5 LINE Animation Techniques in DaVinci Resolve

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five line animation techniques that you should know how to create in Fusion let's get started so the first line animation technique I lined looping across your screen for these we're going to add a background note and connect these to our composition here select the color you want in this case we're going to do yellow we're going to drag a polygon right here by default mine CHS inverted so I'm just going to deselect the inversion click right here and then holding shift I'm going to create a line and then go to border with then we have our line if you want you can make this line flat line or add a rounded Edge so that it has a little bit of a runed edge by default you're going to have this X on your screen and when you click something it will just create another line but what we want to do now is Select everything holding control and then we're going to move our line by making sure that this method or this mode is selected or simply press shift I we're going to move our line right here and here frame zero I'm going to select our line right here and then what I'm going to do after positioning the line right here is I'm going to go to Center then go a couple frames for forward let's say 18 and I'm going to move this to the side like that if we press play we can see the line going across our screen if you make this longer then the line is going to move slower right so it's going to take longer to go across the screen after you have that first line what you can do is go to this plan go to polygon and then selecting these create a loop by clicking this method right here or this mode that way it will completely continuously loop after you have your first line you can just copy this polygon right here select the points and go to frame zero and here we're going to just modify this line length so that is a little bit delay if you really want it to be at a different pace go to this fine tool and then just simply select these key frames and move them a little bit forward that way that second line is going to come back a little bit later and you can replicate these or duplicate these polygon as many times as you want and then just simply drag these a little bit lower and then change the length of it by holding shift so that you only move one side and they are kept straight like that if you want you can also go to the splice and press F to ease them in and out but that is really up to you and that is the technique number one that you should know about so the technique number two is basically what in after effect is called trim paths so for that we're going to add our background note right here and our polygon connect these and I'm going to the invert these and then I'm going to select a second color in this case I'm going to do it like pinkish I'm going to connect these to our composition again and now we're just going to draw our polygon right here or line right here and increase the Border width so if you want the line to have a rounded Edge what you have to do is create a bunch of more key frames right at the beginning and at the end of the animation since we're going to animate with the length when the length is zero it's going to look like a little dot so to do this we're going to create a key frame here but we're going to set these two flat there we're going to move one frame forward and set this to round it now on this Frame you can also start the animation for the length on the previous key frame so when the when it was a flat one here we're going to create a keyr for the length and we're going to go to let's say frame 22 and increase the length and then and frame right at the half point maybe you can do or at 18 let's say we're going to animate the position and a few frames after at 18 or 28 we're going to bring the position all the way down and then here we're going to have to create a key frame for the roundness go one frame forward by using the opening bracket key we're going to create another key firm go back to the last one and change this to Flat again that way it will disappear if we press play we have our line that shows up and then disappears and then we you can do is copy this polygon if you want to add a bunch of them simply make sure that you're in this mode and then position them whatever you want like this and you can also adjust the key frame positions for these or like the timing basically by holding shape and moving these around with this Supply tool oh one thing I forgot to mention is that if you want your lines to have a different color what you want to do is basically hold copy these background node by pressing crl Z press these so it creates an automatic merge node to this one then select your color right here and then what you can do is simply copy these other polygons right here and then what we're going to do is just move these polygons around our screen and put them somewhere else so they are not overlapping with the other ones that we had there Al the timing is going to be the same but it's all right okay that was the technique number two that us know about now the next thing that you can do is check out s.com for some of my free assets for w res and you can also check out the split screens pack that I've just recently updated now that we are here we are going to jump into the third method or the third technique which is using a line to go across your screen we're going to connect our background note and we're going to use a orange color then we're going to add a polygon and de invert these in my case and then all you want to do is drag a point right here then holding this point you can adjust the curvature of the line and then do that and then we can increase the thickness of the line then we're going to use the trim path animation to make this animation happen you can also make this even longer and make this come across your screen twice if you want to this case I'm just going to do it once so in this case what we're going to do is just animate the length so I'm going to go to frame let's say 12 go here set the length to zero go a few frames forward and then bring this all the way across your screen and then we're going to do the position right after and then go to 38 make these go like that in this case you can also keep the rounded edges if you like it better like that since they are not starting inside our screen we don't have to use the animation for the fit flat and rounded edges modes so then we can press play and we can see that line there if you want you can press F on your line here and then press T and adjust the e in and out of this line which is another thing that you really want to get familiar with if you want to create any type of Animation that is in and out basically adding a little bit of an extra touch to your animations with these because all all the other ones are linear animations no pun intended actually so that is the third one that you should know about now the fourth technique I really like because I don't know it just looks really cool so for these fourth technique which I will call these a firework style line animation because it looked like a little firework so we're going to change the color of these and if you want you can make these a gradient I'm not going to do that in this case but we're going to add a polygon de invert these again and I'm going to start this animation right here at 34 so I'm going to add the first point right here in the middle and I'm going to hold shift then I'm going to increase the Border width a little bit and I'm going to create an length animation here like the trim path animation like that and I'm going to ease them in and out like that and actually I want to make these a little bit more impactful so I'm going to increase it ease in and out we have that animation right there if you get a little bit confused we can just press two on these background so we can only see that one okay now that we have that one we're going to press contr space bar and add a duplicate node and on this duplicate node we're going to do let's say eight copies then we're going to do 360 / by 8 in the angle box and now we can see that we have that little firework style animation and if you want to add a little bit of rotation to these you can add a transform node by pressing control space bar make sure that's in the middle press two and then go let's say frame 34 is where it starts and ends at 51 so we're going to use those same ones so I'm going to create an angle key frame here and then at the last one I'm going to also just move this a little bit like that let's say 90° and let's take a look at these now they're moving in a circular way also now if you want to have a bunch of these and you don't want to copy them and you don't care if they're all in the same color what you can do is press contr space bar add a transform node then connect these other transform into this one and we're going to connect this here as another merge node we press do on this merch node and we move this transform node that we just created we can see how a second one is created and here we can make this also smaller now the timing is not going to change because it's basically using the same one but that is just one thing that you can do if you don't want to create the whole thing again and have to modify the key frames position and all that all right so we're on to the last one so for this last one we're going to do is we're going to add a background Noe and here I'm actually you're going to create a little bit of a gradient okay after the colors are selected I'm going to drag our polygon right here and I'm going to press two on the background and then make sure it's inverted and now I'm going to draw our line and make sure that the Border width is like that and if you want you can adjust the gradient of your background by bringing these two points closer which is basically the starting and the ending point of your gradient then I'm going to press control and space bar and I'm going to add a Wess node and then I'm going to change from vertical to horizontal and I'm going to increase the scale and now you can see that it's already animating because it's the animated version is selected but if you don't want it to be animated what you can do is just unselect that what I'm going to do is connect these to our composition and then here I want to have a trim path animation on these also so what I'm going to do to not create the whole thing from scratch is I'm going to select the polygon that already has that animation press contrl + C go to the new one I'm going to right click and then paste settings and then paste settings for both of them and then just adjust the positioning of these or maybe let's start this one earlier like that now we have that there so I so we had the Little Dot right there so I created those key frames that I showed you earlier with the flat and rounded edges mode we have that zigzag line there we're going to add a transform node here and now we can rotate this whatever however we want and then just move this around and then use this technique here that I just showed you by just holding crl C and copying that transform node and then connecting the zag to this one and then here into this one now this is an exra tipe that I'm going to show you which works if you're on 18.5 and on I think which is using the multi merge node so we're going to press control space bar and add a multi merge what this does is that allows you to create a bunch of more layers without having to create a ton of merch notes and this works great for something like this so I'm going to connect this second transform node here and we're already going to see this transform node right here press play so that we can see where it is and then I'm going to move these there and I can also create another copy of the these connect the same composition there and then again on the multim merge now we can see this other one here and here you can rename these six sack One S sack two and if you don't want one of them you can just simply make them disappear let me just move these first so that we can see where they are and then adjust this size or anything and also you have different layer controls right here that you can use to modify your lines here or any element if you don't want to adjust these transform now right here so yeah those are five line animation techniques that you should know about and then now you know if you want to download the project files from this video make sure to check out the SWV club which is the monthly membership that gives you access to project files from videos like this one and a bunch of other ones so that is it for this video come back tomorrow for more
Channel: SUALVI
Views: 8,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SUALVI, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 18, davinci resolve fusion, davinci resolve motion graphics, davinci resolve line animation, davinci resolve motion line, davinci resolve line effect, how to animate lines in davinci resolve, 5 LINE Animation Techniques in DaVinci Resolve
Id: 9F5mfjGDdfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2023
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