Shamgar: A Difference Maker | Bishop Dale C. Bronner | Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral

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this is bishop dale broader thank you so much for joining our youtube channel today if this is a blessing to you i want to encourage you to like it and then click the subscribe button and then turn on notification hit that little notification bell so that you never ever miss another one of our videos and then if you're in the metro atlanta area on a sunday check out one of our exhilarating services at 8 30 a.m 11 a.m or 6 o'clock p.m if you would turn in your bibles judges chapter 3 verse 31 just this one verse of scripture fairly obscure passage but oftentimes you're able to mine wonderful gems out of just an obscure passage all scripture is god breathed god inspired and he has hidden treasure and sometimes just what might appear to be a an obscure passage of scripture judges chapter 3 verse 31 in the new century version says after ehud shamgar the son of aneth saved israel and shamgar killed 600 philistines with a sharp stick used to guide oxen and i want to talk today simply from the subject of shamgar a difference maker shamgar a difference maker it's interesting that the bible is filled with stories of many many obscure people who appear in scripture and then they promptly dismiss they're people that you will have never heard of before and you will never hear of again they just show up at one time in scripture and god will use us these are people that just appear to step out of the shadows and then they are used mightily of the lord and then they fade away without ever mentioning their names again and it reminds me so much of what god does for us and how he explains his purpose in his operations of using unknown people for his glory you don't have to have a big name a big reputation a big bank account a big resume big credentials in order for god to use you and get glory out of your life in fact in first uh corinthians chapter 1 verse 26 through 29 in the new century version notice these words he says brothers and sisters look at what you were when god called you he's just reminding us that you have always been all that he says not many of you were wise in the way of that the world judges wisdom not many of you had great influence not many of you came from bourgeois will to do families he says but god has chosen the foolish things of this world to shame the wise and he chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong and he chose what the world thinks is unimportant and what the world looks down on and thinks is nothing in order to destroy what the world thinks is important so god did this so that no one can brag in his presence so that no flesh with glory in his presence god has a purpose in using people without great reputation and notoriety obscure people god specializes in being able to use people of disreputable backgrounds folks that used to turn tricks back in the day folks that were drug addicts alcoholics uh hooked on pornography folks that had a history that didn't look very positive folks that were womanizers god can actually take folks whose lives used to be drunkards or wine olds and put his glory on you somebody that used to be an abuser somebody that used to cuss like a sailor and god can use a life like that put his glory on them and make them into a saint that's a part of the miracle work of jesus in transforming a human heart and isn't it amazing that's why you have to be careful who you put your mouth on because you'll be looking at somebody now and then judging them by their past of something that they did over there just remember that your past does not define you your past prepares you and god will use you in such a way that the stuff that you did back in your past that god prepares you to be able to be a person of tenderness of compassion a person of mercy a person of love based on some of the stuff that you did in your past it prepares you to be who god designed you to be in your future god will use everything and god has a way of taking people that didn't go to the best schools with the finest of reputations and that this did not come from families of aristocracy and this that and the other that has nothing to do with whether god can use you god can take somebody born in the ghetto in a slum from across the tracks somebody that didn't go to the right schools and didn't have the right kind of accolades and stuff on their resume and god says you know what i'm going to use this person that that that didn't used to be of good character so that when i say them people will know that this is not the work of flesh they will know that my hand has been on their life they'll know that i'm the one who's been in their life and so god looks for opportunities where he can use people when nobody knew who you were well you think you could be hidden on your job or in your school and that god can't use you think again think again god chooses on purpose to use people that other folks don't know just so that he can make his name glorious in all of the earth and he'll do something important through you i want you to just see that there are many many obscure people that god has used in scripture many of you may not realize it but there are 730 unnamed women in scripture the bible doesn't even talk about who they were he doesn't even mention their names it may mention what they did but it doesn't even mention their names you know why because it's not important who they were it's important what they did and what god did through them see god is looking for somebody who's not looking for the glory somebody who's not trying to turn the attention to themselves because you know god's eternal you just think about the fact that god is eternal can you imagine how short our little lives are and for us to think that we can come into the earth in time and that we make ourselves the center of the universe listen god was here before we got here he'll be here after we're gone and so we ought to be able to be turning people to jesus i mean when you get too many platforms and all of the attention is turned on to the person who's on the platform instead of that you know i use the platform as a as a way i'm just a sign i'm just a sign and as a sign my my responsibility is to point support there if i am performing then i draw the attention from there to here but if i'm pointing i draw the attention from here to there and so when you look at a sign you don't just look at the sign you look at where the sign is pointing you every sign will point you to something and if a sign is pointing you to the attention of the vessel be careful you'll be careful because god's not gonna have flesh that's gonna glory in his presence that's not a place for two gods there's only a place for behold israel the lord our god is is one there's only one god and there's there's there'll be no other and so when we bring the unholy trinity of me myself and i you know whatever god does for you you know that god will take somebody with no education he'll take somebody with just average common sense and god will use them bless their life to do some miraculous things so that once god blesses you people will say you know people be scratching their head and say how in the world did how did he do that how did she do this you'd be standing around scratching yourself because you find this all get out but you're single and somebody else who's toe back toe up from the flow up and then you're trying to figure out how did she get him i've seen some relationships like that and i said you know what there's got to be a god you know god will do something just to let you know that you know what i'm with them i'm with them it's not by what you see on the outside it's about the treasure that i have hidden on the inside he said i'm the one that puts heavenly treasure in an earthen vessel so that when you look at this you begin to think about the source from whence it came you don't even just start get hung up on on the on the vessel but you start looking at the stuff on the inside i want you to notice some some other obscure people that come to mind in scripture there's one of them called adino most of you all have probably never heard of a dino if i asked you it was a dino in the bible you said a dino but it's in second samuel chapter 23 verse 8 he was one of david's mighty men he killed 800 men at one time with a spear 800 men that's no small feat to kill 800 people his name was a dino and so uh he's in scripture he's mentioned that one time you'll never find his name again in history you won't find it in the bible and there was another man by the name of eliezer there were a few eleazars in in scripture but this particular one is is found in second samuel chapter 23 verse 9 and 10. he's another one of david's mighty men he stood boldly in the day of battle and fought so long and killed so many philistines that his hand would not open to allow the the spirit to be released he fought and killed so many philistines there was another man by the name of shama he's also in 2nd samuel chapter 23 verse 11 and 12. he's another one of david's warriors sharma stood alone in a field of peace and he and he fought the philistines and god gave him great victory you just find his name there and he moves on the widow of zarephath in first kings chapter 17 she fed the prophet elijah and uh and sheltered his life during a terrible famine we don't even know her name we know what she did we know who she served but we don't even know her name she's just known as the the widow of zaraphith he says get up and go to zarephath for there i have commanded a widow woman to sustain you and here she is just known as the widow woman of zerath she's one of those 730 unnamed women in scripture then there was another israelite maid we don't know her name she's the one that told neyman she worked for naaman's wife and she she told naaman about a man of god in second kings chapter five verse one through four she told him about her master in israel that there is a prophet in israel who's got a direct pipeline into god and i believe that he can get you cleansed of your leprosy he can get you healed she ended up causing his spiritual conversion the way she turned his heart to the lord and and the lord shield him of the leprosy that he carried you remember the little boy who had a a lunch in in uh the sixth chapter of saint john chapter of the verses five through thirteen he gave his little lunch uh to to jesus and jesus was able to feed a multitude thousands were fed with this little boy's lunch they never mentioned his name but we all know about that miracle of the fishes and the loaves is because a little boy had a lunch that he surrendered and put himself in history i mean a little boy with a little lunch that fed a big crowd and you may not realize that there is a lunch that you carry on the inside of you how dare you reduce your testimony of what god has done for you just and this is what is to remind us of is that what god has done in your life that feeds you is good enough to feed somebody else i'm telling you and some of you all might feel like you know what he didn't do anything but give me a two-piece snack that's all that it takes that same two-piece snack the same little wisdom the same little principles that fed you that sustain your life if you'll share it with others it'll bless them too and this little boy gave of the stuff the fishes and the loaves that were in him he gave that and put it in the hands of jesus watched him breathe on it and watch god do something we don't even know his name but we know what he did and it was really not to speak of the little boy wasn't to bring attention to the little boy it was to bring attention to the miracle power of god that is able to happen when you take what little you have and put it in his hand you may not know many scriptures but if you take the few that you do know put it in the hands of the master and say lord i don't there's a whole lot that i don't know but lord this i do know you remember the man that came he said you know they say who healed it he said i i don't i know this thing i know one thing the way is i was blind now i i can see he said i can't tell you all this other stuff i don't know all of this other history but i do know this fact that whereas i was blind now i see take what little bit that you do know you don't know who you will be able to turn to jesus because of what you know you don't have to know the whole bible from genesis to revelation be able to try uh you know uh site chapter and verse but share what you do know you will be surprised if you put it in the hands of god they don't have to know your name as long as they know his name if you introduce the people you know i get so blessed when i'm able to go to places and folks get something and then they can't even remember my name you know i'm just like it doesn't matter that you remember my name my name is not going to save you my name has no saving power in it you know you i'm i'm teaching you this name i was just i was blessed i was in europe ministering to gospel and i come down and people come up and ask me after they say what did you say your name was again i said it's not important it doesn't matter matter what i'm not gonna be your pastor i mean it really it really doesn't matter and i i was in in russia you know ministering and you know there's people you know they come in such a thick accent you know trying to ask me my name i i'm like if what difference does it make it's his name it's his name it is it is his name i'm not trying to make a name for myself i'm trying to make his name known we know we have a responsibility as a christian to know christ and to make him known to know christ and to make him known that's our responsibility is to know christ and do our best to make him known we want to be able to make him known and then you remember the woman that anointed the lord jesus christ she anointed his feet and then you know dried it with with her hair luke chapter 6 verse 36 through 50. in fact this was one of those cases where jesus said what this woman has done let this be a memorial to her and he said so that wherever the gospel is preached let him tell about this but it was because of what she had done in honor and worshipping the king of kings and the lord of lords and she performed this labor of love that was sacrificial that she did to the body of christ she lavished her love on the body of christ well she took perfume that was worth uh you know uh she broke an alabaster box and just took a perfume that was worth of a year's wage this woman she washed jesus feet with her tears and dried it with her hair we don't know her name but we know what she did we saw how she lavished her love upon him she's teaching us how to worship him extravagantly and unreservedly and unashamedly and this is what she's doing you remember joseph of arimathea he's another obscure person you've never heard of joseph of arimathea before you never hear them again afterwards in john chapter 19 verse 38 through 42 but this was a man who at great personal risk and cost asked for the body of jesus christ and buried jesus in his tomb jesus was buried in a borrowed tomb he was only going to need it for three days and so but somebody had to come and assume take responsibility for the body of christ it was joseph of arimathea we hadn't heard of him before we never hear of him again but he stepped in and served a role in history god can use you to make your mark in a moment of time and you will be etched in history forever what will have done and see if that list goes on and on and on of many many people in scripture who are unnamed but not unnoticed what they did is not unnoticed they are unnamed but what they did is not unnoticed and it seems as though that god would choose those uh who are unknown and obscure to accomplish his work in this world because he's not always looking for somebody of notoriety and so this is how we are introduced to this man by the name of shamgar can you say shamgar he's an unknown man in scripture whose appears uh he appears here in the book of judges and is used by god in just a great way and then he vanishes back into the shadows from whence he came but the israelites at this time had been under the incredible oppression of king jabin uh one of the and his powerful army they had come and and disarmed the israelites and they had made them weak militarily and uh so they weren't in a position to even defend themselves and uh so uh whenever they were provided an opportunity uh they they would they were just they were just like they were paralyzed and uh these folks these philistines would move in and they would invade israel and they would capture slaves and they would steal their crop and they would destroy their villages but when the philistines came and most of the people in israel they would flee in terror but not shamgar everybody ran except shamgar and shamgar stood and he fought they wanted to they wanted to avoid death or they wanted to avoid being captured so they they fled but shamgar however refused to flee and he stood and he fought and uh and and so he he headed off this this uprising for the purpose of freeing hebrew land from oppression and and he took an ox gold an ox gold this is this pointed stick is pointed on one end that was used used to get the oxen to move because you know when you talk to a big oxygen they don't always respond to your voice and you try to appeal to the head if they don't appeal to the head you have to appeal to the hide and so you take the the ox goat and you would stick them it was pointed it would get them to move it would get them to move when you couldn't do anything else on the other end was a metal spade-like tip and that was used you know to clean debris off of all of the plows and different kinds of things this was a farm tool this man used a farm tool that was used to prod the oxygen and also for for cleansing purposes it also that other spade like in they could you could chop it and use it almost as an axe because it was it was it was i had an iron piece attached to that that wouldn't stick this was an ox gold and this is all that shamgar had in his hand and god used him to kill 600 philistines and defend their territory because something stood up in this one man shamgar that we've never heard of again before and we never hear of him again but shamgar stood up at this time and he defended their land and one of the great lessons that we can always take away from shamgar is that god tends to use those who are already busy god tends to use people that are already busy if you want to get something done go to people who are already busy everybody that god use you never find him using an idol person when he used found gideon gideon was busy threshing wheat by the wine press david was busy tending his father's sheep i mean everybody that he went to they had a job peter and john they were busy serving as fishermen i mean every person that the lord ever called into service was already busy if you want god to use you get busy get busy because he doesn't call lazy folks he really doesn't sham god was a man that was that was actively feeding and caring for his own family and so when the enemy came god used shamgar as a chosen instrument because god never uses lazy people in a great fashion even god can't do anything with lazy people you got to get the word god is going to go to people that's already working if you ever notice that the more the more the harder you work the more the people will call on you the more people the more that you have to do the more people call on you because you know you know why because you know how to get things done so if you want something done go to people who know how to get things done and who are getting them done don't go to people that have nothing but spare time you go to folks that know how to get things done and we remember that uh jesus saved us to serve him he saved us to serve touch yourself so i'm saved to serve you you are not saved just so that you can be saved you are saved to serve you are saved to serve ephesians chapter 2 and verse 10 the niv says it this way for we are god's handiwork created in christ jesus to do good works to do good works to do good works which god prepared in advance for us to do god prepared in advance for us to do good work because he knows that we were built to work when a man does not work when a woman does not work he or she becomes dysfunctional not working not working we were designed to work so even if you get blessed i mean have you had any of you all worn the lottery you're still designed to work if you let something stop working if you let something stop working it goes bad have you ever thought about that whatever you allow to sit in your life goes bad whatever you're allowed to sit you can get a brand new car let it sit and you get ready to start it one day it won't it won't work because you've let it sit it's designed to work it's designed to be driven it's designed a car is designed to be driven you're designed to work if you sit down too long you sit too long your legs will go to sleep because you know what they if you weren't built to just sit you were designed to move whatever you allow to sit will go bad you let your mind sit it will go bad you let fruit sit it will go bad let meat sit for a few days it will go bad whatever you allow to sit will go it'll go bad on you so don't let yourself sit that's why god always went to people who are already moving people who are already doing something and he used them called them into his service and he used them for his glory he used them for his glory and listen as we are faithful as we are faithful to work for god in the small task that he assigns us then he will open unto us larger and more important areas of service just realize that as you're faithful to go through a small door then small doors lead to big doors but if you're not faithful with the small door god won't open the big door if you're not faithful to do something that seems to be undesirable to you god won't open to you a bigger opportunity so you have to take advantage of the little things and say you know lord as i can demonstrate to you that i will be grateful in this small blessing that means that you can trust me to be grateful in a big blessing because if you're not faithful in the small thing you won't be faithful in the big thing it jesus taught us that principle himself luke chapter 16 verse 10 in the new century version it says it this way whoever can be trusted with a little can also be trusted with a lot and whoever is dishonest with a little is dishonest with a lot if you cannot be trusted with worldly riches then who will trust you with true riches and if you cannot be trusted with things that belong to someone else who will give you the things uh of your own who will give you your own things if you can't be trusted this is a message to emphasize to us our great need for being faithful on the level that we are faithful with what you have if you ever believe god to give you more and so shamgar was a person who took what he had and he used it to secure victory for his people and for the safety of his own family and over the course of his life he used that ox gold to be able uh to do that and to kill 600 of the philistine raiders and it was an amazing physical feat but i want us to look at six lessons six vital lessons that shamgar teaches us number one is that some things are worth fighting for some things are worth fighting for there are some things in this world that are worth fighting for now listen you have to use wisdom don't fight over everything not everything is worth fighting for because somebody doesn't like the color of your dress in your shoes or whatever and they they're criticizing you because your shoes and your pocketbook don't match don't get into a fight over that don't don't waste your time you know get into a fight because you're out in public and these crazy folks somebody calls you out of your name you don't have time to respond to everything wisdom is knowing what to ignore you cannot resp respond to everything when you're a wise person you have to learn how to choose your battles choose your about listen the bible teaches this the bible says don't ever waste time arguing with the fool because if somebody sees you they don't know which one is a fool now really what that is teaching us is that you must choose your battles you must choose your battles so don't fight with everybody there's people that are criticized how you do and what you do don't fool with everybody because they'll get you off off track you got to you got to build with a tool in one hand and a weapon in the other a tool in one hand and a weapon in the other and stay on the wall like nehemiah and build and build what god has called you to do choose your battles wisely you can't get in every fight you can't get in every fight everything is not worth fighting for certain things are worth fighting for but shamgar made up in his mind that he was going to fight for his home he made up in his mind that he was going to fight for his family he made up in his mind that he was gonna fight for his freedom he made up in his mind that he was gonna fight for the hebrew land and he made up in his mind that he was gonna fight for the right to worship god the philistines were pagans they didn't want them to worship the true and the living god but he decided that some things are worth fighting for he fought for his home he fought for his family he fought for his freedom he fought for his land and he fought for his right to worship god and i loved the way that shamgar fought he fought with intensity this had to be a bad man i mean a bad man i mean when you've got a single-handed man here who's sitting out there with an agricultural tool and he's able to kill 600 men can you imagine i mean if i'm standing in line if i'm on the i'm i'm one of the the attackers i'm a philistine attacker and i'm in a band of 600 of them and if i if i'm number 279 and i've seen 278 of my compadres go down have their head knocked off he's this man is out here with an ox gold he's out here with a farm too you know i mean he's got a garden hole and he's out here fighting and knocking your head can you imagine if i if i see 278 of my compadres go down he's like and he's doing and i'm just seeing one after another and if i watch 278 i'm like you know what we need to go back to our cave and re-strategize come back again i'm not going to deal with this right now i guess number 601 had good sense [Laughter] but can you imagine the kind of person that this must have been he didn't have a weapon he had he was a man that had a tool that turned a tool into a weapon it is so interesting there was a little boy and uh he had learned in school that day that a weapon is something that you fight with and he came home that day and he said daddy is mommy your weapon he's trying to apply his learning from school he learned in school a weapon is something that you fight with and he knew that his mama and daddy would go at it so he asked daddy daddy is mommy your weapon but this man's weapon was a tool that he used to work with and he had to transform what was designed for one purpose into another some of the other prophets had talked about beating your plowshares into spears there's a time to be able to take what is used to design to build and to work and to serve and turn it into a weapon of warfare because every person under the sound of my voice has to become a shamgar because you've got our territory that's being invaded hollywood is invading our families our marriages our homes trying to redefine things and he who has the power to define determines destiny and they're coming in and trying to redefine some things your homes are under attack your marriages are under attack your land is under attack listen your freedom of worship is under attack your right to be a christian it is under attack and god needs some folks to stand up like a sham guard that says not on my watch not on my watch this is not can you imagine the kind of weapons that are armed against your sons and your daughters your grandchildren your nieces and your nephew that is trying to shape their attitudes by putting sin in their face and glamorizing it on television and making you believe that this is okay and that's okay we need sham guards to stand up and say you know what uh this is this wasn't designed for this and i've got to take put as a tool now and make this a weapon this has got to be a weapon now because i got to destroy some stuff or else my family is is at risk of being lost my land my freedom of worship as we know the worship of god that there are certain things that we've got to have a warrior to stand up i believe that god is looking for warriors he's looking for some sham guards that might say i'm just one person lord and if i can do anything in this world if there's anything in my life that you can use lord use this thing in my life for your glory for your glory god use this for your glory i'm just one person god but i'm a sham god and i hate to see my land being taken from underneath my feet i hate to see my family being destroyed the devil is alive not on my watch where you stand your ground mothers and fathers have to begin to say lord jesus this is not the song that you promised to me and you begin to speak prophetically let your words begin to war with your mouth begin to war with your hands begin to do warfare on your knees you got to be able to rise up like a sham god to say enough of this is enough how long will we let the enemy come in and snatch away our husbands and our wives and make us think that our spouse is the enemy your spouse is not your enemy the devil is the enemy he's coming after your sons and your daughters he's coming through the internet trying to get them hooked on pornography coming to the world getting them hooked on on gambling he's trying to get them hooked on drugs on alcohol on sex he is messing them up and we are under attack right now we have been invaded by the philistine and it is time for shamgar to rise up and take something your tools that are in your hand you have been equipped he's equipping you with the word of god he's equipping you with knowledge he's equipped you with truth you're equipped with the name of jesus you're equipped with the blood of the lamb you're equipped with praise your equipment worship you've got more in your hands than what you realize but we're in war baby this is war time and it's time now shamgar rise up come on this time we got a war in our schools because our children have lost their minds teachers have backed away into futile animus positions but i'm here to tell you today that there is a strength that is rising up i pray that god will let anointing fall upon you so that even little women begin to bristle up under the power of the holy ghost you can be four feet ten but when the anointing comes on you you will be surprised god will use you to change legislation god will use you to turn a school around god will use you to be able to cause a change at your place of employment when you let god and say god if there's anything in my hand that you can use he's waiting for a sham god that says i'm sick and tired of running i'm not going to run anymore i'm not going to lose my mind over this i'm not going to lose another night of sleep over this lord i'm going right now into my war chest i'm going into it in the name of jesus and you've got to sometimes be able to talk in a language that the enemy does not understand god bless you give me that soul i'm just telling you there's some secret weapons that you got to go back and pull out you got to go back to something that's old-fashioned it doesn't have to be sophisticated i'm just here to tell you that a good lookup is a good hookup ah my goodness today your real power doesn't come from facebook it comes from your face being in his book oh yes yes yes i'm just here to tell you that if you really want the power you really want power to come into your life there is a power that comes from god from above that is looking for sham god to rise up and i love it take your seats just a minute i love it that shamgar was able to fight with intensity he fought with intensity a lot of people think that intensity is a state of mind but intensity is a state of emotion when you find that a person who has become intense about something whether they serve god with intensity whether they praise with intensity whether they serve with intensity it is because they got a passion on the inside of their heart and the heart informs the head and so it is not the other way around intensity is not a state of mind it is a state of emotion and your emotions that are in your heart begin to ignite a fire within your head and one charges the other but it goes from here to here that's when you know that something has become intense intensity goes from the from the heart to the head it is enthusiasm it is passion it is a love and you have to be emotionally connected in order to do whatever you do with intensity see we're living in a time now for sometimes our survival we're just we're just in survival mode where we're struggling so much to just be alive the goal is not to just be alive the goal is to thrive it's not who wants to just be alive just to wake up another day and say well i i didn't die last night so what it's not enough just to be alive you were here to be more than just alive what really brings meaning to your life is love and if you've got life but don't have any love you're dead you got to be in love with somebody other than yourself and that's why the commandments the great commandment has nothing to do with life it has everything to do with love if you will love the lord your god with all your heart your mind your soul and your strength that's with intensity you have to love god with everything that you've got and then love your neighbor as you love yourself love god and love the name it's the way of the cross you love vertically and then you love horizontally it is the way of the cross it's the way of the cross how we were designed to love it's the way of the cross you reach up and you get something toward god once you make that vertical connection with god it's too strong for you to keep it in yourself you will explode you've got to take it out that's the way of the cross love is always vertical first and then horizontal vertical first and then horizontal and that's why anybody say that they love god whom they cannot see and they don't love the brother who they do see they're a liar and the truth is not in them because when you love this way he sends you that way it's the way of the cross it is the way of the cross and so one of our greatest struggles is not to stay alive but to stay in love and that's why jesus as he was charging the church at ephesus in the book of revelation chapter 2 and verse 4 he said to them i have this against you this is jesus talking jesus said i have this against you that you have left your first love you've left your first love you're still alive but you left your first love something in you dies when love leaves out of your life stay in love with god stay in love with you with your neighbor stay in love with god stay in love with people stay in love with god stay in love with people stay in love with god stay in love with people i know there are some continuous hard people that are contemacious and and iconoclastic some people are hard to love hard to love it take the holy ghost to love some folks and you got to love those from a distance anybody know what i'm talking about such a neighbor say i know some folks just like that but shamgar taught us that some things are worth fighting for you fight for what you believe in fight for what you believe in fight for your home fight for your church fight for the lost thank god that you got to fight for lost people because somebody had to fight for you and you didn't have a mind to fight for yourself you got to fight for lost people because somebody prayed for you when you didn't when you were didn't have god on your mind somebody prayed for you you got to thank god for the folks that prayed for you and so when you're lost you need somebody to fight for you you need somebody else to pray for you and thank god for that here's the second thing that we learned from shamgar start where you are start where you are he didn't give in to fear he started right where he was he didn't wait for better circumstances there are too many people standing around waiting for better circumstances start where you are he started right where he was he refused to run he started where he was here's the third thing use what you have he could have said lord i don't have any nuclear weaponry i don't have a machine gun i don't have a knife i don't have a machete i don't have any kind of weapon at all he had a tool in his hand and he had to turn the tool into a weapon use what you have no matter how weak the things are that you have put them in the hand of god and watch what will happen put whatever you have in god's hand and watch what happened moses rod became a powerful tool moses raw david slingshot in the hand of god became powerful a widow's meal and all became powerful a little boy's lunch became powerful all because they put it in the master's hand take what little that you do have put it in the master sand but use what you have he used the ox gold that was in his hand a pointed stick he used a stick he i want you to get this he put a stick to it stick to it stick to it sometimes your greatest strength is your stick-to-it-ness if you just stick to it if you just refuse to give up see nobody can defeat you as long as you refuse to quit if a person keeps on coming back they can't defeat you they can't defeat you you keep coming back you can't defeat a person who keeps coming back use what you have here's number four do what you can do what you can and god will do what you can do what you can remember he said whoever you'll be like a a tree planet by the rivers of water that brings forth its fruit in his season and he says that whatever he doeth shall prosper whatever you do will prosper whatever you do will prosper do what you can do what you can do what you can pray as though it's all up to god but work as though it's all up to you work as though it's all up to you do what you can here's number five trust god to help you trust god to help you shamgar left the results up to god you obey god and lead the results up to him but not what if they don't listen to me obey god and leave the results up to god i can't tell you how many times i've watched people talk themselves out of obeying god because they're trying to concern themselves with the success of the results the results are not your responsibility it's your responsibility to obey god you plant the seed like god tells you to do one plants another water and then god gives the increase god gives a result he says and these signs shall follow them that believe they shall lay hands on the sick and god gives the result and they shall recover you know when you do that you the bible says in james chapter 5 you pray the prayer of faith and the lord shall raise them up it's the lord's responsibility to raise them up it's our responsibility to pray you do your part let god trust god to do what you can't do trust god to help you trust god to help you here's number six one is not too small a number to make a difference shamgar was all by himself now you know a lot of people feel like you know if i can't get a whole team of people to help me you know i can't do anything just by myself no no all it takes is one all of it takes it only takes one spark to get a fire going one spark you know the little 19 year old girl joan of arc she led timid men because she went charging over the hill and just said follow me they were encouraged by her courage and men who were cowards found courage when they saw a young girl charged willing to lose her life in battle because somebody one is never too small a number to make a difference and you don't know that if one person do if you know i mean i would have become encouraged if i'm a fellow hebrew israelite and here i am and i see one of my own shamgar if i see him kill six hundred by handily i said well lord at least the kid can do a little something something if you did that through him i mean what can you do through me you know and can you imagine how so one is never too small a number to make a difference because everything starts somewhere you have to remember this shamgar was a worker shamgar was a warrior and shamgar was a winner shamgar was a worker shamgar was a warrior and shamgar was a winner i met people that want to win but they don't want to work they want to be a winner but they don't want to be a warrior and you see if you don't if you don't work you'll never become a warrior and if you don't become a warrior you'll never become a a winner because remember victory is always on the other side of a fight you have to be a worker in order to become a warrior and you have to be a warrior in order to become a winner you have to war for victory you have to war for victory we're in a war to get in faith and then we're in the water keep the faith we have to fight the good fight of faith we are in a war people whether you know it or not we're in a war we're in a war there's always been a war from the beginning of time between good and evil between right and wrong we are in a war and don't ever wait for the world to line up behind you don't ever wait for popular media to celebrate you and to say that you're doing the right thing we're in a war we're dealing there's a war between the prince of the power of the air and the prince of of peace jesus christ that we are in a war there's a war that is going on things that are warring for men's minds warring for their souls and we have to rise up and become sham guards because we got to take a sharpened thing and sometimes send our our ox gold hurling through the air to be able to impale some things that are trying to come against our family members and against our churches and against the principles of the things of god and against the lost and we've got to be able to take this thing and war off the enemy because we're in a fight thank god that we've already won the victory through jesus christ our lord but we are maintaining our posture of victory we are not fighting for victory we are fighting from victory from victory that thanks be unto god he's already done the great work on the inside of us and we are standing in that way and there are so many people that have come to a place where they feel as though they have made an excuse and they'll say well sham god was strong but you know i don't have that kind of strength but i just remind you of this that god has never looked to you for you to provide the strength david the psalmist prayed and and he talked about it in psalm 27 that the lord is my light and my salvation whom shall i fear the lord is the strength of my life of whom shall i be afraid the lord is the strength of my life the lord is the strength of my life say that with me the lord is the strength of my life say it again the lord is the strength of my life come on say it again the lord is the strength of my life we get in bad situations and we are saying lord give me strength the lord is the strength of your life he is your strength he's never required strength from you he is your strength he's a strong mighty warrior he's a strong deliverer our strength is in him the lord is the strength of your life he is the strength of your life and may i just remind you of this you are god's special secret weapon there's a wars that god needs and he he held shamgar as a secret because they were coming in and taking advantage of people killing him and destroying them and god says i got a secret weapon here they don't know anything about shamgar there's a reason that god would hold you in obscurity there's a reason that not many people know your name you're a secret weapon in the hand of god a secret weapon in the hand of god they don't have to know your name god says you know what you're trying to be known they don't need to know you just yet i'll bring you out on the scene at the right time and then they'll know your name they'll know your name the lord said i'll make your name great at the right time i'll do it you know just just trust god you trust god just trust god he said it in isaiah chapter 49 verse two in the in the new century version he says he made my tongue like a sharp sword he hid me in the shadow of his hand that's a dark place in his hand where folks couldn't see it's like god's playing cars and he's like you know i got some i got a secret weapon it was like going through it throw your car down i got something i'm holding you know he's just he's got on his poker face but he said you don't know what i got in my hand i got a secret weapon in my hand and he said he made me like a sharp arrow and he hit me uh in his holder for his arrow he hit me in his quiver god says i got you as a sharpened arrow hidden i've got you i have hidden you for my purpose so i can bring you out because i'ma be in a situation where you're gonna be in a situation and you're gonna see corruption and i have hidden you to bring righteousness into the situation i'm hitting you at the right time to be able to bring justice into this situation they think that you're one of them but they don't know i have hidden you as a secret weapon and he said i put a sharp thing in your mouth so when you begin to open and speak your mouth you say yeah yeah and nay nay and god says whatever else comes out of what i have given you he says i'll give you the words to speak in that time in your family reunion situation there's some family members and god says i've got you as a secret weapon don't say anything until i tell you to say something you just walk in silence and i will be i will i will be with you i will be with you i will be with you and i'm just telling you god's got some things for you when the lord is with you you'll be like moses that red seas won't be able to stop you walls would like jared like joshua couldn't stop him he will put you into some situation where uh you'll be like jesus where the grave couldn't stop him i mean god has some some things and he's hidden you as his special secret weapon and sometimes you'll be in positions and you will wonder god why am i here why am i here why don't you let me even be in this environment why don't you let me see what i saw why don't you let me hear what i heard because god says you are my secret weapon i got you in my hand and there's something that i'm gonna put in your heart i'm gonna put it in your mouth and it is like a secret weapon it's gonna come and when you speak it will be cutting they may not like it but he says you're not running for a popularity contest i need a sham god somebody that's going to come and listen he says i've got you like a sharpened arrow god says i'm going to give you a cutting edge you're going to be sharp it's going to be innovative it's going to be creative i'm just telling you god says i got you i'm i'm holding you back right now you're trying to be known at a time and your time hadn't yet come but i got you as a sham god and they may not have ever heard of you before but my god when you step on the scene and when you come out with something looks like his homemade and they got sophisticated stuff but you got a homemade cause you couldn't afford the the bazooka you couldn't afford the machine gun but you got a an agricultural tool and it's one thing on one end and another thing on another but now because you're submitted and consecrated to god you've turned this thing over and you said god use this for your glory you and he says i've got you as my own secret weapon and you might feel like lord i'm too weak to do this all by myself but god looks at a little timid person all by yourself they underestimate you by your size they underestimate you by your numbers because here you are all by yourself but little do they know that there's a whole lot of hay around you and you're nothing but a spark and all that it takes is a spark to get a conflagration going this big fire is gonna start blazing up because something caught on fire he just needed just one to become a spark and he's looking for people that say lord will i be that one and i'll be that one he's looking for a sham god that says god use me as your secret weapon he's looking for sham guards today this is a day for champ guards to rise up because there's a sharp word that he's put in your mouth there's something that god has given you and a spirit of boldness to say that while they are moving in on your territory the devil is alive your family belongs to god as for me and my house we're not running anymore i've run long enough now i've been fighting trying to keep my sanity i've been fighting trying to keep my health i've been fighting trying to keep my family together my marriage together fighting trying to keep my business in the name of jesus you stand up like a sham god and god will help you to do more in a moment of time because you've got a secret weapon you are a secret weapon in the hand of god there's something sharp in your mouth and when he tells you to speak it'll be like he's just having you to walk around the walls of jericho one day after another and they think that because you've been on this journey and they haven't seen anything happen yet that they assume that nothing is happening that there they go shouting again then they go praying again but there is an appointed time where you'll walk around this thing in obedience to god and when you say god have your way in my life i want to be ashamed of they may not know my name but they'll know my works they'll know my works they'll see your hand moving through this unknown person they'll see that there's something sharp on the inside of me and when this thing is released in the name of jesus supernatural holy ghost power will come and things that don't look like you god will forget to die but i'm here to tell you that that has to rise up a spirit of boldness the spirit of the world demonic spirits satanic agendas have risen as far as they're gonna go i'm believing god that shamgars will rise up in the name of jesus take authority in your family in your school on your job in your neighborhood in politics in the business arena and entertainment in sports in the name of jesus if you say god use me whatever is in my life that can be used for your glory use it use it god be glorified in me whatever you can do they don't even know my name but they don't have to know your name as long as you make his name glorious glorious glorious glorious glorious father glorify your name again glorify your name glorify your name glorify your name the name of jehovah shall the lord who's always there the name of jehovah jireh the lord my faithful provider el shaddai the multi-brexit one the all-sufficient one jehovah rohit the lord our shepherd the one that is fending off the walls from your lives he's that make his name great make his name great he's elohim creator god he is the great one as you submit to him and make his name great god gave jesus a name that is greater than every other name the name of yeshua every knee would bow every tongue would confess that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father you've got a sharpness in you rise up sham god rise up shamga in boldness rise up in strength rise up in power may the glory of god fill your life through and through may god give you holy discontent holy discontent holy discontent and may you stand your ground in jesus stand your ground in jesus stand your ground in jesus because we're at war and our schools belong to god government it belongs to god business belongs to god give it back to it ask god to give you the ox gold and you can move things and drive it back into the purposes of an eternal father hallelujah to the lab hallelujah to the lamb of god to god be the glory to the god be the glory the glory the glory the glory the glorious is the honor is his the praise is his we honor him we honor him we honor him we honor him we honor him [Music] uh i just want to remind you that when you set these words out of your own heart the lord i'll go where you want me to go and i'll do what you want me to do god said i heard you and i will take you at your word as you take me at mine god will take you at his word that god will use you god will use you they may not know your name yet but as you allow god i'm telling you god will move through your hands god will move through your mouth god will move through your feet if you will say god we're in trouble my god it takes discernment to realize we're in trouble america the land is under attack the enemy has already come in like a flood shamgar lift up a standard it is a standard of righteousness it is a standard of holiness we've got to be right with him our hearts have got to be right our motives have got to be right our intentions have got to be right he's looking for people whose hearts are right fleet time is out with god it's wartime it's wartime and even though i hear that the sound of war more specifically i hear a sound of victory [Applause] thanks be unto god who gives us the victory through jesus christ our lord there's a there's a war cry but there's also a sound of victory in the camp there's a sound of victory in the camp because we know that in the end we win there's a sound of victory in the camp thank god for the intercessors shamgars the goddess planet some of you have to be shamgar for your family because you're the only one with some sense the only one with enough guts on enough with the vision to fight for your family all he needs is one shamgar per family to stand up and say god we're not going to take it anymore we're willing to use what we've got we're going to start what we are we're going to use everything that we have we're going to trust you god to do them all to do everything that we can't do we trust you we trust you to consecrate everything that's in your hand to say god have your way have your way have your way have your way have your way talk to him out of your heart right now just talk to him commit yourself just say lord use me as a sham god use me use me and ask god to show you your weapons show you your weapon how to use it [Music] that's something that he's given to you you don't have to be a person of renown a person of degrees god will use you so that no flesh with glory in his presence not many mighty not many noble he's chosen the weak things the foolish things yes he's chosen you you who have no reputation to make a reputation for himself he's determined in his own mind and heart that he would put his glory on a black backdrop of your past so that his glory shines brightest on the black backdrop of your past it says that this is what god is this is who he is and what he does this is the handiwork of the almighty god talk to him he wants to use you yes there's something usable in you you might have done things that are reprehensible but his grace is glory glorious and his grace is greater god's mercy trumps your sin god's going to use you to stop the hand of the enemy this turnaround has victory in it because some of you've been warring but you've been warring with the weapons of the flesh making threats according to your strength and your power but just remember in this war it is not my power nor by might but this is by my spirit says the lord carnal methods of threats and you're using strength against strength will be futile and rebellion will increase but when you yield and allow the spirit of humility to come where god will let you be teachable then he will trust you to teach and as humility fills your heart as you speak a tenderness and a compassion will come and the glory of god will speak through you and others will feel his compassion and respond to the mercy and grace and love of god as you hear his voice this time that a wisdom of god will so fall upon you you become a tool in the hand of god he'll reach for you in his own quiver and pull you out as a sharpened arrow ready to be sent into a situation that brings justice peace an instrument of the hand of god father we yield ourselves use us for your glory for your glory for your glory lord jesus glorify your name in the earth oh lord your name magnify your name again may the name of yeshua be known throughout the world we believe every utterance that every knee shall bow every tongue shall confess that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father and lord whatever you can see that is usable in our lives whatever you have entrusted in our hands we decree that we will use it for your glory use us god to make a difference right where we are amid even the circumstances under which we live with every challenge that we face we so depend upon you we say god have your way have your way have your way lord turn it around turn the situation around because there are some situations right in this place today that are in places of desperation and if you don't take the wheel and turn it jesus we're in for calamity we need you we need you may you use what is in our hand oh god for your glory make us a shamgar to defeat the invading enemy as we fight from victory that has been provided to us in the name of jesus thank you thank you we hope that you enjoyed that message don't forget to like and subscribe and then press the notification bell so that you don't miss another one of our 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Channel: woffamily
Views: 11,986
Rating: 4.9220781 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral, Church, Sermon, Encouragement, Hope, Message
Id: Ed6u-3LGaNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 11sec (3911 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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