DETAILED Paper Animation Effect in DaVinci Resolve

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some of the biggest content creators love to use these effects because you probably have seen this effect in a ton of places and you wanted to replicate it and well to be honest this effect is a really great way to present any other element on your video and to keep it engaging in that way but creating it does take time and effort I've taken the time to figure out how to make it work in DaVinci but there's one important part of this effect that you will have to do it on your own and I'm going to show you that process too also at the end of the video I will share a little alternative that you might be able to use in the near future to create effects like these in a matter of seconds but first things first the first thing that you will need is well a piece of paper and this could be a wide sheet of paper or this could be magazine papers or it could be newspaper any type of paper that you want all of them work now the next step is really important because you will need to set up your phone or your camera on a fixed position pointing down that way we can take the pictures of the paper that will create our fold now in this case what I used was this phone tripod and you can see these pretty rough build that I made here and I use this table now one extra little thing is that if you have a green screen or like a blue cloth that you can use as a blue screen you can set this up to be under your sheet of paper that way later on pause we can remove that more easily and be a lot more efficient okay now start by taking one picture of your paper without any folds or anything just like clean picture of your sheet of paper now try to not move it too much but this is not a big deal because we can always fix it later if it moves a little bit after you have your first picture which will be basically the end result we're basically starting at the end position and then going backwards now for each of the corners of the piece of your paper and it doesn't have to be perfect but just do these and take a picture and then keep going as many times as you want until you are not able to fold your paper anymore now you can do this without any plans but it can also work great if you plan out to be like let's say you wanted to have six pictures so that way you can calculate how many folds or how big the paper folds are going to be when you are building each full or each paper fold okay now let's take these into DaVinci and work on the next part okay let's leave this out right now I don't know why I had a hat on okay so we are here in DaVinci Resolve and the first thing that we are gonna do is bring our images into our timeline so that we can create a pre-comp of the paper fold and here is where you can decide how many frames you would want to have between each of the images right so in my case what I did was I used three so I'm gonna go one two three and then I'm gonna bring that other image then I'm going to do one two three and then I'm going to bring that other image again and so on right so it doesn't have to be three it can be four it can be five it all depends on how many images you have chosen to take now you can leave these last one which would be the one covering the whole screen a little bit longer that way you can keep these sort of like as a texture on the actual element that you're using right the next thing that we want to do is we want to basically align our papers so I'm gonna rotate all of these 90 degrees and I'm gonna make them a little bit bigger and then you can adjust each of them so that it's a little bit bigger Maybe and that way it comes the last one that we have fills this screen completely that's what I did on the example that you had all seen and that you had liked it I think it was probably the most popular Community post of the channel and Community posts are not releasing by anybody I think like I don't know how it actually ends up working because it doesn't seem that anybody actually sees it okay and then on the last image we want to cover the whole screen like that let's take a look we have that animation if I press play then we have that pretty cool already now this next step is something that I did which was which is optional you can already do this and bring this into Fusion if you have used a green screen or a blue screen that's a lot less wrinkled like what I did so what you want to do if you have studio is use the magic mask to separate the sheet of paper here that way you can basically have a really clean and accurate paper fold without any background okay so I'm gonna pre-com these or create a compound clip I'm gonna name these paper paper fold let's call this two then I'm gonna use a color page for these but you can also do it in Fusion I will bring this up right here because we're gonna add a generator in a little bit because later you want to render these as a video that way you can use these on your projects later on and it's a little bit more easy to do so if you have a video of these instead of having to use these compound clip and all that so I'm gonna go to the color page and I'm going to use the magic mask in because I'm in studio if you don't have the magic mask and you don't have a way to get rid of this background you can use Photoshop or your favorite image manipulation software to get rid of that background and mask these out like that so with the magic mask what you want to do is select the paper I'm going to right click and add Alpha output right here and now we have that clean looking sheet of paper now we can press play and see if there's any parts that have been missing in our animation sometimes that happens so you have to go and create another line and then retract these but it's not a big deal so let's take a look at these it looks pretty good and it doesn't seem that we're gonna have to make any other adjustments to it okay we have that here and if you follow this method what you want to do is go to the effects section and add a solid color and we're going to add these as a green screen so any type of green can work like that that way we're gonna use an ultra here in Fusion layer to remove this here you want to pre-comp these again and then call these whatever you want so I'm going to call these green and the magic mask disappears because for some reason so I'm going to open this in Timeline now I'm gonna have to go to the color page again and I'm gonna have to retract this magic mask maybe I don't have a catch option activated for the magic mask but I'm not sure why that happens to me let me know if something that happens to you also that way we can figure out how to solve that right okay here what you have is a perfect paper fold animation that you can already start using there's a little bit of a blueish thing there and for the tutorials like I'm not gonna go and adjust each detail of these but what we're gonna do is just render these as an mp4 that way we have this video that we can use okay after we have our paper full what we can do is bring whatever element you want to use into your timeline as you can see here in this example we have these Suave logo right here so I'm gonna go and bring this double into resolve logo and then we're gonna right click and open this infusion here we are in fusion and we can see our logo right here let's add a background and we're going to connect these to our background right here and press Ctrl T So this background is the main background over composition we're gonna bring these into Alpha Channel and we're gonna go to image deactivate Auto resolution and set this up to be the same as your timeline so 1920 by 1080. and then we're gonna add our video which is this one right here the formatting of these changed these to 1024 by 1024 I'm not sure why but I'm going to add an older here and press two and now we can remove this green background right there I think we can also add a resize right here if that happens to you and then on this resize set these to 1920 by 1080 and then you should be fine let's take a look at these now remember I mentioned that little green thing here so if you happen to have that same issue just add a simple transform node and make these a little bit bigger like that and it will cover the whole screen without any issues okay now that we have the ultra here what we need to do is create a couple of merge nodes so I'm going to bring this merge node right here and I'm going to bring another merch node right here we're gonna connect this one to these merge node but this one is going to be coming as a foreground we're gonna connect this Ultra here to this merge node and then we can actually get rid of this one right here and connect these to this merge node we can add a transform node to this one so that we can later on adjust the size of our logo right here if we want and then we're going to connect this merge node to these and then connect these emerge node right here as a foreground and it's a little bit complicated but don't worry it will make sense in a little bit so we're gonna go to these merch no number three right here and we have to make sure that this one is set to apply mask inverted because we are going to press 2 right here and we have to create a mask around our paper that we have right here so for that you're gonna have to go to that first frame until you see the section of the paper that needs a mask probably right here already and then we're gonna have to add a polygon to these we're going to add a polygon to this one and we're also going to add a polygon to this Merchant over here we're not seeing anything right now because the mask is not active right so this part is also a little bit tedious because you have to mask these out right so we're gonna start the mask actually at I think on this image it should be fine so to do that we're gonna make sure to create a an animation for the polygon right here and then you wanna basically just follow the path that's inside of the paper that will be the place where our logo or whatever element that you use is going to be revealed now if this happens what I did was I actually just try to follow along there and then came back later so that I could just go back to that other section and that way we are only using one polygon instead of having to use multiple ones and then having to create and like deactivate them and all that stuff okay there we're gonna bring these until we completely fill this mask right there we're gonna really see that logo behind and that's how it's supposed to work now after you have that first one you want to go a couple frames forward until you go to the next image and here you're just gonna have to drag these again until you cover that complete section of your paper you can add more points right here and that shouldn't be an issue with the other ones because if we go back it should it should still adapt properly right so don't be afraid of adding more paper more points later on but if you go back and add more points that can mess things up maybe so make sure that if you add new points your do so on the new images or the new frames basically so don't forget to move all of these until you cover that whole scene and now we have that second one but it's important for you to know that you don't want these to completely animate in a linear way so make sure to open this plan tool if it's not open and you're gonna select the points and then set this up to be step in that way whenever that new keyframe is or the New Image shows up that new frame is gonna appear and it's gonna jump to that one instead of having to go through the motions of the actual points of the Mask moving around so then you want to repeat these processes for all the images just that you have until you cover these completely right now one thing that happens is here if we go back one frame you're gonna see that this mask is there and we don't want that to happen so the easiest way to work around this is to create a size keyframe or a level keyframe right here but if you create a size keyframe and it's going to be better because then you can still see the paper full so go one frame before that first mask is supposed to show up create a size keyframe go one frame forward and then bring these back to default now we have that one there and the paper fold appears and we don't have to worry about it so I'm gonna go through that process of creating all the masks again and then we can check this out all right so after you have reached the last one which is these other one that I have here we're gonna basically just bring all the other mask elements to the outside of our screen until the whole thing is covered and you don't have to be extremely careful in this part because after that one it doesn't really matter as much anymore right so I'm gonna bring all of these outside making sure that we are covering the whole screen with our mask now as I mentioned earlier what you want to make sure to do is to select all of these and make sure you are stepping them in that way if we take a look at these our logo is there already now remember these merge node that we had applied the mask inverted to which is this one this looks fine as revealed but it doesn't look quite great what you can do is go to the merge section right here and then change the apply mode to multiply that's basically gonna make it have sort of like more of the paper texture right and there you can adjust also the gain and all that stuff until you get to something that you like and if we take a look at these whoops I don't know I'm not sure why these black bars are showing up right here but yeah that's weird so it seems to be with the apply mode something with that it didn't happen in the other one so I'm not exactly sure with what happened so play around with that and see if that happens with you too maybe it was just some weird rendering issue right there all right it disappeared okay now that we have there there's one last thing that we can do which is using these media that we have here on this merged node so that our element is what limits the paper full animation and we don't have that full paper there that's covering the whole screen and this is an optional step if you want the whole paper to be covering the screen and that's fine you can leave it like that but you can add these transform here that we had as a mask on these third merge node that way the paper full it's gonna only show up until the complete logo is revealed and if you make these bigger here that's why we had added date transform then it's gonna have a bigger area of effect and if you make these smaller then the transition is going to be a lot faster too right it's going to be revealed like that now before I mention the last part which is the little idea that I have gotten and that I shared with a bunch of you already is that the last tip which I did not think before I was recording was that you want to add sound effects to these so you can go to pixabay or any other royalty-free sound effects library and find it there or you can actually grab a piece of paper and use your microphone or a microphone and record faults by basically making a fully recording while looking at the animation that you have created right so that is an extra thing that you want to do so that the effect looks even better when you're using it now what I wanted to mention was that I figured out a way to turn these into a effect that you can drag and drop into your elements into things like that but I want to build a plugin for these so I am going to be leaving a form on the description of this video so that I can see how many people are interested in me making a plugin of these kind that way you can just use this effect and if let's say so if we get 100 people to sign up into that notification list or beta list you could call this I will make it my soul Focus for this next week to create these plugging that way you have a bunch of animations that you can use on your projects with sound effects included and that they are all just drag and drop now the method for this to work or the framework for these to work required a lot of like path making so it will be a little bit different and there's one little idea that I haven't tested that would make things a lot more easier too but I will keep you guys updated regarding that but in the meantime make sure you go and take your pictures of your papers and fold them make some origami maybe and then create your own collage paper fold animation that looks professional and awesome so make sure to follow all the steps in this video and come back to it if you forget any and that is how you can create a super cool paper fold animation that you can use on your videos and that concludes the 60 days challenge of 60 days and 60 different tutorials here in Suave we'll see what comes next so make sure to subscribe to the channel so that you are kept in the loop with things and how things evolve from here that is it for this video see you next time here in Swati bye
Channel: SUALVI
Views: 9,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SUALVI, davinci resolve, davinci resolve paper effect, davinci resolve paper transition, paper transition davinci resolve, davinci resolve paper texture, davinci resolve fusion tutorial, davinci resolve effects, making a paper animation, stop motion paper animation davinci resolve, ali abdaal animation, animations for shorts
Id: kdRP4OPwTW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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