Paper Rip Transitions in DaVinci Resolve (FREE)

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hey this is Andy from cinepak today we're gonna talk about how to get these cool paper rip of ex individual resolve for free so first you have to go to send a fax calm find the paper rip of x-pac you can go to the free PAC section there's a tons of free packs that you can get today we're talking about the paper rip of X so Add to Cart and just check out make sure you put in the email and for the billing address since you're not actually paying for anything you could just put anything you want once you have the PAC downloaded and unzipped you'll see there's 18 free assets here all high-quality green screen and blue screen transitions so to import them into DaVinci Resolve first have to find the folder in the media storage and once you find it just drag it straight into your master bin or you can also right-click and create a sub folder or a bin that way it's all in the folder you could be a little bit more organized that way so now we're going to the timeline in the Edit panel and let's just choose a random one this is rip 3 cool so these are the two clips we want to transition between first thing you do is go to the color window you have the key out of color so the way to do that is to right click the node window add alpha output and then you drag this blue alpha channel line to the output then once you do that but there's not selected go to your qualifier and you can either just select the blue and reverse it and you can adjust the width of the blue the highs and lows just to clean up the edges a little bit that looks pretty decent and there you go that's one of the colors done you can do it that way or another way to do it is also use this 3d qualifier which lets you kind of just draw a line also you have to reverse it that's another way you can do it so now go back to the Edit window and you would want to line it up and you don't want to compound this these clips together and then you would have to do it one more time same thing that alpha output and this time you key out the green reverse it make sure you adjust the width and the highs and the lows a little bit just to get rid of these some of these green edges cool and then once you do that you said I'll line it up perfectly should go something like this yeah and that's a transition and that's it so I hope that was helpful and check out some of the other packs on set of packs comm we have lots of free effects and we're always releasing new ones every month and thanks for watching
Channel: CinePacks
Views: 54,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinciresolve, free effects, free transitions, resolve effects, free ofx, davinci resolve effects, davinci transitions, video editing, davinci tutorial, resolve tutorial
Id: R8mtVpSmjYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 21sec (201 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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