Surviving When Your Heart Is Overwhelmed | Bishop Dale C. Bronner | Word of Faith Cathedral

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this is Bishop Dale Bronner thank you so much for joining our YouTube channel today if this is a blessing to you I want to encourage you to like it and then click the subscribe button and then turn on notification hit that little notification bell so that you never ever miss another one of our videos and then if you're in the metro Atlanta area on a Sunday check out one of our exhilarating services at 8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. or 6 o'clock p.m. if you were turning your Bibles to the psalm chapter 61 the 61st division of Psalm and I'm focusing in on just verse 1 through verse 3 and the New Living Translation there you'll find these words o God listen to my cry share my prayer from the ends of the earth I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhelmed leaving me to the towering rock of safety for you are my safe refuge of fortress where my enemies cannot reach me and I'm talking to me from the subject simply surviving when your heart is overwhelmed surviving when your heart is overwhelmed how do you survive when your heart is overwhelmed and it's not a matter of if your heart will ever be overwhelmed by something it's just a matter of when because you see there is no growth without change and there is no change without loss and there is no loss without pain you see the progress there there is no change or growth without change there is no change without loss and there is no loss without pain and as you grow through different stages you're always losing the old in order to possess the new all change and this is the reason that most people don't like change is because all change involves loss of some kind anytime that you're changing you're losing the old way and adopting a new way and everybody today I don't care who you are doesn't matter what race you are doesn't matter how what your weight is and what your gender is and how long your hair or short it is and whether it's gray a bald everybody everybody is facing a battle we deal with battles in life we are in warfare you're either in a battle or you're headed into a battle or you're just coming out of a battle but there are battles that you deal with in this life and so on one level or another you're going to deal with a battle and you see it reminds us of the three stages of life which the first is survival survival you just come in this world you're just struggling trying to survive you're just trying to you're trying to get something eaten so you can go to sleep you're just trying to keep food on the table you you know it's hard to succeed it's hard to try to thrive in life when you're just trying to survive you try to get enough to get your next meal you're in survival mode we're born in survival mode crying for what we need survival but you're not designed to stay in survival mode you move from survival into a stage where we call success success is where you add value to yourself you add value to yourself you would start in survival more you're born in survival mode then you go to school you get educated you develop some skills and it'll bring a certain amount of success but success is result of our adding value to ourselves but don't stop it success move on to the third stage which is significance you move from survival to success to significance survival is trying to just make it yourself trying to just get you know you can't help anybody when you in survival mode you try to get help for yourself and then you you come to success when you add value to yourself and we call that success but then significance is where you add value to others now you help somebody else who's in survival mode now you help some else who's already successful now you help lead them into places of significance because you help them to be able to add value to other individuals and you wonder sometimes what causes us to be overwhelmed what causes us to be overwhelmed I think that we get overwhelm we get too many problems happening too closely together and trying to do too much with too little is this a because what causes us to be overwhelmed too many problems happening too closely together and trying to do too much for too little it can overwhelm your life trying to do too much with too little trying to do too much too quickly and you can wind up overwhelmed there are a lot of different things that can cause us to be overwhelmed in this life pressures that's that that come into our life due to deadlines you know when you have taxes due and you've got payroll do if you're an employer it puts you under pressure and you get too much pressure and responsibility in too short of a period of time you can get overwhelmed if you have a lack of a prayer life you can feel overwhelmed because you don't pray enough prayer is a de-stressor and when you're trying to carry at all yourself and figure it out all yourself and leaning to your own understanding if your prayer life is not sufficient you can feel like this is too much for me it's not designed for you to carry it all yourself lean not to your own understanding you're supposed to be able to carry your things to the Lord and leave your burdens there so if lack of a prayer life can cause you to be stressed out money problems can cause your life to be overwhelmed marital problems can cause your your life to be overwhelmed familial problems you know things that's happening with your son and your daughter your brother your sister familial problems can cause you to be overwhelmed employment problems emotional problems mental problems I mean when you have prolonged physical pain you can become overwhelmed I don't know if you ever had a toothache it can be one tooth that will Jack your whole body up if your foot is hurting you know you you you can't just just say you know my foot is hurting but I'm going on I don't have a good time no no your foot can lay your whole body up this is one thing and if you get paying too much I'm into where it is incessant and it is it's just coming it's just announcing itself to you prolonged pain I've seen people that have dealt with prolonged pain and they start longing for death because death seems like a better option than to be in this pain it's not that I'm trying to kill myself but I'm hurting so badly that I just want out of the pain prolonged pain where you're crying all night you go to bed hurt and you wake up hurting prolonged pain in your life can overwhelm you anybody know what I'm talking about anybody ever been sick and you have to recuperate from something and you just had pain and you don't even know whether this pain will ever stop whether I'll ever get out of this hurting stage in my life it can be your heart hurting so you can deal with the death of a loved one that can overwhelm you you can deal with divorce that can overwhelm you you can deal with bankruptcy that can overwhelm you you can deal with character assassination that can overwhelm you you can be a deal with baby mama drama baby daddy drama and that can overwhelm your life you can deal with mechanical failure isn't it amazing that when it rains it pours I mean when the devil starts assaulting you you know this is what Paul said Paul said that was given to me a messenger of Satan the thorn of the flesh the messenger of Satan to buff it means to buff it means to give one blow after another it is what a boxer does what he's practicing with that little bag is one blow after another and before you can recuperate from this BAM you've been hit with something else and I mean as soon as you are in this particular position in your life where you've got to some money issues strain that now the marriage starts jacking up now the boyfriend now the girlfriends start acting crazy now your children start acting out now the school starts calling you now you go down and you're back now you get up to do something now your digestive system is out of out of weight now you got a nervous stomach now you eat and stuff and that you run into the bathroom ever feel any better understand what I'm talking about I mean the devil is not going to look at you and say have I given them sufficient time to recover he's trying to over you stress you out to make you do stupid stuff and to compromise your character he'll make you do stuff that because sin feels good and so he'll lead you into sin by just overwhelming your life with problems and issues and trials and one thing after another if it's not a relationship thing then it's a financial thing if it's not a financial thing then it's a health issue and and he's stuck just wearing you out and sometimes it's just this thing of making you feel like you're all alone and like you don't have anybody to help you and as soon as you're dealing with this as soon as you get to your car burrito right in your in your car now that the refrigerator goes out now your washing machine goes out now here the devil is is acting up here and now your oven goes out and and now you're just dealing with some stuff in the dead of the winter and then the heat goes out and then Union the blazing heat of the summer now that conditioning goes out and you realize that this is the devil and this thing is about to overwhelm me I can't deal with me not today don't you even start with me today you don't even realize what people are dealing with sometimes when you see them they could have just been assaulted by problems coming on every side because they don't just get in line and just wait you know like airplanes do to try to find an open runway and then get a clearance from the from the tower to say okay you got permission to land here no no when problems start descending on your life they just start landing in all over the place into different pile and it's a pile and then and and they just start anybody understand what I'm talking about and know what it feels like to be overwhelmed in life by having to deal with too much in too short of a period of time that before you can bear it mama good then daddy is slipping off into the grave and now you got mama and daddy now going at the same time and then another sibling gets sick and then the best friend is killing an automobile accident and then this person that you know commits suicide I understand what it means what I've had to do the funerals when I've got several caskets laid laid up here and all of them belonging to one family you don't understand the kind of pressure that it means to have the turmoil of where it would have been alright if you just took mama but now Mama and Daddy are going at the same time and not only my daddy mama and daddy and siblings are gold at the same time what do you say to a family there that has been assaulted and overwhelmed with emotional grief what do you say when now they'll they didn't only die they died in debt and then they died in debt and now you are sick in your own body what do you do when you feel overwhelmed by the pressures of life what do you do now you understand a little about the psalmist when he's saying what do I do when my heart is overwhelmed he says I go to the rock that is higher than I there in the rocks my god we metal thank God for the rock cut somebody said thank God for the rock but too many life crisis happening within a short time of each other can overwhelm you they can overwhelm you and why why why don't we need help when we're overwhelmed why do we need help because if you don't get help while you're overwhelmed you know what will happen to you if you don't get help while you're overwhelmed in this life you become bitter you will become bitter and here's the issue that if you don't get your hurts transformed they will be transferred to others if you don't get your hurts transformed they'll be transferred to others you know why because hurt is contagious hurt people hurt people you need to figure that out sometimes when you're already hurting and now you get into a relationship with somebody else who's hurting you about to intensify hurt now hurt is contagious but now can I tell you what the real conundrum is how do you defend yourself from an enemy who is hiding in you that's the real conundrum how do you defend yourself from an enemy who is hiding within you what do you do when you're overwhelmed and you cannot get away from the voice that keeps talking in to you telling you stupid stuff what do you do when the the Barrett boss that is putting you down is in your own head where do you go to find relief from the craziness that's going on in your head and I'm just telling you people hear some strange voices the people that do stupid stuff hear strange voices what do you do whether you go when the enemy that you're trying to get away from it's hiding out in you what do you do what do you do this is the reason that the psalmist said in Psalm 139 verse 23 and 24 search me O God and know my heart trust me try me and know my anxious thoughts and then he says point out anything in me that offends you and lead me along the path of everlasting life search me O God you need to sometimes just tell God to turn the search light of his word on the inside of you because sometimes your greatest enemy is hiding out on the inside of you speaking to you tearing down your self-esteem it's terrible and you know this is why there's an African proverb that says that if you conquer the enemy within the enemy on the outside can do you no harm but that's why we have to ask God and give God permission God turned the searchlight of your word on me turn the searchlight of your word search me God and know me try me and know my thoughts and if there be any wicked way in me if there be anything in me that offends you then God lead me in the way that is that is everlasting sometimes when you've been assaulted by things that overwhelm your life you discover that discouragement is the exhaustion of the human soul it is it's the thing that just wears you out when you discourage it means that your soul has run out of oxygen it's exhaustion of the human soul it means that our life has hit me so hard it has knocked the wind out of me it's not the wind out of me so I cannot breathe this I was normally breathing and it's a difficult thing because when you get the wind knocked out of you you can inhale but you can't exhale and you feel tension and you feel pressure and that's a desperation only inside of you but I'm so glad that we have a savior that was touched with the pain that we feel you know at Calvary Jesus was in pain on the cross he was in pain he was in pain and let me tell you they offered him they offered him two drinks he refused the first one but he accepted the second one while he's on the cross they came and they they offered him some Gul Gul is poisonous liver bile and it's it's it's so potent that it begins to numb the pain and they put some some gall on a sponge and held it up to Jesus and Jesus said no thank you I got to feel this it doesn't feel good but I got to I got to feel this you know why because you cannot heal what you cannot feel and Jesus refused to take an anesthesia because he said I want to be touched with what you deal with I want to feel what you feel I want to hurt like you hurt I've got to be able to do this to identify with where you are and he refused the gall he refused the God that was going to anesthetize his pain and so he said I've got to take it straight just give it to me like it is this is killing me I don't want it I prayed in the garden about this saying God let this bitter cup pass from me I don't want to taste of this but I got to do this because I love the folks that I'm dying for and if I don't feel that pain I cannot heal their pain if you don't feel my pain you cannot write the prescription for my cure and here doctor Jesus is there saying I got to feel this I got to feel this you know when doctors will need to know how intense your pain is and they'll tell you they'll ask you the question on a scale of 1 to 10 how intense is the Jesus didn't have to ask that he says I know I'm dying not merely for you I'm dying as you and I've got to take on your pain and I know that it's a ten right now and you're offering me anesthesia and can you imagine the temptation of Jesus when you're in pain and they said you want me to give you something to take you out of this pain and it takes something to be hurting all night he was on that cross for nine hours and he's there just waiting to die waiting to die and in pain his blood beginning to coagulate he's bleeding out weakness is there in his body little bits of tearing he's there he's going through all kinds of things that are excruciating he's got a crown of thorns going through the tenderness of his scalp trusts down bleeding profusely bleeding from his side bleeding from his hands bleeding from his feet torn by the weight of his own body pulling against the nails can you imagine what he was dealing with and yet he refused the anesthesia because you can't heal what you can't feel the word indolent say Angela it literally means avoiding pain you know what we mean that's into the indolent for us actually is is the word that means lazy lazy folks are avoiding pain every lazy person alleges workers it's painful I mean it's up displeasure my god work will wear you out nobody just shuts up in the morning just oh no no no we all have days when I don't want to go I you know that meantime I've been laying in bed I'm not going to be Sunday morn I'm like I'm not going and I haven't rebuked the spirit of indolence avoiding pain avoiding pain avoiding pain you know you see certain numbers come up on your telephone ignore avoiding pain a boring decline it the second drink that they brought to Jesus was just water with a little vinegar in it because their whale water that they brought there was contaminated with bacteria and they were oftentimes put vinegar in it in order to try to serve as a disinfectant to kill the bacteria and so it was just to sort of provide some clean water and so he refused the gall that was going to anesthetize the pain but when he said I thirst and they brought him the vinegar water the well water but the bacteria in it trying to be killed hoping that the back made that the vinegar would kill the bacteria that's what Jesus received that was just and may I tell you what the second drink was Gatorade it's not gonna heal you I mean if you're in pain Gatorade is not gonna take your pain away but it'll soothe your thirst Jesus said I thirst I thirst I thirst and you want to always want to thirst for something you're always stir something we're learning from our own Savior he thirsted and he received that drink but he didn't receive the one that would have taken him out of his pain he didn't want to use a man-made thing to take pain away that God was designed to take and we send when we use a bottle or a syringe to take us out of pain that God wants us to run to the rock the rock not not the kind of rock that you burn him [Applause] but the rock because there's something that when you're in pain you have to learn how to let go how to let go how to let go and to let go means to stop dwelling on the things that you cannot change to let go means to stop dwelling on the things that you cannot change when you let go you stop dwelling on the things that you cannot change when I let it go I stop dwelling on the things that I cannot change that's why there are some people that you have to let go so that you stop dwelling on the things that you cannot change but when you are overwhelmed when you are overwhelmed you need a few things you need number one prayer prayer seek God prays prayer the Word of God I love something that my friend Craig Groeschel said he said we are not changed by the promises that we make to God we are changed by believing the promises that God gave to us so we're not changed by the promises that we make to God but we are changed by believing the promises that God makes to us so whenever you are going through something that is overwhelming to you prayer prayer prayer prayer and there are times that you hurt so bad you can't even do your own train and that's why the Bible says that any sick among you let him call for the elders of the church and let them come and free anybody ever been so sick you didn't even feel like praying you can get so slammed and so overwhelmed that you can't even form prayers in your own life but prayer prayer is a powerful key psalm 46 verse 1 through C notice God is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble God is our refuge God is our refuge a very present help in trouble in trouble he says therefore with will not we fear even though the earth be removed and the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea though the waters roar and trouble though the mountains shake with its swelling thereof Shayla in other words is it saying you trust God trust God even when you're experiencing the worst storm of your life and it feels like your world is falling apart trust him trust him trust him I love what the Bible says in the image in God's words translation of Psalm 46:10 he says let go of your concerns then you will know that I am God I rule the nation I rule the earth he's saying let go of your concerns cease struggling he's saying stop worrying and know be still and know that I am gone be still they know that I'm God with that's why we have to turn the power of prayer the power the word the power praised Psalm 27 verse one verse five verse 13 and 14 notice the Lord is my light and my salvation you see because when you get in in certain points of assault you feel like you're in darkness all by yourself depression is a terrible darkness but the Lord is my light at all times the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear the Lord of the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid verse five says for in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion in the secret of his Tabernacle shall he hide me he shall set me high upon a rock and verse 13 says I would have lost heart I would have fainted unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of a living get your faith up get your hopes up I would have died he said I would have lost heart unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living and then he says wait on the Lord and be of good courage and he shall strengthen your heart wait I say on the Lord then I love the promise of God's Word in Isaiah 41:10 don't be afraid for I'm with you don't be discouraged for I am your God I will strengthen you and help you I will uphold you with my victorious right hand I'm gonna be that with you so you need prayer you need prayer when your life feels overwhelmed you need prayer you need praise you need the Word of God here's the second thing you need perspective you need perspective perspective is about looking at the big picture it's about looking at the big picture when you're going through something and you feel overwhelmed you feel like you're gonna die you got to get perspective and realize this is not the end of it and let me just tell you this what throws us off can you let me preface out of you for just a moment what really throws us off it's when we see the curtains of the plane close and we assume that the drama has come to an end it has not come to an end you're flipping the page and you're going to another chapter he has to close the curtains so that they can change and set up for the next scene and sometimes what you assumed was the end was only a change of scenery may I say to you that God's getting ready to change your scenery yes he is don't be concerned because it looks like your curtains are closing God is setting you up divinely to be able to change your scene and the next dimension the next shift the next phase of your life it's not gonna look like what the earlier scenes look like I don't know who that was for but if it helps you you gotta have perspective you gotta be able to see the big picture you got see if you understand the big picture if you look at your program you'll understand the thing comes in four acts so you don't dislocate when the Vegas clothes wouldn't it be crazy and you realize that there four acts and then when the curtains close you just standing up giving a standing ovation and then you get your keys and go to the parking lot wouldn't that be crazy to miss out the intermission of the halftime when they're just taking a break because they are resetting something refreshing some things and and getting ready for the next scene and you leave that's why you need divine perspective you've got to have perspective you've got to have perspective may I say this to you your life is like a seed when a seed goes down into the ground it begins to deconstruct it starts opening up and its insides come out it looks like us a total disaster that what goes in like a seed and now it burst open and its entrails ball out into the soil but if you just give it time what look like a deconstruction is really a reconstruction and it lost its original form but now it takes on a different form and now this thing is about to take shape and it's gonna turn into a beautiful flower a beautiful plan it's going to bear fruit but you've got to allow it to deconstruct the way it looks like it's a total mess so you have to have perspective to see what God is doing here's the third thing that you have to have whenever your life is over when I'm not only prayer and prospective you've got to have patience patience patience patience patience is Josh Shipp said that perseverance is stubbornness with a pert with a purpose stubbornness with a purpose stubbornness with a purpose you've got to have patience somebody tell him you gotta have patience man gotta have patience you've got to have patience patience it takes time it takes time you got to live through it and I know the unpleasant trees of life that you would love to just press fast forward but it helps us to become who and what we are it really does your next script comes out of your current pain don't rush what God is doing don't rush what God is doing have patience here's the next thing but you got to have his discipline discipline discipline it takes discipline this is necessary so that you don't obey your emotions and do something stupid you gotta have discipline discipline is delaying personal gratification is then I get to play and I get to rejoice and I get to have a good time but not right now I got some business that I need to attend to when you are feeling overwhelmed you need discipline because you you you are so tempted to take the gall you take the gall you want to take the goal you want to get high you want to get drunk cuz you don't want to feel the pain you want to have sex because you don't want to feel the the pain it takes discipline it takes discipline takes patience it takes discipline and and there's a the fifth thing it takes consistency consistency consistency see maturity is remaining consistent to your commitments even when you don't feel like doing it long after the emotions have passed long after the emotions are pass but I just want to say this to you that whenever you have a meltdown look for God to make you into something more beautiful whenever you have a meltdown look for God to make you into something more beautiful General George Patton said that I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but by how high he bounces when he hits bottom you don't determine your success by how high you climb but by how high you bounce once you hit bottom the thing that you have to realize is that success is not permanent and failure is not fatal it's not final it's not fatal you can outlive it you can spring back from it Jeremiah chapter eighteen verse one through six in the New Living Translation notices the Lord gave another message to Jeremiah he said go down to the potter's shop and I will speak to you there and so I did his toll and found the Potter working at his wheel but the jar he was making did not turn out as he had hoped haven't been working on something that didn't turn out like you hoped the King James Version said that it was marred in his hands in an amazing that you can be in God's hand and still get messed up but just hold on because God's got a plan God's got a plan notice the jar that he was making did not turn out as he hoped so he crushed it into a lump of clay again and started over and then the Lord gave this message and said o Israel can I not do to you as this Potter has done to his clay as the clay is in the Potters hand so are you in my hand God says if it looks like it is messed up on you I can squash it and make you into another vessel and it be more beautiful I can remake this thing don't let a bend in the curve be the end of the road a bend in the road is not the end of the road and listen whenever you are overwhelmed you have to fight with everything you have fight with every thing you have whenever you're overwhelmed fight with everything you have fight with everything you have don't just use one weapon fight with everything you have don't just use one weapon who does that think about our military our military does not just fight with one weapon they got all kind of secret weapon they got rifles they got grenades they got mines they've got swords they've got handgun they got bayonets they got torpedoes they got missiles they've got tanks they've got bombs they've got nuclear weapons they've got germ warfare they've got submarines they got fighter planes they got all kind of weapons all kind of weapons even Gideon when he went to fight with his 300 against an army of 135,000 they had two things they had a lantern and they had a trumpet they didn't just go with one thing they even had two things you remember David when he went against Goliath he didn't just have one stone how many did he have five he had five why should you go to war with one fight with everything you have fight with every thing you have fight with everything you have touch them on to tell them fight with everything you have fight with everything you have you got to fight physically you got to fight physically fight fit when your life is overwhelm you can't keep eating junk food when you get stressed your body craves salt your body craves sugar and your body craves fatty foods and it'll kill you those things will kill you fight physically fight physically fight with your diet fight with your exercise and fight with your resting you got to fight physically with everything that you've got everything fight physically you got to fight mentally fight mentally you got to bring those thoughts into captivity to the obedience of Jesus Christ of everything that has happened to you you got to fight mentally fight mentally to keep that vision in your head fight mentally you gotta fight emotionally think about the people who helped to restore sobriety to you and who helped you to regain your equilibrium sometimes you know cuddling with your spouse can significantly improve the healing of a bruise due to the increase release of oxytocin and it also reduces just cuddling with your spouse reduces anxiety and it also reduces depression and did you know that a kiss can be ten times more effective than morphine in reducing pain a kiss a kiss a child gets a little boo-boo and mama says uh Lynette mama kissing the kiss begins to release the bodies they they theorize that it releases the body's own painkillers a kiss and that's why you have to fight emotionally you have to fight emotionally and when you when you're in this overwhelming time you need to remember those who helped you when you were in trouble those who left you when you were in trouble and those who put you in trouble [Applause] fight with everything you have you got to fight emotionally fight emotionally you fight physically you fight mentally you fight emotionally and you got to fight spiritually you got to fight what your praise you got to fight with worship you got a fight with singing you got to fight with praying you got to fight with the word because the whole at the end of the day peace is rooted and wholeness it is rooted in wholeness and let me say this to you if something costs you your peace is too expensive you can't afford that if something costs you your peace is too expensive you can't afford it that's something that some other people have in their life and if you were to have it you lose your he's over it if something costs you your piece is too expensive you can't afford it and I just want you to know that when you attempted to quit whatever you attempted to quit remember why you started in the first place because when you get overwhelmed you can say you know what that's it for me I'm checking out I quit before you quit ask yourself why did I ever start why did I ever start and then you have to know what to lean on you lean on your faith lean on your faith lean on your family and lean on your friends whenever you feel overwhelmed lead on your faith lean on your family lean on your friends you know why because the power of hope Trump's pain and suffering when you are like an athlete an athlete cannot run with money in his pocket an athlete has to run with hope in his heart and a dream in his head you don't just run with money in your pockets and okay how rich a runner is he cannot run she cannot run with money in her pocket you run with hope in your heart and a dream in your head what do you do when your heart feels overwhelmed how do you survive when your heart is overwhelmed stay surrendered to God stay surrendered or surrounded by people who believe in God and who also believe in you and I would say this at the end of the day if you stay surrendered to God and stay surrounded by people that know how to encourage you stay surrendered stay surrounded and then you'll stay grounded does that make sense stay surrendered stay surround it and then you'll stay grounded I know that there's a lot in this world to overwhelm you but if you stay surrender to God to say I'm gonna run to the rock that is higher than I God you are my refuge you're my dwelling place hide me in the secret pavilion in your tabernacle I need to tap an ankle with you God I need you I'm overwhelmed by the pressures by the expectations by everybody calling your name and making demands on you requiring money of you that you don't have wondering when you're gonna send the payment as soon as you get it feeling overwhelmed by the expectations and the pressure trying to do too much with too little and overwhelm not having enough help dealing with prolonged pain dealing with the death of a loved one a divorce a breakup in relationship what about do god I'm hurting I'm all alone and I so desperately need you stay surrendered stay surrounded and you'll stay grounded stay surrendered to God stay surrounded about people in the family of faith stay grounded it'll help you when you feel overwhelmed sometimes you just need a pat on the hand and they may not be even even quote scripture to you but they just said maybe it's gonna be alright it's gonna be alright baby you're gonna make it to this day grandma doesn't have any deep philosophy she may not quarter scripture but there's something about their embrace stay surrender to stay surrounded and it'll somehow just keep you grounded you gotta have somebody in your life that can throw their arms around you and let you know baby you're gonna live through this I know you feel like you want to die right now and that you're gonna die but baby it's gonna be all right it's gonna be all right yes it's not a big philosophical message it has no profundity to it but when you're hurting you don't need profundity you need simplicity you need to know that somebody cares you need the embrace somebody let you know baby everything it's gonna be alright it's gonna be alright it's going to be all right where do I go when my heart is overwhelmed I go to the rock that is higher then I afraid you got something out of the wood of the Lord today I really do and I just want you to just surrender your heart to him right now when you've felt overwhelmed by all of the different things that could go on in your life you don't know what to do how to do it you said God I'm hurting I'm hurting and I need you I'm overwhelmed God you might be here in this city and you might be wherever you're watching or listening from and so I don't have anybody in this city I'm all here by myself and all of the people that love me are dead now God where do I go go to the rock God has arms that you don't know anything about yet the arm of the Lord is not shortened that it cannot see he can still save you and reach you and deliver you wherever you are and no pain you can't deal with the intensity of a pain that Jesus has not already dealt with himself Jesus when he says I feel you he really does he feels you he knows what you're dealing with he knows where you hurt not only does he know where it hurts he knows how to put his hand right there that's how God knows how to speak to you prophetically right where you are in your life and help you to deal with stuff that was frustrating you and when he comes in storms can be falling all around and God simply says peace be still peace be still dwell right here peace be still chill out see struggling stop worrying and know that I'm gone then whatever it is it tails in comparison to him and realize it when it looks like it's the end of the road is really just the bend in the road it's just the curtain being drawn so there can be a change of scenery because there's another act that God has and the best is what he's saving for last so don't quit too soon remember what you started hallelujah to the lamb of God we hope that you enjoyed that message don't forget to Like and subscribe and then press the notification bell so that you don't miss another one of our videos and if you want to 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Channel: woffamily
Views: 121,090
Rating: 4.8873363 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral, Church, Sermon, Encouragement, Hope, Message
Id: tXoeFujN7bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 55sec (2695 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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