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where does confidence come from confidence doesn't just come from you know uh well you have to be brave and you have to not be nervous and intimidated by other people no no confidence comes when you have a purpose and you're accomplishing that purpose you're so focused on your goal that people other people become invisible you ever see a child that's building legos like the universe stops existing because they've got a goal they're just building a building and building it empires around them can rise and fall they're still building it because they're not looking at what anybody else is doing when you are clear about your goals then other people and how well they're moving forward or they're not moving forward or whatever else they're doing all of that becomes irrelevant all of that just disappears from your mind and when that happens what is confidence confidence means you're sure of what you're doing you find meaning in what you're doing you don't need to prove yourself to anybody you don't have you don't have you have nothing to prove because you already have a goal you're working towards that and when somebody else comes and says by the way i know some people that have the same goal they're way better than you good for them thanks bye and you keep keep working on what you're doing because you're too focused you have a cl when when someone is has hustled in their muscle when they have a goal and a direction a purpose in their walk you know what that means then they're not looking this way or that way because they're focused on what they got to look at that means you're not you just stop being distracted by what others are doing and you don't need to tell hey by the way guess what i'm doing you don't need validation by announcing what you're doing because what you do has so much meaning to you it it you don't need somebody else to give you a like or throw you a masha'allah or you wow that's amazing and now finally you feel like you're doing something you don't you don't need it that's confidence that's that's not being shallow and this is why the logical connection just appreciate that logical connection what does allah say lower your voice lower a part of your voice this is a remarkable phrase what does it have to do with walking with purpose when does someone raise their voice someone raises their voice because they want attention someone raises their voice because they want other people to listen to them and stop what they're doing but when you're clear about what you're doing you don't need to overpower anybody else's voice and when you really have purpose in life when you really have purpose every day then anybody who wants to benefit from your purpose you don't have to scream loud and you know out loud to get their attention they'll come to you they'll say wait i'm too far away from them i can't hear what they're saying i'll go closer to them you don't have to raise your voice to get to them they'll just come to you this is a philosophy of even entrepreneurship of projects some of you want to start islamic projects want to start something new right and there's there's a there's a principle behind it here we're learning a principle in life and of the things you're going to do in your life you know we're living in the advertising world right so people are like how are we going to advertise this new product how are we going to advertise our new that wall program how are we going to advertise this new islamic book then you know how are we going to get the word out there we have to scream loud and clear from every corner before we can you know and you know what the new world the new at world of advertising is about endorsements right get an athlete to endorse this shoe right or get some celebrity to say this this is the book you want to read right so it's all about other people who have accomplished something are now validating what you're hoping people will like because they like them in other words the service the product the venture whatever it is it cannot stand on its own feet it needs the attention of someone else making it valid on its own it's not strong enough not enough people are benefiting from it you know why because your concern is still people and how loud you are and that you're still looking around you're still not focused on your goal when you're focused on your goal whether one person benefits from it or a million people benefit from it it doesn't phase you because that wasn't your purpose your purpose was to accomplish something meaningful and that is where sincerity also comes from that's where not being a fake person comes from because the people that are fake that we talked about last time are so concerned about what everyone else and the people that are real and the people that are legit in their life are people that have a goal in front of them and they don't dissuade themselves nothing distracts them from their goal and those are the people that i would argue allah gives kabul to allah gives acceptance to them because they show allah sincerity in whatever they do then people's hearts gravitate towards them anyway they didn't have to cry and get attention from everyone their their work their contribution their efforts spoke for itself and when someone comes on board and says hey i want to take a part in what you're doing well and good and if nobody came well and good that's the what's the mentality being taught to the muslim our the strength of what we do doesn't come from the validation or the support of people the strength of what we do comes from the acceptance of allah the aid of allah and the clarity of our purpose and allah's help comes to the mukhlasin and the mukhlasin the people who are sincere who are pure in their purpose for clearing their purpose there's a really heavy lesson lower your voice you don't have to broadcast what you're doing people that build they build you know some of it it's interesting right you guys see this in life you when you were in high school some of you are going to be in high school and some of you are in high school but when you are in high school and you have kids that are very loud and obnoxious and outgoing and partying and they're like and almost intimidating to be around you're like i'm hoping they don't pick on me and they're they're like the stars of the school like they're the ones who stick out right and then there's the quiet nerdy ones that are like just studying studying studying and they're not really they're they're almost invisible fast forward 10 years right who's serving fries at a restaurant and who's who owns 10 restaurants right you see what happens the people that were clear even the students that were clear about their studies they were clear about a goal they end up me getting somewhere and they didn't have to raise their voice they didn't have to raise their voice to get there they got there and then there are people who are very loud and seemed like they were the the you know the people to emulate the people to be like what did they accomplish in life where did they get with their life you see when it comes to our prayer when it comes to our prayer there's a minimum that if you do it your prayer is good enough it may not be the best but it's good you met the minimum requirements right when it comes to fasting there's a minimum requirement if you met that requirement your fasting is still good right okay so let's just say somebody fasted when while they were fasting they read quran the whole day or they worshipped allah the whole day some pretty amazing fast fast plus all that worship and somebody else fasted and the moment the fast started they passed out then they woke up prayed passed out again woke up prayed passed out again and then mahrez came and they had a flower they had a coma coma fast right but did they meet the minimum requirements yeah it's i mean it's not a sign it's not the best but they still fasted they met the minimum requirement somebody you know who made wudu who pro faced the proper direction who wore pure clothes and prayed their salah they met the minimum requirements even if they were distracted in their prayer even if it wasn't that great of a prayer even if they maybe sometimes rushed a little bit or chose to recite the shortest surahs they know just to get it over with even if they did that they at least still met and i'm not recommending any of it but technically did they meet the minimum requirements yeah you can't say they did something right what i'm trying to say is means the word means you do something at the best you could do it but if if you don't do your best that doesn't mean you failed that doesn't mean you're in trouble it's like saying if i don't get a hundred i fail no i could i could get a 85 i could still pass a 70 is still i mean 65 is passing in most schools now right so okay at least i still it's it's a d but it's not an f it's not an f so it's i still move on to the next class i it's not the best score but in the list of things that are haram this is what i want you to visualize when allah makes a list of things that are haram allah is saying anybody who crosses this line has failed anybody who crosses this line is in trouble and i would argue that in the quran when it comes to our parents our parents are the only ones that if you don't do if you do anything less than your best that's haram because of this ayah because this ayah is about things that are what it's a scary thing that allah didn't even expect a son in every prayer he didn't expect isaan in every dealing he didn't he didn't say it's haram for you to be short of his son but in when it comes to parents anything short of your very best is a violation it's a violation my job is to find out if i'm not if i'm not doing something it's about me before it's about anything else when you start reading the quran so you can find things to point at somebody else that's that's when your relationship with the quran stops that's when it stops because now you're using this book to point fingers at who does what wrong and i no longer look at myself i no longer see this as a book that's talking about me i see this as a book that's talking about everybody else
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Keywords: amazing reminder nouman ali khan, daily reminder nouman ali khan, islamic lectures nouman ali khan, islamic reminder nouman ali khan, islamic talks 2020, nouman ali khan, nouman ali khan 2019, nouman ali khan 2020, nouman ali khan islam, nouman ali khan latest, nouman ali khan lecture, nouman ali khan lectures, nouman ali khan new, nouman ali khan reminder, ramadan 2020, shortimaanboosters, islamic talks 2021, ramadan 2021, HOW TO TRAIN YOURSELF TO BE CONFIDENT
Id: r0ovqckrf2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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