An Actual Review of Yandere Simulator('s demo)

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I think he makes a pretty good point when he says it seems like Alex only makes the game tailored to how he wants to play it, and even worse only bug tests with that mindset too. Raibaru cockblocking your attempts to brute force the elimination, making the panty shots the most viable and easiest way to earn points by far, the field of view bugging out when playing on a resolution other than the one he plays the game in, etc. It really does seem that he's not even trying to test other methods, whether because he doesn't care to or because he genuinely can't think of other ways to play. This is why it's important to have bug testers, as many as he can, to see how other people play the game and what bugs come up when the game is played differently. I feel like the only bug testers are Alex and (unofficially) Hatsune's channel.

👍︎︎ 113 👤︎︎ u/Beer_Doctor 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

He’s spot on when it comes to the money issue: what reason does anyone have to trust Alex’s money usage? He’s yet to prove he’s a responsible spender after several YEARS of lackluster performance:

I’m also glad he mentioned the money owed to tinybuild.

👍︎︎ 59 👤︎︎ u/Nihazli 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

I was hoping for another Yandere Simulator video!

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/ArianeIsAwesome 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

I watched the video and I agree with about just everything in it no surprise. Because at the end of all this, Yandere Simulator had always been design by Alex as a high school fantasy fetish game tailored to him and only to him. He'll only change anything to fit the needs of other players if it involves money which he constantly begs for through the game. Other than that, to him, it's "If you don't like how my game is designed, then fuck off!" which is message he's sending to people who criticize his game. Also for a demo, I did find it odd for it to get constant patches because it's supposed to be a demonstration of what the full is supposed to be and doesn't need patches. Also, crowdfunding to reach $100k just so some other entity can take over development? Not gonna happen especially since what he's representing is a buggy mess with mostly Unity store assets and some custom made ones.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Rotarius88 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

When Kappa talked abt how YanDev likes to play Hitman and how he tried to make YanSim like that, it made me realize again that Hitman works because levels are short and enclosed environments you can play through again and again, while YanSim (how it might be with all 10 rivals) takes place in one location for all targets and isn't staged based, so you can't easily replay a week over and over (in a version with multiple rivals, that spans months in game).

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/gathering_clouds 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

I still can't believe Alex would openly blame his volunteers for the fucking delay of Osana. Why would ANYBODY at this point step up to help him with this damn thing knowing he would just blame them for everything. Fuck that.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/katsuya_kaiba 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

I really do hope it reaches a million views! Doubt Alex will see it cuz gremlin. Yeah...!

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

30:40 I'm famous!1!1!!1!1

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/trullyrose 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

About time!!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
i don't need it anymore can i just say on behalf of myself and all of you watching man this sucks just like all of the whole thing you probably didn't want to see my face again for the next few years at least you're probably sick of me i'm sick of me and i didn't want to do this i mean i had other plans to follow the last thing i was expecting was for flight yan sim qf94 to crash land and my front lawn was it my fault for thinking that a two-hour video would cover enough to hold the tides of destiny even remotely but you know time makes a fool of us all and it seems that as soon as my video went up everything happened at the same time which has created the most critiquable version of yandere simulator today and i'm kind of forced to revisit the man in his game so soon after the last video six months ago hmm maybe maybe it's been longer than i thought now i should warn you this won't necessarily be the exact same style tone or length hopefully as the last video because honestly i might not be in the correct emotional state to do that again so if you want that style video go watch my last one diesel did a video as well i was in it you could watch it but you could also watch me talk about today's sponsor ridge wallet is the the working means uh wallet or just just anyone because it's stylish it's efficient it's made out of metal it doesn't break it's compact and it looks really cool this thing stores so many cars you'll think wow that really that store's car is all that nice but that's not all it also stores money and clips to your belt if you just want to clip two of them two of the things to the back which is what i did because it's significantly more efficient and it was really easy and guess what it hasn't degraded yet because it's not made out of leather countless positive reviews lifetime warranty the whole shebang you can get in any color a bunch of materials it's just a nice time all around so use the code capra the link get themself all that you know the drill get on it thanks for the sponsor love you now there's been a whole gaggle of misdemeanors that's happened since my last video like too many to count and cover um i'm not going to but luckily for me recent stuff can be quite convincingly tied with some previous events which saves me some time work and emotional stress just kidding that's gonna happen either way getting specific i'm talking about the fact that osana and the official demo of the game has been released in case you haven't been keeping up with the inner circle so to speak or you watch my videos for my pretty face oh hey my name's kyle with an x and i'm 21 but i look 26 and i feel a hundred assigner has been a major sticking point for criticism over the last half a decade because briefly she somewhat represents the lack of core components and direction for the game's previous builds and in a greater sense she also acted as a sign of slave progression as she was one out of 10 rivals and she was just never in the game so seeing her to any degree would elicit a sense of joy from onlookers which was clearly people's reaction and the exact emotion i'm feeling right now well i most likely would have critiqued osana's release under most circumstances regardless because her constantly being mentioned was mostly symbolical as the problem lied and the issues to which she's somewhat related not the fact a rival with red hair named osana isn't literally in the game alex quite kindly made my life extremely easy and gave me the opportunity to self-promote because if you go watch my last video also by my match at the point where i rapid fire critiques that technically don't hold water because it was a debug build of the game and therefore not official almost everything i say is still completely correct the only real change was that the gym is now not a stolen asset as far as i might it's also a custom-made asset that looks like the stolen asset so that's pretty much it and i would love to pump myself up and throw around a profit here or there but being brutally honest most of the critiques i made were pretty face value because there's not a it's not a whole lot of layers to how this game is being made unfortunately i do not know how to properly format this video because my brain is too dumb if only there was a video released alongside osana that includes alex using extremely explicit terms to describe her development process which henceforth could be used to critique him in a way not previously seen while also jump starting this video and acting as a point to return to later giving the video a cyclical feeling that neatly ties together the start and at the end while recontextualizing the forthcoming experience oh wow what a surprise on the first of september australian time uh will bestow this cherished gift from yandere dev himself titled with words now many a thing was said in this ballad but there's only a few parts that really matter most of it reads like his upcoming kickstarter ad and more on that with words like fun polish and other lies the two things i deemed important were the parts where he talked about hitman's opportunity mechanic and how it inspired of the schemes of yandere simulator which he labels with their replayability as the main draw and the fact that he stated osana kept getting delayed because of volunteers who worked slowly at face value it does seem like he's blaming people who work for free and humiliating them in front of his impressionable fans because that is exactly what happened like verbatim remember when he responded to my video by saying it's immoral to humiliate someone in front of millions of people oh what a classic there's just something about a man who's willing to put high schoolers on body pillows calling me immoral that's just unbelievably funny to me honestly if this whole game dev thing doesn't pan out he could just go into stand up do you know how annoyed i am that the things he says earnestly on purpose are way funnier than the jokes i write for my videos i mean do his fans not see the obvious and comedic contradiction of he's just one man like how is the game being delayed constantly because he's only one man working on it and also because there's more than one man working on it ignoring the extremely [ __ ] up idea of basically throwing people who work with you for free under the bus while you pocket thousands to buy another nintendo switch those two ideas are mutually exclusive to anyone with brain function and i'm going on the limb here i would say he does maybe if you could do [ __ ] anything by himself to any level of competency he wouldn't need so much slave labor to complete it god just imagine how much wait time would be removed by just being talented at something but honestly i don't want to talk about alex that much i'd rather talk about the demo because believe it or not he did in fact invite criticism of it here which i obviously wasn't waiting for but is now made more fun by the fact it's state endorsed by our great and immortal leader i'm sure this is seen by certain people that is gonna say oh well he could have been nicer and sure i could have but why would i [ __ ] bother alex doesn't give this [ __ ] about my critiques even when i'm right and when it comes to yandere simulator that seems to me most of the time now there's only two outcomes here take it truthfully and it's unnecessarily mean or critique too softly and it can be ignored and the third option which is i'm going to change everything anyway so it doesn't count so i'm just going to genuinely critique it how i feel and it is the gold rush of critiques because there's something unique about this build that hasn't previously existed and i'm not talking about asana everything that i'm going to critique regarding her has already been lightly mentioned previously because many of her flaws were just visible from his videos that he publicly uploaded now what opens so many possibilities is the fact it's called the demo like officially on purpose it's no longer the debug sandbox with all expected faults it's not a demo in the way you would imagine one but alex is calling it that it is designed to be a somewhat polished somewhat enjoyable generally playable slice of the rest of the game so it's supposed to make people donate to a future kickstarter this means that there's suddenly a lot more things to justifiably critique now that the it's a sandbox defense has completely evaporated before i continue uh since i'm trying to accurately review the game from my experience i would actually like to mention what i liked about it don't worry this section is going to be short and peppered with fine print the main menu is kind of nice there's still kinks to work out on the whole functioning part but the design it's relatively interesting the voice acting is at its worst only kind of strange with most of the actual sounds being perfectly fine i would rather completely different dialogue altogether but it feels like most of the voice actors are really trying and it definitely softens the blow of the lines that were written like a parody of itself and finally the music even at its lowest point is still really good and extremely varied and well above the standards of the rest of the game to the point where if there was no music i don't think i would have made it through the play time required to review the game that was it somewhat strange that uh those things were done by volunteers like there's a recurring theme or something to me mostly everything else was either majority bad like the writing or something that could have been good that was surrounded and crushed by incompetence so let's get on to those for the sake of time let's just acknowledge the fact that he consistently takes ideas themes mechanics and so on from hitman persona in every anime and then just not delve too deep into how strange and kind of wrong that is and instead focus on how he takes things and whether he does it correctly because i just i just don't have time to describe to the nuance to differences between a homage and copyright theft i'll start with what i mentioned earlier with the scheme mechanic which brings forward the first major issue of the game which is that it struggles to find a balance between too much and too little information when you start the game you are presented with a wealth of options and all of it is entirely pointless at this time you can watch an anime which is just death note and supposedly it teaches you how to execute people as long as by teach you mean omits specific details included in the scheme making it entirely redundant you can see stuff you haven't unlocked and have no idea what they do you can check on the cork board that exists look at the shrine that could unlock new abilities or could be entirely pointless with a new item available each week so one item a basement with nothing in it a town to buy things for your objective whatever that even is and finally school the only viable option making me wonder why you're showing any of this without explanation now that whole thing is from the perspective of someone who hasn't played the game before and hasn't watched every single yandere dev video which if he wants the game to succeed will be an undeniably large percentage of the player base it has no introductory phase or anything it just [ __ ] starts and then some text boxes that start popping up when you do specific things but they have the xbox interface even though i'm using a keyboard did i break it and then on the extreme opposite end of the spectrum are the schemes that unlike the opportunity mechanic in hitman do not have to be found but instead can be bought really easily at the start of the first day i love capitalism god bless i get into the problems with the actual uh process of acquiring them later but for me i want to focus on how schemes actually work because it's the best strange but mostly [ __ ] insult to be compared to hitman firstly every scheme is explained to such a granular extent i find it genuinely difficult to understand how you have fun using them because if there's one thing i love in my video games is a climactic moment only completable after reading what is essentially a washing machine instruction manual i'm being slightly hyperbolic here also known as unbreakable uh but the point remains that even the most basic schemes have unnecessary steps with unnecessary amounts of detail like the aforementioned electrocution jesus christ and the crushing scheme which i'll be referencing going forward its first step is a stats needed to complete it that's a good idea what what's less of a good idea is um then proceeding to tell me exactly how to increase the stat with exactly how long it's going to take with multiple choices well thanks i almost had to think like is it really necessary to teach me something i learned by attending class in school which is basically mandatory but telling me if anything is useful in the room i spawn him is just beyond the capabilities of the demo at this point in time the scheme mechanic is entirely devoid of anything organic the player has very little decision making in the process everything that's laid out in the scheme will happen exactly the way it's listed it doesn't tell you to find a bucket it tells you where to find one exactly like if an integral item is too hard to find that's used in multiple schemes the solution is to make the game more accessible not to just give you the answers why that's not a solution the biggest choice you get in the entire situation is when to tell osana to arrive at the location which would be nice if it wasn't entirely pointless as far as i could tell you don't need to know her schedule because you can't accidentally make a scheduling conflict as soon as the specified time comes around asana just turns off all brain function and just b-lines it straight for your location which is kind of funny like the scheme is one step away from just having the game completed for you there's literally no obstacle here this would all be an entirely moot point if they actually worked like opportunities in hitman where they are get this optional because in hitman when have problem gun man have gun as i've said before in hitman sloppily firing 17 rounds into the target is an inefficient but viable way to complete the mission given bad circumstances or just you know inexperience which some players have unfortunately android simulator is if nothing else a carbon copy of hitman as described by a child if you attempt to do a similar thing this fun little mechanic comes into play called the rybaroo who joins the frame says no thanks i'm good hitman demonstrates a spectrum of elimination options from the untraceable ghost to the caveman with stick now both sides are completely fine it's just more a matter of where you find fun on that spectrum yandra dev as he says himself enjoys the untraceable ghost end of the spectrum going back through missions and finding all the opportunities so as a result when implementing that idea he intentionally or not handicapped every other option making his favorite playstyle the only functional one there are mechanics in place for caveman with stick it's just ryder completely ruins them her existence alone has offset everything so the fancy unique elimination methods have been pushed down to the option for both the lowest common denominator while also being the only one because the 17 rounds to the leg method or trying to kill osana with stealth mechanics without using the ign walkthrough or straight up abusing flaws in the game system is damn near impossible because of the unshakable bodyguard that can't be sent home because she doesn't have a phone except she totally does saying that he actually changed this recently after receiving this critique for what feels like a year or something and it now reads she keeps her phone on silent which i'm not sure is much better because that's not how phones work does she never check her phone under any circumstance including the circumstance i showed five seconds ago of her checking her phone man this totally isn't an eject reaction this solves everything for the most part osana cannot be killed through traditional methods while rybru was near because if she happens to spot you while you're killing the person whose toes she's standing on you freeze in place and are forced to fail while at the same time rybaroo was completely invincible to all traditional forms of elimination a new player with limited experience would attempt so the only way to complete the main objective is to either kill or circumvent rybroom both methods of being so [ __ ] specific purchasing this game is required meaning quite ironically the playstyle a new player would default to is the hardest way to play the game because it requires you to abuse specific flaws with the ultra perfect high level tactics not even using my brain they would actually be somewhat of a challenge if some of the steps in the schemes were more generic but the game isn't designed to allow that which raises the biggest issue because they're way too specific most of them cannot be discovered or completed without using the baby mode workthrough the only conceivable way for new players to complete the demo is through a single mechanic that takes all agency away from them following a step-by-step list that constricts them to that specific order with no variance because everything is pre-ordained and tampering with it even slightly risks the whole thing not working or at worst self-locking the game perfect once again proving that in order to take something from a game you like you kind of have to understand it because in hitman you can set how opportunities work a lot of information even from a distance somewhat guided when interacting with something related or just off completely and even the easiest guided option that no one who plays the game likes is a less handholding way to approach this situation than yandere simulator the way alex talks about his fondness for the game in his videos like all the [ __ ] time makes me think that he understands what he enjoys but he doesn't even attempt to think about why it reminded me of a story about the development of outer wilds which is a game i plan to make a video on i.e i've already written the script because it's so fantastic in so many subtle ways in an insultingly basic description the game is about exploration with all these neat little planets and expanse of law that uh which was very interesting to play testers but also very overwhelming because it was difficult to understand where to fly even though generally no matter where people went they enjoyed the sense of exploration and discovery so the problem was how do we give people that feeling of discovery and the type of enjoyment that they feel without forcing them to explore possibly ruining it this by the way is what creators wake up in a cold sweat um funneling people into experiences you know that they would enjoy without being overbearing is one of the hardest things to balance especially in games intended to not have that much direction the answer was surprisingly simple and kind of genius in my own opinion they just added an extra step in the first conversation where an npc asks you what you wanted to do placing agency on the player to determine what was generally interesting to them from a varied list without actually scaling the entire game down to a checklist that felt like it had to be completed in that order and the best part is the choice doesn't do anything they're all generic and meaningless but the point was to make the play decide and then give them the opportunity to find where they wanted to go and judging by the fact i'm talking about it you can probably guess that it worked giving people vague and interesting choices got them over the first and only real hurdle after that their first discovery pretty much set them off in the whole thing and you know create their own story and the enjoyment of discovery was maintained by specifically trying to delicately adding just the tiniest bit of guidance so the player wouldn't notice which i didn't i get the feeling if this kind of idea was implemented in yandere simulator there would just be no conversations about vaguely defining each player or a museum of unique things to garner interest and give you agency making you feel like the journey you made was entirely you from your decisions and instead you spoke to someone and they told you exactly what to do and if you didn't the game crashes the game crisis a lot i should say that the yandere simulator crashes he recognized the obtuse design as a problem before but instead of designing the game to help or teach people with supplementary information if they ask for it he just made blocks of text mandatory long story short stop taking things from other games you like without understanding how they work or why they were made it looks amateuristic at best but mostly it's [ __ ] pathetic something that i couldn't criticize as a game mechanic before was uh the panty shots all i had to go on was the fact it's morally repulsive and that it raises the question whether or not yandere simulator is a game or a thinly veiled excuse for a grown man to fertilize japanese schoolgirls which is clearly such a weak argument no wonder they made it into the demo in the most genuine way i can possibly convey this information this is actually the most consistent part of his game design because of where its implementation uncomfortably exploits anime school girls i use it to exploit the game's mechanics and beat the demo in five minutes using a scheme he wants players to use when the game starts you can just run backwards behind the five gals i'm not using the japanese word i'm not a [ __ ] alex has made their panty shots worth five times the medium amendment in a second and place their spawn point behind every other student meaning in the first minutes you can have uh 25 points and you only need 20 to buy and complete the crushing scheme one of the fastest safest and easiest methods which can be completed before the first class has even started now i should put here that alex actually changed the info point mechanics on the 11th of september build where he hastily threw it together because i guess he realized no people aren't just gonna start liking it now that it says demo even his fans started criticizing it until of course alex finds their posts locks it has the mods delete all the comments provides a shitty manifesto of a response and then bans them because that's the android dev way the new system is as follows panty shots are worth five times what they used to shots from popular students which are the people i mentioned before are worth 10. a stolen phone is still worth 20 which is nice photos of students faces are now worth one and placing bugs has been changed from ten to five that's enough wait a second i somewhat commend alex for actually listening to people but he also loses all of those points by only hearing what he wanted to and not actually fixing the issue and implementing real work that changes nothing the problem with panty shots was firstly that they are extremely grotesque but also that the gameplay amplifies that and funnels you into doing them making them the fastest and most accessible way to earn points also being mandatory for certain elimination methods essentially shooting yourself in the foot if you didn't want to use them because i don't planning bugs already existed in the game but were so neglected and obtuse you can't reasonably expect people to use them the only real mention of them is in the tutorial prompt for how to earn info points in which they are mentioned no details of what to look for there's no like landmarks that show you where you could find one or any hints you just have to find them based off no information it tells you you have the bugs and that's about it even though they're also just scaled down security camera models which is finished demo guys about it right now i tried to find all the bug placements in the school using only the tutorial as my guide so no guide i found 6 out of 10 which sounds good until you learn my methodology which was fueled by desperation i just ran around the school slamming into everything waiting for the prompt to show up which is um how people don't play games because it's not fun some of the places can be deduced from general game sense even with a lack of information student cancel meeting rooms they seem that's a given sensitive information that's all good photography club they're kind of smoothie and a little bit of wild cards so knowing what they know is a valuable to weir with the weird girl in some kind of way and then there's places that you kind of have to know about beforehand like the faculty room and the headmaster's office which are off limits because one of them is just the the faculty room and the other one has a dude that wants to taste it who the [ __ ] are you that's kind of rough and then there's some as in more than one that are just relics of an old build that alex seems too lazy to remove under the table of the chemistry club why railing next to a conversation that's left over from one coconut was the test rifle meaning there's no reason to come here in normal gameplay a [ __ ] corner of the wall outside that exists for the exact same reasons uh under a sink in the shower room because if there's a perfect spot to record audio it's in an echo chamber of water being constantly blasted and finally a spot that didn't even have a button prompt for some reason uh next to the delinquents because apparently the highlights of thrasher magazine are of the utmost importance but as i was editing this video alex changed this and removed these events the bug out side has been moved all is well my critiques were unfounded and yandere simulator is a perfect game except of course it's not and him fixing it made me look a little deeper i will again for the time being ignore how strange it is to constantly patch what was supposed to be an official definitive demo which historically do not get patched often and will instead point your attention to these dates which mark the dates usana was hinted as the first rival and when bugs were implemented you would think or at least hope based off current events that the order goes like this it doesn't osana was teased as the first rival basically at the start of development and by alex's own admission in this video coconut was not intended to be anything more than a placeholder meaning that the amount of time between alex knowing this had to be removed and when it should have been removed at the latest is longer than when it was in the game so this problem was entirely created by him for no reason and fixed several years after it should have been and almost a month after the latest acceptable time see the future kids 2016's development today and now completing the objectives from that arduous journey gives you as many points as just holding scene and using the camera being able to earn points from taking normal photos that don't gross me out is a cherished benefit but the most efficient point gathering method is still panty shots by a now even wider margin because of how easy it is to do stealing phones is great and all but it's it's like bugs in the fact that it's quite obtuse to figure out and it's a massive waste of time the complaints regarding panty shots wasn't to have any alternative because that already existed and it wasn't for how long it takes to earn points the only thing this update changes the complaint was it's [ __ ] weird remove it you creep so not only are panty shots an extremely gross mechanic it's also extremely exploitable and one that offers little to no challenge in completing the demo and yet in my entire playtime it still remains the largest obstacle by far because this game wasting 10 seconds of my time actually makes me reconsider playing it as soon as you realize playing the way you want isn't viable and you just relegate yourself to using the shitty ign walkthrough that alex admits is the intended play style the game does not suddenly become a test of my mechanical skill or game knowledge it makes me question whether or not it's worth wasting my [ __ ] time up to this point the script i still haven't unlocked the debug menu which isn't to say it's hard just boring i spent several minutes following a guide but afterwards i suddenly had four whole days to do nothing and the thought of spending the next few minutes as bored as i had spent the last few was enough to make me quit perhaps there's some great treasure to be found beyond the final cut scene but if the game takes a few minutes to complete and can't elicit a single second of entertainment from me why the [ __ ] am i playing it so yeah the game's not long you can quite easily complete the demo on your first day with literally no experience possibly accidentally i killed osana in about 15 minutes on my second try five and a half in my third and under a minute of my fourth and i'd like to say that i beat the demo on my first try but i didn't because the game stopped letting me play it unfortunately the method i used to eliminate asana within a minute has been patched out so i can't say i've eliminated osana in less than a minute on the current patch which brings my best time to around five minutes which is still mighty pathetic for osana's official release but as many of you are aware i am not the only person that exists uh the reason i did the one minute strategy was to see if this video was repeatable this channel by the way is heavily watched by andro dev because the moment a new run is made he pretty immediately patches it out uh and all the circumstances that allow it to happen to which hatsune responds by doing the exact same strat but just slightly differently and i thought about saying as of the time of this recording but it doesn't matter he can fix as many bugs as he wants because these problems will always exist and even if they don't you can still eliminate osana in less than five minutes on your first day before class using an official method that isn't bugged i suppose this leads me to the greatest part of the experience which is the fact that despite this being the culmination of multiple osana delays because of bug fixes and the fact that this is supposed to be a triumph celebrating all the work that's gone into osana the official demo is actually worse than the previous builds the main positive of the demo is the fact that it has osana a tenth of the main objective that was unfortunately completable in under a minute upon release with almost no hassle because despite what alex has constantly spouted about osana she hasn't been bug tested to any acceptable degree it seems that somehow usana being added to the game has completely broken almost every aspect of the experience which is a shock to me because i didn't i didn't i definitely didn't see this coming in the slightest the official demo release may somehow have more bugs than any previous version of yandere simulator if you've been on any yellow simulator related subreddit whether it be the uh the official state endorsed one or anything else you can't have missed them being completely flooded with game breaking bugs including this treasure because i don't know [ __ ] it why should you be able to complete the demo some that i've personally experienced have been uh with some sense of brevity the game straight up crashing which is a given at this point incorrect animations incorrect models animations not being shown models not being shown models despawning on the map characters completely stopping all actions characters completely stopping all actions because of different reasons character models slowly rising while uh speeding up time characters getting trapped in walls offscreen deloading of animations and models occurring noticeably on screen and finally a bug in my first playthrough where the option to tell osana about the letter in her locker didn't show up at all completely removing my ability to use that method later while testing 720p for further on in this video like a point i loaded into a save file that was previously at 1080p and everything broke at the same time the bloom was so aggressive it was actually impossible to see through railroad broke and just ran off into the abyss never to be seen again most of the students just completely despawned entirely and that those aren't just bugs that i had they're bugs i had footage of footage by the way that totals to an hour and a half not all of that footage is even gameplay a not insignificant portion of it is just loading screens on me walking around the school aimlessly because the game bored me so much i would rather be doing anything else i know it sounds obvious coming from me i have a pretty clear bias against the game and it's creator but genuinely i wasn't trying to find bugs i was trying to do that later i was trying to record my attempts to see if eliminating osana was as brain dead and as quick as i was expecting it to time myself i wasn't doing weird combinations in the game trying to break it i was playing the game the way alex explicitly told me to and they just happen all the time for instance the model and animation deloading thing was more common than it not happening this is also the reason why i'm 100 confident saying osana was not remotely bunk tested by anyone because the way i caused this glitch multiple times was when the game finished loading the school and was fading out of white i did nothing i found it was more common if i wiggled the mouse as if i was i don't know preparing to play the game or something but it still happened a surprising amount without me touching anything even with animation and draw distance completely disabled and on different graphics settings which by the way is what i was using to benchmark the game another fun experience i've had a long-standing issue with yandere simulator somewhat because it runs horribly all the time but mostly because there's no realistic way to fix that when the other simulator starts it gives you the option to change resolution which isn't really an option if you're trying to sell the game to people that aren't his fans meaning they actually own expensive computers and aren't children people aren't really going to review this game well if they paid 2 grand for a computer a [ __ ] beast of a machine and they get told to turn the game down to 720p so they can turn on shadows people aren't happy with that the third option is graphics quality whose implementation is extremely misleading pointless and overall patently alex levels of lazy this feature feels like something from an early concept stage where is actually where it's from and probably should have stayed i've had an issue with this ever since i saw it uh but now that it's officially a demo i can now critique it as one would expect to critique any other demo which is what's gonna happen if i was a new player and i didn't understand how games used my computer's hardware by what each setting does in specific detail which is almost every human alive uh and i wasn't confident that i could play it at the highest settings i don't have that high-end hardware or i just noticed low fps in previous sessions which you know is most of us i would want to use this feature and expect it to function like graphic settings in every other game it doesn't function like every other graphic setting in other games if i was expecting that i would be solely disappointed because despite it saying graphics quality what it should say is texture quality since graphics and texture quality are different things uninterpreted differently by the end user so before i go any further it is my legal obligation to tell you what comes next is hella technical and mad [ __ ] boring now lowering text resolution is not an uncommon thing by any means it's it's just usually not the most prominent thing when adjusting graphics because it's a very yes or no kind of situation if your graphics card has more total vram than what the game's textures use you're basically fine since the usage is quite flat and if you exceed that usage it's bad consumer graphics cards come in a variety of vram sizes multiples of two mostly all modern ones are four six or eight gigs sometimes more with some lightweight laptop processors having two or less the reason many of you may not know what the [ __ ] i'm talking about is because nobody gives a [ __ ] texture quality has not been a very important like setting for a very long time and honestly the size of vram on uh cars today is a bit excessive uh they only really get that heavily used at 4k so i have no idea why it's the first graphics settings you see for some reason it still hasn't been fixed despite being in the game for years is lowering the texture quality lowers the resolution of the button prompts what buttons are these and when testing uh using a somewhat repeatable benchmark i found that my fps had dropped by about one in every single category on the lowest setting so removing the margin of error there's no difference between this uh these two runs and the texture quality changes that and nothing else which by the way is also entirely pointless because at max the game uses 3.8 gigs and dropping everything to the lowest users 3.3 which is a nominal difference at best and both settings are still below 4 gigs of vram but higher than two the game doesn't cycle textures that fast so i'm struggling to think of a reason this setting even exists so prominently i'm not even expecting it to do much there's obviously like going to be more noticeable differences between the settings if the game had more textures i.e if the game was finished but just don't have it sitting there pretending like it's doing more than it is or that like it's a graphics preset it's so [ __ ] lazy especially since the graphics that like do affect performance are rare and hidden away because asking how to increase fps gets you banned great no matter what he says deep down alex knows the game runs balling and he knows his fan base constantly has issues with it so maybe a solution to that would have been um to implement for the official demo that's supposed to make people donate to the kickstarter a transparent and forthcoming idea of how settings affect hardware games do it a lot now and it's extremely appreciated it's useful for all types of players it's always applicable like those little bars that show you how much vram each texture setting uses that's above and beyond for an indie game even just seeing whether or not the setting has low or high impact of performance in extremely general terms is still fantastic for new players or just have a [ __ ] benchmark or something you seem pretty happy making stuff in the game that that's only for videos like some games still don't have benchmarks dude death stranding doesn't and it annoys me to no end imagine having that over death stranding you could be god i know how computer parts work and how games use them and i still have to guess whether or not any of these settings do anything but no the game runs fine delete all comments post locked thread removed banned for harassment the only consistent ish way to improve the frame rate is to just brute force it and render less things in frame which is a necessary evil in some games with large draw distances but is downright insulting seeing his yandere simulator isn't doing anything at all and even then turning on shadows still ignores all precautions you've taken and just tanks the frame rate regardless all this obviously leads to the uh how did this happen other than the obvious answer of it being the culmination of everything that's happened over the last few years just to ignore that it's it's pretty obvious now that the demo build was extremely rushed and not even finished as much as alex kept saying usana was being delayed because he wanted he wanted to release her uh with the demo and for it to be noticeably different from the debug versions with more features that made it feel like a slice of the final game with osana being rigorously bug-tested the whole thing was an unpleasant mess he just kept going on about how osana was being tested in that he would he was bug fixing every elimination method remember when he said that uh and only to have the demo on release include a bug where if the framing method was used it has what looks like the wrong texture used and then it just soft locked the game under every single circumstance so despite all the testing he's done one of the major elimination methods didn't work and was extremely easy to find leading to two possibilities he lied about bug fixing to some major degree or just completely or two he did fix a large amount of bugs over the months and years he's been saying he has because the original build of osana was so broken that it was just malware i know it's option one but i really like option two and seeing as the game gets a page of bug fixes basically every day from an outsider's perspective that looks horrendously incompetent and desperate people make fun of game demos that get patched at all like they relentlessly mock them and desperate certainly is the theme to this whole release because behind the scenes alex is in a lot of trouble something you may have inferred with him seemingly using the word kickstarter more than and i glossed over it previously but the signs are everywhere in both the demo and the corresponding video pretty basic functions like changing the gender of senpai are proudly displayed only to beg you for money wow that was cool it seems that quite counter-intuitively the demo was designed to show you all the work alex can't be [ __ ] to do back to the video he shows off the new post-processing effect in an attempt to well newcomers and also hide how completely mediocre the game looks uh the vignetting is atrocious it just slathers everything with a pink glow motion blur actually made me feel sick for the first time in a game and seeing as it's disabled by default i don't know why it's here that bloom makes the game physically difficult to look at even when it's not bugged out and if like many people you have fog enabled to increase the performance of the game which is necessary uh the the sky turns pure white and makes it impossible to go outside and finally depth of field which has been added so poorly that playing in a resolution higher than the one he plays on 720p it just breaks it zooming into the character models breaks it opening the game to the main menu just blurs the title of the game and talking to another student blurs them out entirely as if the game is ashamed of the models yeah it seems like alex didn't prepare for people to play the game with different settings than him it's also not that great a look to add new graphics features that look bad and don't work then proceed to talk about the kickstarter for the 11th time in the same video asking for money as if the money he's already received has been a remotely good investment so it's obvious that he's feeling the heat now and i suppose the real question is why as previously mentioned alex needs two things to complete development people and money luckily the first need will be solved by the second unluckily it's money which binds us to society and that he he doesn't have or is reasonably able to earn the easiest solution to his problem is as he says to use the kickstarter uh the kickstarter goal of a hundred thousand dollars to practice seed money so we can then hand off development to an actual studio problem one a hundred thousand dollars is a hefty price tag it's still less than other video game kickstarters but even then they usually further in development without asking for money on patreon before a proof of concept is complete uh have a better looking product or just have good production value and respected developers on a team that can quell a potential backers fears that the team isn't experienced now imagine alex a few months ago his game should be fire and development but doesn't have much to show there's a lot of placeholders still previous builds are public and horribly unstable his video production experience is limited only uploading in 720p with audio that hasn't been treated or edited to cut out the dead air or rebalance his microphone that comes out louder in one ear even on his streams and everyone who works on the game is a volunteer meaning they're inexperienced and aren't people a backer would recognize or trust all of a sudden a hundred thousand dollars seems somewhat unlikely and the blow would be softened if you had funds tucked away from the previous use of cash flow something you would rightfully expect if you donated to his patreon unfortunately for you something that doesn't seem very clearly listed is that money over three and a half grand goes towards his development everything under goes straight to him personally meaning he hasn't set aside money for development for more than one and a half years which is like my entire career at this point so all the funds that could go towards the 100k goal were earned years ago and have probably diminished over time and if he's leaked emails to be believed he used to around thirty thousand dollars to tiny bill for breaking up their contract before he wind his way out of it also judging the fact that he has 800 steam games a second switch and impulse buyers games constantly especially new ones it's not unfair to assume he might not have the best fiscal responsibility when it comes to his own money making the prospect of giving him a hundred thousand a bit more challenging to justify it is also worth noting that despite what he says with the transparency posts and uh the fact that his personal money can be spent as as poorly as he wants because it's his personal money uh which is you know a good point in a vacuum it is worth noting that nobody's stopping him the person spending their personal money very poorly is also the person who is charged with spending development money correctly nobody else can stop him nobody can veto any decision he makes everything that he says is final he doesn't have to tell anyone about the financial stuff he's there's no management going on he's the only person with control or complete access to funds which is just it's just way too much power problem two he trapped himself with his own words but more than usual he needs a kickstarter before you know everything fizzles out and all people start to catch on but he couldn't he couldn't rush one out since if it fails he can't fall back on the fans he hammered in the idea of rosanna being released with the demo and going to kickstarter with that if he didn't do that he's directly portraying his fans and they're loyal but like i think i think that loyal so he has many many problems uh as he has had before with the difference now that every method of procrastination has been milked until death and uh every single aspect of development is now solely dependent on osana he can't go any further without developing her and implementing her under the game and she really wasn't finished all of a sudden alex can't just lays around put in the minimum effort and then just say [ __ ] it i've done mine nine to five i'm going to stream today because something he has to realize is he's not an employee he's the boss if the game is behind schedule the blame rests on his shoulders and he has to put in the overtime he's actually been forced to work under threat of people noticing he sucks at his job he streams almost every day at the same time but leading up to the demo's release he didn't stream for several days before and after almost like he was too busy or something like a responsible person unfortunately since he spent the last few weeks working hard and the last five years not doing that everything's kind of piled up so we can keep pushing out bug fixes as much as he wants the demo is going to remain unplayable for a very long time that's why osana's out now i very much doubt he's proud of this version of the game but he literally has no other choice he needs the kickstarter soon he needs it to succeed and he's trying to prop the entire thing up on a pretty unimpressive product which isn't to say it'll like fail just that the odds are stacked against it especially considering most of the people who would donate to him already are they're already on patreon that leaves very little wiggle room for extra cash before this video ends i would like to point out something just for clarity's sake and as a preemptive rebuttal to one of these fans potentially criticizing this video for being too hung up on the initial demo release with some of the things i mentioned being patched out and therefore not relevant the reason i brought them up is similar to how i explained osama the problem wasn't the fact that there were bugs and oversights in the demo it's what their blatantly obvious existence says for the future of the game's development like on the 16th build where alex made it possible to skip the rest of the week if osana was eliminated how did it take 16 days to figure that out when it's a problem you can experience in your first 10 minutes the reason why these constant bug fixes look so horrible for the game's image is because it is now increasingly apparent that alex builds and fixes the game within the realm of how he's playing it the reason kogan's bug event made it into the demo release is the same reason penny shots are and always have been the best way to earn points because it's how he plays the game aggressive depth of field above 720p he plays on 720p he doesn't care the reason rybru's immortality doesn't bother him as much as it does the rest of the player base is because he plays using schemes where rybrew is basically a pushover a female senpai that should be somewhat easy to implement even as a symbolic gesture alex wouldn't use that feature he would much rather create a fictional anime even if it adds significantly less value to the game for more work no mouse controls on the menu with strange keyboard button mapping that can't be changed he plays some gamepad so he just doesn't care which is the whole point he just doesn't care about making a game that's fun for the players because he has fun playing the game in the only viable way and if that niche idea isn't rewarding for you tough luck maybe try giving him some more money so he develops the game properly alex is basically just creating his own little fantasy thing where he just adds things he wants without trying to make the game fun for others it's why there are countless things taken from anime games and movies he likes but still randomly flip-flops between the game being serious and the shonen anime while also struggling to make crouching useful in a stealth game he just has no idea what he's doing desperately trying to reach the end goal without building the foundation making the whole experience unpleasant and strange even for me someone who understands the game's development i mean honestly to end this review the best way i could put it is that the game is horribly unfun for me and it's being developed with such little direct intention i don't know what part of the game is supposed to be fun i don't think alex knows that he has fun and that's all that matters to him so yeah like a like a two out of ten so far that's my coverage of the game itself and seeing as there is a possible hate and shame too around the corner i might have to dust off the gloves once again seeing as this video was surprisingly long while basically only being about the game itself and the development so uh back to the actual video where i'm what my face isn't and that's it for me um my script is done i have nothing more to say uh thanks for rich for the sponsorship uh it makes it seem like they're they're my only sponsor but i only release one video a month so that's unfortunate um thanks for the fellas for supporting me i actually want to get videos up specifically just for them uh like like like update videos which may be coming soon so if you're interested in that join with the membership thing below but i wouldn't get too excited about it because uh my com my computer's currently a little not functional and i don't know when that's going to be hopefully soon because i want to edit this video and apart from that oh yeah by my merch um subscribe if you're interested in the the nissium book review that i was doing before this [ __ ] crash landed down on me and ruined my life uh all the outer wilds video that i've already completed and i'm waiting on some stuff the script i've completed the script i should say um yeah this took a lot out of me this is this is all one sitting and it's i've been recording for an hour of one hour and 40 minutes of what appears to be constant talking so i think i'm done i'm gonna go cry now or maybe i'll just be asleep i'm if i can cry while being asleep i'm gonna go do that all right see ya [Music] you
Channel: Kappa Kaiju
Views: 2,006,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kappa, Kaiju, commentary
Id: xvl53vTArYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 29sec (3209 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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