Actual Automatic Animated Subtitles In Davinci Resolve Studio

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all the fancy text you see in this video was created using my plugin snap captions there was no key framing no typing out words just pressing generate and watching these fancy captions populate my timeline this plugin comes with a bunch of awesome templates like Snap snake snap disco my favorite is snap film and all of these as well best of all snap captions is now available to download for free so in this video I'm going to show you how to install and use my snap captions plugin create your own template animated text and how to do all while staying inside Da Vinci resolve 18.5 but what does this plugin exactly do well to start with it uses Da Vinci resolves built-in Auto subtitle feature but a you may ask you can't animate any text in the subtitle layer you are correct so that's where my plug-in snap captions comes in snap captions copies the text from a subtitle track and converts it into your choice of templated animated Text Plus element what makes this really cool is since my plugin references this folder for template text effects you can custom and modify and easily add as many animated templates as your heart desires and if you want to find more Community created templates you can find them here at my Discord channel so now you know what this plug-in does you need to know about the person who actually built this automation Dan Nolton if Da Vinci resolve editors are heroes then Dan's the guy who gives us superpowers just for context Dan was the person who came up with the idea and implementation of having a dedicated folder to store your templates in short Dan made this plugin better than the intended original idea his mission statement is to give creative professionals more time on creating content and less time on trivial meaningless tasks basically press less time wasting buttons and get more content out immediately working with him he was by far the most straightforward person to talk to which is why I decided to hire him over so many candidates if you're looking for someone you can trust to build your own video editing automations you can find his contact details in the link below this is donation wear so you can donate as much or as little as you want these donations help fund me and Dan and if we get enough we'll keep up there saving this tool okay so I'm now going to show you how to install this plugin once you've downloaded it so when you download it you should unzip the file and you'll end up getting a folder that looks like this we want to First focus on installing the snap captions here we want to open up resolve and go workspace and console and you should get this window like this now what you want to do is take your snap captions file and you can drag this into the console now here's a really annoying thing with Mac every time you click away from resolve it makes this console disappear so one of the tricks I found is to click on resolve have this folder open on the side and without clicking in the folder just drag and drop on Windows you don't seem to get this issue once you drag it in it should open up the snap captions plugin now it's not installed it's just activated so if you want to install it just press at the top right here the install button now the snap captions file will be loaded and installed into your D Vinci resolve then for instance let's say we want to reopen this up again anytime in the future we can just go workspace scripts comp snap captions and there it is there will be no more install Button as it's already installed and it's ready to go now if you're having any trouble with getting snap captions installed you're going to hear me say this a lot go to the Discord we have a community we're all here ready to help each other okay so now that we have snap captions installed let me show you how I professionally use it and by the end of this video you should have created something like this did you know that we can finally in Vinci resolve create automatic Fant captions like you see below without any typing any key frames any of that time wasting button presses and this is all thanks to the fact that I've hired an IT programmer to create this Automation and I'm giving it away for free if you want to find out more about it you can check the full video in the description or comments below that's what we're going to be creating today so now this is where we're going to start usually you'll have your video edited but we haven't applied any sound effects we haven't done any text let's turn this into something You' more typically see on your YouTube insta or Tik Tok short form video content first step is to use resolves built-in function to autogenerate a subtitle track we simply go to timeline create subtitles from audio for vertical videos I like having a character per line limit of 15 to 28 depending on that thickness of your font for horizontal the Netflix standard which you can find over here seems to work perfectly fine overall the character limit is important to play with to find a style that suits you I would recommend actually doing this a couple times and just seeing how many words you want to squeeze in to your video you don't want too many or too little you got to find your own personal Goldilocks character limit I'm going to just do simply 18 characters per line and I like doing single lines I'm not the biggest fan of doubles then I can just hit create it'll take a moment for D Vinci resolve to generate this new subtitle track so we will just wait and done that literally took I don't know 5 Seconds tops now we've done that if we have a quick play of this did you know that we we can finally in Vinci resolve create automatic fancy captions like you see below without any typing any key frames any of that time we with the subtitle track generated we can use the snap captions plugin finally because it's going to reference the subtitle track and turn it into a text plus so to turn the subtitle track into something animatable we now need to go to workspace scripts comp snap captions now this is subtitle track one so this is subtitle one here and now we get to choose our template so when it comes to choosing these templates this will reference a folder in here called Snap captions if this folder is renamed to anything else it will not find it as this plug-in is looking specifically for a folder called Snap captions case sensitive so for this video here I'm going to be using the vertical format snap Beast titles you'll probably know where that's from in terms of this case conversion I'm going to uppercase everything remove the punctuation again so with the subtitle track it's probably done a few commas and full stops you don't traditionally see these in videoos so we're going to remove them automatically which again is just another awesome time-saving feature and I'm going to change this to 50 frames this is just going to make sure that if there's a gap that's less than 2 seconds we don't see that text blinking on and off and then we can just simply hit generate and how easy is that now if I have a quick play of this did you know that we can finally in Vinci resolve create automatic fancy captions like you see below without any typing any key frames any of that time wasting button presses there's all and look that's how easy it is there's no more manual typing or alt click and dragging across these text effects it just happens automatically but let's say the effects that I've given you for free here aren't what you're looking for you need something that's a little different how do we go about installing new animated fancy captions if you already have your own template Text Plus element you want to use within this plugin it's really easy like I was saying before snap captions references this folder up here so all you have to do is create your desired fancy text temp template so for instance this case you might say hey I really like the snap be template but uh just the font font's not something I actually want I think it's uh a little too like someone else on YouTube well we can go all right let's change this from comic guard to robotto and we're going to make this also a bold and now we're seeing how this is also getting outside the space we might try and Shrink that down a little bit and hey my favorite color is green sweet now if you want this text plus element to be something that snap captions reference we can just simply left click and drag in it'll now add the text plus element here and we just rename this to whatever we want so in this case I'm just going to call Green Roboto Popin and vaa you'll find your template Text Plus element ready to go inside of snap captions so now simply put I can just hit this green robotto Popin same thing again this time we're going to capitalize all the words remove punctuation and again do 50 frames and hit generate now let's just hide that old one we had and let's have a look did you know that we can finally IND Vinci resolve create automatic how easy is that if you want to find more templates you can head on over to my Discord where I'll have a specific section for users to freely share their own Text Plus elements that work with SNAP captions and I will be releasing a video very shortly where I go over some clever techniques to creating your own fancy caption animations and if you enjoyed this video you should definitely check out this one here where I show my snap I template which helps make sure that all these fancy captions we're creating don't get ruined by those social media user interfaces it's a really awesome tool and I hope you enjoy it and apart from that thank you so much for watching this video I hope this plugin makes a world of difference for you I'm getting a lot of joy out of creating this and until next time I will catch you around
Channel: Orson Lord (Yes That's My Real Name)
Views: 132,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Davinci Resolve text animation, Davinci automatic text animation, Resolve 18.5 text effects, auto-animate subtitles Davinci, how to animate text in Davinci Resolve, Davinci text plugin, Resolve auto subtitle tool, automatic text motion in Resolve, auto text effects Davinci, Davinci Resolve animation techniques, quick animated text in Resolve, subtitle automation in Davinci, Davinci Resolve 18.5 subtitle tricks, easy text animation Davinci
Id: fOQ7VA7nwxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2023
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