7 MUST-KNOW Color Grading Tricks in DaVinci Resolve

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[Music] one using serial notes this is a note on a note you can bring color grading adjustments you can give the note a name I will show you soon how to do that let's name this the original you can create another serial note with right Mouse click at note at serial on this you can bring adjustments as well let's adapt a curve on this note you can create as many serial notes as you'd like let's adjust a warper on this one serial notes are useful because you can disable and enable each one of them this is the original you can check what the curve does and you can check what the warper does there are three important functions that you can give a shortcut go to the vure resolve keyboard customization and search for notes open the notes menu here you can Define shortcuts for all functions I use alt s or S to add a Serial note contrl D or D to disable or enable notes and shortcut e to label or name the notes you can Define your preferred shortcut by clicking on the plus to add an extra shortcut or by clicking on the little cross to replace the shortcut and then hitting that shortcut on your keyboard and don't forget to save two correcting the white balance here we have a clip where the white balance is too Green Let's correct it on this note first I'm going to give some technical explanation go to the color wheels make sure that the display qualifier focus is enabled if you hover on the image you can see that the colors are indicated in the Scopes these white parts are always on top in the Scopes and the dark parts are always lower in the Scopes let's take a look at the white wall as a reference you can see on the Scopes where it's located on a pure white the colors red green and blue have the same height we can see on the Scopes that green Peaks a little higher than blue and red here this wants to say that the white balance is too green we need to make sure that this green here is at the same height as the Reds and blues we can correct the global white balance here in the offset because it's too green we need to drag it towards the opposite color of green you can see in the Scopes that the Reds greens and blues are equal now on the white wall meaning that the white balance is correct bonus tip if you can't use the display qualifier Focus after enabling it go to another tab like the curse or color warper for example and try a tear three contrast let's adjust the contrast on this clip you'd say that you do it with a contrast tool but there is a way that gives you more control what I do is always decrease the lifts or darker parts first then optionally increase the Gamma or middle parts a little and you can increase the gain or lighter Parts eventually adjust these tools until you're satisfied this is without and this is with the contrast four removing green screens this is our original clip and this is our background let's position the background under the green screen clip go to the color grading right Mouse click in the area and add an alpha output create a new note and name it remove green screen connect this note to the alpha output now we can add transparent Parts in this clip go to the qualifier tab and select the green screen now we can only see the green Parts this green color needs to be flat and solid here we can see some darker greens to fix that you can extend the selected colors in the U and optionally in the saturation and luminance All Greens of the green screen needs to be in the selected range without any object pixels now the greens are as flat and solid as possible parts that defer only a little bit will barely be noticeable in our final result so don't worry too much about that if needed you can test some tools and a mat finesse to fine tune the range once the green color looks as flat and solid as possible invert the range now we have this result bonus tip if there are still greens visible on the edges or reflections of the product you can desaturate these greens in the U versus set select them and desaturate them you can always modify the selected range another thing that you can do is Select these greens and you versus you and change these green colors to the objects color all you need to do now is find youe the normal color grading so let's make the product brighter this is our final result five the answerers film green this is a paid plugin that you can find on the D answer website this is without green and this is with green all you need to do is just enable it in the effects it's important to say that thean has an even bigger package including this grain you can find that on the deaner website the package also includes tools like Elation to give your videos a dreamy look as an example this is without hel and this is with the answer cation there are a lot of other tools like Bloom for example this is without Bloom and this is with Bloom the H has a lot of options to make your color grading better as an example I try to grade this clip with Vinci only and together with the hunter tools to have this result and you're lucky because I could fix a deal with the answer for you you can use the promo code 1020 for 10% off the promo code works for all the answer products exemp their newest IOS app if you like to grade on an iPad or iPhone you can find a link to that app on their website as well six fix overexposure you can have a video that has over exposured parts and nothing seems to fix that well that is sp stands for you from now on the Vinci has a hidden tool in the HDR tab click on this Arrow until you see the highlights and completely overexposure Parts there is no information what we can do with these completely white Parts is make them more Way by decreasing the highlights like that it looks a lot more realistic this is before and this is after seven changing the color atmosphere this is the original clip there are a few ways to change the color you can do it in U versus U this one transforms specific colors into other colors the second option is a color warper with which you can completely change the look and feel of your video and the third option is the white white balance here you can drag the white balance to a complete new color as well remember this is our Global white balance in the gain you can adjust the white balance of the highlights in the gamma you can adjust the white balance of the middle parts and in the lift you can adjust the white balance of the darker parts of course you can combine these three as well to change the color of your atmosphere as precise as possible and now you can create results like this
Channel: Tim Bonnarens
Views: 1,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci, resolve, color, grading, edit, tricks, noob, tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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