God Is Looking For You

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it's just for the eyes of the Lord run y'all know that God has eyes that run but the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to him the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the earth to show himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to him the eyes of the Lord run or go to and fro on I want you to touch your neighbor on the right and say neighbor hey God is looking for you turn to your other neighbor say neighbor I don't know if you've heard it or not but God is looking for you make yourself available to him God is looking for you yes you you you you back then the blue shirt God is looking for you back there in the yellow shirt he's looking for you he's looking for you and he's looking for somebody that's watching online God is looking for you have your way Lord bless this food we are about to eat send your word today and we'll thank you in Jesus name Amen on your way down just touch somebody tell him he's looking for you God is looking for you one of the big overarching themes of this particular verse to me is the very fact that God is looking for people that he can use it's it's amazing because I would just think that God could just snatch somebody up and make them ready and use them but he doesn't do it like that he is searching he is looking for someone whose heart is very loyal to him and it is those type of people that God will use see when Jesus was on the earth God did everything that he wanted to do through him through his physical body he did it through Jesus Christ however when Jesus Christ died and he was buried and resurrected and ascended back into to heaven it changed everything and so today God still works through the body of Christ but it is now not just Jesus the man body of Christ that I'm talking about I'm talking about the body of Christ meaning as in you and I for we are his ears in the earth we are his eyes in the earth we are his voice that is in the earth and what God used to do physically through Jesus Christ now he wants to do through the spiritual body of Christ which is me and you so I am just crazy enough to believe that when God says that he his eyes are going to and fro in the face of the earth that they really are and that he is looking for somebody anybody everybody that he can use and when we become usable in his sight he will use us in ways that will absolutely blow our mind when we become usable ask your neighbor are you useable this morning I want to give you 6 qualities that will help us move into a usable status where God is concerned we need to be used by God and we need to set our house in order get our lives together because whether you know it or not our church took a major shift last Sunday we sing about it we talk about it we preach about it and a lot of times we say it by faith but there are just those moments that when God comes in and he honors what we have spoken and he literally shifts us from one dimension to another well last week was one of those dimensions it wasn't just so much that a guest speaker brought and he was he was an absolutely incredible brought a great anointing and brought a great word but God moves line upon line and precept upon precept and and we have been building up and we have been seeing God just open the windows of heaven periodically and drop things out and and we could just sense and feel the the anticipation of God's glory and as he be so it wasn't just that he'd he's so much brought it it's just the fact that he helped make a lot of people aware that it was here okay it is here what the the visitation of God is here it's just a matter of see God has already done everything he's going to do so everything we need is already done it's already in the atmosphere we can have normal church or we can lean into the atmosphere and become aware of what is available to us today so it all depends on your press it depends on if you're willing to press beyond your flesh to press beyond your situation to press beyond your circumstances sometimes two people can be sitting on the same row listening to the same preacher singing the same song and and one sense a level of glory that the other one is not sensing because one is distracted but one is focused and one is leaning into the atmosphere hallelujah look at somebody tell him that's me that's me that's me he declared prophetically over us which I had heard twice last week that he said the weight of God's glory is coming the weight of God's glory is coming please understand that when when you when he said the weight of God's glory is coming it's not like it's it's it's not like it's all set to happen on one particular Sunday and if you miss that Sunday you've missed the weight of God's glory it's not like that it's also not like that it is only going to happen in this particular room it's going to be great in this particular room because when you bring your portion of God's glory and you bring your portion of God's glory and somebody over here brings theirs we come together and there is a weight that settles down on us but God's glory is the is the manifestation of God's presence and so what what I'm saying to you is it's not going to be limited to to our particular setting I believe that the manifest presence of God wants to sit on us wherever we go on a Monday on a Tuesday when when people look up and see you coming they realize God something is about to hit my life wherever it is that you're walking there is a way teenis they're there they're there is something on you that would that people can sense it I I don't know what it is about my husband other than there is a weight of authority on his life and a weight of glory his life that we're early in our years when we used to travel wherever he would go there would be a demonic manifestation it just would always happen and I'm talking about just somebody you know a little manifestation over here I'm talking about somebody that would turn a whole section upside down and and I would watch him in the minute where he would walk over into that situation we would watch the glory of God set down on a person and that person get delivered I remember one person one one young man was so demon-possessed that when he they took him and put him in a room and went and when Bishop walked into that room and opened that door the devil spoke up through that young man had said oh I can't do nothing with you he said there's too much blood blood blood blood I see the blood all over you I can't do nothing with you he said demo you're right you can't do nothing with me the blood is against you and I cast you out right now in the name of Jesus I'm talking about the weight of glory so that wherever your feet take you you walk in Dominion you walk into the car lot with Dominion you walk into the company with Dominion your company will survive simply because they have you because you carry the weight of God's glory how in other words wherever you go the blessing goes with you and so it's not just limited to this when we are entering into a season y'all better hear me today we are entering into a season where people might call you up and say there is a need so-and-so it's over here it's over here it's over there you can't get there but because the weight of God's glory is on your life you speak the word to that area and you say in the name of Jesus people don't know what to do but because they're talking to you and you carry the weight of God's glory you're gonna open your mouth and strategy is going to come you had no idea what it was about you never knew the need existed five minutes ago but because the weight of God's glory is on your life and his presence is manifest in your life you will have answers that people are looking for this is all if we yield ourselves to the weight of God's glory so in order for that to happen however we have to be usable ask your neighbor one more time are you usable first Timothy 4 and 16 you can write it down in the Living Bible it says keep a close watch on all that you do and think keep a close watch on all that you do and think stay true to what is right and God will bless you and God will use you to help others keep a close watch that means we must become relentless about evaluating ourselves not evaluating everybody else it says keep a close watch on everything that you do and everything that you say and if you'll stay true to what is right God will use you and he will bless you and he'll use you to help other people make sure that he will he will he won't touch us in a way to make sure that we are useable keep a close watch on yourself it's time we're entering into a season right now at a time for us to point out everybody else's fault it's time for us to look in the mirror and say am i useable am i flexible am i pliable am i moldable can God take my life put me on the potter's wheel and spin me until he makes me everything that I need to be for this next season in my life some of you been spinning and you're wondering what in the world why am i spinning why am i going in circles but I'll tell you why you're going in circles is because God is making you a new another vessel it's a new season and he's putting touches on your life that you didn't need in the last season but you're gonna need it in this season so he just scoops you up drops you on the wheel starts bending you making you uncomfortable breaking you you're trying to figure out you're like god I did everything right I thought he said no it's not that you've done anything wrong I'm just getting you ready for the next season you to use your didn't you hallelujah so God God we have to check ourselves because once once we are refined and once we are ready God will begin to use us limitations 3 and 40 says let us examine our ways let us test them and let us return back to the Lord let us examine our ways let us test them and if we're out of whack let's return back to the Lord because it's only as we return back to the Lord that God and we allow him to form us into what we need to be somebody saying what's next for my life what's next for your life is that you have to examine yourself and say God oh how usable god am i usable not in not in what you were doing yesterday but and not in what you want to do tomorrow but what am i usable for what you want to do today so somebody says well what is it that God is looking for write this down number 1 God is looking for people who are holy it's quiet I didn't get many a man's I thought I might get about five more than what I got but somebody is like well that excludes me God is looking for people who are holy Hebrews 12 and 14 says make every effort to live in peace with all men to be holy for without holiness no one will see God without holiness no one will see God unfortunately we don't talk about holiness today in the church I grew up hearing it all my life it was holiness a hell you don't have any other choice you go go you gonna live holy are you gonna split hell wide open anybody ever hear that term you go split hell wide open holiness really means it means that we that we live a consecrated life that we aim to live a Pure Life make every effort Hebrews 12 says make every effort to be consecrated make every effort to be pure make every effort to be sanctified in your heart and in your life see when the Holy Spirit comes into our life the primary characteristic that lets us know that he is there is that you ought to want to be holy that you ought to want to be different when the Holy Spirit comes in something in you says I don't want to be who I was I don't want to think like I used to think I don't want to go where I used to go I don't want to hang with everybody I used to hang with when the Holy Spirit is in there the evidence that here is that in there is that you want to be different it's that you want to be like God it's it's it's he doesn't just come to give us a prayer language hello I said the Holy Spirit doesn't just come so you can have a prayer Lane he doesn't even just come here sour but he doesn't even just come so that you can have power he comes so that you will have so that he can do something in your he comes to make you want to do right he comes to check you when you're wrong he comes to make you want to make things right that that were wrong so what does it mean to be holy Psalms 24 and verse 3 says who may ascend to the hill of the Lord who may stand in his holy place he who has clean hands a pure heart who does not lift up his soul to an idol and who does not swear by what is false he the one that does those four things shall receive the blessing but blessing means the peace and the prosperity that comes from the Lord and the vindication that comes from God his Savior what are you saying right there is there are four characteristics right there that that that deal with holiness in our life he said if you're if you're holy you're going to have clean hands what does clean hands mean it simply means that you have a clear conscience whoa yeah but not a seared conscience I'm talking about a clear a clear conscience it's it's the starting point to living a holy life if you're gonna live a holy life you have to have a cleanse life come on where's my church at I said if you do I have a holy life you have to have a cleanse life I know y'all don't want me to talk about that but I'm gonna talk about that okay I'm gonna talk about that today you know why cuz I'm tired of seeing people going in circles I'm tired of gray areas it's time for us to start calling black black and white white what is sin is sin what it's not it's not but it is if we if we do not get out of the gray area we're not gonna have the power that we need to have how and some of y'all got family that need to be delivered hallelujah so any God to give us clean hands you you will not have a you cannot live a holy life if you don't have a cleanse life so what does that mean what's that look like today pastor but does it mean I gotta be perfect absolutely not but what it does mean it means you need to keep a short account with God it means if you mess up telling you sorry it means don't let time get in between you and you'll mess up with God it means if I mess up God forgive me I'm so sorry created me a clean heart renew a right spirit within me it means when I mess up I'm quick to repent I said it means when I mess up I'm quick to repent for as we confess our sin he is faithful and he is just to forgive us and to what cleanse us from all unrighteousness and you know that when your engine is clean it produces more power hello I said when your engine in your car is clean it produces more power the second characteristic that is associated with holiness is a pure heart clean hands equals a clear conscience a pure heart equals integrity jeremiah 48:10 says cursed be he who does the work of the Lord deceitfully whoo y'all better hear that cursed me who does who's who's trying to to say I'm doing the work of the Lord but you're being deceitful about it you'll bring a curse upon yourself so clean hands means what clear conscious a pure heart means integrity number three the third characteristic that is associated with holiness is they do not lift up their their soul to an idol he's talking to us here about humility the Bible tells us one scripture that most of us know pride goes before a fall can I tell you there is no sin that God will judge any quicker than the than the sin of pride pride is something that God hates he hates a proud look pride was the sin that got Satan kicked out of heaven pride was the sin that caused Sparrow to lose his nation so we must be aware of the power of pride that sneaks in and tries to set itself up within us the fourth characteristic that is associated with holiness is honesty so they don't lift up their souls to an idol because they they model humility but number four they don't swear by what is false so that is honesty so 39 and one says I said I will watch my ways I will keep my tongue from sin I will put a muzzle on my mouth ooh I will put a muzzle on my mouth do you know that one of the ways that we lose spiritual power is by talking too much it's about being too talkative and so we lose spiritual power like that it's it's kind of like a steam engine and if the steam engine is always letting off steam through the little whistle then when it comes time for the engine to move it doesn't have the power to move but if if it stores up that steam and it doesn't just let loose all the time when it finally does let loose it is powerful enough to move the engine look at somebody and tell him save your words and you'll save your steam so you have to have valuate yourself that means you gotta ask yourself God where am I talking too much where do I need to shut it down help me Jesus where do I need to watch my words are my words filled with anger and my words angry are my words bitter am i quick to be sarcastic against other people any sarcastic people in here be honest to be honest I mean this just comes quick to you somebody says something and you like you can just tell them straight off you can be sarcastic I mean you can do it but God that's where we have to challenge ourselves and say God I know I can but I also know I shouldn't so that's your that's the thorn in your flesh get your thorn under control are your words degrading do you hit below the belt that's too close to home y'all uncomfortable we'll get rid of more hit you again do you hit below the belt when you argue do you keep the main thing the main thing or do you start dragging everything else into the fight come on when you do that that's wrong that's wrong keep the main thing the main thing and let's grow through it so that we just don't argue about it watch your words you're losing steam every time you open your mouth you lose the spiritual power you're getting a fight and run your mouth like you are all data and you proud of it and then you somebody calls and says will you touch and agree with me and now you ain't got a pet no power and all you can pray a flea off of the dog you lost it when you ran your mouth tell somebody be quiet be glad I didn't say shut up so to wrap wrap it up and this the first type of person that God is looking for is a holy person that means we got to have a clear conscience that means we got to have pure 'ti when it comes to our motives that means we've got to live with integrity and that means we've got to be honest the second kind of person that God is looking for why are you telling us this because God is setting the stage to get it ready to sin a move a move of his spirit I want to be one of those that is ready I want this church to be ready should God decide to dump a bucket of glory in it one church in Frisco Texas I want to be the one that he dunks dumps that bucket of glory in look at somebody tell him we got to get ready we got to get ready we got to get the slack out of our life we got to get our prayer life back we gotta get we got to start doing what is right we gotta have clean hands and a pure heart God is looking for holy people we used to think that holiness was a way that we dressed but I'm gonna tell you I've seen a whole lot of people dress holy but be meaner than a junkyard dog on the inside that ain't what I'm after that ain't what I'm after but I also believe that if God cleans you up it'll change the way you dress y'all ain't gonna say nothin to me [Applause] anybody see Aretha Franklin's funeral I'm okay moving but the second kind of person that God is looking for is he's looking for a person that is surrendered he's looking for a surrendered person a surrendered person is a broken person and so therefore it is safe to say that God is looking for brokenness I said God is looking for brokenness he doesn't want to have to fight you so he can use you he wants you to be broken in his presence you know God uses broken things I said God uses open things broken fences broken vessels represents something that is totally surrendered to God when Jesus said the 5000 the Bible said that he took the bread he blessed the bread he broke the bread let me back up he took the bread he broke the bread he blessed it and he gave it he took it he broke it he blessed it he gave it say that he took it he broke it he blessed it he gave it and if you look through the scripture he used that divine pattern all throughout the scripture God does that in our lives he takes us he breaks us he blesses us and then he gives us then he uses us so the principle of brokenness is the principle of being totally surrendered it is a place where you say God I used to want that for my life but now I just want what you want I don't want it if you don't want me to want it I don't want to need it if you don't want me to need it none of it matters anymore what matters to me now is that I have more of you but let me tell you everybody that's color and I need more there is a cost to more I said there is a costume or whatever you want god that's what I want the psalmist David said in 51 Psalms 51 a broken and a contrite spirit Thou O Lord you will not despise or you will not ignore so when I am broken before you I will get your attention because you will not ignore me here's what the passion translation says it says the fountain of your pleasure is found in the sacrifice of my shattered heart before you you will not despise my tenderness as I humbly bow down at your feet God can't despise broken things you know the story of Gideon God spoke to Gideon said Gideon take your 300 men go into the enemy's camp and it wasn't just the enemy's camp there were four hundred and fifty thousand enemies against that had set themselves against Gideon and his three hundred men he is seized he said go and surround the camp the only thing I want you to take with you are three items for warfare he said take a trumpet take a lit torch and take a clay pot that you put over top of the lit torch to hide the fire somebody say put it in order well he gave him the order and they followed the orders and when God released the command Gideon and his 300 men they went out and they surrounded the camp of the enemy when God said go they took their trumpet they blew their trumpet and then they broke the pot that was sitting over top of the fire and when they did that the light came out so bright that it caused the mass confusion in the four hundred and fifty thousand men that were up against Gideon's three hundred it cost such confusion that the enemy started killing one another they just started devouring themselves and now Gideon and his three hundred men won a great victory because they were obedient if they had not broken the vessel when God said break the vessel they would not have ever won the victory I wonder how many victories that you have allowed to slip through your hand because you refused to be broken god help us see what our lives are broken before the Lord the light that is within us will shine out it confuses darkness it confuses the enemy and even though the odds were extremely against Gideon he came out the width of victory why because he knew how to be broken he knew how to tell his men when god says break you break it you don't worry about anything else when God says don't fight that battle in your flesh cry it out in your prayer closet that's how broken this occurs you will never be broken and be able to get even at the same time I said you'll never be broken and be able to get even at the same time brokenness is powerful when the woman with the alabaster box came to Jesus it was not until she broke the box that the fragrance filled the room there was no fragrance until the box was broken but when Mary took the box and she broke her most precious earthly treasure on the treasure of the ages that was about to be broken for her it did not only affect him and Mary but it affected everybody that was in that room it's not only affected everybody in that room it's affected all of us in this room because we're still talking about the one act of worship that Mary committed and it is 2017 and we're talking about her act of worship why because when passion is turned into worship then the heart of God is open to those who are worshipers her passion was turned into worship and because of that thought into the heart the heart of God opens up to worshipers Jesus is a supreme example of this he said in Luke 22 and 42 father if it be your will please let this cup pass from me nevertheless not my will be done but your will be done when Jesus looked into the cup of suffering he was in the Garden of Gethsemane when he looked down into that Cup that the cup in the New Testament always represents a suffering so when Jesus looked into that cup he saw every sin that was ever committed he saw every act of adultery he saw every act of murder he saw rape he saw deception he saw every dishonest deed and when he looked down into that cup he and he realized that he was about to take the blame for every sin that would be committed he said uh father if it's possible will you please let this cup pass from me oh lord have mercy because you know I'm not guilty of all of this something about when we know we're not guilty it makes us want to fight oh but Jesus said you know what nevertheless whatever your will is and whatever whatever you say if my name gets drug through the mud it doesn't matter if my reputation gets checked up nevertheless and I will oh god whatever you say I want your will to be done that is surrender that is submission I want to tell you today that I don't care how talented you are how gifted you are how destined and predestined and called anointed and appointed that you are God cannot use you to your fullest extent until you come into your own personal Gethsemane your guest simony will be where God releases you to the nation's he cannot maximize your potential until you can say father not my will but your will be done not my will not my agenda not my motive not my desire not my plan Oh God but it is your plan not my ambition Lord it is your will that I want in my life but if we don't get to the place well we are broken from our self will and our self dependency then God cannot do the things that he wants to do in our life but if we can ever get there he will do things that we never even dreamed would ever be possible but but the sad scenario of that is most of the time it takes a crisis for us to get to that point it's not usually a free will brokenness hello it usually takes the crisis it takes Peter it takes finding Peter after he said I will not deny you but Jesus said yes you will you'll deny me three times before the crows you will deny me three times it is only after you go through those kind of experiences usually that's your broken I'm talking about the kind of crisis where David he committed adultery with Bathsheba he had her husband murdered her the baby that she was carrying that belonged to David dies and where does that leave David flat on the floor his face is on the floor it is called brokenness and God uses broken people I'm talking about the kind of crisis and brokenness that that came to Samson after he finally gave in his team to the temptation of Delilah cut his hair all off his strength was gone they gouged out his eyes which was his vision and the grant and the thing about it though is his greatest strength came after his greatest brokenness I said his greatest strength came after his greatest brokenness because he walked into the temple put his hands on the pillars he had no vision he had not not though he had he had none of that going for him but because he was a man that was broken God honored him I said God honored him and he brought the house down look at somebody until it bring the house down brokenness will bring down the house I said brokenness will bring down the house not tell it not good singer not good preaching but brokenness will bring down the house hit somebody tell him I'm getting ready to bring down the house who every preacher got a good message right there I'm talking about the kind of brokenness where God wrestled with Jacob all night long he wrestled with the Lord all night long until the Lord touched him in his thigh and when he touched him in his thigh he weakened him you're yeah I heard that your thigh muscle is one of the biggest and one of the strongest muscles in your body so when God touched Jacob at his point of strength and he made him weak it changed the way Jake had walked for the rest of his life I said it changed the way that he walked for the rest of his life what are you saying pastor I'm saying that whenever you have gone through a personal Gethsemane you will never walk the same again because you are not the same person when you have gone through a personal Gethsemane you are never going to be the same but the good news is till somebody there is good news the good news is after you have been through the breaking of the Lord you are the one that he is looking for because God uses broken people number three the third group that God is looking for so that he can use them as he's looking for believing people Hebrews 11 is success without faith it is impossible to please God let me just ask you how many things have you done this week without faith see most of us limit God severely with our unbelief most of us have the kind of faith that tries God but doesn't trust God and you've never really believed God until you have Lao allowed yourself to get in a situation that if he didn't fix it it was not going to be fixed real faith takes risks real faith will step out on a limb and reach for the fruit real faith will rock the boat real faith says I don't know how in the world that I'm gonna make it through this but I'm going for it anyway hit somebody tell him I'm going for it anyway we're rockin it so easy we're rocking up we're in our comfort zone but can I tell you you cannot grow in a comfort zone growth and comfort do not coexist they cannot coexist growth and comfort cannot co-exist I'm asking you today what are you believing God for in your family in your business in your finances over the next six months that you cannot do for yourself you need to get something in your mind that says this is out of my control this is in God's control but I'm gonna rock this thing until I see it come to pass I dare you to expect God to do it he'll do it according to your faith he said I will do it unto you according to your faith so God tell your neighbor God's looking for people that will believe him the fourth group that he is looking for that he wants to use is for sighted people for sighted people that means people who not only believe but people who will look toward the future he's looking for people who are not so consumed with the pass looking backwards that they forgot that they had a future he is looking for people who have learned to live their life in the light of eternity he's looking for people who have learned that there's more to life than just what I'm looking at right now he's he's he's he's he's looking for people who have learned how to set their affections not on things of the earth but on things that are above the earth set your affection on things that are above he's looking for people who are not trying to take every every bit that they have and lay up treasures in the earth that's not who he's looking for he's looking for people who will who will fix their eyes on Jesus who is the author and the finisher of their faith who for the joy that was set before him not the joy that is right now but the joy see that's the old that's the key that Jesus being able to go through the cross though by the way of the cross it wasn't the cross he was looking at it was the joy that was set before him he saw you he saw me he saw us he saw people giving their hearts to him he saw us being able to live with him eternally and he said go ahead and just nail me to this cross I'll do whatever I gotta do because I see what I need to see that very last sentence there says for the joy that was set before him he endured the cross and despised the shed he looked for the joy in the pain he had a greater perspective he looked beyond the cross and he saw the glory and he entered into the problem he said I can take the problem because I've seen on the other side he had foresight are you so busy looking at today maybe that's why we're so depressed maybe that's why we're discouraged sometimes you gotta look out from where you are Abraham not look at where you are I don't like just took the best land he said but I didn't tell you to look at where you are you where you're where you're at it looks like you've been ripped off it looks like you've been defeated it looks like you got the wrong end of the deal that's why God said look out don't look at look out just somebody look out look out look out you won't be so depressed if you look out you won't be so discouraged if you'll look out look out and know that he who had big color could work in you will be faithful to complete it but the tragedy is that too many Christians are spending all their time and all their money and all their energy and all their effort on things that do not matter things that will not matter we're spending everything we've got on things that will not last and we don't invest in things that will last well what will last pastor one thing that will last is his word his word will last forever you know what else will last his church I said his church will last forever that's why whenever you put a dollar in this church whenever you see somebody whenever you see them break up the ground out there and start to pour concrete or whatever we're pouring to to create our parking lot you gotta know that you've just invested in something you you've invested in the church the church will last forever Apple will not be here a thousand years from now your iPhone will not be here a thousand years from now but I guarantee you the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ will be alive and well you gotta invest in things that are eternal and quit wasting all your energy your time and your strength on stuff that will not matter build your life on his word build your life in his church build your life on faith hope and love and the greatest of these being love build your life on prayer because prayer is going to last forever y'all revelation 5 and 8 says that the prayers of the saints are stored up in vials in heaven the Bible says that God hears our prayers so there are prayers that are being answered today that were prayed a hundred years ago the house that I'm living in today my grandma prayed for that house my great-grandma prayed for that house oh he may not come when you won't him but he will be right Oh God is looking for people who have their priorities straight people who will seek first the kingdom of God people who are not just looking at what matters today but they have a foresight about what matters tomorrow number five write it quickly he was looking for a persistent people people who refused to give up people who refused to give in people who refused to quit God is going to use people who are diligent people who are persistent people who will be determined people who know that in order to qualify for the benefits you got to hang around long enough in order to call on your job when you first get hired you don't always qualify for the benefits but you got to go through that a little bit of a waiting period they that wait upon the Lord don't get me started on all that they shall renew their strength hit somebody tell them you got to hang in there you gotta hang in there hit somebody else and say let's stick it out let's stick it out let's stick it out and let us not grow weary in well-doing but after a while you will reap if you faint not I feel like feigning but I'm not hallelujah anybody ever had to say that I feel like feigning but I'm not I look like I'm old faint but I'm not lord help us she's a look at somebody said wait on the Lord wait on the Lord wait on the Lord I know your feelings are hurt but hang in there I know you want to throw in the towel but hang in there hallelujah wait on the Lord f be of good courage the secret the secret to Paul's usefulness was that he refused to allow anything to discourage him he was persistent he said yeah we are pressed down on every side but we're not crushed we are perplexed but we're not in despair we are persecuted but at the end of the day we're not forsaken we are struck down but we are not destroyed o touch somebody and tell him we just get back up again so therefore he said do not lose heart because even though the outward man perish yet the inward man is renewed day by day for our light affliction which is but for a it's working for us a far more exceeding eternal eternal what wait good all rain touch somebody and tell them the weight of glory is coming that means the load of glory the abundance of glory ha was going from glory to glory he said no matter what I'm gonna keep it going I'm tell you to hit three people and tell him keep it going got in hit three you hit one keep it going keep it going my question to you today is what does it take to discourage you what does it take one little word of criticism discouraged is you let me tell you something to make it in ministry your prayer has got to be this God give me tough skin and a tender heart [Applause] somebody say God give me tough skin and a tender heart if you're a leader if you're a minister if you're a preacher if you're a believer if you're a mother if you're a father if you are a servant of Jesus Christ if you are an influencer we are going to have to toughen it up we have one of the weakest spiritual generations because people can't take nothing I am grateful for every rebuke I ever got in my life I'm grateful for every sit down and shut your mouth I'm great for every eye that rolls at me you know why cuz it made me who I am today I'm grateful that I had to see things and hear things and keep my mouth shut about it and say God just work it out Jesus God is looking for persistent people look at somebody and tell them I gotta toughen up a great person I said a great person is just an ordinary person who has extraordinary determination that's all it is number six were done write this down God is looking for people he's looking for loving people the number one truth of the owner of I'm sorry of the New Testament church of the New Testament believer the number one trait of the New Testament believer is that they love first John four seven and eight said beloved let us love one another for love is of God and everyone that love is born of God and knows God but he that loveth not knows not God don't be set up in this church and be hating people I've been in the church for 25 years know you've been in the way you ain't been in the church [Applause] but he that loveth not you don't even know God you gotta love your enemy you gotta love those who despitefully use you how in the world am I supposed to do that love keeps no record of wrongs done you didn't say I had to trust you but I do have to love you either loveth not knows not God because God is love people today are looking every fill everywhere for love I mean everywhere Phillip and I've never seen so many different people in my life [Music] sometimes when I hug people if I go out here help people if I go into the store and I run into people and a hugging sometimes I wonder how long is that hug gonna have two glass maybe I need to squeeze just a second because some people never never know what it is to be in the embrace of somebody that really loves them we've gotten so busy Church doing what we call the work of the Lord that we were losing the main element and I'm gonna tell you we can have 50 Bible studies a week we can have 14 support groups we can have prayer 24 hours a day we can memorize the entire book of Revelation we can we can memorize an entire Bible we may know how to defend our faith we may know how to win people to Christ we may know how to feed the poor we may know how to clothe the naked we may we may have great theology a great understanding of theology we may be able to unravel the great mysteries of the scripture but if I don't have love what good is all that listen God ain't impressed as a matter of fact he says you're nothing but sounding brass and tinkling cymbal my question to you to you today is do you really love people we have to love them because love is the basis for ministry I said love is the basis for ministry somebody once said sympathy is is when you say oh I'm so sorry for you empathy is is when you say I'm I hurt with you but compassion says I'm gonna do everything I can to stop your heart that's what the church needs you're hurting what Elmo do what can I do to help what can I do to live the low and if you study the life of Christ he was filled with compassion he said I'm going to do anything I can even if it means I gotta go to the cross I will do whatever I can to heal your pain those are the six things that God is looking for he's those are the six people that God is looking for it's looking for people that will heal the broken it won't be afraid to touch their mess it won't be afraid to say you're jacked up but come here silver and gold have I none but such as I have give IV I waited the glorious coming Church the weight of the glories the weight of the glorious coming I want to be usable how about you does anybody want to be usable okay in a stand of all over the building lift up your hands and thank him for the weight of the glory fair father today we thank you the weight of your glory Lord that when we walk out of here we are going to come in contact with humanity that needs you Lord calls us to be aware of your presence not just in this room but as we walk into the marketplace as we go into the restaurant calls us to be aware there might be somebody that is on the verge of being suicidal that we can look at and smile and just shake hands and totally change the outcome of their life Lord use us to give hope to those that are hopeless make us usable God we lay our lives down our agendas down we pray that you would use us
Channel: Sheryl Brady
Views: 88,607
Rating: 4.8430953 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Sheryl Brady, Sheryl Brady, The Potter's House of North Dallas
Id: UWpnhxdx0u0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 22sec (3202 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 06 2018
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