Kripp Diablo 4 Theorycrafting Session - Sorc

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so this this is the best build first works uh uh with possible small deviations uh with devouring Blaze possibly devouring Blaze is better I'm not sure I'm not sure yeah Vegeta has a lot of builds but I've only really Theory crafted sork a little bit of Necro uh I am at a point where I am very confident that I know the best three builds for stork very confident the best three builds for sork are for single Target only uh cooldown reduction conjure is actually decent they nerfed all the conjure stuff but the conjure glyph is actually the strongest glyph that sork has it is the best scaling glyph on sork so it doesn't really make up for the damage loss because it lost like two-thirds of the damage and people are like it's like they don't know the stock market it's like oh down 61 day up 60 the other day it's like yeah then you have no money great so the way that it works is if you lose sixty percent of your damage you basically need to Triple your damage to make it back this is not tripling the damage but it was a pretty busted build and everyone got nerfed and all that kind of stuff and I think if you go pure conjure you can you can do pretty good damage the problem is that because of the glyphs are very specialized you can't play a conjure build and then use a different skill because you're using an entire glyph that doesn't buff that skill at all unless it's a conjure skill and all three conjurer skills are terrible at area of effect all of them are bad the lightning one too if you're wondering that one's also bad so if you go pure conjure I think it's actually a really good single Target like bossing build but the clear is going to be really crappy so I think it's not a good all-around build so that's off the table but that is one of the three best Zork builds for Diablo 4. the next best sork build uh initially I was I was sure I was gonna play a lightning sork I was gonna combine Arc lash when you use a cool down enemies around you are stunned for 0.5 seconds I was going to combine that with charge bolts when you stun an enemy 40 chance to release three charge bolts crazy Synergy right and lightning gets like a little bit of damage damage reduction lighting's very good right it's good so what's a problem why not do that well we got this website here and they basically data mined literally everything so like what is every single staff that can drop in Diablo 4. there you go every single item type uniques their stat ranges everything literally the entire game is data mined so basically I don't want to share the spreadsheet because I think the spreadsheet is not super publicly shared I did find it on a stream but I see that there's like almost no one looking at this spreadsheet right now someone went through the time and compiled all of these stats for sork okay and um you can also find like the stat ranges and everything it has all the stats everything's data man the whole game is there I'm not gonna go through this website because it's not very well organized but if you really want to Deep dive it Diablo okay basically if you have the highest item level possible level 100 requirement you are level 100 it's like an Uber ancient legendary drop okay it has the literal perfect roles in the maximum of the range your entire gear is this and you're going all in for crit chance I just want to point out that because the stun mechanic you really want to use a two-hander okay for two-handed crit chance the absolute Maxim you can get on gear considering every gear slot 26 crit 26 so even though uh sork is really good at getting crit damage stork can't actually get crit uh yeah 26 that's the most you could get so sork is going to be like no damage no damage lots of damage that's how you play a crit sork I guess it's kind of balanced in that way and the only crit passive is this hitting enemies with shock skills increase your crit Chance by one resets upon getting a crit it's not that good this is like 0.5 crit per point three points approximately it's pretty bad actually there is a uh uh there's a thing here is okay uh Elementalist aspects core or Mastery skills cast at or above a hundred Mana get increased crit this is the only way you're getting more crit than 26 plus the stat bonus plus the five percent base um if you use this in a two-hander you lose tons of damage so you you really don't want to do that um I certainly wouldn't do that you also need to be over a hundred Mana so you got to micromanage it and this is only for skills that you cast which means that triggered charge bolt won't work well it will work it just won't get the bonus so I still think I still think that crit lightning is one of the best sork builds but I also think that it's kind of a micro managing like core skill usage it's basically like playing a barb you're going to have like a rotation you have to watch your resource and if your resource is over a hundred then you burst using a core scale and then you switch to a different skill after that I just don't really want to play that I don't want to play that yeah it's it's very similar to Barb basically there's a chance to Injured yeah injured 35 or under that's pretty bad a worse Barb I don't know if it's worse than Barb this is going to be a good build sork even though it doesn't get crit chance on weapons which is why why there is this problem sork doesn't get any crit on weapons you cannot get crit chance on a staff at all other classes can on their weapons that's a big part of why this is like divided this way other classes have better crit passives some classes actually have crit on their paragon and some other classes can get crit on their weapons sork gets literally zero of that but what sork gets is crit damage with lightning skills so on a weapon you can get crit damage and crit damage with lightning skills so the crit lightning build it's gonna be good okay the crit multipliers are ridiculous you also get like you also get a crit multi-glyph where is it here yeah core skills deal 20 crit damage for every five dexterity ridiculous sorks have ridiculous crit damage they just don't have crit that's the problem but there are some builds that can get around it I just don't want to play them I think it's going to be not fun for me to play this that's why I'm not going to play it I'm giving up completely on the lightning build just so we're straight but not because the lightning build's bad it's like Rogue I don't want to play Rogue I think Rogue will be great okay I just don't want to play it I won't play that so what am I playing I'm playing fire there's a lot of things that I've looked into I'm sure some people have a lot of questions um this build will use firewall deep freeze with the half cooldown at the end of deep freeze flame shield and teleport and Ice armor it's not spec because you get plus one defense and frost Nova it's a five cooldown firewall build so you're like why are you playing with five cooldowns on a firewall build that's a great question we're doing that because of this using a cooldown restores 25 Mana this is the only consistent way to keep up your Mana while spamming a Mana cost skill the base Mana region is 10. if you see something like 20 Mana regen you're like oh my God that's such a big number it is because that's like actually a high number for Mana Regen that's two that's two Mana region twenty percent that's two increasing your Mana pool doesn't increase your region the region is 10. you only increase it with crazy willpower which is the conversion is terrible on that you get like 11 at like Max character yeah so the Mana region options actually we can go through them manner Generations increased by 10 to 20 if you're not taking damage in three seconds what a joke no one will ever use this best case two Mana per second casting a basic skill reduces the amount of cost of your next core skill by 10 to 20 percent this is decent but it's part of that rotation playstyle that I'm not going to play it's not decent by itself but it's decent because there are other Mana cost reduction mechanics you can stack upon this so this this is usable just not for this book restore one or four of your primary results from your crowd control and enemy well that seems pretty damn good doesn't it yeah apparently they used it in the beta it can only proc once per mob yeah so if it's like a tanky rare and you hit it with like a slow you get your one to four resource but then you can't get any more after that off them up so you're gonna run into that situation where you're just gonna oom a lot yeah it's gonna it's gonna work and then it's not gonna work it's gonna work and then it's gonna be a tanky Target and it's not going to work um if you're if you're like giga deeps maybe that's fine uh that's that's what is that eight increased Dodge chance versus enemies affected by damage over time when you dodge you gain five to ten of your primary resource that actually doesn't seem that terrible like you might think this is bad but this exists this is two Mana region per second if you never take damage the Dodge is like five second cooldown so this is like two Mana region if you just play the game and you get eight extra Dodge for damage reduction this is actually pretty decent I like that I actually didn't consider that it's not enough it's not enough to spam firewall but it's decent if you're okay with wasting your Dodge for resource this is actually pretty decent lucky hit burning damage has five to ten percent chance to restore 10 Mana well you're going to play a firewall build that sounds pretty good nah it's okay it just doesn't proc a lot this is actually a lucky hit based fire damage over time build it's literally the perfect build for this it just doesn't proc a lot and it's not consistent I did try this in the first beta I think when we had like every legendary basically I tried this with firewall it wasn't that good and also because it's lucky hit even if on average it's good you're gonna have dry periods and dry periods on a build with like one spender and five cooldowns like what what do you do if you have no Mana you just sit there using a cooldown restores 15 to 25 Mana this is good if you have lots of cooldowns and if you have lots of cooldowns it is very good and very consistent each time chain lightning bounces off you you gain four to six Mana I think it's usable in the chain lightning build gain 10 to 20 resource for every 25 of your life that you heal again it's just not very consistent this can be good this build actually heals a lot if a core skill hits five more enemies the resource cross is refund this is a unique uh it's good for the chain laning book each consecutive core scale Caster roots of the resource cost of your next core skill by whatever up to a 40. again unique so there's really no other option the only way to constantly recover enough Mana to spam a single skill on a Circ is to use this in a bunch of cooldowns that's the way that I see it I don't think anything else is really viable here this is it just this one five cooldowns 25 Mana per cooldown Gigi um so flame Shield it does burning damage which is pretty good get movement speed you heal for half the life you're missing super good I love this teleport you Max it out because you want to try to keep up the shimmering teleport you actually want to teleport on cooldown so yeah uh ice armor the two the second point isn't too bad but again it's 2.5 Mana 2.5 Mana regen for six seconds it lasts six seconds and if you're wondering ice armor is not affected by um it's not affected by barrier duration I tested that uh in the service line so ice armor six seconds um six seconds 2.5 it's like 15 Mana for two points I wouldn't do it uh additional points in ice armor just raises the base amount I think it's not very good I don't like it so I wouldn't waste two points there Frost Nova Frost Nova is really good with this build because it is our main form of crowd control and killing enemies while Frozen reduces by four seconds is pretty good how long with your craft there's actually a number of things that I need to figure out uh uh I've been working on sork builds for like several weeks now but the problem is I spent most of my time on the lightning one and I think the lightning one is not going to be one that I want to play it's not gonna be bad but it's not gonna be one that I want to play so this specific build with a lot of the new information I found out today there's still a number of things I need to figure out like one of the things I need to figure out is if I'm going to aim for a two-hander or a one-hander that is super complicated question super complicated okay um I get frostbolt because I might use frostbolt to start chilling the boss we tested and even though it says direct damage from skills applies chill this actually works with skills that don't do direct damage this works with firewall firewall can chill so I want to do that if I want to stagger the boss after you cast the knob this is just some resists this is just a wasted point I would not use firewall here all the defensive cooldowns lucky hit we actually are scaling lucky hit with this build uh align the elements uh three damage reduction so this actually does drop even if your barrier absorbs a hit so it's more important after that Nerf to use deep freeze because if a boss hits really hard if you get hit once you can deep freeze and then not get hit and have it Stack Up it does go through a lot of Mana so we get some Mana regeneration and using a cooldown gives life as barrier this is still very good or just spamming cooldowns we are actually using meteor but we're using the enchantment lucky hit eight percent chance for a meteor to fall on enemies they're like your damage over time build this is where some of you guys that haven't looked at Paragon and glyph will get the lesson this 35 damage over 30 second burning ground that will do more damage than any other skill available when I actually have the build going because um yeah or doing mastery also meteor has a high lucky hit and I am under the suspicion that firewall procking the firewall like the enchantment effect of firewall I suspect that is based off of Lucky hit I suspected it when I was playing this last weekend and I saw a number of stream I watched steel Mage solo Shava it like never procs Hydra like never procs firewall even though Hydra it's four Burns a hundred percent uptime Hydra never peroxis and Shaman effect hydra's lucky hit as abysmal because hydra's lucky hit is for the entire duration of the skill if every single attack hits and it misses like half of them just from the boss moving so so we're playing a lucky hit based firewall and meteor and the firewall will proc itself and meteor like that the meteors not direct damage it's just lucky hit so the firewall can proc meteor and the meteor can proc firewall so that's how that works we spam firewall firewall prox firewall firewall prox meteor meteor prox meteor and meteor prox firewall so I don't know exactly how effective lucky hit is but there's a number of multipliers in there yeah firewall spawned from your Champion can also proc firewall yes um uh I don't I don't think that's a broken mechanic by the way like if they if they want a Nerf meteor I'll just I'll put in like Firebolt or the the chilled thing but I think this will be quite good I think this is worth doing basically uh so meteor normally is pretty bad but the thing about meteor and firewall is that uh they both get Scaled by the second best glyph in the game and the best ones conjure there's only one glyph that scales harder than this I'm I'm not counting crackling energy because that's not even a skill so for every five int that's our main Stat one of the one of the Paragon boards has 75 int okay so what is that seven okay let me just put a calculator let me get that open so five uh 75 divided by five that's 15 instances of 14.4 damage so this is a 216 damage with Mastery skills and 20 area so this will affect firewall because we're a firewall build but it will also affect meteor so this makes meteor like any firewall character their second best skill will be meteor because they're scaling firewall and this also just happens the scale meteor so it it then makes meteor procs worth it yeah 14.4 is crazy high for a glyph and its main stat scaling and 20 area means more procs bigger firewalls more procs bigger meteor more procs and we're also getting a few of these are really good your burning damage is increased by 40 of your critical damage further increased by five percent for every 20 int so we're scaling int or end stacking and the critical damage that scales the crap out of the firewall and the burning ground of meteor will also just be critical damage for the meteor itself it's pretty good we won't have a whole lot of crit but hey we just found out no sorks have that much crit actually it doesn't convert it it's not instead it's also and we have a thing here it's normally really out of the way but I really want to try to grab it I haven't I haven't done Paragons for firewall in a while certainly not since this revelation so 20 stronger in enchantments should give me a six percent instead of a five percent for firewall and like a ten percent almost um instead of eight percent for meteor so this is kind of like twenty percent more lucky hit of skills that literally proc each other so this should be really good it's a lot of travel points yes at 60. that's gotta be that's gotta be wrong it should be like six thirty percent damage over time reduction what the hell is that you doubt enchantment Master actually increases the firewall enchant why wouldn't it this is very hard to get you this costs you almost an entire glyph okay so this is not free this is not just randomly getting this this is a very expensive note but I think it's worth it and you have to keep in mind the glyphs aren't that good until you level the hell out of them yeah like a slider so if these are like those gems in D3 that might take a really long time so being able to snag powerful legendary passives might be a way to start your character right um so yeah we have meteor meteor procs immobilize which is very important and if three targets get hit 30 for another meteor another meteor means more procs I don't know if conditional crit damage works but if if devouring Blaze works with a crit damage convert we obviously have to get it because that's 75 crit damage which would be 150 burning damage against the mobilize which is uh an enormous amount but since we're scaling lucky hit we want the chance to immobilize we we want that because this should this should proc quite a bit and you might be thinking it's like why do you want to immobilize so badly don't quote me on this but we have looked at some some videos and I believe that aspect of control more damage to immobilized under Frozen so it's it's known that when you stagger that basically these are not or it's not or it's and and or basically so if you immobilize 40 more that's a multiplier 40 more damage but if you use the Nova to freeze and then the firewall immobilizes then it's 80 or more damage but actually actually We Believe that these are independent so it's not 80 if it's immobilized and Frozen we think it's 1.4 times 1.4 which is a double damage multiplier effectively now when it comes to a staggered boss if you have aspect of control on a two-handed staff it is 1.8 times 1.8 times 1.8 I'll save you the math it's a 6X multiplier on your damage during stagger if you put this in a two-hander 6x and uh dijio showed us that you can force stagger on the boss without really that much difficulty um like it's not like impossible so that's why I have points in frostbolt because you can change in chance in combat so I might do firewall plus Frost bolt so everything chills boss gets staggered change to meteor 6X damage see you later Boss Arena okay so that's part of the tech that I'm thinking of using uh also also very important uh aspect of control is from a dungeon as well so we can just start the game with that like it's not something we have to get lucky and get we just go to that dungeon so that's pretty good and again we have Frost Nova for a freeze and we have deep freeze for a freeze so we're freezing plenty we're immobilizing with a lucky hit and every meteor proc immobilizes so we're getting lots of phrases and lots of immobilizers this isn't just like a stagger only but I just I mentioned the Stagger stuff to indicate that it's not useless versus bosses it's really good versus normal normal mobs and I would bet it's pretty good against bosses other fire build no this is it there's no Fireball that comes close to this in my opinion um Hydra is fine but you you can't just play Hydra and then center right is trashed here oh I take it back uh Fireball is uh really good but you need the unique there's a unique that makes Fireball bounce and Fireball has a pretty big area of effect so the the unique makes it um do one third of the damage so probably it bounces like three four times but it doesn't say anything about lucky hit it only specifies the damage so if you have a bouncy Fireball Fireball becomes the best lucky hit skill on sork so probably there's gonna be a bouncy Fireball build that procs meteors or something um and that's probably also a good fire build it's just really tough to uh on one hand understand that mechanic to its fullest extent it's also not going to be anywhere near as good as on bosses that is as it is on trash mobs it's going to be ridiculous on trash mobs um and you need that unique and if you don't have a unique Fireballs bad skill except for the enchantment effect which is good everyone knows that but just casting Fireballs is it's pretty bad there's better skills to just cast so if you can't really cast Fireball incinerate is the worst skill ever uh you really are looking at meteor or firewall and as I showed you with the glyphs like once you start thinking about glyphs you really want to try to use both of them together the fireball unique no okay there's a fireball unique for three Fireballs I'm not even talking about that I'm talking about the the the bouncy ball there's like they're like gloves or something okay every third cast launches two additional projectiles that's on a two-handed staff I don't know if that's a good idea that seems pretty weak to me that in my opinion that's pretty weak so you're getting five projectiles and three casts so each cast is 60 more projectiles so if everything is hitting it's 60 more damage with one skill on a two-hander that's not even that good and it's a weapon so you're gonna have to find the crazy Uber version of this and have it drop with good stats good luck with that that ain't gonna happen uh the gloves though Fireballs now bounce Fireball now bounces as it travels exploding each time it hits the ground but its explosion deals like less damage but again it's just it doesn't say anything about lucky hit so I would guess the lucky hit is not affected so I think I think a lucky hit Fireball build with the gloves is uh is something to try but that's maybe something I'll try later on if I get them I wouldn't base playing Diablo 4 with that yeah it's like rolling magma okay um so yeah just to finish off the build I got deep freeze Prime deep freeze gives you a barrier if you freeze anything uh it worked pretty well in the beta but who knows we did have ultimate skills in the first two open betas uh well it was like pay money beta and then open Beta those two and then when deep freeze ends your non-ultimate cooldowns are reduced by 50 percent um I think this is just nice because if you're running a lot of cooldown recovery which you should be if you're playing this build you can do like do all your cooldowns do a deep freeze and then do like all your cooldowns again and you just like crazy Mana you're not going to take like any damage so you're gonna have like a a good while like I I don't know I'm guessing but probably 15 20 seconds where nothing's gonna hit you um killing a burning enemy increase your Mana regen again this is jubate 10 Mana regen for three seconds that's three Mana just I just did the math it's three Mana yeah I doubt it stacks um your deal increase burning damage to enemies for each second they remain burning up to 15x after three seconds it's not amazing but it's a multiplier why not every one second you heal for 0.9 of your maximum life for each nearby burning enemy healing increased to 1.8 from bosses so you might think this is not very good but well if you're surrounded by 20 mobs and your immune 80 of the time I would say recovering your full health bar in between that sounds pretty good to me so I think warmth is actually ridiculously good unless the entire game is getting one shot constantly which who knows maybe it is but if it's not this seems crazy to me there's very limited healing in Diablo 4 very limited it's one of the only things that actually keeps Rogue in the running against the bar broke has much better healing than Barb so this is a very powerful heal in my opinion it doesn't say about a cap it just says for each nearby burning enemy so if there's three it's three percent if it's if it's 10 it costs you seven points total well you'd you'd want endless pyre I think 15 more damage that's that's fine you're getting this anyway it cost you three points the firewall problem okay so you need this to play firewall if you don't have this firewall is terrible uh basically if you cast firewall if they get touched by it they take one second worth of damage and then three more seconds so firewall is 224 percent yes it's over eight but anything that touches the firewall takes minimum half of that which is still pretty good minimum minimum damage 112. like does the best druid skill even hit that number I don't know and I can spam this I don't like I won't need a generator or anything just play cooldowns and firewall constantly right so it's still pretty good also the enchantment each time an enemy takes burning damage there's five percent chance to spawn two firewalls underneath them um we played firewall a lot in the last server slam it was clearly working with this so if they if they touch the the x that spawns they take the full damage from it even if they move away from it it's not as bad as you think basically a lot of people play firewall they don't get this and they think firewall's bad that's because it is bad without this but with this firewall is fine produce Mana nah invigorating Fury does nine percent life per 100 rage on Barb that stops pretty good sounds pretty good but it stops the firewall ends right so if your firewall has like two seconds on it and then they run through it they only take two seconds okay so all that is like hey you're done with your build yeah right I wish I have a lot of the paragons to do I'll drop in some resources here I guess so this is Diablo University I guess I can put it here okay I got this from Don the crown stream uh this just tells you the maximum stat per board so and it just gives you the the stats for all the boards so we're going to try to pick our glyphs pick our boards it is only a guideline because the passing through the boards also matters in my opinion quite a lot even so it's uh it's something we're going to use when figuring out the the best Paragon boards link the doc sure again this is dot Dawn the crowns uh thing I think they do Diablo University and he has a few videos about it and he's he's a pretty cool guy remember when um asthma Gold's necro sucked he's the guy who told to play on a lower difficulty which is which is really funny at the time but the the the the extra funny thing about that is that we probably all of us should be playing on the lower difficulty when the game comes out so how about that all right the next thing that is new today is a data mined stacking so what multiplies and what doesn't multiply so all damage this is uh just like skills mostly the int bonus I mean for a circuit's end but it's your main stat your main stat bonus all the crit stuff adds together obviously I mean it's obvious but some people who hadn't played the game you know they might they might not understand that like if you get five crit and they get another five crit you have ten crit it's not like one over 1.05 plus 1.0 like it's not it's none of that like crazy formula where you can never get like it's not that the damage versus and I think I have a note versus equal damage two damage two damage two or damage versus all of it adds together and then as is its own multiplier uh initially people thought that damage versus close and damage versus Elites are individual multipliers because of how it works in Diablo 3. apparently that's not how it works in Diablo 4 in Diablo 4 damage to Elites is actually weaker than we think because damage to Elites is in the same bucket as damage to burning I'm going to have tons of damage to burning so damage to Elites is not that important yeah it's additive this isn't this is one bucket damage while healthy so the funny thing about that is we had this like troll glyph with like an embarrassingly low scaling multiplier called NM by imbiber for every five willpower you'd deal 8.8 increased damage while healthy like what kind of joke glyph is this joke's on us it multiplies everything by itself it's probably one of the best glyphs for every class any any other imbiber enjoyers yeah it's basically more 8.8 more per per five willpower that's uh in in Viber for every five willpower you deal increased damage while healthy it doesn't scale solo with four to five characters it's in the same bucket with fortified damage while it's just several classes only have healthy like if you don't fortify it's solo then we have damage with is one bucket and then here's a fun one vulnerable damage I'm gonna drop a big bomb here it will be hard to accept but if you don't accept what I say you will realize that I was right after the game comes out and your character sucks if your character cannot keep up vulnerability with a pretty good uptime your character is a bad character and the reason is that vulnerable damage is a multiplier and nothing else adds to it it is a solo multiplier if you do not keep up vulnerable with high level of consistency your character will not do damage the way that vulnerable works and I saw it I think again I don't remember it was it I don't know it was it was talked about a video I saw so like you know how Rogue crossbows have like 40 vulnerable damage you might think oh that's just like 40 increased damage and it adds together with all the other stuff while the target's vulnerable no vulnerable is 20 percent more damage to a Target if it has the vulnerable effect that's Baseline that's the same for everyone if you get 40 vulnerable damage what that 40 does is it adds to the 20. so it becomes sixty percent more damage to vulnerable so because Rogues can equip a crossbow they do like 35 more damage than non-barbs passively just because of the crossbow implicit yes it's ridiculous is actually ridiculous and the other thing about that is you're gonna miss it chilled hey vulnerable damage yep it's a double multiplier vulnerable damage and dealing damage to a vulnerable enemy increases your damage by one percent for six seconds for up to ten percent so this is more it's not seven more because you have the 20 base and you might have some on your gear but it's also a really really good glyph for all classes that can keep vulnerable but if you can't keep vulnerable up your class is not good uh sorks can't do vulnerable very easily you're looking at just Frost Nova uh six second vulnerable against the bosses not great the cooldown of frost Nova is 24 seconds but I do want to get plus defensive skills to scale teleport plus all skills let's just just for the for the sake of of seeing this so if we have five points in Frost Nova it's like uh 19 second cooldown and then we try to get like a lot of cool down uh cool down reduction and also Frost Nova is casted so you subtract your cast speed because you're not really doing that much damage well I guess what this build you kind of are but yeah if you're playing like lightning you definitely subtract the cast speed so like you don't need to have 100 uptime you need to have 100 uptime outside of the Caspian because when you're casting a new Frost Nova you're not doing a damaging hit Frost bolt has vulnerable yeah but but frostbolt sucks what do you mean frostball has vulnerable Frost was vulnerable versus Frozen targets the only time a boss is Frozen is when it's staggered I'm doing six times damage on a staggered boss minimum I'm not going to cast the frost bolt plus I have to put the frost bolt on my bar that's also not going to happen the only reliable reliable vulnerability actually there's two there's hitting an enemy with five ice shards in a single cast makes them vulnerable for two seconds but cold builds are definitely weak definitely weak it's your last try Johnny Gray 81 months thank you very much so this is this is a good skill from the cold tool kit but cold is not very good of a damage type especially for bosses in my opinion but that could be wrong they could stagger like crazy and that might be worth it it might be a good group build who knows but I'm I'm not considering cold and Ice blades but honestly I would consider using ice blades at this build I'd maybe uh use ice blades over ice armor if vulnerability uptime is too low I'd consider it just for the vulnerability the full conjuration build is actually pretty decent but it's terrible clear so I'm not going to play I'll play that now you cannot freeze a boss bosses cannot be crowd controlled with anything it just adds to the Stagger meter so basically if you're playing sork like it or not you need a hell of a lot of cooldown reduction keep that in mind for the main dilemma that I have okay um yeah so the other thing I kind of want to make a new spreadsheet with this give me a second [Music] um yeah I don't wanna I don't want this out there maybe I just make a new spreadsheet just give me a second yeah it's it's like where I've done some deer crafting but I it's like so much stuff on there there's probably some information I don't want accidentally being shown on the stream so I'm just gonna make I'm just gonna make a new spreadsheet okay so what I'm doing right now I guess I can make it like bigger text Bolt okay very important question do we use a one-hander for the build or do we use a two-hander for the build I don't know we have to keep in mind that all items have four stats plus a power okay so we can't just get whatever stats we want we can move a power from a legendary to a rare so probably eventually with enough time you can actually get the type of item that you want um I would say that near perfect gear is fairly obtainable in Diablo 4. I don't know how rare the top items are but having four perfect stats with the ability to re-roll at least one which is what we did again in the server slam you can re-roll one it's not that crazy it's not that crazy two-handers if there's a legendary aspect with an insane hundred multiplier here's the thing um so again the the maximum stats were data mined okay maximum stat rolls on the the maximum eye level gear data mind uh I think this lucky hit I just added it together so on one hander the maximum lucky hit plus the implicit is 14.6 and the off hand is 8.8 and there is another one that's lucky hit while barrier I'm actually going to use that one I doubt you can get both on and off hand but yeah so I want so I did I did like the I guess so two-hander the speed is one so this build uh teleport is instant ice armor is instant flame Shield is instant Frost Nova is not instant and deep phrase is just occasional we don't we don't spam that right we don't we don't factor that in so it's going to be like two-hander is wall wall wall wall uh Nova for trash probably yeah and then for a one-hander it's going to be wall Nova so these do 20 more damage but we get 20 percent more walls with a one-hander so the the base damage versus the attack speed for this build if the Mana regeneration is sufficient and I believe it will be could be wrong but I believe it will be it should be uh should be fine so the damage the DPS should be fine the DPS is the same I think the um and it's also uh one one hand is more lucky hits because we're doing more hits more hits more lucky hits 20 actually 20 more lucky hits so if the if the rest of the stats were identical we would use a one-hander however these stats are not even close to identical the amount of luck you hit you can get on two-hander zero one hand plus offhand 25. not a small amount okay but then crit damage which we turn into burning damage with like a 2X multiplier two hand 61 one hand 30. damage the crowd control two hand a hundred and then the damage to crowd control on a one-hander is so low I wouldn't even get it it's uh 24. I uh wouldn't even get that yeah I would ignore it there has to be something better than that foreign to hand as the winner uh the other thing is a cool introduction let me see cool introduction there's no there's no cool introduction on two-hander why can't I find that uh they changed the formatting on this a little bit I saved a copy just in case CDR yeah CDR let's just do uh zero it's not zero but I wouldn't get it it is zero it is zero CDR on the off hand 24.9 do you know how much cooldown reduction on the entire character if you use a two-hander do you know how much it is 30. the cooldown reduction on an off hand is almost as much as the coolant reduction that you can possibly get in the best in slot gear on all the other pieces combined so yeah so two hand does more damage and has whatever but then we do have that Gap in cooldowns and I don't know how we're gonna fill it depends what skills you need to cool down on right all of them we're using five cooldown skills we need cooldown reduction on all of them yeah so that is tricky remember it's four stats yeah CDR is more vulnerable more damage exactly okay what else do we have we have crowd control duration on off hand I wouldn't I don't care too much about that Mana cost reduction offhand has like weird stats so I'm trying to look through barrier generation 20. damage reduction from burning 20. we just get 20 Dr very good life on kill basic skill damage crackling energy damage God is so bad it has attack speed 14.6 attack speed that might be challenging to use but I think that's the I think that's the fourth best stat right like that's that's the fourth best that I I can't see anything else can I get int on this oh I can I can 61 int what is a what is a two-hander int also 61. oh one hand and off hand can get higher stats than a two-handerer that is very interesting also 61. int might be better than attack speed here 61 int is six percent more damage but we also get the multi-scaling uh it'll be another 15 other crit multi so it's like another 20 or 30 burn damage yeah that's definitely better than attack speed so let's let's green like the stats that we want there are from burning lucky hit so actually offhand is pretty obvious what the best is the rest I don't know I mean I would I would only really well actually I think the I think the lucky hit is the stat and the implicit because one hands have implicits or is it fully the implicit I'm not sure wait actually we can check okay let's check because I actually don't know uh wand ten lucky hit 10 is it just 10. 10 10 I guess it's just 10 yeah and yeah the reason crowd control is so high is because um the staves have implicit crowd control yeah they obviously have diminishing effects but like you hit on the one-hander that's why it's 14 on the 10 Bass it's probably like six is the max role for a lucky hit on a one-hander and honestly six is not worth a full stat so this is 10 but it's free I wouldn't I wouldn't get like six lucky hit as a stat right there's no way all right so what other stats can these get me um crit damage is a really big one 61 because we convert that implicit yeah items have implicit weapons have implicits just every every item of that type so um for one-handers there's daggers and there's wands those are the two one-handers available for sorks daggers have damaged close which is fine like if you're lightning it probably is better we're playing a lucky hit build which I am you'd want to use a wand which has 10 lucky hit uh staves always have damage to crowd control in varying amounts I just took this from a spreadsheet I didn't I didn't look up the the staves oh is this 31 I think it's 31 it's not three wait what was the wand again 21 lucky hit wait did do the wands really have 21 lucky hit no I think that's that's the formatting error well maybe they do I don't know was the buckets from down the eye someone posted it in Al Kaiser's chat when I happened to be watching so I joined it okay uh let me see what else can we do for a main hand core skill ultimate skill you can't get pyro damage damage to close damage to distant damage the crowd control 24. damage the injured damage to burning damage to burning 20.5 and staves get 41. damage the chill damage to Frozen and 61 int is not not meaningless I think 61 int is a good stat so vulnerable damage what else has vulnerable damage on it that's a great question vulnerable damage so staves and one-handers have vulnerable damage and rings have like 17 percent vulnerable damage a pop oh no 34 wow 34 Jesus Christ 34 a pop my mistake 34 vulnerable damage Max roll Max item level okay so this is where it gets really complicated so if if we start with 20 and we get 70 so we're at 90. how much can exploit possibly give because the Dexter if this was anti wouldn't even look it up it like for Rogues this is the best glyph in the game for Rogues you don't have to Theory craft it it's just obviously is uh but for for sorks you don't get a lot of dexterity and dexterity gives crit and Dodge now I don't want either of those things so I don't even want dexterity in general so what's the best dexterity board thank you down the crown burning Instinct has 49. so okay take your thing here so it's um I guess it's 72 times 0.98 yeah it's easier 70.5 vulnerable damage now we already have 90 that's not that much we also got the 10 multi I guess but getting full full uptime on vulnerable is actually a bit challenging so maybe we don't use that glyph it's about 30 more damage that's what it is about 30 more damage so the Vault damage is about asked as effective so here it's like 18 more and here's like 35 more yeah that's that's probably still the best stat okay that's probably still the best that okay crit damage obviously dirty crit damage it's about 60 burning damage 60 burning damage probably gets marginalized pretty hard still probably about 20 more damage that's probably the best stat damage the crowd control is probably not because damage to burning is way way better yeah it's like 60 it's same bucket so this is about like 10 to 12 more and this is less than 10 more I would say that int is probably the best on the one-hander also now there's no shot that int is the best fourth stat on a two-hander so what is the best fourth stat on a two-hander then crit damage lightning crit damage overpower damage only the meter can overpower it has to be a hit 41 damage over time that's kind of bad core scale basic skill ultimate skill damage to close damage to distant damage to Injured 41 damage to burning wow yeah a lot of stats on staves are pretty bad 41 damage to burning or 61 int oh yeah lucky hit is free huh I guess we I guess we go I guess we go there depends how much int you have uh no it it is pretty much isolated bonus we're gonna have to get this so burning damage is increased by 40 of your critical damage further increased by five percent for every 20 and you have so that's ten percent more of our critical damage becomes burning damage and our critical damage is going to be like a hundred and fifty-ish so it's about 30 burning damage actually so I guess I guess burning damage is better for a two-hander okay yeah it's based on total int but you can figure out the marginal difference oh I guess the ant also gives you the int bonus so like four percent four percent more yeah it's really close it's uh it's about the same it's actually about the same oops which is pretty nice because that's kind of like uh some flexibility there the main thing about the main thing I like about one hand off hand is cooldown recovery and lucky hit the the synergistic part of the build is much better the thing I like about two-handers is the bunk is bonkier a lot bunk here actually a lot bunk here okay this isn't D4 it is to me um so vone damage we're gonna have like 70 of that that's gonna be on rings here like 20 fire that's pretty bad rings can get 8.8 lucky hit we definitely want that so on a ring we get crit damage lucky hit vulnerable damage and the fourth stat is like one of many other things go sleepy dicks go sleepy there's like six stats that are about the same in terms of their power level on an amulet ambulance can get lucky hit with barrier that's a cool stat I also believe ambulance can give you movement speed Amazon can also give you skills plus two to all defensive plus two to all masteries 25 movement speed oh my God amulets dude Jesus Christ 10 Dr holy crap quenti Dr from burning dude what the hell dude amulets are broken and amulets are so good I probably wouldn't even get the lucky hit on barrier probably not even that good of a stat on them pyromancy skill damage damage to Elites foreign I would definitely get that one I mean a deer from burning plus the defensive skills plus two Mastery skills and maybe like Dr from close and I'm not getting that much damage on my amulet there are damage options but the the survivability options are just crazy movement speed 25 is also insane an amulet gets as much movement speed as boots that's not very uh Diablo like at all what the hell since when does my necklace make me run faster yeah get LeBron take his shoes off and put on a nice necklace let's see him play the same right I don't think so I should probably look at this again It's Magic yeah yeah I get it still through an order okay so we're getting like no damage from an amulet ring damage amulet utility and skills what about gloves gloves can get some of this crap let me let me check I think gloves of damage yeah gloves here we go gloves gloves crit damage 30 crit damage 16 lucky hit on gloves Jesus Christ damage look you hit I guess int uh you got plus the core skills I don't use core skills damage to injured immobilize damage over time 20 it's not even that high actually probably got the tax speed 14. okay so gloves gloves is damage level damage again I'm just kind of trying to wrap my head around these bonuses and how much of each I will have because now we know how they stack so I will have no damage while healthy on my character at all but we actually do have quite a bit of vulnerable damage rings have a lot of vulnerable damage um damage versus Burning there's quite a lot of that and the elites and we can get some close Maybe so that's covered damage with it's actually a missing Mastery skills but yeah we do have damage with Mastery skills and I believe that the general Paragon nodes are damage with uh wait that's not it plus the non-physical damage I actually don't know what that is Plus two versus is two oh okay oh no that's not the same there's no two in there non-physical damage it's generic it's not specific to a condition so it's not that one it's probably damage with it probably Stacks with the mastery okay let's damage with effectively okay interesting um I think what I'm gonna do is actually just try to make a build and just wing it and see how far we get I have made lots of these just so we're clear I have made so many of these but I have not made one that includes enchantment master so we do have to mess around with it a little bit I also probably won't do it in the best order the order does matter and int non-physical non-physical life int so the start what is the start uh oh he doesn't have a start what okay dude watch how much how much ant is it okay why don't we just get every node and and see uh sure perfect 70 and not bad 39 dexterity bad 39 willpower horrible so it's just an INT okay which one has 75 inch static surge has 75 int now I definitely wanted static surge when I was playing lightning question is do I want static surge when I'm playing a firewall build static surge is far yeah that's the stunning one it's done lightning is a terrible list that's really bad doesn't have the travel nodes and the travel nodes are important there's a lot of travel yeah I don't I don't think we're we're gonna mess with that um I could have sworn there's another with 75 one two three actually let's let's see because they have the list and so searing heat has seven day frigid fatal seven-day static surge 75 Summoner oh the starter is there 70 is 70. 65 so there's there's a couple options at 70. you know I think the Mastery one is definitely the glyph that I want first because I get the 20 area and 20 area is ridiculous with both of the skills that I'm using so let's get all the int uh physical damage do not want willpower do not want willpower don't really want dexterity that one's fine okay um willpower willpower dexterity dexterity it now between dexterity and willpower I want willpower but we can connect those with dexterity so we're gonna do dexterity on that side willpower on the bottom I don't know if I care for resilience that much it's not bad but I don't think so no this build I have to get the int resist this better than willpower probably unless we're hitting a threshold up top here it's willpower or dexterity so we pick willpower here it's it's just a little power and it's strength red dexterity I'd rather have strength or we should pick dexterity everything is connected I believe let me just quickly look at it to see if I have any better pathing the bottom nodes are good 360. yeah you're probably right you're probably right about that willpower willpower okay yeah we'll we'll link that up later I just want to quickly go through this just yeah that looks about right about right okay next question what is our next best glyph um see in Viber willpower it's like 50 something willpower 54 in Elemental Summoner and icefall uh Elemental Summoner you can actually end on you don't want to connect it though because you can you can go you can start from there and get this side and ignore those because they're all dexterity again I've done this a lot ignore all of these you can just go here and get the glyph so this actually needs to be our ending glyph just got to keep that in mind okay let me see what else we got crackling damage to crouch should be the same as damage to burning dexterity based what else do we have for INT we want int contribution crowd control damage electrocute Elementalist paragonals and range 192 of non-physical dealing fire color lightning to an enemy increases all damage deal to them by five percent for 10 seconds stacking once per element so that is 15 more because we are actually doing all three elements maybe not every 10 seconds that's maybe like 12 percent more twelve percent more plus a double bonus that's not bad enchanter for every five int increase non-physical damage so this looks pretty good but this would be additive scaling with our Mastery glyph and our Mastery glyph gives an enormous amount of damage it's still probably pretty good okay vulnerable glyph I decided is not worth it it might be worth it for some builds but I I think it's close call but I think if we have vulnerable damage on rings and weapon because it's dexterity and I don't want I don't care for crit chance because dexterra gives you a quick chance I think I'm gonna pass on it for every five dexterity you deal damage to burning damage to burning you deal in 10 increased damage to burning oh 10 more oh 10 multi at the end what are the dexterity glyphs burning instinct is dexterity interesting where was it okay flame feeder Flame flame feeder and burning instinct damaged two what do we have damage to we'll have some damage damage versus Burning staff has a lot of damage to crowd control but one-handers don't damage to Elites I think that's probably a good glyph I think flame feeder looks pretty good we don't have damage to stacking like crazy and the best dexterity board is one we have to get anyway and 10 multi sounds pretty good oh it's 10 direct damage to burning I take it back that sucks it's still a good glyph but it's much less powerful than I thought let's keep looking don't care for chilled we are doing that one but we have to get it last pyromaniac fire every pyromancy skill you cast for every second you Channel and center right increase your fire damage by two percent for six seconds 10 more damage that's pretty bad reinforced um 10 damage reduction while you have an active barrier I like these these are just like no requirements basically 25 will Powers basically nothing I like rainforest a lot tactician ten percentage four seconds defensive skill that's basically always that's very good territorial damage Too Close scales of dexterity damage reduction against close um 9.6 increased damage to close it's just close is really close is much more conditional than burning if there's some really there's there's some mobs I really don't want to be near I would choose to not be near them that's like the best Cliff for Lightning by the way for the chargeable build if you're curious so it's still pretty good willpower increased burning damage increased damage per nearby burning so I guess boss that's 2.5 x increased burning increased with that's width increased with burning yeah so that one is a bit weak also like if you're curious It's like how is that weak well it's 2.5 more against the boss so it's not that good it's willpower so the most willpower is probably 49 so we get like 10 times this bonus so it's like 90 increased burning but the Mastery glyph and a couple others that we're considering are additive with it so this is like 20 more damage for a maxed out glyph is that worth it nah I don't think so I want a damage too reduce damage the less Mana you have I don't think I'll have that that uh low Mana though after spending 50 million you deal increased damage yeah bonus bonus to Magic nodes within range uh and you might be like oh you just boost the int and the magic nodes uh have non-main attributes so you can't you can't boost your end magic notes yeah that sucks I need increased damage to something the close is decent I do get the damage reduction damage to chill damage to burning damaged tube burning increased burning noise damage to damage too damage to chill damage to burning damage to vulnerable that one's its own multiplier he is rare on burning Instinct board because it's the uh it's the damage reduction from burning damage from enemies that are burning yeah I agree with you I agree with you um but that's a top dexterity one but you're right those are really powerful bonuses damage to the close one is also dexterity they're all dexterity all the damage to our dexterity interesting I hadn't considered that they're all dexterity uh Sid dexterity 39 static search is 44 burnt instincts 49. ceaseless conduit is 49. conduit is the the zappy zap garbage it's so bad it's a fast one though I would have to get that because of the dexterity oh my God I have to get both of those oh Jesus Christ bro no shot those are horrendous nodes I mean this gives damage to damage to CC yeah but that won't work on bosses until they're staggered so I'm not doing that honestly these have a lot of damage too I'm gonna check out the other fire one searing Heat fire resistance fire damage what does searing Heat have searing heat has good int that's useful actually oh and the int is very well positioned look at that down there boom yeah searing hate is looking pretty good damage direction for enemies that are burning Critical Strike damage Critical Strike damage oh wow this is this is a sick board sick board why don't we just uh why don't we just attach that one there's no way I'm not using it foreign T will power uh oh fire resist hold on so if we're doing int we actually will go this other way because we have to get those in nodes anyway what's the other int that's good there's one more int enchanter is enchanter good enough or five and ten or so 150 um non-physical damage well with the Mastery skill thingy it is a little bit weak actually because the master is going to have like 150 something already so if we're doing 250 and then we go to like 370 it's like 50 yeah that's pretty good still the thing is we have to stack it for the passive let's just see how these are positioned dexterity none of that fire damage and then probably we exit out this way fire damage five percent fire damage for one point is that worth it it might be it might be you miss one inch the way you came in what separate damage fire damage crit damage fire damage crit damage damage reduction from enemies that are burning that is also quite good actually one two three four one two three four five Theory I guess what's this healing over time I don't care that much for that that doesn't do anything for me that's fine but it's too far 70 in one two three one two three four that's fine that actually looks pretty damn efficient direct ins ignore nearby bonuses this is a fine node so this is wisdom Dex int this is dext Dex entered rather have wisdom Dex int I also would consider this if we start running out of points I would say anything about Paragon respects yeah it's going to take a shitload of points okay Mastery skills 200 damage man the marginal difference on that is pretty small so if my scale is doing 301 so 9.6 times 14 I think I have 14 times 14. 134 oh that that is all of it uh it's kind of weird oh it's separate there okay okay so it is 134 but we have non-physical damage from other stuff why does it have a range that's kind of weird so if we're doing 365. and then we go and do 500 500 divided by 365. that's 37 percent more damage uh 37 more damage that's not that good it's just all of the ant is is helping me because normally I wouldn't get that much hint and get like 30. we're getting 70. so 40 and is also like 10 damage and then we get like what is the average of the resists so 26 there's a lot of different resists actually that's not that good hmm this is good but I would say it's it's debatable still it's debatable I just quite like this board it would be more efficient if I didn't need to end stack what would I get if I didn't need it into stack damage too close reinforced 10x multi damage to burning hmm all right let's keep going uh how the hell do I get burning instinct Jesus these nodes are just all really good I guess we just get the whole damn board okay burning instinct it just rotated a little bit and that one's not that good so probably we'll go through there and honestly I think we should do a dexterity one because the dexterity nodes are on the edge and dexterity yeah we we literally want all of those we need the dexterity anyway uh damage to burning hmm dexterity I don't know what I'm going to use maybe flame theater maybe the close damage one I don't know yeah it's a really tough call Cinders dexterity dexterity dexterity into dexterity 49. yeah we got it all okay let's check efficiency that node is useless no that's one point saved um 94 increase damage to burning targets yeah we don't have a whole lot of damage to that do you get damaged two burning there hmm all right is this good yes damage to burning uh I should probably rather do damage too Elites it's a higher higher value oh Jesus okay this might be like a whole board situation say that that one's actually really efficient up there I think uh I think I'm just gonna get all the stuff I want and then we'll see we'll see the best way to it after that burning burning will power it burning instinct okay level 81 that's not good we're spending way too many points and I definitely need that text quiet a second all right I don't think it's 30 damage reduction from Elites that stuff in between one two three four five six and if I have that one two three four five six I can drop one two three four five six so it's the same okay I also wanted enchantment master this note is so far away chairman Master have anything good it does not two three four five points for 20 more lucky hit my lucky it's going to be like a hundred that's like 40 lucky hit 40 lucky hit a ton one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen but it's like a glyph like glyph basically it's like a whole glyph a whole simple glyph 40 lucky hit for a whole simple glyph that's tough to swallow and it'll end in Elemental Summoner for embiber I don't think I have that much more after that to be honest probably want to do nodes within range damage reduction or damage willpower or dexterity well that kind of depends it's six there six is pretty good one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven I think 11 is pretty standard five eleven this one's a bit longer not a good glyph summoner's great to end eight nine ten eleven also 11. I don't want conjuration damage but it does mean it doesn't mean that this is more efficient so we need one to end here and a one to end here and let's just pick Let's just pick the enchanter because I I suspect I'm going to run out of points this is good no um but if I go this way it's only one more point and then one two three four five six seven eight nine so that's 10 points instead of 11 for the next okay Elemental Summoner ain't summoning but int uh where is imbiber M fiber willpower willpower willpower none of that garbage main node well Power Wheel power willpower resist elements will power willpower it will power and willpower beautiful node to end on 54 I believe that's the max it is say this is just conjuration it's just garbage we don't even worry about it it's junk but imbiber gives 95.5 increased damage while healthy which has its own bucket so it literally doubles our damage literally double our damage with that so this is super valuable yep now I don't have a lot of points left so this is where we have to start making some tough decisions is this a decent end point non-physical non-physical these are these are decent points it kind of sucks damage to Elites it's not bad those aren't bad foreign eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen eighteen's a lot though but we do get some of the points eighteen six times four twenty four we would be able to support that yeah we would be able to sneaky next if that is the case it might be better to start from there Elementalist let me go through there say five nah it's not much of a safe fine let's see let's see what this is like eight damage to Elites it's a very nice probably that one maybe next renowned 13 is worth three points too much what does a tactician do here oh I don't even have it oh the dexterity is rough on this one 10 more damage lots of int 34 nonsense so 68 instead of 20 48 non-fizz it's a lot of points for that I don't know if that's worth it I haven't done the minion no I have not done The Necromancer this is the equivalent of 40 lucky hit it's the thing 40 lucky hit is enormous yes this is enormous I can't fathom not getting this it's just a very low amount of damage that I'm gaining from this this one might be a bit better though just because willpower is not super out of the way I think five willpower Christ and damage reduction what does that normally give it's like 13. or like 10 all revs 10 already it's pretty nice though because I also get a lot of int yeah if you really Factor all these bonuses it's not that bad I think I need to try to make this work I think I need to try to make this work Scrabble yeah it's kind of like Scrabble actually that's right so conjure is ridiculous you should probably screenshot this guys your Paragon tree needs to end with conjure and Viber every single sork this is a best in slot foreign ER literally doubles your damage crazy okay there's no way that gets changed as part of our plan crit strike damage we sure are paying the price for that aren't we one two no we're really not that is definitely worth it crit damage gets doubled into fire damage so this is 15 fire 22 fire 15 fire and Fire yeah it's just nuts this is absolutely nuts um the end nodes are good there this is so few boards had two boards more than this it's really expensive to get those legendary notes do I think fortify will be busted the gem stacking seems broken the gem stacking is awful I think Health gems are better than fortified gems they Nerf the piss out of the Fortified gems they're like one percent per Gem and they're separate instances so you don't add them up each one is just less damage taken I also want to point something out that I think is super important for Fortify Andes okay if your health is fully fortified okay pay attention okay you have a hundred percent health and you have a hundred fortify okay full full juicy right you are four to five oh yeah okay you get hit for a hundred damage so what happens is you lose 100 Health but you also lose a hundred fortify that's how fortify works if you potion and you have a hundred Health more than fortify you are no longer fortified the mechanic is so bad is is so bad okay like I know some builds they're just oozing fortify out of every orifice and they're always at a hundred in that case it's fine but if if you are basing your damage reduction on having fortify it's not going to be good fortify is fantastic to scale overpower if you're playing guaranteed overpower build fortify it up baby yeah fortify is fantastic for scaling uh overpower and overpower scaling is a legit thing to do in the game it's it's not it's not a gimmick just fortify is not oh I'm tanky now it's not that okay you need you need to not think of it that way fortify for tankiness is like it's like a perk that sometimes works if your character is not tanky without fortify then your character sucks you have to make a character that's tanky without fortify and then if you get Fortify it's a bonus that's fortify okay fortified doesn't make you tanky not by itself I need to fix this tree a little bit sharing the necro that I made uh I have the concept pretty well but I haven't done the glyphs and Viber is best in slot the Mastery damage makes the character that one has to be there enchanter damage with non-physical enchantress a bit weak enchantra is a bit weak what are these nodes fire damage fire resistance um thing is those nodes are pretty good which means I should do I should do a stack I have a feeling this is where the problem is I think this is where the pro I think we waste too many points here four five six seven eight nine ten oh wow enchantress only ten super fast we have fire fire resist and fire damage is not not particularly good so that does make sense like we don't even want to scale those up to be honest enchanter in the first board I'm going to change her I think I think the oh the enchanter board first easy path to the circle this one two three four five that's also five though I guess I can rotate it there it's one point better I mean it's damage over time taken reduction but I guess it's three endpoints no it's two end points yeah guys this game is so dumbed down okay remember remember what Quinn said this game is just it's such a watered down arpg there's no thinking necessary guys again like this does not do enough for how many points I'm spending I think it does not do enough what other options do I have something the board is a little bit weak maybe I just get like a simple amplifier like tactician what if we just do tactician dexterity dexterity dexterity or we're way over already now I guess that's fairly efficient that's fairly efficient for dexterity fire damage we don't need any of that all of that is bad three four one two three four five six seven eight thirty four out of 25 I don't even need those or do I have bonus dexterity uh yeah there's just so many decks they already knows they're just in the way there's a very good choice here look at that natural 27 dexterity and the problem is that the uh well to be fair fires this is one of the best resists there's so much fire damage the note that I'm scaling are kind of bad that's the that's the downside fire damage which bucket is fire damage damage with fire yeah it's kind of in that bucket I really wanted a damage to I guess damage to burning I have oh I keep the damage too okay all right no that's actually that's actually pretty good I don't use the int so one two three four five one two three four five and now we get fire damage fire damage will power 30. okay let's flip this this baby then one two three four five six wait what that's not better why I think it was five I guess I didn't count the original one yeah that's not five that's that's six that is not good oh it's because I counted the damage reduction oh I see okay fine I see it I see it now okay I might not get that one no that's true potion healing yeah that ain't that ain't gonna happen let me see if there's anything more efficient here I mean there's a couple points there level 99 Italy damage is op it's okay it's not that okay I'd say checking these real quick damage the crackling lightning these are so bad damage the stunned forget about it vulnerable damage ooh vulnerable oh right those nodes are really good aren't they spoiler they are they are really good that side it's a pretty quick one there oh bro these aren't even connected dexterity one two three four five six seven uh yeah that's one two three four five six seven I guess that's probably better on that in the um so right now it's on six yeah well I wanted to go one further it is it is actually better through there oh you might not be able to go through there now that I think about it the one thing I really don't like is that we get tactician on nodes that just kind of suck I'm using this board for the crit damage bonus though but I don't know if that's really worth it I feel like scaling vulnerable damage would be better eleven one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and then the point eleven those are both eleven one two three four five six uh seven eight nine ten eleven and same on the way out it's 11 and then 11 again but we'd be we'd be bathing in vulnerable vulnerable damage instead of this shitty fire resist how convenient are the dexterity nodes oh they're not too bad I'd say I can save some points there that's probably better what am I calculating instead of chat GTP right right okay so frigid fate vulnerable damage um this one is in position it's not in position zero this one is in position two so we can put it in position a and put this in position two and dexterity 25 it was tactician I believe okay honorable damage vulnerable damage I have some dexterity nodes there one two three four whoa oh look at that node holy crap okay yeah we we're gonna want to get that I think that's gonna basically be this character here 22 and dexterity is actually pretty damn bad on this board I'm not going to be doing that a whole lot damage reduction from vulnerable and vulnerable damage to look at all those Blue Notes every single one is good 34 vulnerable damage yeah yeah that's uh that's gonna have to be the way how over is it seven points over same to go that way um two three four one two three yeah vulnerable is a multiplier one two three four yeah one two three four five six one two three four five code resistance okay hit the first board the first board is always mastery it's 70 in and they're uh they're not too inconvenient either I basically have to shed six points somewhere I mean I could just shed them here just call it basically into two points extra and what's the minimum one two Four Points Five Five Points I need to come up with Five Points I think I'm gonna call the stream though ah fine let's work on it a little bit more a little more foreign hybrid shark like Hydra and Frozen orb no it will not be possible to do that you have to streamline your skills with Paragons like like this thing to like 19 conjuration damage per five INT in the area so that'll be like about plus 300 conjuration damage if you use Hydra for any meaningful amount of damage then you want this but if you use this and it doesn't affect your other damage skills then it's pretty bad so if you want to use Hydra you kind of want to be using the other conjuration skills and then if you build heavily into all the conjuration skills and you don't really want to be using another skill at all that's that's kind of how Paragon warps the builds much of Vault damage is this 83 dude I only have like a hundred so that's like 40 more damage just because it's this tree it has to be this tree yeah frigid fate is ridiculous it's just too good it's just too good let's see if there's any combos here that we might want to drop dexterity int instead of strength is that connected okay I think it's connected we need dexterity right reduction dexterity reduction apparent dexterity damage to burning it's not not super good it's okay We Can Shed that if we have to then it goes here to actually get that and leave okay we just saved the point to Dr fine yeah that's eight Dr by itself so that's pretty good and I did have something to do here is from vulnerable though that's pretty good actually right now I'm basically seeing where I can shed some points Richard Faith steering hate burning instinct um Maybe four five six seven it's kind of a lot three ants and a cold resist that'd be two ends and a damage over time taken reduction change your first board the second your main board that connects to the most boards should be the one that already has most nodes infested like this one you mean seven it's seven everywhere it's seven and on this side it's one two three four five six I'm literally one point from that and two points from that I'm two points off from what I want it's so close I have to imagine I can gain two points in efficiency that only works as an end point seven from that side a lot from that side a lot from there you probably don't need more than 350 willpower yeah with four boards I probably have most of the stat requirements or close anyway Mark the best class probably not by taking account the increased radius of glyphs more or less doing a lot of non-physical damage that one's fine damage to burning I need a damage too so that's that's probably the best one rare nodes it's generic but it's pretty good willpower 29 out of 25 huh I'm two points inefficient and it's driving me crazy nothing I have is bad which I guess it's good I've done this a lot but mostly for lightning thank you meteor yeah it's a firewall meteor both of those enchantments probably I'll go probably I'll go one hand Shield get more into that way 25 CDR 20 lucky hit that's so big we lose damage to crowd control but we have damage to burning and stuff so it's only like 20 something percent another like 30 something percent but we get Dr from burning 20 Dr burning is huge so that's good I'd say one hand and offhand loses about a quarter damage but you gain 20 Dr 25 CDR which is very defensive and the lucky hit and the ability to maneuver faster I think also chips into that damage lead I have eight points there it's only seven points there yeah that's gonna be one of them I don't use the willpower so yeah that's an efficient point two move it to one that's a okay let's just get that the hell out of there a uh okay two flip five so this is in position p I'm gonna go to three and then this will go to p rotate one two three four five six seven one two three four five six seven eight one point remains okay willpower strength will power so I got so many notes wait a second damage to Elites one two three four five six seven one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six seven one two three four damn it man that sucks it's a very expensive notes earning damage to it leads yeah they're pretty good though three percent damage reduction from Elites yeah but 6.5 on the big node is is really nuts I'm one point off guys one point this gets everything that I I think I would want the next best glyph I don't even think would be worth it I'm like really far there really far there really far there really far there that's an end point so it's it's pretty efficient that way drop a point on the starter board like I drop an end point like 14.4 damage if I drop an end point more than that because the end gives me it gives me good damage any blue as I'm willing to drop if I travel to the top left is messy and get the strength mode and cut out several travel below it uh well I have to get this dexterity node they look messy because we're scaling a glyph but you might be right I'm not saying you're wrong I'm a little bit sleepy so I've certainly could have messed it up foreign Harlequin Helm uh yeah sure ideally uh we need all that dexterity much renowned do you get 10. I'm one point off I was like six points off and then I was two points off and now I'm one point off but I've been one point off for for a while one two three four five six seven eight nine one two three four five six seven but I get those this is really good you get 30 renown wait what oh my God you get 30 round why do you get 30 renowned I have 19 points left oh my God plus four Renown and each of the five Acts uh okay I'm close to a lot of really good blue nodes five and eight damage over time taken reduction non-physical willpower oh if that's worth it kind of weak damage reduction from burning damage reduction from burning on about 50 armor 50 armor sounds pretty debate damage to burning damage to burning execute attack speed damage to burning if I have that damage to burning away as The Willpower no it's not if I have that damage to burning oh wait what am I talking about no it's the other way I have to have to have that resist all is not going to happen though conjuration damage lull resist all to end that way healing over time dude I'm so close to that it's still not worth it non-physical damage and life those are good intent will power is not bad it's like int over there because if I get if I get that willpower I can drop that willpower don't need to be blue end to end is fine like 5 nth is just okay it's not bad not fears life none of his life yeah that's that's actually decent so let's say I do that one two three four five six is superb 5 there I don't think that's good though non-physical damage the only real Advantage is those points up top do I have a less efficient out one two three four five six seven one two three four five six damage over time taken reduction two int one two three four five six two and yeah okay p I'm gonna go to six in the point one thing it has to be like a bit more efficient here and just non-fizz is pretty good there okay that's quite nice Dr from vulnerable it's just when stuff's vulnerable it's frozen so that's a it's a little bit a little bit weaker than it seems actually I mean I'll still get those those are fine resist all conjuration armor fire resist Dr from burning willpower one two three four honestly maybe it's time I just do that will power resist life and uh do we have like Dr from vulnerable I can drop no actually still no uh still no on Fizz damage and we got a lot of those non-fizz damage 27 willpower this is so short here I've been looking at that quite a bit one two three have some potential cross play there life and resists image reduction from burning kind of like damage reduction from burning damage reduction from Elites I think we just drop oh no I need that oh whoops I just realized they became reliant on those connectors this one I don't need non-fizz damage there okay here you go chat Giga link okay I guess that's pretty good being a ton of cold resist huh why do we gain a ton of cold resist uh vulnerable damage yeah I do I do want that it's 34 int also yeah look at that like that node alone it's like 70 vulnerable damage yeah you have to do that you have to do that I wanted to get at least five boards but I got some really powerful nodes and now that we know the damage buckets we hit up the damage buckets we have enough vulnerable damage to where the vulnerable damage glyph isn't worth it we have a vulnerable we have a damaged two burning in this category um oh no sorry we have a damaged tube burning in this category we have damage with Mastery and uh non-physical in this case of two in this category so we have enough to the imbibin we have one one and small passives we're stacking int we're stacking crit damage did I drop the crit damage notes I don't think I did I think those are those are two good to drop Richard fate oh I think I dropped that board did I yeah I think I dropped the whole board yeah I did I got the vulnerable one instead of this one it's just these notes are really bad fire damage and fire resistant like are you kidding me yeah that's not really worth it searing Heat's terrible yeah um I'm not sure about two hand versus one hand I'm kind of leaning one hand but that's something that we'll have to test honestly we're kind of building into one hand we're building into more cooldowns higher vulnerable up time that's more damage and more lucky hit procs because we we just went all in on Lucky hit with this like crazy expensive node mastery a bit overkill on damage damage with like 200 non-fizz damage and then 200 Mastery so I had 500 and then the converted damage is damage with burning but that's just that is what it is what it is vulnerable damage is crazy there's no way I'm changing that burning damage reduction this is the weakest nub this is the weakest note but I need this board and the board is made efficient from its overall value enchantment master enchantment master has decent willpower 49. yeah but getting the willpower is very inconvenient this is not a Hydra build this build is firewall and five cooldown skills to juice the Mana for it I gotta call it here I'm a bit over on the the dogos so they're getting impatient I gotta go hope you guys had fun watching through your crafting stream gives you guys some insight into uh how I've done things learned things and now that we actually have some of the numbers behind Behind These builds
Channel: Casual Kripp
Views: 248,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kripp, kripparrian, nl_kripp, blizzard, epic, twitch, streamer, clips channel, gameplay, walkthrough, barbarian, playthrough, boss, build, new league, Ruthless, solo self found, map, hard mode, first, legendary, totem, diablo, d4, IV, beta, druid, sorc, necro, necromancer, barb, sorceress, open, nerf, 2023, nerfs, post, nerfed, how to play, theory, craft, crafting, theorycrafting, making, calculator, skill, tree
Id: 70CX_Rbsd7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 192min 25sec (11545 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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