Diving Deeper into Camtasia - Build for Video Efficiencies & Scale Video Production

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hello everyone and welcome to today's webinar diving deeper into Camtasia building for video efficiencies and scaling video production my name is Ryan port I am the brand experience coordinator here at Exmouth and I will be your host today over the next 45 minutes we're gonna build off of our getting started with Camtasia webinars we're gonna dive a little bit deeper into ways Camtasia makes it easier to create repetitive videos and scale video creation across your team today we will be using Camtasia 20/20 on a PC but if you have older versions in a Mac that's fine we'll be sure to call out any major differences however with this specific webinar a lot of the really cool features that make it easier to scale your video production are features that we added in 20/20 so it is gonna be a 20/20 heavy webinar when we're done with today's web or when we're done with the presentation we will save time at the end for Q&A but before we hop into all that I do have some housekeeping items to get out of the way so now that the housekeeping is out of the way I would like to introduce you to the person who's gonna be taking you through Camtasia today and that is Jason the lot Jason hello hey Ryan and welcome to everybody who's joining us for this scaling video production deeper dive into Camtasia yeah so Jason is an instructional designer here at Sexsmith and he is a trainer on our customer education team so every day Jason is working with Snagit and Camtasia and really a power user and he also works with customers and other users so he's the perfect person to talk today about how you can scale your video production and now let's get into why we are here so today's deeper dive is all about building video efficiencies in scaling video production and we're actually going to talk about five primary themes today we're gonna talk about speed and consistency we're going to talk about customization of assets we're gonna talk about themes inside of Camtasia favorites and presets and building of Camtasia packages so first and foremost let's start with templates so templates are brand new to Camtasia 2020 which we released just a couple weeks ago and you can actually access your template manager right from the welcome window here by either clicking the template button on the right here which actually has a list of all the templates you might have installed on your machine or most people do it from a new from template button click here which takes you into the template manager where you can pick an existing template and start your creation from that point the only one you will have installed by default when you launch camtasia for the very first time is the camtasia 20:20 default template and i'm just gonna click new from template to open that up in the editor so that it's here and ready for us but what we're going to talk about is one the anatomy of the template what goes into one and we're going to talk about the creation of the template so for those of you who are familiar with camtasia typically when you open up a project it is a blank canvas it is ready for your creation at that time meaning the media bin is empty there's usually nothing on the canvas and you have empty tracks here at the bottom what with a template it's a little bit different this is a way for you to create a shell a working starting point for either yourself or members of the team or someone you've designated as a video creation person so what goes into a template could be a couple things one thing for certain most people use in a template is something we call placeholders and they are placed on the timeline to give guidance and suggestions as to what can go in that particular space to add a placeholder it's super easy you'll just use the hotkey letter P P for placeholder but the placeholders have a lot of value to them because you can customize the messaging that goes along with them for example now if I click on this placeholder that's in the template right now the properties panel opens up to the right and there's a title which we've actually labeled as screen video recording and then there's a note that's next to it and the note says you know let's see this one says replace this clip with a screen recording record your screen using the red record button and then drag and drop it onto this clip to replace it so for you to do anything like that where you want to give guidance it's pretty easy to do so let's actually add a placeholder to this particular template and I'll do that by putting my playhead where I'd like the placeholder to be and I'll hit the letter P placeholder and it drops a placeholder right here onto my timeline now when I click on that placeholder the property panel opens and I have the ability to title it and to give a note so let's actually zoom out here a little bit so that I can see the entirety of the placeholder so let's name it we'll call this one b-roll and if you're not familiar with what b-roll is it's not your screen recording or a picture-in-picture talking head it's some other shots maybe it's a product shot maybe it's a background outdoors whatever you want it to be as soon as I start to enter a note like let's say add footage from your camera as soon as I do that and hit enter the b-roll information the notes that I placed here show up on the placeholder themselves as a little note at the end you can kind of see it down here so that if someone opens up their template that you've created for them and they're starting to create content they can see the b-roll they can see the placeholder and they can click on that note to open up the panel and read the additional information that you may have given this is really really helpful for content that you're gonna create on behalf of someone else or at the instruction of someone else so that they can give you at least explicit instruction or you can give guidance and suggestions for people so that you're not cramping the creativity piece so not only can the template hold placeholders but those placeholders can also have properties associated with them for example let's delete this one off our timeline this particular placeholder that's part of this template is for screen recording as is the instruction in the title but you'll notice as I move the playhead over it it fades in and then later on fades out so placeholders can also take on properties such as transition so you can apply a placeholder which we did by using the letter P and then I could add a transition to it like maybe I want to use the barn door transition if I click and drag that down onto the placeholder it goes on and gets applied the same way you would with another piece of media or if I drag it to the beginning negative transition at the beginning I drag it over to the right the transition will be applied to the end or I can drop it right here in the middle and now that barn door transition happens at the beginning and end so any piece of media that I replace this placeholder with will keep that same transition effect as well so you can actually design a the entire scope of a video based on the properties of the placeholder which is really helpful especially when you're looking for consistent videos it's a great way of doing that another thing you'll notice in this particular template is that there is an intro and an outro so these are pieces of media that are actually part of the Camtasia 20/20 libraries they are just intro sequences and outro sequences and they are customizable which means if we click on this intro sequence in the property panel opens you have the ability to make some changes you can add your own title your subtext you can change the shape if you want to that's surrounding the icon right here the color of the outside barrier as well and you can even swap out different logos in fact if you have themes installed you can apply a theme as well we're actually gonna talk about themes here in just a second but I'm gonna actually use the Acme theme that I have built in so if I click on Acme it instantly changes the color the logo and we can change the title right here for our process so we'll say getting that I hit the caps line getting started as soon as I hit entered that title changes and I could change the subtext as well I can do the same thing by moving my playhead down towards the end clicking on the outro and making the same sort of customizations as I did before so by setting up any of these parameters where you have an intro sequence maybe an outro sequence in saving this as a template which I'll show you how to do in a second you are setting up the person that's going to create content based on this template for success couple other components to a template this is new to Camtasia 2020 and that is the ability to magnetize your track or create track magnetization so this track number one actually has magnetization turned on I can tell in two different ways one the little magnet icon over here on the bottom left is lit up white and there is like a chevron pattern over here on the right on the track showing the magnetization so magnetization is this let me toggle it off for just a second if I were to move the content around on the timeline I have created these gaps right so the intro plays and then darkness and then I have my placeholder and then darkness then the outro the magnetization allows me to snap all those things together so that there's one fluid transition between one piece of media and another there's no gaps that are created on the timeline that also means that if I add other pieces of media to the timeline and snap them into that same track they will stay snap together and I will not have to worry about any gaps of information there'd be no gaps of black areas there'd be no missing content it would all be brought together nice and clean the last thing I want to talk about with templates in this case is you can also you've all you've been able to do this actually in a lot of versions of Camtasia but I find it especially helpful here is you can rename a track so I have tracked two named here because that's the default but the first track doesn't say track 1 it says video you can actually right click and choose rename track and maybe I want this one to be music so not only do I have my video I could go up into my Camtasia library let's choose the 2020 library and choose any number of the built-in royalty-free assets so let's try the gears of steel here I can bring this piece of music in and when I save this template that music is now also part of the template and associated with this particular template now that being said I've made some changes to that default Camtasia 2020 template I've kind of made it my own right I changed the intro to that Acme theme I definitely changed the outro and I added this music so does that change that base template it doesn't you can reuse the templates over and over again but maybe I want to make this particular video a template for my use well that's easy to do as well I can go up and hit file save project as template and before I do that what I always find helpful is wherever you place the playhead so whatever is showing up on the screen at that moment on the canvas is what will be saved as the thumbnail for that particular template so right here I could go file save project as template it'll give me a chance to name it I'm gonna call this new Acme and when I hit OK that template is saved in Camtasia and it's available to me whenever I need it in that template manager back there it is right there and it's available for me to use but then I can share it with other teammates and we're going to talk about that in a little bit down the road here in this webinar where you can share content outside of Camtasia so that I can send it with my team or I can use it for me so that I build the consistent video each and every time now one of the biggest questions I get asked is can I add more than one placeholder to a template oh absolutely in fact there are templates in here that I have pulled so if I go to the manage templates here one you'll see a lot of templates that I have that you do not currently have and that's okay because you can actually download more templates from the Camtasia asset library online there are free options up there but the majority of them are associated with you having a subscription to the asset library well worth the time but there are some here let's go to the sales video personalized pitch if I wanted to open up that template we don't have to worry about this project because I've got it saved as a template right now and we'll open up this particular template and you'll see that each different template has different components this one in particular has four tracks worth of content with one two three four five placeholders some background music some call-outs which are also customizable because they have a property over here in the properties panel that you can change and then I can make adjustments and changes to any part of this template that I want and go up and do that file save project as template and now I've taken that template as an inspiration for to me to make my own template as well so it's largely what I want to cover so far with templates we're gonna talk about sharing them in a little while but before I go to the next section Ryan has there been any questions that have come in so far or people would like to learn a little bit more about the template to the template process Jason we haven't got any questions regarding templates at this point but that is a good point too we can reach it or let everybody else know that if you do have questions go ahead and pop them in the questions panel we have a team ready to answer them and just like right now we'll ask Jason I'm Jason one question we did get and if you want to clarify the placeholders is also specific to 2020 correct 2019 and you hit P that's not gonna do anything that is correct placeholders and templates are part of the new release of Camtasia 2020 that is correct good clarification as I said that we got a nice one in here somebody asks is it possible to protect templates from changes so that video editors using my template cannot make changes to the template and that's kind of exactly what they're for right right so that's actually kind of what I was trying to speak to before so if I open up a new project here we'll just do a brand new project and I want to go and start with a template so I'll go to manage templates and I want to go right back to that Camtasia 2020 default template now we made changes to it we all saw that together but then we saved that template as something new over here if I open up that template which will open it back up in the editor and I'm going to use the correct terminology here and I'm hoping mike is listening this is Ananda destructive template meaning they can't change the actual template itself it will always remain as a template any changes you make to it would be saved as that project that gets produced out as a video or if you choose file save as template it creates a copy of the original template with the changes that you have made so the template itself is non-destructive I mean the only thing that you could have them do is if they were in their template manager is if they choose to go in and delete it but in terms of being able to change your template that's kind of what they're designed for but the original template that's already there will always remain there for them so you don't have to worry about that particular aspect and Jason we got a couple people asking questions about modifying and blitz how would what are the limits to them how to modify a template so what we just went through where we change the intro sequence where we changed it to our title our color if I want to add additional placeholders if I want to add music if I want to rename tracks anything you can do in a normal project inside of Camtasia can be turned into a template so I want to say the word is limitless you can make changes to a project and save any of them as a template so they can add to their heart's content multiple tracks multiple pieces of media multiple placeholders that are ready to go okay and Jason one last question before I let you move on all right how you set the template thumbnail so right before you go to choose file save project as template wherever you place the playhead in your project is where the template will draw its its thumbnail from so if I chose this position right here with this particular logo sitting on the screen if I chose file save project as template and I'll say for you Ryan that's the name of this template when I hit OK this particular image is what will show up in that template manager as the thumbnail for that particular project so it's just being aware of where your playhead is when you save your project I know it's something we want to talk about later on in terms of possibly future versions of Camtasia where you can set your own thumbnail but as it stands right now it's wherever the playhead is when you save the project as a template okay thanks for those quick answers Jason I'll let you move on and if you've asked a question and we haven't asked Jason yet it might be because he's gonna address it later anyway sure sure great so I'm gonna open up a brand new blank project here and we're gonna talk about the next settings section which is custom assets and libraries so the way to add new libraries that's not new to Camtasia 20/20 but it is super helpful with the ability to share it out easier within Camtasia 20/20 when you click on the library tab there is a drop down menu at the top if you're a previous user of Camtasia you may see a previous library like I've got my Camtasia 2019 library as well have my Camtasia 20/20 library which comes pre-installed with the new Camtasia 20/20 built below that I have a whole series of user libraries and you might not have any in yours yet but you can easily make a library by coming down to the bottom and choosing create new library when you do that within Camtasia you can give it whatever name you want and you can choose whether or not you want to start it as a blank library or if you want to use another existing library whether it's the Camtasia 20:21 or perhaps one that you've built or one that you've gotten from another person as kind of the base the template for that library then when you're adding content to your timelines for example if I want to add something simple like this call-out but this call-out I don't want to be red I'm going to change it to this green color and I don't want it that shape but I want it to actually be a text arrow when I make changes to or add content to my project I can always come down here to the timeline right click on that asset and choose add to library and when I do that I can name it and I can choose which library I want it to be a part of so this is where those custom user libraries come into play I actually have a series of libraries based on different projects so we just released Camtasia 2020 and if you've watched any of our tutorials this is the intro sequence for those tutorials built in Camtasia that I can easily grab and create new videos with that intro sequence and this is our Camtasia arrow and so on and so forth I have another library here for a bicycle workshop that's a whole series of footage that we shot with a camera at the TechSmith campus so the libraries and the customization of the library happens so that you can easily find the content that you need now in past versions of Camtasia you have been able to select the libraries like this bicycle workshop and choose manage library and I could rename it I can delete it I could even export that particular library and share that out with co-workers or other people that needed access to those pieces of material however in a little bit we're going to talk about packages which makes this part so much easier and a little bit more powerful actually a lot more powerful so we'll talk about that in just a second the part of the customization of libraries also goes along with the ability to customize those assets so just like we did I brought this call-out onto my screen I can change any parameter of it that's associated with the properties panel over here on the right the size the color the shape the outline the text all these sorts of things are available to me and don't forget when you're in the properties panel to explore the different tabs across the top so this is the primary function of the actual shape itself I do have control over the text as well I mean most people don't know this but you can go in and change not only the colors but you can go in and do the sizing the justification the spacing all those are pieces and parts of customizable assets that you can then add to a library to share out later so if you find a piece of media that you've customized the way you want it I suggest throwing it in a library if you're going to use it across multiple projects it's easy to do by right-clicking it on the timeline and adding it to a particular library now to go along with that I actually I'm gonna combine this with my next part of my conversation today and that is the discussion around themes so themes have been in Camtasia for now this is our second version that's had and themes are the ability to have a color way that is associated with that particular project over here I have the call up sitting on the canvas and at the top I have a drop-down menu that says themes and if I hit the drop down menu there's actually a whole series of colored themes here so if I wanted to choose well let's say here's my Acme theme and I talked about before it'll change the color and the font based on the theme so if I chose another one like Audie 8 techsmith's new audio program if I hit Audie 8 it's gonna change it to the purple Audie 8 color and it makes it really nice and clean in terms of maintaining consistency across my videos and staying on brand so on and so forth what's powerful about themes in Camtasia 2020 is there's actually two parts that moms actually three one is if I come over here to my tool bin and I choose the annotations tab not only can I go through and pick any of my annotations just like I could before but I have my themes available to me here as well so if this is the style of call-outs that I'm working with today I can choose a theme like if I chose that Audie 8 theme and I can see what all those call-outs look like associated with that exact theme so I can have that drop-down menu on the right theme and anytime I grab a call-out for my video whether I resize or reposition it whatever I want to do I can rest assured that it's matching with the theme that I have associated with Camtasia in that particular drop-down I can apply the themes of the call-outs and I can also do something else with them but before I do that let's actually talk about creating a theme because some people ask me about creating themes as well in my library I have a saved color way this is just a PDF of a series of brand guides that has colors all associated with it I can make a new theme out of a series of colors if I know the hex code great I can use that if I know the RGB code great I can use that but I'm not a designer I don't usually know that information so what I'm gonna do is go to file manage teams and I'm gonna bring up the theme manager and from here I can use this plus button to create a brand new theme so let's create one called I'm gonna call it di for data international and when I hit OK I have the ability to change the colors the fonts and the logo associated with this so in this case the colors I'm going to use this secondary color swatch here and that's as simple as going in using the eyedropper tool and grabbing the colors that I want this is actually fun to me because like I said I'm not a designer but just like that I can grab colors that I know we're used by a designer to go along with each other so they actually match pretty well so I'm actually happy to be able to do that so I grab those five colors and I now have the colorway for theming associated with data international I can go to the fonts and it actually looks like the fonts are listed here so I could you know go through my entire list and let's see if the future one is in my Windows machine it's not we're gonna choose franklin gothic just like that and i can go grab the data international logo where i have it saved on my computer but when I hit save I now have a brand new theme associated with Camtasia so if I went back to my call-outs and I use the theme for di data international I have those colorways available to me as well so just like that I can create a theme and stay on brand right away but just like with libraries just like with templates you can share those themes but before we get to the sharing I'm Tanya we're gonna get there there's a couple of other things I wanted to talk about as well and that is there's the inclusion of a little menu item over here called favorites finally there's no more running around Camtasia digging into menus you can actually favorite different tool sets inside of Camtasia so that you don't have to search them out so let's let's clear our canvas here and let's go into some of these tools so we're gonna go back to the we'll go to the no theme so we'll start with the basic theme here and let's say I'm going to use this particular call-out on a regular basis well whenever you hover over any of these themes you'll see some of them have a white star and some of them have a yellow star if they have a yellow star they've already been added to my favorites menu if they have a white star all I need to do is click on the star itself and it gets added into that favorite tool set so just like that I added this particular call out to my favorites section of Camtasia so not only can call-outs be favorited but I've also added a couple of my favorite transitions right to the favorites menu and if I don't want them there anymore for some reason I don't want the glow one anymore I can simply select the star and it D selects it it moves it outside of the favorites menu but where this really comes in super powerful for me is with our behaviors so let's add a call-out to our canvas and let's go into behavior so behaviors introduced a couple versions ago really powerful a great way to add movement animation and transition to a piece of media without a lot of work in fact all you had to do was drag it over and drop it on so that when you played that back there was movement that happened on the screen with no effort on your part right well there always was the ability within the behaviors to come over here to the properties panel and make some adjustments you could adjust the inactivity meaning how it comes into your screen the during activity and how it left the screen as well so I would always bring in the say for example the fly in one and instead of having it linear I wanted it to bounce in so now instead of flying in normally it kind of bounces when it hits the ground I kind of like that effect the during action is set to none but maybe I wanted to set to pulsate so it's really really drawing attention to itself while it's on the screen and then for it's out behavior instead of having it fly out maybe I wanted it to fade out so it just kind of disappears into the screen nice and clean well every time I added a behavior and I made any adjustment like that inside of Camtasia I had to repeat that process every single time no more I can actually create a custom behavior by making the changes that I just did over here in the properties panel and then clicking this plus button in the upper right hand corner when I click the plus button it allows me to customize its name so I might call this the bounce fly-in for me and then when I hit OK it adds that custom behavior right here in alphabetical order to my behaviors list and then it indicates that it's a custom one by adding this little like Avatar icon here on the bottom left hand side so now I don't have to reinvent that one every time as a matter of fact the one I use most often is the pop up behavior but I like to have it come in like a Realty slot sign where it kind of flips down so I created a custom one as well so it's available to me in my behaviors no problem but I can take it one step further and I can favorite it by clicking the star and adding that bounce fly in to my favorites menu so to be honest there are some days where I create Camtasia videos and never leave the favorites tab because I've added my favorite call-outs I can always change colors I've got my spotlight tool I've definitely got my blur I've got my favorite transitions and my favorite behaviors all in one place and I don't have to think about it I don't have to go looking for it once I find it I favorite it and call it good super super helpful so Ryan I want to get into sharing all this packaged stuff I want to get everything that I just created to my team but before I do that let's take a look at any questions that may have come in over the last couple minutes sure Jason Allah I get you started with a question here from John John wants to know if I change an element that I saved in my library or my favorites for example a speech bubble would the changes with all the different times that I've used that asset be affected by the change I just made it makes sense sure so let's say this call-out here we've got it on our timeline and I'm going to change it to instead of purple we'll change it to this blue so if I add this to my library what he's asking is if I had used this particular purple call-out in another project before do all those change like retro actively right no great question nope it simply doesn't affect any previous projects it will only affect the projects that you have intentionally made this change to so if I change this purple call out to this blue color it's for this project and then if I add it to my library any future projects that I use that particular call out from the library is the only ones that'll change it to so you could still have this one and you could still have that the purple one available to you as well because that purple one still exists as part of Camtasia so it does not retro actively change it but that's a great question I have not been asked that question before so thank you okay and we got one more question come in just to clarify what you just said mm-hmm if say you added the purple call-out mm-hmm and then I think you just showed the example there it doesn't affect other ones previously used in the same video even correct correct they are independent yep no they're independent pieces of media so you know I added this purple call-out right here I changed it to blue in this situation so the only time it would be blue as if I added another blue call-out but any of the previous ones that I had not changed stay exactly the same no problem perfect and Jason that's all the questions we had in regards to the library and favorites and that kind of thing so I'll let you move on we do have some questions in the tank but I'll hold those till the end okay great so let's see we've covered templates how to create them what could go in them placeholders and all that sort of stuff track magnetization awesome we talked about creating custom assets in fact we just did one right we just changed it to as this purple asset right here as a matter of fact any change I make to this call like we change that purple one to blue I can as well hit that plus button in the upper right hand corner and add that to my custom user call-out section so there's actually a couple of these that I've made over time so not only are they added to the project and to the project that I'm working on at that moment but they are available to me later on underneath the style of user so those customized assets are there as well as the ability to favorite them so there's lots of different ways I can get back to that content we definitely talked about themes not only how to apply them about how to create a brand new one and we've added some tools we've actually created some presets for an effect like keeping the exact same color way we wanted as well as a preset for a behavior that's specific to us so in previous versions of Camtasia you could share library assets and libraries themselves but everything else customization themes and all that they weren't shareable until now now you have the ability to create what we're calling a package and it's done super easy in fact it's fun to do in my opinion you go to the file menu to chew up and there you go file choose export and choose package and it brings you into this selection menu that basically looks at all the customized things that you've created inside of Camtasia your templates your themes libraries all that built into one place so first I'm gonna do a little shopping let's see Ryan what do you need I've got some templates for you I've got the for you I've got the new Acme animation I have a getting started one for you and there's another one I made down here called Jason's bike guide so I've checked mark all of those templates that I want to share and it's counted on Maya as for okay theme so I want to share any themes with you yeah I think I'm gonna share the Acme theme and the audio eight theme with you so you have that content available to you what do I want to share any libraries with you and I think you and I have all the same content so I'm not gonna worry about the libraries per se but just for this particular one I'm going to share the Camtasia tutorials one if I've made any custom shortcuts inside of Camtasia where I've changed the keys the shortcut keys to do different things than normal because you can customize 80 different keyboard shortcuts in Camtasia I can share those as well I have a bunch of tools in my favorites maybe I want you to work off those segment same favorite tools so I'm going to share those with you and then any tools that I've created custom tool presets like the behaviors or not I could share as well as soon as I hit the word export it's going to ask me where I want to save this so I'm gonna save this will just call this uh Ryan B and it's gonna save this as a Camtasia package file just like that it's packaged everything up so then all I would need to do is take that package and get it to you I could email it to you if it's small enough I could put it on the shared drive somewhere maybe I put it in Dropbox Google Drive onedrive something like that and then all you need to do or whoever I shared this with needs to do is either double click on it or let's just do this here I'm gonna start a new project you don't have to but I just do for clarity I go to the file menu and instead of choosing export I can choose import and choose package and I actually have one waiting for me here when I select this and choose open Camtasia that's gonna open that package and it's gonna start importing all the things that are in that package it'll also tell me if there's anything in that package where I already had it in my library so maybe I shared something with me or you shared something with me that I already had I can either tell Camtasia to replace or skip it so we'll just skip this one but it added some themes and some libraries I think the most powerful part of this not only is that you can share content with other people using Camtasia so that promotes consistency with my team maybe I spent a whole week building these awesome themes or in packages and templates so that you could use them but when Camtasia unpacks them the templates go on the template guide the template manager the themes go right in the themes manager the libraries go in the library you don't have to guess where things are going they are unpacked and placed right where they belong so now one of the themes that was added was a kpl theme a template so if I go to my templates there's the KBL one that was just added in that package right away so in order to decide to create a package file export package and then basically you go shopping in your instance of Camtasia and pick those items out that you would like to share with your teammates for me I use it for my teammates and as well I have multiple machines I have a Windows machine I have a Mac machine on my laptop I travel with I create a package whenever I make significant changes to my workflow and then install them on the other machines and it doesn't matter what machine I'm sitting in front of I have the same palette of tools and the same toolkit available to me it's just so powerful to be able to use that so that hits on the five major themes today Ryan so I'd love to answer any questions over anything I've covered so far or if there's been some other general Camtasia questions that the team has brought in as well yeah Jason one question that I always like to see you answer is mm-hmm I've created a video I love it it's perfect it's got everything I want and then I think oh this would be good to turn into a template how do I do that Oh Ryan you love to answer that question so let's actually do that I actually have some projects in here so I'm gonna open this Jason's bike guide project this is the video I made a little while ago it's got a nice little introduction it's got a couple of different pieces of media from that bike library that we were talking about before right and then it's got the outro so it's a nice easily set up single line project if I wanted to turn this into a template for someone else notice that there are some transitions apply and so there's a nice fade and there's some cube rotation that's all built in all I need to do is take an existing project like this and right-click on the pieces of media that I would like to turn into placeholders so if I right click and choose convert to placeholder it takes that piece of media and turns it into a placeholder which has the same properties associated with it that the piece of media did so in this case it has the transition already built into it I can change the name of the placeholder so if I want to say you know bike footage spelled correctly of course and then I can also give notes to whoever is going to be the content creator just like that excuse me and because this project is something I want to turn into a template all I have to do is then go to the file menu choose save project as template I call this 111 Jason's bike guide when I hit okay the play head was sitting right here so that shot of guy's leg is going to be in my template manager as the thumbnail for the brand-new template that I went to share with other people so if I have an existing video that I want to turn into a template it couldn't be easier I can either just do file save as template or I can do a little bit of extra work by adding placeholders or converting things to placeholders magnetizing the track whatever I think would be most beneficial for those people going to create videos on my behalf great so Jason I think mostly questions that come in are general which is fine Allah I'll let you take a stab at some of these so the first one I've got is from Jeff Jeff says what triggers the decision to add an item to a new track versus adding to an existing track is it the type of media is it the need to overlay so if I wanted to so I think the question goes along with this if I were to say add this footage to my project if I right-click on it from the media bin and I choose add to Timeline at playhead it's gonna put it on the next track because all that available space is occupied on track one if I were to move my playhead towards the end where there isn't media and I want to add this plate this piece of media it's gonna add it to the existing track where there is space for it so largely it has to deal with where there is space and in this case there's the track magnetization turned on track one here so it snapped it right to the end right at the right at the place where it wants to be so if I were to drag it off of that timeline the track magnetization stays there and I can move this piece of media wherever I want as a matter of fact I can drag over and replace media if I want or I can drag it between two other pieces of media and snap it into place as well so in terms of what triggers the decision it's available space based on the size of the piece of media that you're bringing in and whether or not you're adding it manually where you'd click and drag it down and place it where you want it or if you're using the add to track or add to Timeline at playhead option within your media bin yeah and if Jeff if you are asking about you personally making this decision as you're adding it manually that has to do with something called the Z order and you got to kind of understand what you're looking at and what you want to see so Jason I don't know if you want to talk about that real quickly sure so the Z order is in terms of where the content is on the tracks so this media is sitting on track 2 which is above track 1 and when I place this here if I move it out of the way there's actually a placeholder sitting below it but the media is obscuring it so you're talking about the overlay idea so if I resize this piece of media it is sitting on top of what is on track one so the Z order means that this one is sitting above it just the same as if I were to move a piece of media underneath it I now have a series of media associated with it based on what I'm going to see first depending on what content is most top facing or in the top of the Z order thanks for the clarification there Ryan I appreciate it yeah absolutely Jason another question we got comes from Aimee it actually came early on in the webinar uh-huh Amy wants to know we started with an intro on the timeline but how did you add that oh yeah so let's let's start a new project here so I think you were talking about the default template had an intro and an outro sequence already built in to be honest Amy we have a whole series of these built into the Camtasia 20/20 default library if you click on the 2020 default library there is a folder called intros and if you open that intros folder there's a bunch of different animated intros that you can add in so if I wanted to use this line wipe intro I can click it and drag it down onto the timeline and place it here on track 1 and I now have an animated intro that is also customizable well I can customize it by clicking on it and seeing what's available here in the properties panel and in case of building a template maybe I wanted to add a placeholder here and we'll shorten that up and maybe I want to add another placeholder here just by hitting that hotkey of P and then there are a few outros available as well so if I close the music library there is some animated outros but to be honest ami I tend to grab the exact same intro which in this case was the line wipe and I use it as my outro because any change I make to the one I can easily make to the other and make it nice and consistent with movement and color and length and then once again to get rid of these gaps hit the little magnet button snaps everything together with track magnetization I'm good to go great Jason I got another question here from Majeed a genius when you replace media with an placeholder my other items on the other tracks do they move with the track you're modifying so I think if if you were to put media into that placeholder what happens to the tracks above it after it on the same track sure how does that react so let's show you so I've got some placeholder sitting on track 2 and me media placeholders on track 1 if I go into my library I'll just go into the we'll use that same bicycle workshop library if I brought a piece of media in and replace that placeholder underneath when I ripple replace it it moves everything on that track especially if it's magnetized but everything else stays in place so that's a consideration that you have when you are replacing media and when you're adding things to multiple tracks so when you're building a template out you want to think about those sorts of things as well what'll go into play how long of a piece of media you want in fact some of the templates that we build for each other internally when we add the notes to the placeholder we give some guidance like try and make this clip 12 seconds 12 to 15 seconds long and then we know it'll work with sinking of maybe the music that we have associated with it or other pieces of call-outs but remember as long as you turn off track magnetization all these elements are movable and editable so you can make changes based on anything you need to do with your content okay Jason and I got another question here for you this is a general question and we we usually cover in the getting started but it's pretty cool and I know you like to show it off so okay Dale asks can you just show us some of the cursor effects available in Camtasia let's see cursor effects certainly so I actually have a screen recording sitting here in my library and I'll bring it in this is a a basic screen recording of how to find tutorials on the TechSmith website I'm actually going to ungroup this for this particular example so in this video I have my screen recording which means I've got my cursor moving around so right off the bat there's a couple things I can do with the screen recording that mate was made with Camtasia you have 80 record TechSmith recording file if you select a piece of media you can make some subtle adjustments to the mouse itself you can come over here to the properties panel and select the pointer at the top and you can change things like the scale of it so you can change the size so now I can easily see that mouse pointer I can change its opacity where if I want it to be seen or don't want it to be seen I can do that as well but I can also apply any number of cursor effects and to add a cursor effect like the cursor spotlight or cursor smoothing my personal favorite all you need to do is click and drag it to that piece of media and just like that in this case I've added the cursor highlight effect right so the cursor highlight effect is both adjustable over here in the properties panel so if I wanted it to be larger or if I wanted it to have so let's make it a little bit larger and maybe we wanted to make it blue for this particular screen I can do that as well you have control over when it's on the screen by clicking the little channel button down here on the media where you can adjust when it comes in and comes out and by the way any adjustments you make to this particular cursor effect or any others I can save by clicking that plus button in the upper right hand corner of the panel and now I have this custom highlight so I can call this a blue cursor highlight and it's right there and available to me which I can then favorite I can add to my package to share out as well super super easy Jason and the why question I think we have today is a pretty quick one but it's a good one if I'm exporting and sharing packages from Camtasia what can and can't be shared between PCs and Macs Mike works on both and he wants to know if he can share those packages with themselves so and I'm gonna make sure that anybody in our TechSmith support group is listening and can back me up on anything I say here I actually Mike I work on both Windows and Mac as well and when I create packages I do this quite often this shift between the Windows and Mac platform we've actually done a ton of work to support as much as we possibly can on both platforms I think the only things that occasionally don't work and I'm talking super occasionally is certain fonts that are designed either for Mac only and not on Windows or vice versa in terms of stuff inside of Camtasia the tools work the colors work the the presets of work the templates work I have not run across anything that would be any kind of concern other than an occasional font situation but to be honest I'm Mike I would share and share alike and and have that experience I have not run into anything that would cause me concern but we will I'll double check that with the crew as well and maybe we can even include that little tidbit in our email follow-up okay thanks Jason for answering those questions for us today and for the demonstration I'm gonna ask you do one more thing for me and that is to go to our webinars page we are ramping up for the day and this was a diving deeper into Camtasia looking specifically at scaling your video production but I do want to point out the webinars page we have the getting started webinars you can watch recording right there or you can register for a future date if maybe this is a little too advanced for you but we also have future topics listed here you can see just popped up on us but you can see that we have advanced timeline usage and making videos that while with and assets so if you're interested knows feel free to register for those other than that you will all receive the recording today of today's webinar in that email you'll also receive a couple other assets like links to tutorials the TechSmith Academy assets some things we think will help you as you continue to grow with Camtasia I want to also reiterate that there is that for question survey coming up at the end perfect opportunity for you to tell us what you liked what you didn't like if you take just a minute to fill that out we would greatly appreciate that and other than that if you have any questions you can visit our website and go to the support page which is also support techsmith.com and there's a chat functionality and all kinds of great materials for you in there if you have any questions that wraps us up for today we appreciate you all joining us and have a wonderful day thank you
Channel: TechSmith
Views: 4,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TechSmith, Screencast, Video, how do I, how to, capturing, demo video, recording my screen, training, documentation, explain a process, show someone how to
Id: _tBDjcmwBec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 12sec (3132 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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