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then Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala tells him I'm eternal on these stories that we are mentioning of the previous profits for you o muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam it is a point of comfort it is a point of strengthening for you so that you know that your brethren the messengers who are before you they went through similar problems just like you are facing today what cool an apple soirée coming soon emails at b2b for addict was a caffeine having more evil - i think running meanie allah says every time we have mentioned the stories of those before you O Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam it is there so that your heart can be strengthened as a point of comfort for you knowing that those before you have also been through similar to what you are going through may allah subhanahu wata'ala in the same way that he has granted a lesson for muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and a point of comfort may he give us also lessons by reading the stories of the past nations seeing what they were involved in and they were destroyed you know if petrol mixed with firewood makes a huge flame or it made a huge flame last year do we think that 10 years down the line the one who mixes that petrol with the same firewood will not get a huge flame that is being upset so if two things put together resulted in a huge inferno the same two things put together a hundred years later will result in the same inferno the same applies if deeds of the previous nations resulted in their destruction do you think if we engage in the same deeds it will not result in our destruction Allahu Akbar think about that example then allah subhanahu wa ta'ala commences one of the most beautiful surahs in the world or in the quran one of the most beautiful surahs that have ever been mentioned on this globe or in creation naff no nakusoo are alike analysis we are now relating to you the best of stories why the best of stories let me tell you we don't have as much time as one have light to go through the details of the eggs of the lessons we learned from Surat Yusuf but we will go through a few why because almost everyone's life is directly or indirectly affected by surah Yusuf let's start drawing examples Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala starts off with a dream and he ends with the interpretation of that dream and in the middle there is another dream that is mentioned and its interpretation is also there so the dream is in Cana used to fool near be a body near ie to Ayodhya Aqaba wash m7 tomorrow Ronnie tomb Lisa G Dean o my father I have seen 11 stars the Sun and the moon prostrate to me that was good news the father was a Nabi yaqoob alayhis-salam salaam he knew that this is some goodness this means Allah will gather us all together one day but he did not tell that to his son rather he told his son knowing that this is a great gift la taco so soon yahuwah tea cafe aqui do like al qaeda don't relate this good news to your brothers because they might plan and plot against you they might become jealous of you what do we learn from this those were the children of enemy and something good he told his son don't tell the others when something good happens to us we don't even have to tell our family members some time until we've achieved something sometimes we planning to go somewhere who says that you have to inform everyone no it depends on how important that journey is you don't have to always inform everyone of your next move you don't have to tell them about your business deals you don't have to tell them about anything it's that EMU Allah Allah our AG company each man you should seek assistance in fulfilling your needs by being secretive to a certain extent you don't have to tell everyone everything because Shaitaan is bad they might be good in a shiny pan and it Sani I do movie shape and is an outright clear enemy against man so even if a person does not want to be jealous you find that sometimes Shaitaan puts in a spear and arrow it interferes and makes a person jealous may allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala not make us jealous when the person has a child for example a little baby for those who are newly married who have children alhamdulillah if the baby sleeps all night you don't have to tell the whole world you know what that baby mashallah sleeps all night from that night on the baby might not sleep because I am and the evil eye might attack that baby you can say look that's a normal child you know they sleep you know how children sleep so you haven't lied hamdulillah at the same time when it when something good happens you don't have to tell everyone and if you tell them make sure they say masha'Allah in front of you don't be shy to say say mashallah let them say so what hamdu lillah we will save ourselves in fact even in the surah we will see how Jakub alayhi salat wa salam was worried about the evil eye before kneeing the fact that he had children huge beautiful handsome children all walking together united he didn't want people to see that so when they were entering Egypt later on he told them enter separately why so that people can't affect you with the evil eye the evil eye is true the hadith says Allah no happen it is true it can affect a person may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala protect us but remember one thing not every sickness that you have is the evil eye sometimes everything we have people say you know someone did magic on me man you know I I don't understand that someone is jealous of me men sometimes it's just a health ailment maybe you've eaten a bit too fast and some gastric movements in the stomach and you think there is jadoo or you think there is a little bit of magic that someone has engaged in Allah protect us a little bit of innos will do the trick each other so allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is informing us here in surah Yousuf that we need to know who to talk to and how to talk what to tell who to tell then this Nabi had these children and these children subhanAllah they were the children of the MBR nabiyev alehissalaam do you think he gave him an upbringing that was anything less than perfect oh it was a perfect upbringing but on top of that they planned to kill their brother imagine that means sometimes jealousy levels with between brothers and family and blood can get to the point of wanting to eliminate someone may Allah protect us it is Haram it is prohibited so one of the older brothers felt a little bit you know a little bit remorseful and he felt a bit shy he says let Oporto know you're so far well I will fear but in job B don't kill him throw him into a pit and someone will pick him up and maybe they'll take him to a far-off land so what they did is they hatched a plan they went to their father they told their father that Malekith Yussef our in hunan a Sehun arose in meymaneh father Yahweh Allah they were in Hoonah half in moon what's wrong with you they telling their father why don't you release yeah put a use of alehissalaam release him with us tomorrow and we will go we will graze the flock and so on we will play and we will come back you know what the father says in Elias Zerhouni that habu be what alfafa ye kun who to move our feet oh I fear if I send him with you it will make me sad number one because he will be away from me you'll take him for the whole day and there is a possibility that whilst you not watching a wolf might eat him they used the same plan they took him they released him into that pit and they came back with the false blood on a and they said you know what a wolf ate him whilst we were not watching imagine the same thing the father suggested they took it up and they actually came back with the same words how many of us are fooled by our children sometimes itself there is a possibility if a Nabi could be told that by his own children do you think our children don't lie to us they come to us from Madras ah later on in the afternoon and say you know what today that check that imam the teacher he did this and that we roll our sleeves and we want to beat up that imam by believing a child five years old imagine yet we don't realize that that could be a lie go out defend the teacher say look if that's what he did that's your teacher why did you engage in something bad Allah protect us all there's so many examples that we could actually give but let's move on then Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala tells us that he was thrown into this pit and they picked him up when they picked him up what does Allah say well Isamu ba ba they regarded him as merchandise and they said no this will make money out of this you know sometimes when we pick up lost property what do we do very valuable you pick up a blank check it tells you a million rent what do you do very tempting may Allah grant us a man allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala make us from amongst those who can hand it back you know what happens sometimes like what we read in the newspapers in countries like these you find you hand back a large amount of money to the cop shop to the policeman sometimes it disappears from there but don't worry so long as you didn't steal it may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala safeguard us so the same applies here these people what do we learn from them they looked at an innocent boy very handsome and they said no we'll make money out of this come bring him into this they sold him at the next market someone bought him a very wealthy man bought him and in a nutshell what had happened the wife of this minister of Egypt had an evil intention when she sought us handsome man handsome Yusuf alayhi salatu wassalam she says you know what he's a worker for us he works for us let me advance sexually how many of us are guilty of making sexual advances at the workplace let's be honest this lesson comes from surah Yusuf whether it is male or female is besides the point the lesson is don't ever make sexual advances that are Haram especially at the workplace if someone is working for you and don't think that this person here is actually under me so let me try my luck allahu akbar allah safeguard us look at the example who would have guessed that we learned this from the surah so so a use of the nabi of allah was actually someone attempted to lure him and allah subhanahu wa ta'ala protected him and thereafter this lady became so upset so angry that then the people the other ladies obviously everyone speaks about that lady because she is the minister's wife she is supposed to have been a role model for everyone the other ladies began to speak and they said you know this lady here she actually wants to do something with her own workers imagine Allah protect us all so she said let me fix these ladies they don't know how handsome this man is so she prepared a little sitting for them and gave each one of them an apple with a knife a fruit with a knife and she told you so valet his salatu wassalam because he was a worker he had to obey the instructions I want you to pass from here when they are all seated as he passed they were so engrossed in looking that they cut their hands imagine how handsome he must have been they were so engrossed in looking that they cut their hands and they said ma ha ha Beshara in heaven like ooh Kareem this is no ordinary human being this is an angel this is an angel Allahu Akbar what do we learn from this let's draw a jewel from it we learn from it that whenever our eyes and our gaze is not controlled and we happen to look at the opposite sex more than what we are allowed in that case it will result in destruction of one way or another let me give you an example sometimes you're driving your motor vehicle and someone happens to pass quite good-looking and you turn you might bump the kind front of you it can happen why it's similar to cutting the hand it will cause bodily harm material harm it will cause lots of harm its effect sometimes if you engage in an act you might end up with a huge disease may allah subhanahu wa ala safeguard us so this is a lesson to say anyone who wants to follow that path there is destruction coming your way do you know that we are taught by rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that when you have wealth a salary at the end of the month or wealth and there is no barakah in it no barakah at all ask yourself you probably engaged innocent you probably oiling some of your bad habits maybe casino maybe gambling maybe drinking maybe nightclubs maybe drugs maybe a woman maybe someone of the opposite sex you need to pay money you need to look after someone more than what Allah has shouldered upon you how can they be Baraka in your wealth so if you find your money is running away quickly leave the sins and you will find that 500 rounds will last the whole month you'll still have 450 insha'Allah you
Channel: TheProphetsPath
Views: 20,671
Rating: 4.9299269 out of 5
Keywords: theprophetspath, dreams, Allah, the prophets path, Hadith, emotional reminder, eyes, Quran, islamic reminders, jealous, Islamic video, life, advice, peace, Islam, family, siblings, love
Id: FxRarAQs8Wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2017
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