give it a name of Typing. Now, we’ll see it in our Behaviors. I can also add it to my Favorites Bin, since it is a behavior I use on a consistent basis. Remember, you can set presets on any Annotations, Behaviors, and Effects that you customize. One and done! So, the next set of features we are going to cover are Exporting Shortcuts, Themes, Templates, or Simply Use the Package Manager. Hmm, what is a Package Manager? Camtasia 2020 now allows us to export shortcuts, themes, and templates individually, or use the Package Manager to package everything up. For individual exports you can do the following. To export your shortcuts, go to edit and preferences. Then click on the Shortcuts tab. Click on the settings wheel and select Export. You can change the name, so whomever you send it to knows who the file is from. Then Save. For Themes, you can go to File and Manage Themes. Select the Theme you wish to export. Click the settings wheel and select Export. Then save the named theme to your hard drive. If you want to share a Template with someone, first open the Template by clicking on File and New Project from Template. Select the Template you want to export, copy the name, then double click to open it. Once it is open, then go to File, Export, and Template. Paste in the name of the Template and save. Now, let’s think about that. If you want to share several items with someone, why do it individually? This is where exporting as a Camtasia Package comes into play. Simply go to File and Export, then select Package. Look at everything you’re able to share with someone. This especially comes in handy when you are collaborating with someone on a project and you want to make sure they have all the same tools and assets as you. So, I want to share my Place Holders Templates Sample template. My TSVA Palette Theme. I’ll share my Demonstration Library and I’m not going to share my shortcuts, favorites, or tools at this time. I’ll click on Export, and give it a name, and save. Now all you do is send the zipped package file, or any of the other individual zipped files, to the person you’re collaborating with. All they need to do is save the zipped files to their hard drive and double click the file to open them in Camtasia 2020. The next feature is Magnetic tracks. This feature is best for videos, once again, that have a single track, or possibly two, though there is a way to use it if there are multiple tracks. You will see a new icon on the left side of the track, which looks like a magnet. Click on it to enable it. The magnet will turn around and then will automatically remove all gaps between clips if you delete any media from the track. You can insert media by dragging it from your media bin down between two clips. When you see a little white arrow appear between the two media assets, you can then release, and the new media will be inserted. You can also move a clip from one location to another on the track. My understanding is the difference in a Mac is you can simply slide it across to the point you want it moved to. Whereas, with Windows, you need to move the media up to the track above, slide it over, and insert it in the new location. Another nice aspect of this Camtasia magnetic track is you can easily do a ripple trim from either side of the media, and there will be no gaps. You’ll see a little rounded white corner image when you have the cursor over the edge. Simply click and drag to either the right or left. Here is the issue if you have more than one track. Any of the tracks above, or below, do not move along with the magnetic track. You will lose all the synched items on the tracks above or below. If your video is simple, and you only have two tracks, the quick work around is to group everything where the media tracks start. You can then insert, move, or ripple trim as needed, and then ungroup when you’re done. If you have more than two tracks, I would advise not using the magnetic track. Simply use the standard ripple editing procedures. I told you there were some great new features with TechSmith’s Camtasia 2020. So, let go ahead and move on to the Annotations callouts. This I like quite a bit because it saves a lot of time. You’ll see there’s now a Theme drop down for the callouts, arrows, and lines, and shapes. When you select a theme, those assets automatically have the theme properties. The next annotation feature is one that resolves what used to be a common complaint about not having much control over the text callouts. If we increased the size, the bounding box could expand way outside of the canvas and we could not easily get it back to a regular size. Or, if we wanted a text box to be in a specific location and size, it once again was hard to resize the text without affecting the bounding box. Now, if we simply uncheck Auto-resize Text, it will be up to us to fit the text to the box. Like this. It gives us more control over the bounding box and the text within, the amount of padding around it, etcetera. The next feature, which I think you’ll really like, is the new and improved Media Bin. The media assets are now clearly separated out. You can change the view to single image, two columns, four columns, eight columns, or text only. You can toggle them into view or out of view. You can also sort by Name, Type, Duration, Size, Dimensions, and date added. Type is the default as that is most commonly used. What is also useful is you can sort by ascending or descending order. If you have a large project, sometimes it is hard to find where the specific media is on the various tracks. You can right click on the asset in the media bin and click on Select in Timeline, and Camtasia will select the media asset on the timeline. You can do it the other way around, by clicking on the media asset in the timeline, and then Select, Select in Media Bin. The other nice feature is many times you might have several items in your media bin that you thought you were going to use but didn’t. You can right click and Delete Unused Media to delete anything at once or choose Select Unused Media and decide which media you want to delete. This is beneficial because you might see a piece of media you meant to use but forgot to add to the video. This way, you don’t accidentally delete something that shouldn’t be deleted. Lastly, you can quickly import an asset into your media bin by double clicking on any blank space in your media bin. Now didn’t I say there were quite a few gamechanger features in Camtasia 2020? So, let’s go ahead and move on to some of the smaller but powerful new features. We can now detach the timeline by pressing control plus three. If you have two screens, this is quite powerful because you can have the timeline on one screen, expanding the tracks, so you can see all the tracks at once, while having the canvas on the other screen. To lock the track back in place, simply press control plus three again. We can now reverse transitions by right clicking on the transition and selecting Reverse Transition. I know many of us have wanted this for a while now. With Camtasia 2020, we can change the default setting on GIF loops from infinite to a set loop of one to five times. Now this one I am very happy about. Camtasia 2020 will now let you set the default animation easing in Windows. For Mac users, Camtasia 2020 will remember the last animation used. I work in Windows, so this is how you change the default easing. Go to Edit, then Preferences. On the Program tab, first line is Default easing type. Change that to the type of easing you normally use. I always use Linear. Then click okay. Now, when I add an animation key, the easing will always be linear. We can now add effects and some behaviors to Groups. This will really help us on our Camtasia editing workflow. Last but not least, the last feature to go over is the new Camtasia 2020 Recorder improvements. We can now record a High Frame Rate up to 60 FPS, with a caveat. It is all dependent on if an individual user’s hardware / software can support the load. We can individually record the Audio Microphone, the System Audio, the Webcam Video, or the Screen Video, or any combination of the four can be recorded at the same time. The screen recording dimensions are now a dropdown under the Screen Video toggle button. We can record at a higher resolution, higher frame rates, and higher quality, if, and there’s that caveat again, the big if, if your camera and hardware allows it. There are other small changes, which I’m sure you may stumble upon, such as the new Color Tint feature, and all the new fonts. I’m really looking forward to being creative with the new version of Camtasia 2020. So, let me just remind you if you haven’t subscribed already, to subscribe and hit that notification bell. I’ll have the Track Matte training video up sometime next week. Probably towards the end of the week and until we meet again, have a wonderful day.
Channel: Top Shelf VA
Views: 2,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What's New in Camtasia 2020 Full Review and Feature Demos, What's New in Camtasia 2020, camtasia 2020 whats new, whats new in camtasia 2020, camtasia 2020 review, camtasia review 2020, video editing software for beginners, camtasia 2020, new camtasia 2020, new features in camtasia 2020, camtasia 2020 new features, camtasia 2020 pros and cons, naomi skarzinski, naomiskarzinski, top shelf va, how to edit video with camtasia 2020
Id: nsE96_N3NNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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