Basics of animation in Camtasia | Camtasia tutorial for beginners

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Hello this is Cristi from Graphicious and today I would like us to look at animations in Camtasia with animations you will be able to achieve things like this one I'm showing you right now you so as you can see from four different graphics that I put on my timeline I was able to animate move them around and create that nice animation it's not very complicated Camtasia has some animations that come by default if you look in the animation section on the left you will have some animations already built in or you have a zoom in pan that's very simple but the animations here you have different types of pre-made animations but it's very nice if you can learn to use the custom animation which allows you to decide yourself where objects move where they move from and you can add other stuff in between and you can do all sorts of other effects at first I was confused by the custom animation because I didn't know exactly how it worked so I was just using these pre-built animations but once I learned this I discovered that I never used these ones so much or not at all so I want to go today over a few animation tips and tricks how they work from scratch let's delete this and I have in my media library these logos that I imported and let's choose one I will place it on my timeline here and if I go and move my playhead I can see it here now Camtasia by default has resized my canvas to match this image it thinks it's a video clip so it's trying to match it so that I don't have to move it around but I don't want to do this so if this happens to you you can just go to the drop-down at the top and select project settings and change your project settings to your desired size I'm going to use HD now my image is in the center and if you move it around with your mouse you will see those very helpful snapping lines for example now contageous telling me that my object is exactly in the center of the canvas I don't need this to be so large so I'm gonna make it smaller and if I move it in the center it's already it's there now so how does animation work well animation works with something called keyframes so you have a starting keyframe and an ending keyframe so in these two keyframes these are the start and the end state of your object so if you want to move an object from the left of the screen to the right of the screen you need to add an animation and at the start of the animation you need to put the object here and at the end of the animation you put it here then when you play the animation the software creates all of the steps in between so let's exemplify this I am going to zoom in control and wheel mouse wheel and this is my object on the timeline it's an image so I can change the duration of this with no problem so I it's going to stay on the timeline as long as I want at the moment it's starting from zero to about 16 seconds so if I play it you will see there's nothing happening because there's no animation add it to my clip let's go to the animations and do like we said before let's move the object let's make it animate from the left side to the right side of the screen I'm gonna move it so that it's shorter I'm gonna shorten the clip and let's go to the start it doesn't really matter where this headed because animations you can move them off later you can move them so that they start earlier or end later and so on so I'm gonna move my image to the left side of the screen and I'm gonna drag a custom animation to the object before I do that let me show you these pre-built animations scale to fit if I just drag this on my object and I play it it takes the object from where it is moves scales it to be the size of the screen so there you go that's what that animation does of course you also have control over this animation to customize it later but at the moment I'm just going to click on the animation let me make this larger so the animation is indicated by this arrow that's added on to my clip click on it and delete now the animation has been removed again I select my clip and I drag a custom animation when you do that the clips highlight and you can see I'm not letting go of the mouse yet it's I can move it left and right to determine where it starts or ends so I'm just gonna leave it here in the middle of the clip by default you can see that the animation is quite short so if i zoom in I can see that it is actually an arrow if I pull these two and the starting point and the end point I can move left and move right these two dots indicate the start and the end of my animation let's play this from the before the start you can see there's nothing happening because I haven't yet told the animation what's gonna happen in the final point so now in the final point you see it's highlighted in red the final point is what I want to happen with the animation so I wanted to move this to the right side of the screen I'm just gonna place it there now if I move the playhead we can see that it's moving the object so if I play it now the object moves to the other side I can do multiple animations on the same clip which is how I realize that animation I showed you at the start so all you have is just this one image and I can move this animation to the start make it shorter so this is how you extend the duration of the animation if I make it shorter now you will see that it moves faster from one point to another and let's go in the middle here and creates another animation that moves the same object to the center of the screen or maybe down here again drag a custom animation and you will see that it snaps if I move it up left and right it snaps to the playhead so this is a very helpful tip if you want to more precisely control initially where the animation stops you can just place your playhead there and you know that's where it ends so then when you drag your animation it will just snap to the playhead and let go and now let's see what happens I'm gonna pull the left the beginning of my animation to make it longer and in the end of the animation I want my object to be down here in the middle let's see did that do it yes it did okay so let me give you another tip if you have created an animation and you want to replicate that you can either on the same clip or another clip so let's now put another clip from the media bin onto my timeline this new clip doesn't have any animation at the moment I'm gonna make it the same length that's the red one so you can see now the red one is moving behind it because this one is at the top let's put this one at the bottom there so that the red one moves on top of it so you can still see the red one is doing the animation but the orange one is not I want to make this one the same size as the red one so I'm gonna just place it here just for an example and now I want to copy this animation right-click on the animation and copy and paste it on this second image right click on the image and click paste now this has pasted the animation and it pasted it at the very start of my clip I'm gonna zoom in for a bit so now what happens is both my objects are performing the same animation so it's a very nice effect because the orange one the animation starts earlier it starts to move first so I can move the animation and again very helpful they snap into place now of course I'm not going to see anything because they are behind each other but I can play around with the animation maybe make this one go away a little later so now you will see that the red one has a trail of the orange one it's a very nice effect let's copy the second one click copy right-click and paste it's been placed here I can move it so that it is a little later let's see what we did right if you notice the animation doesn't work in a constant speed it speeds up at the beginning and then kind of slows down you can see that the objects slightly separate from each other for a while even and then they get together again so this is why if you notice let's play this again maybe slower notice how the object speeds up and then slows down at the end this is called easing and it gives a bit of a natural feel natural feel to the animation you can change this easing by right-clicking on the animation and choosing enable easing and then choosing one of these exponential in-and-out will do this let me delete this one for a second the exponential one is sort of like the default one where it speeds up it starts slow speeds up around the cent the middle of the animation and then halfway through and then it starts to slow down again if I change this enable easing to be linear it should move at a constant speed all the way through the animation notice there's no speeding no slowing down right click let's try it spring you notice the object goes a bit more than the destination and then comes back it goes further to the right so if you make this one go very fast by making it short you will see it gives a bit of a springy illusion yeah very nice for animations and finally I think there's another one here bounce you notice it repeats this bounce at the end let's run it slower so it has four for skips before it stops so this is how animations work you can achieve a lot of effects just by creating custom animations and placing them along your clip and then moving the clip to where you want it to be and where you want it to come from so here select the end keyframe move the object up to make it shorter you can make all move the all the animations together so this is how animation goes the effect that I achieved in my in my video that I showed you at the beginning was by replicating these animations on multiple copies of this graphic maybe let's put the white one here so I have three different graphics and each one of them is doing something different so once you have set the size of the object and the placement the initial placement you can play with them so if you see now this red one has the proper size but these are the two ones if I hide this one for a little bit these are the two ones are quite large so if I select both of them using my shift key or I drag like this I can then resize them onto my on my canvas and because of this very helpful snapping I can quickly find the place where they should be and then all I have to do is just put them at the starting point and copy holding down shift I can copy all the animations from the first clip right click ctrl copy and then click on these clips and right-click and select paste this has placed all the animations onto the other clips so again with the shift key I can select all of the animations and line them up with the other one so very quickly I have created the same animation on two more clips so if I want this effect now to maybe happen to all of them so I can see them because they are moving now on the same exact place all I have to do is just select these ones and maybe move them if I want them to enter the scene later and the animations will go with them as you can see each one moves individually or if I want them to be in the scene at the beginning all I have to do is just move the actual animations for each one of them a bit later so now the same effect has been achieved another trick if you want to make the animation you decide that the animations are too slow you can speed them up by selecting all of them and then you drag either one of them and all of them will change duration so I can make my animations much faster if I just make them shorter of course like this and if I want to move them closer again select them and move them and they will move in sync like this so now they should move much faster okay another trick I want to show you and this has to do with the duration of the initial animation if I go to the animations here and I drag a custom animation to my timeline to my clip you will notice it's probably very short this is because I modified my default because I wanted very fast action on that video I showed you but if you want to change this so you don't have to change it all the time so let's say that you usually work with animations that last maybe a second or half a second I don't know maybe a second you can change the default animation duration for Camtasia this will not change the animations you've already added to your scene it will change all only the new ones so the way to do that is to go to the program preferences go to the Edit menu preferences and go to timing and here you have some default timings for various things for transitions images so when you place images on your they will be by default five seconds long each but here you have animation so at the moment because I changed this and I made it shorter for myself 0.1 seconds that's why they are so short you can use these arrows to move up and down or you can type in here let's say one second so now when I click ok all of the animations that I put on my scene from now on will be one second long so let's try custom animation drag it to my clip notice it's now much longer so this is how you change the timings for default things like animations and transitions so now I can use this one it's much easier to use so this has been an overview of animation in Camtasia remember that they work with a starting point and an ending point and then you move your object in all of the points you move to the place you move the object and then it moves from one point to another and you can vary the duration vary the velocity the distance you can vary the easing and so on to achieve many effects like this I actually added this clip to my library with with sound so let me put it again and play it thank you for watching and if you enjoy my tutorials please subscribe to my channel see you next time you
Channel: Cristi Cotovan | Graphicious
Views: 16,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camtasia animations, camtasia animation effects, custom animations in camtasia, how to make animation in camtasia, how to animate objects in camtasia, camtasia 2020, camtasia tutorial for beginners, learn camtasia 2020, learn camtasia full course, camtasia course, how to, camtasia studio, video editing, video production, camtasia 9, how to animate, animation tutorial, camtasia studio 9, how to make animation, camtasia animation tutorial, camtasia tutorial
Id: hNxzMNZlVGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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