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[Music] so here's the deal this is actually a moving company and a storage place every time we have bought moving units like moving company units like crates they've all been fantastic there's better units today but they were further out there was gonna be a lot more costs labor cost just overhead in general I had to pick and choose right because they were closing at the same time there was a massive one I was like me I really like that with a man I don't know I like this so we'll see if I made the right decision I think I spent 1500 around 1500 on these five so far there is one more that I'm looking at hey you're gonna get a sneak peek at five moving vault crates moving vault crates does it make sense moving crates vaults not really involved crate will go a crate moving crates let's go check them out guys Jeana just asked a legitimate question she asked if she could go straight here what do y'all think I wanna know cool story when Mangino we're dating whenever we're a day that she left my apartment and there was an intersection right here and she texted me she said you know there's a median in front of your apartments she pulled out she was so excited because she was like man this dude's sexy I can't believe it likes me she got so excited that she ran straight over the meeting at her little brand new Honda Civic boom and they called me that's exactly what kind of my sexy that was oh yeah yeah that one's sure alright guys some Indian lady almost sideswiped us honking at us and at first I'm not gonna lie I thought she might have been trying to run us up but she was pointing in the back of the truck and Gina just told me the Katie or Jacob took the strap off the trash Thank You Jacob thank you for not putting the the thing back on here to strap the trash down you winged her head I love you but you're a weiner head alright so I don't think the lady was trying to kill me I think she was just trying to be nice and let me know that hey your junk in your trunk it's about to come out you know I'm dumb but guys we are pulling up so you'll see it's not necessarily a storage facility it's a moving company it's usually as long as not doing any scam and going through this stuff I don't like is that the lot of the boxes were popped open right there so so usually so people pay to have this stuff shipped and stored guys so that's usually why these tend to be better all right guys so hey the audio the video is about to change over to my cell phone because this camera is massive and I can't have a fuzzy sister sock sticking out of my pocket if you know I'm dumb but seriously I'm gonna take my phone and so don't be jacking around and crying about the volume it'll be back after this message all right guys so real quick a lot of you probably realized that some of you at least 10 of you who already signed up for memberships hey congratulations to you guys actually the first 10 I'm sitting everybody a t-shirt actually the people who signed up on the three people to sign up on the $20 one I'm not gonna put you on blast so you realize every month you get a new t-shirt let me tell you about it so we have three tiers I'm already getting complains about it I'm just gonna tell you right now lovingly I don't care I have bills to pay I put a lot of time and effort in this I am never gonna apologize if somebody wants to help support a channel of lots of hours of entertainment they get every month so check it out we've got three tiers let me say this first if you don't get a tier guess what you're not out on anything nothing changes for you you still get all of this several days weeks one is $4.99 and look you may not care about the videos but $4.99 a month helps this channel and say you watch 20 episodes of month that's great that's cheaper than cable people so we're gonna take the best video every month so so let's say I go by unit and it's really good on my junior we gotta film this this is the exclusive video for the month for members only hey shut up for members only so 499 that's what you get you get the best video of the month exclusive for the first tier membership the second tier membership guess what you get that best video some of y'all probably like well what happens Justin if you come up on another video or another better unit than that well then I'll release the video I was holding for y'all and then we'll film that one I'll hold on to that one but at the end of month you get the best grimes fines episode every month only members get to see the second tier I think I went up to $9.99 you get that best video and you also get one live Mangena will do one exclusive live for members only that's gonna be fun because that's just gonna be a smaller amount of us and so it'll be a lot more time you know the third tier is you get you get the exclusive best crime spawns video you get the live exclusive video you get both of those in yrs and then also me and Gina are gonna go out and handpick a freaking thrift t-shirt you'll get the best ones when you sign up you put your size of your t-shirt in there and basically every month not basically every month me and Gina will go handpick a you a t-shirt out in your size will send it to you so basically you're supporting the channel you get all the bonus videos and you get a hand selected t-shirt from a thrift store from us every freaking month how can I help small channels and still use that time of you know best for me best for my family and best for you guys so I'll be working on a fourth tier that's specifically driven towards channels trying to grow hey guys that's enough about memberships right now sign up let's see who's gonna sign up and more emojis are coming more I never thought I'd be making emojis hey let's get back to the gym we just bought a few auctions alright guys so hey we are back jeana's going she's walking off she's going to call the facility she just shut the door there's my Christmas tree all y'all loved that Christmas tree hey check it out so I was standing there right and a guy walks in and the first thing he says is hey man watching YouTube channel Tom this month I'm not gonna mention his name or anything because I don't know his name but he seemed like a really nice guy and anyway he just he just straight-up said he goes yeah they were staged but the guy that just bought a unit he said he said he had already gone back to her picked it up he said in the boxes remember that that unit that I busted out in Fort Worth how they were sweeping stuff up I could tell this stuff had been swept up and poured in the Box like usually when they're cleaning a crate out or storage so anyway hey Gina is in there calling them right now just to confirm that there's lean units because I paid for five lean units and if they are not lean and not abandoned I'll tell you I was concerned she said yeah we had to run these real quick just on five days actually in the state of Texas that's illegal so I'm not saying what they did was illegal what I am Telling You is is that sometimes people can sign off they can sign off and say yeah we abandon it you can have the property you can sell it to make up your money there is that route on it hopefully I won't be doing another busted undercover sting video alright so hey Gina's on the phone actually I'm a sneak in there with the camera see she's talking to a lady because if they're not lean units I better get a refund I was just about to give them a great review cuz I was like man their customer service is so freakin awesome hopefully they're not selling non-leading units as lean units I'll be very upset the rocks it's Gina Grimes and okay thank you bye well this that and the the auction lady's gonna call me back go pick those up at nine o'clock in the morning I wanted to make sure first of all that those were actually lean units that were sold because he said that his looked staged to him and not lean they're all lean units okay okay great I just want to double check because that's where he said to ice if we come across that kind of stuff so I just wanted to double-check okay ah she said they've been there over a year over a year whoo well I don't know they DeNoble on one person but those vaults probably have all been in there that's probably why it could have just been a junky thing it could have been they went in to move someone and they had to sweep out the unit maybe there's a whole bunch of reasons but that's guys that's why you don't jump to conclusions your wiener heads that's why you call you ask questions you gather information for you know you start saying silly things so anyway fantastic we have five lean units to go pick up [Music] alright guys so check it out we found this out these two units belong to the same owner okay this one this one okay so these two okay and these two actually belong to the same owner the lady just came out super nice guys I'm going to give so I talked to them these units have actually been here over a year I do want to give a shout out to a be moving storage I've already showed you their logo Jake zooming on that logo roughly here in and you need a good place their customer service is like no other I'm serious before the whole mix up and things I just apologize and say hey look when somebody tells you something like that or if they think that you got at least asked right and she wasn't offended I just said I hope you're not offended I said I was telling I told him great customer service all right guys so Tanner's popping all the doors up look this one's got a lot of boxes check it out boy so this one I'll show you all I may be all inserted in but I meant to put a hundred and thirty dollar bid and I put a $1,300 bid in and it kept going up and up and I was like oh my gosh how high is this freaking thing gonna go on this unit so I actually paid two hundred and ten dollars for this unit and I only really wanted I didn't really want it but look like a tech you you team leather couches disappointing because I know I'll make that off the hook when I bought this one $410 on because of all the boxes there was tons that had nice furniture but I went after the ones with the boxes except that guy that was an accident was a typo we're gonna start loading up the 26 foot truck we actually rented a 10 by 30 climate control why this crap ain't coming back to my house it's not coming back to my house she's pregnant so I'm spending the extra I'm gone premium I'm gone freakin climate control I think I'm gonna do a few unboxings with you here out of one of these units which is great then we're gonna head over there we got to drop that stuff off and then we're in just I don't know what's gonna happen this video Amazon bucks let's go let's go pop one feature oh wait hold on yo right off the bat polo polo okay so we had a nice close look at colo-colo okay so this is a great box for our McCarty this is all polo and this is a good sign right here - guys look you know if that is dry-cleaning tags it means they cared enough to take it your stuff so look at polo shirts hey I say right here this is probably I bet you this is a couple hundred bucks right here on the car easy boots paid for that unit actually that's a lot paid four hundred ten dollars for those alright guys so hey actually I think this is the one I don't know one of them accidentally bid on and a head off furniture and I don't even like furniture I don't even know why I bid on it good look it's actually pretty nice stuff these tall chill that's alright guys we're gonna do a few more boxes why because I just spent almost $2,000 on these and I'm gonna see what's in all right so right here look it says shirts but because of the quality of the furniture and the first box I'm thinking we're gonna pass some more good stuff nice all right down in here hopefully we have more name-brand stuff behind the start of the Macari I wouldn't be excited okay that's actually okay that's Walmart right yeah hey but look pull it off right behind it oh look I'm good crunch I've had to run to get a five dollar pillow before I go on this is Walmart mafiosos oh yeah look at this this this is this is how dedicate a be moving is they package peanut your clothes that's dedication they be moving that's dedication all right guys so I turn around there's another freaking crate popped open and so I'm like a swirl I do remember seeing that PC look at this hopefully that's in there you think that's in your day bosses but I hope fill the styrofoam's in there it's in there look at that what is that an Intel Inside I don't know how many HP all-in-one yeah so we've been looking for a desktop actually Jake if this works I might if this is a good computer I'll give this to you for editing my guys again I didn't film but the the guy who runs this place is the family-run place with the guy that runs it just came out to say thank you for buying this I guess people deer in the road and just abandoned a bunch of stuff and they got limited space so again just two thumbs up for these people so far so he's like man hey we're gonna have a lot of these coming up so hey we're gonna be buying them as this popeck tub what is office what if all we did was buy clothes would job be discipline that's true but I'm gonna thirst someone gets you all right guys look it's just a more clutch just some more clothes it might be name-brand stuff what's I say been Evita oh he had his name put in them you're dedicated when your names and your drawers all right hey he's already eyeballing free baby stuff I'm sitting like just trying to figure out how I get my money back she's like that's that's baby something girl but that is a brand-new bassinet what y'all think y'all think I should give it to them here's the thing I'll give it to you somebody give you another one you'll sell it or throw it away all right all right Z the squashy boxes I didn't like them be honest so Katie's over here not working yeah she's a ballin baby stuff yo what if those are all brand-new diapers those are what they are look is that diapers in there I think so huh those are like fifty eight hundred dollars a box y'all look there's a Bright Starts baby stuff this is the wrong unit up but I ain't getting that baby oh my gosh all right guys hey we're gonna finish loading these units up look we got did we pop the doors we still have one to pop open guys yeah yeah we'll get that last that's what she said all right guys so I'm just gonna start nosing around my switch over to my phone in a minute oh yeah okay some fun Mary Kay stuff I'm finding an empty box with a baby tiny kite we've got autographs in the last one time at my tanning we'll test it out I test all my product out for my people I need you just to hang out you know you can milk your terrible I don't anything whenever I did not know how you did taught you something all right guys okay we got swishes video okay pick me a box to unbox right now don't pick crappy one there's one y'all sis you pick this one let's no comments right now which one which one you have another divers magnet the crime box all right we're going for the Amazon Prime box oh I'm gonna unbox bit crabby boss never guess and I found what Dory started by Nemo I found Dory transfer whoa what's the transfer tag what's that mean that looks like maybe a either Cruise tag or an airport tag did you just make that up no I've been with another cruises okay oh there's something in there in his butt up her up hey open doors but oh it's a battery pack and was there's something else in there so wait in there listen if I was a drug it's on the other side oh look it's a ring but I'm doing this bigger all right guys you had to be honest we needed a desk so this is actually probably going to go back to the house because we're moving upstairs right until we get a bigger house to work out of that desk we're keeping them cool all right guys hey check it out so this is the first box I popped oh it hit closing it like polo stuff but look down here Jake show them in here real quick I'll pull this stuff out but look so we've got some promising stuff going on in here okay so look at this this says mated Switzerland on the bottom yo that is killer what's that for milk or something like goat no probably right go ahead line your head goat milk yeah look so says aah Switzerland y'all let me know not in the chit chat down the comments below what do you think this thing's worth I mean this thing is quality it's gotta have some kind of value all right so look [Music] how look we got money in here let's do the big reveal big reveal I saw digit side that peaked at it ha listen save it to the end alright guys so look this looks like a head is male in it I mean it's definitely all of somebody stuff there's this cool light drink in here like this bar set kind of like these bone antlers looking kind of handles on them there's a stand in here as well for it alright guys I don't know I might be rethinking that review thing because exactly what that guy told me I'm popping these Tufts open and it's like you know the the leftover stuff that you sweep up in units like literally and dump it in the tubs that's looking like it outside oh man I want to give everybody the benefit out for the command like cool there's a lifetime look at the top of the line zoom in on that look at the top of the lock you can tell the tops have been busted off already so that was locked and somebody busted the top off to see what's inside you don't nobody does that I mean that just doesn't make sense to me all right guys so here's the dang deal if I pull that out and it looks like this like it's all trash I spent the money I'm not gonna sell me out like me Justin you gotta find it first of all y'all don't understand if you're saying that how much time energy it takes to do something like that and just don't do business to get that trunk out right now and if that trunk looks like that I'm calling bull bull crap all right guys and this is exactly why you don't jump to conclusions but it's actually on there it looked like it hit been popped and pulled up so as of right now that looks like it may not have been messed with so let's pop it open and if there is a coin collection in here or something of value I will go in there and kiss and feet I don't kiss bucks all right guys so hopefully this works there's a good TV look I don't want to think bad about people all right guys hey let's uh let's do what we thought was done why would you lock this they want people in jeans huh what does that have to do it in its own religious books that's og we're okay Timmy the tooth is Timmy the tooth all right guys so hey me are me and Gina actually met throughout the road I've got to eat cuz I don't really should be resting today I'm not all the way better but I got a hump in my kebab look it'd just be crap maybe that's just how they moved maybe they that's everything that I'm putting in the box I don't know I just know what that guy said I'm still confused I don't even know I know I'm gonna make good money on this actually we're gonna put all of this furniture up into the unit that me and gene are about to go get we'll get that listed up on Marketplace I'm talking to a guy right now that might just start taking all my nice furniture in bulk you might just come pick it up we'll fill up a unit form and he can come pick it up and we'll consign it that way I just need a faster turnaround so I'm gonna work with whoever pays this out the quickest so hey if you own an auction house in the Dallas area or you are a furniture reseller contact grimes funds at grimes funds of gmail.com and maybe you can be the lucky winner of beautiful alright guys so we still have a lot of boxes in there that we did not unbox I could look sometimes you just pop open the wrong boxes dad lose money on this know what we spend 1,200 1,300 yeah I thought I heard her say 1,300 when you paid on the card okay so hey check it out so we spent about 15 hour bucks let's up I'll easily double my money on the furniture I really believe that because that couch in tonight so what I'm saying is there's a lot of boxes we had and usually I don't buy this much furniture but I'm gonna tell you what like every almost every box except that one box that I popped open it's been trashed so you let me know not in the chit chat downtown explode do you think I got hosts you let me know this seems to be a common thread in this game and I'll tell you what me and my buddy Renee and Jeremy are about to put a halt to you guys [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 30,217
Rating: 4.8448086 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, Storage Wars Fights, Storage auction, How To Make Money, Reselling Business, Thrifting haul, Safe Cracking, Storage Unit Finds, Funny Videos, Ebay resale, Luggage Auction, Unboxing, Mystery Box, Dude Perfect, What the Hales, Steve and Steph Resale, Resale Rabbit, Curiosity incorporated, Whats inside, unboxing, mystery box, storage wars fight, Abandoned Storage, storage stalker, self storage, storage unit, Storage Unit Auction, storage, grimes finds, grimes
Id: _9LxJZQ9Qz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 34sec (1534 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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