A Quranic Lesson in Religious Psychology - Khutbah by Nouman Ali Khan

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Robuchon is Audrey we are silly Emily woo hoo knock that amid listening of Touhou Kony allahumma thabbit'na in del Monte villa ilaha illa Allah WA Chinaman and Adina I will slowly hurt what I was over not what I was on the sub I mean you're behind I mean I have two agendas for the hot bath today one I wanted to talk about an ayah that belongs to certain Baqarah for a very particular reason given the occasion of Ramadan but before that I wanted to share with you just a small bit of encouragement as the month of Ramadan comes to a close 2/3 of it is already over we are approaching the last 10 nights and I wanted to actually first of all acknowledge that there are two kinds of audiences in the Gemara and also at large in the Muslim community there are those that are very motivated to do worship they take extra measures to make the most of Ramadan and even they start running out of energy you know 20 days in and the the kind of enthusiasm that was there to make it to the much it to pray to pray in Jemile or to recite more Quran it starts you the fuel starts running out a little bit and that's understandable and a lot of times to encourage that group of people were told of the following of Ramadan how the Prophet sallallahu wasallam encouraged these extra acts of worship how we're supposed to find the last you know little puddle in the last 10 nights and all of these things which are all very valid and powerful and beautiful things but there's another audience there's another audience of Muslims a very large population of Muslims that is so far from the religion of Allah that for them to even give up alcohol in the month of Ramadan is a big deal they're that far away from Allah so each other and many of those people belong in your families many of those people are cousins or friends of yours that are just really really far from the deen of allah this is the month that allah revealed a word of his that transformed the entire world so don't underestimate the power of change that the quran is capable of and that is capable that is possible inside of this month so as we approach these last 10 days the one thing i want to remind all of you of those of you that are eager to make the most of it yes in inshallah do increase your recitation do increase your acceleration make more dawn in these last 10 days try to find the energy and motivate yourself but equally important reach out to people your own circles that have been that you know have been far away from Dean and even if you're not going to preach to them or give them a hot Bauer what's up them a video or something just to have a kind word with them just to invite them over for an iftar just once and just a just to have them see you pray even if you don't tell them to pray just the fact that they got to see you pray that's a responsibility we have as Muslims is to actually soft in the hearts of other Muslims instead of increasing our harshness towards them or our frustration towards them or worse yet just to give up on them this is the time where allah azza wajal would not give up on a people that were lost in for thousands of years that had taken his gaba and surrounded by idols and Allah has opened them Allah has hope in them two-thirds of the Quran is revealed on to them directly the Quraish and most of them haven't even budged from their position as a matter of fact they've become more aggressive in their position and yet Allah does not punish them yet he still gives them more opportunity so this is a book and this is a master this is a Rob who is extremely merciful when he says a man or animal Quran we learned that the sharing of the Quran is actually inspired by one of the most powerful names of Allah the name that is full of love mercy and care and that's what we're supposed to do we're supposed to be able to be ambassadors of this loving caring God this this al Rahman to others especially starting with our own Muslim families our own cousins our own extended you know relatives you know friends colleagues people like that so this is a time for you to do that inshallah who tada and I pray that Allah so much of softens the hearts of the Muslims and brings them back towards his book and the sunnah of his messenger salallahu alayhi wasalam in any case Ramadan is a time also where Allah Azza WA JAL decided to reveal some very timeless guidance that will that that is relevant especially for a religious community you know people who follow our practice or religion they have their own kind of psychology as a matter of fact it's even studied in Western universities under the title of religious psychology now and there is quite a bit of religious psychology in the Quran especially highlighting the behavior of the nation that was given religion for millennia for thousands of years before us the Israelites the children of his life allarakha describes a lot of the different diseases that they suffered from psychological spiritual intellectual diseases and we're told about those diseases so we avoid them one such disease that I want to highlight to you that we're supposed to be mindful of is that a person can be very religious in their rituals so they're extremely practicing when it comes to their prayer when it comes to the recitation when it comes to their fasting when it comes to their observance of halal food and Haram food they're extremely extremely strict and they're very observing but when it comes to financial matters business dealings when it comes to loans when it comes to you know partnerships these are the kinds of things in which you find a completely different personality the same guy the same woman who's extremely observing in many rituals of worship they're extremely religious from the appearance of things and from the by that side of things but when you look at their Mohammed their dealings with people especially financial dealings it's a completely different story it's the same guy who's reciting Quran with perfect edge weed and then the guy who he owes money to is calling him and he's sending them to voicemail right there's it there's a kind of a schizophrenia going on here there's a dual personality going on in which you observe the law and you want to please Allah through you know worship and you want to please Allah through Roma Bahn but you don't want to please Allah by fixing your money matters and so what Allah does in certain Baqarah as these six ayat these egg or seven even I ought from like 180 to 186 this passage that's dedicated to the Salama bond the immediate next instruction right after Roma Bahn after all the ayat of Ramadan are done the immediate next instruction is the ayah I recited before you allah azza wajal says wahdahu lu and wallah kumbaya kumbaya balton what to do lu b ha ll eat a kudu for a commoner Benham while in a civil ism what anthem tiger moon a rough translation is difficult but I'll try anyway don't Allah says to the Muslim community don't consume your monies among each other using falsehood or without purpose there's two implications that will bottom what to do do bhai it'll become and don't use these monies to draw in enter real in using those monies the rulers meaning judges and things like that don't corrupt them using your money that's one implication lead a cool off ID come in my lane massive in ISM so you end up consuming a huge chunk a separated chunk from among the people's money public funds if you will sinfully well anthem down the moon and you well know this ayah actually has a progression of corruption it starts with some basic level of corruption and it progresses and progresses until it gets to a level of corruption that can even destroy an entire society so I wanted to actually highlight this to you because in the sequence of the ayat of the Quran first Allah talked about Ramadan then there's the strange ayah this talks about finances out of nowhere and then the next ayah is actually about hedge yes aloo naka and an annular Hilda will hear Bobby Tolan se well hedge it's actually about the Hajj so two of the major pillars of our religion Roma Bahn and Hajj are there and in between them is this thing about take care of your money matters why is that important the first of all understand the sequencing some things about the sequencing Ramadan is supposed to build in you our consciousness of Allah a presence of Allah in your life that's what Ramadan is supposed to do and if you recognize that taqwa of Allah you protect yourself from making Allah and happy then you won't just have taqwa of Allah when you're fasting or when you're you know when you're praying or when you're inside the Masjid you will have taqwa of Allah when you do business that's what will actually extend just like our fasting extends to everything you do throughout the day it's actually a training that that consciousness of Allah just like that hunger and that thirst extends the entire day that taqwa of Allah should extend the entire all of all of your activities especially financial ones and then as you've cleaned up your money and you're no longer consuming or spending corrupt money now is time to talk for you to talk about going to Hajj because you shouldn't be going to Hajj with corrupt money and by the way that's another psychological disease there are people who have no shame earning shady money and then going to Hajj every year they have no shame making money out of clearly Haram sources or swindling other people or holding back from making their payments or whatever else and then they want to wipe the slate clean by going to Hajj Eliza which I was commenting on this corruption and is saying Ramadan is supposed to transform you in every sense not just the spiritual sense it's supposed to transform you in the ethical sense in the moral sense now a little dig a deeper dig inside of this ayah Allah my Allah combine our humble bottom there's a duality that even wash or imam arrazi others also recognized about this ayah because when it literally translates don't consume your own monies don't eat your own money's first of all with money you don't think about eating you think about spending not on people I'm one of them right but Allah says that Akaka know this disattach me here there's actually an imagery being drawn here and it picks up from what we just heard the ayat right before I just told you are about what Ramadan in which we don't eat and so speaking of not eating don't eat each other's monies either just like you're not eating as I tell you not to eat it's time for you not to eat each other's monies and by the way eating is only done when you have an appetite so the idea of greed being parallel with hunger like human beings want more money for themselves and actually the the desire for money and greed is actually even more powerful than hunger because people want more money even when their stomach is full even when they have a house even when they have a car even when everything is taken care of you still want more the hills doesn't stop that the greed doesn't stop so luck compares it to an unsaturated unfulfilled kind of hunger and then he says my Lacombe your own monies there's a very powerful statement because it has again a duality meeting Allah could be talking about my own money the money I have in my bank or the money that I have in my savings or my property you could be talking to me about my own funds and he's also talking about the money that we share as a community meaning just like you are protective of your own wealth you're supposed to be protective of the wealth of others as well because this OMA this believing OMA is actually omote and wahida it's one single ummah a soul also a Salaam will describe it catch a set like a single body so when you think about cheating somebody else out of their money it's like you're cheating yourself it's like cheating yourself and that's why a title is used for example when Muslims fight each other the the verb Jews in the Quran is their finding themselves it's a stupid as fighting yourself so cheating another believer is literally cheating yourself that's the mentality we're supposed to develop we're supposed to be as protective of the wealth of the other as we are of our own wealth and that's the expression of why Laocoon by in aquamobile mountain now among you using false and lots understand that the word bottle can mean two things bottle is the opposite of the Arabic word huck could mean falsehood so John Huck was a cobalt in the bottle kind of the hookah Quran uses the word bottle in the sense of Lies or falsehood but the Quran also uses hacking bottle in the sense of purpose and lack of purpose so Hanukkah Sumati will end up in hell Allah created the skies and the earth with purpose the word used there is baltic as a matter of fact when the believer realizes that the entire universe has been created for purpose the believer turns to align the Quran in Savanna muhahahahaha balton you didn't create this purposelessly so the word battle refers to two things on the one hand it refers to falsehood on the other hand refers to purposelessness uselessness now let's look at both implications the first implication is don't eat each other's money using lies falsehood corruption cheating don't tell someone you will deliver the product and you have no intention of delivering the product don't get the don't agree that this price and then not pray that price you'll become a contractor and say yeah I can finish this house or I can finish this room this is the budget no problem will be done in two weeks and then it will be done in six months and you know there were some things I didn't realize that the price is quadrupled this is mountain this is you know this is corruption but there's another dimension that's obvious right don't be corrupt with each other in your dealings and don't eat each other's money using false so this this kind of thing I've spoken to you especially in this congregation about before but the other implication of Alton is purposelessness don't eat up each other's money's on things that have no purpose don't squander and waste wealth that's actually also a great source of corruption in society the mudra Fein in the Quran the people of excessive wealth are described as having spending on things that have no purpose and you know when a society makes my above the beer sustenance level like they make more money than they need to survive and they have extra savings then the mind starts spinning what more can I spend on right and you start spending on frivolous things useless things at the top of that list is things like entertainment you start spending more and more money on entertaining yourself like people going to expensive concerts or like you know going to like you know exotic theme parks and things like that or whatever it is right or I want to go on a trip to Disney World or I want to see Hollywood myself or whatever you know these kinds of things or you're just addicted to movie after movie you're just paying you know money on top of money on top of money to watch more and more and more and more now when that happens you you think oh what's the big deal I'm just entertaining myself but actually you're supporting an entire industry that creates corruption right that creates purposelessness and feeds purposelessness the rest of society you actually become part of that industry as a consumer of that industry and as a heavy consumer of that industry I would add that you're actually a supporter of that industry you become part of that industry and that creates bothell in society falsehood in society if our young kids for example are spending 16 hours you know 8 8 10 16 hours on a video game immersed completely you know they get lost in that world and that you know the mind is a is a crazy thing especially a young mind when they're immersed in that kind of entertainment all the time this is the kind of young mind that has no time to think banana haahah violin my rub you didn't create this without purpose they don't look at the sky and the tree outside and ponder and reflect they're no longer capable of that because all of their intellectual capacity is spent on getting a hundred percent synchronization in some game are earning a trophy or being ranked number one online or whatever it is that's where all the all the capacity goes so on though there's two implications here one don't be corrupt and eat each other's money and two is don't spend money wastefully and these two things are actually hand-in-hand because when enough of a society becomes absorbed in wasteful spending that actually means they're self-absorbed they're self-absorbed and when enough of a society is self-absorbed then corruption can happen all around them and they won't raise a finger they won't ever raise their voice because they've already been turned into zombies these two things actually go hand in hand so you'll find horrible levels of political economic and social corruption taking place in our societies you might even get the news feed or you might get people saying sign this petition or this or that or the other but then you're like ah but I was watching a video with cats playing a piano so I'm gonna go back to that you're you're you can't you can't invest yourself now in standing up for help because you're too engrossed in battle in purposelessness so you know falsehood spreads when purposelessness spreads these two things are interconnected anyway a larger budget now takes the next level what's the next level of corruption that takes place in a society it's such a such a progressive IO subhanAllah lotta Kulu and while a combined approval button what to do o be highly hukum and in doing so that the second lies that mentioned so it becomes a kind of bayon so toodaloo I will explain the Arabic word for to you first and it lies in Arabic is actually from done that means a bucket and a bucket is filled with water and it's slowly pulled up and buckets were also used for you know trapping animals so you put a carrot or something inside a bucket you've got a rope and the animal comes close to it and you slowly pull the bucket and the animals kind of really moving from its position this is the imagery of trapping someone or getting someone to move from their position drawing them and attracting them Allah says don't use these false money's these wasted monies and also these monies earned from corrupt means to draw in rulers to do behind accom don't use these monies you know by means of them you draw closer to the rulers okay now what is this rulers it's not just referring to governors and judges even though that's the case okay it's think things are okay no that's okay that's okay be patient so I'll have to worry about by the way just on a side note children are gonna cry that's a normal part of life so don't be angry at the parent or for them to be here Russell ooh lalala where I said I'm used to hear children cry while he was leading the prayer and used to shorten his prayer instead of get and then he didn't finish the prayer and give a football about keep your children at home he didn't do that so it's okay and we shouldn't get upset at kids when they cry or when they make noise and so we should all learn to be patient about that and that's from the Sunnah of our messenger so allah are using them in any case well to Looby ha ha calm don't draw rulers in meaning don't use money to seduce those who are going to judge over you sometimes that judge is not just a Supreme Court judge or a civil court judge or a trial judge or something sometimes this is also a family member who's going to make judgment between people he's a Hakim also sometimes somebody's gonna do an arbitration between two parties he's a hawk him also and you kind of butter him up from the side a little bit or he says well I have to make a judgment you know two brothers are having an argument one of them is a millionaire and the other one works on minimum wage and you're supposed to make the judgment between them like I don't think I should go against the millionaire because I was hoping he'd helped me out later if I go against him then later on he's not gonna like me very much and he's going to actually invite you over for dinner and say hey so you know what are you thinking and you're eating at his expensive you know dining table and you're eating the exotic food and thinking I probably shouldn't mess with this guy the other guy I mean you know what's he gonna do you know so when you're in a position and even passing your opinion you sometimes just you giving your opinion you're in a position of a hacking but at the highest levels this can be this can be meant for governments you know rulers that's why even in the United States you have laws about lobbyists right and how they can't there's only so much they can do and how many politicians get in trouble for gifts they receive this is literally the expression in the Quran toodaloo bhai who come you just draw in rulers towards yourselves reel them in towards yourselves using money the ultimate form of corruption Lita Kula deacon minam wada nos Oh strange language in the Quran beautifully strange he says so you can consume if broken-off faction a broken-off piece from the monies of people Allah could have said helpful minimally nos will save a minimal in us you know Jose an minimal illness a portion has many words in Arabic Allah chose the word Fariq Lita cool funny Camino Montana's bill even the word fatigue suggests something that is you know separated completely in other words using policy using government using judgment using the law you manipulate those who can't help themselves and you completely cut them off from the money that they were entitled to so that they can't ever touch it again it's actually if Alec Lebanon will be not one Ian we live that guru for ecology minim while it does and this is the monies of the people suggesting that the corruption isn't just about two people having an argument eventually this thing grows enough that you have corrupt businesses that can then seduce governments and then by seducing the government's they can get discounts subsidiaries they can get a tax advantages and things those tax advantages those savings that these billion-dollar corporations get who are they taking the money from they're taking the money from the people they're actually bleeding the people that's what they're doing and nobody sees it it's all done behind closed doors but it's actually people that are being bled dry their tax monies are being taken and so this what seems like a very basic statement from thousands of years ago in the Quran is still extremely applicable the takuna funny come in and what an ass evil if I'm using using you know in sinful ways if them actually from Assam means a penalty meaning they're doing so in a way that will cost them a great penalty and this is worthy of a terrible penalty belief quantum Tala moon and you very well know you're very well aware of what you're doing in this one brief ayah Allah Azza WA JAL has actually given us a very powerful set of instructions and so I want to on the one hand not just bash corrupt businesses and governments that are in the billions I want to start with ourselves ourselves we have issues we number one we have to you know change the way we do business with each other we have to change the way we conduct our money matters those of you that have jobs that are being paid to provide a particular service be honest at your job provide the service you promise that you'll provide those of you that are in businesses like the construction business or you run a car mechanic thing or whatever else you are constant you constantly have an opportunity to shortchange your customer to tell them they need a new transmission when they all they needed was an oil change to tell them that their entire you know their their the houses foundation is gone you need a new foundation while all they needed was a new plan would on the side you can do that because they'll believe you they'll believe you you're constantly in a position to eat people's money using falsehood that's the first thing that we have to now become aware of because if you haven't learned that then there was no point to this Ramadhan there was no point in praying and fasting and making dua to Allah nothing about the way your greed hasn't been taken away you could control your hunger you can control your thirst which you couldn't control your hunger for money you know and that what's the point then this that's the graduation into the next phase that's what we're supposed to learn to do so that's the first bit of advice that comes out of this ion the second bit of advice underscore of these ayat and particularly this phrase will attack you my la cumbre nakum el balon is actually to be mindful of the fact that when we spend money there are people in our own families there are people in our circles there are people in our communities that are worthy of assistance they need help I'm not saying you shouldn't buy new clothes for yourselves I'm not saying you should never entertain yourself that's not what I'm saying but I am saying be mindful of the fact that there are people in need around you and very close to you don't have to look very far to find people in need and when you spend money on things that don't really have a purpose then actually think about the fact that according to Allah that was their money you know I'm one of the most powerful expressions I've ever read it just changed my thinking about how the Quran talks about spending on people in need is well I applied Alta Hammond with scheme well I applied Alta I'm in the skin you know it's incredible because Allah Rizzo is I didn't say well I hope I die I'm in the skin it's ramen miskeen you would translate he doesn't encourage feeding the poor he doesn't encourage feeding the poor but Allah said well I have hablar del parral min miskeen that means the food not feeding in other words if you say I don't encourage feeding you're going out of your way to feed somebody else but if you say it doesn't encourage to give the food of the poor when you say food of the poor it actually is their food it's theirs it's not yours you're not feeding them you're giving them what is actually already there's this is how Kumamoto current calls are unknown right a declared right that they already have so being mindful of that within our own families especially whether your family is here or there abroad whether you have people in your in your circle and it's just not limited to family even friends some of your friends have lost a job they're in trouble you know they're having a hard time paying the rent they're not saying anything to you you ask every once in a while hey how's the job hunt going they say are still looking well they know they're not going to say I can't pay the rent they're not going to come to you and say that you should have the sensitivity to just write a check sign it and leave it under the plate when you go for if out or something and just don't bring it up again just do it for them that kind of thing that sensitivity to the people around us that will remove from us the the falsehood in spending the wastefulness in spending and consuming our money among each other and by the way wait how come the last implication of it that I'd like to share with you my use of the phrase Boehner coat a powerful implication that comes from it is that we encourage each other on the wrong thing too we create a culture in which one group of people spends wastefully and then the other says hey they did it we got to do it too now they got that we should get it too they got a new car what are we going to get a new car you know and then with corruption also if they do corruption why can't we do corruption everybody does it and people develop this mentality that they lean on each other and say it's okay for me to do the wrong thing because there are plenty of other people doing it too it's not like I'm the root of the problem there's plenty of other people already doing it I'm just one drop in a moving River right so you can't hold me responsible this is exactly what am i pointing to you don't create this culture among yourselves and if you're the only one that's going to stand straight so be it you'll be the only one you be the odd one out but D that and that's the that's the lesson of Ramadan that we should come out with me Allah so you'll accept our fasting and make us of those who make the most of this month whatever is left of this month may allah azzawajal overlook our shortcomings in this month and Lazo I'll accept the risk that we earn as Haddad and play it as as permissible and good and pure for ourselves and our families allows make us of those who don't have hesitation in spending on others and make us of those who keep away from using their money for purposeless things barakallahu li walakum feel poor al-hakim when affair anywhere from variety was decreed hakim al hamdu lillahi wa kafa was salat wa salam o allah i body Ladino stafa hosonaga of bloody him bhajatam in the bin Muhammad al-amin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in God Allah Azza WA JAL Fickett a beam cannon burden a Buddha Allah he min ash-shaytaan-i'r rajeem in the LA home Allah Catahoula Luna lndu Honolulu Allah he was a little sliver allahumma salli ala muhammadin wa ala muhammad hasaan later Oliver AHIMA a Libra he muffuletta me in the comida Majid allahumma barik ala muhammadin wa ala muhammad corrected I owe him my other any or AHIMA finale mean in the comida Majeed al-abaad Allah or AHIMA Kamala eat tabouleh in the llaha ya'muru bil our direction y et al kaba win her an injection Ivanka well addict Allah Akbar Allah we are alone let us now alchemist Allah in the Salah take an aluminium heat album of Buddha
Channel: Bayyinah Institute
Views: 338,768
Rating: 4.9028196 out of 5
Keywords: Nouman Ali Khan, Arabic, Quran, Islam, Bayyinah, Bayyinah TV, Bayyinah Institute, Koran, Islamic, Education, Muslim, islam, muhammad, muslim, omar, suleiman
Id: S_spaSigisY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2016
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