How to Record PowerPoint with Camtasia and Share Your Video (Webinar Recording)

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hi everybody and welcome to today's webinar how to record powerpoint with camtasia my name is jason valade and i'm an instructional designer and master trainer here on our customer education team at techsmith and i'll be your host today today's presentation is approximately 45 minutes long and we will end our today's session with a q a question and answer period to try and answer as many of your questions as possible joining me today is my friend and co-worker ryan aish who's an instructional designer here in our customer education team hey ryan how's it going it's going well jason thanks how are you i'm doing all right thanks so much so ryan's going to be your presenter today and he's going to be taking you through all things camtasia and powerpoint as well as sharing many helpful tips along the way ryan is going to be working from a windows pc today and using camtasia 2021 the newly re-released version we released back in april if you're using an older version of camtasia or you happen to be on the mac platform today it's absolutely fine and we'll be sure and try and call out any major differences that come along as we do it all right so let me go ahead and launch camtasia here so the goal for today's session is to walk you through a recommended workflow this is something that the workflow that i typically use when recording powerpoint with camtasia so i kind of want to walk you through from start to end kind of what that workflow looks like and then i'm also going to try to then transition over and show you a few other ways or as many as i can uh ways of how you can utilize powerpoint with camtasia now the idea isn't for you to utilize every single one of these maybe it works maybe it doesn't but it's kind of introducing you to some different workflows and then you kind of selecting which one works best for you which one you think is is most relevant for your workflow so there's a lot of information that i want to cover and do remember that this is being recorded so if you want to go back and re-watch any parts that you may have not quite grasped or whatever that uh recording will be coming to you tomorrow so let's start here inside of camtasia and this is just a blank project and now when i record powerpoint i'm going to show you how to use the camtasia recorder to actually record it so i'm going to click on this record button up here and this is going to launch the camtasia recorder let me move this over here in the middle so i typically will record my entire screen and then i will launch the powerpoint presentation to fill the screen so i'm going to go ahead and select this screen one here i'm also going to do webcam and i'm going to show you that oftentimes i don't necessarily leave the webcam on the entire time during the produced video but i'm going to go ahead and turn on my webcam here and so you should see me now in this little preview window and this is going to i'm going to show you how to record with webcam how you can hide it with some animations and then if you want to bring it back in your in your video later you definitely can uh for my microphone i'm going to select my yeti x microphone that's the one i'm using for this webinar today and i don't necessarily have any system audio so i'm going to leave that one as it is now with my recorder kind of set up i'm going to open up powerpoint now and these are um some slides that i'm going to use for for the demonstration today now you guys obviously have your own powerpoint decks that you create some of them are probably more than five slides long but this is again just for demonstration purposes and i'm not going to go through and do a a full detailed powerpoint recording i'm going to go through each slide and probably talk a little bit about each one just so that we have something on the timeline uh but just kind of bear with me as about as we go through this um recording and then when we get into the editor i'll kind of walk you through that process okay so again i'm going to use my powerpoint i'm sorry my camtasia recorder here so i'm actually going to launch powerpoint to start in full screen mode so it fills my screen and then take my deep breath and i'm going to start off with webcam on and i'm going to be talking to the webcam to start off and then we'll go through a few of the slides so i'm actually going to drag this over to my other monitor just so that it's not distracting me on top of the slides i'm going to hit record 3 second countdown and then i'll go through a few slides hi and welcome to this presentation today on best practices when working with audio and video i'm ryan and i'm going to share a few tips with you so let's get started first of all i'd like to start off with project preparation so having a clear plan is definitely important when you are having your end goals in mind before you start recording a clean workspace is also important this illustration over here kind of shows a windows tip that if you right click on the desktop of your windows machine and go to the view menu and you can actually uncheck show desktop icons and this will hide everything on your desktop so that it's not shown inside your video recording a third tip is to turn off your notifications things like email chat slack things like that and also be aware of your phone and make sure that's in silence mode microphones in your voice so audio is extremely important important in your videos we do recommend a usb headset or desktop mic as you see kind of pictured here in this on this slide and also one of the hardest things is to learn to accept the sound of your own voice when you hear your voice coming through the speakers it doesn't always sound quite like you think that's how you sound but it really is and just accepting it is is the best thing you can do one final slide here on reducing noise and scripting so being aware of your surroundings things like fans traffic if you're near windows co-workers or doors opening and closing just being aware of that and trying to minimize as much sound as possible is definitely helpful in in the quality of your videos scripting is something else that i highly recommend it helps me at least get my thoughts out on paper so that i know exactly what i'm going to say there are people like jason who really do well with the off the cuff style hitting record and just talking through but it's really just a personal preference and sometimes just depends on the particular video so i hope i hope you found this helpful i'm gonna start over i hope you found this helpful and thanks a lot for watching all right so i did hit the stop button and you guys probably heard me say i'm gonna start over that's just kind of actually a tip that if you do mess up just i usually don't say i'm going to start over but i'll usually just pause for a few seconds and then i'll pick up right where i left before i made that mistake because when i get in here to the editor i know that i can come down here and i can remove that part and like it was never there so i'll actually do that here in a second um but i wanted to point that out that that's kind of a tip while you're recording if you do mess up don't it took me a while i usually just start all over again delete the recording and start over but you kind of can learn some tips along the way of of uh you know turning or just pausing and starting back and then um kind of fixing it in the editor so to speak all right so that's the first step we recorded our screen now it's in the editor here it has track one is my screen recording so that's everything that was captured in the slides track two down here has audio as well as my camera video and those two are connected um first thing first though when i come up here to the top this is an untitled project i will typically come to my file menu and i'm gonna do a save as and i'm going to take this into i've got a webinars folder i'm just going to call this one camtasia [Music] powerpoint demo and here's a new feature in 2021 of camtasia this is check box and this is new on the windows side creating a standalone project this is something you could always already do on the mac side but having this box checked is extremely nice because now when i hit save it's going to save this project inside of a basically a folder and as i add new media or import new media here into my media bin it's automatically going to put that media inside of that techsmith project folder so we'll try and show you that what that looks like in a little bit um but now that it's saved we're good to go so now i like to go down and start doing some editing now typically at the beginning i may have a little bit that i want to delete to get started this one actually started pretty good but let me just hit the play button here and listen to the first few seconds hi and welcome to this presentation today on best practices when working with all right so i think there could be an opportunity there to delete maybe a couple seconds at the beginning and i generally look at my audio waveform which is a little hard to see but about right here i think i am going to make a selection at the back and i'm going to hit this cut button with the scissors and it's going to remove that so now my beginning starts about a second sooner and i'll probably do that at the end too when i wanted to cut that part out but one of the things i tend to do is start at the left and kind of work my way through this and one of them is being that the camera video is separate from the screen video i'm actually going to resize this a little bit and move it over here another cool little feature that i'd like to do is i come up here at the top of the canvas there is a crop button and you can also hold down the alt key to temporarily turn it on but if you click on the crop button with whatever media is selected down here it puts this blue line around it and if i want to crop out this side and maybe i want to crop out this side a little bit and i can adjust this so that um it's not showing everything that i captured with my webcam so once i have i can still move this around but with with it still in crop mode if i want to go back to resizing it i need to come back over here and click on the arrow to edit mode and now this lets me actually resize this and position it wherever i want so maybe i want to have this a little bit bigger down here in the corner and there's also a cool little effect that we've added inside of the visual effects menu over on the left which is this corner rounding and if i click and drag this corner rounding effect and drop it on top of my webcam over here underneath this properties window you're going to see this corner rounding section and i'm going to grab this radius and start dragging it up and you're going to see that it puts this nice little rounded effect around it and you can almost depending on if it's a perfect square or not before you when you crop it you can turn it into like a perfect circle but there are some really cool things you can do here you can actually deselect and maybe you only want it to have three sides rounded but you can kind of adjust that how you want and then you can adjust the radius here so this is actually kind of a cool effect another thing i like to do is add like a drop shadow on it so i'm going to drop that over here and i can adjust what that drop shadow effect looks like as well something else up here if you want to see what it looks like without the corner rounding we have these little toggle switches under properties so i can just turn it off and that's what it looks like with it be having a drop shadow with just the rectangle or toggle it back on to see what that looks like so i think i have my webcam where i want it to start and what i'm going to do is i'm going to kind of fast forward this and so i'm kind of doing the introduction right now and then i say something like let's get started so let me play this last part i'm ryan and i'm going to share a few tips with you so let's get started okay so now i have this little i'm not sure what this little blurb is right here let me play it oh it's me my lip smacking great so i want to get rid of that obviously so let me make a selection on it and with it selected i'm going to choose my audio up here now there's multiple ways i can do this i can with this selected area i can hover over the selected audio click and drag it down and mute it so now that is gone i can double click here and that's completely gone and they won't you won't hear that anymore you could also i could have let me undo this and i can make a selection again and instead of just silencing it if i don't need that part i could just use the scissors and cut and now that's gone okay so it really kind of depends on the the piece of media you're working with um but that's a couple ways of how i typically silence things or just remove it another thing i want to do is get myself out of the way so if i recorded with my webcam right around here i am going to add an in an animation and there's zoom and pan and then there's also the animations tab i'm going to go with the animations tab drag down this custom animation on top of the webcam and with it selected i want i could either move it up to the corner or what i'm going to do is select the video options over here and i'm going to change the opacity to zero so it's going to basically remove me from the screen and it's going to then look something like this when it gets to that point so let's get started first of all i'd like to start off with project preparation okay so that's one tip that i like to do is it's having that webcam is kind of nice to do the introduction but sometimes it can be distracting if it's on the screen the entire time not sure the viewer knows what they're supposed to look at the screen content or the viewer and i could bring myself back anytime i want with another animation so let me actually come back to this ending and when i come up and say thanks for watching let's actually edit that part out here so let me hit play so i hope you i hope you found this helpful i'm gonna start over all right so i'm gonna get rid of that part so i'm gonna highlight it i'm gonna cut it out and it's gone so now my personal preference and sometimes just depends on the particular video i hope you found this helpful alright so when i come back here i'm going to add another custom animation and at this point i'm going to bring myself back and i'm going to move myself up here to the top and i can even make it a little bit bigger if i wanted to it's really kind of up to you and so what this looks like then with that animation just a personal preference and sometimes just depends on the particular video i hope you found this helpful alright so there you go so there's a couple animations that you can add to kind of show yourself and hide yourself throughout the video now there's other things that you can do obviously with the editing tools you can go through and add annotations a lot of times i'll add some call outs or maybe some arrows or shapes around things as i'm talking about them because generally when you're recording powerpoint the slides are tend to be static or sometimes you know if you do have animations that's actually being recorded i'm going to show you one more little tip here and then i'll take some questions so like right here on this slide when i talk about having a clear plan let me actually play this one second project preparation so having a clear plan so right then when i say talk about having a clear plan i'm going to come into my annotations and i'm going to use the sketch motion feature here so i'm going to drag this rectangle over here and i'm going to place this around and i need to move my play head over a little bit so you can see the whole thing i'm going to place this around that first bullet point and if i don't like that red color i can come over here to my properties i'm going to use maybe this camtasia green sounds good and now what's going to happen is when i talk about it this is going to come up on my screen so that it can help focus the the viewers eyes on that area but now a cool little feature here i'm going to drag this out so that it's on my screen a little bit longer and this will now stay on there this whole time but what i want to do is when i talk about clean workspace i'm going to add an animation and move this down to cover that up so let's find the audio where i talk about clean workspace so let me hit play recording a clean workspace is also important all right so right here is that audio i'm going to come to my animations and drag down a custom animation and you can put animations on all types of media so i'm going to put this one on the sketch motion callout and it being a custom one it's just blank but at this point in my video i want this call out here to move down and cover up or highlight clean workspace so i'm going to adjust this a little bit and this is what it's going to look like when it gets to that part so let me hit play having your end goals in mind before you start recording a clean workspace is also important all right hopefully the playback is uh decent and you can actually see that moving sometimes is a little hard to show demoing things like this in uh in camtasia through a zoom webinar but hopefully you get the idea and then the obviously the next one is turning off notifications um let me actually i think that's about right here a third tip is all right a third tip is notification so let me add another custom animation there with it selected again i'm going to reposition it around this one and it's just my goal here is to kind of help guide viewers so that when i'm talking about it there's a little bit of movement and action on the screen so let me play that one back up so that it's not shown inside your video recording a third tip is to turn off your notification all right so there's a couple tips again by adding in these another one is these um need some transitions i think so i'm gonna click on my transitions otherwise it's just going to when it gets to the end it's just going to disappear but let me come over to my transitions and we have a ton of transitions to choose from we've categorized them as you can see from by type and i tend to like just the fades so i'm just going to use the the common fade one here i'm going to drag this down and i can put these wherever the yellow highlight is i can put it at just the beginning i can put it at the end and since this is a sketch motion it'll actually draw on the screen so i'm only going to put this at the end of the video so instead of it just abruptly stopping it's going to then just kind of fade out all right so there's more i could definitely do i could go through and cut out more things i can edit the audio if i needed to but i'm going to pretend like it's done and i've got my video ready to share so to do that i'm going to come up to the export menu i know a lot of you during the web during the pull question you tend to go to vimeo or youtube as well as some other outputs that we have available if you like to export this to a um you know like to another service that we don't actually have a direct output to then you can typically just do a local file and go through and produce out in mp4 video and this then you can then upload it manually to whichever service you like to use um i'm going to actually if you click on export and go to youtube i think i'm already signed in and then you can choose here if you want it to be public private or unlisted as well as giving it a title description tags and so forth this little feature down here create table of contents from markers i'm actually going to show you that because that can be extremely helpful so i'm going to cancel this and markers are nice when you come to a new slide so when it comes to this new slide project preparation i'm going to add a marker there so right about at that location i am going to um i can either do it a couple ways i believe it's shift m is the hotkey shift m will add a marker at that location and i'm going to type right up here in this corner above properties i'm going to type in a title for this one so i'll type in project preparation and that adds a marker at that spot and i can put markers wherever i want so i'm going to go find the next slide microphones and your voice and i can either with this markers tab open i can click on this little plus button right here and it's going to add it or i could do the shift m and i'm going to call this one microphones and your voice and i want to do two more so let me find the reduced noise and scripting i'll add one here and the last one is just kind of the thanks for watching so let me find that slide and i'm going to add another one and i'm just going to say thanks for watching now another little tip about the markers this track right here every now and then if it's open i accidentally click and i add a marker and i'm like oh i didn't mean to do that i can right click on top of it and delete it but a tip is that over here on the left hand side where markers is open i can click this little button here and it's going to hide that marker track now i don't accidentally click and add a marker but it shows me where those markers are located okay now if i come up here to export and i say youtube it's going to give me that option to create a table of contents from markers i can give it a different name if it went and so forth but when i click finish it's going to render out this video and it's going to upload it to my youtube account now this is kind of a little bit of a cooking show style i've already done this to kind of show you what that looks like so let me open up um here is my youtube channel and this is what it looks like with that table of contents it actually puts it in the about box or the show more at the bottom below the video and it puts timestamps of wherever those markers were added inside of camtasia and also if i hover up here you see these little chunks on the play bar that shows that's the microphones in your voice section this is the reduced noise and scripting so this can be extremely helpful for people to kind of navigate around your video okay ah man i've been talking a lot jason and i haven't even paused to see if there's any questions so how about i do that right now sure ryan why don't you take a deep breath and grab a sip of water and prepare thyself okay sounds good we we've definitely had questions coming in and we appreciate those questions keep them coming we're getting to them as many as we can uh let's start right back at the beginning ryan with your your recording if you can pull up the editor right now we're just seeing your wallpaper there we go so the first question that came in that was relevant darla asked when you brought in your recording when you stopped your recording how did your recording automatically record onto two tracks when i do it it's always embedded together so i think she's referring to your screen on one track and your webcam and audio on a second track she's only seeing one track yep that is very common and it's only because i recorded with my webcam turned on so if i would have recorded if i open up the recorder again actually let's move it over here if i would have recorded with this webcam turned off then what it would have done was it would have recorded my screen and my microphone audio and those two would have come in on track one together so when i record with webcam it puts the webcam and audio together and it puts the screen recording and if you had system audio on it would be down here with the screen recording um yeah and if you wanted to separate these if you wanted the audio separated if i right click on top of this camera clip here uh one of the options is separate audio and video so when i do that it's going to put my audio here on track three it's going to be putting track two as my camera video and track one is my screen recording video and one thing to yeah that definitely helps and one thing to note uh as ryan kind of mentioned if you separate your audio and video as he showed and you leave your face on the screen your webcam on you have to be careful with your edits because sometimes you can make adjustments where your audio and your video no longer sync up because of adjustments you've made so if that's a concern be aware of that so exactly thanks for that ryan we've got a ton of them i'm going to give a couple of them here because i know you got more content jolene and sherry asked a version of the same question and that is uh they record their powerpoint presentations with dual monitors one screen has the presentation the other one has their presenter mode with their um their notes and stuff like that the real reason they were here today is to find out best practices for recording powerpoints in two monitor mount uh setups when you've got presenter on one side and the actual presentation on another so i'm assuming here under slide show they're turning on this use presenter view which will basically put on a separate screen or on a separate monitor it'll show what slide is coming up it'll also it will also show any notes that they may have so that's definitely possible and i could have done that as well the key i think is showing right up here is what monitor are you or do you want the actual slides in presentation mode to go on to and then when you have your camtasia recorder open you're going to choose the sl the screen like i have three different monitors right now and i would want to choose make sure i choose the screen that's going to show the presentation and not the um the presenter view uh so that would be my i think that's answering their question but um or if not can you clarify it a little more i think that is and i think that you may have just showed something that people may not have discovered which is that drop-down monitor selection tool even within powerpoint so we appreciate you showing that um there's a ton of questions ryan that have come in and i know this wasn't the focus of this version of this webinar but uh people are asking especially specifically kristin excuse me that's not correct sarah asked i noticed that the presentation you used the powerpoint you used did not have any animations in it but her issue is that when she's tried to record the animations don't show up do you have any thoughts on that which also leads to um there's so many people are asking about why do it your way and not necessarily using uh the plug-in that some people are familiar with maybe talk about the the light differences between the two sure yeah and that's a great questions um as far as the animations why they are not showing up i am not 100 sure why that wouldn't like if i would have had these coming in um i don't know how i would do it just do maybe a fade in and so now these would kind of fade in one at a time right there these should when i'm doing my recording in full screen um do this again so now they kind of fade in this way though that should be recorded live with the camtasia recorder um so i'm not 100 sure how to answer why that's not doing that maybe our support tech support team might be able to assist with that the great question on why use the camtasia desktop recorder and not inside of powerpoint some of you might be familiar with this add-ins tab that when you install camtasia it actually prompts you to install the camtasia recorder inside as the add-ins tab this is definitely one way i was going to talk about today for another option for you guys to use i'm going to kind of walk you through a couple scenarios here with this with this add-in add-ins recorder this is separate from this desktop recorder so my settings inside of here if i come over here to this options menu and open that up i would have to i would set up my options separately here then they were not going to necessarily copy over what i have selected um in this recorder for example this one has my yeti x microphone selected over here it defaults to my webcam so i would need to basically set up my sections here how i want there are some definite advantages to this whereas you showed i showed you how to add markers on the editor manually when you record with the camtasia add-in when you go from slide to slide the camtasia add-in recorder puts a mark there and it actually puts the markers in for you so it's honestly it's a personal preference um if you really like the results of what you get with the add-in toolbar definitely don't change it on just because i'm using this one um it's just kind of showing you another option but it's definitely possible to use one or the other or both depending on your on your situation i got some clarification ryan everything you said is a hundred percent correct i think people are also utilizing camtasia's ability to import the powerpoint slide deck as individual slides and those are coming in as static images by just by design and there are no animations on those so there's ryan's definitely going through his workflow for a recommended way of doing powerpoint but it's not the only way of doing powerpoint with camtasia so thank you for that ryan um let's go with let's go with one more question and then we'll do save the rest for for later on uh kristen's asking what tips do you have for recording powerpoint presentations that have videos in them is it just to make sure you record system audio is there anything else we should worry about good question um i think so making sure this button here when you're recording a system audio isn't on because that's going to take any audio that's being played back um through your speakers that will be recorded and put on the timeline so um i don't know if i really have any other tips if you have them embedded into your powerpoint slides um i don't know jason do you have any tips there i don't i don't um no i think you got it i think you also want to consider if there is volume associated with the videos then that's important there's always the possibility of replacing a video with an animated gif which will also play in loop form when you present as well so that definitely some options there definitely some options one thing i was thinking of while you were talking thank you is if you don't want to embed that video inside of the powerpoint slide what you do is just record that slide without it and then what you could do is inside the camtasia editor if you could import that video separately and then you could drag it down to your timeline and position it as a separate piece of media on that slide so that when you're editing your video it would play back hopefully that's making sense um so that it would basically you're not recording it with camtasia you're bringing that video clip in separately and putting it on the on the timeline and positioning it where you want it to play back as an option excellent so we've got several more questions ryan but i'm going to think we're going to have you go through some more of your presentation and then if we have time we'll definitely well we will have time we'll add some more questions at the end but it's possible you might answer a few as you go great thanks for all the questions um yes there's some other things i'm gonna go ahead and start a new project file new project here and show you another tip here that i've used before and that's if again this is if i don't necessarily have um let's see animations in my slides and things like that but what i would would do is if i use notes down here and i basically have have my script down below what i would do is use my if i use my camtasia recorder i would position and create the size of my slide here and then i'm going to instead of doing full screen recording i'm going to select choose region whoops i did that really fast let me actually escape out of that underneath this i'm going to choose this choose region option and this is going to give me these cross hairs and i'm going to click and drag and select just the slide area and i can reposition this and adjust the the placement of it now obviously i'm not on my first slide over here but there we go now what i would do is i can now this is the only area that's going to be recorded and my microphone is on and i can then use this down here as my script so maybe i want to do webcam maybe i don't but let me just hit record here and i won't do all of the slides but i'll just kind of show you what this looks like it gives me that three second countdown hi and welcome to this presentation on best practices when working with audio and video i'm ryan and i'm going to share some tips with you so let's get started let's begin with project preparation and i'll kind of stop there as far as going through the script but i'm navigating over here using these thumbnails i have my script right here that i can read through i can point with my cursor and that's going to be recorded i can then go from slide to slide or jump around if i need to and then when i'm done i can come up here and click stop and this is going to then take it right into the camtasia editor and that question earlier about why am i why don't i get two tracks that's because i did not record with webcam this time and i only recorded my screen and audio so now it's putting them together on track one so you can see here in my canvas is all you saw was that slide that i was recording and as i navigated from one to the other i had my script right below that i was kind of reading through and i have my video and i could do edits just like before this does not automatically put in your markers you would have to do that manually if you like the markers and again this is just one other way how you can record with the camtasia recorder now somebody also referenced earlier i'm not going to save this one i'm going to just say new project referenced earlier how you can import slides straight from powerpoint in here and that is definitely another option this is a great new it's fairly new being able for camtasia to take straight powerpoint ppt or pptx files being able to import them here into the media bin there's multiple ways of doing this my favorite is to take that powerpoint open it up on the folder and then drag and drop it right here on the media bin and it's now going to take each of those slides in the presentation and drop them here in order one two three four and five now these are static images because these are like png files there's if there were animations these are not going to come into these slides what i could then do is drag these down to my timeline and since they're images i can adjust them by hovering over the end as long as i want so if i have audio maybe i recorded my audio separately i could bring my audio in down here and sync it up just just like it goes with each slide so let me actually undo whoops let me undo that and take that away there is a feature voice narration i'm not sure how many of you if you've known about this or if you've used it but voice narration allows you to actually paste in a script here and do your voice recording so this is something that i actually did a little bit ago and i'll show you what that looks like so this is a voice narration example where i imported the slides so you can see just like that previous one i did here are the five slides that i just imported in and then down here i have individual audio that i recorded and so here under voice narration i have a script and let me open it up so you can see it here is my script this is basically taken right from my powerpoint notes and i have my script here i just copied this came over here into my voice narration and pasted it in and now i have my script right here that i can record my audio and go ahead and sync everything up okay um let me see i really kind of want to demo this for you so let me this is kind of an end project right here so and how i did it was i recorded my audio clips in chunks so i recorded this one and then i stopped it and saved it and then i recorded the next one i don't i don't have to do them in chunks but it just makes it a little bit easier for me and you can just record the whole thing in just one clip if you wanted to um but let me actually show you that workflow how to get to this point so i'm going to come back sorry for all the jumping around here but i'm going to import those slides and this is another way of just clicking import media selecting that powerpoint deck and the slides come in okay voice narration let me go get that script and i'll show you i'm going to click there i'm going to hold down the shift key and click down here so it selects all of my voice narration ctrl c and copy it and then over here i'm going to just paste it right into my voice voice narration area and these extra spaces are where my new slides are so i'm now going to record this and i don't have to paste it in here i could have that script open up on another monitor that i'm reading from and things like that so this is just kind of a personal preference again so i've got my microphone selected and all i'm going to do is record this first piece of audio and you know what i'm going to before i do that this is an untitled project let me do a save as real quick and i'll show you what this how cool this is i'm going to call this one voice narration demo camtasia and powerpoint all right and it's going to be a standalone project all right so save okay i think i'm ready so i'm going to hit record and i'm going to record this first part hi and welcome to this presentation on best practices when working with audio and video i'm ryan and i'm going to share some tips with you so let's get started so i click stop it brings up it brings in the title of my project with the number one at the end of it i'm going to do something just calling it audio one and i'm going to hit save because it automatically defaults to that standalone project that i just created so i'm going to hit save it puts that audio down here on track one if i come over here to my media bin there's that audio file it automatically puts it here and if i come back to voice narration i'm ready for this next one and this one's a little bit longer so let me actually i'm just going to record the first part of it just to kind of show you so we don't have to do spend too much time on this you get the idea but let me just record this first part let's begin with project preparation it might sound obvious but making sure you have a clear plan of what you're creating is extremely important you will want to have your end goals in mind before you begin or you might be spending a lot of time redoing your work or making changes later i'll hit stop i'll call this one audio 2 and it again it's going to put it right in that same place and it puts it wherever my playhead was so i can move this down on that track i can even position my playhead after it if i want to and i can go ahead with recording my next one now again i could do all of it in one swoop if i wanted to it's really kind of a personal preference there but then the cool thing here is once i do all my recordings and they're all lined up i can go back to my media bin and i can drag down my first slide i can drag this out so that it matches up with that audio i can drag down the second one and i can position it so that everything is kind of now in sync and that's one of the reasons why i like doing it in in the chunks audio chunks is so that i can then know pretty easily on how to line things up so again this is a another option if you do bring in your slides you have this voice narration or maybe you use another tool to record your audio you can bring in that audio and then sync things up down here on the timeline all right i'm going to pause again we've about 10 11 minutes uh jason are there any other questions at this point yes yes there are right actually you just answered one that katie was kind of asking and that was if you move the slides around or you move the sections around can you remove the audio she called them chunks i think that's the best term ever audio chunks around and that's exactly what you were kind of showing right you can slide them around you can create space to add inserts but yeah as long as you record them in these individual chunks like you were showing that's not a problem correct that's the one difference between audio and video is that video is visual so if i drag this over then when it gets to the end of this one you're gonna see a blank screen here so with audio though it's just silence they won't know that it's not there right so a lot of the questions we have coming in um of of the hundreds that have come in um are a little bit things uh or that you showed earlier but some that you might be able to show right now felicia just asked could you show how you would add a transition between those slides that you have right there you've got two that are kind of bumping into each other how would you add a transition yep great question and i was um let me actually add more media down here because i'll show you another tip um on adding transitions so let me add all five slides and to add when you're finished and you have your all your audio and you're recording everything's together if you go to transitions if you find the ones that you like or maybe if i i already already favorited this fade one maybe i like fade through or maybe this flare if i click the star i can find it in my favorites tab up here but either way transitions i can drag down and place them if i go into the middle of the clip you can see it highlights both edges if i go to the beginning it'll only do that one if i go over here it will only do that one but here's the little tip if you want to use the same transition on all of them i'm going to click and drag my mouse here and select all five of my um pieces or slides here my pieces of media i can then either drag this down or if i right click on top of fade it says add to selected media and if i do that it's going to place that fade transition on every single one of them so i don't have to drag them down individually on those so again selecting all of them and then right clicking on this transition you want add to selected media now it did add it at the beginning of this one too so if you don't want your video to start off like this high and well if you don't want that transition there then i can easily just um i might have to zoom in a little bit to stretch it out but if i click and select just that transition i can right click on it and delete it or just hit the delete key on my keyboard and now that particular transition is gone or if i want to replace this one with flair two i just drag this down and drop it on top of it and it will only replace that first one there with the flare transition does that help that helps the transition super powerful absolutely ryan i know you've uh you've done a lot of things that prep us for this i'm gonna ask it sorry but it's a lot of questions coming in about uh the captioning capabilities within uh camtasia itself uh so you've already talked about scripting you've talked about syncing things up um people are wondering about speech to text and all that if you could give a elevator pitch about the captioning capability and then we'll move on to a couple more questions as we are nearly out of time already yes definitely so if you do script it it will really help you with the captioning aspect um there and it's going to be slightly different from windows to mac here in on the windows side of things on um it's if it's not showing up here if you click on more click on captions you're going to see this captions um window or menu at the very top there's some different options where you can import captions so that's if you have like an srt file or maybe a trans translation service set you some uh captioning you could import them speech to text this is only a windows feature that if i click that it will actually look at all of the audio on my timeline and through the windows uh text generation or whatever i'm not sure what the correct terminology is here but the windows feature will transcribe it from the audio to text and it's not perfect by any means you will have to go through and do some editing along the way um another if you do have i'm going to hit cancel there if you do have that script which if i come over here to my narration here's my script so let me actually copy that and if i come back to captions i'm going to say add a caption and i'm going to control v and paste that script in here and this is where if i click on this button it's going to say sync captions and what this will do is when i click on sync captions it will allow me to click continue and then it's going to play back my video while i'm reading along with the captions up here and when it gets to a word when it says like i'm ryan i can click on that and it's going to make a new caption down here so let me actually do with just a couple sentences and then we'll point you to a tutorial so let me hit continue hi and welcome to this presentation on best practices when working with audio and video i'm ryan and i'm going to share some tips with you so let's get started let's begin with project preparation it might sound obvious but making sure you have it all right i'll stop that right there so you get the idea as i'm kind of just watching the video playback i'm listening to the text and i'm clicking on a word when i want it to become a new a new start of a new caption point we have a tutorial for this that i actually did for the new release of camtasia of syncing with a script so you can we can actually send that to you uh so that you can actually watch that or you can find it on our tutorial tutorial or maybe on youtube or our tutorial page both of them maybe all the places all the places so hopefully that helps a little bit um we also man i could go on forever on this um but i'll stop right there and see maybe sure if you had more later so we've got time i think ryan for one more question um we had a lot of questions about the initial video you you were working on but we'll stay with this one here um question that dan asks um do you have any recommendations about um pre-recorded presentations things they did in previous semesters is it still okay to take those recordings from previous sessions and bring them into camtasia and either edit them separately change them out or add them to new slides as that mp4 is brought in yes that's a great question um because that happens a lot when you are reusing content that you've recorded and a new semester comes along and you need to change some things there's obviously multiple ways of being able to swap that out whether you just record if you just open up the powerpoint and maybe maybe it was this slide that had some changes to it and you just hit record and record that portion with your new audio and the new and then um let me actually let me actually do something here sorry let me do a new project sure so this is the one i think i did where i actually recorded the powerpoint the whole way so if i needed to change a slide out maybe this one here i would re try to record it in the same dimensions as before so i would want to do this one at full screen um i could launch this so that it's on the screen oh and this has the transitions in it let's choose a different slide let's do this one and i'll i would hit record i'll just do this real quick hey there i'm going to talk about microphones in your voice i'm actually doing this for a demonstration so i would maybe change out some things if maybe the microphones the new ones that you recommended might be different or something like that i'm going to hit stop it's going to bring that recording let me into my media bin i would find that part on my slide over here and i would just drag this down to replace it so this is going to have my new audio and my new video i would then highlight the one that was there and remove that delete it so let me actually try that let me hit cut and now i have my whoops let me undo that could also just silence that part right ryan yeah that's true i could just silence that part that audio but that's just one option obviously is basically re-recording it bringing in removing the what was there and adding that part one thing that happened when you have your powerpoint slides and you're bringing them in individually that makes it really nice is that if you just change some text on here you can do a file save as and save out the slide as a png file and it will save just that slide or all of them and if it's just one that you wanted to replace then you would import that in and then you could just swap it out with the one that was there so again multiple ways of doing it and i'm not sure how helpful i was in answering that so any other questions jason i think ryan i think we're gonna wrap it we we've gotten to just about every question that came in so if you'd be willing to bring up that uh closing slide we'll go through the last little bit here so we want to definitely say thank you for attending today now don't forget you will get an email within the next day a recording webinar wow a recording of the webinar that you can watch you could share we also in that email have links to the handouts for camtasia link to our tech support team remember if you have a license of camtasia you do have access to our tech support team and please if you have a moment when the webinar finishes and you close out please take the minute to complete the short survey uh gives us great information gives us great feedback on how we did what we could do better and if you have ideas or topic requests for future webinars we're happy to listen to those as well so my thanks to you ryan and everybody else ryan you got anything else you'd like to add just to thank you thank you for attending um hopefully i gave you some tips or at least something that you could take away and try with camtasia and powerpoint um so again thanks a lot and i look forward to seeing your feedback excellent have a wonderful day everyone
Channel: TechSmith
Views: 4,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TechSmith, Screencast, Video, how do I, how to, capturing, demo video, recording my screen, training, documentation, explain a process, show someone how to
Id: bxAtdz2Csc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 24sec (3384 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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