Ford Dealer STUMPED...REFUSES WARRANTY!! (Part 2 - Charging System FACTORY DEFECT??)

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guys I don't believe this reading 22 ohms this is supposed to be just a straight shot wire so that's if that's a problem we could fix this no parts required so we just measured from here to here 22 ohms wow well what's in between we have splice s176 and c146 now since we know that there's a problem here just with an oh meter I'm not going to connect the test lights yet because we don't need to if there's a resistance then you know let's say there's little green crusty or something if you run current through there that might temporarily fix the problem so if we have a bad resistance reading there is no need to low test the wire let's find the problem while it's happening I'm going right after c146 now and then we can measure this way and this way with the ohm meter and see if there's an issue so this is kind of exciting all right so here's the ohm meter and right behind here is connector c146 so I'm going to focus you guys in on the meter look it's 27 ohms let's get this out of the way let me just uh do a little wiggle check before we get too far look at that Holy crap we found our problem I am just touching this wiring harness right here and look what's happening to our resistance we're up to 37 no wonder this is a problem so 43 it's almost an open circuit it's basically an open circuit okay so let's unplug that connector and see what the heck is going on keep watching that now we're in the Kila OHS range what the heck okay I'm unplugging it look at that zero ohms plug it back in open circuit start unplugging it 0 0 0 0 and unplug all the way open circuit okay we are basically done with this car what the flowchart couldn't figure out what the dealer couldn't figure out figured out in about 15 minutes now I'm gonna unplug it okay it's unplugged do we see any green crusties do we see any stuff so our wire is going to be the purple and brown on pin 34 that has to be it right there so middle row middle pin in let me do a quick visual inspection here and also on the other side of the connector and see what the heck is going on okay so I have both sides of the connector right here where we can do our checks so this side this is the you know the female pins that goes to the engine to the alternator the other side right here mail pins that comes from the engine computer um so c146 I suspect there's a problem here now which pin are we worried about pin 34 that would be you can see the purple and brown wire it's the seventh pin over in the middle row so in the middle row we'll count 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven so this one right here so I'm using a needle probe because the pins are tiny and I don't want to spread them let's compare the drag of the pins look this is a nice drag I can feel it that's a neighboring pin pin 34 that's it that is the whole problem with this vehicle loose female pin 34 on connector c146 that is the communication wire going to the alternator that is insane crazy crazy stuff from the factory I mean no one was here no one touched it when this problem occurred this is a factory defect so this is proof let's take off this plastic connector tighten up that pin so it passes my drag check reconnect it and make sure we have zero Ohms on that circuit the check we did initially and then we're done with this linking that would be fantastic all right let's take this connector apart so first thing I did was take off this handle just it's on a kind of a pivot now we want to remove this lock piece I want to remove it all the way so here we go again a pick is your friend for this keep in mind the orientation pin seven 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 that's the spread pin right there two three four five six 7even so you can see it does not hold my needle probe at all it just falls out while the neighboring pin holds it nice and tight so I'm going to try to see what the heck is going on with this pin if we can extract it that would be great if not then I'll just tighten it up in the connector should be able to extract it here so let me do that off camera just so I can concentrate and should have this car back on down the road in no time all right after a bit of effort I got the offending pin out and as you can see Zero spring tension how is that possible is the spring piece broken in there I mean it's a tiny pin what if I go from the back side here oh it goes straight through looks like there's a broken spring piece how do how do we fix this would be nice if we could sld around a new PIN I have these types of pins in stock but they're very very specialized we could contact Ford see if they sell these pins separately we could just squeeze the whole damn thing together that'll do it but I'll uh think of a good way to fix this up all right this is going to be really hard to see so I kind of unfolded the pin then Ed my needle probe to get to that little sprink part and just push it in and now awesome spring tension so that that's it let's close this sucker up these are extremely delicate pins let's make sure our tension is still good it is you don't want to use pliers on these I mean they're making it out of tin foil basically yep so let me reinsert that into its home one two three four five six seven one two 3 four five six 7even right in here I don't know how the weather pack stays in there that's that's where it wants to go got to put it back in the connector all right pin is reinstalled connector is reassembled let's take a look at the o Meter as I plug in the male into the female side this is a little slightly awkward here but can manage all right here we go 0.6 and I'm sliding it all the way in and clipped in no issues at all let me wiggle that pin we're back in business people simply beautiful look at that we're done so let me tell the customer the good news and then the question will be what is the dealer going to do about it I mean I guess it was under warranty so far but they should definitely cover my diagnostic charges no parts required that's a bonus um and the owner's wife will be extremely happy that her Lincoln is going to be Problem free at least for the near future so appreciate everyone watching that was actually a lot quicker and easier than I was uh ready for it to be so but sometimes you get lucky but the game plan took me quite a few hours just to make this game plan so this diagram is everything and judging by the codes that we had in the history the problem had to be here or the alternator itself and indeed right there pin 34 was just the spring was messed up it was not holding that for some reason Factory defect so 22 ohms down to 0.04 ohms or something and amazing all right little bonus footage let's finalize the car batter is reconnected rescanned it for codes we're going to clear all the codes out awesome and that's it we can take it for a test drive I mean it's an EcoBoost still probably doesn't drive that uh it's probably not too fun but looking good so I am confident returning this car back to the customer with the good news and that's it thanks lot for watching we'll see you in the next one bye-bye all right let's call the customer tell them the good news hello hey Carl it's Ivan calling how you doing good are you are you ready for some good news yeah it's fixed it's fixed yep guaranteed wow all right what was it the the game plan worked flawlessly um so it it I've never seen this before it was a factory defect at a bulk connector between the uh the harness that comes from the engine computer and the harness that goes to the alternator oh wow there was a a pin the female side of the pin uh didn't have any spring tension oh wow so wild yeah at the first resistance check I did it was you know it's supposed to be a continuous wire it was showing showing over 20 ohms and I just touched that connector and went up to like a th000 ohms so it was basically open circuit oh wow so they get un replacing those uh shutter things exactly I don't know how they came to that conclusion it must be uh you know they they're basically robots that follow that flow chart which is useless yeah um they they they actually got the uh I guess there's a regional technician uhhuh and uh and they kept coming up with the same thing wow replaced twice I said no that's ridiculous it is ridiculous it had nothing to do with the grill shutter at all it didn't even set a code for that wow you know and but what that did though because I was gonna I was working with the Lincoln Motor Company on a buyback right right and they know one more just take it up one more time just have look at it one more time uhhuh and I fell for it and I did and then a couple of weeks ago uh you know it came up again uhuh so I I called the uh Lincoln Motor Company I said it happened again we're all set for the buyback yep said what state are you in I said in Maryland I'll get back to you she got back to me the next day oh lemon law in Maryland is stre years and you're three years five weeks wow so they were running out the clock on you huh that's exactly what they looking back at it that's what they did to it's a fouryear warranty I think it had I think it had to do with the warranty I'm well within the warranty exactly right and it was crazy yeah I would have just dumped the car my wife loves the car it's the right size for everything well I think when you tell her the good news she'll be very very happy won't she you're not kidding oh my god wow yeah so this was this problem came from the factory right you bought the car brand new when we looked at it it had four miles on it when we signed the papers because we took it out for a spin it had nine miles on Wow random right right okay because there's no moon roof for anything she wanted to na no moon roof uhuh the back seat on it actually slides back and forth six Ines so there's plenty of leg room back okay and she sits higher she used to have an Avalon it was too low she wanted and I said well go I said go get a Alexus uhuh I don't like the Colors oh it's all about the colors I know watch I'm addicted to your YouTube and I said to her I said I gotta give it a try I just got to give it a try if you come up with I'm fine if not that would have been fine I'm extremely pleased that the problem was right there you know would that have caused that that battery gun did in the garage one day and the next day it was so cold or could that have been a module that well that's hard to say I mean the alternator wakes up when that line is activated and so I I really can't say if it happened once you know the you know the batteries that they put in at the factory are sometimes pretty junky just to get you off the lot you know I've seen that before wow yeah yeah but terrific all right so uh the way our schedule goes it'll probably be not until Friday to pick it up yeah yeah and anytime works for you just give me a heads up and I'll send you the the full summary and hopefully you can give that to the dealer and at least get reimbursed for that for my fees yeah I doubt that's going to happen I'll try it but I doubt it's uhhuh uhuh well at least talk to them and tell them that they suck all righty uhuh okay Carl sounds great and I'll talk to you absolutely my pleasure yep yep take care byebye I think customer is pretty happy about that so that's it we'll uh if anything else happens we'll do a followup but car's fixed and hopefully it'll have a lot of Problem free miles ahead of it thanks allot for watching we'll see you in the next one bye-bye e
Channel: Pine Hollow Auto Diagnostics
Views: 49,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ford, Lincoln, alternator, charging, battery, communication, dealer, warranty, Buy back, wiring, harness, factory, defect, pin
Id: 8nTSHdp_1Ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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