Wes' Last Minute Gift Ideas for Hopeless Nerds - Ft. Watch Wife Work

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you ruined my shot you can't just wing it like that got yeah no we're supposed to bounce off each other [Music] organically you don't talk to me enough to make this organic pick something to fidget with while we do the in oh my gosh all right we realize that this is circling the drain up becoming a full-on lifestyle vlogging Channel but I fig there's other people like me who are consumate last minute Shoppers and and Christmas is just around the corner so we made a list and we're checking it twice and I even have some help from a professional shopper we starting from the beginning might as well okay you got it figured out got it figured out for $6 the marbles match safe made in China it's a metal container that holds matches I remember my grandpa always carried one of these for lighting kerosene heaters they've been out of production for a long time but somebody's repoing them now of course in China but they're still pretty good quality and you can buy plastic ones but this metal one is pretty cool fill it with some strike anywhere matches and you're basically Bear Grills strike anywhere that I can't do perfect it's amazing like this oh you made that look easy for 24 to $47 the Swiss army knife made in Switzerland I have two the red one is a Victorinox recruit the silver one down here is a Winger Pioneer but I believe Winger's now been bought out by Victorinox so they're both available from Victorinox don't let the low price fool you these are very high quality knives I've been carrying one for probably close to 20 years fun fact I actually lost this red one and about a year later customer called me he found it in a cooling duct when he was cleaning the machine and he sent it back to me so I think it's like the minimum viable tool set you've got a basic flathead screwdriver a basic Phillips head screwdriver can opener bottle opener a blade the recruit has a small Blade the Pioneer has an all which I never use but a toothpick if you don't luse it a toothpick yep for $35 the knipex Cobra XS made in Germany it's the same as the knipex Cobra pliers but it's small enough to fit in your pocket this thing is way more handy than I ever thought it would be I carry it everywhere it's also possibly the cutest tool that I own it looks like a little baby Raptor for $21 the newborn or Red Devil no drip cocking gun I know how work Amazon reviews are all over the place seems to be very polarizing some people absolutely hate hate it I absolutely love it so it's just a cocking gun but the uh the plunger doesn't keep tension so it doesn't dribble out the end I don't know what else to say about it made in China pretty good quality for $36 the maxion Cyclops magnetic work light believe it's made in China this is the best magnetic work light that I've ever used I also get more questions about this in the comment section than any other tool that I use these things are awesome I've dropped them off of ladders into buckets of coolant I've left them stuck underneath the customer vehicles for months at a time and they just keep going I've got two of them I've had them both for over 2 years I don't think you can kill them are they rechargeable they are rechargeable for 77 to $168 the gear wrench 90 to ratchets made in China it just depends on what set you buy how much they cost uh people ask me all the time about like recommending basic hand tools and I I never know what to tell them because most of my basic hand tools are 20 years old I just I don't have a need to go out and buy new stuff but I had a bad week and I broke two 38 ratchets and I happened to be at the local Car Quest and they had one of these 9 to ratchets on the rack so I bought it and I really liked it it was this one here so I went ahead and bought a bunch more I got the 3/8 Flex the4 in Flex the 3/8 stubby the regular 3/8 and the half in Long Flex the/ in is a little it's a little too chunky in my opinion but this feels like I could use it as a weapon it could definitely be used as a weapon but the other ones are just the right size and yeah I know they're made in China but these are very high quality tools for 267 to $350 the Astron pneumatic 498k Thor air hammer believe it's made in Taiwan called Thor yeah this is an older one that's not the Thor model it's just an updated version uh but this thing is an absolute Beast you do have to buy the Chuck I believe separately and the bits they will not take the regular bits these are a larger diameter the guys at Astro told me that they have not found a chisel bit that it will not destroy so just be prepared for that if you live where the rust where you work on big trucks and stuff this tool is an absolute GameChanger I mean it can do stuff that my regular long barrel air hammer just couldn't even touch this is heavy yeah uh hearing protection is required definitely required that would make sense for $225 to $350 Redwing boots made in the USA I've been wearing Redwing boots for probably 20 years and I just think are the best boots that you can buy because they're made in America not only made in America they're made near here in Minnesota just on the other side of the drift plus region but Redwing has their own Tannery they make their own leather I mean the quality is just phenomenal these are 2233s these are Steel Toad those are my old ones they got holes in them obviously you guys they should be very familiar with this from your earlier videos yeah these are the 953 is these are my current daily drivers they're pretty much the same boots but these are not Steel Toad and then my newest purchase these are the iron Rangers these are very expensive $350 which is a lot of money for a pair of boots I actually bought these used because that's a lot of money for a pair of boots uh I should say if you've never worn Redwing boots it requires a commitment there's about two or 3 weeks of pain and suffering to get these things broken in yeah but once you get them broken in they're they're very comfortable I wear these boots 14 hours a day every day so they can be resold but I've never had the uppers Outlast the soles so usually what happens for me is they they crack right here where the where they Bend all the time or the toes wear through these boots have almost smooth soles which is very good for working in the shop because they don't track dirt and grease but if you work outside especially in inclement weather these are probably not the best boots for you they're they're also not insulated so they're going to be pretty cold in the winter as far as I know the only place to buy Redwing boots is from an authorized dealer you can't buy them online or you know from Amazon or whatever you got to go to an actual store for $649 to $800 the prussa I3 Mark II 3D printer made in the Czech Republic like a lot of people who have gotten into 3D printing I never thought I needed a 3D printer and once I started using it it was just amazing how useful and handy this thing is I mean you need a custom seal driver you print one out you need a knob or a lever or something plastic that's broken you print one out I will say though that if you're not kind of a computer guy you just you don't get along with computers 3D printing is probably not going to be for you there are places where you can download models and just print them out but to really get the good out of this machine you have to know how to use a CAD program these prusa 3D printers are are not cheap and there's a lot cheaper alternatives especially you know Chinese made printers I I bought this one because it was highly recommended and I have not had any issues with it at all as far as I know the only way to buy one of these is to buy it directly from prusa and ship it from the Czech Republic which is kind of a process you have to pay import duties and the shipping is very expensive I recommend buying it as a kit and assembling it yourself s it takes forever but it saves you quite a bit of money you did it in like about 2 days it took me about 8 hours to put it together emotional support gummy bears yes well like I said 3D printing is very handy but it is still very much the domain of kind of nerdy people like me this was your year of reading yes books I've been trying to read more this year I think I read six books this year which is pretty good for me uh there's been a few years where it's been zero so uh we'll start with this guy here for $17 visual Thinking by Temple grandon so Temple grandon is a kind of a world-renowned animal behavior expert she's also autistic and so she claims that she can only think in pictures she cannot think in words she calls it visual thinking people who work with their hands which is probably everyone who's watching this video are likely to be visual thinkers navigating our education system is very challenging for people like that especially when it comes to like algebra and higher level math because it requires a lot of abstract thinking so she has a lot of ideas about how to succeed as a visual thinker and maybe things that could be changed in our in our society to make it easier for people like that people like us I don't yeah I find it pretty interesting so she gives a kind of a diagnostic to know if you're a visual thinker which is Ikea instructions if you prefer the pictures that are in Ikea instructions over like the written words that you're probably visual thinker I don't know if I've ever seen Ikea instructions no because whenever I put together Furniture you run from the house right but uh so my my uh diagnostic was the sewing patterns so we had we had a sewing project and the pattern had like written instructions that were just complete gibberish to me I couldn't make any sense of it but there were pictures and I could follow the pictures and we figured out how to to sew the thing up mhm never done any sewing before so pretty confident I'm high on the visual thinking Spectrum for $20 how big things get done and the author's name is bent oh gosh viberg he's Danish so I can't pronounce his name but uh this book is fascinating I heard an interview with him on NPR and I knew I had to read this book so he talks about how only something like 8% of large projects are completed on time and on budget and the problem is so pervasive that essentially no nobody even wants to do anything about it he talks about how he tried to implement a course in his college he's a professor at Oxford he tried to implement a course to teach students how to accurately estimate the time and you know the budget and time required for a large project and the other professors kind of intervene to stop him because they felt that if their students actually told the truth about how long things were going to take and how much it was going to cost that they would never get any work essentially everybody just lies and everybody knows it so if you're even remotely interested in engineering or construction I think you'll find it pretty interesting it's a quick read too I think about a fourth of the book is just acknowledgements and references so it's only about 200 pages long yeah these both these both came out this year so if you're looking for someone that likes to read in these topics these are newer books so they might not have them yeah all right now the super nerdy stuff if you're into computer programming which I'm trying to learn more about I have automate the boring stuff and python playground these are both Python programming books this one's kind of a an intro to programming and then he gets into some sort of office type stuff how to do work with Excel spreadsheets and do web scraping stuff like that this one is more interesting I think it has more practical projects that you can you can do with computer programming but you got to got to be pretty nerdy to to be interested in stuff like this what about gifts for the ladies well we we don't really do gifts during the year or I'm like you not as easy as it looks is it well cuz you always get mad at me for going off cuff because I'm not fast enough and I'm not specific enough and now you're like not as easy as it looks it's fine well I don't know I can't help you I don't even know what to get my own wife let alone your wife so you're on your own yeah and we don't do that much gift wise at the holidays cuz we just buy each other's stuff throughout the year um but last year when Wes was doing a lot of uh leather working he did make me some Badger bookmarks that I thought were these were probably one of my favorite gifts they are Harry Potter Harry Potter themed if you're not up on it specifically Hufflepuff themed and you you got you made them in the workshop and it was what you you're kind of hobbying at at the time so it made him kind of more special what about Legos so the kiddo and I have been in Legos a lot this year and so one of the ones I got for myself is obviously a Harry well maybe it's not obvious but it's a Harry Potter it's obvious to her it's obvious to me it's a Harry Potter owl that holds pens and nail files and so it's useful it's useful and Lego e so and and when I'm working he likes to come over and mess with it so you know it meets the uh nerdiness threshold also yeah it does we are so lame this video is really bringing it up you got to not do that what laugh at you yes I love [Music] you you don't know what to do when I say that there going to be so many outakes from this video it's going to be wonderful everyone's going to love it and it will be a vlogging video then all right we'll put the list of in the description along with links to the things that we can link to not everything is available online but we'll do the best that we can thanks for watching merry Christmas happy holidays it is sound so that's why it has a red and gold scarf because I didn't have the right colors send that letter dear Lego Corporation how dare you I'm thinking about going to Bricklink and getting the right ones you are such a nerd such a nerd like it holds my nail file it holds my mechanic pen my sharpies in here let me just wave goodbye
Channel: Watch Wes Work
Views: 105,480
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Id: 2a-Jg9DFBH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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