Diablo 4 Season 1 Patch Notes Analysis

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hi everyone it's Rex the Diablo 4 1.1.0 patch just dropped for season one and we've been analyzing and talking about it all day let me quickly go through the changes for you and then I'll tell you my overall opinions on everything I'm actually going to look at the notes on Max role rather than from blizzard because dread Scythe actually embedded everything here everything that could be embedded anyway so when you read the changes down here and you're wondering okay what actually what Legendary Power was that you can actually just Mouse over it and see exactly what it was here for example anyway there's a lot to go through I'm not going to read all of it I'm just going to tell you the main highlights I'm going through it so you have six new unique items this is the super unique ahavarion you get a shrine for 20 seconds a random Shrine effect after killing an enemy which only occur once every 30 seconds um this will probably be very powerful but the problem is is when you get a very powerful character usually having a conduit is actually worse than actually playing her character in a lot of situations but overall I think this one's pretty strong um Azure wrath this one might actually be good for the barbarians yet the lucky hit and then your core skills have a 20 chance to freeze enemies for three seconds and then deal cold damage to them scroll down here it'll show you that an 820 item Powers your wrath hits for seven thousand if all the multipliers apply to it That Couldn't end up being quite powerful actually and the freeze could be good blush rendered debilitating war and blood howl deal damage to nearby poisoned enemies these are a lot of your offensive stuff as you're gonna see they're gonna Nerf the crap out of Defense Diablo 4 entirely so you're going to see uh probably these get a lot more use now they're also offensive things um lidless wall seems very very strong it essentially just summons bone storms everywhere which is the necromancer's ultimate might be pretty good so it sounds like we're starting pretty good so far right eaglehorn with for a penetrating shot which is already a pretty good build now it has an 80 chance to fire an arrow that bounces off and now if penetrating shot hits them from behind they now they're vulnerable so that was already a good build this is the big question mark here the Oculus gain the enchantment effect of the teleport enchantment okay so invade instead you get a Teleport to get more teleports that sounds good right when you evade using teleport you are taken to a random location now there was an item in Diablo 2 called the Oculus it was one of the best items in the game for a sorcerer and uh when you got hid had like a random chance to teleport you somewhere I think this one is infinitely worse because at least in Diablo 2 you got hit and it would teleport you somewhere random it would keep you alive this is just every time you evade you're taken to a random location you don't want to evade randomly in this game sounds like an easy way to die so I'm I'm very puzzled about this about this unique um so new general ones audacity when they're five close enemies you Sun them for four seconds not bad okay 40 increased movement speed when moving away from slowed or chilled I guess that means you got to leave a monster alive and then you run away from them now this could open up uh potentially a new build charge calls forth four ancients that also charge up to 100 of normal damage they get four extra uh hits of charge and there's also a power where I think when you hit with core skills you make your charge hit like 300 percent harder so if all of that works together there could be a charge Barbarian Build coming up but as you'll see later they already thought of that and they kind of nerve part of it with the cooldown reduction anyway Subterranean uh poison creeper is a very strong skill while leveling up it's one of like the only companions that does anything and landslide's problem is it has very bad AOE so this kind of combines both of them poison creepers active pass landslide in a circle around you and you do 20 percent more damage this might actually be good um Gore quills it looks like they're focusing on something with bloodlands with blood stuff I haven't played too much of it lately I can't speak too intelligently on this um but blood needs to get better so I guess that's fine um I I don't understand this one every third cast of puncture is poison imbued with 150 percent of its normal potency but we only cast puncture with its upgrades to apply vulnerable It's usually the only reason that we do that this is going to do poison damage based upon skills base damage so this doesn't hit very hard so the only benefit here is maybe it's a good way to poison enemies so maybe you can get a poison up and take some of the poison passives or anything like that but uh I'm very unconvinced of this damage with with puncture um unless there's some tricky stuff with bursting Venoms or something um sorcerer after spending 100 Mana your next firewall is free to cast will destroy small incoming missiles a lot of people were saying that they thought that this was garbage I really don't think that it is um because they're nerfing damage so much I think destroying the small missiles coming at you might for example block out like Archer arrows or crossbow arrows you lay a firewall in front of you and stand behind it they can't shoot you anymore it might actually come into play in the game okay so now there's a ton of stuff here I'm going to skip but there's one thing I want to call out the feat of strength final Slayer of the first mother which is kill Uber Lilith requires you to slay her solo I think that's a really good change there's so much bugged crap exploited crap people selling carries to get this I think you should have to do it solo I love this change cooperative play I never play cooperative player we're gonna skip all that they fixed some bug stuff with dungeons we're skipping all of that um okay so now there's a super super significant one here we knew this is coming the outer edge of the Quakes of hammer the Ancients do way more damage than intended it they said they recognize it's going to Nerf the living crap out of hodobarb we got our daily dose of Nerf Barb spoiler alert there's going to be another major one further down in the patch I think what they have to fix this I'm fine with this it's a bug I wish they would have given us something to compensate for it but they didn't but would have been nice to get something in place like for example if Rage of haragath would work with hammer the Ancients that would be nice but we didn't get that then they fixed the like 20 trillion damage Barbarian bug so that's nice I'm fine with the blood blood thick bug fixes I mean um just double checking here so this is a little bit of a buff to tornado sometimes um it wasn't working with the storm chasers aspect where it seeks so that's that's nice and uh shred was doing again 20 quintillion damage they fixed that okay um nothing too significant on the necro we go to Rogue remember these are just the bug fixes uh nothing crazy here sorcerer Firebolt didn't apply to combustion that's bad and then align the elements this was the best passive in the entire game then they nerfed the living out of it and now they fixed a bug with it which is going to make it better and then they buffed it back up again so that's nice that's something that um sorcerer said again yeah so this is bad news for Sorcerers remember how you were one-shotting uh Uber Lilith well probably a big reason because that was because of aspect of control counting three times giving you the immobilized and the stun and the Frozen buff all Lilith was staggered so you're not gonna you're not gonna get that anymore and that is that's gonna hurt that's going to hurt incinerate was bugged they fixed the Mana cost so maybe incinerate comes into play um so two important changes here are right here so I would say the worst affix on a nightmare dungeon is resource burn and nobody plays that but the second worst one probably across the board is cold Enchanted because cold Enchanted is just a bunch of nonsense it just chain freezes you and you just died you can't do anything well they fixed two bugs with it which were making it just way too powerful so now cold Enchanted is hopefully going to be brought back down to planet Earth just one very small step for blizzard to start fixing the outrageous crowd control in this game um hell tides and Fields of hatred they fix some bugs that's fine they fixed some bugs here um nothing here too crazy I don't think this is very nice the level requirement for sacred items caps 60 the level requirement for ancestral items caps at 80. this is something that I I told them didn't make sense for a long time so now whenever you find a sacred item it will never be a higher required level than 60. makes sense because if you have it go up and up and up and up well then there's there's no point you can't trade it can't give it to alts and nobody uses sacred items in the end game so they have no use similar to ancestral items if you level up your character to 100 and you farm and you want to find a yellow to trade not that there's any way to really trade in this game other than going to a third party site or some Discord let's say you could they did have a trading system or an auction house well the ancestral items now cap at 80 so at least you could trade it to people and they could use it for a lot of their leveling Journey from 80 to 100 so this is a really good change um this the the rare monsters were dropping way too high of items but the items sucked anyway so it doesn't really matter but I'm glad they fixed it anyway um the suppressor affix wasn't working like Whirlwind if you started whirlwinding outside of a suppressor you walked in you were treated as a missile with like the channeling with like the channeling uh ability it was counted as one attack so it would be immune they fixed that so not sure not sure which skills exactly it's going to be applied to I don't know if it's channeling but then what about blizzard if you stand outside you cast a blizzard on a suppressor what happens then we'll have to see but um they're fixing some things with suppressor which is good because that is extremely annoying quests and events I think I read all this I don't think there's anything too crazy here so skip all of that all right let's get to the juicy stuff altar of lilis and map are account wide it works I tried it you log on to your character with the most stuff then lock great make a brand new character you have pretty much everything done they did Nerf the living crap out of the XP from their rewards so people were theorizing we're going to start at level seven no you're going to start at level two because now it gives you pretty much nothing so it's equivalent to like killing two quill rats now um Whispers don't give dust but then they are gonna buff Whispers later silent chests were buff that's good because they were completely worthless um the channel time for the leave dungeon ability has been increased from three to five why it's already so annoying to wait three seconds to leave a dungeon I get it maybe it's for hardcore so you don't escape but oh it seems like a heavy penalty to make everybody pay just so the people who play hardcore um they reduce the tendency for Monsters to move around as much in combat so melee aren't chasing everybody I can appreciate that playing a lot of Rogue lately made some World tier two changes they give you five percent more gold which means nothing but they drop 15 percent more items now World tier two is a little bit more enticing but if you're playing hardcore you're gonna see they're gonna Nerf the living crap out of Defense later and so not sure if it's worth it at all um all right so now uh they're changing how leveling up works okay so now one complaint that everyone's saying all the time is I never get more powerful relative to the monsters so in World tier three up to level 55 the monster stays with you for the next five levels you will just out level the monsters up to a five level Gap and then they'll follow you from there so the idea is is you're going to be five levels higher than them at some point and then you're gonna feel like you got way stronger same thing in World tier four they're gonna match you at 75 in a game and then at 75 You're Gonna Go five levels higher than them and then they're gonna follow you the rest of the way now this change probably accomplishes part of that goal to feel like you're getting stronger as you play it will probably happen when you're fighting monsters that are five levels lower than however what they have done is there's probably going to be less of an incentive to do a lot of the events that blizzard hasn't specifically designed for you to do for example they're gonna give you a ton of XP for like nightmare Dungeons and you know get a lot of stuff from Hell tied and bonus loot as we're gonna see later and stuff like that the things that are gonna suffer are normal dungeons or the The Outdoor World or maybe outdoor events but they'll buff tree of Whispers so depending upon how much they buff that that might offset it so it's kind of feels like they're going against the original philosophy that they had where they want you to do a lot of these things in the open world well when everything is so much lower than you then you might not be getting as good of rewards as if you do the specific end game activities that may not involve the open world it almost feels like a reversal of their philosophy um I don't really care I'm gonna do whatever is the most efficient thing anyway but uh I'm a little bit surprised that this is the way that they chose to solve it because it seems like it Nerfs a lot of the things that they were really wanting you to do before So speaking of experience uh so they significantly increase the XP for Whispers because Whispers were worthless so speaking of experience now we have a completely different way that it calculates so we always used to advise looking for ways to do three levels higher than you because it gave you 25 extra XP another thing that would happen is in World tier four you could have a a difference between you and the monster like like the base XP of the monster could be 100 Levels different from you and you would get a lot more XP this is why power leveling is so easy in Diablo 4. you rush someone to World tier four and then of course the monster is three levels higher than them and they're the the base monster XP is a hundred levels higher than them so you power level instantly right well they're changing that now instead of going one two three up to 25 and then that's it now it's every 10 levels you get 1.5 percent extra XP so this is pretty much a major Nerf to experience was what it turns into so I don't have a problem really with the increased difficulty for higher rewards that's how Games should be but playing a lot of the game 10 levels down it's very difficult unless you have a very very good character it's just not the easiest thing to do especially with some of the changes that you're going to see later um I understand why they nerfed the differential here to stop the power leveling yeah I guess that makes sense um so the thing that I don't understand is why did they Nerf the penalty at the top so used to give us 25 and now you're giving us 15 for doing way more work so it's way more work for a lot less of a bonus that double hit doesn't feel great I don't mind working harder and being challenged but you're going to give me a worse reward for it a significantly worse reward for it that doesn't feel good and the people that don't Race to 100 or had plans to you know get a character up pretty quickly well it's not going to go as quickly as you thought anymore hell tied they made hell tied harder so monsters are now three levels higher than two I think this is actually just better I think we're just gonna get more XP and uh I would rather it be three levels higher than two I think that's just good thing but the mysterious chest now costs 250 instead of 175. it's much harder to farm now all interactable objects in Hell tied have a small chance of giving you these Cinders so now you gotta be now you got to be pretty efficient you got to be pretty efficient to get these chests and if you don't have a really good build you don't have a really good strategy if you aren't following an event map uh it's probably going to be difficult for you to even open four chess or chests would cost you a thousand Cinders in one hour it's not that easy all right now we go to the balance changes where the bad news is I'm not going to read all of them in general they're buffing a lot of skills that were really bad and they're nerfing some things into the ground that they didn't want you to use anymore they thought were overpowered and not going to read them all the one thing for barbarian that might that might be going up is rupture because we've got so many changes to rupture maybe it'll work power charge um this is gives you cool down by three seconds for when you knock back the enemies remember how we're charging with all of our ancients that could be a possible build well now they're capping in at nine second cooldown later on they're gonna Nerf cooldown reduction for all classes so the idea of you using charge all the time to do damage which I actually thought was the point when I was reading it is probably not going to be possible anymore this is a barbarian's best passive hamstring this is what you do with it put one point into it and then with the two-handed technique slot on sword everything bleeds so now everything is automatically slowed and that means you can take advantage of all the crowd control damage affixes and nodes everywhere and uh it's just extremely strong it's it's required well now it only slows healthy enemies I think this falls off pretty much immediately once they become unhealthy so yeah that that hurts a lot of different bar builds I would consider this a major significant Nerf um cuts to the Bone got nerfed as well uh they made some changes to some of the aspects so uh doors is a little bit more consistent so in general the state of Barb is their best build by far Hoda got nerfed and their best passive got nerfed and what we got was a charge Barb which maybe it'll work but this this cap and the nurse the cooldown is going to make it a lot harder and uh the hamstring nerve hits all of almost every build so uh barbs are are not not looking good here um we better pray that rupture does something Druids So This is Gonna Hurt read this one Prime grizzly rage now grants Unstoppable for six seconds while active what it used to do is it used to give you Unstoppable what the whole time grizzly rage is up a lot this is why Druids had Perma Unstoppable they just essentially took that away from you so now you're going to get crowd controlled and now you're going to feel like what it's like to be the other classes and spoiler alert it doesn't feel good um masochistic uh masochistic and siphoning Strikes for Rogues got nerfed in the same way it's essentially your sustain your heel you used to just crit and get three percent of your maximum life now you need to crit and lucky hit and then it's a 75 chance it's a it's a colossal Nerf to your sustain um symbiotic I think this was an attempt to Nerf the Earthen ball work build so there there goes that the um the Silver Lining here for Druids is they did not Nerf rampaging wear Beast which is shocking to me because it has 990 crit hit damage but you got to keep that so as long as we don't tell blizzard about that Druids will still probably be okay but you're gonna be getting crowd controlled and your sustain is not going to be good so that's what we have there necromancer um for necros in general uh they nerfed bone sphere uh so where is it let's go down here splintering aspect um this used to make enemies vulnerable then the bone shards for the bone spill will do 100 extra damage and Pierce them well now it's dropped to 60 damage and that's uh that's a huge Nerf so bone sphere is coming back down to planet Earth will still probably feel pretty powerful people that have tried it still say it's good so that's good um the grasping veins thing in combination with bone spear also got nerfed things like that um excuse me um but in general they're buffing some minion stuff they're buffing some blood stuff and uh I think at least necro is trending in the right direction they need they need some help but this is at least the correct direction for necro I think a toward uh being great one day not sure if I can say that that day is today Rogues probably got away from this the most scot-free they were already one of the best classes no huge no huge problem other than siphoning strikes it's the exact same Nerf you have to crit and you have to be close before now you also have to Lucky hit and it's a 75 chance it's a big Nerf so your sustain is going to be bad got some changes here none of these seem too crazy they did not change bursting Venoms that's the aspect that I used on Lilith this is the aspect that does massive single Target damage I don't see a bursting Venoms change so they either think it's not bugged or they're fine with it or whatever but um bursting Venoms as far as I can see is still in and finally the sorcerer this is the one that a lot of people care about um we have some Buffs here does some decent skills actually got some Buffs too firewall and blizzard and supreme deep freeze this is already pretty good now it's a hundred percent on the cooldown productions for the non-ultimates um align the elements got buffed up further this used to be the greatest passive in the game now it's getting buffed Mana Shield got a buff protection got buffed but here's the bad news devouring is this is probably a sorcerer's best thing and uh well it's just getting nerfed the Critical Strike damage is going from 30 to 21 and the Critical Strike to immobilize is dropping to 30. that's a huge Nerf because with three points into it it used to go to like 75. so I think you can get level six because you take like plus three to devouring blazing or aiming it so it probably ends at 60. it's a huge Nerf that's gonna hurt um made some changes here trying to look and see we got they already talked about the aspect of control that was a huge Nerf as well nothing too crazy here these Buffs these uniques are pretty much not going to matter at all um they're trying to dial back some of the Hydra Nerf that they did I don't think it's going to be nearly enough um trying to buff some other things and bring it up but uh yeah the devouring Blaze Nerf and the aspect of control Nerf is going to hurt and wait to see the general changes so here we go okay here we go Disobedience this is probably the best defensive power in the game now the stacks have been reduced to 60 which means that you only get 30 percent armor instead of 50. makes a huge difference that is a huge nerve to almost every build in the game's survivability they're nerfing a retribution um this doesn't I don't it's gonna have too much of a change oh but really importantly guys butcher's cleaver the minimum slow went from 40 to 61. Top End still at 75 slow but this butcher's Cleaver that nobody uses the minimum slow came up and God we got that um they buffed ancestral Okay so this is a change that you might get excited about let me read it the bonus drops to ancestral and sacred and Nightmare dungeons go from plus five to plus ten they removed a chance to get extra recruitment from Elites outside of nightmare dunsons and Hell tied and then gave you an extra equipment from Elites inside nightmare Dungeons and helter they now have a 50 chance to drop a second legendary item when you complete them and you get three rare items so you get more items more items more items more items more legendaries while you do nightmare Dungeons and Hell tied which is the end game activities you feel excited about that right not me this is exactly what I don't want this is exactly the problem with the game it's almost Diablo 3-esque there are way too many items dropping and I don't have a loot filter that I have to sift through now I'm just I'm gonna get a full inventory every nightmare dungeon I run I've been running them today I'm making making the new tier list um I might have it uh I don't have it pulled up I was gonna give you a sneak peek but um I'll have it up tomorrow this is exactly what I don't want I don't want a million more yellows and legendaries I want a way to filter them or something so I can keep playing some of you might be excited with all this extra loot but to me this is just turning into Diablo 3. I already think the amount of items that we get is too high I would prefer fewer items with higher quality if you don't want to give us that give us a loot filter so I can filter out 99 of the items that I don't want do not know why these things work why uh okay um also scaling for groups went from 85 to 100 so it's harder to play in groups I think this is a great change actually because Group Play is way better than solo play and that pisses off a lot of the community so I don't mind this change at all read shrines Are Better World bosses drop more health potions There's No Limit how many materials you can refine at once okay now let's look at item affixes now this is going to feel real bad I think this is just I think this entire thing is just bad news Okay so let's look at this one many affixes are too efficient they're outshining alternatives are looking to refine the outliers improve the number of meaningful choices on combative slots and increase the overall flexibility of items we know these changes will reduce the total amount of possible power a character can possession so we'll be monitoring how these changes affect the player's ability to conquer expected Milestones throughout the season all right so we're increasing the availability of affixes to make them easier to roll on different builds think about these affixes tell me how desirable they've been for you control impaired duration reduction can now appear on pants that sounds like yet another stat that I just don't want pants are like life total armor close reduction stuff like that stuff like that control impaired duration reduction if if we actually need this control impaired so when I'm crowd control the duration reduction if if this is if you're trying to tell me blizzard that this is a desirable stat for me to have I would retaliate or rebuttal by saying your crowd control is too high if you want me to seek this on my gear barrier generation how are you barbs feeling about that barrier increased barrier generation I mean this sounds good for a sorcerer barbarians and other classes and like Druids we usually stay alive with things like fordify area generation you're going to give everybody barriers now it now appears for all classes lucky hit chance while you have a barrier sounds great for Sorcerers now it appears for all classes and they nerfed it by the way Master School damage and all resist this might be good when they fixed they they said excuse me in the sudden future season they're gonna fix all resist but nobody pretty much nobody uses a shield except for maybe necros with their lidless wall now I mean is this the right time to add this I don't know so the core stat bonuses on weapons were over performing so we nerfed them so we lost 25 of our weapons okay cooldown reduction they already Nerf the crap out of this they feel mandatory do their raw power they're still going to be a highly desirable stat but you lost 30 percent of it and Rogues it hit even harder with their traps and their imbuements say goodbye to 30 of your cooldown reduction critical damage and vulnerable damage are a hard requirement for a build success this is true actually they believe it's a step toward aligning it with other things um so we lost 40 percent vulnerable damage and 70 Critical Strike damage I'm not saying I would say philosophically this is fine right you're you're right these are mandatory to have a good build and that's probably not good game design and you're correcting it the problem is is this entire patch is paired with seemingly a lot of nerves to our XP to our cool down now to our Critical Strike now to our vulnerable and the things that we get with it are these very minuscule Buffs to these little tiny things that probably won't amount to anything I every patch of every Diablo game all of them Diablo 2 Diablo 3 Diablo Immortal even and Diablo Force launch I'm usually very busy creating build guide after build guide here's something you could try this is going to be really good I'm not going to make one build guide for season one I don't know what build guide I would make what build guide am I going to make I can't think of one I I I I made all the ones that are all the ones that I made are pretty much the same and I can't think of any new ones maybe the rupture bar would be the only thing charge bar possibly but uh yeah I mean it's such an avalanche of bad news in one patch that I'm not sure that this was the right way to do it another thing okay let me finish let me finish and then let me give you my overall thoughts let's keep going we're not done yet disparities in inherent affixes can rule some weapons out the the implicit the implicit on an item oh swords always roll critical hit damage mace is always roll whatever it is overpower damage okay well Critical Strike damage is way better than overpower so you always take a sword so it doesn't matter how good the mace is you always wear the sword that's what they're talking about so the items with the best implicits they just Nerf them so cooldown reduction you get way less Critical Strike damage you get way less and vulnerable you get 65 percent less damn that's a lot bonus to crowd controlled enemies was over performing that got nerve two Sorcerers got double nerfed at least freezy Sorcerers which is 20 but it's not really freezy Sorcerers because every sorcerer pretty much feels forced at the moment to take frost top so this isn't a freezy sorcerer this is like almost every sorcerer okay now this is the part that I really don't understand okay so let's not read this let's go to paint okay I still I still have the the drawing up that I made on my stream let's just use this okay so in the end game there are like three things that you can do right you can speed Farm do you know just clear stuff and look for gear I guess you could also PVP PVP is not here but let's just ignore PVP so use speed Farm okay or you push up to nightmare dungeon 100 or you kill Uber Lilith right that's what you do in the end game all right so for Speed farming what makes you win in speed farming well the answer is offense movement speed and offense teleport in with your Source word you freeze them your arraignment pulls them in you blow them up or you Whirlwind Barb in you Whirlwind they die in two seconds it's called speed farming right you could probably go in as a glass cannon with no defense and probably not even notice the difference in speed farming because there's speed farming you're just deleting it nightmare dungeon 100 forget the bugged builds forget the exploited builds when you're actually pulling nightmare dungeon 100 let's say on a robe for example well how does it go well if you have a melee build you have to immediately respect to a bow build because if you go in there you're going to die instantly so you pull like one zombie and back up and shoot it for 10 minutes then you pull the next zombie and one hour later you have your nightmare dungeon 100 clear so once again it's you it's possible to clear that's why it's orange and not green but you usually win by offense right you win with offense there are very few builds especially pretty much no builds that aren't exploited or bugged in some way or you just survive and just tank the monsters it's not possible then you have Uber Lilith Uber Lilith again forget all the exploited builds killing her in one stagger rotation or something and it's usually again offense very few classes can tank a wave and in the second phase maybe you can tank a single ghost but two ghosts and you're pretty much guaranteed to die right and there's a stacking debuff where it just all are all starts one-shotting you eventually so you win with offense here so if we look at this we win with offense everywhere in the game right that's how you win it's not with defense we will we have seen that skillful players are frequently slaughtering monsters many levels above their own want to support this with the current situation is beyond what we believe is correct for the long-term health of the game to chase this goal we're shifting power to the offensive affixes from defensive affixes so they nerfed defense and they buffed offense so all you Sorcerers that were feeling squishy before we didn't see nothing yet because they're gonna buff the offense to Nerf the defense I don't understand this this will make our end game content more deadly for those chasing the Pinnacle boss but overcoming this boss should should take every ounce of grit you can muster we will evaluate feedback from the community I don't understand this it doesn't make sense to me I as a player this is a personal opinion not speaking on behalf of anybody but myself I despise glass Cannon built I don't like them people usually like my build guides because I like all around built I'm okay with not playing the number one DPS or the number one fastest or the number one tankiest as long as it scores very well in everything and it just feels good to play that's the build for me if I'm not allowed to make such a build the second option that I would take is a defensive build as long as I can't die and I'm a little slow no problem as long as you can't kill me I'm feeling good I hate the 10 000 million damage zero defense try to one shot everything before they can one shot you a stray Arrow kills you in one hit I I don't I don't like that man the game already kind of felt like that in the end game content and now it feels even more than that this is just one change this is just the item affixes they also took away all a lot of their cooldowns and they also took away disobedience so it's like the best defensive power in the game so certainly by many orders of magnitude sorry I'm losing my voice here by many orders of magnitude the hardcore race is going to be really really exciting because people are going to die that's for sure and they also Nerf the stain as well also nerves some of the Perma unstoppables um so I'm trying to be as objective on this as possible blizzard has certainly made some good changes here the sharing of the map the sharing of uh the alters when they implemented the nightmare dungeon teleport um they're taking down some of the super broken builds they're fixing a lot of the bugs although the Buffs to this a lot of these things don't really matter they do help a little bit okay so it's kind of like in the right direction but some of these things don't make sense to me they just don't make sense to me at all especially this entire thing with crucifying everything in one patch and shifting it so far out of Defense I don't know what's so wrong with working on a character very very you know putting in a lot of effort and putting in the right defensive pieces and aspects and the right uh gems and sockets in your gear where you can actually get in there and fight a little bit seems like everything is going to be a glass Cannon man I really don't understand it um I can tell you from what I've seen so far the feedback from the community that I have heard which is not everybody has been pretty negative and I think that's putting it nicely I think people really really don't like this patch now some people of course are just mad because of the Nerfs and I get it nobody likes to be nerfed but I think it's for a lot of different facets too I think it's for some of a philosophy thing the philosophical decisions here and uh yeah I don't know um some of these things are a big question mark for me but it is what it is okay so um I do have some important videos to make for you guys I have already started testing every single night of the new nightmare dungeons I'll have the tier list out for you tomorrow I'm almost done with it um I'll have a tier list for the classes for you I'm gonna have to think about it a little bit barbs or barbs are really bad uh Sorcerers will be really good at speed farming I don't know how they're going to do any hard content anymore I don't know how they're gonna survive necros are trending in the right direction but their best build got nerfed without that much compensation for it Druids can now be crowd controlled but they didn't lose rampaging wear Beast so probably Druid and Rogue at the top Barbed toward the bottom along with Sorcerer And negro it's got to be at something like that anyway I'll make the tier list for you tomorrow and explain it in detail and then uh we'll have the race I'm going hardcore solo cell found so uh the chances of me dying just went way up from this patch which honestly makes it more exciting I'm I'm fine with dying for Content it's not a problem um I don't know I I'd be interested to hear what you guys think you guys if you if you guys care to leave a comment down below with how you're feeling about it what class you play um I'll read it honestly just just posting down below this blush screw blizzard that doesn't tell me anything if you have a complaint tell me what was your main complaint and why you know so we can actually get some get some thoughts and uh who knows maybe blizzard will watch the video maybe blizzard will read the comments but uh this is a head scratcher for sure and I do want to make one one comment kind of the the reverse thing the reverse thing happened which usually doesn't happen I think Blizzard's Diablo 4 launch was actually pretty strong the campaign was really good the servers didn't crash overall I think in the people's very first taste of Diablo 4 was very strong and that's if you're gonna get one thing right it's that it's your first impression but we've had like uh some some changes along the way and we had a patch before this and this patch and we had the season one announcement and it seems like none of those have been a very big win with the community at all so usually that doesn't happen you usually don't have a Godly start and then you kind of fall down usually have like a bad start and then you just collapse or a bad start and you slowly trickle back up I would love for blizzard to to get some wins here because it feels like they won where it actually mattered but I think some of these things are are hurting them day by day by day and I think some people have already written Diablo 4 off and I think some people are you know consistently saying Diablo 4 will be a good game one year from now um I really think they should have taken another year before they released it but then there's a shareholders pushing them to get it out the door and this is what we have anyway all right I've been talking about this like 10 straight hours this is the patch they did some things right they did some things that are going to make the game tough to play in season one it's gonna be hard to survive probably gonna do a lot less damage see what builds can come of it I'll also have a video for you coming out very soon on all 32 of the malignant hearts and I'll show you the the possible ideas of how those are going to work for you and your bill all right I'll see you in two days guys for the hardcore solo cell phone race thank you
Channel: Raxxanterax
Views: 265,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diablo 3, diablo, d3, rax, raxx, raxxanterax, guide, walkthrough, greater rift, rift, gr, diablo 4, monk, dh, demon hunter, wiz, wizard, wd, witch doctor, barb, barbarian, sader, crusader, necro, necromancer, blizzard, blizz, streamer, stream, youtube, diablo guide, diablo walkthrough, d4, druid, amazon, zon, sorceress, sorc, sorcerer, paladin, pally, challenge, challenge rift, EU, NA, Diablo 2 Resurrected, D2R, Echoing Nightmare, Orek's Dream, Season 27, Season 28, Maxroll
Id: I7L-T2FZm2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 55sec (2635 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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