Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan - Praying for Success (Khutbah 03- 21-14)

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hamdulillah al hamdulillah hey Kali Puja demon Aladdin Roger Allen ooh Davina hounam vamos with subliminal alam normal kato Bertie Allen Adham vanish guru who ll massage I became aliciarojo alan leong once ali allah rasool e he'll Akram the sheriff elation when neural Adam well kita bill Whatcom walk a mile in the beginner will Hutton sayyeda valid e Adam led Bashara be here Lisa V no Miriam mother Olivia 30 he brahim o alehissalaam heineken al-farouq away a debate 11 Muharram for sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ala at very high Roman alladhina barakallahu be him calf at Anna's and Lara Burmingham well Adam fell hamdulillah led Lamia taha's valladon voila me Alcala who share console milk male miracle lahu waliyan Mina's dull waka Bharata Kira well hamdulillah led Angela alaa ABD al kitab of allah may allah reward well hamdulillah a legend as Madonna stereo humanistic fellow way manova hero anatomical a Honolulu bohemian Shirley Ann frisina commenced a gr TR Molina Vanya's de la fa la moda Layla Roman Lublin fella hardy allah wa ash'hadu an LA ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lah when ash hadu ana muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh else allahu allahu ta'ala will hood away deenal Haq leave herewho alladhina coulee wa kafa billahi shahida Bassam Allahu alayhi wa sallam s Lehman Castle antisera so muhammad al hadees iike table Rafael Hadi had you Mohammedan sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were in the shower omer averted her to her were in the column or desitin vada pav collaborate in Valhalla Vakula ballotine finner Yahoo low subhanahu wa'ta'ala Fickett abhi Hill Karim but as an Akula billahi min ash-shaytaan-i'r rajeem miss Audrey we're certainly Emry Waialua cotton mill Dasani Yahoo collie barakallahu li walakum Phil Coronel Hakeem whenever anyway I come bill AIT what they kill him in the hotel Jawad Roncalli malecon Barbara offer him in today's goodbye inshallah ho today I'd like to share with you just two parts of a profound powerful Dora made by musa alayhis salaam one of the things many of you probably know about musa alayhis salaam he is that he's the most mentioned messenger of allah in the quran allah azza which talks about him more than any other prophet by name and musa alayhi salam is one of his stellar qualities in the Quran is that there are many many doors recorded from him in the Quran and this is one of them and this dua is particularly powerful and it's on multiple parts and hopefully through the course of this hope I'd like to share with you some of the wisdoms captured inside at least some parts of this dot but a little bit of background just to get ourselves introduced masada his saddam his story is mentioned in so many places in this particular ayah belongs to surah taha xx surah and in this surah allah azza wajal begins the narrative when he left his family and he saw a fire up on top of a mountain in the middle of the night and he told his family to wait and to go see this fire and when he gets up there of course he discovers that Allah Azza WA JAL is the one that's called him to it and Allah introduces himself to him and he's terrified because he's up on top of a mountain in the middle of the night he doesn't know where he's even headed he's hoping to get some guidance you know loudly ah takumin hubba-hubba i will be a bus as you do either nadi who that maybe I'll go get some news there maybe I'll get some little fire there I'll get some directions there that's why he goes he goes up there but all of a sudden shockingly he gets called for the etosha new dir Musa when he got there all of a sudden he was called Musa now you go somewhere you don't even know you've never been there before and somebody already knows your name and he's calling you with shocking you get shaken up so he's actually pretty shocked as he goes up there and this called beautiful conversation begins between him and there's actually one of the most beautiful places in the entire karate but that's not my hook but today I'm just giving you the introduction so we can get to this door now in the course of that that talk that Allah was giving him through the fire allah azza which I told him to throw his his stick his staff a Lhasa and key hiya Musa throw it Musa Musa al-salaam throws it and it turns into a hi-yah into a running snake a poisonous snake in old Arabic is also called a hyah a snake whose fangs are out is also called a hyah so it's running around the snake is running around and then he tells him good howl at a huff grab the snake grab it and don't be afraid now you tell me as a normal human being grabbing the snake and not being afraid you know it's almost impossible and yet allah azza wajal trained musa alayhi salam to take this task on to grab the snake and not be afraid and at this point you notice musa alayhis salaam doesn't say Laska theory out of be I can't do it yell up no Dora - a lot to say Ya Allah help he just doesn't want to blow me other can Elijah I hate ostrich by law I mean lady Zhu ayat Onofre put your hand in your pocket in your sleeve you take it out it's going to be white another miracle I'm giving to you linoleic I mean ayat in algebra is happy life around in Naju Taha this is to show you from the greatest of my miracles of our miracles go to firown' he's rebelled now so far Allah has asked him for a few things some pretty shocking things he's asked him to grab a snake he's asked him to you know his hand has changed in color entirely your physical being this is not just your clothes it's part of yourself when part of yourself completely changes imagine some day you notice a big mole or a growth or your skin color is totally changed what would you do you'd be in immediate shock what's going on Islam is am i okay I need to go see a doctor I need to go to the hospital something's wrong but Musa alayhi Salam has no reaction he's fine to all of this but when Allah tells him in Hebei laughs arawa in Naju Taha go to firoan go to throne he's the one in fact that is rebelled at this point Musa alayhi Salam makes dawn he actually this is what the first hammer that Allah Azza WA JAL gave Musa al-salaam this is the first command Allah gave Musa a setup that he didn't just do it he said yalla before I do it I need some help and so now we're learning that when Allah tells us to do something and it's hard sometimes we think things are hard but you know if you have courage Allah let you do it but you get to a point where you think even I with all my courage this is even too hard for me that is the time you turn to Allah and you don't say yah I can't do it you ask Allah for what you need so you can do it you ask Allah for what you need so you can do it so let me repeat this point because it's of paramount importance there are people when they come across the command of Allah they come across something Allah expects them to do their reaction is yeah I can't do it yeah ly I've loved it father Hodges I'm not capable it's this well above my capability there are other people that the DA here suggests Ya Allah I know I can't do it but y'all might give me what I need so I can do it so I can I'm gonna try anyway but I think I'm going to fail I'm going to try anyway but if you can help me by your help I will succeed so we don't start with I can't do it every time you get to a point where you say and I say I can't do it we turn to a blind dog that's our Iman we turn to a line you be ask him for help because actually the realization is we can't do anything on our own anyway it is from the help of Allah it is by the Quran of Allah by the kun from Allah that everything comes to be but we have to do our part at least so now what does he ask it's incredible he's going to go to fit around and go talk to him he could have asked for a lot of things I imagine what he has to do I want you to understand what he has to do he is a fugitive alehissalaam he killed someone by accident and ran away from Egypt so the moment he goes back the first people he has to deal with is the military and the police because they've been looking for him they've had a warrant out for his arrest he's wanted for murder he's not welcome back in the city you can't just walk in and he's not just somebody who people won't recognize he's actually he lived a life of a prince he lived in the castle everybody knows his face so he walks in people can is taboo so and word will spread immediately and when word spreads obviously the police will find out and when they find out their instructions among them are not to arrest him in al Maleh ayat mu luna become the up to Luke the the Chiefs the police chief's had already made a plan that as soon as they see him they're not going to arrest him they will kill him so imagine the police aren't looking to arrest the criminal the police are told to shoot to kill the kill order has been given now Allah is telling him don't go to Egypt going to Egypt may be even easy maybe you can hide and get into Egypt and not even go back to you know see your mother or go somewhere to see her brother go to who fit out it happy laugh it out wears fit out he's sitting outside at the train station somewhere Pharaon is up in the castle in the most secure building in all of Egypt so he doesn't he can't hide he has to go directly all the way to the doors of that white house back in the day and he has to knock on the doors of security and he has to say I have an appointment with Ferran and all of these police officers and all the security guard what are their instructions kill him immediately kill him immediately so I would expect that he would turn to a lion say Arab you want me to go talk to foreign can you deal with his army can you put them all to sleep so I can go talk to him or can you pull him out of Egypt so I can talk with him over here it might be safer for me you know or you can you just little magically fly me over there and I'll just end up in the castle and I can talk to him and my problem is solved you want me to speak to him I'll speak to him that way because I won't even get to him how am I even going to get to him but he asks for none of this he asked for none of this actually in this draw what he asks for is remarkable he says Oh what an Arab Bashar al-asad Lee Ya Allah is my master expand my chest when he thinks about going to fit on all of these thoughts are going in his mind and he's becoming nervous he's becoming scared he's becoming worried am I going to be able to do this am I going to get killed Yallah the first thing I need to do to fulfill your command is I need to calm down and sometimes when I get nervous and I get scared or I get you know I get full of emotion overwhelmed depressed even then sometimes we can't even control our own emotions Allah is telling us in this ayah that even the best of us sometimes we don't even have control over our own emotions Allah has to give shut for sudden Allah will calm the heart down Ya Allah before I do what you want me to do I have to be calm in my heart not be Shakti Sabri so how Allah the first thing you need is it's mineral calm and this heart later on you will learn because when he is with with his brother Harun alayhi wa sallam and both of them are together they even say how am I going to keep my chest calm how am I supposed to not get nervous when the police sees me when everybody else is when people call names when they point at me how am I supposed to not worry about any of that they even mentioned together que no sabe haka Katharine Weymouth Gorica Kathy Allen in naka Kunta be neva Sealand is coming later in the same surah so we can do a lot of Vicar of you to speak of you and mention you a lot because you've been keeping an eye on us all along in other words you've been keeping an eye on me since my birth I should have died the day I was born because he the soldiers were looking to kill him and he could have died when his mother threw him in the basket you know I'll give it a boot I'll give it up to throw him in the basket you know just throwing a baby can kill him can't it then to throw the baby into the river the basket could flip over he could have died there too then finally William moobus ah held the basket we'll hit the hit the ocean hit the shore when the basket hits the shore he could get killed again then he goes inside and when the soldier seemed they could kill him right on sight then he's almost dehydrating the baby's not drinking any milk he could have died then - they are like ten times he could have died from the time from fun back then so he says yeah Rob you've been keeping me alive all this time I know you'll keep me alive but I need to remember that sometimes it's easy to say it it's hard to remember it so he says along with his brother que no sabe haka Catalan one F Karaka Catalan in naka Kunta be neva Ceylon you've been keeping an eye on me all along yeah how will you let me go now so now what gives us calmness of the heart what gives us calmness of the heart when we have a difficult task in front of us is a lot of dhikr of Allah that Allah is watching innallaha marina in the la havas each am I seeing what's happening Allah knows what I'm going through Allah is here allah subhanho wa taala his presence and his knowledge is here he's in complete view of my circumstance I cannot lose sight of that and this dora is teaching us if i rasul of allah musa alayhis salam is saying when Ithaca Cathy land we have to mention you a lot and where does that leave us you know when we have to fulfill a task for the sake of Allah we have to remember Allah a lot and he gives us courage now courage alone is not enough it's the first step though you have to be common you have to have courage and you have to have in Xalapa southern the other implication of this that I want to mention just a rubbish like Lisa 3 is when you go and Musa alayhi Salam we know when he sees injustice he gets angry it angers him and he takes matters in his own hand like he did with the two girls in the Sheep so when he sees federales one of the worst criminals in all of human history obviously the kinds of things fair Allen says would make anybody angry not to mention Musa al-salaam when Pharaoh says anaerobic uma Dada la la la cuota la vida he says I am your highest master I am da Rob you know the Ilia Pali rule Allah Allah he Musa he says things like oh let me make up my own Tower I'll go climb and talk to Moses God myself that's what he says in the Quran when he says things like that even makes us angry can you imagine Musa Selam and by the way when you get angry you cannot do that wa when you get angry you cannot do that wa so even though he's going to go before someone who will make him very angry he needs to keep his chest calm he needs to keep it expanded he cannot get uncomfortable so we're learning that the mission of allah of talking to those who have rebelled against allah has to be carried by people who know how to control their temper and if they cannot control their temper if they have an anger problem then they have to turn to Allah and say log business Audrey my masteries me to come my chest a lot of young people are excited about that wa they go to the university they see their non-muslim friend and they start you ought to see a muslim brother who doesn't pray or whatever and they start giving them Dawa and this guy doesn't care about Dean and he starts saying some ridiculous things that make you angry well the Quran you know it has some contradictions or I don't know I don't really believe in hadith or whatever these are some stupid things and then you hear that you won its government and you get so angry at them and that's the time to remember rubbish rallies Audrey rubbish chakras Audrey if moosa alaih-is-salaam has to speak with Veronica Donohue : Lennon : lay in and I love Yertle acharyaji Alan what does that leave you the guy sitting next to you in the restaurant is not fair out but it relax relax take it easy people can say obnoxious things this guy used to say he's God himself and unless I'd be nice to him to me next to him also so we need to learn to calm down a little bit this is the meaning of this door what's the point of these doors if we don't reflect on them and we don't understand what Allah Rizzo Whittle is saying a lot of beliefs our dream the Allah Keep Watch has come I need to have confidence and I need to have calmness also sheriff assaulted another meaning of that is there's discomfort there's fear there's depression there's anxiety in emotions they're a range of negative emotions there there's a range of negative emotions and what are the positive emotions calmness relaxation happiness confidence right these are positive emotions when somebody in in old when somebody experiences positive emotions then they are said to have ensured ajo sudden then their chest is open and when someone is uncomfortable emotionally they're stressed out they're depressed they're scared they're angry then that is called Sutherland logic that's a tight chest you know or Harwich facade rehe la hoja Rajan face Audrey he he's got homogeneous he's got tightness or discomfort or uncomfortable feelings in his chest and so musa alayhis salaam is saying yeah la this is a pretty tough job there are times where I'll be afraid there are times where I'll be angry there are times where I might even get depressed because I see no results these guys not changing I might go through a score of negative emotions and yeah why you need to give me something that will keep me emotionally stable and positive the diary the one who goes on the mission of Allah the one who calls others to Allah has to remain positive depressed people scared people nervous people and angry people can't carry a bus job that's a big job you have to have people that are happy that are calm that exude positivity when people are around them they become positive they want to be around them and not run away from them that's the kind of people of that doäôt have to be now about the mission itself very quickly he says a lot bitch back nice Adri and then he says well yes certainly MD and y'all know you make my mission easy for me you make my mission easy for me you're the one who gave me this mission but as skilled as musa alayhis salaam is and has a lot choice is perfect when allah chose musa alayhis salaam to take on Pharaon and to challenge him there's no better qualified candidate on the face of the earth at the time then Musa al-salaam so Allah knows what he's doing he's right for the job and now we're learning even if you're the most qualified to do a job your qualifications as good as they are and they are never enough Allah has to make ease on his end Allah will make he's on his end and these two things have to come together Musa al-salaam has to make his effort but his effort alone will not give victory it will come when Allah makes the task see you see there are two sides of this that I'd like to explain as simply as I can for myself and for all of you to remember enchilada it's a concept of our book it's a concept that our messenger taught our they sought wassalam in many different ways and this is just one example of them there are some people who believe that they can accomplish anything they can accomplish anything and there are you know positivity seminars and self-help programs and motivational programs and entrepreneurial programs and these gurus charge thousands of dollars to come to their program and they say you can do anything man you can make a million dollars this year and people said well yes I can yes like yes I can do that you have to believe in yourself and they're people like yes I I can come I can accomplish anything I want and they're like they walk out of there everybody walks out like pharaon like I can do anything you know I believe in myself which is actually part of that is a good thing to believe in yourself is a good thing it's not a bad thing but you know what if you only believe in yourself and if you incorrectly believe in yourself it becomes given becomes arrogance it becomes a disease of the heart how do you balance that how do you how you're supposed to have confidence in yourself and humility at the same time on the other extreme you have people who say yeah Rob you do everything I am nothing so I can do nothing nothing I do means anything because you're the one who controls everything so this guy doesn't apply for a job he doesn't go out and go and get a degree in college he doesn't pursue an education he doesn't take care of his family and when you say why don't you do anything allow provider he I am nothing look at what can I do I'm just a Miss keen those two extremes one guy says he can do everything the other guy says he can do nothing our Dean teaches us a balance in between Allah is the one who gave us our capabilities it is a trust Allah gave you it is a trust Allah gave me your intellect your physical strength your talent your work ethic your ability to get work done that ability came as a gift as anumana as a trust from Allah and then after he gave you this gift it is a violation it's go fraud on Irma it is being I'm grateful that you don't work to your full potential this is why the messenger of allah salallahu alaihe salam said to us to the believers that whenever you do something for you to gain and you should do it to perfection Allah made you fear Sunita clima in the best possible way why shouldn't you why should you do anything less there should never be a college student who's Muslim who accepts mediocre grades it shouldn't exist there should never be a you know almost and running a business who just kind of does business he said be the best at his business there shouldn't be an okay Muslim doctors you'd be the best doctor there possibly could be there's an Amana Allah gave you you know even if you're a taxi driver you're the best taxi driver in town doesn't matter what you do you do it the best nobody does it better than you that's the attitude of a Muslim but what balance is that attitude and what keeps it from turning into arrogance is that you constantly remind yourself on the one hand my ability is not mine Allah is the one who gave me this ability whilst on earth to Kylene FC Musa was told I crafted you for myself I made you the way you are all of your abilities are actually given by me so you remind yourself of that and then whenever you think of a task a mission and we think to ourselves yeah that's easy man I've done it a hundred times I could do this you know kids that are good at math you give them a math well that's an easy nothin you know you tell some kid you know I need you to do this work or that work I've done this I got this man it's easy for me actually even when it's easy for you to as a matter of Iman to remind ourselves that it's not easy for you because you're awesome it's easy for you because Allah made it easy for you and you know what happens to people this is the last thing I'm sharing with you in sha allah there are people who allah makes many things easy for them please listen to this carefully allah makes many things easy for them for some of you Allah made money easy for you just easy for you for some of you confidence is easy it's no big deal other people get nervous you don't get nervous for some students of mine studies are easy like I study I teach Arabic some of my students well lucky I can tell Allah made Arabic easy for this one and the other one methodically della seta lot of yeah he wasn't made to study Arabic he could he's a smartest guy in his field he will be a PhD in physics he can't do mobile phone mobile Fila he can't do it you know he wasn't made for it is it's tough for him not everybody is the same now what happens is when people get used to success Allah makes one thing easy then he makes the next thing easier that makes the next thing easier the next thing easy is everything always going to be easy no sometimes you will fail there's a student who gets used to getting 100 the first time the second time the third time the fourth time and the fifth time he gets 250 all of a sudden and he's used to what 100 so I said I'll forget it I am worthless Allah is no longer with me you know what's the point now because you get you get used to writing so high that one little failure one setback and you're just crushed you are completely crushed what's the point I'm dropping out of school I don't want to do this anymore I hate this you know what the after that's this is when you didn't remind yourself at every single success that that success was a combination of two things your effort and unless help every single hundred you got before wasn't because it was easy you put effort and Allah Allah gave his Baraka you put effort and Allah gave his Baraka and this time when it doesn't happen two things could be wrong number one maybe you didn't put enough effort and when you don't put enough effort Allah does not give his Baraka and maybe even if you put effort Allah decided that he will not give you Baraka maybe that's better for you one of my best friends in life used to be a Hindu and he wanted to go to med school he was a straight-a student straight A's his entire life perfect scores higher scores in the SATs applied to med school he was expecting a full scholarship he got rejected he was completely shattered he ended up in a different University he decided to do computer science instead and he was completely still a Hindu is it completely depressed except he met people in his new college muslims who he started hanging out with and within two years he took Shahada and he looks back thank al I didn't make it to med school when I failed med school I thought it was the worst thing that ever happened to me and now I look back at my life and I say I failed med school it is the best thing that ever happened to me you know his kids his kids are memorizing Quran can you imagine his kids are memorizing Quran his fault when he became 170 they dragged him to his father got so like shocked he took him to India to beat Hinduism back into him and he ran away from they came back you know now as kids are memorizing Quran so how Allah so we have to sometimes we have to have trust in Allah we get used to riding a high wave and one little setback comes and we lose our trust in Allah and then there are others who Allah gives you one difficulty then he gives you another difficulty then he gives you another difficulty and you gives you another difficulty and you start believing that I will never accomplish anything my life is just difficult man everything is hard for me I keep getting fired I keep failing my tests I keep doing that you get depressed and even this one has to remember that success in this world everything that happens is a combination of two things I have to put in my effort and Allah will make the task easy my I know I said last but I have one minute left might as well use it for something I shared this last thing with you there are two parts of this glass so far it's not even the whole draw I just wanted to share these two statements with you about business Audrey why I said liamri there's a there's a symbol Ali there's a very beautiful eloquence to this statement Allah is teaching us that if you have a calm heart if you have a positive attitude and you have to look cool in Allah and you put your work in then Allah will make your mission easy but if you start with the attitude I know it's not going to work anyway but I'll try you already began with a defeated attitude Allah will not make your task easy for you you have to come with shuttle southerly you have to have an open chest a positive attitude belief that Allah will give you success in what you do and if he doesn't give it to you well you know you're still saying but you don't walk into an effort you don't start a project you don't start doing any work and you begin with saying I'm probably not going to succeed anyway given my track record you don't begin with that attitude then Allah will not make your job easy for you so if we have that good heart before Allah Azza WA JAL Allah will make our task easy for us hahhaha wa ta'ala but then i pray that allah gives us all the ability to take advantage of the wisdom of our of the great prophets of allah i am salat wa salam that is captured in their doors they set such few words but they told us they tell us so much of how to better our lives as believers and how to live our life successfully for allah steam and also make the best of this dunya may Allah Azza WA JAL make us find the balance between this Dean Andrews dunya as he intended and may Allah put all of us to the service of his beautiful Deen and Osama barakallahu li walakum al Hakim when a fine idea combi Lyautey decreed Hakeem al-hamdu lillahi wa kafa vas salat wa salam wa ala ad-din estava hoses and allahu allah he muhammad IBN muhammad in El Amin WA ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in y una mejor Azza WA JAL Vicky turban cream bar de la hula arruda billahi min ash-shaitani rajeem inna llaha mala Akata who uses Luna Alan Davey yeah you hell Adina amanu sallu alayhi wasallam you Taslima allahumma salli ala muhammad wa ala muhammad kamas Allah Ta'ala Ibrahim voila Ali Ibrahim Afellay Alamein Anaka hamid majid allahumma barik ala muhammadin wa ala ala muhammad kama barik ala rahim wanna early Ibrahim Afellay al-amin in Makaha middle Majid hey ba da la la hey ma Kamala Atacama in la jolla Muru Balad live election well eta is l-qurba wa yanha ani l-fahsha'i wa l-munkari wanna dhikrullah he akbar allahu allah ma Matos neroon alchemist Allah in the Salah chocolate alminia kotoba mo puta you
Channel: Bayyinah Institute
Views: 669,027
Rating: 4.8911638 out of 5
Keywords: Nouman Ali Khan, Arabic, Quran, Islam, Bayyinah, Bayyinah TV, Bayyinah Institute, Koran, Islamic, Education, Muslim, islam, muhammad, muslim
Id: 7SPivf0ZQzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 20sec (1820 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 24 2014
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