7 BEST Text EFFECTS in Davinci Resolve 18 Free | Tutorial

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in this video I'll show you how to make a lot of text effects for free let's go with the first effect video within text add any video inside a text import your video to The DaVinci Resolve timeline once we have the video we place it on a higher video track leaving a free track just below the video clip in video track 1 we will place the text to add a text we go to the effects menu located in the upper left we click we display the toolbox menu titles within titles we must look for the effect of text or text plus both options are correct we click on the text effect and drag it to the timeline on video track 1. perfect we adjust the duration of the text clip so that it has the same duration as the video once this is done we deactivate the upper video track to be able to visualize our text now we can see the text let's customize it we select the text clip and go to the inspector menu located in the upper right part we write the text we want for example I'm going to write City we choose a font that we want I recommend using a thick font in this way the video inside the letters will be seen more we increased the size of the letters so that they take up most of the screen perfect this is important to make this text effect the letters must be completely white do not modify the color we reactivate video track 2 in which we have the video clip then we select the video clip in the timeline and we will change the composite mode of this one go to the option of composite composite mode we scroll all the way down and select the mode foreground perfect next we select the text clip we will also have to change the composite mode of the text clip make sure you're in the settings menu and not in the title menu in the settings menu we can change the composite mode go to the bottom and select the mode alpha we already have our video inside a text adjust the position of the video so that it can be seen well let's go with the next effect text with glitch effect add a text clip to the timeline go to the effects menu located in the upper left display the toolbox section open effects and then look for the section Fusion effects infusion effects we must look for the effect digital glitch we select the effect and drag it over the text clip but how can we check it doesn't let us apply the glitch effect to a text in order to add the glitch effect to our text we must create a compound clip we right click on the text clip and look for the option create compound clip now we can apply the glitch effect typewriter effect we go to the effects menu we display the section toolbox and we click on titles we must add the text plus effect we select the text plus effect and drag it to our timeline perfect now that we have the text plus clip we go to the menu of Inspector within the text plus effect menu we can configure and customize our text once you've customized the text to your liking to be able to make the effect of a typewriter we must modify the option right on moving this horizontal bar we place ourselves in the first frame of the text clip like this next we decrease the end value to 0.0 and create a keyframe clicking on this little Diamond now we need to fast forward to the frame where we want the typewriter effect to end I want it to finish typing right on this Frame we increase the value of end to 1.0 and we will have the finished typewriter effect neon text next we go to the fusion module clicking on this icon of the magic wand now we will add our text to add it we just have to click on the text plus icon when clicked a text node will appear in order to see the text in the viewer on the left we must activate this small circle on the left in the text mode now we're going to create our title with the text node selected we go to the inspector panel and within the text menu we can write the text we want I'm going to write super Neon you can apply the neon effect to any font but I recommend you choose one that's striking we increase the size of the text so it's not so small like this in this text we have to change the color to Black this text will appear when the neon lights are off great next we'll connect the text one node like this we click on this square and we connect it right on the square of the median one node we already have the first text to use when the neon is off now we're going to create create the text with the neon light the first step is to duplicate the text right click on the text node copy and paste perfect we already have the duplicate text now we have to connect this new text node we do it the same as before click on the square of the node and connect it with the square of the merge one node it's time to create the neon effect the first step is to choose the color of our neon light I recommend that you use a striking color for example I'm going to use a light blue I think it can look quite good next we click on the text node and press the keys control space or command space if you're using Mac by pressing this keyboard shortcut a menu will appear with the effects browser we must look for the effect glow select the effect and click add we see that under the text node the node with the glow effect has appeared we will not modify anything in this first node we click on the glow one node and press the control space keyboard shortcut again and we add another glow effect in this second glow node we will modify one parameter select the glow 2 node and go to the inspector panel in the glow effect menu we will increase the glow size option increase it to a value of 50. this way we will get this brightness next to the edge of the letters perfect we only have to add the last note we click on the glow 2 node press control space and create a third node with the glow effect here we have it Glow 3. we select the node and increase the glow size parameter to a value of 150 or 200. in this way the neon light will illuminate a larger area that's perfect finally if you want to increase or decrease the intensity of the light you can do it in the blend parameter now we just need to add the flicker effect to give it an extra touch we have to place ourselves in the first frame of the video in frame 0 and select the merge 2 node where we can deactivate and activate all the glow effects we select the merge 2 node and go to the settings menu here we must create a keyframe in the blend option to create a keyframe we just have to click on this little rhombus here when creating the keyframe the rhombus will appear in red and then we lower the value of blend to zero how can you see we have to turn the text black with the lights off we move forward one or two frames and we create a keyframe and blend again but this time with the value of 100 to activate the glow effects and turn on the neon light we go forward one or two frames again and create another keyframe by lowering the blend value to zero we need to do this a few times to get the flickering effect of the lights if you ask me it's super Neon cinematic text we go to The DaVinci Resolve Fusion module and create a text plus node by clicking on this icon right here perfect we're located in the first frame of all in frame zero and then we open the inspector menu located in the upper right part we write the text we want I'm going to write cinematic text we modify the font color and text to our liking great once we're done with the text We'll add the Cinematic effect the first step is to right click on the Square where we've written the text and we look for the option follower we click perfect then we open the modifiers Tab and here we must change the option of order we change the automatic mode for the mode random but one by one and we increase the delay value to 2.0 perfect next we open the menu shading and we scroll all the way down we display the softness tab by clicking on this little arrow we create two keyframes at The X and Y values by clicking on these little diamonds once we've created the keyframes we increase the value of both both to the maximum at 20.0 now we can see we've created a blur in our text now we just move to the frame where we want our text to fully come in focus and animation to end I want it to end on this Frame right here to finish the effect we would only have to decrease the value of X and Y to the minimum we do not need to click on this rhombus again it will create the keyframe automatically handwriting effect go to the fusion module we select the median one node and then add a text we must click on the text plus icon perfect now that we have a text node let's create and customize our text we go to the inspector menu and within the text effect configuration we write the text that we want I recommend choosing a font that looks good with the writing effect we increase the size of the title to our liking in the layout tab we can modify the X and Y axis to place the text where we want I'm going to put the title right up here perfect finally in the text tab I recommend separating the letters a bit with the option of tracking okay now I have the text as I wanted let's create the writing effect we select the text one node and go to the effects menu located in the upper left we open the menu and look for the mask paint we double click on it so that it connects it directly to the text one node great this step is very important when we must select the node of the Mask paint effect and click on this brush icon up here our text has disappeared in order to see the text we have to go to the mask Tab and activate the invert box now we can see the text again next we click on the controls tab here we will adjust the characteristics of the brush with which we're going to make the writing effect we display the option brush controls we must modify the size and softness of the brush if we place the cursor over the viewer we see that a green circle appears this green circle indicates the size of the brush currently it's too small it has to be the same or larger than the stroke of the letters I'm going to increase the size of the brush it's advisable to lower the softness option since 1.0 is a lot you can lower it to the minimum although I recommend leaving it with a value of 0.1 next we open the menu of stroke controls he here we're going to modify the stroke animation setting drop down the options and choose the mode right on perfect we already have everything ready to make the writing effect let's get to it it's very easy we place the mouse cursor over the viewer it's advisable to zoom in the viewer and adjust the text this will help us to follow the outline of the letters you can zoom by by pressing the control key and moving the mouse wheel cool once we've placed the text correctly in the viewer we place ourselves at the first letter of all left click hold down do not release the mouse at any time until you reach the last letter now you just have to follow the stroke of the letters as if you are writing by hand alright once we're done we see that a bunch of keyframes have appeared all these vertical lines are the keyframes with the movement of the writing animation if I play the video we see that the letter is disappearing we want the opposite we want the letters to appear for the letters to appear we must deactivate the the invert box that we have previously activated now if I play the video we can see that the lyrics are appearing but we reach the end of the video and we can't see the entire text only a piece of the first letter has appeared don't worry we have to adjust the duration of the animation so that it appears correctly to do this we activate the keyframes panel by clicking here perfect this is the keyframes panel here we must display mask paint one and we also display stroke one now we'll be able to see the keyframes of the animation these white rectangles but we can't see them all there are so many that they don't fit to decrease the zoom and be able to see them all click here above and move to the left we move to the left until we can see all the frames of the animation okay here are all the frames now we have to select them all when selected they will appear in yellow we right click on it and look for the option time stretching we click next we go to the right Edge click and move to the left in this way we will decrease the duration of the animation so that it appears complete in our video mirror text once inside the fusion module with a text node already created we must duplicate the text in order to create the mirror effect to do this we right click on the text node copy and paste we already have our duplicate text now to connect the text1 underscore one node we click on this small square and connect it to the square this way it will automatically connect the node using a merge node great we click on the merge node we go to the inspector menu and in the flip option we must flip the text vertically by clicking on this icon now we will have the second text inverted we click on this red arrow in the viewer that points up we click and scroll the text down you can leave a small space or join the letters completely well we would have already done much of the mirror effect to show that the text below is a reflection we can go to the settings tab and reduce the opacity of the text a bit in the option and blend I'm going to leave it at 60 percent perfect to modify the shape of the reflection letters we click on the Node with the reflection text we open the transform menu and display the shear section then modify the curvature on the x-axis to your liking perfect to finish we're going to create a gradient in the letters of the reflection we add a mask but before make sure that you've selected the node with the text of the reflection I recommend adding a rectangular mask by clicking on the Square shaped mask icon okay now we move the mask that we've created down we see that the lower part of the reflection is disappearing once we have the letters of the reflection cut as it appears on the screen we only have to increase the option of soft Edge we increase the soft Edge value to get the gradient effect to our liking as always here I leave you with the free DaVinci Resolve course so you can learn a lot of effects Transitions and many more things nothing more for today see you in the next video thank you
Channel: Sergio Mota | Academy
Views: 163,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 18, davinci resolve 18 free, davinci resolve free title, davinci resolve best effects, davinci resolve best titles, best titles davinci resolve, best text effects davinci resolve, best text animation davinci resolve, cool text animation davinci resolve, davinci resolve free effects, davinci resolve effects tutorial, how to make titles in davinci resolve 18, how to make text effects in davinci resolve, davinci animation
Id: rXA7JBzmlWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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