Getting Started with Camtasia (2020)

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hello everyone and welcome to today's getting started with camtasia webinar my name is jason valade and i'm an instructional designer and trainer here at techsmith over the next 45 minutes we're going to go through the basics of getting started with camtasia including how to record a project how to edit and then how to share that presentation later on today we're going to be using camtasia 2020 on a pc but if you're on an older version or using a mac that's okay we'll do our best to call out any differences between the platforms or different versions as well we also will be conducting a question and answer period part of the way through the presentation and then again some dedicated time at the end so be sure and post your questions in the q a portion of the zoom webinar interface that being said there is a little bit of housekeeping i'd like to go over before we get started today so now that we've gone through all of that it's my privilege and pleasure to introduce you to the gentleman who's going to actually walk you through camtasia today and that is to introduce mr ryan each ryan good afternoon and welcome hi jason thank you very much absolutely so ryan is an instructional designer here at techsmith and he has more than a decade's worth of experience both training on and sharing information about camtasia as a matter of fact if you watch some of our tutorials he's the voice you'll hear guiding you through different parts of camtasia so with no further ado ryan i believe there's a short poll you want to get started with to find out a little bit more about our attendees all right that was the last poll question so i'm going to actually cancel out of the powerpoint slides and we're going to now transition over into the the presentation so we're going to again this is getting started with camtasia so obviously everybody here from the polls some people are already using camtasia 2020 but some people are brand new to it so we're gonna i'm gonna do my best to kind of walk you through as from a getting started standpoint i'm gonna go ahead and turn my webcam off because i'm gonna be showing that during the editing so let me go ahead and turn off video all right so when you first launch camtasia you open it up you get prompted with what you see on the screen here which is a the techsmith camtasia welcome window now you're going to see what i what you see on my screen is underneath this recent these are some recent projects that i've done and this is kind of a quick little navigation place for you to open up a project if you wanted to continue working on it but a lot of times when you come in here you're going to just click on new project you can also open up straight into the recorder if you wanted to but you can also see a couple other options here as well as some links out to video tutorials webinars in our techsmith academy so you will always see this when you launch camtasia unless you uncheck this box down here at the bottom uh you can always access it again from the help menu but i tend to leave this on just so that i uh when it launches i can go ahead and click right here on new project and when i do that this is going to launch the camtasia editor so with the camtasia editor we will talk about this in more depth and detail once we do a recording uh but when you come into the to camtasia this is typically where you start uh you can click this record button up at the top if you wanted to go do a screen recording but i want to point out that you can also use camtasia as just for video editing you have the option here to import media so you can import other video clips that you might have or import videos from your your phone or your device images audio different things like that and you can just build out your video projects here in the editor so i wanted to mention that because sometimes you don't always have to use the recorder to get content in we will though use the camtasia recorder to kind of show you that process so the way to do that is you basically click on this record the screen button up here and this is going to minimize the camtasia editor and i so i have multiple monitors right now so you might see me have to scroll uh or drag some things over from another monitor so hopefully that won't be confusing for you guys and i'm actually going to drag this up here a little bit so hopefully you can see it a little bit better on the screen but this is the camtasia recorder and the editor is actually still open it's just minimized down here on my taskbar and so let's talk a little bit about the recorder some of the things that you can do with it so right now the screen you show that these are x's on everything so nothing would be recorded right now so if you click right on the screen it's going to turn on the screen recording and you will see this green dotted line that goes around part of my screen so what that is telling me is anything inside of this record area will be recorded but i also i can click on this drop down menu beside it and i get some different presets so if i wanted to record my full screen you can go ahead and click on that and now it puts that green dotted line around the entire exterior of this monitor uh like i mentioned i have multiple monitors you can only record one monitor at a time uh so what it allows you to do is you can select whichever monitor you want to be the recording uh to do the recording on there's other options as well from this drop down menu where you can actually select an area to record so if you select that option you're going to see these crosshairs come up and this allows you to just click and drag and select a set area on your screen you can also do that for selecting like an application if you wanted to and so forth but i'm going to go back to i'm going to click on this and go back to full screen and we're going to actually do a full screen recording today all right so that's your recording of selecting what you want to capture on your screen or what area that you want to capture moving to the right this is where you can actually choose to record webcam and from this drop down menu if you have multiple webcams i have my built-in webcam in my laptop but i also have an external webcam so i'm going to select that one and it's actually going to bring up a preview which you saw should have seen me earlier but this is a preview of the webcam of what you're going to capture so this will one thing i like about the webcam with camtasia is that you can record this the entire time with uh with your screen recording and then during the editing you can control when you want this the webcam to be on the screen so you can use things like animations to move the webcam resize it or even hide it entirely so it's i love the the aspect that where you can actually do a like an introduction to your videos and then hide and get yourself out of the way so then you're focusing on the content okay uh for this getting started session today uh we're going to go without recording webcam for this one but if we have time we can try and demo that a little bit later but we also have again tutorials on our website that will walk you through that aspect as well next to the right of the camera this is for your audio so right now uh you have this drop down menu so if you you can choose what device you want to use to record audio so i selected my microphone i'm using a yeti microphone so i just made that selection and then what i'm seeing is as i'm talking into my microphone you should see this little meter here and it's ranging you want it to range kind of in the green maybe up to the yellow if you drag this up higher to make it louder you you want to stay so that it's out of the red so to speak so that it doesn't do any clipping and things like that uh but this is really helpful for you to make sure that you're picking up audio before you start recording if you're not seeing audio here then you want to check and choose a different microphone or just to make sure that the microphone is connected correctly to your device okay and the last button here before we hit record is the system audio so this will actually record any audio that's coming through your speakers so there's a lot of times if you're recording something and you're playing back a video or there are sound effects or something like that coming through your speakers this would allow that to be captured and uh recording that audio separately from your microphone okay now so before i hit that record button my uh one tip would be to open up whatever it is that you're going to be recording and in my case i'm going to be recording um a web browser so this is actually our techsmith website and we're going to try to cover some things here to kind of point you since this is a getting started session i'm going to do a tutorial record a tutorial showing you how to find additional tutorials on our website for camtasia so this should be hopefully helpful in the aspect of if there's some of your questions don't get answered today during the session you'll be able to know where to find additional um help on our website uh so what i'm going to do is open this up and have this available i'm going to show you one tip before i hit record this is something um that is just kind of a personal tip is in your web browser right now i have my bookmarks bar hidden uh if i do control shift b as in boy or bookmarks now you see this bookmark folder showing up here and if i hit record that's going to be in my recording so one of the things i like to do is make sure if i do ctrl shift b i need to make sure i select my web browser first now that's going to hide my bookmark bar so something to keep in mind is when you are recording your screen everything that's visible is being recorded so if there's things that you want to hide get out of the way make sure so that they're not distracting in say the video that you're creating just kind of look for those opportunities to hide those things all right so i'm going to click this record button and it's going to give me a three second countdown and then i'll go right into my uh recording ryan yeah sorry to interrupt is it possible to hit you up with some questions before you hit that red record button yes definitely yeah so there's been a ton of questions have come in so far you're sharing a lot of great information uh the first thing that people are asking is this is from heather heather's wondering since i'm going to be doing screen recordings primarily do you recommend that i record audio as i do that or should i do my audio later after i do the screen recording that's an excellent question and it's i guess there's a lot of ways to answer that too in my opinion i i would say if you are just starting off and you are just brand new to recording videos and making them i would start off with recording your audio and your video at the same time talking through as you are clicking and uh doing your recording i say that if you are somebody that likes to record or make write out scripts for your for your videos then you can always record your audio separately either before or after your screen recording and then bring that audio in and kind of sync it up on your timeline with the recording of your screen so it's really kind of a personal preference on what your comfort level is i personally like to record my audio separately bring that in uh do my audio record or my screen recording and then sync them up on the timeline uh today i'm going to actually do the audio and the video recording at the same time so i don't know if i answered your question there but it's really kind of a personal preference and the more you practice i think you'll you'll come to a solution that you that works best for you great and then the other question i want to ask and you don't need to go into it it is we saw there was an option to lock to an application it'd be great to just know is there an advantage or disadvantage to using that you don't have to do it at this point just kind of wondering sure yeah so locking to application what that does is so if i wanted to record this say this application would be my web browser what that's going to do is it now locks when i selected that let me expand this again and you can see locked application is checked so what that did was now if i grab this corner and resize it it's going to snap the recording area along with my uh my window so if i wanted to do a specific dimensions now with it locked if i said i want to do a 7 1280 by 720 window recording it now will lock it to that if i wanted to do a 1080 p video it now locks that recording to that application this is again this can be extremely helpful so that you're recording at same dimensions and so forth um if this is a little bit if you're like i'm not really sure what what all that stuff means then my suggestion would be to just record full screen and you can uh launch everything uh your window at full screen and record everything that way so again that's a great question locked application allows you to lock it to a specific window that you want to capture and then you can resize those so hopefully that helped hopefully that was um helpful great appreciate that ryan so there's lots of other questions coming in but i think you'll cover a lot of them as you go through recording and editing so we'll save some towards the end gotcha thank you thanks for uh for asking those questions um so all right so we're going to go ahead and hit record like i mentioned it's going to give me a three second countdown i will also point out be to stop this recording i'm gonna use uh keyboard shortcuts or hot keys to and i could actually use them to start the recording on windows you can use f9 as the default hotkey to start the recording pause your recording and even resume your recording when you want to stop a recording on windows it's f10 is that is the default hotkey now those keys are sep different on a mac if any of you are mac users i believe it is command shift 2 to start your recording as well as pause it and then it's command option 2 or up i think it's command option 2 for stopping it but i'm actually going to show you where to find those in this tutorial that i record here so i'm going to hit record uh it's going to give me that three second countdown and then i'm going to get into uh recording mode here hi everybody uh welcome to this tutorial on where to find tutorials on our techsmith website so first thing you want to do is open up your favorite web browser and navigate to this is the homepage for at the top if you hover over the support menu and then click on tutorials this will take you to our tutorials and training training landing page and lists all of the different products and services that techsmith has tutorials for since we are focusing on camtasia today i'm going to go ahead and click on this camtasia icon this is the landing page for the camtasia tutorials at the top you're going to see 10 different tutorials that will cover the basics of camtasia anywhere from recording your screen to doing some basic video editing all the way across to exporting and sharing and then even gets into some more advanced editing on this uh second row of videos when you're feeling comfortable with camtasia and you want to learn more if you scroll down this page you're going to see a long list of additional tutorials that are more uh effect specific or topics that you might want to learn more about one that i wanted to mention as i talked earlier was at the bottom here we have some pdfs these list out keyboard shortcuts for windows and mac so if you are a mac user if you click on this link it's going to give you this nice looking pdf that shows you the different recording hotkeys as well as some different common editing hotkeys so hopefully this was helpful thanks for watching and please reach out if you have more questions all right so i just pressed f10 on my keyboard and now it basically i'm gonna come down here and click on the snagit editor and it takes that recording it stopped it and brought it right here into my camtasia editor so you can see that this recording is now living here in my media bin tab it's showing up here in the middle which is we call this the canvas or sometimes the preview window and it also puts it down here on track one of the timeline and we'll talk about more of these in depth uh but i'm going to actually try and show you kind of a recommended workflow for when you do your recordings in camtasia so up here at the top right in the center it says untitled project so one of the first things i like to do is save early save early and i'll tell you exactly why to do that so under the file menu i'm going to click on save and i'm going to navigate i've already navigated to a folder that i've already opened but i'm going to name this project techsmith camtasia tutorials and i can put this right here into um this location but you know what i forgot to do something i'm going to make a new folder first so i'm going to click on new folder and i'm actually going to call this one uh camtasia tutorials and then inside of that folder that is where i'm going to name this recording or this project that i'm going to be working on and i i'm going to name it camtasia our techsmith camtasia tutorials it's going to save it as a tsc proj with extension which stands for a techsmith project file so when i click save you'll see um this little up at the top it now changes this project to from untitled to whatever i named it now why this is important is i like to save it early because under the edit menu edit preferences clear at the bottom of that menu there are lots of things in here and on this very first program tab there's an auto save feature and this is on by default and it says enable auto save every minute so what i like to do is save that project right away so then i don't have to worry about clicking on file save every few minutes to make sure i'm saving everything because it enables this so that it's automatically saving any edits i do every minute throughout the project okay so once i have it saved the first time i'm good to go and now i can just focus my attention on editing so before we get in and start doing some editing let's talk about some of the main sections here so the very first one over on the left i talked about the media bin and what you what you would use the media bin for is it's going to show all of your uh media whether that's video clips audio images that you're working on and using for this particular project so as i would import other um video or images maybe they would live here in the media bin right below the media bin is the library so the library comes with some pre-installed uh icons intros lower thirds and other effects you can have multiple libraries so you can see here in my drop-down i have several here that i've customized depending on projects that i'm working on and uh yeah and then you can uh customize these how you want so in the library we'll actually show you how to put something in the library that you add down here on the on the timeline in a little bit i'm not going to go through everything over here on the left hand side but there's some cool things like if you start using the same effects over and over again you can actually favorite them so that they will be here so you don't have to go to the actual menu to find them they will just show up here in your favorites we will talk about annotations which are like call outs arrows uh some fun little sketch motion callouts and things like that we'll we'll actually demo that here in a minute transitions pretty self-explanatory can kind of help media kind of comes like fade in and fade out and as well as lots of other options and we'll also talk about animations here coming up but you can see there's lots of options over here a lot more than what we can get into for a getting started session uh but that's why we have all of our tutorials and we have other uh deeper dive webinars that you're more than welcome to register for as well so um in the media bin if i wanted to import other media here i could come down here and click on this plus button and i could say import media this is going to open up my a dialog window for me to find the media to import in along a lot of things in camtasia there's multiple ways of doing them so i could also right click in here and say import media i could also have a folder open and drag and drop the the clips over here into the media bin so it's really kind of a personal preference for you on how how to get content and other other things to do inside of the editor all right to the right like i mentioned that this is the canvas area and this is the video clip i'm going to actually resize this i'm going to drag a corner and you're going to see that this highlighted area with this black background here that's the actual video area that will be produced uh in the video so when you saw if i move this up here if i were to resize this window like this it would actually produce it but it would show this black outline border around the entire thing so if i move this back up and drag it down now it is snapped around the entire thing so the entire video will now show this you will not see any black borders so just kind of pointing that out so that when you are bringing other media in if it is off to the side or whatever like this then you you will not see this part that's highlighted over here that's darkened out that will not be in the actual video so just kind of know that when you can actually move things around and so forth inside of the video window and you might have noticed that this was getting bigger and smaller i'm actually using my mouse scroll wheel to resize this so that i can see more or less of it i can also use this drop down up here to resize that window and i always have this fit button that will fit inside of that particular area over here to the right is our properties panel so this has depending on what media is selected we'll show you some different properties over here so if i don't have anything selected if i clicked off of that it says click an object on the timeline or canvas to show its properties so if i click on this window now you're going to see i have the ability to scale it change the opacity of it if i wanted to make it transparent rotate it i can change my audio as well as scale my mouse slider which or my mouse pointer which i'm actually going to do that so um on this one you can see my mouse pointers right here and it's at 100 if i actually scale this up and start dragging this you should be able to see my mouse getting bigger and bigger on the screen now you don't want to go too crazy but i'm going to move this up to about maybe 125 150 i can even manually come over here and type in 150 and it will resize that to help maybe make it easier when i'm going and clicking on things okay so the last thing i want to show you is the timeline down here before we get in and do some editing this is made up of different tracks right now you're only seeing track one but as we bring in like an annotation here in a minute it's gonna you can have unlimited tracks and they will they will layer on top of each other and you can move media around uh and so forth okay now so where do i start with editing so one of the things you i typically do is i go in and i try to clean things up so if i press the play button up here hi everybody uh welcome to this tutorial and you should hopefully i did have selected to play audio so hopefully you heard my voice coming through there thank you jason appreciate it um so one of the things let's say i pause sometimes i pause a little bit too long at the beginning so i can easily trim that part out so this is called the playhead up here and i can use this little plus button and i can stretch out my timeline if i want to and now i can also see this is my screen recording and my audio you can see the audio waveform but maybe i wanted to take off just a second or two from the beginning i'm going to position my playhead about right here i'm going to grab this green handle drag back that green handle to the beginning and i now have this selected area on my on my timeline i can use this little scissors button or if i like hotkeys i can do control x and that part is now gone so when i hit play it now starts talking a little bit sooner because i cut that part out now i can use these green and red handles to remove other things in the video so let's say i messed up and i said something wrong here i can make a selection and one other nice thing is with that selected i can hit play this is the homepage for it will only play that selected area this is very very helpful for things like if you say um a lot or just other i i tend to say um a lot so you can maybe just make a selection down here on your audio play that back to make sure you have exactly what you want before you remove it if i did hit cut here this would remove and it basically slides everything over and you put this little stitch here so now that part was never even in the video when i play it back now one of the things that i love about camtasia is this little undo button it kind of takes that fear factor away from do i really want to cut this or do i want to do this because i can always hit undo and it comes right back and i could undo multiple steps so if i'm like oh man i just want to get back to where i was i could hit undo undo undo until i get back to where i want to be i can also this is a little tip is when you make a selection if you want to deselect this just double click right on top of this playhead so when i double mouse click it basically will snap back and i can um i'm good to go hey ryan i'm sorry to interrupt um you're giving a lot of great information there at the bottom of the screen it might be something with their interface but would you be willing to change the size of the editor and maybe slide your screen up just a little bit apparently track one is being obscured on zoom for them gotcha so let me sorry about that everybody let me see if um all right i'll move that up a little bit hopefully that helped we'll give it a shot thanks so much all right yep so hopefully i moved this up from the toolbar from the bottom of the monitor so hopefully you guys can see this a little bit better apologies for any issues you you couldn't see it earlier so let's kind of get into once i've gone through and i've done my trimming and cleaned up different mistakes i now am going to uh basically add any zoom and pans uh or animations and things like that so there's a part right here when i talk about you can see my mouse move when i talk about opening up your web browser and going to and then soon after that i go over here and i click on or i hover over support and i go to over and click on tutorials i want to be able to zoom in on that area so that i can see it a little better so i'm going to pause about right here it doesn't have to be perfect and i'm going to come down here to this animations uh feature or this menu and on the windows side you're going to see this zoom and pan tab where on if you're a mac user you will not see zoom and pan you'll just see animations uh the tab that i'm clicking on now and you'll be able to do what i'm doing with zoom and pan on the windows side using the animations so what i'm going to do is at this point here where i paused it i want to zoom in on this part of my screen so all i'm going to do is grab this corner and start dragging it and you can see that as i'm resizing this rectangle up here it's also resizing it in the uh canvas on my canvas so now with it right in that location you're going to see it dropped in this little animation on my track one on top of that media and so if i play this back and when it gets to that beginning of the tail it's now going to start moving and it's now going to zoom into that spot and now you can see my cursor in a second here you're going to be able to hover over support and you're going to see tutorials so i can click on that and let me play that back and see if you guys can see it a little bit better first thing you want to do is open up your favorite web browser and navigate to this is the homepage for at the top if you hover over the support menu and then click on tutorials all right ryan looks great thank you i i apologize i want to interject here because you're showing some information that's causing a slew of the same if not similar questions coming in in terms of editing uh the single track that you have there um a ton of people so i can't even list all the names are asking some assembles of this question we see that you have your audio and video together on one track what if i want to edit just the audio but i don't want to affect the visual on the track at all that's that's that's asked about i'm going to say 15 times popular a very good question so uh what i did right now is and i'll answer this is basically i was zoomed in on my timeline i'm going to click on this little magnifying glass and what that does is it shows my entire track now are on visible on the timeline so the question of if i do make a cut if i do make a selection and i cut that out it's going to cut both the video what you see and the audio of what's selected so in one way that can be extremely helpful because it will keep everything in line in sync if you said the wrong thing while showing something on the screen if you want to do them separately then if you right click on top of this clip on this um screen recording one of the options in this context menu is separate audio in video and if you do that it now puts audio on track two and the screen recording on track one so now if i wanted to just remove audio but not video i can make a selection here uh with it selected i could do things like maybe just mute that section so now that would just be silent but that video whatever i was showing would still be visible i'll undo that i could also if i cut this part out what i would want to do is lock put a click this lock icon for track one and now if i cut it removes it it moves everything over but now if you look at the end here notice that my audio is shorter than my video so one of the issues that you sometimes come across is if you edit one and not the other it can get things out of sync later on in the video so there are things like extending the frame um i could have um let me undo this a couple times um i could have just made a split maybe here in a split here and just left this blank and empty here um so there's ways workarounds for that um but to the to the original question of right-clicking separating audio and video will now get put them on separate tracks and you can drag these around and reposition them and edit them separately so thank you for bringing that up i should have pro i should have mentioned that uh when we were talking about track one okay um now let's get back into i'll leave i'll leave the audio and video um separated like this uh just so you can kind of see how i could still um edit along the way here and i know we're we're running short on time so i'm going to show you a couple more effects and then produce out this video so one of them so we've zoomed in on the content now what's what it's going to do is it's going to stay zoomed in to this view unless i put another animation and hide or move over so right here i want to add a different animation so i'm going to pause it and all i'm going to do is come up here and click on this rectangle and drag it over and i can resize this so that it shows more of the screen and it adds another animation down here and so what this is going to do is when it plays back let me hit the play button and click on tutorials this will take you to our tutorials and training okay so what i could do if i came if i clicked on it too soon or too late i could click on this animation and drag and reposition it so that i have it actually click a little bit earlier or later so those are some things that you can kind of play around with and then play it back and make sure that everything is kind of lined up now if i wanted to a little bit later like here maybe i want to go back to full screen i could come here and say scale to fit and now it puts an animation and now i'm back at full screen view and it would stay there again until i put another animation there's one other thing i want to show which is annotations that sounds a lot like animations but it's actually annotations which are like call outs arrows and things so let's say back here uh let me actually find a spot hover over that click on tutorials let's say right here i want to talk about clicking on the camtasia button because there's a lot of other buttons here so when i start scrolling over there i'm going to put it bring an arrow on the screen and point to the one that i want so i'm going to grab underneath this basic style i'm just going to grab this arrow drag it onto my screen you'll see that it came onto track 3 down here so i can do a lot of things i can resize this if i double click on the text and i don't need text i'm just going to delete that with on my using my keyboard and i'm going to kind of point whoops you can rotate it as you can see here or you can drag it over and reposition it let me undo all right sorry so i'm going to point this to camtasia all right so now what's going to happen when i hit play tutorials for since we are focusing on camtasia today you can see it just kind of popped onto the screen and then at the end it's going to just disappear again so i want it to disappear a little bit earlier than that so i'm going to drag this edge with a double i'm going to hover over it drag it back so that it disappears sooner but i also i'm going to use a transition and just do something like a fade in and i'll drag the fade in transition down on top of this i could put it at the beginning i can put it at the end or if i drop it in the middle it'll actually put the transition at the beginning and the end so now when it plays back it's going to just kind of come on the screen and then it's going to go away so call outs are a ton of fun they basically allow you to help guide the viewer you know pointing the things out you can put text on the screen if you wanted to you could put speech bubbles there's a lot of fun ones here you can even do like a blur call out or a spotlight so a lot of potential here for to play around with some different types of call outs and colors and all kinds of stuff like if you didn't like the red color here with it selected over here under the properties panel if i click on the call out menu i can choose a different color for this one of my favorite things is to use this eyedropper and let's say i wanted to use this orange color from nomia or maybe i wanted to use this color up here from the border if i just click on it that's now going to be this new color of this arrow and if i customize it and i really like this particular callout the way it is if i right click it on the timeline one of the options is add to library so when i do that i can call this one orange arrow i can choose which library i want to put it in i'll just put it in the default and say okay i now have this orange arrow that's always going to be in my library so when i'm doing my next project and i want another arrow all i need to do let's see here i'm going to come down here and point to that all i need to do is come to my library drag this down to my plate my uh timeline and then reposition this if i wanted it to point to the keyboard shortcuts so now it's just going to kind of fade in help guide their eyes and then when they click on it it goes away so i don't have to recreate the colors and so forth it allows me to add it to my library and then i can find it for other projects now we're going to get to some other questions um but we'll do that while i actually produce out this video so the let's say you're done you've you've finished the video um what the last steps to so that you can share this with others is to come up to the share menu in the top right corner this gives you some options for different cloud services you could send this up to screencast nomia vimeo youtube i know some of you mentioned those in the poll questions earlier and so you have some direct outputs that can send it right into your account that way right at the top is a local file option if you click local file this is going to launch a production wizard where you can actually choose from this drop down some different settings as well one of the common ones that we'll typically do is these mp4 only you'll see these other ones that say mp4 with smart player those have to do with if you're using some interactive features like if you put quizzes in your videos or a table of contents or clickable hotspots things like that you would need to produce that with the smart player since this video doesn't have any of those features i'm going to choose this mp4 only up to a 720p i'm going to make that selection i'll click next it brings in the same name that i named the project but i can always change this here if i wanted to i can navigate and put this in let me go to my webinars i'll put it into this folder here so i have that location and i'll click finish and what this is going to do now is render out all the changes i made on the timeline of this video and it's going to give me an mp4 video now when that's done if i'm i could share it i can always go back to the project and make edits and reproduce it i can produce it as many times as i want it's not like a one and done and i no longer have that project jason i'm gonna pause for a second and this is actually finished hi everybody uh welcome to whoops let me move this over this is the finished video uh it opened up in this tutorial on where to find i'm gonna fast forward this so you can see it zoomed in and then it zoomed out and then here comes the arrow here in a second right there so again that's basically the finished project that i can now share that mp4 out with anybody that i want or i could upload it manually to youtube so here is that video in that folder it's an mp4 that i can now put it wherever i want so questions jason any things that have come in so so many ryan but we have about uh about six minutes or so that we can cover some questions so we'll try and hit the ones that are majority uh let me show you let me throw you an easy one uh people are exploring uh different parts of the tool ribbon that you were showing uh some of them have accidentally turned on the quiz mark and marker timelines can you show them how they turn that on and more importantly how they turn it off yes that's a that's a very common uh thing that happens down here on the timeline on the left hand side there's this little drop down arrow and if i click on that that shows you um a marker and quiz track so what that does is with markers selected as i move my cursor around you see this little plus button if i accidentally click here it adds a marker and markers are used for things like a table of contents that you want to build out in your video but a lot of times this gets in the way when you're doing editing so if i don't want that i can undo it but then this button right here this show and hide well you want to make sure that that's turned off and now um you're not going to accidentally add those markers or quiz parts throughout great uh another question that came in this one i'm interpreting it um they've been exploring the selection tool on the playhead and it looks like they made a selection and somehow the playhead became separated from the red and green handles can you show them how to get those back together yeah so maybe something like this yep where your playhead is now clear over here at 30 seconds but you made a selection over here so one of the tips there is if you just double click on top of this playhead double mouse click and it will snap the red and green handles back to it so that happens a lot but yeah whenever you make a selection double click and they'll snap back together yep yep a question came in from gregory uh i really like the in the inclusion of transitions he said is there any guidance on transitions some sort of rule of thumb and how often to use the transitions do i use different ones in a short span of time just general uh tips and tricks on using transitions in your video yeah sure great question uh for me personally i like to stick to basic uh fade is the one i use probably 95 of the time uh there's another one that i use uh kind of a gradient wipe that kind of goes across the screen depending on what i'm showing as you'll see as you scroll down this you have about a couple dozen to choose from my recommendation would be to be consistent throughout your video i wouldn't my personal opinion is not to use i'm gonna see if i can use every single transition throughout the the video um i would stick with a couple that and maybe uh stay consistent throughout um maybe even just one but you know what it kind of depends on what it is that you're showing you might want something to dissolve in or fade through black so it kind of up to you on what looks best but my suggestion would try to stick with one or two in a in a particular project gotcha all right so this question is coming in from a couple people uh sarah is asking specifically when you're using the selection tool and you're dragging a selection out we're noticing that you're grabbing all of the tracks what if i only want to grab one track or i want to exclude a track is there a way to do that yes great question this has to do kind of with these lock icons over on the left hand side um there are three icons on each track and i'll talk about each one the bottom one on it is the lock so if i lock that track you'll see these diagonal lines that go through it that means that any editing i do on the timeline will not affect that track so if i drag a hit ahead here and i delete this it will only delete the tracks that are not locked um the other one would be this is a magnetic track so this is if i let me do some splits i'm going to use s on my hotkey and make a split here and i'm going to come over here and make another split so let's say i have some gaps in between my my clips if i turn on this magnetic track it will basically snap everything together in on that track now what that means though now is i can't click on this and drag and make space because this magnetic so i have to actually disable it in order for me to be able to make space in between and the other one is an eyeball and it's basically disables the track so this is helpful for things like if i disable this track you're no longer going to see that particular media that's on that track if i'm showing if i want to get rid of these call outs i don't want to see them i can just hide or disable that so now i can go back and watch this video and it's going to still play it's just not going to show any call outs on that particular track so hopefully that kind of helps explain how you can turn things on or off the main thing though would be to lock a track that you don't want to edit it anything on it all right thank you ryan so i think we got time for one more question folks there are a lot of questions coming in talking about webcam and interactivity we actually have deeper dive webinars and we'll talk about those here in a second that you can sign up for those as well as a plethora of tutorials and videos on our youtube page as well ryan let's finish with this one this is a general question dennis is asking i saw where we could turn on and off the webcam in the recorder but the question i have is is there a way with your project here in the editor to incorporate some sort of pre-recorded message on the timeline so basically maybe taking existing content and putting it on your timeline or in your project sure so that could be something that if you have a video in a folder let me see or if you have so let's say if i come over here oh me and let's take i don't know if i want to show you guys that one that's kind of uh it's my zoom background clip but yeah i'm gonna do it um let me see here this is a video i'm going to drag this in and so that was another option again i could have right clicked and said import media i could have clicked on this but i just draw drag and drop this video clip on here i could also come to my library and use any media out of here uh to put down on the timeline i'll come back here and i'll put this let's say i don't know we'll put it right in here so this is me being kind of funny walking into my office and this was my zoom background where i'm like oh no i'm gonna back up so this was playing behind me in all my zoom meetings but this is how you basically can layer this on your timeline and you could again i put this right in the middle but i could have put this anywhere if i really like this clip if this is like an introduction i can right click on it and i can say add it to my library and i now have uh that that i could have that in my library that i could bring it down to all of my different videos um if i delete it let me show you the library real quick if you had kind of an introduction so let's say it intros here if i wanted to bring in uh let me just grab one the spinning computer is always kind of a fun one so this is kind of the beginning of the the video hi everybody uh welcome to this tutorial on where to find tutorials on our techsmith website so first thing you want to do is open up all right so while that was playing you should have heard my audio but instead of seeing my screen here i just layered this on top and i could come over here and change this text to anything it says techsmith camtasia but maybe i wanted to say techsmith camtasia tutorials i can spell it and i could change that and so now this is going to be my new intro here techsmith camtasia tutorials so again there's lots and lots of stuff you can do that's that's the fun thing about camtasia is you could use it for just a basic recording of what i showed you here um or you could get in and really do some pretty cool stuff and where people are like how did you do that and you can it just takes practice and really time time to explore all the different things that you can do so that's my advice is to just start small make your first video and then try to learn something new and add to it each each project and just explore a little bit more so any more questions jason uh well we're actually tons of questions still ryan but we are actually at time so if you could switch us over to the powerpoint end deck there we just want to say lots of questions that came in we really appreciate your time so thank you all for joining us today uh reminder you will receive the recording usually within a day of the completion of today's webinar the email that you'll get with that will also include a lot of other assets link to our tutorials link to the techsmith academy as well as some assets that are exclusive to this session i want to reiterate that you are getting a quick four question survey as soon as this webinar ends and those answers that you provide and that feedback that you give us do directly affect what we're doing that's how we created the deeper dive session in fact that's how we switch to zoom webinar for a better visual experience for everyone so thank you so much and thank you ryan for your expertise and sharing and thanks to our support team back at their respective testsmith headquarters we hope you have a wonderful balance your day thanks for joining us
Channel: TechSmith
Views: 17,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TechSmith, Screencast, Video, how do I, how to, capturing, demo video, recording my screen, training, documentation, explain a process, show someone how to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 39sec (3219 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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