Diablo 3 Final Season Patch Notes and Analysis - Godly Changes!

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hi everyone it's Rex a very interesting moment for me we have the Diablo 3 patch notes for the what they say is the final season of Diablo 3 or at least the final season where we're gonna get anything new I have not read through this yet so I'm going to read through it with you live and what I have here I made a huge sheet right before we went to Diablo for of every single way that they could fix Diablo 3 and a million different things that they could change so I'm just gonna have it up in case they have everything in here but I have not read this so let's see what happens it just came out hot off the press welcome you to try Diablo 3s patch and the PTR hey the PTR ends on the 29th so that means that we're going to get the season September okay let's go forward okay starts on Tuesday August 15th all right okay solo cell phone it's new player mode with unique leaderboard so you can create a character and play the latest seasonal content and there's a hardcore version okay looks like the Diablo 3 team has done it again the thing the thing about this is is a lot of you watching may may have not followed Diablo 3 uh lately maybe you played it maybe you never played it or maybe you played it in the beginning it was out for 10 years the beginning was bad so everybody left so essentially to oversimplify things Diablo 3 was out for 10 years and in the first eight years they got essentially nothing they got updates but the seasonal themes sucked nothing really mattered um I believe after about eight years the the teams changed and I think they were actually tasked to kind of sunset the game just to kind of let it die and move on but the team said well listen if you're just gonna let it die can we mess around with it they started coming up with all these different seasonal theme ideas and they made them way better like it's unrecognizable compared to what it had before before it had double goblins and then it had oh an entirely new progression system they introduced an entire new progression system with super powers that did all these crazy things for you so the D3 team as of late has been killing it in the last four or five seasons and here we go again it looks like we're gonna get solo cell phone mode which was the number one most requested thing in the sheet anyway let's keep going yeah here it is unbelievable uh demon Slayers sticking up to the intensity of their journey through Sanctuary can try out the new solo selfbound mode it's mode you have only yourself to rely on to overcome single player experience if you like to ante up even more there's a hardcore version we decided to bring it to Diablo 3 after years of players requesting an officially supported single player mode without the experience Bones from being in a party or other players to protect your back as you carve through demonic Legions this mode will Temper Temper you to celebrate the accomplishments of those brave enough to roll a character in this mode we have also created specific leaderboards I mean they just they just needed this Diablo 4 needs this um so the Diablo 3 team has proven that they can do this if the Diablo 3 team is the current one like the Harry Potter closet full of like three people that are currently working on this should move them to D4 and let them build us stuff that they actually like that's what should that's what we need to do um create a character you select the option in the character screen see this okay beautiful that's that's what we need that's that's what we need incredible that's going to be huge it looks like they also have a seasoned theme on top of it the nefarious machinations of the burning Hills have permeated every corner of sanctuary warping reality in the process the disturbance is given way to visions of enmity uh pocket Dimensions that are accessed by stepping through diabolical fissures okay level one or higher have a chance at encountering a diabolical fissure by slain demons in the open world okay so this is so I already have a question mark here because we never go in the open world the only time you go in the open world is to do bounties and the number one rule of Diablo 3 to be successful is never do bounties unless you have to we're going to have to see how valuable these things are not sure this but I know the team knows this I I've poked fun at Diablo the Diablo 3 team for years about how the open world is completely useless so it must have this in mind rich in Rewards gonna have to be quite Rich to pull us out of Greater IFS they're unstable and they have the potential to produce additional fissures so maybe kind of like infinite dungeons okay don't knock it till you try it but I do have a question mark about it being in the Overworld new monster affixes okay I have not seen them add something like this in years and years intervening creates an area of effect around the monster that reduces player movement speed and cool down reduction at the player is in the city okay well I don't want to get anywhere near a monster that reduces my cooldown reduction necrotic the player's healing is reduced by 65 percent monsters have a damage over time effect that deals 180 percent of the player's maximum health over 30. and it's removed if the player is healed above 95 percent okay gotta heal the full and then you remove the necrosis resource leech hitting a player moves 60 by percent of their maximum resource God I hope there's an ICD on this or something because uh this was the worst affix possible in Diablo 4 so this makes me a shiver but remember that's what a PTR is for D3 has a PTR D4 doesn't so we can try it and if it's they'll get rid of it a paragon ceiling unbelievable look at the number one request Nerf paragon and down here in the Wish List look at the number one request add solo self-bound and leaderboards ah sometimes dreams do come true because if you did not know Paragon in as you play Diablo 3 you gain an infinite amount of power from your main stat uh play in the game so it's just whoever plays the most wins usually at the end it's it's a very dumb system we've been asking them to change it for years it's never been changed so let's uh they're just capping it right introducing Paragon points only assign a total of 800 Paragon points to your character k800 means 800 Paragon is exactly where you start to stack the infinite mainstat so that makes sense to cap it at that number by the way if you're wondering to get to level 800 is extremely easy I can get to Paragon 800 in one day easily no problem um previously previously you were able to assign a total of 50 Paragon points to each attribute then core defense offense and utility now you can assign 200 points in each attribute each category can only have 200 points placed into them wait a minute okay let me read this one more time 50 in each attribute yes but now you can assign 200 in each attribute with each category having a cap of 200 Paragon points okay so what that means is like for example in this if I'm understanding this correctly yes okay oh okay okay yeah this this image illustrates it so before you were forced to go 50 50 50 50 there was no thinking now you can actually customize it if your build tremendously uh gets buffed from attack speed you can just stack all attack speed or you can go half crit half critic damage well this is certainly much more Innovative than what they had before and I think the cat if if you're not understanding what this means essentially this is a tremendous buff to Casual players casual players that means if you only play uh one one hour a day or way less than that let's say you play uh three hours a week it means that you can definitely if not hit the Paragon cap you can get very very close you know so then you can go into greater riffs on the leaderboards and compete against anybody me Woody whoever and we're gonna have the same power level we might have a little bit better gear than you but we all know gear is very easy to get in Diablo 3. so this is going to be the most Fair season ever to compete in the game so that is so that actually is going to make that's actually going to okay so that's actually going to make the open world and bounties more valuable since greater riffs is not mandatory which would buff the seasonal theme as well okay I'm understanding why they felt comfortable putting this in the open world now it's all it's all making sense now understand Paragon was King in terms of character power with the change this season we wanted to shift that power from mainstent grinding to gameplay knowledge and gear hunting we chose 800 as our initial starting point we would appreciate your feedback there are a few changes within the Paragon system to keep in mind movement speed change to 0.125 percent the old value would have provided players with 100 it was too much but now you can surpass the 25. all right okay um you can get more movement speed I like that that's in the first half of the Paragon area damage should perform the same if not a bit better with substantial improvements in with substantial improvements to Performance uh was there a change to area damage or something why I'm not understanding is there some kind of performance upgrade but yes we're gonna obviously take area damage in the utility thing it's going to be pretty much mandatory community-led changes with each patch and season the community has communicated quality of life improvements they would like to see oh my God okay take a Time review the feedback we receive evaluate evaluate it and Implement changes that align with our design for the game okay greater if monster set eight toxic lurkers out vial swarms in dark berserker's out Savage beasts in yep I know where that came from I know where that one came from look at this one go up go up go up uh uh where is it here uh move toxic lurkers and dark Berserkers add slashers Chargers and bile swarms I would have preferred slashers over Chargers but they put the two s tier mob types in for the two dog mob types God man bunk out of the buff to proc flying dragon remember this with the uh Ena fire Ally exploding you never knew when your flying dragon was up and it fixed Tempest Rush flurry that's going to be amazing haunted Visions I already know what this is I bet you it's killing rats finally used to remove skeletal Mages from simulacrums now it removes skeletalmate just regardless and rectum plate doesn't calculate it okay perfect so that's it it's done there was there was a XP meta in Diablo forever that just ruled everything it was stupid and people were sick of doing the same thing over and over for a decade I said guys you don't even have to do anything you don't have to do anything other than fix two bugs to fix this stupid meta get rid of this and get rid of this here they are they're gone now we have to actually think of a new meta every single season and play different classes instead of just making a thousand necros every time and this also proves that it's not pay to win because everyone kept saying that they made rats like this to make it pay to win for 10 years it was not pay to win anymore because the necro costs extra Mastermind from Champion don't have to do a set dungeon anymore another thing that we asked for people despise set dungeons they don't like them so now you have to complete an echoing nightmare you have to do it echoing nightmare anyway for your whisper whisper of atonement for your augments so you have to do this anyway and uh people are going to love that change uh okay that was another request another bug fix in there about giving um about how the bosses don't work uh fixed worth recording quirks Hamlin doesn't give kill credit and doesn't Rock any of this looks like they fixed that okay oh they they really read my document makes me happy corrupted Angels corrupted Angels critting that's in the document as well they can just one shot you out of nowhere I lost my hardcore Barbarian I have a YouTube video of a corrupted Angel one-shotting me we were gonna get a rank one and two player I think we got rank one anyway because I think snail finished the kill or something something like that um but the corrupted Angel killed me added greater riff map checkpoints to battlefields and boneyards okay on graveyards um so yeah this is a very Advanced thing not really going to explain this but essentially this is going to let you it's going to give you quality of life when pushing high-end greater riffs not gonna not gonna explain that oh my God this is the best thing this is the best thing in the whole patch notes this corvus ice caves and spider caves can no longer spawn in Greater riffs oh my God keeps Orvis blue caves and queen RNA are four of the worst maps in the game they got rid of three out of the four worst maps I beg them to either crease the density decrease the map size decrease the chance of appearing change their layout or my preferred solution remove them entirely dreams do come true they remove three of the four most dog maps in the game that's going to make playing greater riffs way better these are so far so far below average it's like I think this is the best thing I this I take this over anything else or extreme versions of desolate Sans when shrouded Morris have had their monster densities increased I mean it's it's really good man this is exactly it this is exactly it um remove or buff shrouded Morris and deslo Sands yeah it's the number one thing it's the most or extreme if you did not know these are the dream riffs you can open a god greater Rift and just win but these two maps are so bad in there that you don't win and now apparently hopefully after we test it you do win okay the class changes God I'm getting excited here man dude nice job this is exactly what the game needs all right um blessed Shield each enemy hit increases by 40 percent each enemy hit increases by 40 the duration is doubled Stacks up to 100 times no more individual Stacks so I'm guessing if I'm understanding this correctly this is a big buff which it needs it because plus the shield sucks vigilante Belt doesn't have a power but it does have cooldown on the Belt it's I'm surprised I remember this I thought I was going to open these patch notes and not remember anything now I'm starting to remember the only reason to take vigilante belt is it has like no power but it gives you cooldown it's the only belt that rolls cooldown while riding on your War Horse this to them okay this is the heavens deals increased damage equal to your movement speed and automatically is called down on a random nearby enemy at an interval based on your attack speed if it's on your action bar okay so this is exactly okay so we had a philosophical talk with blizzard a long time ago and they are asking me Ryan why are Crusaders why do you always rank them so badly on your tier list I said it's because their movement is clunky with their horse and they don't have a good way to speed Farm then they introduced a superpower where fists of the heavens was automatically cast while you were on your horse and then it fine I'm pet and Cali over here if you're wondering why I'm leaning um if the fists of the heavens it would automatically call down all these lightning storms and this was a absolutely beloved build by the community this was very good for Speed farming for getting your keys for getting your character ramped up and I said you guys should find a way since Crusaders suck to put this in the game and then a couple Seasons went by and they didn't do it and now they're doing it here we go on vigilante belt and it automatically rolls CDR which is very good for your horse so uh Crusaders all of you have said it for all these years that I haven't been advocating for you I have been keep putting you at the bottom of the tier list is it excuse me advocating for you and here you go this is this is if this is going to work how I understand how I think it's going to then this is going to be Godly Demon Hunter I I wonder game for saxophone while attacking a primary skill at at a maximum duration of 20 seconds your primary skill skill okay that's the old one all attacking and a maximum duration of 20 that's the same this duration Begins Counting down after a five second delay of each application I've been asking for this since the very first time that they ever introduced this set so here's the here's the dreadlands god the god DH which is one of the most maybe the maybe the most famous build ever in Diablo 3. super super powerful super god tier speed farming build used to be one of the best pushing builds in the game the problem with Gears of dreadlands is it breaks your hand because in order to keep your momentum Buffs refreshed you have to constantly be pressing inputs to keep it at maximum power so I said a thousand times blizzard you you have to give us a way to keep the stacks at maximum without pushing a button every three seconds or not even at every 0.3 seconds for the rest of our lives many many players I'm sure have had their hands broken from playing God DH for so many seasons now now it's going to start counting down the the momentum after a five second delay so now you I'm understanding this once you get your momentum Stacks to maximum you only have to press the button once every five seconds that is a tremendous Improvement and uh you can actually play this build without breaking your hand anymore you want to give yourself dry lands to be easier to play but we had to forego the visual indicator that showed the stacks well I mean if you give us this much time we probably don't need to see the stacks because they'll always be maximized this is this is quite significant quite a significant change to like their most popular build which doctors clock eye clock eye is a bow that shoots a chicken or something yeah uh casting hex Angry Chicken turns every pet into exploding chickens all chickens do 200 increase damage Angry Chicken deals 50 more damage per exploded chicken this build is very bad F tier does nothing and it is very um it's very fun you just summon a million chickens they explode everywhere now it looks like you're gonna summon a whole flock of chickens it reminds me of Zelda when you pick up a chicken and hurt it and all the chickens come attack you anybody remember that one so we're going to see how good the chicken build is um it I'm sure which doc somewhat Shockers are rejoicing at this manajumas okay this is about the hex and the Angry Chicken used to do two thousand percent damage then it would uh last 15 seconds and movement speed was 100 when you're an Angry Chicken you spawn a chicken every second I I uh I thought this it tried to fix the set bonus they asked a bunch of people for their opinions I saw the opinions and I thought like this was the worst way to fix it and then they implemented the worst way to fix it stupid it does not solve the problem see what they changed it to two thousand percent okay that's 15 seconds okay and you gave 75 damage reduction okay while you're in Angry Chicken you spawn a chicken every half second seeks enemies and it deals a hundred percent okay well well this is still not the fix but yeah I mean it's probably easy to code um I'm not gonna say who it was but whatever content creators submitted this as as your fix for what was actually the problem for an Angry Chicken you're not invited for my to my birthday party and now we're doomed to still have this it's not the way to fix the problem but well whatever um fixed an issue let me read these real quick error any of these important okay sometimes the chicken was not dealing as much damage as it could I remember that you saw my chicken and does nothing okay all right well the Diablo 3 team strikes again it's uh it's really it's really understanding the community here they've done this for many seasons if this is the last big season that we ever get I want to thank them for for listening they have it it's just too it was just too late it's too late for um a lot of people have moved on to D3 a lot of people have condemned it I understand makes sense it was over for people years ago but uh credit to the new to the new D3 team for listening to the community for you you made the game a lot better you made it a lot better you made it a lot more fun if we had had you from the beginning um I think d3's popularity would have been way higher I would I would love it if the blizzard would put I think didn't they just post didn't they just post a position for New Seasons and changes for Diablo 4. bro take the D3 take the current D3 team man or you know it double four doesn't need to become Diablo 3 but there's some people out there that are doing some good things and they clearly care about the community these changes clearly reflect that you understand but what the problems are um I think it's going to feel a lot better so I don't know it's looking good guys we'll have to check out these Visions um and there is a question that I'd like to know from you guys a lot of you a lot of you in this channel will have known me from D3 for years and some of you maybe new from D4 would you like me to would you like to see me playing the final Diablo 3 season uh if if it's a paragon cap of 800 I'm going to be 800 in the first day so I'm going to be max power in one day easily um so I won't play it for a very long time but would you like to see content from it would you like to see me play for a few days would you like to see me push the leaderboards and get to 800 instantly in speed level which is what I had been known for before if you'd like to see it let me know and if you would hate to see it and say then tell me what a stupid idiot I am and I will read the comments it's looking good guys all right so the PTR comes out on August remember if there's anything in there you don't like give them feedback because the blizzard team is listening uh great job ssf mode and Diablo 3 when are we going to get it in Diablo 4. thank you
Channel: Raxxanterax
Views: 144,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diablo 3, diablo, d3, rax, raxx, raxxanterax, guide, walkthrough, greater rift, rift, gr, diablo 4, monk, dh, demon hunter, wiz, wizard, wd, witch doctor, barb, barbarian, sader, crusader, necro, necromancer, blizzard, blizz, streamer, stream, youtube, diablo guide, diablo walkthrough, d4, druid, amazon, zon, sorceress, sorc, sorcerer, paladin, pally, challenge, challenge rift, EU, NA, Diablo 2 Resurrected, D2R, Echoing Nightmare, Orek's Dream, Season 27, Season 28, Maxroll
Id: Hjtu6EpVt4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 19sec (1459 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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