🎬 Camtasia 2021: COMPLETE Tutorial for Beginners!

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welcome to this complete beginner's guide to camtasia 2021 where in the next half an hour or so i will teach you everything you need to know to start recording and editing professional videos and feel confident while doing it it's in-depth covers all the basics and takes you from zero to hero in no time so you won't need any other tutorials i'm eduardstinga from videoplasty.com and let's get started all right so when you start camtasia 2021 you will see this welcome screen where you can do a couple of things you can start a new project from scratch to start editing a video by importing media into your project or you can open a recent project by navigating on your computer or you can also see a list of recent projects here so you can continue editing those but i imagine most of you will just start a new recording and you can do that by clicking this button right here alright so when you're starting a new recording you got a bunch of different settings first one is you can select the area of your screen that you want to record right now it's selected as full screen this is the name of the display but you can also choose some different preset resolutions like full hd 720 maybe even a phone sort of display here or for example you can also do a custom one by just you know grabbing the corners and moving them around like this but honestly i imagine most of you will just use the full screen which is my recommendation next we can look at the webcam if you have a webcam you can turn it on or off like this if you have multiple webcams connected you can definitely select which one you want from this list personally i'm not a big fan of those videos myself but many many people like them so if this is something that you want to add to your video to have a talking head somewhere like on the bottom right usually next to the main recording of your your training video then you can definitely do that as well also very important number three you can select the input for your microphone here you can select for example the laptop's microphone but if you have an external microphone like i do right now called the blue yeti microphone i highly recommend you use an external one because it's just gonna be so much better in terms of quality and the whole feeling of your video is going to be way more professional and it really just changes a lot actually and then the last setting that we have here is the system audio you can turn it on or off depending on your preferences this can be useful for example if your training video has any sort of uh music sound effects or anything like that any sort of audio that you want to include in the training video you can do that by enabling the system audio and of course once you're ready to start your recording just click this big red button right here and right now it's recording so whatever it is that you want to record a training video an example or any sort of video recording do your thing here and when you're done you can just go here on the top on a mac or on the bottom bar on a windows right click on it and stop recording all right so for the sake of this demo i actually went ahead and recorded a bit of a different uh sort of demo so we can play around with and yeah welcome to the video editor of camtasia 2021 so let's have a quick look at the dashboard real quick because if this is the first time you see a video editing software it might seem a little bit confusing but it doesn't have to be so as you can see here in the middle we obviously have a preview of the video which is actually a preview of what we are currently editing here on the left you have a panel where you can import your media for example right here we have the recording but you can also import other photos music videos and things like that from your local computer or you can use the camtasia library or add a bunch of different other transitions effects and a couple of other different animations and things like that to use in your video here on the bottom we have what is called a timeline and this is where you do the editing this is where all the magic happens pretty much right and this thing right here what you see here is called a playhead and basically the timeline starts here on the left at zero seconds and it goes all the way to 5 10 seconds and so on and the playhead is basically a tool that you can use to move at any point in time on your timeline and you can clearly see things change on the video preview as well now this is a bit of a small video project that we have it's not that long but if you end up doing a much longer video you can also use the scale of the timeline here to just zoom out like this and this reveals all the way to almost one minute or longer but in our case because the video is fairly short i'm just going to zoom in and then the last part of the layout is here on the right which is currently empty but if we select any clip from the timeline here on the right we will have what are called properties so the first tab is actually visual properties where we can change things such as scale opacity and a couple of other things or the audio properties right and uh for example if this is closed by any chance you can just uh turn it back on using this this green button right here all right now let's move the playhead all the way to the beginning and see our demo video that we are going to work with this in in this training video i will show you how it looks like when i alright so right off the bat you can see that i made some uh mistakes which were intentional just for the purpose of this tutorial but you know sometimes when you record stuff it happens it's not very easy to give a great delivery so you might have to edit out a couple of mistakes like for example the ones in the beginning this in so you can also see it on the waveform here is not that clear i'm going to zoom in maybe you can see then this is the first mistake this is the second and this is the audio waveform where i want to actually start the video because this is where it says in this training video i will so this is uh this is basically where the good part starts and i want to remove the part before that so to do that let's do a little bit of very basic editing which is going to be super useful so i'm going to select both clips here on the timeline and use this tool right here called split so if you click on it it basically separates the clips into two parts and now i have four clips on the timeline i can select the two in the beginning hit backspace on the keyboard to remove them but now if i move the playhead here there's basically an empty space there's nothing here so what you want to do is drag and select the two of them and just move them closer to the left so they start right in the beginning and the reason why you have two clips on the timeline is because one of them the one on the bottom is this big recording and the second one which is the one on top is actually this recording right here so this brings me to my next point which can be the order of the tracks on the timeline so you have to understand the way it works is actually very simple the track that's on top has priority so to speak is the one that shows up on top of the other one so for example if i were to invert the order and move this one on a track on top it's basically going to cover this webcam recording that used to be over there because it's basically behind it but we cannot see it because we see what is currently here so now i'm going to move this back and there you go and the reason why you can see what's behind this webcam recording underneath is that because it doesn't fill up the full screen all right next i want to show you what is called trimming so for example if you go here towards the end of my video keystrokes on screen right so you can see somewhere around here i stopped talking and basically from that point to here the video is pretty empty and we don't need it and what you do in that case is you grab a video at the end like this as you can see the cursor turns into something else and then you move it all the way to here to trim it down a little bit and i'm gonna do the exact same thing with the other one as well all right next i want to show you how you can change a couple of the properties i kind of touched on them briefly before so say for example with this webcam recording if i have it selected like this on the timeline i can grab the webcam actually the clip itself doesn't have to be a webcam can be anything else so whatever it is you can just grab it move it around depending on what sort of video you're making you can move things around wherever they fit your project and in this case i can also grab it at the ends to maybe make it a little bit smaller but we're just going to move it back there another thing that you can do is you can crop videos by using this tool right here so say for example i want to make the webcam video somewhere like this that's also possible personally i don't really like how it looks like but you know cropping can prove super useful in other instances so i'm just going to hit command z or control z on a windows to undo those changes now i'm going to select the arrow tool as again so if you go here to the properties you can also use the properties to increase the scale like this in a controlled way where you can see numbers and you know have exact values more or less or you can use the opacity property for example to make this a little bit transparent all the way to making it disappear completely if you want to and of course there are a couple of others such as rotating your video if you want that you know changing the positioning and again the size now let's go to the audio properties here in this case we only have the gain which is a property that allows you to control the volume of the audio in this track so let's uh use that to increase a little bit to let's say a hundred and fifty percent and as you can see here on the timeline we can already see the waveform a little bit higher and another thing that you can do here is you can mix a stereo track to a mono one if that suits your project now going back to the timeline you can also control the volume by grabbing this line right here on top of the green area and you can drag it down or you can drag it back up to where it was you can also overblow it like this but i don't recommend you do that and play it back it's gonna be way too loud all right next let's have a quick look and see how we can add an intro animation to our project so for that we obviously have to create a little bit of space here in the beginning so i will select both tracks like this move them to the right so we can have a little bit of room to play around here and what i like about camtasia is that it has a lot of elements in a library things that you can use for different kinds of projects and a lot of them are very easy to edit so i'm just going to show you a couple of icons for example if you need them those are static ones and you can also use things such as intros or lower thirds so for this video let's just use a lower third real quick let's uh let's use this basic one for example drag and drop it here on the timeline and let's see how it looks as you can see right now actually it is a little bit smaller because it's uh probably made for full hd and our current project is 4k so just grab it at the corners like this to resize it no problem at all and there you have it now it's full screen right now it has the camtasia logo and this text but we can change it to say eduardo you can also adjust you know the colors to anything that you want make it green or whatever and of course you can also click on the logo to change the icon to something else in this case obviously you would use your own logo so all of this is editable and it's super easy to change and it just looks super cool and more professional to introduce who you are who's speaking or things like that so let's see how it looks in this training video i will show you how it looks like when i click anywhere all right that was super easy and super nice so let's add an intro animation now so of course you can you know have a look and play around with a bunch of those to see how they look like and explore because there's a lot of options to choose from but for this one i'm just going to select this first one and again drag and drop it here on the timeline and let's see what we have oops again i have to resize it to fit my project there you go okay so in this case as before if you have it selected you can go here and properties and just change everything that you want so i'm just going to say camtasia 2020 for the company i'll say video plasti and for the website i'll say videoplasty.com and same as before everything is editable even the color so i'm just going to quickly change the color to green and there you go that was a super easy intro and it was very easy to add and very easy to edit now let's see what else we can add from here so uh camtasia also has music tracks right inside the app so let's have a quick look here and add some music to our project let's say this one called firefly and i'm just going to add it here in the beginning so it starts with the intro animation and as you can see it's fairly long so i'll just go somewhere here right where the intro ends and with the audio track selected you can use the splits tool again and it's going to cut it like this now i select the second half hit backspace and remove it in this training video i will show you how it looks like all right so that was uh that was pretty interesting but a couple of things i want to now add a bit of a fade out to the music as before you can also control the volume by using this slider right here very very easily so in order to add a audio fade out you can go here to audio effects and it's going to be very simple it's called a fade out drag and drop it to the end of this audio track and as you can see it kind of added two points one is here on the bottom at zero percent and one is here and basically what that does is it just changes the volume over time from a hundred percent here all the way to zero percent here thus creating a fade out let's just move this a little bit to the left here to start earlier and then this one as well [Music] and then trim it here at the end all right let's uh hear how that sounds in this training video i will all right it still kind of covers me starting uh speaking here so you would have to move them even more to the left like this for example and this somewhere over there and that would be good but now for example i also want a bit of a transition from the intro to the actual training video so for that you can use what are called transitions and as you can expect it camtasia has a bunch of different transitions that you can access in this tab right here called transitions and as before there are quite a lot of different options and in order to preview them you can just hold your mouse on them and it's going to show you how it looks like so my recommendation as before is to play around with them and see if you find one that you like in our case i'm just going to use this one called bar wipe so as before you drag and drop it and as you can see you have a bunch of different clips highlighted in blue which basically shows where you can add those transitions right at the beginning or at the end of a clip if you also move it in the middle it's going to add it both in the beginning and at the end of the clip but in our case we will just add it at the end of this intro clip right there to see how it looks in this training video all right camtasia kind of lags a little bit right now because i'm also recording this tutorial and editing at the same time which is a little bit heavy on the processor but as you can see if i just slowly go through the transition it's just a very nice bar wipe that just makes the video look a little bit more professional also you can drag the transition here at the end to make it a little bit longer so basically tell it to start sooner or to just make it a little bit shorter personally i prefer to make it longer usually just because it's smoother and just you know gives a more professional sort of feeling to the project but you know if you have a high paced dynamic video you can also do shorter transitions that's perfectly fine in this training video i will show you how it looks like when i click anywhere on screen so you can see it in camtasia and all right next i want to show you what i was just talking about in the demo clicking on screen and how you can highlight that because for example a lot of training videos are very hard to follow because the cursor just moves a lot and you don't know where it is on the screen so in order to do that and make it easy for people to follow your cursor you can go to cursor effects and there are a few different ones but for this one i'm going to use the one called highlight as before you just drag and drop it and in this case you can only drag and drop it on the recording here on the bottom and now if you look at the screen you can see my cursor is being highlighted in yellow and of course same as before here in properties you can change the color of your cursor i mean the color of the highlight make it a little bit larger you can do a lot of different things and of course you can also turn it off turn it back on or if you click the x button it's just going to completely remove this filter but now if i go here to show you a couple more effects for left click or right click for this one we'll just use the left click let's add a ripple actually now let's add a ring effect to each of your left clicks again you drag and drop it here but also let's add a sound effect to make it a hundred percent clear for people so they know exactly where and when you click anywhere on the screen so add it here as well and right now we have quite a bunch of different effects here in the properties tab you can also see them a little bit clearer here if i go to the timeline on the clip you can click on this button that says show effects and you will see a bunch of different ones but the reason why i want to show you this is because the two for left clicks the sound and the rings you can see a bunch of different circles at the point in time where we actually have a click and let's play it back to see how it looks like i will show you how it looks like when i click anywhere on screen so you can see it in camtasia and then i will show you what it looks like when i'm using my keyboard so you can clearly see all right that looks pretty good and makes it very easy to follow of course don't use a green color for the for the highlight just uh oops the yellow one that was originally there by default down was pretty good say for example you don't want to have this on screen you can also enable or disable a bunch of different layers or tracks on the timeline actually so maybe you want to see how it looks without the lower third you can go here on the left and using this i button you can click on it to completely hide it this hides it from your project so you don't see it when you're editing or when you're exporting but it doesn't completely remove it so in case you want to come back to it and restore it or re-enable it just click the button again and it shows back on screen but for this video i will just have it removed now let's have a look at what we have and see how we can end this training video to make it look very nice and professional in this training video i will show you how it looks like when i click anywhere on screen so you can see it in camtasia and then i will show you what it looks like when i'm using my keyboard so you can clearly see the keystrokes on screen all right so the way it ends it just ends kind of abruptly and i never liked that in my videos and what i highly recommend you always do is to at least add a fade out at the end and the way to do that again is super simple you just go here to transitions and you scroll all the way down to the letter f and we have this one called fade so you drag and drop it here at the end of this one and now i'm just going to drag and drop it again at the end of the other clip you can of course adjust the length of it but i'm just going to leave it as it is and for this one with the webcam where i'm actually speaking i'll add a audio fade out as well from audio effect fade out and drag and drop it here now let's see let's see what we have at the end the keystrokes on screen all right that was uh that was super nice now let's uh have a look at another very useful trick that i see in a lot of training videos and that i think you might find very useful as well the way we highlighted the cursor we can also highlight and point out the keystrokes so if you go here to visual effects camtasia has a bunch of different ones that you can explore we obviously don't have time to go through all of them the video will be very very long a couple of hours maybe if i would show you every single feature of camtasia but i'm just trying to show you all the basic ones that you might actually need when you're starting out and doing a training video and then if you want to learn something more there's tutorials for that as well so a couple of super cool ones keystroke and one that i'm going to show you a little bit later is device frame but let's just use the keystroke so as before you drag and drop it as a filter and i'm going to put it here on the bottom and basically our recording all right so with the clip selected i'm just going to show effect so i can see exactly where on screen i have some keystrokes so you can see the filter here called keystrokes and the two circles here so we'll just move the playhead right on top there we go and right now you can kind of see something small over there but it's too small so it doesn't really look that well and for that i'm now going to increase the size of it like this to make it much much bigger and if you grab the little red thing i can also move it a little bit higher so it's easier to see and it's not off screen right so you can also change the styles because camtasia offers you a bunch of different ones so whichever one you like just uh use that one and basically what i did here was command c or ctrl c on the windows which is basically the first shortcut to copy and then to paste because the next one right here was a control v or command v on a mac to paste so let's see let's see how that looks like all the way from the beginning in this training video i will show you how it looks like when i click anywhere on screen so you can see it in camtasia and then i will show you what it looks like when i'm using my keyboard so you can clearly see the keystrokes on screen all right i think that's starting to look very very professional and one final filter that i'm going to show you or visual effect which i think is a really fun one is called the device frame and same as before drag and drop it here on the main recording video and it basically adds a frame in which it plays our video edit in this case it's a desktop but i can go here in the properties and change it to a google pixel phone for example and this is where the recording settings from the beginning if you remember where you select the area of the screen that you want to record this is where it proves in handy if you want to add something for example that's vertical and fits a phone screen but in our case it's not so we will just use for example a macbook pro and there you go also if you want to download a bunch more of course just click this button camtasia has a huge library of assets available for you to access and they're all super super easy to use and they make your video editing live so much easier all right so i'm gonna turn this off real quick so you can see a little bit better if you zoom in here you can see that this recording is a little bit pixelated uh which might look a little bit low quality but it actually isn't and i'll explain why in a minute so i'm just gonna go back to media and the reason why i'm using this is because this recording right here is actually the full screen recording but the one that i'm using right here is a proxy and to use a proxy you can just right click on your video and just go to proxy video and then you can create a proxy video but just to show you how that feels like i'm just going to delete the proxy video first and right now the quality updated to super sharp quality so basically what a proxy video is it's a lower resolution lower bitrate version of your main video so you can edit smoothly even on machines that are not so powerful in my case it's mostly so i can record at the same time but it's super super useful for example if you have 4k footage or 50 60 frames per second it's actually very useful in the workflow and you just right click on it proxy video create proxy video and then you don't even have to remember to delete it afterwards all you have to do is just export and camtasia will automatically use the high quality high resolution version when you're exporting the final video but this is super useful and makes your editing life so much easier especially nowadays with video resolutions becoming higher frame rates increasing and things like that just makes video editing a much more heavy task on the processor and the solution to that is to use proxy videos alright so when it's all said and done you can just go here on the button on the top right here where it says export to export your video and save it to your local computer and you have a bunch of different options you can export as a local file or you can upload even directly to youtube google drive vimeo and things like that but me i like to keep things simple and just export a local file all right so this is how it looks on a mac on a windows the navigation or the little window to browse on your computer can look a little bit different but this is where you select where you want to export the video on your computer and the file format that you want to use you can use mp4 mov or gif but especially in the beginning just go with mp4 it's going to be super good and more than enough and if you want to go a little bit more advanced you can go to options to actually select the settings for your compression but i don't recommend you do that just leave everything as it is by default and when you're ready just click export so you will see a loading bar like this exporting your video and it might actually take a little bit of time anywhere from a couple of minutes to i don't know 20 minutes half an hour and this depends on the complexity of your project how many clips you have how many effects filters and things like that but also on the length of the video and also on your computer how powerful it is and how much it can process so don't worry if this takes a lot of time that's absolutely normal all right that was my camtasia 2021 tutorial for beginners i hope you liked it and i hope now you will go and make your own videos and share them with the world for more camtasia assets such as stock animation that will help you produce professionally looking animated videos directly in camtasia with a drag and drop simplicity make sure to visit videoplasty.com thank you so much for watching all the way to the end i really appreciate it if you enjoyed this video it would be great if you could gently tap the like button and leave a comment that really helps with the youtube algorithm and for more useful content in the world of video editing video animation and starting a youtube channel make sure to subscribe and hit the notification bell so you don't miss out i'm edward stinger from videoplasty.com follow me on instagram as well at eduards and say hi because i really enjoy chatting with you guys there or here in the youtube comments i hope you enjoyed this video and i'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: 🎬 Eduard Stinga (VideoPlasty.com)
Views: 5,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camtasia, camtasia 2021, camtasia tutorial, camtasia guide, camtasia beginners, camtasia 2020, camtasia studio, techsmith, techsmith camtasia, how to use camtasia, learn camtasia, camtasia tutorial beginners, camtasia how to, camtasia crash course, camtasia screen recorder, video editing, video editing software, video marketing, camtasia video editing tutorial, screen recorder, camtasia 2021 review, camtasia 2021 features, camtasia 9, camtasia tutorial for beginners
Id: dMArh-5f4N0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 4sec (1984 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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