D4 Season 1: The One - Rogue Build for Speedfarming I Helltides I NM Tier 100 I Uberlilith

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hey guys are you also tired of constantly having to Res skill for the various activities in Diablo I then here's the build for you the one without respecting the Paragon board this build can Farm the hell tide speed Farm nightmare dungeons complete High nightmare tier levels and even kill Uber Lilith the skills we are using for this build are the following fundamental puncture to make enemies vulnerable improveed twisting blades today the enemies sturdy and siphoning strike as defensives methodical Shadow step to stun enemies and to become Unstoppable concussive and trick attacks for more crowd control subverting dark shroud to get more damage reduction and movement speed subverting poison trap for more crowd control and damage exploit for higher damage against healthy enemies Blended poison iment as our main source of damage deadly venom debilitating toxins and alchemical Advantage as synergies for our poison damage Precision imbuement for enhanced Critical Strike chance frigid finesse is a damage multiplier inovation Alchemist Fortune trap Mastery adrenaline rush and haste for more utility and Close Quarters combat is our passive for Uber Lilith we switch subverting dark shroud to Supreme Shadow clone cuz we don't need the damage reduction for this fight as our specialization we use combo points let's move forward to the Paragon boards we are using seven boards in total while we try to find a balance between defensive and offensive nodes on the starter board we use versatility as a glyph on the cunning strategy board we use diminish as a glyph on the cheap shot board we use closer as a glyph and we take the legendary note on the exploit weakness board we use control as a glyph on the no Witnesses board we we use efficacy as a glyph on the tricks of the trade board we use Bane as a glyph and on the deadly Ambush board we use exploit as a glyph as for the gear and the hearts here is a quick overview we run the Caged heart of creeping death to maximize our poison damage the Caged heart of cluster Munitions to trigger stun grenades which interacts with our gear and the Heart of creeping death and the Caged heart of Revenge to get more damage reduction we use Air's kjar for the attack speed and penitent Greaves to chill enemies and get the damage multiplier for the build to work we also need bladed dancers aspect to let the twisting blades orbit around us aspect of bursting Venoms to have infinite charges on poison imbuement aspect of corruption to boost our poison imbuement damage aspect of Disobedience to stack our armor the accelerating aspect to maximize our attack speed the umbrous aspect to get even t tankier the frostbitten aspect to freeze enemies hit by our stun grenades the aspect of Might to get more damage reduction and the aspect of noxious ice to boost our damage against Frozen targets for Uber Lilith we can switch out our gloves to fists of Fate to stagger her even faster if you like the build hit the like And subscribe button and check out my twitch stream want to see more content let me know in the comments down below I'm not
Channel: 2Biasd
Views: 15,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Diablo4, D4, Nightmare Tier 100, Tier 100, Speedfarm, Uberlilith, Build, Rogue, Poison, Imbuement, The One, 2Biasd
Id: cZ0JiEeBHss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 32sec (272 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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