Diablo 4 Season 1 Leveling Guide

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AnhHungDoLuong88 📅︎︎ Jul 15 2023 🗫︎ replies
hi everyone it's Rax as promised today we're going to go over the Diablo 4 full leveling guide for season one I want to thank the amazing people that came to my stream today that gave me a lot of insights and help quality check everything that I was doing you guys made a big difference so thank you so this is hopefully a very lean set of instructions on exactly how to blast to 100 very quickly pretty much the most efficient way that I've found so far and this works for solo players it's even better in groups like pretty much everything is it works for softcore it works for hardcore and this setup should work for even a Casual Gamer so if you're worried about does racks have some crazy strategies here that I can't do no anybody can use this so let's get into it sorry I have a very bad cough I'm going to try to knock cough in your ears here the seasonal theme malignant monsters and tunnels we don't know really know much about it these could be very very Godly XP and items but I just don't know so we're gonna have to find this out early on um so this this strategy is not going to use any of that in case it's very bad another thing about Diablo 4 is there's a seasonal Journey you do objectives there's chapters and you get rewards it might be very valuable for you to do some of these objectives and not do exactly what I'm telling you so that's something we're gonna have to monitor another thing is we might get an XP boost for completing the Renown in the beginning people are theorizing that we might start at level seven when you claim you're a noun at the start not sure how Blizzard's gonna handle that keep in mind maybe we're getting an XP boost right at the beginning always upgrade your potion when it becomes available and in this guide teal is a link green is good red is bad purple is an item and blue is a side quest okay so first thing go to Max role pick a leveling build we'll have a tier list for you pick the bill that you want next you need to log on to your main character like on non-season that has the most progress like it has the most map and has the most alters and that will populate to all the characters on your account and onto your new seasonal character if you're watching this video and this is going to be the first time you're going to play D4 you're going to play in season one you're gonna have a little bit of a disadvantage other people are going to have to map uncovered and the Alters you're just going to have to uncover the map and click the Alters as you go not the biggest deal in the world but it'll matter a little bit so you're going to make a brand new seasonal character on world tier one we never level on world tier 2 unless you're a very very efficient group World tier one is always better at least with the current iteration of the game and we're going to skip the campaign hit tab we're going to claim all of your Renown you're going to get the skill points you're going to be level 2 in all five regions going to get a skill point and you're going to get I think a potion chart and we're going to have to work toward getting to level three to get this the second skill point then probably the last two levels of renown are probably not worth it unless you are taking a much slower approach then you can pick up the rest of the level fours and the level fives later for the Paragon points but that won't be until World tier four let me mute here for one second all right there we go so we go to Kmart kyova shot I call it Kmart we go to Kmart walk straight up do the raising Spirits Quest because it's going to give you an herb cache the herb cache is going to give you flowers that you need to make potions later so it's literally a two second Quest so you might as well do it then we're gonna go Northwest out of Kmart and we're going to follow this lovely map uh by truth and gymnasium uh great players Jim is on Maxwell with me they made this little route that is very very strong so you walk uh Northwest out of Kmart and you just hit all these events the reason why the events are very strong is because the chess and sometimes reward you with a bunch of materials that we're going to need while we're leveling up and it's a very fast way to gain experience we're trying to get to a high enough level so we can start to go to strongholds and the minimum level for that is 15. so we're going to do these events then we're going to go to the second route we're going to start here we get all the capital city waypoints we're going to go like this here we go at 10 if you're a rogue you'll go for this path to 13. if you're not a rogue you'll just go over here to 11 and then you're going to farm that dungeon until you're 15. okay so two paths continue if you're a rogue go here at 10 which is the T for TP if you're not a rope it's just a very nice way to get the events and get a lot of materials that we need and get some early XP now on the way to 15 if there's a dungeon that has a power that you really need for your build go do that dungeon or if it's too high of a level for you to do some of them are like required level 45 or something or recommended level 45 you might have to go get it later but keep that in mind whenever you can go get an important power that you need in the Codex to imprint on your gear you need to go do that and you're going to need to throw that on a yellow amulet so at 15 you can do your class Quest I think it's for every single class except necros necros do theirs at 25 instead um by the way everything in teal is a link so to go ahead and click it here's how here's all the leveling Builds on Maxwell here's the tier list here's the two uh images of the map route and here are all the specialization guides if you don't know how to do them maybe you're playing a class you've never played before this will teach you how to do it very easily now we get to the strongholds so the first two we're going to do are in fractured Peaks so for fractured Peaks uh the first two in the right side which is malnock and the left side which is nostrava you're just going to run them once and complete them you're going to kill the boss and ring the bell because we want the extra XP we're just trying to get to level 17 also when we do these two strongholds you will have level three for fractured Peaks so fractured Peaks will be done for the purposes of running to level 100. next we're going to go to Onyx Watchtower now Onyx Watchtower is Godly for pretty Godly for XP and it's the greatest ever for drops so not only are you going to get a ton of XP but you're going to get probably the most yellows and legendaries you're going to get doing just about anything at low level unless blizzard Nerfs it which they might if they Nerf it by the way this wasn't obvious if they change anything before the season starts I will update the sheet I'll probably make a new video of uh like the patch on the 18th crucifies anything I'll make a new video when you do Onyx Watch Tower you're going to run through it and kill everything in the middle there are a bunch of cages called caged beasts break the cages it spawns an elite out of each one of them this is invaluable when you're done clearing all the trash do not kill the boss because the boss is not worth it it gives you bad XP and bad drops and certainly if you decide to kill the boss which you shouldn't don't ring the bell because if you ring the bell you're going to break everything when you've cleared all the trash just hit Escape leave game and then log back in it's going to Port you right outside the door and you do it again clear all the trash leave game clear all the trash leave game just do that over and over and over you're gonna get Godly yellows and you're going to get Godly XP gonna do that all the way to level 27. on your final run of Onyx Watchtower do not complete it do not kill the boss and do not ring the bell we're going to come back to Onyx Watchtower later and I will explain why from 27 to 32 I would suggest doing core dragon that's at the top of fractured Peaks uh it's very strong very strong for XP um and depending on what class you use and the degree or grouping strategies could be even stronger than this much closer to Temple of rot um so just run around kill everything don't kill the boss don't ring the bell same strategy on your final core dragon run when you ding 32 or when you're about to ding 32 complete it we're never coming back to core dragon again now from 32 to about 45 you can edit the 45 I'm gonna advise that you go that high so you're very powerful when you go to the Capstone dungeon you can do it lower you can only level to 35 or you can level to 40 depending upon how comfortable you feel um but level up in Temple of rot Don't Kill the Boss don't ring the bell just do the run reset it do the run leave the game do the run leave the game Etc and there is a chest in the northeast corner right before you kill the three Elites before you leave open this because it sometimes has some really nice loot in it here's a picture of it this is the final this is the final wave the three Elites open this chest so you can get some extra loot you're going to be here for a while so it's good to optimize these runs this would be a good thing to practice before the season starts on the final level uh the final run of Temple of rot you can complete it we're not going to come back about two levels before you want to go clear the Capstone dungeon go back to Onyx Watch Tower why Onyx Watchtower is way less XP than um the Onyx watch tires way less XP than Temple of rock why would you go back there well you go back there because on Temple of rot you got .33 yellow drops per run which means you essentially got no gear for 13 levels and before you go into the Capstone we need a great way to get great gear instantly well run on onyx Watchtower a couple of times and you're going to get some Godly drops it's going to beef you up for the Capstone dungeon okay when you're when you feel you're pretty powerful when you feel at a comfortable level I recommend 47 go ahead and complete it we're not going to come back anymore Onyx Watchtower and Temple of rot carried us very far here before you go to the Capstone go to the blacksmith and upgrade all your weapons as hard as high as you can at least the ones that you're using if you're a rogue and you're using your daggers you don't need to upgrade your crossbow but upgrade the daggers that way you can get some extra damage if you're playing on Hardcore make sure you use an elixir of death evasion so if the boss kills you you can stay alive and then bind your Scroll of escape to you put it on your email wheel and bind it that way you can pour it out if things go wrong so then we're going to go clear the Capstone dungeon and uh put on a world tier two it has to be World tier two to do the cap Zone and then we go to world tier three go to the center of Kmart talk to the Statue we go to the next difficulty now you switch to an end game build so go ahead and click here pick an endgame build and there's a tier list now we can do nightmare dungeons now we don't need strongholds anymore because nightmare dungeons are super strong so that's what we're gonna do first thing is if you have a turn in for Grim favors go to the tree of Whispers and turn it in it's going to give you a nightmare dungeon key then you can start running nightmare dungeons um we we want to do the nightmare dungeon quests at the occultists on the left side of Kmart because that's going to let you uh craft your sigils later on now you could think about doing the Renown in the other zones as you're doing the nightmare dungeons because when you plug the key you remember it ports you to the nightmare done so you're going to be teleporting all around the world you can run around now and pick up a bunch of waypoints and pump up the Renown that you need in some of the other zones in order to get them all to level three to get the extra skill points um I will make a tab called the season one nightmare dungeon to your list this one is likely going to be obsoleted because they're going to rotate them out and bring in completely new dungeons I will try my best to run the data and I will have the tab here by the time you reach nightmare dungeons and then you'll know what are the good ones to to rub so you'll run all S's A's and B's pretty much always C's or a question mark and you're going to want to salvage all the D Keys they're just bad another thing that you can salvage is any ethics is that you hate resource burn cold Enchanted crit resist backstab Pikachu that's what I call it it's actually called lighting sort but a much better name for it is Pikachu the one where it zaps you and suppressor so another thing is pay attention to the seasonal theme might be very important to run malignant tunnels it might be very important to go find the Caged heart that you want pay attention to that it might be critical and you don't have to kill every monster in Nightmare dungeons if the quest literally says kill every monster okay then you have to kill every monster but otherwise you should be focusing on Elites big packs of dense trash and just the objectives in the dungeon itself don't kill every little Fallen everywhere that's not efficient okay so now um when you're in World tier three make sure you run a couple of Hell types because hell tides are the only way you get forgotten Souls if you don't have forgotten Souls you can't make your gear proper at all for World tier four you don't know how to do the proper mysterious chest strategy to get the most amount out of hell tied watch this video it's not that long I'll teach you exactly how to do it and Maxwell has a brand new map tool and it's got them so here you are whenever hell tight spawns it's going to show you exactly the red area and it's going to show you where the mystery chests are and they're even highlighted for you it's super easy you think the map is too cluttered no problem High it all and just show me the hell tied chests how beautiful is that there's no voting it just automatically finds it for you you can do crazy things with this map tool for example let's say I'm a rogue and I'm reading a guide and it says I need the blade dancers any of the blade dancers aspect for my twisting blades build okay well I type blade dancer don't have to get it right blade Dan can't possibly make it any easier on you it highlighted it it zoomed in on it and it made it bright and everything else is dull shows you exactly where to go okay so there's a lot of amazing features of this map and we hope that it's really going to help you this is on Maxwell just max role D4 and the world map tool we are constantly innovating on it and we're going to make it even better whenever World bosses spawn go kill them for shattering prisms and just because it's fun kill them then at 67 or whatever level you feel comfortable with go clear the Capstone dungeon by the way you might be wondering why did I pick 67 here at 47 here the reason why is because that's three levels below the monster level that's in those Capstone dungeons and you might be wondering why did I pick all of these weird levels like 15 and 17 and 32 and 45 the entire idea is to move to the next best thing when you're three levels below it for the XP multiplier okay so that's that's the idea there so at 67 or earlier if you think you can do it earlier go to the second Capstone and go to world tier four remember to upgrade your weapons your armor and your jewelry before you go into that dungeon use the elixir of death The Scroll of escape the key binding the same thing next from 68 to 100 or whatever whatever level you are to 100 we're going to clear nightmare dungeons using the same hints as above use the tier list Sal beverage Salvage the D Keys Salvage everything that has a very bad affix and just blast them over and over and over blizzard buff the XP that's how you're going to get it make sure that you craft your highest level gems at level 70. it's going to be a big power increase make sure you run hell tied for forgotten Souls upgrade your gear re-roll your gear stuff like that should probably add a line in here um re-roll your ancestral World tier 4 gear let's put reroll and upgrade that's a good one he'll continue killing the world bosses for shattering prisms now we're going to hunt the malignant monsters and look for the Caged hearts for your build probably going to make a big difference now if they didn't earlier they certainly matter now because we need to complete our build another thing you can consider is doing the final two tiers of your Renown to get the Paragon points because now you can actually use them I think Racing 1 to 100 probably a waste of time or 20 Paragon points but if you're close and you can squeeze it in after doing a full round of the nightmare Dungeons and unlocking most of the Renown that way maybe it's easy for you to get to level five and maybe that would be worth it I'll let you decide on that uh congrats ding 100 and Blizzard's going to reward you with another round of Nerf Bar Nerf Nerf Barb round 478. that's my strategy for leveling up one to a hundred as fast as possible I feel very confident that unless blizzard Nerfs which is possible that this strategy is going to feel real nice for you you're going to have a lot of materials that you need you're going to have a lot of yellows thanks to Onyx Watchtower if you go exactly at the levels that I tell you I think you'll feel very powerful while still maintaining a very high level of XP and I think these are the hints that you're going to need to get up there um if there are changes I will update this sheet if there are major changes I'm going to update the sheet and I guess I'm going to have to make a video updating it we'll have to see what the patch says um but I'm hoping truly that you have a fantastic time in season one and give me feedback I've made leveling guides a million times in Diablo 3 but this is a different game I'd love to know what you think does this help you this is the format that you like a lot of people are already going to ask me give me a give me a printable sheet make another Tab and make it white background black text so I can print it but do we really want to print it because we want to save the trees I don't you can let me know but give me any feedback that you have of how you think I could make it better and I promise you that I will try um if nothing is nerfed I think this is going to be a super good strategy and I think you're going to absolutely dominate um let me know in the comments below I will read them and otherwise I have many more videos coming out before season one I have a tier list and a bunch of build guides and of course a patch note analysis that'll be one to watch because I played all the classes so we'll see what blizzard has cooking up thank you
Channel: Raxxanterax
Views: 521,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diablo 3, diablo, d3, rax, raxx, raxxanterax, guide, walkthrough, greater rift, rift, gr, diablo 4, monk, dh, demon hunter, wiz, wizard, wd, witch doctor, barb, barbarian, sader, crusader, necro, necromancer, blizzard, blizz, streamer, stream, youtube, diablo guide, diablo walkthrough, d4, druid, amazon, zon, sorceress, sorc, sorcerer, paladin, pally, challenge, challenge rift, EU, NA, Diablo 2 Resurrected, D2R, Echoing Nightmare, Orek's Dream, Season 27, Season 28, Maxroll
Id: YAlZlR5kbFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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