Ditching School & Yan Chan Drinks Milk Glitch - Yandere Simulator

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this this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the heck when did I start a PC challenge welcome back my scrubs back to another episode of non-dairy send me later you everything non-dairy how about gluten-free don't worry this game has got you covered but we're not just back with any non-dairy simulator we are back with non-dairy simulator blog Hunter there's butts in the game but I fell it's my responsibility to find them and squish them now you may notice something no no one robbed my anime shakers I just moved and I moved into a new place new books yeah but there's one thing we need to do to make this really just worth it in this episode of non-dairy simulator I like that so I bet you're wondering there's not even a new bill what kind of bugs could you possibly do if you guys missed last episode we what that's right we did through gems light challenge which is basically like a reference to undertale where we had to eliminate every single student and not just student but everyone everyone in the entire game in order to get an actual official ending of yandere simulator which technically was the bad ending where you do get senpai but not in the way we're simply actually cooperates with you it wasn't good I call yandere like your name is just yonder eek that's how I ya know his mom got her husband so really it's kind of like just like going and your parents shoes that's not I swear too English is my language it just doesn't sound like it it's following in the footsteps of her parents basically yeah that's how abnormal a personal saying why is my graphics still doing this why am I still on Christmas lights edition and there's actually been some bug fixes so a lot of the stuff I'm probably gonna do in this video has probably already been fixed but I still want to do it so in if you did see that last episode did this really hilarious glitch why did a few probably hilarious glitches with the same function now you can actually save the game but this makes for so many bugs bugs galore just a billion bugs which is what you Android ever said would happen so like fair enough right there's a lot of things I did not get to try and also a new update on the challenge that I did before I read this I just want you I want you to keep in mind that I took three hours to beat this challenge I got caught at the end and I used snap mode spoiler alert I used snap mode at the end didn't even think he was gonna work and you know I used it to kill like the last like five students in the game and I got the ending and I was so happy cuz I thought like okay I thought maybe that was an actual like method to use it worked so but apparently it was cheating according to yonder Edo it is no longer possible to cheat your way into the genocide ending by using snap or the flame demon Easter egg I don't even know the flames DVD strike worked for that ending but apparently I'm like filthy freakin cheaters lock the cuffs on me you know I spent so much time and I tried my hardest and plus there's lots of bugs I considered mine very fair I as fair as you could possibly get I think sorry everything that big said can we just snap it up right in the beginning and just get the ending like that you mean I didn't have to spin three hours to get the ending even though it's been fixed now I'm gonna try it speed run time I'm about to have the fastest time in America ever look at the speed ride come on come on yeah the truth about me he knows I actually laughs dang it I mean think about it like all I did was laugh there gonna be any reason maybe I heard a funny joke with you yeah so this is definitely a bug but I think all the students actually just stand here so oh my god this is gonna take a long time oh no I snapped it a little too early this is a bad ending let's wait for the late boy to be here - right there he is there's my guy there we should have everything we need now [Music] come on Who am I missing out behind even everyone I stab so much this is actually quite elegy within itself [Music] yes that was so much more easier than what I did so that took me like 10 minutes I spent three hours happened everyone look at this again senpai what you were standing right there you saw all of them so the two of us could be alone together I I don't understand what are you talking about I want you all for myself senpai I don't want anyone to come between us so I killed them all you why no no you're joking simply doesn't like jokes we all know that prank here is your point Ashton Kutcher comes out that let me show you just how serious I guess I barely won dude this is gonna get a cutscene that's gonna be in Jersey starting - hey what are you doing get back stay away from me no this is my mom that's what my momma told me to do and it works it worked for my dad he's fine he likes this I really hope at the end of the game we get to see like more I'm sure there's gonna be a lot more like cutscene I would like to see them get married and see simple I actually does come around to really enjoy being kidnapped I imagine he would like that next but I can see why that was considered as cheating but I would like to think I really did indeed but anyway the next thing that I wanted to try so with a new safe thing it was really funny I activated an Easter egg then I saved the game but when you loaded the game it made our body like we were out of the Easter egg but our body stayed the same let me see if I could and I want to see basically if it worked with other Easter eggs and just to see what it looked like so for instance let's try something I think I tried slender mode so if we go to slender mode and then we save the game and then you proceeded to load the game we're going to come back without the easter egg but still look the same ok this works out great so our sanity is still low we just have very long arms now see now I would understand why simple I would have a problem with this because like she grew like eight feet tall overnight donate if I get my sanity back let's just be a normal student again guess there's quicksand now in the school I don't really know oh so awesome another bug - is that everyone goes to like everyone gets stuck at their lockers so if you were just to save and load the game automatically you would have so much easy like victims over here simply he all never noticed me because he won't stop spinning [Music] no that's totally justified I am definitely acting weird why wasn't we gonna selfie more like this oh she was faking it all along she doesn't have real hair she's got the longest arms in human history though I just pulled now that's it I am Joe's bald oh my god what happens if we save oh my god I have so many things I want to try now we can get on the box no one will notice me I'm like wearing stilts except they're my actual legs well absolutely safe and loved with the box will we still be in the box and also will we still be in our form it's our final pour but it's a form all right scary form that is well everyone just see me in a box even if I'm not in the box eivol i got my hair back that's great I don't know if I'm actually still in the box I guess the only real way to tell is to see if the headmaster has anything to say about it it's okay he doesn't he doesn't say anything I'm gonna poke your eyes out with my kneecaps can we just your slender mode again oh my god I'm even taller am i even taller or did it just like activate it better at this time mm what if we just keep getting taller hi I'm under something I know I am I'm gonna beat that tallest person ever simp I then will notice me and he'll tie himself up oh okay no I don't think I'm getting taller either that or my legs are just going through the floor like really like far down all right so can we combine this technology that we found with new Easter rakes in order to morph myself into this strange being such as like what's another funny one that would maybe look weird let's try man mode that that's gonna be who that's gonna be we're just surprised mother man if you thought I couldn't get manlier boy were you wrong this is even manlier where do you think Jon Jones has some long arms put me in there I was gonna say the FCC the FCC they fight maybe they do I don't really know put me in the UFC I could reach the tallest of shelves all right now let's save I don't know if it'll do anything let's just save now let's love this bad boy up okay as I suspected pretty much no change sadly what about which mode oh dang it bayonet it was like this what if we save in this mode now this will be interesting and then I could bring out my knives - yes yes let's do that oh it's just we're here wait let's there's another bug and next book this is wait wait wait I think when you activate that it also makes the bosses sisters go all crazy oh no I saved it so they just like they're just spinning ballerinas now oh wait it might still work though okay it actually doesn't worry wait now that I know that I thought of this I gotta try this is a Yeti give me one second the we just wait for the boss's sister's to get over here one second you seen it I heard that the faculty were oh my god this proves it there succubi are witches or something I'm just gonna sit here doing their defying which time oh my god what happens if we save it and load it while we're sitting down so yeah I think the book was fakes from a base plane I think I see it in Hatsune Lisa's video I I think it may have been their video I don't know I see it in someone's video where like where do you would you put it which mode they would just start spinning in which mode or which time all right I I saved it in which mode and I loaded it with my knives out well my knife still be there well I still be in which mode well they gave me people work [Music] I'm in which mode but I'm not a witch and these graphics are amazing I'm still pretty confident that we could break the game even further next but I'm just gonna start trying random stuff now oh I know some of the students start putting on their Healy's again oh gosh she's stuck in place she's on a treadmill and she can't move what I wonder too too is like what if like killing someone like say first per say like what if we're like in the middle of doing something like his coconut getting electrocuted or something like that then we save it and load it well she just be in this perpetual state of electrocution actually we could test that out with the Dettman now it used to read pretty easy oh yes dear assistant what is that way now alright we're going to death no yes right now alright you won't freeze then I'll have to electrocute you oh there they go oh my god they were sweating as fast as ever Wow oh my god I was starting to produce some energy man I was about to solve the crisis like that there would be no use for any others forms of energy other than the boss's sister is spinning next but okay well we've run into another problem I can stop time I get seven knives but I came out right in my death note or life no yeah what about when ot HECO comes to school well he just gets stuck in the gate will he be trapped there these are the yond every simulator science experiments that you can't live without where's yet you never came I guess he's just not coming in today let's be sick I know they don't like because I cosplay I knew what you liked anime that's why I can never be with you no I prefer Netflix next but the Netflix adoptions are so much better than especially the Death Note one yeah I could ever say that seriously next button all right well my carry work okay alright alright save it okay alright so I saved it while she's being electrocuted now good continue a conversation I'm not even here not even here at all this is not gonna go well I already do it she's just she could just be constantly electrocuted and also will I have the life notes as normal yonder regen Oh summon the Healy's again well so she thinks that she's dead but she's clearly not dead it very interesting oh she's gonna look so stupid if one of the teachers she's gonna go say oh my sister died by electrocution as she's just walking normally she's fine literally you can't arrest me well I get arrested oh no she's fine call the gob what do they call the cops boy also I don't have I like no crap well I mean let them call the cops I really don't know what I did wrong this time another what she's overreacting for look can I talk to her okay I can't talk to her but she's she's there okay fine ink your boss sir she's alive oh when did I get this here it says right there that I've already disposed of the corpse the weapon the sanity and everything so why there's really nothing wrong here are they gonna have a memorial for her is she still going to the school that's so messed up they don't like you they don't like you that much that they have a memorial for you even though you're actually there you go to school every day like a good gal well the cops don't even show up the game is so confused I see why all right let's try leaving Oh the police arrive at school the big bad police the police the witness actual evidence is supernatural and are absolutely horrified so I only did this with the six easter-egg but apparently not when some bizarre phenomenon they're like they're just so computers I shoot it with three here uh and then we get some that bread okay so what if we use pose mode post someone in a weird crazy way save the game load the game will they come to school looking like a freak that's what I want to know I think it's gonna happen but I had this random thought the other day I was like gotta try that all right Daphne come here our belt bellman better uma come here better with my to make the scariest of students possible yeah it's already working oh god her pants God Indus the indecency Oh her camera we can't really doesn't know what to do someone skipped bottom half of their body day oh my god now that is hot the save the game hey we got the picture please work please yeah Jerry gods please make this work I want my students to come looking like freakazoids please work please at least make her look weird in some fashion of some sort I don't care how it works I just want it to work moment of truth baby no it didn't save anything maybe we need to try this in the newer builds maybe that will work a lot better now we can't even do anything to her so we can't talk to her either so but we did break her but not obviously in the way we wanted to yeah she's just not going at all oh I have another idea so you know I'm black I have so many ideas by the way I feel like we could do so much with this what about in black hole mode this is gonna be interesting if we were to do something like that and they become all distorted and stuff like that will they load in like that okay well she's obviously impervious to everything okay all right save it like that right let's run okay please please work the game is probably just good not if we're gonna know it did you also will I be floating that's another question next bug Oh help me my legs are broken it was partly true I wish my graphics weren't like being stupid I don't know why this is happening she probably is she probably all gone Oh what is this a career school simulator like this looks like one of those poses you'd see on that game ah oh my god that's disgusting everything about this is disgusting how does she do that she's like one of those like Russian like dancing like I was just like doing something I rushed and dance or something like that Oh yeah I should've seen that coming what I'm just normal I'm not even a blackhole mode but that yet they're still here yeah let me I gotta restart my game and figure out why my graphics are stupid oh yes see that that's what I'm talking about this looks so much better we'd all Christmas Twinkle students coming out now now we could probably try to look the same same file oh no I don't have it it's fine I can recreate it I can do it I have this technology now we let the magic happen [ __ ] legs check what misbeliefs screw it titan mode titan mode that's a lot of feet I really hope to see just giant students that are normal walk around ah sadly it doesn't work well this is what happens when you load the game in the demon world you just float in the sky oh my god the view is amazing what are they gonna do arrest me in the air what are we gonna sit a helicopter I would like I would actually like to see that really would wait am i falling thank is that whoa oh my god I've been falling this entire time Wow holy crap I can see my house from here yeah you bleep oh oh my god so if you're saved in the demon world you get to break out of school and play hooky hey this is the best I mean I feel like we could do anything with the save Lord feature it's amazing I'm about to save in the shower there's no limits to what we can do okay no you can't actually do that okay well now I know all right mind slave time what about this we give her a knife what about that what would she think about that next but we'll just have her take out all the rebels right here that's nice okay if we save it while she's in route to go eliminates her rival well she remembering does she have good memory no what are you doing stop oh my god she's playing she's a mannequin she's not really dead well this bad happens she's still alive though I'm about to hack this game to shreds right now get this I'm gonna break the rocks in the secret room right then I'm gonna load it and it's probably gonna just spawn us in there Gus I will be in there and I will have the rocks closed and it'll be my secret Clubhouse and you're not invited you're invited all right let's see if the rocks will respawn and for that matter what we have our bike oh well I'm stuck but I think I got it to work yeah maybe not such a good idea we totally got in there though the rocks do respond to hey honestly I just wanted to see if there was anything in here like when the rocks were still here and just still Oh still a hole but one day one day today will be the day those two really drawers [Music] next bug with the new saber Lord functions can you find any bugs and if you do let me know which ones I should try a next episode I want to find all the sports next bug described by by next bug [Music]
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 340,102
Rating: 4.9730487 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, yandere simulator, yandere sim, yandere dev, bug hunter, bijuu mike yandere simulator, bijuu mike bug hunter, yandere, simulator
Id: ZhMmfgEbs1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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