Wait for the Wind

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the message Bible for this one right here this one I wanted to be in the message by both proverbs 20 verse 25 how many of you know wisdom is so important I love to shout I love to holler I love to do all that fun stuff but when I walk out of here I want to have my mind on right and I want to be able to make wise decisions and wise choices so wisdom is imperative and I want to take the 25th verse right here and the Bible says that an impulsive vow is a trap an impulsive vow is a trap later you wish you could get out of it anybody ever found himself in something that you wish you could have gotten out of some of you are right now you're right in the middle of that you're sitting right next to them don't say a word about it I know I know today I want to take just just a few moments I'm not gonna be long but I want to talk about breaking the impulses that bring unnecessary stress breaking the impulses that bring unnecessary stress look at somebody tell him you gotta break it you got a break you gotta break your spirit of god bless this food that we are about to eat we honor you today for your presence we thank you for it is rich in this place now say whatever you wanted to say in this church touch every here in this place and we'll give you glory for it in Jesus name Amen amen on your way down just touch somebody tell him you got to break it you got to break every impulse you got to break every impulse that leads to unnecessary stress has anybody been out shopping on Black Friday or Saturday anybody been shopping lift your hands don't be shame just lift them lift them see someone's there's a lot of us that went out shopping on Black Friday how many of you bought gifts for somebody else no we lost half the crowd right there how many of you went shopping on Black Friday and bought something for yourself I'm not by myself I did I went out on Black Friday I never ever hardly ever do that but my chair my chair my favorite chair y'all know what kind of chair that is everybody kind of has their own favorite chair my chair broke over the Thanksgiving holiday and I'm like I got to have an I got to have a new chair so I left my house and I started out to find a chair I knew where I wanted to go and the problem was I could see the store but I couldn't get near it probably cause all y'all were out there shopping I couldn't get near that's frustrating when you can see something you know where you're going you can see it you can almost touch it but you can't you can't quite get there that was frustrating and what was frustrating is it wasn't just cars that were in my way it wasn't just traffic in my way people were everywhere they will walk in the streets I'm like who said we were gonna turn this street into a sidewalk I mean just like just tons of people so traffic was everywhere people were everywhere parents were out there trying to to hold hands to their children so that they didn't get hit by people that were trying to drive on what is called a road and so you had that to look at I also saw grown kids who were pushing their elderly parents in wheelchairs so I saw parents pushing their children and then I also saw children that were grown pushing their parents so as I was looking at all of that I was trying to think man that's a beautiful picture right there but I was so stressed out that I couldn't see the beauty of the picture because I was really wanting to get to the store okay but but it was it was a beautiful thing but it was a stressful thing they say that the most stressful time of the year for the majority of people is the time that falls in between Thanksgiving and Christmas one article that I read said that that it falls actually it falls number six in the most stressful of life events this particular season that we are in right now it is right up there the article said with the death of a loved one with a divorce with the loss of a job or with the with having to pack up and relocate and move people are stressed this time of the year and I want to help us today that we don't take what God meant to to be a blessing of a season and us fall into the trap of it becoming a stressful season so touch somebody next to you tell him chill out chill out it is his birthday it's not yours it's his but people stress they stress out for a lot of reasons and stress is a killer I'm not a doctor and I'm not trying to act like I am but I know that stress can ultimately after enough it's like compound interest it just gangs up on you and you find yourself under it and you can't seem to get out of it people stress about gifts they stress about finances they stress about disappointing their children they stress about disappointing their spouses their families their friends some people worry and they stress out because of empty seats that will be around the family table this year that were filled last year but we lost certain people some people stress out because of not who's missing but they stress out of who they think is gonna be there and so it's just all kinds of stress we stress out because we're concerned about family feud's we're concerned about when we get together that our personalities are going to there's going to be conflicts that there where we stress about prejudices in the family we stress stress about politics and you know if so-and-so gets over there they don't run their mouth and it's gonna be it's gonna be a problem and our family things song is tis the season to be stressful falala Lala Lala and some of the stress that we experience in life is brought on by other people some of the stress that comes to us it's decisions that other people made that we have absolutely no control over so that that is stressful however that's a different message and it's for a different day because the stress I want to talk to you about for the next 30 minutes is is about the stress that we bring on to ourselves okay it's the stress we bring on to ourselves have you ever found yourself in a situation and you just kind of uttered in your thinking maybe barely under your breath did I get here what is happening in my life maybe I'm no one well today if that's if that's you and you've ever said that you're in the right place and this is the right time because we're going to look at some of the most common mistakes that people make that causes self-inflicted stress okay self-inflicted stress many times is unnecessary stress and you know life hands us enough stress in and of itself for us to try to create our own stress so that's what I want to I want to point some things out to you today and want to talk about some of those situations because I think I think that we need to here look at somebody and tell him she's talking to you today so don't even bother to look at nobody else okay she's talking to you let me give you two facts that I know for certain two facts that I know beyond the shadow of a doubt number one many times a lot of the troubles that we find ourselves dealing with and we find ourselves facing if we will be honest with ourselves they are troubles that we brought on ourselves in this in the early morning service I was telling people that you have to live with a yes in your spirit and if you are if you're if your prayer life is you trying to manipulate God in the direction that he should move if you are the one that's doing all the talking in the presence of God and you're saying God I need you to do this I need you to touch this person and that person Lord I need you to get them I need you to fix this I need by this time tomorrow God if you are the one that's doing all the talking then there's something wrong in your relationship because there should come a point in your walk with God where you don't try to manipulate God but you use prayer to come into his presence so that you can lay some things down and so that you can clearly hear what the Spirit is saying unto you never use prayer as manipulation because here's what we do I would never manipulate God anytime you come in there telling God what he's got to do then you are using prayer as a manipulation and it's never gonna work it's never gonna come to pass like that and eventually we end up walking away saying uh-uh you then you end up charging God foolishly saying that he's not faithful that he's not gonna do it he won't answer your prayer and you go you go quiet on God and you quit talking to him when the truth of the matter is is if you have a yes in your spirit when you go before God what you're actually saying is God it's not my will let your will be done let your whatever you have determined for my life I say yes if it's what I thought it would be I say yes if it's not what I thought it would be I still say yes because you hold the end and you hold the beginning you know the plans that you have for me and so I trust you I'm doing good preaching right here today hallelujah any time you feel like you got to make it happen in prayer something's wrong with that it is not your job it is God's job so let me tell you a lot of the decisions that we find ourselves making is it's because we're we're trying to take is sit in the seat of God and not allowing him to meet God but you gotta let God be God and what ends up happening is it causes extra trouble extra stress that is absolutely unnecessary many times we become our own worst enemy who needs a worse enemy because many times we are that to ourselves how do you what do you why are you saying that because of the foolish decisions that we make because of of being rash and because we sometimes are impulsive and and the the careless mistakes that we make and we can't blame body but ourselves anybody ever been guilty of skulls and stress on yourself that didn't have to happen the rest y'all lyin straight-up in the house of God but it's alright may the Lord watch between you and me the second fact of life that I want you to know to be true is that yes number one we do make dumb mistakes and we bring stress on ourself but the second thing I want you to know is that the Bible is very clear and the Bible is very accurate and it gives us amazing advice on how to avoid most of the mistakes that we end up making in our lives how many of you know whatever you need an answer to it is in the Word of God so we don't have to be impulsive we just have to open the word and read it we could radically reduce the stress in our life if we would simply follow the Word of God and do what it says do in regards to this gift that is called life that God has given us the one ray of hope that we have which is I say it's a ray of hope we all tend to make pretty much the same mistakes somebody might say well what's hopeful about that well here's what's hopeful about that wherever you have common mistakes there are also common solutions let me say it again when there are common mistakes there are common solutions and so today that's what I want to talk about I want to talk about these common mistakes that we make that cause us to have undo unnecessary stress in our life that's why I read today from proverbs 20 and 25 it says an impulsive vow is a trap later on you will wish that you could get out of it have you ever heard the phrase whoo it's easier to get in than it is to get out so God is saying listen here it is a mistake and it is a trap to commit yourself to something before you understand the consequences that will go with your commit look at your neighbor tell him think it through think it through so God is right here in this passage he is teaching us a universal principle here and he is saying when you make promises before you ponder them and whenever you make decisions without deliberating your decisions it is an absolute trap and the thing that God wants us to see here is that it is much easier to get in than it is to get out so God is saying watch what you are doing when you start making commitments where you just look at your neighbor tell him consider the cost I wanna I didn't I want to point out and identify about three areas in which of three areas of our life that these commitments will play themselves out in so number one write this down number one is how we commit to financial integrity how we commit to financial integrity how many of you agree that it is easier to get in debt than it is to get out of debt and the church said amen to that one it's how many of you will agree that it's easier to borrow money than it is to pay it back okay if you buy something that you cannot afford to buy there is no such thing as an easy payment plan hello that is the truth the whole truth I'm telling you they are all hard if you buy something you can't afford to buy there's no easy payment plan I don't care how big and bold and what pretty color they write and write it in it is it's all hard and it's all going to be difficult when anytime you buy something on credit that you cannot really afford to buy what you're doing is you are making a commitment you are making a commitment and the Bible says watch be careful what you are doing consider the cost watch out for wholesomeness the greatest cause of debt I'm gonna tell you the greatest cause of debt I believe for most people is not because we suffer from low income the greatest cause of death is because most people suffer from impatience are y'all gonna help me today I'm not y'all may not want to hear I'm not gonna talk about money all day I promise I'm not last time I talk about money somebody picketed us out in the front yard whatever God wants us to be blessed but I'm telling you something it is not always the problem with dead is not always it sounds many many people could use increase and I understand that and I I have been there and I prayed for it and I've watched God bring it to pass in my life but a lot of times it's not about low income it is about you don't even know how to manage what you got and you become impatient and we see it's hello we want it and we got to have it and when do we got to have it now now now even if that means we got to spend tomorrow's money today hello that's what credit is credit is spending tomorrow's money today and a lot of times we could get it but we would just need to wait on it and save for it and then we could get it and it wouldn't be no stress anytime anytime we are impulsively spending tomorrow's money today we are mortgaging our future I must say that again any time weeks spending tomorrow's money today we are mortgaging our future and advertising and marketing does not help us okay because they get on there and they'll say things like you got to buy it you got to buy it now buy it right here buy it from us and you will ultimately save really is that is that really what you think and so now they're trying to get you to think I got to buy it now cuz if I don't buy it now then it's gonna cost a whole lot more later so I've got to buy it now and I'm getting it on sale that since I'm getting a sale but really if you think about it if you have to pay interest on your credit card you sometimes you end up paying way more for it when you buy it with your credit card then you would have if you'd have just waited and saved for it and everybody said amen we all learn that lesson so so because society is is so in our face with advertising with marketing and they're trying to talk your money right out of your pocket that they don't even they don't even talk their talk your credit card right out of your pocket okay so that creates a perfect excuse for us to shop and spend our money impulsively because we are afraid it's gonna go up the price is going to go up if I don't get it right now it is called cost - phobia I'm just kidding I don't know if that's even a word I just made that up okay it is the fear that the price is going to keep rising so I better get it right now because it's on sale you say it's on sale but Solomon says it is a trap and it is a trap that is much easier for you to get into than it is to get out of that is why we got a wise up as stewards over the finances of the kingdom of God and break all of that impulse look at somebody tell them break the impulse break the impulse the second area where we fall into the trap as it is as it regards to us making commitments is how we commit to relationships okay the same principle that I just told you is true in the way we commit to relationships how many of you know it isn't sometimes it's much easier to get into a relationship than it is to get out of a relationship whether it's a marriage whether it's where whether it's a friendship whether it's a business partnership it is always much easier to get into it than it is to come out of it that's why when you are going in you need to do all of your work upfront so that if we do fall out it's already been sealed this is how we're gonna deal with it okay so just like people shop impulsively they fall into relationships impulsively some people are so afraid of being a loan that they will latch on to the first thing that looks in their direction that has a pulse I only got to say nothing but it's okay oh but I'm gonna tell you something right now it's it would be so much better to be alone and have peace than it is to be together in turmoil somebody better say a man right there that's why the Bible tells us to be careful and consider the cost breaking up is hard to do and it is much easier to get in than it is to get out why do you think that the divorce rate is so high in America today it's high because people marry impulsively they get involved in with people impulsively they marry people they never had no business marrying they jump at the first chance because they're afraid they won't get another chance and so they jump at the first chance and television doesn't make it any easier because they now we got all these shows the bachelor and the Bachelorette and we just meet each other and in six weeks we're gonna know that we love each other it's called impulsiveness it is a mess and it is a mess the stuff that we as believers will allow to be paraded in front of us and our children because all of that stuff plant seeds in the life of our children when the truth of the matter is we need to say honey whatever God has for you it is for you and it's going to find you and if you're a man you're gonna find her okay it's dangerous to make commitments before you consider the consequences so hit somebody and tell them break the impulse somebody says but I think I love them I think I think I yeah you've known them for how many weeks three and I think I think I love them but let me tell you something it takes more than just I think I love somebody to make a marriage work hello it takes maturity it takes unselfish it takes self-sacrificing it takes understanding it takes devotion it takes commitment it takes long-suffering it takes kindness it takes consideration it takes and I'm just getting started it takes counting up the cost hello and some of you right now you're in a relationship but you feel cheated you feel cheated because but when we're dating we look our best hello we walk our best when we're dating we talk the good talk when we are dating and because we're not always our true self when we are dating so a lot of people have gotten married and possibly and now they have buyer's remorse yes and they're like oh this is not at all what I was expecting where is the girl I dated hello where is the man that I was dating I've got a UH this is not at all what I bargained for and some people also fall in the trap of comparison that the comparison they compared their their family to another family you compare your spouse to your sister spouse or your your spouse to your brother spouse and and it's just all that kind of craziness they fall into the grass is greener on the other side syndrome I know y'all ain't never done that let me tell you something the grass is greener wherever you water it okay that's what I'm gonna tell you if you water the grass hello water the grass hello that's why that's why you got a count of the cost before you make the commitment wherever the grass is greener the water bill is higher come on y'all I said wherever the grass is greener the water bill is higher so quit feeling sorry for yourself and quit having a pity party and go ahead and water your grass make the most of it just take what you got is too or I'm gonna do my part and I'm gonna trust that they're gonna do their part and at the end of the day we're go bump and leave you for a miracle now I ain't talked about if somebody's beaten you or beaten your children or somebody that's crazy like that okay I'm not talking about that but I'm talking about if you just have irreconcilable differences and here you have the reconciler of all reconcile errs inside of you look at somebody tell him let's get it together let's get it together listen it's always easier to get in than it is to get out impulsive relationships have been the cause of so much unnecessary pain look at somebody tell him break the impulse and think it through I'm on my last point the third trap that we fall into when we don't consider the cost is how we commit our time how we commit our time it's so much easier to fill your schedule then to fulfill it I said it's so much easier to fill your schedule than it is to full fill it ask me how I know because I've had first-hand experience it's easier to say yes to commitments that it is to keep them it's much easier to say yes to a commitment than it is to actually keep it and so one of the common mistakes that we make and I bet everybody in this room doesn't or has done it is weak we constantly add things to our schedule without eliminating things from our schedule if you're going to add you've got to eliminate and as a result what ends up happening is we end up being over committed and what happens is the first thing to suffer is our families begin to suffer and in it is so much easier to get into those commitments than it is to get up out of them and what ends up happening is now because we are overcommitted things that matter the most are taking are having to take a backseat to things that matter the least things that matter the most should never be at the mercy of things that matter the least and so sometimes the key to happiness is just simply saying no I can't do it at this time see we cannot continue to commit ourselves to everything without a limit I must be preaching because y'all are quiet and that's that to a preacher that's that means you're hitting the nail on the head okay we cannot continue to echo yeah I can do that yeah we can we can start taking we can do this and okay yeah we can do that sport and yeah we can do this sport we can do yeah we can do that sport your brother can do that sport in your city but there's there's five of them but there's only two you or one of you hello and so we find ourselves over committing to things and and what we're good at is we're all we're pretty good at making a to-do list anybody good at making a to-do list I want to charge you to go home and make yourself I don't do list this is my don't do list okay and when I feel tempted to commit I'm gonna go back and I'm gonna read that thing because let me tell you something God doesn't even expect you to do everything for everybody so who are we trying to expect I expect that out of ourselves what God does expect is he expects us to focus touch somebody and tell them you better fight for focus in the last four or five weeks of 2018 you need to zero in and you need to fight for focus God wants us to focus on things that really count he wants us to focus on things that really matter and the principle of focus is so powerful the reason that a laser a being can can can land on an what do you call him leave the reason a laser beam can land on a leaf and that leaf catch on fire is because that laser beam is committed to one thing and because it is committed to that one thing it is extremely powerful this one thing I do not these 40 things I attempt to do listen I'm preaching it myself today I'm gonna clap my own hands today look at somebody and tell him focus where it counts so when you get ready to make your New Year's Eve resolution don't just write down what you're gonna start doing I'm gonna start losing weight I'm gonna start on my own business I'm gonna start going to the gym every day what I want you to do is I want you to start thinking about things you're gonna stop I'm gonna stop doing this and I'm gonna stop doing that and I'm gonna stop doing that because I am bout to rule go crazy because I am over committed listen I love I need and I greatly appreciate every volunteer that we have in this church but you cannot sign up to volunteer in 10 areas hello hello especially if you have a spouse especially if you have a job especially if you have children because what ends up happening is your children grow up and they resent the church because that's all mom and dad ever did hello somebody says I can't believe you're a pastor preaching like that I am a pastor preaching like that because the church is ultimately only as strong as our families are and while I want us to be together out when we do come together I want your house to be strong hello hello your kids will go roll up presenting the church so you can't overcome it pick one or two things that you're gifted at and do those one or two things and if we could ever get everybody to do something then nobody would have to do everything hey man hello Solomon says it's a trap do not fall into it because it ultimately leads to burnout hit somebody on both sides this time tell him break the impulse whether it whether it is a trap whether it is a trap in our time whether it is a trap in our relationships whether it is a trap in our money it causes unnecessary stress so what is the answer pastor Brady what does God say about the commitments that we make write this down here's what he says choose your commitments carefully carefully is my key word there choose them carefully jot these scriptures down proverbs 13 and 16 says a wise man thinks ahead a fool doesn't and then he even brags about it choose your commitments carefully proverbs 14 and 15 says only as simple - nor a gullible person believes everything he is told but a prudent man checks to see where he is going all of that screams choose your commitments carefully proverbs 14 and 16 says a wise man is cautious and he avoids danger but a fool plunges ahead with great confidence lord have mercy proverbs I told you all of your ever every answer you need is here in this book proverbs 21 to 23 says keep your mouth closed and you will stay out of trouble I think my mother said that keep your mouth closed and you will stay that's proverbs 21 and 23 so when it comes to a making a decision as to whether you're gonna commit your time or your money or you're going to commit in a relationship remember that in when it comes to those things you need to open your mind and keep your mouth closed until you know that you know that you know and if you will do that you will have a whole lot less problems to deal with proverbs 22 and 3 a prudent man perceives the difficulties that are ahead and prepares for them but the gullible man goes blindly on ahead and he suffers the consequences touch somebody tell him break the impulse and choose your commitments carefully now what does that mean that doesn't mean that we should somebody says well does that mean we shouldn't take a risk no absolutely not that's not what that means because we are people of faith and you cannot live a life of faith without being able to take a risk every now and then but if you do take one we need to take one that is balanced somebody say balanced we can't afford to be too cautious and we can't afford to be too daring in our relationship all through the years I have been the one that's been too cautious he has been the one that's been too daring and together we make beautiful choices hello I said we make beautiful choices the the balance between those two extremes is called a calculated risk that's in the Bible Jesus gave us two proverbs he said no builder starts to build a building without first planning a budget to see if he can first afford to finish it another proverb he said no king plans to go to war without stopping and considering the resources that he has in his army he counts the cost he calculates the odds and he considers the risks that are there you have to choose your commitments carefully why are you telling us this because I want 2019 to be easier for some of us then 2018 has been because we have over committed ourselves in so many areas of our life and now like we it's like a rat race to us when Jesus and I've come that you might have life and have it more abundantly second thing that he tells us when it comes to our commitments that we have to do is we not only have to choose them carefully but he wants us to choose them prayerfully bottom line is none of us will live without commitments we one way or another we'll end up committing our time whether it's to Facebook whether it's to Instagram hello whether it's to whatever we commit our time we will commit our money we commit our energy we commit our talents we commit our reputation all of those things we will end up making some kind of a commitment but here's what I want to close with Ecclesiastes 5 tells us that whatever we choose to commit to we need to choose those commitments prayerfully here's what it says in the message Bible if y'all have it you can put it up watch your step when you enter God's house enter to learn not to see your neighbor not to show off your shoes not to shout not to call somebody to think you are more spiritual than somebody else not to sing the loudest not to clap the hardest not to say Amen the fastest inner God's house to learn that's far better than mindlessly offering a sacrifice doing more harm than good don't shoot off your mouth or speak before you think don't be too quick to tell god what you think he wants to hear God is in charge not you the less you speak the better overwork makes for restless sleep over talk shows you up as a fool when you tell God you when you tell God that you'll do something do it God takes no pleasure in foolish gabble if your vow it do it if you vow it do it it's far better not to vow in the first place then to vow a vow and not pay up I'm reading the word I'm not reading the front page of the Dallas Morning News hello I'm reading the Word of God to us today don't let your mouth make a total sinner out of you when called into account you won't get by with saying sorry I didn't mean it no why would you risk provoking God to angry retaliation Solomon whether you know it or not he just pointed out three pitfalls that we fall into when we make careless commitments first one was hasty speech don't fall into the commitment of into the pit of Masek making tasty speeches don't fall into the pit of making empty promises telling telling you telling somebody I'm gonna be there and you are nowhere to be found don't fall into the pit number three of lame excuses all three of these pitfalls caused unnecessary stress and the best way to avoid the the pitfall and the dumb decisions and the unnecessary stress is this ask the Lord for help he is a present help in the time of trouble James 1 and I said if any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God who gives to all men that's not even discriminating if you will ask God to help you he will give you the wisdom that you need but here's the line that I love that we don't often hear ask us ask if any man last black wisdom let him ask of God who gives to all men liberally and he doesn't criticize he does not say why you asking me that you should already know that he doesn't do any of that he does not criticize look at somebody and say just asked for help ask for help in all of your ways he said acknowledge me and I will direct oh I will die wrecked your path so the way that we can break the impulse that brings unnecessary stress to our lives is number one carefully number two prayerfully consider the costs of the commitments that we make before we make them why are you teaching us pastor Brady I'll tell you why because we live in an impulsive society it gets more and more impulsive by the minute the general attitude of our society is if it feels good do it don't consider tomorrow don't consider the consequences of your decisions don't consider the other people that are in your squad or that in your life that your committee or your your commitments might adversely affect if it feels good to it you know I'm gonna ask you a question do you tend to make commitments too quickly you don't have to answer me but I ask you to think about it do you tend to be more led by your feelings than by your spirit do you have an area of in your life where you might have even the slightest tendency to be impulsive if you do I want to charge you to identify those areas because if you don't identify them you cannot correct them maybe it's maybe maybe your issue as you spin tomorrow's money today maybe it's your schedule maybe you put everybody at home at the mercy of your calendar maybe it's you're guilty of saying yes to things that you really should have said no to God you know what he says it's a trap it's a trap that's much easier to get into than it is to get out of but the good news today is if you have found yourself in that trap if your calendar is well loaded and you're trying to figure out how you go and do everything you're supposed to do this week it's a trap but the good news is God is here today to reach in and pull you out of your trap he can get you out like nobody else can that's why we need him you want to know why we worship Him because we need him we don't know what to commit to we don't know how to raise kids we don't know how to be married how to stay married we absolutely need God and listen you might have said well I've I've tried to do these things I've I've tried in my own might in the old power your power is not good enough but when you get God you get his power and with his power his power has the power to pull you out of whatever you are in it will pull you out of it it can pull you through it it can give you a strategy get around it it can help you get over it and it can help you get beyond it it will give you power to control things that that have tried to have control over you the Bible says that the fruit of the Spirit is self-control don't tell me how spiritual you are if you have no self-control ain't mad at you it just sounds like I am I just love you and I'm your pastor and I want you to succeed in life I don't want the holiday season to make you stressful I want you to bring your life under the examination of heavens spotlight and allow God to point it on you and say God help me not to allow anything to be out of control in my life I don't want my house out of control I don't want my kids out of control I don't want my finances out of control don't tell me that you are a that that that you are a man or a woman of God and you can't get control of your finances the devil is a liar you have to get control if you don't get control it will make a mockery out of your witness so God gives us power to break the impulses of things that would cause us to have unnecessary stress picking at each other husbands fussing at wife's wife's husband's kids watching him catching it going back to their room fussing at each other don't you want to blame them kids they learned it from us they learned it from us so consider the cost of everything you do and everything that you say my mommy used to always say say to me Cheryl you're gonna have to give a count for every idle word Lord that used to scare me half to death Oh be careful I've learned to just be careful and and let me tell you this I'm gonna close with this I'm not preaching this to make you afraid of commitment commitments are nothing to be afraid of some people are so afraid of commitments that they won't commit themselves to nothing they won't commit to marriage so they'll just live in adultery why it they won't commit to a church so they'll stay here until I get on your nerves then you go to another church where you can start all over with a clean slate until they get on your nerves you won't commit to it some people will never come into a leader I'm the only one really in the multitude of counsel the Bible says there are safety some people won't commit to time so they'll always trouble or they'll always be greedy some people think that commitment means allowing just be boxed in well sometimes it's nice to be boxed in I've been boxed in with this man for 42 years because I made a commitment and I love it I absolutely love it you cannot live without commitment the mark of maturity is the man or the woman that knows how to make them and keep them but God is warning us don't make too many and certainly don't make them without considering the cost and when you do make them make sure you make them around important issues and not unimportant issues make them around things that matter not things that don't matter make them carefully and make them prayerfully today I want to ask you to ask God to help us help us not to walk by her feelings but help us to walk by her feet help us to not commit to wrong things even though they're good things they don't mean they're right things for us ask him to help us to stop over committing and under performing it's not that you're a bad performer you're this overcommitted so when you do have a success you don't really even see it because it's washed up in all of your over over commitments ask God to help us break the habits that are trying to control us break the impulses that are pushing us beyond our peace oh there's not a piece of furniture that I have in my house that's worth my piece hello I'd rather sleep on the floor and have peace they'd have to worry about somebody coming in trying to take something back it ain't worth it ask God be the manager of my life go ahead and be the manager of my life manage my commitments manage my desires manage my relationships manage everything manage my money god help me not don't want anything you don't want me to want help me not to spend frivolously help me to understand that I have to respect money and money will respect me hello I'm preaching good today jump up on your feet all over the building and just hit somebody and tell him break the impulse break the input don't you data feel like you got to go out and spend more than you got trying to make somebody happy that probably ain't gonna be happy anyway I am a ham I am a turkey brought by a loaf of bread I know you like to eat here Merry Christmas let me tell you something love is not limited to Christmas it's not limited to one day [Music] love is 24/7 look at somebody jump spread it out spread it out don't let the world make you feel like you gotta show how much you love somebody all because of one day no I got Jesus on the inside I love 365 days a year hallelujah things really go on sale after Christmas anyway [Music] so what if my Valentine's candy came to me a day late it was half price I know you love me thank you Jesus I'm not trying to say be cheap but I am trying to say he never bought me candy half price anyway what do you say you have bought me candy on Valentine's Day once okay well you did it yourself you put yourself out there okay so somebody about me some kid in their mind Alleluia you know what he doesn't have to buy it because God has blessed us and if he never spends another dime on this girl right here I know that that man right there if anybody act up today he would take a bullet for me he will cheer me when I preach I don't have a better a man section in the whole world than that one right there hallelujah when I'm sick if he can't help me he gets me help cuz he's a real man he's a leader and I love to follow him because it creates security we made a commitment 42 years ago not just cuz we thought each other was cute because through the years some less changed I'm both of us this has changed but we still fit like a old house shoe when we get home we get together it's cuz we love each other we made a commitment it's not because it's easy every head bowed every eye closed in here today somebody needs to begin making a fresh commitment to God something about when you make a commitment to
Channel: Sheryl Brady
Views: 22,589
Rating: 4.8253274 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Sheryl Brady, Sheryl Brady, The Potter's House of North Dallas
Id: xd3DOyydPno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 52sec (3112 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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