Discover Your Identity - Nouman Ali Khan - Bayyinah

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He is pretty relaxing and his points are valid.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MortaLPortaL ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 21 2014 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
well either I'm nada in Sarnia Robo wanna be Jenny be welder massage are broken a yahooza cool cool a manual a shakeela T Faribault con la women who wa da Sibylla voice hello Monica a Negro holy low home in and yacht be women routine to me Nanami in kalila rubbish ah miss Audrey Wesley MD warlock Tottenville Assadi of Kali hamdulillah salat wa salam ala rasoolillah holly he was a eh - cinematic morocco by ricardo so inshallah in this brief reminder i want to share with you some Talmud add some reflections from three ayat that belong to salat al Assad this is the seventeenth surah and these are ayat number 83 84 and 85 allah azza wajal says whether an am NOT an ensign when we shower favor on to the human being Adam that the human being ignores it deliberately ignores it the suggestion here is that when human beings are given lots of gifts by Allah human beings start becoming deluded into thinking somehow they deserve them or they are entitled to them or this is because of their own doing or their own accomplishments or their own capability so they completely ignore the fact that these are favours they actually start thinking they own them or they're entitled to them in one way or the other when I be Johnny be he and he turns away to his side in other words this is kind of a let me give you an English translation an American English translation of not be Johnny be he okay that's not a began to be he okay so this guy when somebody says Allah has given you a lot of favor huh that's literally captured in language okay that's what he does so he Huff's and puffs about the things that Allah has given and dismisses the idea that this is somehow a divine gift well either Mustapha Shelly but and when harm touches him when harm had sent gana yahooza he becomes altogether depressed full of sadness Allah has done this to me why am I being put through this what I do to deserve this when good happens I deserved it and it was my doing but when that happens it wasn't my doing it's a large doing it led did this to me ganya osa this twisted mind of his on a sidenote what's really remarkable about this ayah is actually a lesson in a dub a lesson in etiquette and how we not only to think about allah but even how we talk about allah and obviously you all know that speech the way a person speaks is a manifestation of how they think right so when when favor is mentioned allah says witha and nam nam a little inside this is the past tense and I'm not who's the doer what's the fire in Libya most at a rate that lead over what Mac no it's Allah we shower him but when it says whether must sell who shall rule when favor is mentioned then the doer the subject of the verb is Allah when we shower him with favor when harm had same Allah says Moosa who a mess up and the outside doer the fire is a shell rule when harm hits him when harm touches him in other words Allah did not associate himself with harm okay so Allah did not say when me make harm touch him or we afflict him with harm he didn't do that he didn't associate harm to himself and this is actually teaching us something a very deep concept in our religion about harm and benefit in this world at the end of the day what's our belief everything is from Allah when someone gets sick is from Allah when someone gets better it's from Allah that's our belief nothing happens except for the will of Allah but that doesn't mean that we get to talk about it like that even though that's the reality there supposed to be a certain level of respect why is that and yet if it's truth its truth you should just be able to say it why coated with formality this is also an important lesson Allah teaches us in a way that is suitable for all human beings you see a mature student a mature believer they know that when good happens there's good in it and when that bad happens and also good in it and all of it is a test this is a mature believer but anyone short of being mature anyone that's not that mature in their faith then when bad happens and you say it's from Allah how did they think of it literally as Allah did something bad and he means something bad by it like they cannot process anything more mature than right so Allah reveals language that for someone who's deeply going to reflect will also understand but somebody who just looks at it on the surface level can still appreciate and not get the wrong conclusion harm touched him Allah did not say won't harm Allah harmed him Allah didn't say it like that because for the image just listening to that he just get messed up and he's actually correcting the immature by saying way that Massa who shot gallo so when harm touches him he becomes entirely depressed he becomes overwhelmed yet who's actually feral this is from yes is as mobile aha extremely depressed you know there are some people who are used to success they're used to just getting 100 they're used to winning every race they're used to winning every game they're used to being number one and everything you know they're used to getting their parents to listen to everything they say etc etc then one time they don't get their way what happens to those kinds of people those are the kinds of people in life that have a really hard time dealing with failure or dealing with loss or dealing with the challenge people that take the hits all the time like the fourth kid or fifth kid or something in a family it's all good or the youngest one you know youngest kids like you know I am afraid for my youngest one because you know she can get away with pretty much anything you know because at the time by the time you get to the youngest age then you know for some reason the policing of your parents just I don't know where it goes like I tell my mother and father that about my younger sister they were tough on us but my son my younger sister gets away with nothing mom weapon wait this was not policy with us how she getting no chhotya tan hello like she sold it all is that all yeah so what happens with people they get spoiled favors can spoil someone and so when a little bit has taken away they become entirely depressed entirely depressed now this lesson that Allah teaches us you know about favor and being you no harm touching you all of us in this dunya have been given a limited number of nama and a limited number of shot right on the one hand Allah has decided what our risk is going to be our risk our provision includes our money but it also as our friends it includes our life our families our bisque you know our knowledge is at risk the people who teach us is our others the people who learn from asanas our children are honest everything every good you have in your life is basically illness and you have a set you don't have an unlimited amount of this stuff where do you get the unlimited stuff you get that in general here there's a limited supply of what you're going to get it's written for you then on top of that there's a limited number of challenges that you're going to face in this life Allah is not going to give you any more that are any less than what he's written for you that's it it's declared this is what your lot and life is now if you internalize that then your challenges and your opportunities if you put in those language in that language that your challenges and your opportunities are not the same as my challenges and my opportunities okay they're not the same and sometimes a lot opens a door of opportunity but you refuse to walk through it like he opened it and you could have reaped a lot of reward from it but you chose to not walk through it and then you end up suffering and then you end up blaming Allah instead so now if this is the case everyone has a different lot in life everyone has a different set of challenges a different set of opportunities then the question arises why why not all of us have the same thing - why not all of us have the same set of challenges make it consistent the next ayah answers that question well yes he says well cool lugar Malala shockula t he tell them let everyone work everyone should work Gulen Yama who actually means everyone should try to work when Amma body becomes a CIPA it's actually in the meaning of trying to do something everybody should try to work on their shakeela now what is shockula shekel in Arabic is form shekel is the appearance of something and the mold of something okay you can even say the shape of something is Chocula in a figurative sense you can call it I'll use psychological terminology now your predisposition your pre-programmed a certain way you know some people have a sense of humors and people are very serious some people are oriented towards science other to literature some are very artistic you know some are you know they have a hard time figuring out what they are but they're you know what they know how to have a good time you know there are people with different personalities different shocky dot you can say Allah says everybody first of all recognize what Allah has given you what kind of personality Allah has given you and then work in accordance with that in other words shakeela you see that Tama Huata at the end makes it actually a murderer meaning an instant an individual thing not two people have the same shock Allah Allah made personality is very very very different and everybody should try to figure out what their personalities like as much as they can and then in accordance with that figure out what is the most they can make of their opportunities one of the most they can and what are the challenges in their personality what are some shortcomings they have and how can they overcome them this is actually a very powerful concept at the individual level but it's so powerful that Allah another place in the Quran even describes this at the level of Nations you know one of the names for nations in the Quran agenda comes Ruben acaba Allah Lita era foo she Ruben comes from door shop or sharaba in old Arabic which actually means a dent or a crack in a wall an imperfection is a shop it's an imperfection as if to say every nation has some some good qualities but some quirks and nations have to get to know each other so they learn from each other strengths because one nation strength is another nation's weakness and one nation's weakness is another nation's strength in my culture there are some things that are really bad I should learn from another nation like a family they see our dietary habits are really bad so maybe I should learn from another nation has much healthier eating practices Oh seventy year olds go jogging you know where our 40 year olds are on a cane you know so maybe there's something wrong with our culture that we can learn from another culture that's at the level of nations even but even at the level of an individual if someone is able to recognize their weaknesses then they're able to make connections make friends also you know put themselves around people that turn that that cover for that weakness that they recognize that weakness and they cover for that weakness you see if you surround yourself with people that have the same weaknesses as you if the same problem as you like if you have a terrible sense of humor you have no restrictions on your sense of humor and you become friends with other people who also have no breaks in their sense of humor not very good things will come out of that relationship maybe someone in this relationship should have what some some some sense of okay guys that's enough let's cut it out you see what I'm saying somebody has to be there and but if by the way if everybody is super serious and all your your series and all your friends are something that's a very depressing life you need somebody to stir things up well cool new yarn lanois - a cookie now in terms of Deen in terms of what Allah wants you to do with your life everybody should instead of complaining or you only get happy when good things happen and you get super depressed when bad things happen the reality of it is each of you will have your share of good and bad in this world and you need to make the most of it given your personality given your Shakira forum become another movie man who does Sabena then your master knows who was more guided in terms of a path you know and he didn't say SMB later he said Seville and he made it actually this is a Tamizh of it in terms of a path suggesting that each one of us will have a course depending on our shockula now which raises another question where did these different personalities come from how come we have from personnel you know in psychology studies they studied genetic twins ones favorite color is blue and the others favorite color is purple and they're like we can't figure this out genetically they're the same they're you know cuz some said you'll be your personality is a product of your genes and your environment right nature and nurture but then they can't figure out these cases where the nature is the same genetically they're the same and they're brought up in what same household so their nature is the same in their nurture is the same but this guy likes bicycles and that that guy likes boats or whatever you know this one's into sports and that one's in to chess and they can't figure this out you know genetic twins how can they do this Allah is that which it actually answers this question and he says there is something mysterious about you what's going on inside you the next is Wes adhunik on Yahoo he or the roof woman I'm little B they ask you about the rooh the essence of the human being by the way ruh-roh interesting word in Arabic associated with lower like far out on what I had joy pleasure contentment satisfaction there is something inside of us that is the source of our happiness is the source of our contentment and it's distinct to each and every one of us we can only know very little about it Allah says they ask you about the lore tell them that all has from the command of my master main umbrella be you know Shah will you let the Henry like him Allah used to argue that there are two worlds of Allah's doings there's a eylem will Hulk and eylem will Amory and I will hunt the world of creation and the world of command and what he meant by that is that Allah created this universe of physical universe in which there are certain laws that govern it it's dictated by time for instance when you plant a seed in the ground it doesn't just pop up into a tree right there's a process by which it turns into a tree a baby doesn't just turn into a man overnight or a woman overnight there's a process there's a time and this is the world of Allah made things with Dada Raj in the world of Hulk there's a process and progression in the world of clunk but there's the item of an anvil there's the world of Amer where Allah commands something and it comes into full formation to perfection when instantaneously like the angels are from what I love a number the rooh is from what I remember the Quran is from Allah mad humble right so there's this unseen world where things happen there first of all not limited by time like we think of time they're not limited by distance like we think of distance they're not limited by process like we think of process and said it's its own entity that the world of Allah would be a merabh Allah which is why you know the when allah is mentioned in dhamma Amuro who either are Adan and Yahoo Yahoo kun fire cumin hisses Amer he gives the Ummah that it should be it comes into existence immediately it happens immediately that's the world of Allah's Amer so and these two worlds seem to be separate most of the time in us as human beings we actually have our physical growth is from animal Hulk and our spiritual entity belongs to Adam Lambert profits are lehem salatu wassalam are teaching people but their teachings come from where Adam and their the miracles that they're given which break Adam will Hulk because they belong to eylem and right so the fire stops burning in Ibrahim Ali sobs case that's from the under now Allah is saying that your rule what something inside you belong stardom and honor for the Roku min amri rugby it's from the Ummah of my robe and how much do we know about angels how much do we really know about you know the world of Amer not much you know we can have some idea that whatever Allah tells us we can have otherwise it's entirely unseen and unexperienced to us so actually what we're learning then is there is something inside of us inside of you and inside of me that is the essence of my personality and yet I know about it very little well multi-tone Mina tell me in Lolita you have been given about knowledge from within its knowledge with knowledge itself very very little there is something inside us so powerful that we can't even know it ourselves now think about this in retrospect you know the human brain the physical brain this is not a rule this is just some gray matter and some electrical signals going off between microscopic cells over here this stuff how much do you know neuroscientists know about the brain after all this research they tend to say we know almost nothing we're only beginning to scratch the surface and that's within our level of what a lahar so how are we going to know anything really about Hanuman amber the rule so while Allah is teaching us then is that we have to go on this expedition when you work towards your predisposition you will discover more about yourself you will not discover who you are until you put yourself to work and this is the lesson I want to leave you with young people nowadays especially young people nowadays say I don't know what I should do not tell me what I should do what should i major in what kind of job should I do and they don't do anything and they get 30 bits of advice from someone then they go to someone else and get another 40 bits of advice then they go to someone else I get another 50 some advice and have all this advice from all these people who say well I asked a hundred people and I got a hundred different kinds of advice yes that's because you asked a hundred people and you got a hundred different kinds of advice because human beings are individuals they're going to give you individual advice until you put yourself to work you're not going to discover who you are you're not going to know your strengths and you're not going to know your weaknesses stop being afraid of work stop being afraid of jumping in trying something failing failure is good for you it exposes the holes in the wall it exposes what you need to work on it also exposes the few things that you are good at and maybe you should refine them even more but that does not happen until you grind it out until you throw yourself in the middle in the mix you know I'd like you to think of the fact that you know our office from eylem a ton but this life that Allah gave us here in which we can put ourselves to work and discover ourselves is not an unlimited life is it so between coming of age and sleep and then old age where you pretty much become senile we don't have a lot of years to figure ourselves out to put ourselves to work so don't be afraid to try things Allah has given us this incredible adventure in the world don't be scared to try stuff try it I mean the fact that you've taken the adventure to try to learn Arabic is cool but that's just the beginning try things in business try things in your education try things in you know try a different kind of job try things and if you live your life just afraid I'm not sure if it's going to work or not I'm not sure if it's I'm going to succeed at that or not those are the kinds of people that will only sit on the sidelines and not do anything in life you know you have to stop being afraid of failure you have to work on your shockula you just you have to let go of that inhibition and once you let go of it amazing things will happen in your life when you stop being depressed about failures you know my favorite student I've taught you know dreams been around for now fine you guys are your number 5 it's you guys are year number five one of my favorite students of all time I'm not going to name him you know what his problem was a lock read I say I'll uh created him not to learn Arabic that's what I say about him he's my favorite student I love him to death this guy no matter how hot and he studied harder than anyone else I know day in day out he's sitting in class breaks everybody else's playing ping pong or slapping each other he's studying people are taking lunch breaks he's studying he's buried in the notes he's buried in review he's always asking questions studying studying study he's got piles and piles of notebooks that are filled up with his notes and get another one and another one and another one his hands starting to hurt no I'm not going to use a laptop because that's for lazy people I'm going to study and he's one of my close friends he and I used to hang out a lot before I was like hey why don't you come learn America yeah I'll do it and he jumps in and then now during the year I call him hey you want to go hang out get some pizza or something no bro I got a study I'm his teacher during the day and at night I'm taking he want to go hang out no bro I got a study thanks a lot click and he on so many exams failed miserably failed miserably but I don't feel bad for him at all that is effort worth doing then there are people who did not apply themselves and got easy hundreds and I'm I don't first of all I don't even think it was worth their time the education they received and I don't respect what they did I respect what he did he's I'm going to try something and I'm gonna give it my best I'm not going to run at the first sign of failure I'm not just going to walk away and just do something else you know where this is idea that even the line of work you're going to do the career the pursuit you're going to make the efforts you're going to make so long as you find them enjoyable you should do it the moment you have a boring day or two you should be like I need to do something else I'm going to move on to something else really really this is not Genda you have good days and bad days this life is like that when shower favors are being showered everything happy I'm perfect this is the way I need to be and the moment things don't go your way God is ah become super depressed I don't know if this is the thing for me I don't know if I should even be doing this it happens to students they feel one test or no no not feel sorry I got a 95 stocked with a lot of Liam how will you show your face to your parents who will marry you now that you have a 95 you know I don't know if I should drop out now because it's not even worth it anymore oh are you serious puts you know get a little gross spine grow a spine and grow a thick skin put you apply yourself in whatever you do in whatever you do and this is not just about your studies at the program I dream this is beyond that in life have that attitude whatever you jump into really dive in dive in dive walden yes seek counsel but don't over seek counsel don't keep getting advice and getting advice and getting advice and not doing anything you know you have a few people in your life you can trust and sometimes some people you know they like to get into this habit where they like to get advice from people they know they're going to get two different answers because they live off of the confusion they feed off of it they use that as a scapegoat to not do anything well he said this but you said this and they wait for you to say something and said but he said this you could have told me that before I told you anything but you know what seek advice but seek advice with a purpose and seek advice with some trust you shouldn't just ask random people by the way if you're seeking contradictory advice from people you know what that says that says first of all you have no confidence number one and number two it says you don't trust people you don't trust them why are you asking their advice if you want an alternative opinion you don't have to take everybody's opinion you don't have to take my opinion or share for more so they bonds opinion or shareholder laws recipe or anybody's opinion for that matter you consider their opinion and you make your own judgment but once you make your own judgment phase and when you make a decision fatah Quran Allah clustal I move on with life trust Allah this is how you get to discover yourself and that's actually a very important lesson in life that Muslims all of you have to internalize and inshallah Lila great things will come for you in life and for the benefit of others in your life if you internalize this barakallahu li walakum Quran of Hakeem whenever anybody Akuma diet with the clucking Salam o aleikum wa rahmatullah wa laqad
Channel: Bayyinah Institute
Views: 795,954
Rating: 4.9532571 out of 5
Keywords: Nouman Ali Khan, Arabic, Quran, Islam, Bayyinah, Bayyinah TV, Bayyinah Institute, Koran, Islamic, Education, Muslim, islam, muhammad, muslim, Nouman Ali Khan (Person)
Id: tV4LiyUwSbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 04 2014
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