Vox Style Newspaper Animation - Davinci Resolve 18 Tutorial

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so today we are going to take this simple news article and turn it into this all right so everything is inspired by vox they create some really amazing and informative videos so i recently got inspired by one of their animations and decided to recreate it inside of davinci resolve so let's get started the first thing you need is of course the news article so i have everything set up right over here so if i just double click so this is the news article all you need is the headline over here and then we also need the image as a png so i went ahead in my image editing program and i extracted the image you can also use uh some tools like remove bg to remove the background from the images and it's pretty easy to do and we have the website logo as well then we also have the paper texture overlay you can get this from youtube itself so we're going to start off by dragging in this overlay and just put it on to the timeline like so and the next thing we are going to do is we will just add in go to generators and add a solid color generator and put it on top go to generator and change the color so we'll just switch the color to something like this and click on okay go to settings and lower down its opacity so we can still see the texture through the color like so the next thing is the image itself so let's distract this article like so and then we just want the headline so we are just going to crop the left and the right and we'll also crop the top and crop the bottom as well and now you have to go to open effects and search for luma gear so blue mark here just apply that on this clip and before you do anything else if you go to effects you have the luma curo here just make sure that the openfx overlay is enabled so chances are you're still in the transform over here and it's disabled so just make sure you click on this drop down list and from this list select open effects only and then make sure that the pick tool is selected and just click on this white color and that will get rid of that color and leave you with this headline now you can also go to matte finish and you can just change the look of your luma cure if you are not satisfied with the result you can just change the settings over here and get the desired look but for this case i think that looks uh that looks great so let's just continue on with this video and you can go to the video tab over here and maybe you can increase the zoom a little bit and change the position like so so let's add in the logo put it at the top like so and it has the same thing you just apply the luma key to this and go to effects and just click on this white background so just make sure that the open effects only is enabled click on it and it should get rid of the white background and now you can go to video and zoom home out scale it down and just place it under the text over here and you can just adjust this however you want now we just duplicate this solid color i'm going to hold the alt key and just take it to a new track and in under settings i'm just going to make sure that the opacity is 100 go to generator and set the color to black and click on ok then go to settings and change the crop top and crop bottom so we just create a simple line like so and we'll just change the crop left and just make sure that it starts right next to the logo and change the crop right as well so that it ends right under this paragraph over here all right so far so good now what we can do is just add in the image in my case i'm just going to drag in the elon musk image because that is what the article is all about so just drag that image in and i'm just going to zoom out a little bit and change the position like so and there you have it i'm not able to see the solid color over here for some reason but let's just try and fix that yeah we just have to increase the crop bottom so that we get this line i'm just going to create a copy of this hold the alt key and just drag it to a new track like so so we have two of these images i'm gonna go to the image which is at the top right click on it and click on open infusion page and here i just want to after this media in one add in a color corrector node type in cc and click on add and on this color corrector node i'm just going to reduce the saturation and change the contrast and other settings such as lift probably and you can change the gain amount as well just just try to make it kind of dramatic and i think that looks fine so i'm just gonna leave it as this so let's go back to the edit page and you can see we have this very only but you can easily fix this if you go to the options under color corrector you click on this check box that says pre divide post multiply go back to that page and it should be fixed then on the image which is at the bottom we just apply another effect which is color generate applied on this layer go to fix tab and we can change the color and you can just pick any color from here i'm going to go with this color and click on ok and then under video we just change the position and bring it to the right side like so and maybe bring it to the bottom as well so this is our layout you can of course change the look of it if you don't like it you can increase the scale and maybe adjust the positioning and all that stuff but uh what i'm gonna do next is go to titles and add in a text plus put it at the top and in the title i'm just going to type in the type in the date of this article so let's say this article was done on 16th august 2022 and we can change the font as well you can pick any font and change the font size and go to layout and change the layout as well put it at the top like so i'm going to go to shading and i'm going to select the second shading element click on enable and in under appearance i'm going to select border fill click on this third icon and for the level i'm going to select text right so we have a border around the text which is exactly what we want and i'm going to go to layout and change the layout again all right something like that you can go to text and i think the scale the size is too big so just go to layout again and adjust it so you can go back and forth and adjust it to your liking but i think we are done with our layout and we just have to animate it now so let's just go to one second in time and start animating all of these layers so i'm going to start off with our elon news layer over here so i'm going to just create a keyframe on position go to the very first frame and change the position and bring it down like so then we can click on this icon to reveal the keyframe graph i'm going to select the second keyframe over here and click on this second icon to make this graph smooth and i can just change the handle like so so if you now play the animation it will be much smoother like so of course you can change the look of the graph that is completely your choice and i'm going to just right click on this layer click on copy and i can paste the attributes on the news logo as well as it will have the similar animations right click click on paste attributes make sure you check the position property over here and click on apply so your news logo will have the same animation and the same position uh we'll change the position so let's just reveal the keyframes over here by clicking on this icon and we'll go to the second keyframe over here and just change the position x and position y so something like that and if you play this have this nice animation all right now we will animate the line so let's just find that layer which is over here and we will animate it let's animate at this frame and we can just move the keyframes forward so let's just do that and i'm going to create a keyframe on crop right and that is what we are going to be animating um so let's just create a keyframe first click on the diamond icon to create a keyframe go to the very first frame and change the crop right make sure that this line is not visible you can just zoom into this and be precise with this right so it's not visible now and if you play the animation you have a simple line animating from left to right so you select the second keyframe make the keyframe smooth and just change the graph okay so if you play the animation you have this simple and animating with this easing applied to it but we'll just select the keyframes select these two keyframes and move them forward in time like so and check out the animation now yeah just play around with the keyframes change the positioning of the keyframes and you'll have a really nice animation i think this looks fine so i'm just going to put the keyframes right at that position now we will animate the image so let's just do that go to one second in time create a keyframe on the position xy go back to the very first frame and now what we can actually i'm going to undo this and i can paste the attributes so let's just click on paste attributes make sure position is selected and click on apply so we'll have the same animation but we'll just go to the second keyframe over here and change the position x bring it right over here right so you can see the animation will look something like this and we'll do the same thing on the image which is at the top right click paste attributes make sure position is selected and click on apply and change the position like so so see both the images will have same animation which is exactly what we want now we'll animate our text over here so let's just go to one second in time and we will animate it under settings and not in the title section so it becomes much easier so let's just create a keyframe on position x y and opacity and let's go back to the v first frame change the position x and we'll set the opacity to zero all right so let's just view the graph over here select this graph and make it smooth and select this [Music] opacity and make it smooth as well so go back to the position graph click on it to select it and if it's kind of difficult to select then you can from this list make sure you select just the position x and now you can be you'll be able to select it like so and i'm just going i'm just going to go to the very first frame and maybe just increase the position decrease the position x a little bit so we have a much smaller slope like this now if you play this we'll have this animation i think i'm going to change the opacity keyframe so i'm just going to select that opacity and bring it forward like so yeah that is i think much better so let's just play around with the positioning yeah that is much better all right so now what we can do is we can go to generators um we can go to effects and apply adjustment clip to the top and we can apply all sorts of effects on this adjustment clip so let's just select it and go to the fusion page so the first thing we will apply is of this media in one is xf which will add the transform node so just add the transform node and we will animate it so when the so when the line stops animating which is at the 50th frame i'm going to create an animation on center x and size so then go forward 20 frames which is the 70th frame in our case and i'm going to change the size and we'll also change the xy position like so and i'm going to go to select everything uh click on this icon that says zoom to fit and then click on this icon let's say select all hit s on your keyboard to smooth out the graph hit t key on your keyboard to get the ease in and ease out values we'll just ease it into 100 so if you play the animation again you have this simple zoom in effect all right so you can just zoom in more if you want and let's actually do that i'm going to just zoom in and change the position all right so that is done and maybe we want to change the graph again so let's just do that select all and i'm going to set this to linear and then again i'm going to make this smooth and just ease it into 100 right so let's just play this and this is our animation all right so far so good now after the transform one we will add in a blur note to this and we'll animate it at the same position as we did for transform we started at 50th frame and ended at 70th frame so we'll do the same thing with the blur node as well so start at 50th frame create a keyframe set the blur size to zero and just move forward to center frame set the blur size to zero as well and somewhere in the middle you can just increase the blur size not too much so just set this to 5 ish so if you play the animation you'll have this simple soft focus effect and we will change the transform as well i think there is some problem with the transform just change the position and that should fix it so we have this simple animation and i'm going to go to the transform again go to spline and i'm just going to select the displacement over here zoom to fit select the last keyframe and make sure that this is eased into 100 and for the size we'll select the second as we said the last keyframe and set the ease into 100 so our animation will be much better now see so it is a quick zoom in effect that is exactly what we want now after the blur node we will add our highlight effect so hit just spacebar and type in bg for background and in the background node we'll change the color and use this color click on ok you can of course use any color that you want and on this background node we are going to add in a rectangle mask like so and change the width and the height on this mask and you can just put it on any text that you want to highlight so i'm just going to highlight this bit over here go to merge one and set the apply mode to multiply so that you can see the text under the shape so now you can go to the rectangle and adjust it to your liking and i think that looks fine now what we can do is we can animate this shape so i'm going to hit i'm going to copy this shape the rectangle mask ctrl c and ctrl v to paste it again and on this second rectangle node we'll set the paint mode to multiply and we will just go to let's see so after the zoom in happens it ends at the 70th frame we'll start animating this line so i'm going to move my time indicator to 70th frame and change the shape and put it to the left so that it is not visible i'm going to create a keyframe on center x y so now you just go 20 frames forward and just move this shape to the right and reveal the entire shape so i can go to spline make sure that this node is selected select everything over here and then click on the zoom to fit icon select all hit s to smooth out the graph and just ease it into 100 so now if you take a look at it this is your animation we are highlighting this bit of texture here but as you can see it's pretty sharp the highlight effect so let's just add in a little bit of displacement to this so add displace node and we will add in a fast noise as well so search for fast noise click on add connect it up to this displays and under fast noise we will increase the scale value and that should be it so you can see that it is not sharp anymore and has these uh distorted edges so if you think that the position is not correct uh you can just go to this merge one and just adjust the position of this highlight effect over here and that should be pretty easy to do instead of going into this rectangle shape over here so after this merge one we will add in a flicker addition effect and if you view this you can see that the flicker edition effect in action yeah i think the default values work just fine so i'm just going to go with the default values over here and after the flickr edition we will add in a displace node and this displaced node we will connect our paper texture overlay so just drag that in and hook it up to the displaced node and under displace two will set the type to x y and we will change the x refraction and we will also change the y refraction so now if you play the animation you will have some kind of movement going on in your entire animation so if i just crank that up quite a bit you can see what it what it is doing but we don't want that amount of refraction so let's just make it really small like so and yeah that is how you can create this animation inside of davinci resolve i can go back to edit page and you will have your animation in here now all you have to do is just go ahead and add in your sound effects and some track to this and you can just render out your animation so that is just about it that's how you can create this vox style animation inside of davinci resolve hope this video was helpful i hope you learned something new if it did then please make sure you like the video also subscribe to the channel thank you so much for watching and i'll see you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: MotionEpicFX
Views: 109,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, davinci resolve 18, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve editing tutorial, davinci resolve editing tips, davinci resolve vox editing, davinci resolve effects, davinci resolve highlight text, davinci resolve text effects, davinci resolve motion graphics, davinci resolve intro animation, edit like vox, vox text effect, vox animation
Id: 8WJYHEkr0Ac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 17 2022
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