I played the Prototype of Yandere Simulator (ITS ACTUALLY GOOD) | Yandere Simulator

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[Music] that that that that that that that that are the three words Tom and Jerry simulator what ever heard of it don't believe me for saying it wrong blamed the YouTube captions it's 2019 and they still can't get the captions right what is wrong with that who am I talking to look at last episode what was that what girl's name she must sheet I wanted to start a wrestling club wait what's guys right now tell me what the Bridget YouTube captions just said right now are she much we should never see YouTube thanks for played Tom and Jerry simulating right here well it wouldn't be that far from the truth and me Tom and Jerry has tons of violence and ironically it has a mouse and there is a cat in yond every simulator so maybe it's not that far off after all so yes yandere simulator you may know of the game okay we've made so many episodes mom I mean we've been playing the game since around like 2015 I believe Masada is right around the corner at least that's what we're all hoping for but either way I've really enjoyed following I the development of yandere simulator like so much not just yandere simulator but even games such as bendy and make machine in hell and ebert even Baldy and things like that I love following the developments of those games so to be able to play the first builds was really cool all the way up until the last builds of the game were the recent builds of the game now interesting enough yandere simulator I never actually got to play the original build because I started it around 2015 was so old today we're going to be playing young ok yawn gear yawn need ear ok I'm gonna have to correct that dude I shouldn't say yani dear Yanni dear basically just it's like a girlfriend who's obsessed with a guy but he doesn't really he's not really into in her but she's crazy over him you know I shall do like anything to get with her anyway that's what this game is so there's my eye doesn't see the date at all just says this is the debug bill for testing it doesn't say anything about the date the point is is typically the age at the beginning are pretty bad right it pretty cringy such as my first episode yandere simulator this was in 2015 the Android dev just released the 2014 prototype which I believe this is when the game actually started if you go down to here it does say April 2014 so we're finally gonna get to play the original bill of yeah male ethnic hooey Android have included a note there are three characters located somewhere in the school seat can you find them all so it's like place some Where's Waldo okay except if Waldo was a Japanese school girl I mean if you've ever wondered a reason to find Waldo what now this is my kind of menu right here all right well I mean let's go to the title screen sure one wait do I press which one to get a press this one yeah even the menu is kind of janky this is an early demo some graphics oh she's like a walking board they even got them Tomb Raider graphics it seems like you Android have created this just for this dim oh my god her lay sure come it's straight through the skirt all right well let's press any key I don't even think we can use the controller here I didn't really read it maybe we could oh oh oh oh that's kind of a sake I like that white do this like some hit a Okajima level crap right here that was actually kind of cool I'm sorry oh yes I've seen this I think I have seen this tomorrow I will start my second year of high school okay Presley or did we just read it someone was up late my first year of high school was disappointing I was hoping I would meet someone special but nobody asked me out so wait can we can we consider this cannon I mean I'm guessing not but if this is cannon anyone could have asked her out so I'm gonna assume that this is not part of the story okay we can consider this anime filler okay for yandere simulator of them I'm guessing because according to this logic she could have she was hoping somebody would ask her out but then she found senpai interesting indeed I guess the love of my life isn't gonna just fall into my lap I just can't sit around waiting for someone to ask me out I had to be more proactive I mean she kind of seems like a normal girl this these are normal girl thoughts like you know I'm sure like if I was a teenage girl I want a boy to ask me out okay I could say when I was a guy I wanted a girl to ask me out I just want to know how that transition to Yan dairy I guess we're gonna find out oh my god is she is she a snake I like the animation but that one just like she's a snake I wonder what my dream lover would look like well for starters they would have to be oh is this where we start creating [Music] Oh Oh can we pick girl labs every pick oh we can but that's not a girl though this is seriously not that bad honestly for being the what prototype of yandere simulator honestly really not that bad so yeah we've had we've had simply customization for a long time now interesting yes this is what my this is my ideal this is peak Fitness right here's my ideal lover Oh [Music] senpai it's 629 you're perfect I want to spend the rest of my life with you okay well this I would say that you know the story of the game makes a little more sense now this kind of escalated really really quickly hits first he's like I just want a boy to like me or to ask me out and then within a minute she imagined an imaginary boy in her head that actually exists in real life and now what's the marry him oh my god kind of scared me a little bit no not yet I'm not done dreaming oh she hit the snooze button senpai the animations are little cool jakey there but when she's an idle animation it doesn't look that bad I slept so well that was the best dream I've ever had I wonder what time it is oh she's gonna be late for school 8:15 crap school starts in 15 minutes then your school starts at 8:30 mine started likes it like 8:00 at least get an extra thirty minutes well Willig and rach and have the toast in her mouth if I hurry I can still make it now what did my school uniform look like again I mean this is really interesting it gives you out like a it does give you a reason to choose all of these things Bible this skirt I thought looks kind of cool let's pick that that's different oh that that didn't change at all his spell did I hope it looks good on me just don't kill me not saved whatever you want okay no time to waste gotta get moving Android yeah oh that's good I can make it just in time for the intro ceremony oh we have no sound there's no sound at all watch out you're gonna crash dude I thought so but I thought this is a fan-made thing so I have seen this before but I didn't realize that this was like official like the big ouch ouch ouch that hurts I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going do you need a hand my senpai so this is essentially the same on the new intro cutscene no way this is the person I saw my dreams last night this can't be a coincidence this must be fate this is my destiny umm are you okay you didn't hit your head or anything did you oh don't worry I'm fine I've never felt this way before now I'm certain this is my one true love I'm glad you're okay I was worried oh you're so considerate I'd better go now if I'm late I'll be in big trouble oh that's right I forgot about school see you yeah see you plot twist guys what if yonder each ant was never evil to begin with but when she hits senpai right there something in her brain plates were changed because of an injury it's kind of like Goku from Dragon Ball Z he was actually really evil okay spoiler alert for a show that's older than me he hit his head right and he was evil he's gonna destroy it his mission was to destroy earth or take over the leaves he hit his head he turned good and forgot about it what if this is the exact same situation for yonder region I finally met the person I'll be with for the rest of my life it's time for the romance I've been waiting for my exciting highschool love life starts now what took you so long huh who the heck is she Raipur Oh you guys always wonder why I call her a sonnet because she was supposed to be a sonnet but instead she's right burro so that's why I don't know I'm still kind of programmed to call Triborough asana because she was o sana geez you always keep me waiting you've been like this since we were little kids I'm sorry no way a childhood friend Oh who's that in the background don't get the wrong idea it's not like I want you to walk to school it with you I brother right I only walked with you because you'd probably get lost without my help you're hopeless stupid head Sundari it's even worse than like that and we got some humor up in here this not bad come on let's get to school I try to keep up I'm sorry no my exciting high school aha you can't be over this back-pay I have to get rid of that girl somehow there's no time to worry about it now I have to get to school right away there she goes ah no her toast wow she just really litter like that what the heck so history is repeating itself huh time to test the theory I can hardly concentrate during the entrance ceremony or listen when the new teachers were introducing themselves all I could think about was the person from my dreams I noticed them walking up the stairs to the classrooms on the third floor that means they're one year ahead of me that makes them my senpai I wonder if they would be willing to date it underclass me like me I wonder if that blonde bimbo was going to make her move soon I have to act now before it's too late put a text message meet me in class room three three I have something important to talk to you about who it is I'm Eunice met ominous message I don't recognize this number who could this be Oh what if it's my senpai what if they fell in love with me and already wants to confess I've got to hurry to collage three three yeah it's like so stupid in this in this version I love it it's so dark in here hello is anyone there I'm glad you came oh I love the cliche anime or like tropes I don't recognize you oh collecting information about students enrolled at this high school is my hobby it's earned the nickname info Chan my specialty is uncovering a person's darkest secrets so learning a phone number is a trivial task darkest secrets huh let's see you prove it tell me a secret about someone in this school today while running to school with toast in her mouth yandere chan bumped into an underclassmen she fell in love upper classes what I said whoopsy how could you possibly know that like I said learning secrets is my specialty I applied to become a journalist one day and I'm preparing myself for investigative journalism bio honing my skills that's nice but I'm really creeped out right now what did you want from me I like to share some information that might be an interest of you to you the girl who saw speaking to your beloved sent by his named asana as you might know the suspect she had a huge crush on your sin Phi for a long time she plans to confess her love one week from now next Friday your sympathies the type of person turn down a love confession if she confesses to him he is guaranteed to accept her feelings are you serious this is really bad but are you telling me why are you telling me any of this I'm the president of the newspaper Club I produce and distribute the school newspaper it's how I prepare for my career as a journalist sadly almost nobody bothered to read my newspaper last year even though I poured my heart and soul into every article I wrote give her the tides boomer I'm very sorry to hear about that but you should have answered my question if there was a bit more drama going on at this school I'd be able to write more interesting articles if something tragic happens to a sauna and najimi between now and Friday she won't be able to steal your senpai from you and I'll be able to publish it publish a juicy article about the terrible misfortune that I can't read it fast what is he doing what do you think those two hurt energy be sad no of course not I'm not saying you should hurt her I'm saying you should kill her okay that escalated of course if a death occurred right at school students would naturally want to know everything about in my newspaper would provide them with every last juicy detail about a solid chance demise except for the identity of the killer of course I would never tell a soul about your involvement it would be even better if you killed a few other students as well just imagine how the students would panic if they thought a serial killer was on the loose here at school the more fear you can stir up the more people will turn up to my newspaper for answers and the more successful I will become of course if you killed every student at school that nobody would be able to read the school newspaper so don't go to wild hat you're insane the hook coming from a Andheri and you fell love us after and you fell in love with someone after colliding with him in the middle of the streets oh I can't read this fast there's no pause button I'm literally running out of breath okay all right we gotta take her pick up this high okay I don't doubt that for a second you'd be willing to do absolutely anything to be at their destined loved one what did you yes anything then you have no problem killing go sana Chen right but that's don't worry I'll support you every step of the way if you take a picture of a student's face has sent it to me okay so we still got that feature and things like that all right look she said okay she said it's in your blood after all what's that supposed to be never mind that just consider my proposal you don't have to give me at your answer right away so info chan knew about the yond every family the Ayana family already again well we don't know exactly how this is going to be playing but in an actual story or if any of its actually canon but yeah I'll be going now I've got articles to write I'll see you later senpai so she's considering it now that was a long title screen but it wasn't it wasn't bad though I mean sure the animations were kind of wonky but I mean I I kind of liked it it kind of shows you the yonder you sent me that it was never really meant to be all that serious at least that's what it seemed like so it kind of seemed like yeah dairy dev like wanted to put more jokes and things like that which obviously did kind of bite him in the butt because later on that because you know came a problem alright scrubs let's go to the gameplay sandbox I guess just go in order oh my god oh okay what is this a horror game find out the bad that's really interesting it caught the camera is constantly on yandere chan space this is just beard she have more like eye movements than I remember maybe I just never really paid a close attention okay if you press space you just joined the martial arts club instantly okay I mean so party does play very similarly oh okay well that's a lot different why she's crawling so fast but we even have some my obstacles here we can we can we do a stunt jump on this ramp here we go oh dang that was sick I got some sweet hair there okay can you stop you're creeping me out we have the knife we'll get that we got a knife ooh here oh wait can I use my plugged in they don't matter how do I pick this up I think I actually need the controller to pick this up this is this is the original camera okay this is yeah it's it's changed this changes the bit you talking about some point huh you know I did think it was weird that he did say blonde hair girl this is a blonde haired girl this was the first Oh sauna right here this is Oh sauna so at this point you can tell you Android f oh I don't know which came first the intro cutscene or this by I'm pretty sure this this was the original asana just a blonde hair different version of me Oh the controller okay honestly plate why am I not on the screen right now I think I just died guys I'm sorry I'm dead I'm not on the screen anymore I mean it's so quiet there's no noise at all oh you scared now huh you're scared now juice oh look at that that didn't look bad at all but the equipment you even looked a lot different I equipped my hands I would argue that that's my most dangerous weapon my hands testis hands girl never a blonde girl priciple I had no reaction to that at all there was a hammer yeah I don't even remember that at all because we don't have a hammer now just stabbed with a hammer all we even have to laughs this early on dude you have ruined this animation this is way better than the normal-looking one we have now okay so you can do that alright next let's try the school test I guess we have to find three students here oh here we go get to class by 8:30 this was the original school but like I'm entering Konoha Naruto with these gates well that was easy oh these classrooms are ginormous man sadly enough this game plays better than a lot of those anti ripoffs that we play honestly Oh Dave oh wow oh no times up how fast was that time oh this was the original school subjects so that's how early this was I didn't even know oh and now we're at lunch time I see wait dude your dirty fish is here all I found the student so even you Andre division was that I say oh let's just say Andre division I would imagine yeah are you devs vision is just nothing but samus but here's the students they're all there oh my god they're nothing but blue haired meats that's right that's right this is a part of my objectives but whenever I see a knife I just can't help myself she's like if I had to go one way I picked this way all right well let's go to class I think I guess those were the students that we were supposed to find dude way way look at that teacher look at the teacher [Music] where are her organs do that is all that teacher though Wow if you guys like that please I dropped that like okay it's subscribe be part of the scrub fam today okay representing the scrubs today all right you want to be a scrub you can get yourself a shirt as well and you don't have to but I'd much appreciate it and yeah I've got a created this video
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 431,085
Rating: 4.9601269 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, yandere simulator, bijuu mike, yandere simulator bijuu mike, yandere dev, yandere simulator prototype, first build of yandere simulator, yandere sim, yandere simulator first build, Yandere Simulator 2014 Prototype
Id: -UEiTKpzK04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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