How to Change Your Life I Nouman Ali Khan I 2019

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we talked about changing the world we can't even change our day yet we can't even change our day yet when you change your day that you can change your year that means you can change your life whoever fears climbing the mountain stays forever in the ditch aim high and so in these few minutes I just want to talk to you practically about just a couple of groundwork some basis foundational things that will help you aim high in Charlotte I lied help myself aim high as far as our religious but maturity is concerned every one of us should see ourselves next year you know from this one Labonte next Ramadan or you know what Ramadan is already over so this December till next December this winter - next winter how am I going to be a better Muslim and I'd like to highlight three areas so if you those of you that are writing this down just three areas where you want to be able to say to yourself in a tangible way I'm better off I've made some progress in three areas at least the first of those areas is worship the first concern is worship has my pledge have improved am I making a shot and budget at least on time perfectly the guys am i waking up for fire and making it to the Masjid make it a goal maybe you're not doing it every day but set a goal that you're gonna accomplish that this year more and more and more you're gonna be able to get it and I'm gonna go to sleep earlier oh my god youth you can't accomplish anything in life if you don't go to sleep early I'm telling you you know those deep conversations you have over Hoka at night yeah that's not reviving the Omaha let me just tell you now that was deep brows good good talk good talk then you wake up at 10 a.m. to pray fudger you know that's the almost sure gonna revive through that there's some deep discussions last night over some shower of mind some hookah you know go to sleep on time go to sleep on time wake up early such get your fuzzy right get your Quran in the morning in now Quran al fatiha DiMaggio then get to Quran in order we talked about changing the world we can't even change our day yet we can't even change your day yet when you change your day then you can change your year that means you can change your life my mornings have to become more productive in terms of worship in terms of worship part of worship I would include especially those of you that are people of vision your vision will come your inspiration will come with the Quran and the Quran has to be in your heart you have to have a project of memorizing as much Quran as you can at little at a time as possible if you can handle more take on more but every day fudger and a little bit of memorization a little bit of recitation and that's what starts your day and I can guarantee you if you do that in your life even if you do that this week once if you do it once you will notice the difference the rest of the day you will notice that day has more barakah in it you're getting more accomplished the doors around you are opening opportunities are coming your mind is clearer creative ideas are coming to you it's you'll see if Allah brings those blessings to you those opens those doors that are otherwise closed so the first of how many areas that I say I said three areas and the first of those areas is worship that's the first area I'm going to improve in the second area that you really have to work on that you really really have to be concerned with is knowledge is knowledge and how am I going to grow in my knowledge this year and by the way I separate knowledge from worship I separate the two because some people focus so much on knowledge and their worship is terrible they don't worship they think their knowledge is compensating them for it so they're studying lots of stuff seed and there's no a lot of dead weed but they don't even pay attention in salat I mean what are you doing what's that knowledge for your friend I meant I'm mentioning these things in priority first thing was worship the second thing is knowledge and I don't mean become an alum and get a degree in Sharia those of you that want to do that congratulations oh I'm talking to everybody here not everybody here is going to be a Mufti or a alum or whatever but you have to be educated Muslims you have to be there's needs to be some minimal level of education in your Islam and my recommendation for you for that is that by the end of the year the coming year you've studied at least a couple of things you've studied the seal the life of the prophet sallal our salaam once and now you should do it every year once and actually you should read a different source on the Selah every year for the next few years and really study it at the same time you have to make substantial gains in that same year you have to make substantial gains in your Quran I'm still in the area of knowledge first area was worship second area is knowledge right in this knowledge you have to make some substantial gains in your Quran which let's just say you decided this year you're gonna try to memorize I don't know soul of God let's just say so you set a goal for this this year I'm gonna memorize so toluca half that means I'm gonna memorize it I'm gonna study it stuff seed I'm gonna read it in translation I'm gonna try to understand every word in its vocabulary if there's a lecture series on solute oka 1/2 if there's a deaf seat available on so little curve if there's an article and paper and slavka 1/2 I'm going to take it and I'm gonna consume it since knowledge so the first thing was worship and the second thing was knowledge and I hope you see how I try to fuse those two things too even though I kept them separate one is helping the other so if your knowledge is not helping your worship I don't know if it's real knowledge I don't know if that's real knowledge is it in terms of Deen in terms of theme then there's the third area and that is service there's service and that's where you have to figure out you have to set some time whether it's once a week whether it's on the weekends you don't need the screen anyway if it was on the weekends whether it's you know once in a month but you have to do some kind of service meaning meaning help people and those of you that have parents that are that have teenage children if you can encourage that sort of activity and even be take part in it with your teenage kids it's actually most important in teenage years to engage in the activity of helping other people that's part of what builds maturity because the teenage years are when our youth are youth in general not just Muslim youth youth in general are the most self-absorbed they're really just their world is selves and how they look and their friends and their facebook status or how many friends they have or whatever that stuff becomes really important to them at that age they become very petty and if you can pull them out of that mindset at that age and make them care about things beyond themselves helping other people seeing what suffering looks like and helping with that you know like recently for example with the disaster of the you know the storm that head and all those people in New Jersey and New York and all of this is not too far from you guys if you did a a weekend trip every weekend with some would the Red Cross or anybody else and you went and just helped out people whose homes are destroyed or there's a tree in their driveway or something and just went and helped and came back if you just did that it would I'm telling you it will bring you closer to allah like nothing else you do these three things and you're you've at least met the foundational goals to do great things in life this is not your goal these are the these are the things you've met so you can actually achieve goals now let's talk about your goals do those things do them when you're a team do stuff when you're a team if you have an idea run it by people that are successful in business or an entrepreneurship discuss your idea with them refine it see how you can get started and you don't always think you need to have big investment capital to start something all you need is a good idea and work ethic and you can start something and you could be huge you could be huge that's what the OMA needs the oh my needs creative entrepreneurs the few that we have the few entrepreneurs that we have are driving the they're actually shaping the direction of the community alhamdulillah so alhamdulillah we have enough doctors we have enough programmers don't be a programmer to work at a company start your own firm make the next and most amazing most downloaded app you should do that that's what you guys should be and when we do that I tell The Sims to do this you know why because we have to understand the new language of power in the world is economics we have to understand that right now we're struggling to even pay for our massages in America we are some of the most well of Muslims in the planet and we have a hard time paying off we don't even have an economically sustainable model for our own massage at our own schools that's because we haven't thought big enough we have to learn to start thinking big and we have to develop a work ethic for it but the Baraka the blessings in what in that creative work will come when the foundation I talked about is already there if your solo author good your worship is solid your knowledge is increasing and you're serving humanity your mind will be in the right place and Allah will put barakah in your business a lot Baraka and you're an entrepreneurial venture and he will not let you become a materialist and a you know an a greedy capitalist he'll make you a socially responsible entrepreneur that will make this country a tench how about the world a better place and we're not just here to serve the OMA we're here to fix the world you have to think that big you have to aim that high don't shortchange yourself don't underestimate yourself and even though we are just at the end of the day slaves of Allah and we are the lowest before him the closest we are to Elisha is when we put ourselves the lowest on the ground that's our humility to Allah but when Allah gives you a gift and Allah gives you intelligence and Allah gives you an educational opportunity and Allah gives you a creative idea and Allah gifts you with a talent and you say I'm way too humble to exercise my talent and that is not humility that is ingratitude that is ingratitude you have to exercise your talents you have to make the most of yourself Kunlun yama do either shockula t tell them everybody should work in accordance with their predisposition every one of you has a predisposition you have a talent you're good at something find out what that is and find out how you're gonna use it to its maximum potential so you become a contributor to the world
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Keywords: nouman ali khan, nouman ali khan 2019, nouman ali khan lectures, how to change your life for the better islam, nouman ali khan change your life, change your life islam, how islam can change your life, one dua that can change your life, nouman ali khan how to change your life, how to change your life in islam, best islamic lecture it will change your life, nouman ali khan new, nouman ali khan reminder, islamic reminder nouman ali khan, daily reminder nouman ali khan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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