Rekindle! | Bishop Dale C. Bronner | Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral

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this is bishop dale brother thank you so much for joining our youtube channel today if this is a blessing to you i want to encourage you to like it and then click the subscribe button and then turn on notification hit that little notification bell so that you never ever miss another one of our videos and then if you're in the metro atlanta area on a sunday check out one of our exhilarating services at 8 30 a.m 11 a.m or 6 o'clock p.m our scriptural text today comes from second timothy chapter one verse six and seven in the english standard version notice there these words for this reason i remind you to fan into flame the gift of god which is in you through the laying on of my hands for god gave us a spirit not a fear but of power and love and self-control i'm talking today from the subject rekindle re kendall the word kindle means igniting and feeding a fire igniting and feeding a fire when we rekindle we we re-light or we then re feed the fire to be able to keep a fire going and i want you to think about this this is um the apostle paul writing to a spiritual son timothy young timothy and he's saying to him timothy i want to remind you to stir up the gift of god that is in you fan into flame rekindle this thing that was put in you by the laying on of my hands this is the older man reminding the younger man and i know most people think that older people forget things all the time but i really think that it is to pinpoint a truth to us that oftentimes we have a greater need to be reminded than to be instructed is that not that you don't know any better you've just forgotten your manners and he's putting him back in remembrance that you need to go back to something that brings you back into order it is a rekindling it is not that the fire has gone out it has it has gone down to the degree that you don't even really realize it is still ignited and sometimes when a fire looks like it is actually going out you have to uncover some things and add a little oxygen by fanning it and somehow oxygen feeds or fuels a fire and it can look like it had actually gone out until you actually remove some things and start fanning it into it into a flame once again and that's what he's reminding him to say listen there's a gift that was putting you by the laying on by hand and it was it was a reminder to him that you've obviously been neglecting this thing that you need to go back to what you once had burning brightly in your life but now it has gone out and i want you to think of this that back in in biblical times the source of all light was basically by fire there was no electricity to turn on a fluorescent light they didn't have the the incandescent light bulbs that we have today their light was all by fire it was a torch it was a cant uh a lantern uh it was a candle it was all by some source of fire their fire produced light jesus told us in matthew chapter 5 this light let the light that's in you you are the light of the world and it should not be put under a bushel it ought to be set on a hill so it can be seen this is where we get the whole idea this little light of mine i'm gonna let it shine i'm gonna let it shine the light shines by a fire but what can you do when we so many christians around the world have allowed their light to simmer into a flicker and he's saying that it's time now i want to put you in remembrance to stir up to fan into flame really not what has gone out but that that has dwindled down to the degree that you don't even notice that it's burning any longer and the great thing about this this this fire fire not only produce light but it also produces warmth and there are so many people that are out in our world today in a cold dark world that are oftentimes drawn to our light because not because they're looking for the light so much but they're attracted to the warmth when it's a cold dog-eat-dog world they're just looking for a place where they're a warm relationships where there is a warm reception but all fire back in that time starting from the sun which is a great ball of fire is nothing but a ball of fire that gives both light and warmth we would die if the sun were an extra mile away from the earth god put it right at just the right distance so that we wouldn't freeze to death and we wouldn't burn up but that it provides both both light and warmth to us so when he's talking about rekindling this thing the world needs your light and they need your warmth it's a huge turn off to the world when they see your light but they cannot feel your warmth and that's why he says let your light shine and he's saying you need to fan into flame that gift that was in you and and my question to you is what is it that god put in you by gifting supernaturally divinely that you need to fan and deflame that you need to stir up that you need to do something to develop or to sharpen or to make it better than what it currently is what is it that you need to fan back into flame that you used to be passionate about passion speaks of that fire again passion speaks of fire because fire if you get too close to it it can actually cause pain the word passion literally means pain pain pain when you see a person who's passionate about something is because in some way it is pain them whatever you're passionate about if somebody does it poorly it pains you if you're a dancer and you see somebody jack a dance up it's painful to you if you're a singer an instrumentalist and you see somebody messing a song up it's painful to you if somebody hits a sour note or singing off key that is painful to you if you're in culinary arts and if somebody cooks something and it is not seasoned properly or prepared properly or the right type of consistency it pains you and if you have a gift of organization and if you walk into somebody's face and their space is disorderly it is painful to you and if you're a fashion designer and somebody's colors and patterns are tacky and clashing it's painful to you uh pain comes from your passion so if you do it well it pains you to see somebody do it poorly it's painful it's painful and so here paul is reminding timothy fan into flame what has died down that you used to be really hot about i know when people first got saved they would tell everybody about their experience with jesus they wanted to get the whole world saved they wanted to cause a revival they it was it was everywhere they still wanted to tell people about jesus they wanted to tell people about jesus they were they were passionate about it they were absolutely passionate about it and so what are you passionate about that you used to be on fire about but now it doesn't really matter so much in your relationship with god when you first came into god you had a voracious appetite for him you couldn't get enough of him and now i mean if you don't read it if you don't go to church i mean it it it just doesn't matter it's like i live and we don't realize that we have we've simmered into a smoldering flickering fire and he's saying i want you to fan it into flame you do it fan into flame add some oxygen to it breathe on it stir it up you stir it up stir up the gift that's in you practice it go back to what you used to be on fire with and put fire to it it's different than man-made fire what distinguishes divine fire from man-made fire man-made fire has a tendency to go out man-made fires are not sufficient for today and man-made fires are not contagious you know people can try to start a fire a fad by by themselves people start stuff you know whatever you start initiate by the flesh you got to sustain by the flesh whatever you get through manipulation you have to keep through manipulation but it's so it's not sustainable it's not sufficient and and it's not contagious but god-given fires god-given fires remain as long as our focus stays on him as long as your focus stays on him then your fire will stay god-given fires are more than enough to meet our needs more than enough to meet our needs and thirdly god-given fires are contagious for those who see them you see somebody else who's on fire for god and somehow it sets you on fire if somebody is passionate about praying it makes you realize you know what i don't pray enough if you see somebody else who's witnessing to others it's like you realize i don't witness enough i don't let my light shine enough i don't i don't thank god in in a in a public restaurant and take the time to actually speak grace over my food you know and it starts sensitizing when you see somebody when you see a family praying together when you see people that are devo devout in their in their practice of god it stirs something in you that's that's god given it's contagious it's contagious and see to continue to burn a fire needs heat it needs fuel and it needs oxygen heat when you come together with other people you get heat fuel is is that thing that is the source that allows the fire to keep living and then oxygen it'll go out i mean if whatever you want to smother kill a fire just just block the flow of oxygen to it and the fire will die out to extinguish a fire there must be cooling it has to cool down you think about it when you you go out and you barbecue on on a grill when the grill cools down the fire goes out that is the removal of heat that's the removal of it or there is a smothering if you have a fire in a kitchen you need to smother it with some flour throw a blanket on it smother it and you can put a fire out you know when other people starts criticizing you that can sometimes throw a wet blanket over your fire when people fail to appreciate your gift it can sometimes throw a blanket over your fire and then there's starvation starvation that's you can extinguish a fire by cooling by smothering or by starvation which is the removal of the fuel source or the combustible material you you just remove that and you will starve the fire because it has nothing to burn it has nothing to burn and so just just think about this that god wants us to fan into flame the gift that he has given to us and your gift is equipment for your assignment in life there is a need for your gift whether you realize it or not there's a gift that is in you that god gave and he wants you to share please understand this principle a gift is not a gift until it is given a gift is not a gift until it is given when god gives a gift i don't care what it is whether it is your thinking ability whether it is your ingenuity your your creativity whether it is musical or dance or in visual arts whatever your gift is whatever your gift is if it is in teaching if it is in caring for children if it is in cleaning my god we need those gifts we need the gifts every gift is needed god never gives a gift that is not needed but here's the deal i mean i've found in my travels i've gone into a store and i can buy a bottle of water for a dollar and then get to my hotel and see the same bottle of water on sale for three dollars in the room i'm like i'm not gonna pay three dollars for this bottle of water i'm the kid who used to play outdoors and when we got thirsty we went over to the a water hose and drank water out of a spigot on the side of the house you all don't even know what a spigot is you call it a faucet now it's a this was a spigot and uh you know as you you're playing baseball basketball football we took a break we huffing and puffing we just go we didn't go in the house to get up you know because you know when you had those uh mothers they would say you either come in the house or you stay out you you don't don't come in and out of my house and my mother and father had six sons and if each one of us had to go and get a glass of water that sixth time a door has to open and close and they weren't gonna have that you either come in or you you stay out but so that was we had our water outdoors and we didn't think about having to put a filter on it and adding some special kind of stuff to it and boiling it we we just and you get and i never thought that i would live in a day where you'd have to buy water in a store a dollar bottle and then in the hotel i'm i'm there uh three dollars for the for the bottle and then coming to the airport and i need a bottle of water and five dollars ever been to a stadium had to try to buy some water five dollars for some water what i used to drink out of the spigot for free and they're trying to charge five dollars the same water that was in the store for a dollar that was in the hotel for three dollars and now it's in the stadium it's in an airport for five dollars it's the same waters the same brand the only thing that changes is the place and maybe just maybe if people are not valuing your water where you are it's time to move just change the place they didn't change the water they changed the place because the same water and the same brand in a different place has a different value and it may be time just may be time that you change the place where you are to where your water brand is appreciated at a different way in a different place and a different value so sometimes when you feel cheap and unappreciated you're just in the wrong place you're in a place where they don't recognize your gift and they don't understand this value but you have to get into a place where they recognize your value that's why sometimes in your own family they're too close to you they know your background they know too much of your history they know your mama and your daddy and your brothers and your sisters and your uncles and your granddaddy and they think that because they had issues and and didn't have anything of value that that's who you are that's your history not your destiny they don't really know you like that and that's why when god really wants to turn your gift on you got to find somebody that maybe you met in college somebody that lives next door or across the hall from you and they recognize and say girl you can sing hey man you man you got a gift you real good with your hand man have you thought about engineering may have and maybe why in your own hometown they couldn't see your gift because they were too familiar with you but somebody who didn't grow up with you recognized your gift and could see that hey you can do hair you understand how to really work with your hands you know how to sing you can dance you can put things together hey you are an event coordinator hey you are an interior designer hey you know how to take stuff whether it's lemonade i don't care if there's a newspaper you can sell anything i see in you an ability to be able to flip houses who am i talking to in this place when you're around somebody that is so fixated on your history that they cannot see the power of the gift that is on the inside of you they're blind by your history and can't understand your destiny don't change the gift change the place [Applause] i cannot tell you how many times i have gone to places that were so used to shouting and dancing and no substance and content and i walked into that place and there was no response to me but i'm just working my gift and they didn't have an appreciation for the gift and so it came upon me i never questioned the gift i was in a place and i could tell that their their eyes were just glazed over but i couldn't change my gift so i changed the place and i realized you don't cast pearls before swine take them to a place and give it to people that don't understand its value because they were used to something else because when you get so used to gravy and sugar cereals instead of meat and bread substance by which you can grow it's amazing i i went to the pentecostal church and i love pentecostals i love that spirit and the fervent flair and i was a sunday night preacher and and they and they the bishop of the house he said young man he said you have preached here tonight he said the man that preached this morning tore this place up he said you're gonna have preach you'll have to preach in here today tonight you're gonna have to preach tonight [Music] well i'm like you know it is what it is it's on the menu i mean lamb is on the menu it's not lasagna it's lamb i came with lamb i got lamb i can't turn this into lasagna it's lamb [Applause] i didn't come with bull i came with lamb and i went on in my normal usual fashion you know holy ghost field pentecostal church and i taught the word of god on a sunday night like i was teaching in a sunday school class but full of the holy ghost and when i finished the bishop looked at me and he said these words he said that man who preached this morning made us feel good but he says what you taught tonight will help us to do good learn to be comfortable in your own skin and if they don't like you don't change your gift change the place because there's a value on what you carry though it may not be recognized and appreciated every place that you go you got to find your tribe you got to find your tribe you got to find your tribe i was surprised when i was in in europe and the folks there had a love white folks that loved the blues blues music and i'm like you know what i know some blues singers that are at home singing the blues thinking that they don't have a market for their music you just got the wrong audience there's nothing wrong with your gift these people would eat it up over here they would you could be mediocre and they would just throw money at you they're just looking for somebody who's got the gift and you might be with the wrong audience it's amazing i've been in asia and i've heard music from america there that they celebrate and folks here complaining because nobody is buying that music and they don't even realize there's an asian audience that has never heard you there are eight billion people nearly on the planet right now and you don't know a fraction of them and then you go to one place and get rejected and sitting at home sucking your thumb because you've been rejected and the vast majority of people in the world have never been introduced to you and would love what you have to serve to them they would fall in love with your gift and you've established a value on yourself based on such a limited perspective i hope we're helping someone today don't change your gift change the place change the place here are some signs that you may not be living in god's purpose signs that you may not be living in god's purpose you feel stuck you feel stuck you lack passion for life you're angry all the time just angry all the time there's some people you know you're just telling me good morning what's good about it they they lack passion for life they lack purpose they they don't understand you constantly blame others for what's wrong in your life is everybody's fault but yours you're constantly blaming other folks for what's wrong in your life you have no direction in life uh you don't feel fulfillment in your work all of these are signs that you're probably not living in god's purpose for your life and one of the most meaningful questions that dr martin luther king jr asked us he said life's most persistent and urgent question is what are you doing for others what are you doing for others that connects you to your purpose because your gift is not about you your gift is always about others your gift is always about serving others your gift is never about you the gift is not for you it's only through you it's only through you you're a peach tree peach trees don't eat peaches apple trees don't eat apples orange trees don't eat oranges what you produce is not designed to feed you it's designed to feed others and that's why god can use you to bless other folks and then you can be standing and say lord what have you forgotten about me but the gift is through you it is through you so you have to always live for something that is bigger than what you are bigger than what you are but now is the time to do something about our flickering smoldering lights and to begin the rekindling of your frame number one you need to clear the ashes clear the ashes clear out what is already passed in your life clear out what's already over clear out all of your failure clear out the ashes of everything that used to be burning at one time but now it's nothing more than an ash clear out the ashes of what god is finished with in your life here's a great understanding here is that the greatest enemy to a new move of god is an old move of god that you're still clinging to that's the ashes clear out the ashes never forget what god has done but clear out the ashes of that given room to make make new testimonies in your life it's time for new testimonies we're talking about being able to rekindle the flame you've got to clear out the ashes get rid of everything that is already burned the residue of that last relationship if you've been through a divorce that's over now that's over clear it out so you can move forward set your vision ahead the business that failed the relationship that failed the money that you lost in the deal that you cannot get back is ashes now clear the ashes so you give god room in your life to be able to build something spectacular something glorious something powerful it's not over just because it burned up clear the ashes clear the ashes that's step one if you really want to rekindle your flame and and here's what i want you to understand what if what if what if the disappointment that you experience the failure that you experience the heart break that you experience what if that was part of the recipe for the miracle that god is setting you up for you don't get a miracle without a deep problem that you cannot work out humanly and maybe god let something fail as a part of the recipe to put you right on target right on schedule for one of the greatest miracles of your life you got to have something that goes bad something that says your health is too poor you can't do this doctors have given you shots and herbs and all kinds of things to try to take medicine pills and exercises and it's still not getting better and you need something from god you need a miracle from god you've talked to people until you're blue in the face and you need a miracle maybe god let the disappointment of human beings of human circumstances and situations uh disappoint you as a recipe where he says they need a miracle i've got to put in enough failure i've got to put in enough frustration i've got to put in enough sleeplessness i've got to position them because i'm making a miracle in their life there has to be a mess made before a miracle can be worked so clear the ashes clear the ashes clear the ashes and let god do something number two trim the wick trim the wick uh the word wick means twisted whatever is twisted in your life twist it in your thinking twist it in your emotions twist it in your affections whatever is twisted trim the wick because the the wick that you have now it's it's black it's been burned trim the wick and you pull up new clean unburned wick trim the wick if if your right hand offends you cut it off trim the wick trim the wick trim the wick the habits that you have the laziness trim the wick trim the wick is what do you need to cut off in order to allow this to shine brighter trim the wick trim the wick in your life what's wicked in your life that needs to be trimmed nothing helps you to trim your wick better and faster than a fast that when god is really trying to trim the wick in your life cut off your plate turn your food down turn your plate down a fast will help you to trim the wick of your carnality it'll help you to trim the wick of extra things that you've been carrying and stuff that's already been used that is in the way that is stopping this thing from igniting and burning brightly trim your wick trim the wick trim the weak what needs to be removed from your life clear the ashes trim the wick clear the ashes trim the wick clear the ashes trim the wick here's the third thing meditate on the word of god meditate on the word of god there's a power in meditating on the word of god there is a power i can't tell you that after moses was gone god's instructions to joshua his protege his successor joshua this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth think about my laws think about my words to you this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth but you shall meditate therein day and night continually day and night and night and day meditate on the word of god and then you will make your way prosperous and then you'll have good success meditating on the word joshua 1 8 this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth it shall not depart out of your mouth notice the word of the lord in in psalm 39 and verse 3 my heart grew hot within me while i meditated the fire burned then i spoke with my tongue if you ever need god to rekindle your fire go back and meditate on the word of god just begin to mutter to utter to speak that word to say god show me something in your word that i've never seen before allow this to speak to me in my situation of where i am right now god speak to me speak to me jesus speak to me speak to my heart lord speak to my heart lord so that i can hear you your real ear is in your heart h-e-a-r-t right in the center of your heart and god when he speaks to your heart wants to speak to that singular ear that gives you the ability to be able to hear the will and the word of god meditate on the word of god meditate on the word of god meditate on the word of god clear the ashes trim the wick meditate on the word of god number four go back to the source of the fire and remain connected go back to the source of the fire and remain connected go back to whatever set you on fire to begin with and remain connected go back to the source and remain connected go back to the source and remain connected habakkuk chapter 2 and verse 2 notice this then the lord answered me and said write the vision and make it plain on tablets that he may run who reads it now let me tell you this if your vision doesn't make you want to get up and do something it's the wrong vision he said write it so that when you read it it motivates you it puts a fire up under you again to start running with it not walking running with it moving quickly with it because god knows that if you don't move quickly with it you'll sit down and never do get around to it and how many times have you said you know you know i need to i know what i need to do i need you yeah and then you just never get around to doing it because you need to read something that is about your life mission your vision and he says when you read it it'll cause him that reads it to run to run with it if your vision doesn't put a fire back up under you as the wrong vision that's why he said write it because when you first wrote it you were on fire when you first heard god speak to you you got excited now he said i want you to go back and meditate read this that sets you on fire the first time read it again and i'll set your soul on fire once again go back to the thing the source that sets you on fire to begin with go back to the source of the fire and remain connected to the fire please remember that the word focus means fireplace literally focus fireplace whenever you lose your focus you lose your fire that's why you have to keep jesus as the main thing keep him as the center of all that you do because if you ever lose your focus on him your fire starts going out if you put your focus on money you'll lose your fire for the things of god if you put your focus on a husband on a wife on a child you'll lose your fire you lose your fire keep god as the center of your focus in the jewish communities in the in the israeli communities when god was with them in the wilderness when they set up their camp the tabernacle was right in the center of the people it was at town center not city hall not the state capitol it was the tabernacle of god it was a message to them that all of your life revolves around who god is and they saw everything from a god perspective they had a biblical worldview they understood that everything that happens commerce government everything happens but god is at the center of it all keep god as your focus keep god as your focus keep god as your focus go back to the fire go back to the focal point jesus ought to be the center of it all literally the fireplace we're reminded in habakkuk in hebrews chapter 12 and verse 29 our god is a consuming fire he's a consuming fire focus on god and and the very fire that he is will reignite you because whatever you think about is what you bring about you put your mind on him you set your affections on him set your thoughts on him make him your focal place and that fire will rekindle in your life i love something that randy remington said he says the devil doesn't care whether he discourages you or whether he applauds you just as long as you take your eyes off of jesus he doesn't care whether he discourages you or whether he applauds you as long as you take your eyes off of jesus and see the world is selling us a false bill of goods to make you think that you are the center of your universe instead of him and we've taken him off of the throne and we put self on the throne our egos are totally out of control without feeling like it's my time and it's all about me and my my this and my dad and my the other and we have so eroded even the quality of our families because everybody is thinking about nobody but the unholy trinity of me myself and i and he's saying come back keep jesus the main thing and so if you get your your fire back it's because you put your focus back on him and the mission that he has put you in the earth to fulfill and here's the fifth thing respond to the promptings of the holy spirit respond to the promptings of the holy spirit first thessalonians chapter 5 and verse 19 says don't put out the spirit's fire don't put out the spirit's fire the king james version puts it this way quench not the spirit don't quench him don't put his fire out and you can quench the spirit put his fire out by not responding to him when he puts a leading in you to do something and you keep ignoring him or you keep disobeying him have you ever had the holy spirit to prompt you to do something and then you were too lazy or too afraid to do it or you thought that you would do it later and then you've never found the time later and he's just saying listen because the holy spirit is a gentleman he doesn't force you to do anything if you grieve him he will simply bow his head and just gently walk away and we end up offending the very one who sin in our lives to guide us and lead us into all truth and we we grieve him we offend him and he's the gentleman he walks so we grieve because we didn't respond to his leading and sometimes he'll just tell you i want you to pray for so and so i want you to call so and so i want you to send so and so a text how many times have you grieved the holy spirit and you keep grieving him and after a while he'll say you know what they're not listening to me anyway i'm going to stop talking to them and that's why he says don't put out the spirit's fire don't quench him don't quench him you need to rekindle your relationship with god don't put out the holy spirit's fire don't don't put up that fire of the holy spirit that's on the inside of you don't stifle don't re reject or restrict the holy spirit in your life in other words yield to him just yield to him because he's trying to lead you to do something or he's trying to lead you to stop doing something and if we keep ignoring his prompting he'll stop wasting his voice on us but when we stay connected at every time that he puts a leading in you for you to do something if he puts a leading for you to get up and pray get up and pray now you keep overriding it and all of a sudden you won't be able to hear his voice telling you to go pray and so he's just saying don't quench the spirit don't put the holy spirit's fire out but the devil wants to put it out because he knows that one of the most powerful weapons on earth is the human soul on fire one of the most powerful weapons on earth is the human soul on fire and when a person gets their heart on fire for something to be able to change the world to be able to tell other people about jesus to be able to create something that god put in their hearts for them to create when your soul is on fire my god you can turn the world upside down and so the apostle paul is reminding young timothy he says fan into flame the gift that is in you fan into flame because your your real gift is simply equipment to be able to serve others the fire that god gives you is never about yourself it's only to be able to serve others and you have to remember while you are in this world that a large part of it is just simply to be able to discover your why tim elmore says that overconfident and ego driven leaders focus on what flatters instead of what matters it's interesting but you know the thing that brings the greatest fulfillment in my life is not well i'm the center of the story but it's where i get to be able to play a role in the story of other people that builds into the big epic of god's story and it blesses my life when i bump into people that will share with me they said you know bishop broner because of you i didn't give up because of you i didn't give up or i bump into another person that says you know what you saved my marriage somebody else will say that you motivated me to start my own business i bumped into pastors that said you know what i'm in ministry today because of you someone else said to me that a prophetic word that you gave to me changed the trajectory of my life i got an email from a young man that said listen you showed me my potential it is amazing what god can do if you're just not be concerned about whether you get the credit for it or whether you shine as the center of that whole thing this is not about you having your own time i mean it it it just reminds me of other folks who can become self-effacing to where you are no longer the center of everything keep jesus as a center it doesn't have to be you and and i want to caution ladies who will put your own dreams and destinies ahead of building what god wants you to build in your home with your spouse and with your children it reminds me of my dad is named after the great english writer nathaniel hawthorne and one day nathaniel hawthorne lost his job he was devastated but he had a dear wife at home by the name of sophia sophia means a wise woman and this woman looked at her husband who was dejected because he had lost his job his the thing that gave him the livelihood to be able to support the family and he's at home depressed and dejected but when he came home and he's apprehensive about how he's going to break the news to his wife and when he finally broke the news to his wife that he had lost his job his wife said goody she says now you can write that book she said nathaniel you are a brilliant and prolific writer now you've got the time to write your book you can take a year and write your book he says how we're going to live and this wise woman sophia not living for herself but living for others she said you know you've given me an allowance all of this time and i've been saving a little bit up each time you gave me something she said i've got enough saved up for us to be able to make it for a year and now he goes to writing and he wrote the masterpiece of which he is best known in the earth today for and this is not to his own credit this is to the credit of a woman who didn't write the story but a story wouldn't have been written without her and how much more can you empower when you help somebody else to win i'll never live in regret if i don't reach the heights of some other folks as long as i help some other people to win and reach heights that i never will reach myself i feel that we get a victory for jesus one of the greatest testaments of my life if i find somebody whose ministry has far surpassed anything that god has ever graced me to do i'm not in comparison with them i feel like this thing is all about jesus and as long as it's about making his name great in the earth if i help somebody else to win if i can play a role in somebody else's victory if i could be a voice of encouragement that kept them from killing themselves that kept them from throwing in the towel if i could be a difference maker it is better than if i make a billion dollars myself and have never done anything for anybody else god is writing a divine epic and jesus is the star of that story and if i get a to play a role the only thing that i'm doing is pointing them back to jesus telling them the only reason that i know this is because the lord told me to tell you this is about him he cares for you i never will forget it i was in ministering in connecticut a number of years ago it was one of the most diverse churches that i'd ever been to in my life they had 61 nations represented in that church the pastors old enough to be my father and at the close of my ministry the spirit of the lord came upon me i pointed a woman out in the in the audience and worked for the post office and i saw in her one of the darkest most disconnected people in the world and i seeing her for the first time in my life pointed my finger and brought her to the front and spoke a prophetic word i said i don't know who you are but you've worked for government long enough and you don't have any joy in your life because that's not what you were born to do it's not an indictment other people are called to work for government but it wasn't her call and she'd lost her whole passion and zest for living and by the power of the holy ghost i saw her gift and spoke it into her life and she broke and cried the deliverance power of god came over this woman to where god's when he finished with her i could barely recognize that this was the same woman and she came to me afterwards she said oh my god how did you know i said who are you she said i'm the lady you called out i couldn't recognize her because the glory of god had so come on her because she'd been put in destiny by a prophetic word and i just said i came to tell you what he told me i don't know you but he knows you he knows your name and if i can just play a role in somebody else's life i don't have to try to live this story to where i'm the star of it jesus ought to be the star of your story we're just a beggar telling everybody where the bread is we're telling them where the water of life is because we found it and we are pointing other folks to him and i pray that you'll just be rekindled in your fire to say god the story is not about me i'm just a character in it and later on in other chapters i'm not even going to be mentioned because i'll be with you but i want to play the role that you've called me to play now without necessarily having to turn the attention to me i want to turn the attention to you jesus and i just want to remind you today that god's fire will urge you it will urge you and prompt you to change you'll prompt you to move and to act immediately god's fire will urge you he'll put a fire up under you it'll urge you secondly god's fire will purge you it will burn up the dross that is in your life and it'll help to purify your heart god's fire will purge you his fire is a purging fire there's a purging that comes from the fire of god the fire is an urgent to say there's an urgency in this do this now his fire will urge you his fire will purge you thirdly god's fire will merge you it will cause you to be merged his will to be merged into yours it causes you to have your own garden of gethsemane experience where you say god not my will but thy will well i merge it and you say god i die so that you can live it's saying god may you increase and may i decrease it is a merging of the will he urges you he purges you he merges you and then falsely he searches you and he's asserting you that when he begins to move you in ways and there is a sudden surge where you rise to new heights because the fire will cause you to have a surging there's a surge that comes by the fire the fire will urge you it will purge you it will merge you and it will serve you when you allow yourself just to be used in the hand of god he will urge you to say do this now he'll purge you to say get rid of that may i burn up the dross and the dead stuff and the death that is in your life may i merge your will now in the mind where i take dominance over you and now may i search you and bring you to a height that you've never been before it's a new day and may i just say to you that our salvation means that that we're going to heaven but our submission means that heaven comes to us the moment that you submit to god and say lord not my will but your will be done heaven comes to earth he comes to you in a brand new way bow your heads we hope that you enjoyed that message don't forget to like and subscribe and then press the notification bell so that you don't miss another one of our videos and if you want to partner with us click the give now button thank you for what you do
Channel: woffamily
Views: 65,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral, Church, Sermon, Encouragement, Hope, Message
Id: ak1s9M9VKzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 36sec (3036 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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