DING! Level 100 On ALL Classes in Diablo 4 - Here's What You Need to Know!

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hi everyone it's Rax today I did something pretty cool I hit level 100 on all five classes so I've been blasting since the start and one thing that I did not do is I did not get boosted I did not just sit there while a bunch of 100s ran me through nightmare dungeon 50. I leveled up not just myself I leveled up in groups but I made it sure everybody was at my level or sometimes I played by myself and to make sure that I got the actual experience of progressing my character and how difficult it was and actually learning about the classes so I just like to go through and talk about each class and my experiences on them one full playthrough to 100 does not make you an expert on anything um but I do think I will have at least somewhat of an idea of how to compare the classes and see what they're good at and my thoughts on them going forward so let's start with my favorite class Barbarian this is a class overall that I have played the most um it's the class that I started on in Diablo 4 and raised to 100 on I played everything on Barb before I've played Rend I played Whirlwind and Whirlwind has gotten nerfed a million times played upheaval upheaval used to be the best build in the game for any class by far an upheaval Barb was worth 10 of any other class at one point in the blizzard testing but that build is long gone for many many different reasons maybe it'll come back in season one I played Hoda um barbarians unfortunately were plagued by a lot of bugs and spoiler alert there's another bug that's going to be fixed for Barb so it's going to Nerf them again which is where the Hoda Shockwave does more damage on the outside than it it does way more damage than intended when that gets fixed when that gets fixed that's gonna hurt um they Nerf the shout cool down and they made it it's very hard to find the the shout ring and they Nerf the shout ring and keeping your shouts up all the time is very difficult um Believe It or Not despite all of these things I actually think going forward in the game barbs are going to continue to be one of the best classes right now in the end game they're probably one of the worst because they've been nerfed so many times there were so many bugs which by the way a lot of them were reported on the beta but they didn't get fixed um if you're going against Uber Lilith barbarians certainly can't kill her in one shatter combo barbarians can't poison and view her down um or anything like that and uh nightmare dungeon 100 is not trivial for barbarians anyway however despite all of that I still have faith in the Barbarian going forward the extra legendary aspects on your gear it's it's just going to make them overall pretty good if we can find any ways in the future to gain any more CDR if blizzard would stop nerfing it having the permanent shouts um will help us and another thing that blizzard might do is they might move away from this gameplay where we're we are taking all the shouts and I think the easier way to do that than just nerfing the shouts over and over into Oblivion is to make the other skills more worthwhile you know we take some of the other ones like maybe iron skin or sometimes people take kick or people are messing around death blow but they're just it really isn't a great reason to take the other skills if you give us a reason then the Barbarian will be more versatile right now leveling up they're pretty rough in the mid game speed farming they're still really good because of Hoda and Whirlwind in the end game they're good with Hoda because of a bug which is going to be fixed just gonna really hurt when they lose it but still I'm optimistic for Barb going forward because of the way the class is structured and built they're very tanky they're very fast the shouts are very powerful and if they would just give us some damage here I think they'll be just fine um Druid so Druid right now pound for pound is one of the best classes they're just so good the tornado werewolf Druid might be the best built overall in the entire game especially since bone spear is going to get nerfed we'll get to that next um pulverize is good it just really suffers from single Target I played that leveling up um the chase for the Tempest Roar is very tough that helmet that you need to make the um werewolf build work uh now you can Target farming in Hell Tied by farming the helm chest which is what everyone was doing yesterday trying to get a shackle until they nerfed it they took that out but you should be able to Target Farm it a little bit easier and that will help a lot um Druids have a large amount of Unstoppable and actually they're very fast they're like I feel like I am a mount in the dungeons so uh they're currently in a very good spot but unfortunately I think it's for really one Legendary Power that I just don't think is going to survive and that's rampaging werebeast um the rampaging werebeast is a Legendary Power which I believe gives you like 990 crit hit damage all right no way Blizzard's gonna let us keep a legendary power that gives us 990 crit hit damage and it's used in a lot of builds people are really liking the shred build admittedly I didn't play it I've seen it I people really love it so that's another alternative um the ball work build is going away people always asking about that it just makes me roll my eyes it's going away yes it's on it's unkillable and it can clear nightmare dungeon 100 but I'm not here for these broken ass builds that are going to be fixed already I'm actually surprised other than bulwark has survived this far um I'm a little worried about druid's damage once they lose rampaging wear Beast uh if blizzard is gonna fix it they don't fix it then Druids are going to be pumping for a long time um but anyway it seems like more attention has been put into the Druid legendary powers and their uniques than a lot of the other classes they make this CR you know you're you st you start out as a human throwing tornadoes that don't path or do anything and you finish as a werewolf using the where bear ultimate turning you into an Ultimate Werewolf that runs at the speed of light and has almost infinite resources and the tornadoes that you summon home in on enemies and they do a bajillion damage it's like well that was all made possible by this intricate connecting of legendary powers and uniques that I that philosophy to me is good yeah you really build like the entire structure of the character and when you hit when you finally get that Tempest War drop you finally get that direwolf drop or the rampaging warebeest and you put it all together and then you make this brand new this kind of this new character I think you did a good job there so through its fate is probably going to be good going forward if the same designers are still working on it that built it at the start they just have the most options and by the way I leveled up I started as tornado and then I got the pulverized Shockwave power at like level 30 and I switched both of them seem very strong um so I don't know if they like tweaked tornado tornado already was the best like vanilla leveling build for Druids um but when I played it it was actually very strong when you play it as a melee skill so uh Druids weren't exactly the 17 damage Druid that I remember them from the beta I think necros are not in a great spot now people are the thing I hear all day long is reacts bone spear you throw one bone spear with the bone spear and the Ricochet does like 60 million damage it kills Lilith in 60 seconds and it just crushes the entire game and you said necros are the worst I gotta be honest with you I pretty much have the same opinion nothing changed I have a bone spear necro here he is here's the thing yes the bone spear has scaled out of control and almost when 99 certainty blizzard is going to bring it back down to Earth because it's way stronger than anything else I would encourage you look at the rest of the class how is it looking blood mist is the most Godly ultimate skill for Uber Lila it's amazing you just keep skipping the waves it's like flame shield for a sorcerer it's just an invulnerability but that's your movement skill makes you slow and you play the infamous build which I think was really blown out of proportion it's like a Maya it's like a miasma corpse explosion thing right it's uh I don't know it to me it's like a a very bad version of Whirlwind you run in you miss spin spin spin kill him and move on or you could just Whirlwind for two seconds and do the same thing or tornado Druid does it even faster I'm not really a believer in that I haven't seen any blood builds that have moved me the minion builds are only like there's a bug with bone prison when they fix that the minion builds are going to go way down and their survivability is really bad corpse tendrils like they they released a pat a patch note that was fixing corpse tendrils but corpse tendrils requires a corpse well the whole point of corpse tendrils is to gather up the enemies but in order to gather the enemies you have to kill an enemy and then you have to click the corpse accurately and sometimes the corpses despawn sometimes Corps Central's pixels them perfectly and sometimes it doesn't necro survivability is not the highest in the game yeah I don't know uh where are people coming up with the fact that necros are Gods because you're running around with a bone spear build hitting everything for 60 million damage where exactly is The Godly part about necros curses decrep That's The Godly part um I think when bone spear is brought back down to earth I think necros needs some help I think they need some movement speed um I think some of their skills need to be a little bit easier to use um I think that the minions need to be more viable in the end game especially in terms of survivability they don't need to run around and do a million damage each but they you need to give us a reason to take them um this is the class that I have I just have a question mark about um going forward Rogues man Rogues are good they're good at everything everything that I said that I thought would be bad about a rogue was wrong I said that their survivability would be really bad it really isn't I said that Rogues would be like really good for a pro really good for a cat really bad for a casual nope you just run around with the speed of light Dash Shadow step you twisting blade you hit it correctly you play it properly you don't hit it correctly you don't play it properly the output is insane they're good all the time they're good from the beginning they're good all the way to the end they can clear nightmare dungeon 100 is actually challenging for them I I think that don't have it as easy as some of the other classes but it's been done Uber Lilith they're incredible even if you take away the the nonsense with the bursting Venoms which is coming to light um even if you take that away they've got multiple builds that can kill her people are discovering that their bow builds aren't quite as bad as we thought they were maybe they're not at the level of um like twisting blades but they're doing pretty good Rogues are just good they feel good um yeah I mean uh if they get anything in the patch um I think they're gonna they're gonna be one of the best classes if not the best class with the current state of the game if I'm Racing 1 to 100 starting with nothing on a season start I think your best chance to reach 100 first is on a rogue they're just good at everything uh Everything feels good even their imbuements um their their energy their resources in the end game Rogues just work they just do they feel great if you haven't played a rogue you should play one here we have Riker in a very elegant gown I finally found everything by the time I finished my sorcerer I did sorcerer last because kind of like in necro I think Sorcerers are in a bad spot but I think the sorcerer kit is currently better than the necros kit teleport is very strong Frost Nova is very good the problem is is your pigeonholed into taking Frost Nova all the time um leveling up with chain lightning was no problem as I thought it would be I also respect ice shards during the leveling process um to try that out it was very strong uh I think probably the the the school of magic that's the most behind right now is fire I don't want to play fire leveling up yeah maybe you take the fireball or the fire bolt enchantment slot sure but I don't want to play fire leveling up and firewall is okay but it's not great meteor is okay but it's not great and Hydra got nerfed into the ground so I think fire Sorcerers need a strong revisit here there's a problem with sorcerers and it necro kind of has this problem that Rogue and Druid and Barb absolutely do not have and I think the way that you approach solving this problem just goes back to Blizzard's philosophy on Diablo 4. what I need to do if I want to do damage on my ice Shard sorcerer is I need to teleport in freeze them and then do damage to them that itself is not any kind of a rotation that's fine I have no problem deleting everything like that but it becomes a problem when you start to do things like bosses or when you start to do harder content and you're fighting Elites that don't die in one Frost Nova and bringing back Frost Nova is very very difficult um the sorcerers are very very squishy and because Frost Nova is required it almost encourages like this melee play style they're bringing the squishiest glass into a melee play style in order to deal maximum damage and it's dangerous and you just die all the time um I think blizzard needs to look at barbarians that are just whirlwinding or hammering or whatever the future is rending or upheavaling and they're looking at Druids that just throw tornadoes or just pulverize and you're looking at Rogues that just twisting blade or activate their imbue twisting blade and these guys are needing a lot of like setup like you throw a meteor teleport in with the Raymond you stun them then you freeze them and then you attack what's the philosophy here are you trying to slow down the gameplay and actually have a rotation because three of the classes are just plowing without it and when you play a class that doesn't have a rotation has the same output or a better output than the class that does have the rotation it doesn't feel good that's how I felt playing a sorcerer I'm doing way more work and I'm squishier for no gain at least if you want to keep it different if you want sorcerer is that person freeze do all this you have to have them burning and rooted fine but I think their output has to go up and I don't think the only way to apply vulnerable or to apply your freeze is to teleport in and use your Frost Nova as that's very dangerous how else can we do that yes there are some other options currently in the game but they aren't as good as the options that I listed so this is how I felt playing them I'm not exactly right I didn't play every build I don't have a thousand hours on every class but I did play them a lot I tried to play The Meta builds that a lot of people are playing so I can empathize with you on what you might be experiencing so I think barbs needs some damage Druids just need to recover from the rampaging wear Beast Nerf if that's cut if that's coming um necros I just think needs some help like I I would like corpse tendrils to work differently just make it easier on me I'd like some Buffs to minions I what are we going to play when um your Nerf bone spear might be a critical Red Alert here Rogues are just good man they're just good I don't think you need any First Aid on the Rogue really anywhere I mean they're they're just great maybe a little bit on the survivability and Nightmare dungeon 100 that's asking for a lot maybe a little bit on the boa builds but not as bad as we thought and sorceress I feel like I'm pressing a lot of buttons I'm doing a lot of work yes it can work my if I fired up my sorcerer right now I pull a nightmare dungeon 50 I will annihilate it and you'll think my sorcerer is a God but he's not a god compared to some of the other classes trust me I played them all to 100. anyway I need to stop talking on the 18th we're gonna get a Mega patch these are the thoughts that I have going into that patch as I read the patch notes this is what I'm going to say okay this build goes up what happens to specifically to this class okay here are the 32 new superpowers how does this solve these problems for these different classes and maybe we'll come up with some brilliant combinations with which will give us some Godly builds in season one tomorrow I'm starting solo self-bound and hardcore I think I'm going to start Rogue because again Rogues are just Gods right now and I'm going to get that perspective as well and let's see how long it takes me to die maybe I'll die on the first quill rat you'll never you never know but for those of you that don't know me I played hardcore and Diablo 3 for years so I'm no stranger to hardcore I'm not afraid of it and I be honestly I don't really care if I die so let's get it done and let's see how it goes thanks for watching many more videos are coming I'm excited for the 18th let's see what happens thank you
Channel: Raxxanterax
Views: 595,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diablo 3, diablo, d3, rax, raxx, raxxanterax, guide, walkthrough, greater rift, rift, gr, diablo 4, monk, dh, demon hunter, wiz, wizard, wd, witch doctor, barb, barbarian, sader, crusader, necro, necromancer, blizzard, blizz, streamer, stream, youtube, diablo guide, diablo walkthrough, d4, druid, amazon, zon, sorceress, sorc, sorcerer, paladin, pally, challenge, challenge rift, EU, NA, Diablo 2 Resurrected, D2R, Echoing Nightmare, Orek's Dream, Season 27, Season 28, Maxroll
Id: ougW7UXlXw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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