Divine Guidance | Bishop Dale C. Bronner | Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral

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this is bishop dale broader thank you so much for joining our youtube channel today if this is a blessing to you i want to encourage you to like it and then click the subscribe button and then turn on notification hit that little notification bell so that you never ever miss another one of our videos and then if you're in the metro atlanta area on a sunday check out one of our exhilarating services at 8 30 a.m 11 a.m or 6 o'clock p.m well our scriptural text today comes from psalm 32 and verse 8 this particular verse notice it it says i will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go i will guide you with my eye and i'm talking today simply about divine guidance divine guidance yes we are desperately dependent upon god to lead us and guide us and to show us the way and god says i will instruct you and teach you in the way that you should go divine guidance and then he says i will guide you with my with my eye i want you to realize god doesn't just show us things he first instructs us or he teaches us in fact the hebrew word that is translated as instruct and also translated as teach in this verse is the hebrew word yara y-a-r-a-h and it actually means to lay a foundation god is saying that before i can lead you and guide you i need to lay a foundation in your life i want to teach you in structure i want to lay a foundation here's i want you to get the picture of this as he lays the foundation in your life it is god's way of saying that when you live your life by principle 99 of your decisions are already made god is saying i want to i want to guide you by instructing you or teaching you by laying this foundation another root part of that particular uh hebrew word actually refers to the whole idea of archery with like bows and arrow and it deals with shooting arrows as to cast forth or to shoot forth and and a great part of the strategy of being able to deal with archery is knowing how to put the bow on that thing on the string and pull it back and then holding it in in place and holding it steady level because if you're holding it down it's going to shoot up and if you're holding it up it's going to shoot down and if you want it to be able to go straight you've got to pull that thing back and you can't be tense you've got to be relaxed see there's some strategy to it about being able to do things if you're going to guide us like an arrow and remember that we we're sort of like uh an arrow that god keeps in his quiver and when he gets ready to direct us toward a target he reaches forth and pulls an arrow a sharpened arrow that is ready to be released to be able to go and to hit a target in another place and so he puts us there he lays the foundation that must be the laying of foundation people who are misguided are misguided because the foundation was never laid in their life something went wrong at home whatever is wrong in the society it starts in the home because the house the home is the first institution of learning that's where we learn the principles but what's almost more important than your education is learning manners at home because when you don't get good home training they can't do anything with you in the school so it is god's way of saying i want to lead you to get god's guidance to get god's guidance uh is to be able to have god to lay a foundation of instruction and teaching that gives us a solid basis on which we can live by principles that will guide us god gives us guiding principles he gives us guiding principles he gives us guiding principles somebody asked me one time they said bishop if you had to reduce the bible down to two laws uh which ones would you uh what what would you say what would you say you know of course my first impact uh impression was to say what jesus said you know love your lord your god with all your heart mind soul and strength and then love your neighbor as yourself but if i wanted to do a little more practical for people to walk out i would say it this way if it's wrong don't do it and if it's wrong don't say it don't do it if it's wrong don't say it if it's wrong don't do it if it's wrong don't say it if it's wrong now if i just gave you just those principles and you leave out and you have an understanding of what right and wrong happen to be and you've got just those two things if it's wrong don't do it if it's wrong don't say it and those become guiding principles so now you don't have to be wondering standing uh you know at a a in a sex place get ready to make a purchase if it's wrong don't do it if it's wrong don't say it if it's gossiping about somebody you know and uh and if you got just that guiding principle can you understand you see how god can guide us just by he says i will i will instruct you and i will teach you and then i will guide you with my eye he says i want to my first course of being able to lead you and guide you is to be able to give you biblical principles instructing you in the truth of my word jesus taught us in saint john 17 17 sanctified them through thy truth and then he said thy word is truth and so god wants to be able to lay a foundation in your life and when you see morally bankrupt people it's because a foundation was never laid in their life when you find twisted adults they always want to root it back to your childhood to find out what went wrong what went wrong and so when we think about god's guidance for us in our life today god guides us by a wide variety of things god can guide us in a variety of ways god speaks to us through angels he speaks to us through angels god speaks to us through dream he speaks to us through visions god can speak to us through his word he speaks to us by an audible voice god speaks to us by prophets he speaks to us through gifts of the spirit a word of knowledge a word of wisdom a word of knowledge prophecy he speaks to us spirit to spirit where god you know he ever had a person to say you know he laid it on my heart or god just he put this in my spirit god can speak to you without your ears ever having to be engaged in that because your real ear is in your heart h-e-a-r-t speak to my heart why because your spiritual ear is in your heart so god wants to speak to your heart he wants to speak to your heart spirit to spirit god can speak to you spirit to spirit he can speak to you through godly counsel from mature spiritually mature christians god can speak to you through other spiritually mature christians he can speak to you and god can speak to you even through circumstances sometimes god shutting a door is his way of saying don't go this way and so it has to be properly understood that sometimes there's a shutdown god says i want you to believe he says knock and it shall you know and it'll be open unto you then you say ask and it shall be given seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened to you so it takes a spiritual discernment to understand that when god has given you a circumstance whether it is this is god actually speaking to you because he can also when he has spoken to you he can use circumstances to confirm that this is what god has said but it must be properly understood if you go by circumstances alone you can be tremendously deceived but i want you to also understand this that even if you didn't go by this whole idea of god being able to speak to you by angels or by dreams or by visions or by uh an audible voice or by by his word or or through gifts of the spirit or spirit to spirit and godly counsel if he didn't speak to you through any of these other ways god can also speak to you through peace if you lose your peace over a situation don't fool with it if you lose your peace over if you don't have peace concerning a situation don't fool with it because peace is the umpire of our soul peace is the umpire of our soul it's the umpire of your soul so if you don't have peace with something beware beware if you don't have peace colossians chapter 3 and verse 15 says and let uh let the peace that comes from christ rule your heart let the peace that comes from christ rule your heart for as members of one body are you called to live in peace and then i like this this talk that's attached to that particular verse about peace it says and always be thankful always be thankful always be thankful you know what i discovered in life is that thankful people are some of the happiest people in the world and unthankful people are some of the most mean and honorary people that you can ever find on the top side of the earth there's something that is a blessing that goes with being thankful unto god oh give thanks unto him if there's a blessing in just being thankful to live with somebody who's thankful that when they see uh things that are done on their behalf they don't take it for granted but they are thankful and thanks is not thanks until it is expressed thanks is not thanks until it is expressed so when you live with thankful people grateful people you bless the atmosphere of your house of your work environment to be more peaceful i don't think that it's coincidental that he put thanksgiving in the same verse where he was talking about the peace let the peace that comes from christ rule in your heart because when you have god's peace it you you're thankful to god you're thankful and i'm telling you you don't know how valuable peace is until you lose it until you can't sleep until you have wrestled all night long or and and not just one night but until you have wrestled for a season that time that you can wrestle over something and all week long a whole month ever since you found out a diagnosis you don't rest well and until you found out something about a person that you're in relationship you don't rest well until you find out something that's coming down the pike on your job you don't rest well and so it is not until you lose peace that sometimes that you really understand its incredible value to you that's nothing worth your losing your peace over let peace be the umpire of your soul but i want you to realize that how god was saying that he will teach us and he will instruct us he said i will also guide you with my eye and sometimes the way that god guides us with uh with his eye is that god will show others sometimes what he has for you he'll show others he'll give them a glimpse he will allow them as it were to be able to see the vision through his eyes you see faith is seeing as god sees when you have faith you get a glimpse of how god views you your your future your life your world you get a glimpse of how god views you and so god is simply sometimes just using the eyes of other people allowing them to be able to see through his eyes just for a moment of time to be able to give guidance or sometimes confirmation to one of his children but you wonder why everybody can't get this glimpse of their future from god i think that is due to spiritual blindness and spiritual blindness is a condition that individuals have when they are unable to see god it is a condition when you are unable to seek god's interaction in human affairs it is a condition where you are unable to see his divine guidance it is a condition where you are unable to see god's message with understanding you can have a situation where uh two people are sitting listening to the same truth to the same message and one gets their socks blessed off of them and the other one is playing on an electronic device and they miss it and they didn't get anything i mean you can hear god speaking some stuff to you chills that go over your body and somebody sitting near you somebody sitting around you somebody who heard the same thing is not even phased it's though it just washed over them because they are spiritually blind and i want you to understand satan blinds unbelievers satan blinds unbelievers particularly in second corinthians chapter four notice verse three through four in the english standard version even if our gospel is veiled it is veiled to those who are perishing in their case the god of this world who happens to be satan has blinded the minds of the unbelievers to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of christ who is the image of god he's blinded their minds and this is why before you get ready to witness to somebody to share the gospel with them you need to take authority over the demonic power that may be blinding their eyes because you don't help a person by actually getting the bible out and start reading scripture to a blind person and trying to show it to them in the word and then you think that way if i get another believer to come there and to corroborate what i'm saying maybe they'll be able to see it you know what that's like it's like having a completely blind person and then you shine brighter lights you instead of a 40 watt bulb now you got a 100 watt bulb and you put more light on the text of scripture and they still can't see it because the problem is not light is blindness whom the god of this world has blinded the eyes lest the glorious light of the gospel shall shine in unto them so the devil blinds their mind so they read scripture and they don't understand what they're reading they hear the word of god and they don't understand what they're hearing that's why they don't get conviction they don't understand if he veils their heart he's got scales over their eyes so when you get ready to witness you always take time to bind the power of the enemy from coming there and putting his hand it's like get your hand from over their eyes because i need to talk to them right now take authority over that in the name of jesus and i would say that uh several things have the capacity to blind us several things have the capacity to blind us number one sin sin will blind you you get in sin you you become spiritually desensitized to the things of god the longer that you get in sin it's as though you will sear your cautious you blind your eyes sin will blind you anybody that's been in sin for a long time and gotten comfortable then you lose your conviction because sin will blind you selfishness will blind you if you're just selfish all the time thinking about yourself if you make everything about you you become blind to the needs of others you become blind to to what god wants to do in your life and through your life when god uses you it's not just about you it's about others god wants to use you to make a difference in the lives of others [Applause] i mean trust me judgment is not about how many pair of shoes you got for yourself and whether you was dressed to kill every time you went out of the house no no judgment is about what did you do with what i gave you and what god gives you is not for you what god gives you is so that you can bless somebody else so several things have the capacity to blind us sin selfishness pride folks that's full of pride they're blind to the things of god they're blind to other people's hurts their pains their condition uh pain pain can blind you pain can blind you i'm telling you when you get enough pain you don't want to you know you not you don't want any chicken i i don't care how good it is you don't want any pound cake you getting enough pain you you just i mean if if you had a prayer if you had one prayer and you in bad enough pain the only thing you want to do is get out of pain you just want to get you want to stop hurting you want to stop hurting you want to stop hurting have you ever had your back go out on you you just you just want to stop hurting it's long just i mean i'm talking about the kind of pain that will keep you up at night where you can't sleep you know that's bad that's bad when you wake up with pain because the pain hits you in the and it woke you up out of your sleep and now you're just sitting there just your eyes are wide open you're in pain you're trying to go back to sleep but the pain and when you're in pain pain makes everything else take a back seat like whatever it is whatever it is i know i got an important meeting but you know this tooth it will it will completely rearrange your schedules and your priorities because pain pain will blind you you can be in so much pain that you can't even see anybody else's needs because you're in so much personal pain here's another thing that can blind you routine when you do the same old thing all the time routine will put your eyesight out you know why because when you live your life by routine and please understand routine has its place but when you do things by routine your your whole mind goes on autopilot you go on autopilot whenever you're in routine you go on autopilot have you ever been driving home and then you get home and you didn't even remember getting off the exit you didn't remember passing by this light because you were on autopilot and it made you blind to stuff that you do every day routine will put your vision out routine so be careful so sometimes when god wants to get your attention he will break your routine he will rebellion will blind you rebellious people they become desensitized to the things of god is sort of rooted again in selfishness rebellion it has its roots and selfishness it makes everything about me me me me the unholy trinity me myself and i uh rebellion blinds people when you find a children that a rebellion a rebellious spouse whenever you find rebellion uh they don't they're not considerate of the needs of others because they're always looking and interpreting the whole world in terms of what's happening to them and so they don't even consider how their actions are affecting people that they love and that love them they're blind to that rebellion can blind you anger anger is another thing that can blind you you get so mad that anger will blind you it will blind you to purpose it'll blind you to righteousness to the things of god you get angry and people don't think about a scripture when they get angry i've just never seen anybody get real angered and they say let me see if i can find a good scripture you know to put on this no no the scripture is not the first thing that comes to your mind you get angry you become blinded to scriptures when you get angry here's another thing that can blind you super abunda super abundance isn't that interesting you can get so much that you become blind to ordinary people and their needs when you feel like you don't need anything and you can handle you're totally self-sufficient if when you feel like you you're an independent spirit and you don't need anybody else that super abundance in your life can blind you of your real need for god you can become blind to the needs of others the sensitivities because you take it for granted that everybody's got it like you got it but they don't super abundance can blind you and complacency can blind you complacency when you just got to a place i mean you don't even want anything more more you have no curiosity in your soul you become blind because you you know what you know and you just like what you know you don't really know what you like you like what you what you know but here's the deal we cannot understand spiritual things with a carnal mind a natural mind we cannot those that's not my opinion first corinthians chapter 2 verse 14 notice the natural person does not accept the things of the spirit of god for they are folly to him or her and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned they are spiritually discerned so you it takes a spiritual mind to understand the spiritual book and that's why you can't get an understanding of this book just by a cursory uh you know study of it in in a seminary or in a bible college you're trying to use hermeneutics and exegesis and you know it it's it's you you've got to have something more it you've got to have a spiritual mind not a natural mind not an educated mind but a spiritual open heart to be able to be hungry for god for god to be able to speak and unveil the treasure that he has placed locked or hidden in the book and understand that the word of god is best understood by revelation not by explanation god has to give you a revelation of his word that's spiritually discerned spiritually discerned second peter chapter 1 and verse 20 notice this but know this first of all that no prophecy of scripture becomes a matter of someone's own interpretation in other words you don't get an understanding because you know some people you know they read a scripture and all the next thing you know they they trying to you know tell the world what god meant and but it's according to their own private interpretation and this scripture first peter 1 20 lets you know that no prophecy of scripture becomes a matter of someone's own interpretation it is not lent to private interpretation you can't just say well it seemed like to me and then think that god has you're the only person on the planet that has this revelation from god let me just tell you uh you remember when uh elijah thought that he was the only prophet who hadn't bowed his knee to baal the lord said excuse me excuse me i got 700 other prophets that i even hear my voice that have not bowed their knee to bail you are not the only one and listen if you're the only person on the planet that think that god has given you some special revelation you are a twisted deluded psychomaniac because god allows he's the bible teaches in amos chapter 3 that god will do nothing in the earth except he reveal his secrets unto his servants the prophets he's not going to just reveal it to one person god will confirm it you'll find i'm amazed i'm blown away sometimes i've traveled places and i've heard the word of the lord i remember ministering down in the country of colombia a number of years ago and an old gray-headed prophet stood up and began to utter forth an utterance in other tongues and when he interpreted it was something that god had spoken to me about three years prior to that and i was blown away that this man that i had never met before and we didn't have internet back then and this man was standing up prophesying and i'm like god you reveal this in the united states to me and i'm in colombia in south america and hearing a prophetic word come his eyes went back in the back of his head he began to shake his voice trembled oh my god it took me back to like biblical times i mean this man he looked like moses and he sounded like jesus but i recognized his voice he was a portal of god interpreting things down in it through through the through the world he became an amplifier of a divine fault that god released from heaven but is not linked to private interpretation and you got to be able to understand that you interpret scripture in light of other scripture it's not according to what i i feel that god showed me this you can be so deluded thinking that you're the only one that has some kind of special and high revelation uh that's why the bible says when you prophesy it's he said do that by two or three and he says and let the others judge because if you're the only one it's probably off counter so most people are you know they're concerned with with god because they think that god is sitting up like some judge who's just waiting to catch you doing wrong and then strike you down may i may i challenge you with that i i don't think that god is sitting on the throne looking down to find a excuse to be able to strike us down because he would have struck all of us down i mean all have sinned and come short of the glory of god and the eyes of the lord are open to be able to see everything that we're doing if god wanted to catch you doing wrong trust me he can catch you but you know what really pleases the heart of god is when god catches his children doing right let me show you a verse here first peter chapter 3 verse 12. notice this in the new living translation the eyes of the lord watch over those who do right notice who's who he watches over god the eyes of the lord watch over those who do right and his ears are open to their prayers but the lord turns his face against those who do evil god said i want to see my child doing that freaking stuff he says the eyes of the lord watch over those who do right and his ears are open to their prayers here's a thought that i want you to get that when you do what is right god sees you and hears you when you do what is right god sees you and hears you he says the eyes of the lord watch over those who do right and his ears are open to their prayers when you do right god sees you and hears you god wants to catch you doing right so he can brag on you god wants to catch you doing right so he can celebrate you he's not sitting back waiting on you to mess up and you you you know uh you you're fearful of it it's amazing the way that some people view god some people view god like who i messed up and i mean i'm scared to tell my daddy and then the others that said man i messed up i need my daddy god's a loving father god is a loving father that restores his children he restores them he restores them he's not trying to catch you in a bad situation doing the wrong thing so he can strike you down god is saying i want to i want to catch them doing something right so that i can i can affirm them in this right thing and i can i let them know that i hear everything that they're saying to me i see them it's like you know cause when you do good you know people they don't really comment when you do what's what you're supposed to do but the minute you mess up oh my god they don't let you live it down they they don't let you live it down that's what one man told me he said you know he said you know you don't you don't know my wife she's difficult to deal with she said my wife is very historical i said you mean hysterical no no he said no no i mean historical he said every time she gets angry she goes back over all of the history of every time i ever mess up she's historical and she was hysterical while being historical it's amazing but i'm so glad that god sees us when we do right and he hears us and you know the awesomeness of god the the divine guiding eye of god god can put his eye on something and show you give a flash of a vision and show you something that's for you i'm amazed at how god is able uh to open eyes that cannot see and to close eyes it can see i mean elisha had this experience uh because he he had peace when he had a revelation from god and his servant didn't have the revelation yet and remember that peace is always based on the revelation and so god guides you by what he tells you and shows you god guides you by what he tells you and shows you i will instruct you and teach you and i will guide you with my eye he guides you by what he tells you and shows you now i want you to see an example of this in scripture in the second kings chapter 6 verse 17 through 20. notice this then elisha prayed oh lord open his eyes and let him see see his servant was blind he couldn't and not naturally blind spiritually blind he couldn't discern this because it's only you can only be spiritually discerned he says open his eyes and let him see and the lord opened the young man's eyes and when he looked up he saw the hillside around elisha was filled with horses and chariots of fire and as the aramean army advanced toward him elisha prayed oh lord please make them blind and so the lord struck them with blindness as elijah had asked now he had to ask god to open the blindness of his servant and close the sight of the army that was coming against them and then elijah went out and told them uh you've come the wrong way he said this isn't the right city follow me and i will take you to the man you're looking for and he led them to the city of samaria isn't that amazing an army came to get him and he led them down to their enemy and as soon as they had entered samaria elisha prayed oh lord now open their eyes and let them see and so the lord opened their eyes and they discovered that they were in the middle of samaria see god can open blind eyes and he can shut seeing eyes isn't that amazing that's just how god is and i want you to understand this that sometimes what you need is just a fresh perspective put on an old relationship you need a fresh perspective because oftentimes the things that cause some terrible conflict in relationships is a wrong perspective i want you to take a look at a little video with venom in his eyes and he says i hate you i'm one month pregnant and i'm having the biggest fight of my life with my husband and we are in it it's been going for an hour he is livid i am terrified and then he looks at me from across the room with venom in his eyes and he says i hate you and my heart stops and i'm convinced this is over i learned something that day i learned that the opposite of love is not hate but indifference [Music] love is not just full of happy soothing empowered emotions love is full of dark difficult heartbreaking emotions and if you want to feel the game of true love you have to be willing to open yourself to the full range of human experience and when your heart can hold that level of intensity then you are available to true love and then you can hold that intensity from your partner and their emotions become safe with you so there i am in the middle of this epic battle with my husband with my baby in my belly and i'm convinced this is the end of the relationship and he he looks at me and i start to crumple and he walks towards me and he says it to my face i do hate you but i love you more than i hate you and i could feel in that moment that it was true but we've been fighting for hours over an issue that had no real resolution and i was heartbroken and hopeless and i looked into his eyes and i said i just don't know how we're ever going to get through this i'm hopeless i'm in despair and he looked at me and he softened and he said i know i don't know how we're gonna get through this i'm in despair too but maybe he said maybe we could just hold each other in that despair and in that despair together we realized that our love and our desire to stand for the us was bigger than that issue bigger than that feeling and i learned that in in love when you have the capacity to feel every single emotion even the most terrifying like the end of the relationship that anything is possible and you can find each other the heart is a muscle and as we all know every muscle in order to build it has to rip past a tear has to break the more you are willing to feel and let your heart break the bigger your heart becomes the wider its capacity is strength and its ability to hold love and every little rip in your heart is a conflict a lot of people think conflict is not what should happen when you're in love this shouldn't be so difficult this must mean we're not right for each other well let me tell you something as someone who's behind the scenes of conflict conflict is absolutely normal and integral and important for a relationship to thrive the most powerful and loved couples i have ever met fight more in the first two years than anyone else i know why because they're two different people from two different worlds different belief systems a fight an argument is always a misunderstanding it's i don't feel loved i don't feel seen i don't feel honored right now love is the easiest and the hardest thing you're ever gonna do with your heart love it doesn't take a lot it takes everything believe in love as if your greatness depends on it because it does and remember remember that god is love and because god is love he commands us to love one another and when you look at people in the natural it is so difficult to love some people and then others are so easy to love and i'm absolutely convinced that most people do not understand the full dimensions of love you know why it is because we say things that we do not mean and then we mean things that we do not say and it limits us in our capacity to be able to understand and experience love as it is designed to be experienced but god is love and the only way that god can grow you in your love is to give you somebody cantankerous in your world who's hard to love in the same way the only way that god can increase your patience is to put you in a situation where you must be impatient and you learn patience you have to learn how to be patient it's a skill it's a skill and oftentimes learning to love like we need to learn to love involves death to self and when you surrender yourself so that your relationship can live you'll be surprised what god can accomplish but even pain and discomfort in a relationship can guide you to a more loving considerate and compassionate relationship and please understand this you have a life not merely a career you have a life not merely a career you are not your job a job is not what defines your life that's not what makes you you have a life remember jesus in saint john 10 10 i've come that you might have life and have it more abundantly he didn't say i've come that you might have a glorious sterling career a well-decorated career i've come that you might have life because when i retire from my career who am i jesus said i've come that you might have life you only spend about a third of your life at work so if you're wrapped up in your career who are you the other two-thirds of time that's why you have to realize jesus said i have come that you might have life and life more abundantly i didn't come that you might have a glorious career it's fine to have a glorious career but what good is a career when you lose yourself in the process when you lose meaning for relationships in the process jesus said i have come that you might have life and everybody is in school and studying and trying to get different certifications to make them better in their career while your relationships are going to hell in a hand basket what about your life what about your life what about your life your divine calling the people that you are intended to be able to connect with the folks that you're designed to serve not the one that you're paid to help but what you do out of a ministry that's in your life out of a calling out of a destiny out of a revelation out of a dream out of a vision and you ought to love what you what you're doing as a career remember that uh that a a career is what you're paid for a calling is what you're made for and so you don't really have the peace and i i'm one of those blessed folks that that understood my calling early in life but i am more than ministry so that when i'm no longer pastoring here am i supposed to just crawl up on the rock and dry and suck my thumbs and reminisce about how beautiful and how wonderful the times were while i was pastor no no my life is rooted in god i'm just telling you if you want to see somebody you'll ask my wife we're on vacation i when i disconnect my wife does not hear me talking about word of faith because i have a life outside of jesus said i have come that you might have i'm like if the church burns down while i'm going wait until i get back because i'm not a fireman [Applause] i have a life you're supposed to have a life i hope you're blessed because you come to a balanced church with you no balanced teaching because i want you to be able to celebrate and have the things of god work on the things that enhance the quality of your life the quality of your life the quality of your life you know when samson was blind you know what he had to do because they had gouged his eyes out he had to borrow somebody else's eyes notice the story in the few verses here of judges chapter 16. notice half drunk by now the people demanded bring out samson so he can amuse us and so he was brought out from the prison to amuse them and they had him stand between the pillars supporting the roof and samson said to the young servant who was leading him by the hand please place my hands against the pillars that hold up the temple i want to rest against them and now the temple was completely filled with people and all the philistine rulers were there and there were about 3 000 men and women on the roof who were watching as samson amused them and then samson prayed to the lord sovereign lord remember me again oh god please strengthen me just one more time with one blow let me pay back the philistines for the loss of my two eyes and you know the thing is this this young lad that that led him he could he had strength but he didn't have sight and the lad had sight but he didn't have strength and he coupled his weakness with somebody who had a strength in the area of his weakness and he says i'm getting ready to check out and this is just a reminder to you to finish well finish well finish well finish well and and samson accomplished more in his death than he ever did in his life you know why because even when he couldn't see it he had to borrow the eyes of a young man who could see and he said hey man when we get in there put my hands on the central columns that support this whole thing just place my hands if you'll help me place my hands that's just just show me just just put my hands on it show me where to apply my strength show me where to use my influence show me where to use my favor show me where to demonstrate my gift this is i'm about i'm about to bust a destiny move and i'm getting ready to accomplish something i said lord i want you to do something but i can't really see why i ne i know i need to do something but i don't exactly know what i need i need somebody that's got eyes so they can put it on the central he could just put it on any column and push he had to push it on the main ones that became a domino effect that if these two main pillars collapse the whole place is coming down and and and he had the wisdom to know that somebody else could see something that he couldn't see and it had to give him the humility to have a young boy who didn't have his strength didn't have his influence didn't have his swag that helped to place his hand said no no put it put it here and and this one here and then he looked up toward god and said lord strengthen me one more time just one more time let me finish well strengthen me lord let me bring judgment on those god use me use me god may this be a destiny he wasn't just moving columns he was moving destiny he was shifting something that would outlast him and he did it with borrowed eyes because god said i will instruct you and i will teach you and i will guide you with my eyes and he took an inexperienced young boy who could see he just needed somebody who could see because we got to finish well and the final thing that i'll tell you is that elijah the prophet he had already prophesied to king ahab that a drought was about to come to an end he prophetically declared the drought and elisha now kneels he gets in a kneeling position and again here's somebody who has to use somebody else's eyes we all have blind spots you don't know everything i don't care how smart you are you need somebody else's eyes to see from a vantage point that you can't see sometimes just like the prophet elijah you see he understood that we prophesy in part no prophet knows everything he prophesies in part and so he says i need to use my servant's eyes because elijah was weary [Music] and when you whenever you get weary on your journey you need somebody who's with you that believes in you elijah was weary but he wasn't worried elijah was depleted but he was not discouraged most people quit not because they get tired but because they get discouraged and i want you to see the story here of elijah and how he handled it first kings chapter 18 verse 41 through 46 and elijah said to ahab go eat and drink for there is a sound of heavy of a heavy rain and so ahab went off to eat and drink but elijah climbed to the top of mount carmel and he bent down to the ground and put his face between his knees go and look toward the sea he told his servant and he went up and looked and there's nothing there he said seven times elijah said go back can you imagine do you have anybody in your life in your circle that when you're praying for something that you can't see that can believe with you that can encourage you and not only believe with you and encourage you but will let you use their eyes to go and look for it while they're still bit down in the birthing position trying to birth this thing to say go and see whether god has done it now i've been praying i know he's going to do it i know he's going to do it and most people have friends that'll go one or two times but around that third time and they didn't see anything man what you keep sending me out there [Music] yeah yeah man i'm gonna do it this time this time i'm gonna do my business this time man you said that before and now the fourth time he goes and faithfully comes back shaking his head he said go again fifth time you have to understand elijah has a track record whenever he has prophesied prior to this he never missed it he's running on a track record not a hunch he's a seasoned prophet when he prophesied never did a word of his fall to the ground unfulfilled the fifth time he comes back he said go again the only reason that he could go is because not because of what he was hoping to see but because the character of the man who sent him and he went a sixth time and came back and said he said go again how many times have you failed do you have a friend that can deal with six failures and then believe and get excited with you to go and look again with an expectation to see something and after six failures elijah looked at him and said go again go back go back go back i know it's that go back he knew it was there he just wasn't sure the timing you ever been in a situation where you know god's got something for you you know you're supposed to do more than what you're doing but it hasn't manifested yet it's just a timing issue and you got to have somebody that can encourage you you know your breakthrough is there because you got a word from god but it hadn't manifested yet and you need somebody that will just go and look [Music] and here he goes in obedience for the seventh time and this time [Music] he sees a little cloud about the size of a man's hand this is the anthropomorphic hand of the lord by thy hands we all are fed give us lord our daily bread god will give you something in that moment of just trusting him on the seventh time he came back and he said i saw a cloud a small one size of a man's hand whenever god's gonna do something he always gives a small sign it's not the full manifestation but that sign was enough to signal to elijah to tell the king you better get your horse and start to ride real fast because rain is getting ready to overtake you it hadn't rained in about three and a half years and he said you better you better get your horse ready you better get your horse ready and then the bible says he started riding off and then elijah the prophet himself took the hymn of his his the skirt of his his garment and tucked it in his belt and took off running and the spirit of the lord came on him and he outran the king's horses i'm telling you that when you've been waiting god has a time of divine acceleration where he will call you it looked like it was taking a long time to get your breakthrough and your deliverance but i'm telling you get your horse ready you may as well get your tennis shoes on and get everything out of your way that's gonna stop your flow and tuck it in your girdle and get ready because god's getting ready to accelerate you get ready to do more in less time this time he's getting ready to put the wind to your back and propel you into your divine destiny when you've been waiting on the breakthrough when you've been waiting on god to say lord i've been praying i've been believing it's been i'm in my seventh year some of you are in your seventh month some of you are in the seventh day in the name of jesus but when you have waited upon the lord say that wait upon the lord they that wait on the lord not to break through they that wait on the lord shall be renewed they shall mount up with wings you get ready to fly you get ready to soar you get ready to outrun horses and chariots in the name of jesus he will make up in the latter years of your life you're going to be able to run better in your 50s and your 60s you thought that in your time was up but i'm here to tell you you didn't think that they would pick anybody in their 40s but the devil is a liar the devil is a liar god had another plan in mind [Music] i don't know who i'm prophesying to today but i declare you to you in the name of jesus i hear the lord said that i'm getting ready to give you your daily bread he said this is the bread that you'll have to believe for every day every day every day every day i said i i hear the lord saying i'm not talking about a natural bread i'm not talking about a croissant i'm not talking about a biscuit i'm not talking about cornbread is that i'm talking about the bread of peace you can't store that up because tomorrow's piece is for tomorrow yesterday's piece was for yesterday the piece that i give you on the daily daily bread the daily bread of that peace the daily bread of that joy see the joy of the lord is your strength you can't run today off of yesterday's strength god has a strength for you today and the strength that you have today won't help you tomorrow tomorrow you'll have to trust him and say god you got me through yesterday you got me through last week god i need i need some more of that bread of the strength that will strengthen me today i need love today i can't survive off of the love that i had yesterday nor the love that i'll have tomorrow i need to love to be able to sustain me today god that's a daily bread god's got a daily bread of love for you today today today jesus taught us to pray give us this day our daily bread because you can't save up peace and love and joy and goodness and patience and meekness and temperance and long-suffering god will give it to you as you need it it is as though he's got an iv drip in your arm and when the pain comes then the medicine will be dispensed but it is not until there's a pain that comes because no matter how much pain medication you had yesterday it's not helping you today if you got new pains and god says i know you got new hunger pains today that the bread from yesterday doesn't satisfy you can't eat dinner twice on the day before and think that you can skip the next day it doesn't work that way no no god says that what you needed from me in times past what you needed from me yesterday you're going to need today and i'm going to be there with you because i'm with you and i'll never leave you no forsake you but i'm walking with you i'm walking with you in a divine strength and some of you can't go another step in on your job you're about to freak out in your family because of different things that are happening you just need a daily bread my god he will sustain you to a daily bread and if you just get the daily bread of the lord he will he'll empower you he will empower you to be able to go in that string to go in that strength of what he'll feed you with in the moment in the moment in the moment everything that you need for this moment for this day this day this day this day this is the day that the lord has made and in it i will rejoice and be exceedingly glad this day this day this day this is our time for us to submit our hearts to god and say god i need your guiding eye i need the dependability of the instruction of your word there's so many decisions that i'm facing god i need a word from you i need your bread god lead me guide me show me the way i'm dependent upon you jesus i need you god with everything that i've got i'm dependent upon you i'm desperate for you i'm hungry for you and lord no matter how much that i have of you i need more i want more i want more more of you i can never get too much and i can't get enough today that i won't crave you tomorrow that's what god wants to be is your daily bread your daily guidance to say lord show me in this day those to whom i am duty-bound to help show me every opportunity that you have hidden for me today show me god who i need to instruct today who i need to encourage today who i need to pray for today give us this day our daily bread and you will discover a strength that comes from god above to help you right in the place where you are divine guidance and i pray in the name of jesus [Music] the lord will so lead you and guide you [Music] leading you out of your sin out of harmful habits if you'll follow his voice he will lead you and he'll send others that even when you're walking in darkness out of your blindness [Music] that he was sending others to take you by the hand when you can't even see yourself and they can bring you to a place where the lights will turn on and everything will begin to make sense father in the name of jesus i pray that you will open the eyes of your precious people we bind the work of the enemy over the precious people that belong to you dear lord jesus may every satanic and demonic assignment against their life be canceled in jesus name [Music] and we pray father that the blindness that the enemy has brought into the lives of our loved ones our family members our co-workers our neighbors that you will break that power in the name of jesus so that as we share the glorious light of the gospel that it can shine in unto them and transform their world and cause them to blossom and flourish in your presence and father may we walk in the light as you're in the light may we have fellowship one with another and experience your peace beyond all understanding thank you for being lord in our life thank you for helping us thank you for strengthening us thank you lord for even lending to us the eyes of others when we can't see ourselves thank you father we acknowledge that you're leading us guiding us and making a way for us and we covenant in advance to give you all of the glory for everything that will come out of our lives in jesus name amen hallelujah i pray that you got something out of the word of the lord today i really do thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah to the lamb if there's anybody that wants to become a member of word of faith family worship cathedral uh you can do that today if you want to become a member of word of faith everybody needs a good church home some of you might have been watching us for a while online but if you're here physically in the church today and you want to make word of faith family worship cathedral your new church home will you just stand up anybody if you want to make a wonderful wonderful welcome wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful we've got some folks that's right over here if you were just step and follow go follow this sign we've got a place to be able to safely allow you to socially distance and allow you to become a member of word of faith welcome welcome welcome to the family we're so excited to have you praise god i'm so honored that he led you this way today wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful praise god praise god praise god we honor him and we just thank him hallelujah hallelujah amen amen wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful savior wonderful savior [Music] and you know salvation is just a prayer away if there's anybody who's lost today because you realize that you've been in darkness and sometimes you will have known the truth i've seen people and known people personally that that were saved and walking in the knowledge of god and then they got in sin in their eyes they lost their vision and you can need to be reclaimed and brought back to god said god i don't know why but i was able to hear your voice today and i really realized that i've been blind to some things that you have for me if you're a backslider you've been in fellowship with god before but you've got not a fellowship and you need to be restored into right standing with jesus christ the one who has the power to to open blind eyes and to close seeing eyes and you'll realize that sight is a function of the eyes but vision is a function of the heart and it is not until you surrender your heart to jesus christ that you'll be able to see god this is why the bible says that blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see god it takes a purity of heart to ask god to just god come into my heart i'm not all that i need to be i realize that god i can't be that without you if you're here today if you're joining us through a live stream and you know that you're not where you need to be but you want to make that decision today would you just indicate that just by slipping one hand up if you're in this place today yes thank you the others just slip one hand up just slip one hand up to god thank you so much for your honesty thank you yes thank you [Music] god loves you so much thank you for your courage i love you and i i celebrate you today it's the finest decision this you you're a strong person you're like a samson [Music] he's telling the lad come on place my hand now if you raise your hand or if you should have raised your hand i want to ask you to just get up out of your seat and just walk right this way we've got a place we've got some literature that we want to give you put into your hand that will help you on your journey be able to secure you remember as god guides you he instructs us in truth he gives instruction and and then he teaches instruction and teaching follow this sign right over here to my left and to your right yes wonderful wonderful wonderful amen praise god praise god praise god i just commend you i so commend you i so commend you thank you so much thank you so much [Applause] [Music] but we just love you and we just bless you and thank you so much for getting up and coming to the house of the lord today i trust that you've been blessed just by being in the atmosphere thank you for those of you that are tuning in to the live stream today we just bless you and i pray that you've received something that has been meaningful in your life i pray that you've heard the voice of god today i pray that clarity has come to you in a way that sets you on a different type of journey a different trajectory that he has somehow positioned your archery to be able to hit the target of where you are originally uh intended to go and to hit so may the peace of god the sweet anointing in the communion of the holy spirit rest upon you and give you peace and victory over the course of this week in jesus name amen god bless you we love you we will see you next week we will see you next week we hope that you enjoyed that message don't forget to like and subscribe and then press the notification bell so that you don't miss another one of our videos and if you want to partner with us click the give now button thank you for what you do
Channel: woffamily
Views: 220,400
Rating: 4.8617616 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral, Church, Sermon, Encouragement, Hope, Message
Id: gYCUI4Ir0bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 55sec (3895 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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