Franks Double Poll Update.

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hi tubers welcome back to the Zack live so I've had a bunch of people ask me about the the Black Mac and the and the Well Service rig the Big Orange Frank's double pole what are you going to do with it what's updates so if you're new around here this rig I'm talking about had been standing up for like 30 years and we went rigged it down here's a few clips from a a video where we actually rigged it down and if you want to go watch it you can check it out there'll be a link in the description to the playlist and I'm going to put a playlist together for all these uh these videos in a future video so I haven't touched the Black Mac uh and it's not how on my priority list we're going to get to it but it might be this uh this winter realistically before uh before I do much more work on it unless I get the time you never know but anyway uh hadn't touched it but there has been some things going on uh with the orange Franks double pole and I have made a decision on whether or not I'm going to fix it and the answer is I have decided that that machine is going to run again I'm going to pull a well with it and I have sort of laid around laid in bed at night and thought about exactly what I want to do and how I want to do it and and you know to be quite honest I I've spent a lot of time sort of thinking you know business sense where I plan on going uh business-wise as a company in the future you know the next 10 years or so and sort of the equipment that I need to do that and sort of set me up to hopefully uh you know do pretty well over the next decade anyway I made it decision that uh I'm going to fix this rig it's going to be uh not all that different than it is now as far as machine it's going to be a big giant double pole with a big set of Draw Works and plenty of horsepower and I can take it out and do uh do you know a Well Service job you know one of the issues that we have you know as a company is it's hard to find people to work for you not just individual labors uh but other businesses it's difficult to find you know bigger rigs like this um there's just not enough help to go around and people can't hire enough people and everything's expensive and uh and they're kind of expensive you know a rig like this cost about probably 250 bucks an hour and if you got to do a tuban leak or something you know a couple day job is not that big a deal you know you're talking about a few thousand dollars but if you get into a situation where you drop tubing in a well or you it's got a Cas Lake you need to squeeze it and drill it out or you know a job that might take a couple of weeks well you know two weeks of 250 bucks an hour can get to be well it can be you know financially limiting and a machine like this is exactly what I want to do with it I don't plan on using it often but if I've got a job that is you know likely to take a couple of weeks worth of weal serviceing work I can take you know a job that would cost $20,000 to hire someone to do it and even with hired help and Fuel and everything probably do that same job for you know $3,000 or something and uh those those jobs do come along we spend uh you know a significant amount of money on those long grout jobs anyway I've decided this rig is going to be back similar to what it used to be with some more Hydraulics and a little bit easier to work and you know this whatever uh but also I'd like to build a substructure and I'll explain what all this means in a minute just hang with me uh I'd like to build a little substructure for it that I could back this up on with a rotary table and actually drill a well with it now if you're unfamiliar with rigs like this there's two distinct types of rigs um one is a Well Servicing rig which is what this machine is uh it is a rig that's designed to work on a well that's already drilled you pull two in you pull rods you do you know whatever you need to do a well drilling rig is a well that actually drills the physical hole through the Rock and through the ground that you set casing in and uh and make a well out of and and they the two rigs generally are incapable of doing what the other machines do they don't they don't cross paths at least not usually and in my situation I think that I can take and build this machine to do both and do both pretty well for what I intend to do with it for what I need it to do and so anyway we're going to talk about all that in a minute but I want to take you out there let's go take a look at it I going show you what's been done where we're at and and uh kind of what's coming up next well let's take a look and walk around this big old hunk so this is actually the third video chronologically that I've started we got uh two more that are already rolling and the first one is we're going to overhaul the fuel pump and then the second one is going to be for me personally what I'm going to work on is we're going to start from right here and move forward and I'm going to get everything fixed we're going to work on the engine the transmission hoses you can see I already got a set of batteries up there that's all coming uh in a couple of videos but we want to get that part of this machine done before I work on anything on the back all right so coming back to the back here I want to show you I've hired a fell to do some welding for me and I'm in sort of a time crunch time restraint here in the in the idea that I have none of it extra I have no time anyway I hired this done I'm really pleased with it and he put a new floor y'all remember this was all broke out uh the way that this shaft thing you had shvs up here you know we show that when we put it together but it was poorly mounted from the factory anyway I've got this it's a 3/4 in wall uh I believe it was 5x5 or 6x6 tubin and we have welded and gusted the crap out of it to the uh to the frame and then we've built These Arms that come up here straight anyway this will make all this super super Stout and anyway he got this done we put a uh he built the walkway over here you know the operator stand was sort of down here and if I make a drilling rig out of this it will actually need to be up here but anyway we got this done I wanted to get this done first so I wanted to get all of this done this was the first step back here and really the biggest reason is it's got to have a ton of pneumatic lines and valves and crap that go to everything you know of course the you know the rig part but also the rear ends and stuff and I wanted to get all the welding done on this floor so that if I ran a whole bunch of wires and hoses and stuff in the frame I wouldn't have to worry about melting all that uh when we put the floor on a sandline drum holds the cable if you got to run the cable all the way to the bottom to swab or you know whatever you need to do and it controls are up here now for running it this is a better place because you're away from the mess and you're you know the wells back there it's just sort of a better less messy I should say situation but the problem is is when you rig the thing up and down you have to be running from that stand you know that operating position to this operating position to you know to let the cable out or whatever and I plan on taking all of this for the Dual brake handles and bringing everything back back here some somewhere at a later date I'll build a um console it'll have all the valves the gauges the controls we'll have a you know two brake handles one for the one for the tubing drum and one for the sand drum of course all the air controls all the Hydraulics you know that's all got to be designed and thought through and laid out but that's all going here but as I said I want to get the floor put down before I ran all the air hoses and I I was going to say too I plan on tapping this I'm going to use this as an air tank any get all the air hoses done and this will be the next step after we get done with the engine and up there I want to make it to where we can drive it we're going to make sure the tires are good enough and I'm probably going to take it back to my house it'll be easier to work on in my house so I got a quick story I got to tell it's I think just really the weirdest thing ever about the guy hired to do the welding for me out there so a friend of mine give me this Fell's number I never had met him before before a couple weeks ago and said you need a calling he probably would fit your program great he's a you know pretty good welder he's built a bunch of rigs he knows kind of how they're supposed to be he's probably a good guy to bounce ideas off of he's you know put a bunch of them together he's a kind of a machinist welder mechanic kind of like you anyway so I called him and ultimately that's what happened I explained to him what I wanted he said well we need to put channel here and we can do this and he just did a great job I just turned him loose and that's that's what he came up with well anyway the second day he was working up here for me I got a big TV up here that is a computer monitor but it's a smart TV and a lot of times you know there's a bunch of paperwork I do and I'll be at this desk and I'll turn YouTube on and there is several people that when they put out a video I always watch them they're always my kind of thing and one of them Jay pay dir well anyway Jeff put a video out it's up there kind of just running I'm not really paying attention to it doing paperwork and he starts talking about this tool he's got that Mike Jordan not ear taxes s him you know I get Jeff gets to talking and it's kind of this ice looking thing U anyway I thought there's no way that it's the same guy that is hired to work for me and so I walked out there and asked him I said you ever watch YouTube he said oh yeah I've seen a few of your videos and uh I said you ever watch P Jeff Pay Dirt J pay dir and he's like yeah and he starts talking I sent Jeff this tool about 3 or four months ago I keep hoping he's going to do a video about it show it it's a it's a deal to pick up those ID pulleys on those on a Cat dozer I think Mike used to do a bunch of welding and build some tools for Caterpillar too there's a big cat house in W all falls but anyway um I was like what in the world small world was a chance you know of hiring some guy and then you know a friend of mine's YouTuber that's you know halfway across the country is talking about him the same day I texted Jeff kind of tell him the story I don't quite think you understood how shocking that was to me but anyway that's the uh that's the backstory of Mike and uh in what a small world we live in so I want to draw some pictures I want to spin you around here and show you um I need to kind of explain how the what I want to build I'd like to get you a visual and uh well let's do it so I need to draw you a couple of pictures here you'll have to forgive my inability to draw but on these shallow Wells and I know that's a relative term but these wells around here less than 2,000 ft a lot of times companies buy and use um they're effectively converted water well Rigs and they're a a a a truck mounted all-inclusive little machine and so you'll have a a rig you know here's a you know crane carrier cabin that's got a frame and then and then back here you'll have the Rotary table and then you've got a you know a Derek that that sits up here something like this and goes down the road you know it's got all the cross braces in the dere and there's an engine right here and basically you drive this to where you want to drill a well and you stand the Derek up and you got a A mobile drilling rig everything's sort of inclusive of course you got to have a pip trailer and a mud pump and stuff and uh anyway these are these are probably the best way of doing it especially to do it commercial cuz they're quick to move uh they're usually not all that Stout and that's always an issue getting hung up or stuff breaking they're usually uh not real strong you know and you got a you know draw works here you know the cable that goes up over the top of the rig runs the blocks and whatnot forget the window now in the old days uh and the big rigs are still this way but in the old days the sort of mediumsized Rigs and also even some of the small rigs were called Jacknife rigs and these jack knife rigs had a a substructure and it's this big old heavy duty iron thing you know the ground ground levels here and when you move the rig you disassemble the rig and a lot of these old jack knife rigs were actually double pole Rigs and those um poles that are on my rig actually came off of witte's uh drilling rig anyway these are like the big giant rigs you see like on TV or whatnot but they're just smaller um anyway you've got this substructure and it's got all these big old heavy duty eye beams in it or whatever and this is very Heights you know they can be sometimes as short as maybe 4T tall and of course the big rigs sometimes are like you know 35 ft tall or something they're you know three stories tall and anyway it's got what's called an a leg on it it's this thing that erects and then you uh take a couple of trucks and set your Derek up here or your or your poles actually this is not drawn correctly it it actually comes down it pins right here so you got your a leg here and then your your your Derek would pin like right here and the Derek goes sort of like this anyway you set this up here and it's got pins and you drop it anyway it completely comes apart and then you got your engines you set your engines up on here you know this should be bigger and your Draw Works and they get bolted down and then and then when you standed up you know of course the Derek standing up and then the rotary table is you know mounted back here and anyway this was a really old school way of doing the the small Rigs and it's still how they do the really big rigs and what I'm want to do is sort of a combination of these two so what I want to do is we've got we've got my rig here guess the Draw Works are kind of right here and then there's a floor and uh we've got the arms that come up and the poles pin and the poles run up here sort of like that and what I'm going to do you know normally this would you know the ground would be right here is I'm going to build a small substructure for this thing and basically I'm just going to take a bunch of a bunch of ibeam and this is all down the road this is you know probably a couple years down the road um is to is to take a bunch of beam and build a a ramp type thing it looks it looks sort of like this and the rotary table mounts in here and this is all you know big heavy duty beam and this is going to be relatively short you know we're probably thinking like 36 in tall or something and so basically what you'll do is is you know this ramp probably is more like this is you'll take this rig and you'll back it up onto this onto this substructure and then it'll have to have some type of Big Jack or something that picks the front tire up you know the front tire will be dangling say 3 ft off the ground anyway then when you set the rig up you know on the Po's rough like this the rotary table will be made into this substructure and it'll probably either be hydraulically driven off the rig or maybe electric or I've actually seen this done before where they had a small uh you know little diesel engine or whatever that uh you know the disc drove the rotary table and so this is my plan and if I build this it's not going to be something that's going to be really easy to set up this is not what I would want if I planned on running a drilling rig but this is going to you know after I have this pull machine you know this Well Servicing rig finished I can probably be build this for another you know 20 or 30 grand and I will have effectively turned my pulling machine into a drilling rig the other advantage to this is having the substructure off the ground it just giv gives you a lot more room uh the little laid down uh truck minded rigs like we were talking about the small little rigs you know everything's short you're always in the mud and with these you can sort of put walkways around everything it is it is better to work on there just takes more steps to set it up but uh this is kind of my plan here for how to make a drilling rig out of this well that's a plan as far as that machine goes I'm going to try to make something back out of that hunk of junk iron it uh you know I originally bought those poles I was wanting to put together sort of a jack knife Tope old school rig I thought I could piece it together relatively inexpensively I wanted the poles I already actually had a different set of draw works but in hindsight I end up owning it and it will be a useful piece of equipment to me as a pulling machine and I think smart the smartest thing for me to do is to uh is to build a little substructure and make a kind of Dual Purpose rig out out of it kind of looking forward you know I I I want to make the engine run that's going to be you know I got the fuel pump overhaul but I want to make the engine run good and I'm going probably release both those videos the same day I don't think anybody's going to enjoy watching me work on the pump it was pretty boring I thought somebody might want to see what the guts of a c PT pump looks like anyway when I get that done I'll release both of those it don't think it'll probably be next week maybe in a couple weeks I'm trying to plan a vacation here in about a month and uh to be quite Frank I'm interested in sort of having that ready to go I got to do some work on the RV and I I know I've said this for a year now it's been almost a year I want to sort of have a finale to the RV series do some onx reviews uh there was a few things I wanted to sort of change and I started and hadn't got that done I got to get it finished before we kind of knocked those last couple of videos out the water and all the rain has really messed with my ability to do much uh there's some stuff I'm probably going to work on next week it's finally supposed to be dry but it's going to be hot I've got some electrical stuff blown up we've had absolutely nightmare with lightning I'd like to do some videos about that um guess that's it I just kind of wanted to show you what I was thinking on this rig uh had some people want an update and that's that's the size of it uh it may be a couple years before this whole projects done but that's that's the uh you know if you don't set goals and and start climbing mountains you're never going to get to the top and that's that's kind of what I want to start here I'm done rling I appreciate you watching like share subscribe I promise I'll have some better videos out at some point it's just uh it's uh it's been difficult to do much the last uh last couple months around here it's been nothing but a swamp I will uh catch you on the next one
Channel: TheZachLife
Views: 15,714
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Id: S6Wg8TeX13k
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Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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