GEAR EXPLAINED in Diablo 4 | Ultimate Beginner Loot Itemization Guide | How To Use Codex Of Power

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hello and welcome to this comprehensive guide on lewd and itemization if you watch this video till the end you'll know everything about items stats which affixes are good or bad how to upgrade your gear how to re-roll your gear how to make rare items into legendary items how to use the Codex of power and how to extract aspects and imprint them on other items and so on and so forth we'll be going over everything this game has to offer in terms of Loot and items so buckle up and let's start right now first of all before we start you have to change one setting or two settings in your options you have to activate the advanced tooltip compare and the advanced tooltip information as they provide additional information we'll need to determine whether loot is good or bad so go ahead and activate those two options now let's start from the very beginning as in every RPG loot comes in different Rarities starting at White which is common gear then blue which is Magic here yellow stuff is rare gear and up from there are the legendaries which come in Orange they always have a special affix that will provide a significant boost for some stats or for a specific skill which you can easily recognize by the orange star and the item description so always be on the lookout for those then we've got also the unique items and those have a legendary aspect or a unique aspect that can only roll on this particular item they're really hard to get and also you can find them only in the higher World tiers but additionally to the item Rarities there are also item tiers so this is common or basic gear then you can find Sacred gear which you can find when you move up into the higher World tears starting at World tier 3 you will find Sacred items and also some uniques but then there is also ancestral gear those you can find in World tier 4 and you'll be also able to find more unique items those can also roll as sacred or as ancestral items just like the legendaries and every other gear too they will always have a higher item power so increase stats so in the end this is what you're aiming for so each time you move up a world tier your items will change drastically and gain higher item power which will then lead to more power for your character and also a new start in the item progression so you will have to eventually Farm New Gear and increase your power that way when you are in the early progression stages so from Level 1 to 50 basically where you only play in World t one and two so there I would advise you to to not really pay that much attention to your gear just pick this stuff that has a higher item power or therefore more damage per second or a better armor value on your gear respectively so that's what I would be going for and always be sure to every time Salvage all your gear at the blacksmith so always go ahead and break down the stuff so you get materials that practically looks like that because you'll be needing those materials later on a lot and I mean really a lot so go ahead and farm up front or just Salvage all your stuff so you'll be good when end game comes around during the campaign and from 1 to 50 the blacksmith will definitely become your best friend like I said always Salvage your stuff don't sell it you can buy gold anyways but you need the materials and then also look out for this little Hammer icon all that stuff that has that hammer icon is in available Trends Mark you have to break stuff down at the blacksmith so you can add those to your transmark system and always equip them if you please but not only that you can also repair all your gear because when you die your gear diminishes and then you eventually will have to repair it at some point also you can upgrade all your weapons and armor here so if you go ahead and just put in normal rare armor you can upgrade it three times so that's the maximum for rare stuff it doesn't cost that much and up to upgrade number three it's pretty okay price wise but after level three it becomes really expensive so if we go ahead and upgrade for example a sacred staff we can upgrade it five times so rare game here three times then we've got legendary gear as you can see here that's a normal legendary it has four upgrades and then we've got sacred stuff which has five upgrades and also sacred and ancestral legendaries and also uniques you can upgrade them up to five times and it becomes more and more expensive and also the resource cost is pretty hefty so I wouldn't go higher as three upgrades until you're in the end game and farming World tier 3. next we've gotta talk about the Jeweler which is also pretty important for your gear and progression not only can you upgrade all your gems in your inventory or in your stash but you can also unsocket gems from your gear and you can also add sockets to your gear so just put an item without a socket into the item slot and provided you have the needed crafting materials and also the money for it you can then put a pocket into your item so you get those crafting materials by defeating open world bosses so always have a look out on the map for some new spawns for open world bosses I also explained in a previous video how you can spot them and how you can unlock them basically even during the campaign when you level from 1 to 50 so check out that video and then you can put mod slots or gem slots into your gear and the only item I can still put one additional mod or gem socket into is this item every other item already has the maximum number of gem slots so let's go ahead and put this right in and then we can slot another gem into it I don't have any with me I have them all in my stash so what I would be doing is put green gems into my weapons because they give me Critical Strike damage to vulnerable enemies and then blue gems into my gear because they give me damage reduction while fortified and also some skulls into my Jewels they give me flat out armor so it depends on which build you're running Which gems you have to socket so always check what the gems will be doing for your build on the respective gear piece another thing you can do at the Jeweler is upgrade all your jewelry so just put the item into the slot and then you can upgrade it and it's practically the same as with gear it becomes increasingly expensive so always check your resources if it's worth to upgrade so again in the early game I wouldn't go higher as upgrade number three now let's head over to the next vendor and I'm talking about the occultist and here we're gonna talk about item aspects or legendary aspects how to extract them how to imprint them and how to enchant your items let's start with enchanting so if you enchant an item what you do is basically re-roll one of the airfixes so you take a look at the affixes you got on an item and if there's one you don't really like or that doesn't fit your build you can just re-roll it so what I don't want here is maximum life let's enchant the item if you have the material cost and the gold that's no problem at least for the first time and then you might get something really good like cooldown reduction so there you can replace the affix and as you can see the next time around it becomes increasingly expensive so that right there is a huge increase in gold cost for the enchantment and I'll try for one more here but I will pick no change because cooldown reduction is really good but I still have to pay the price for the enchantment so be aware of that also what you want to do before you head over to the occultist to imprint aspects into rare items and make them a legendary item for example like this then you always should before you do that upgrade your items to the fullest then you also should put mod slots or gem sockets into it and you also should enchant the item before you make a legendary out of it because after the item is a legendary everything else becomes increasingly expensive so keep that in mind when you plan on really putting an item to its fullest potential but now let's talk about the Codex of power and here you can practically get some basic aspects there are over 100 aspects in the game and those are practically legendary Powers as you can find them on gear but those come from completing dungeons in the open world so if you check out the map and you see a dungeon with a golden chest next to it then that means this dungeon holds an aspect for you to get if you complete the dungeon you always get the aspect for your first completion of the respective dungeon or of that particular dungeon so you will always get the aspect for that particular dungeon and when you complete it for the first time one hundred percent so that's not a drop chance you will definitely get the aspect so you can Farm the aspect specifically so head on over to your codex of power pick show my class only and then you get listed all the aspects for your respective class and you can pick those that really synergize with your build and then form them directly so you can just put a pin onto your map head on over to the map and you can see exactly where you can get that particular aspect so that's pretty good aspects also unlock are count wide so once you unlock them on one character they will be unlocked Forever on any other character you have or make once you unlocked an aspect you can imprint it at the occultist as many times as you want onto any rare item but there's a catch however let's check out for example this aspect right here so we've got the aspect of the expectant here you can see attacking enemies with a basic skill increases the damage of your next core skill cast by five percent up to 30 percent so you need at least six hits with your basic attack to get the maximum benefit for your next core skill so this is the lowest possible role of this Legendary Power when we compare it with the item I loot it from the ground you can see that this aspect has nine percent up to 30 percent so every time I attack a with a basic skill the damage of my next core skill is increased by nine percent so I need only three hits with my basic skill to get the maximum benefit for my core skill which is a huge difference so all the aspects in the Codex of Power are always at the lowest value possible so any legendary item you will find as ground loot probably has better stats than what you can get from the Codex of power this is only to get your build going so if you're unlucky and you don't find the aspect you need you can always come back to the Codex of power and then print the aspect just to get some basic boost for your build which is really good especially in the early game so let's check out how we imprint stuff well first of all we pick an item that we already fully upgraded and also re-rolled our stats as we wanted or Enchanted the item as we wanted it to and we added a gem slot so this is our perfect rolled item and then we want to put a legendary power on it we go to the aspect or the Codex of power and then we pick one of the aspects we already unlocked so for example damaging an elite enemy Grand sends you a barrier absorbing up to 2 360 damage for 10 seconds so we pick that and if we have the appropriate material cost we can imprint this aspect and then the item will turn into a legendary with this exact Legendary Power on it and then it's ready for you to equip and use for your build and another thing you should definitely be on the lookout for is really high rolls on your legendaries so for example Let's Pretend This amulet is a really good role so we've got nearly 75 percent of hammer of the Ancients Quake outwards dealing close to 75 percent of its damage to enemies so if this is a really high roll you definitely want to extract the aspect and keep it for a later time so you go ahead and extract the aspect put the legendary item in there and then for some gold you can extract the power and it will be stored in your aspects so you have a separate tab over here where you can look at all the aspects you already extracted which you then can imprint onto another rare item so I've just got some really good roles which I wanted to keep for later and then I can go ahead and just put in a new item like this go to aspect from inventory and pick any aspect which I want to imprint and then I can create a new legendary with this however the aspect you will imprint is gone forever you can't extract it a second time and keep it for later on that won't work once imprinted it's imprinted forever the only thing you can do is destroy the item to get at least the materials or resources back that's it so keep that in mind of course imprinting stuff is much more expensive on higher tier items so the higher your item the more expensive get the costs to imprint anything or even extract anything so keep that in mind also and there's another thing you should definitely keep in mind when imprinting aspects onto your items because there are different multipliers depending on which item slot you're imprinting so if you have a one-handed weapon for example or any other gear item then the multiplier is 1.0 so for example we've got the needle flare aspect right here Thorns damage dealt has a 20 chance to deal damage to All Enemies around you so this is what will be imprinted on your one-handed weapon or any other gear item when we instead of that choose a amulet which has a 1.5 multiplier Thorns damage dealt will be increased up to 30 percent which is a 1.5 percent multiplier to the original value of 20 but when we imprint this aspect onto a two-handed weapon the multiplier is 2.0 so we've got 40 chance to deal damage to All Enemies around us so you should definitely keep that in mind when you imprint your best or your highest stat aspects so you can get the greatest benefit out of it but well that's about it I think we've covered really everything that is to say about lewd and itemization in Diablo 4 and I hope that helped you out so you can build your best version of yourself or at least your character in game if you enjoyed this video and found it really helpful a thumbs up would be really much appreciated as it helps out the channel a lot and also consider subscribing driving to the channel for more Diablo 4 content like this hit the Bell notification to never miss a video I wish you all an awesome day and I'll catch you in the next one [Music]
Channel: The GameSensei
Views: 152,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diablo 4 gear explained, diablo 4 ultimate loot guide, diablo 4 loot, diablo 4 itemization, diablo 4 occultist, diablo 4 codex of power, diablo 4 imprint, diablo 4 extract, diablo 5 upgrade, diablo 4 how to, diablo 4 guide, diablo 4 beginner guide, diablo 4 how to guide, diablo 4 beginners guide, diablo 4 tips, diablo 4 tricks, diablo 4 best tips, diablo 4 best tips for leveling, diablo 4 useful tips, diablo 4 thegamesensei, thegamesensei, the game sensei
Id: l51b3CYrg4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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