To anyone feeling stuck right now IFeeling like giving up IFeeling lonelyIFeeling lowI Nouman Ali

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which means allies teaching us that there there has to be difficult you know disappointing devastating events in life and if a las Messenger some of my writings for them and the best of the people the Sahaba were not spared devastation if they were not spared the most horrible experiences then you and I shouldn't think I pray I MIG da I don't do anything wrong why does bad stuff happen to me right that's not a question anymore because Allah has actually created these circumstances for the best of people who are we and they're being given a lesson in this most devastating circumstance and they're being told not don't be weak go back a little bit further you remember when we talked about suppressing anger if you you know a week ago when we talked about suppressing anger I didn't say Allah doesn't say don't be angry because you know if somebody's angry and you say to them don't be angry they'll be like okay god no it doesn't work that way if somebody is really sad and they're crying you say don't cry you're like doesn't work that way when you have feelings inside you can't just erase them so when Allah here says don't feel weak oh I'm strong now that is the heart that way don't be weak means don't let your weakness consume you so you act as if you are already defeated don't be weak doesn't mean that you're not feeling weak on the inside that you're not feeling powerless on the inside but don't let that powerlessness define you that's an experience you have to go through but it's not who you are and he says yo manage Malcolm leo manana valley kayo motohama the day he gathers you for the day that's meant for gathering that's the day of winning and losing that's the actual day but this is not winning and losing there's a larger grand scheme of things there's a grand scheme of things and we understand that and that's why these smaller things they don't make as much of a big deal to us but it's a it's a struggle we have to engage it to reorganize and Reese ize issues - the way a little access to recycle resize them now this old Arabic simcha Bahat tech most often hath us for make something big it'll become a big deal make something small it will remain insignificant allow us for us some things to be a big deal right and we should and what crazy is the things Allah wants us to make a big deal out of we don't make a big deal out of the fat haul and then these allowances to keep small we make them into a huge deal let me explain it to you first of all he said your only Victoria only consider yourselves victorious if in fact you can hold on to your faith even under losing circumstances that's the first thing but in this ayah he explains he says when the animal of alladhina amanu and so Allah will know who truly believes and Allah will know which really believes Allah put us through this because he wanted to know can we hold on to our faith when things are not going our way because when we are hit with difficult times what comes one weakness hossein- thinking and those those two things the devil capitalizes on and says you need to do something to make yourself feel better to make the the bad feelings go away the negativity go away when people are overrun with depression or anxiety or sadness they turn to things that the devil wants them to turn to they go to some kind of escape to make themselves feel better that's when they turn away from Allah unlesss go through this and let me see if you can stay tall stand tall standing you know sometimes we go through a bad experience and we start defining ourselves by that experience you know some sin somebody whose kids do this to each other by the way cuz you know I don't know anything about video games but stuff for a lower you kids are playing and if one kid is used to winning all the matches that crippling Street Fighter Mortal Kombat or something they're winning and they're winning and they're winning what happened that can't win huh and then one time they lose and I'll keep that here a loser you I won a hundred times but that one time that loser sticks in my head like I am a loser and the next time I play I'm already lost in my head don't let this get to your head don't let this loss become a loss on the inside that's actually a bigger loss so don't expect and you know don't accept that softness on the inside toughen up put yourself back together yes it's hurt yes it's difficult but get up and that's the first words unless has not that you know then he says why not dr. Zhang he says and don't mean they translate this says don't be sad illusion which is commonly translated as sadness actually comes from ozune which is one of the words in Arabic 4lg bond mountains and anything that has toughness or rigidness or discomfort in it gets associated with person meaning don't develop negative feelings sadness is one of them defeatism is another that's a part of cousin actually but you know feeling hopeless is another part of cousin feeling angry and resentment at yourself is also another part of cousin cousin is a number of negative any score of rough emotions or rigid emotions are hosing on top of all of that look at the sequence first don't feel weak and don't become hardened to a difficult port with negative emotions meaning don't let this crystallize inside you so you just become a negative person in your outlook you see the the universal lesson not just for the Sahaba at that time which is powerful but all for all of us as we're gonna go through some kind of denial I mean we're people around us that we love are gonna get hit or we're gonna get hit and it's gonna come out of nowhere and we had all these hopes and expectations and they're gonna get shattered and we're gonna get shaken up like we've never been shaken up before was zu0 there were people before us the earth beneath their feet was shaken everything was falling and falling apart everything was taken from them and at that point at that point it is this is actually the other battle I keep referring this to you there are three battles right there's the battle against the enemy there's the Battle of evil within the Muslim society that has to be fought the enemy and there's a third war the third battle happening inside this is the battle on the inside now don't lose this battle this because this this is actually what makes a person victorious or a failure the worldview of the Muslim is that everything in this world is simply letting 11.1 it's it's a game and it's entertainment meaning the ups and downs of this world are just cycles the only thing that really matters before allah and eventually when nothing else will matter when all of this is reduced to nothing the only thing that will matter is where would where was the heart that's actually what the trial is so now allah has tested us with fear allah has tested us with bravery elias tested us in different circumstances the Sahaba but now they're being tested with overwhelming grief and sadness and defeat that's their next test can they hold on to their faith when they go through defeat when they go through such an overwhelming negative you know dark cloud above them and so he says well that day he do what attack them then he adds one two and I alone you are the highest and while you are the highest Allah is saying you think you lost and the enemy one they walked away with your shields and swords they walked away laughing at you the you know Abu Sufyan was at the bottom of the hill saying yo man look my young man Lenna a day for you no day for us what's he talking about but there was for you for this for us he talked trash tell us you know so now is that I can we have the female goddess Reza you don't have a Raza so they said you know and who been their God who are they he praised their gods that helped them on the day of Warford you know that's the trash talk they did when the Prophet SAW was up on the hill do not tell muna Allah had that pose I doubt they're coming so you know it feels like defeat it feels humiliating by the way the word highest and alone that's the superlative form allah arabic higher l allah highest the highest you are the highest how are we the highest when we just for the defeating you know so what do you think is saying don't be sad oh don't feel weak don't please don't let sad let's get to you don't let these negative emotions eat away at you you're in the highest position how are we in the highest position alive and by the way to be in the highest position means two things one when someone's victorious they're high and when someone loses their low so he's as if he's saying no one is higher than you no more is more no one's more victorious than you are that's one comment the other of being high is actually being honored the more the more honored someone is the higher they are right so you know that's why judges are honorable judge but they also call them your highness you know so our royalty is called your highness right so this idea of height is actually associated with honor obviously when you're when you lose a battle one you didn't win so you're low - it's humiliating so you're low but Allah says you're the highest how in the world are we the highest that's answered by the final comment of this ayah in control what meaning if in fact you are believers if in fact you are believers now that portion if in fact you are believers has been attached in two ways so let's understand both one understanding is thanking you well after him when attacks anew in kuntum mu'minin' yes there's a lot there's a sentence in between what that means is don't feel weekend don't let the insides defeat you don't feel defeated on the inside and don't be overwhelmed with negative emotions don't do that to yourselves if in fact you have faith if in fact you believe what is it that you believe what you and I believe is that this life has nothing to do with victory and loss you know losing and gaining and losing cost AHA boon in Arabic and he says yo my edge Malcolm Liam and Gemma daddy kayo motoharu the day he gathers you for the day that's meant for gathering that's the day of winning and losing that's the actual day but this is not winning and losing there's a larger grand scheme of things there's a grand ski and we understand that and that's why these smaller things they don't make as much of a big deal toss the things you're gonna put to use in this world compared to the next life they're nothing but very little Allah says in this ayah don't be sad and don't be weakened don't don't don't lose heart over these things this will come and go I want to see how much you believe in that in content meaning if in fact you have real conviction of what real victory and real loss is then this will not affect you and if it is affecting you too much you know what that means that means you haven't understood or realized what a big thing waits for you ahead maybe your faith in that isn't strong enough maybe that's what you need to focus on to understand that these trials will come these victories and it's part of its it's part of you know it's to be human even the prophets I said almost overwhelmed with grief so we're not being told don't be sad we're not being told don't be weak we're being told don't be overwhelmed by it don't let that overrun you you are in the highest position anybody else can be in these people don't have what you have allah describes what real victory is this is the muslim concept of the bronze concept of victory it has nothing to do with the battlefield as a matter of fact the most beautiful thing in arabic the most beautiful is called al pasta and pasta like falafel aspirin was not right the most beautiful the most beautiful names in SOTA Toba in case we win or in case we lose allah says full health or a buffoon apena in that and who's paying are you waiting for us the ND tell the enemy are you waiting on us because what's gonna end up with us one of two one of the two most beautiful things meaning if we win for allah sake it's the most beautiful thing and if we lose for allah sake it's also the most beautiful thing you can't beat us we are I know no matter how you go this is a you know so this is ultimate and I wanna include to what we need but it says it's a struggle we have to engage in two we organize and resize issues to the way Allah wants us to recycle resize them as an old Arabic sink a bit hot techno stuff they have possible make something big it'll become a big deal make something small it will remain insignificant allow us for us some things to be a big deal right and we should end what crazy is the things Allah wants us to make a big deal out of we don't make a big deal out of the fat ball and then these are low answers to keep small we make them into a huge deal they're going to be days of joy periods of joy periods of sadness it has to happen this is a large plan for people that will live on this earth they will be given good and they will be given tough times let me have two identical bill Heidi Michelle we're gonna test you with good and with that it's gonna you're gonna get hit with both you have to experience both let me explain it to you first of all he said you're only Victoria you're only consider yourselves victorious if in fact you can hold on to your faith even under losing circumstances that's the first thing but in this ayah he explains he says when the animal of alladhina amanu and so Allah will know who truly believes and Allah will know which really believes Allah put us through this because he wanted to know can we hold on to our faith when things are not going our way because when we are hit with difficult times what comes one weakness hosan negative thinking and those those two things the devil capitalizes on and says you need to do something to make yourself feel better to make the the bad feelings go away the negativity go away when people are overrun with depression or anxiety or sadness they turn to things that the devil wants them to turn to they go to some kind of escape to make themselves feel better that's when they turn away from a lot unlesss go through this and let me see if you can stay tall stand tall standing
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Keywords: shortimaanboosters, To anyone feeling stuck right now, if you feel stuck watch this, feeling low in islam, nouman ali khan, nouman ali khan 2020, nouman ali khan ramadan 2020, feeling lonely islam, feeling lonely in islam, feel like giving up islam, feeling lonely islamic lecture, amazing reminder nouman ali khan, nouman ali khan new, nouman ali khan reminder, islamic reminder nouman ali khan, daily reminder nouman ali khan, islamic lectures nouman ali khan
Id: 81li7WW-llM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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